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Article List
    Deathm Emotion, Gender and Identity in Greece
    The article examines emotion and identity in connection with Greek death cult in an attempt to clarify certain political phenomena in the Mediterranean area. The cult of the dead is a common cultural pattern in the area. Why is this cult so persistent? What is death cult and how does it manifest itself? The article delves into its lasting importance in the Greek part of the cultural area, where the author has conducted several periods of fieldwork. To illustrate the persistence of this cultural pattern, the characteristic aspects connected with death cult in Greek tradition are discussed: The comparison is based on festivals, which are dedicated to deceased persons and domestic death rituals combined with ancient sources. Based on them an analytical survey of the relationship between the death cult dedicated to deceased mediators in ancient and modern society, as it is manifested through laments, burials and the following memorial rituals is made. The modern domestic rituals people perform for their own dead influence the official ideological rituals, and vice versa, the domestic rituals reflect public performances. A study of modern cult practices reveals many parallels with the official cult of the ancients, and suggests ways in which modern rituals can throw new light upon the ancient rituals and vice versa. The article seeks to demonstrate how new ideologies must adjust to older rituals and beliefs and how public and domestic rituals are connected. The article finally suggests how these similarities might represent a common way of expression within a larger context in which the Mediterranean cultural meaning of emotion is central.?
    Keyword: Modern and Ancient Greece, Death Cult, Death Rituals, Gender, Laments. Burials, Gifts, Communication
    Author: Evy Johanne H?land
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Opposing Hegemony
    Greek and Indian tradition share several common features. Many of them come from an ancestral relationship, others are historically or structurally motivated. This paper analyzes two female heroines in two dramas who oppose a higher will, Antigone in Sophocles
    Keyword: Tyrannical, Gods, Divine, Human(s), Significant Names, Nature, Law, Worship, Conflicting Ideologies, Tradition, Necessity
    Author: Andreas L. Katonis
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Dreaming the -Great Sea-
    This essay focuses on the European tradition of utopian discourses on the Mediterranean as a space where religious, ethnic, and cultural differences could be reconciled as well as a region conducive to more humanistic relationships. The author traces the emergence of this discourse in selected texts spanning from the 19th century to the contemporary period, contextualizing them against a background that witnessed the early colonial encroachment of France, the imperialism of the interwar era, and the post-Cold war period. Among the texts considered are writings by the followers of the utopian socialism of Saint-Simon, the cultural production of the authors gravitating around Cahiers du Sud and the Centre Universitaire M?diterran?en, and contemporary Continental philosophers. Often harking back to earlier discourses on the Mediterranean formulated during the interwar, these philosophers revisit the region as a space of legacies and forms of knowledge to counter the totalizing assumptions of post-Maastricht Europe. The essay concludes by considering the reception on this utopian Western discourse on the part of Arab and Islamic commentators.?
    Keyword: Mediterraean Utopia, Colonialism,
    Author: Norma Bouchard
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    A Matrix for Mediterranean (Area) Studies
    The multipolar, dynamic and heterogeneous Mediterranean area is an object of analysis in different disciplines. The French historian Fernand Braudel developed one of the most comprehensive scientific approaches, defining the Mediterranean as a space of unity and coherence, with a long-term continuity (longue dur?e). Studies in political science, especially in international relations (IR), have been limited to debates between schools of thought, explaining global challenges, or using local case studies for theoretical testing. Work in area studies has been reduced to (comparative) analysis of local specificities. The fundamental changes within the societies of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean provoked by the uprisings since the end of 2010 call for new scientific approaches in Mediterranean Studies. By combining IR and area studies, and by simultaneously analysing large-scale developments (macro) and smaller, local, sub-regional developments (micro), we can not only explore the interdisciplinary dynamics in social sciences, but also place the Mediterranean area within the international system, and deepen our knowledge about its specificities at the same time.?
    Keyword: Mediterranean Studies, Area Studies, Arab Spring, Euro-Mediterranean Relations, Interdisciplinarity
    Author: Isabel Sch?fer
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Hybrid Face: the Franco-Maghrebi Stardom of Sami Bouajila
    The idealised embodiments of national identity have been represented by film stars throughout the history of cinema. However, stars are increasingly becoming the site of cross-cultural contestations in the globalised and transnational film industry. Since the 1990s, French cinema has witnessed an unprecedented surge of actors of Maghrebi origin, offering a challenge to the traditional modes of representation. This article explores the phenomenon of Franco-Maghrebi stardom, with a view to establishing Sami Bouajila as a new type of transnational star. Embodying positive images of integration, he has evolved from a proto-son searching for a father(land) in French society, towards a more mature stardom incorporating at once Arabic heritage and French identity. To articulate these aspects of his stardom, this article will particularly focus on the case study of Dr?le de F?lix, a Bouajila vehicle that opens up a greater readiness to accept a hybrid identity with ties to both France and North Africa in a contemporary context.?
    Keyword: French cinema, Stardom, Sami Bouajila, Maghrebi, Dr?le de F?lix
    Author: Eun-Jee Park
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Travel Books and Urban Identity. British Travellers in Messina, 1770-1815
    Patrick Brydone
    Keyword: Messina, British travellers, Grand Tour, Sicily, Mediterranean urban identities
    Author: Diletta D-Andrea
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Horse, Bow and Arrow
    An often discussed group of artefacts are the so-called
    Keyword: Scythians, Arrowheads, Early Iron Age, Greece, Northern Pontic
    Author: Anja Hellmuth
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Global Civil Society and the Egyptian 2011 Uprising
    The Arab Spring refers to the series of mass uprisings that swept the Arab world in December 2010 and beyond. It resulted in regime changes and mass domestic turmoil across the region. Several factors have been used to account for the Arab Spring, such as domestic despotism and corruption, the impact of social media, and external pressures. This article purports to assess the transnational dimension of the Arab Spring through an examination of the role of global civil society, represented in international human rights groups, in the march toward the Egyptian January 2011 uprising.?
    Keyword: Global Civil Society, Egyptian Uprising, Boomerang Effect, Human, Rights, Democracy, Networking
    Author: Gamal M. Selim
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Myth of the -New Phoenicians-
    Most previous studies have assumed the following hypothesis: the Lebanese diaspora continues to have strong attachments to the homeland based on close networks of personal connections, and almost all Lebanese have a strong interest in foreign countries through such networks. That is why the Lebanese have come to be commonly known as the
    Keyword: Lebanese Diaspora, Migration, Economic Polarization, Opinion Poll
    Author: Masaki Mizobuchi
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Cultural Diversity in Greek Religion
    The Anastenaria festival is celebrated in the village of Agia Elen? in Greek Macedonia in May. The main ritual during the festival is the ecstatic dance over red-hot coals by people who are possessed by their saint. Thus, the festival presents a ritual, which in many ways is in opposition to the official Orthodox religion. A particular theme in the festival, which has been compared with ancient sources, is the
    Keyword: Cultrual Diversity, Greek Religion, Festivals, Gender, Modern and Ancient Greece, Wedding
    Author: Evy Johanne H?land
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Staging the Extraordinary Emergence of Divine Entities in the Daily Life of a Visionary House in Beirut
    Catherine, a Maronite resident of Nab-a (Beirut), married and the mother of three children, claims that for the past twenty years she has
    Keyword: Beirut, rituals, saints, visionary, miracles
    Author: Nour Farra-Haddad
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Civil Soceity Activities in Turkey
    The democratization and stability of the Muslim world are two of the most crucial issues facing the world, especially after so called
    Keyword: Tureky, Hizmet Movement, Arab Spring, Civil Society Activities, Faith-based organizations
    Author: Idiris Danismaz
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Naming People
    This paper examines the representation resulting from forenames, surnames and nickname practices. The paper provides an ethnographic analysis of naming practices as an everyday experience for the people of Gogofis, an Arvanite/Greek village in Attica, which is an hour
    Keyword: Greece, Albania, Arvanites, Naming, Identity
    Author: Simeon S. Magliveras
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Away from Home
    The article aims to investigate the phenomenon of the so-called Greek colonization within the Mediterranean, beginning in the 8th century BC, from a neutral angle as a migration process. A framework for the identification of migrations in prehistoric or early historical contexts developed by S. Burmeister and based upon the synthesis of several studies dealing with migration movements is applied to the concrete case of Greek colonization in Sicily. It can be demonstrated that a number of commonly discussed aspects of the phenomenon are readily understandable through comparison with frequently occurring migration patterns. Moreover the application of the framework highlights those research fields which need more attention in order to understand the movement in all its depth. Furthermore the observation of the Greek migration through the applied framework makes it clear that essential information will not be found in the destination area but in the region and society from where the movement started.?
    Keyword: Greek colonization, migration, Sicily, Early Iron Age, Greece
    Author: Sebatian M?ller
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    The -Happiness Academy-
    Since 2003 and the human cloning scandal, the Raelian movement, a small organization but one known all over the world, has been particularly active in the media, on the Internet and on the international stage. Their -Happiness Academy-, organized in mid-summer in Slovenia in order to highlight the life of the movement, is a singular religious manifestation, bringing together Raelians from all over Europe around their prophet, Claude Vorilhon, alias Rael. First, this study analyses the results of a survey, conducted during this Raelian training in Lendava in 2010, and in Strunjan in 2011. It emphasizes all the efficiency of an Internet marketing strategy and the uniqueness of an event that represents both a relaxing holiday and a religious gathering. The researcher also questions the reasons for choosing these two sites and Slovenia from a transnational geographic, economic and juridical point of view (imprisonment for the act of -apology for human cloning- is practiced in some European countries like France). Second, the study focuses on the ephemeral, sacred side of the event but also on the originality of the experience and the practices that the Happiness Academy conducts, for example the sensual meditation and the worship rather subtly maintained around the -prophet- Rael and the Elohim (aliens supposed to have created the world). Finally, the researcher makes reference to the exploitation of the Internet by the Raelian movement, not only for the promotion of this event but also for an overall strategy based on the strengths of religious tourism (particularly when the organization targets states that could sell their land to build the embassy welcoming the Elohim when they come to earth).?
    Keyword: Raelian movement, new religion, religious tourism, marketing, Slovenia, Happiness Academy
    Author: Francois Xavier Bauduin
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Slovenia
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Antonio Gramsci-s Political Philosophy and European Integration
    This paper reviews competing contemporary perspectives on the political philosophy of Antonio Gramsci and relates them to the analysis of European integration today. The first part of the paper looks at the different conceptualizations of Gramsci
    Keyword: Antonio Gramsci, Hegemony, Philosophy of Praxis, Marxism, Italian History, European Regional Integration
    Author: Eduardo Zachary Albrecht
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    International Trade
    State Intervention in the Grain Trade of Malta (16th-20th Century)
    The article aims to investigate the phenomenon of the so-called Greek colonization within the Mediterranean, beginning in the 8th century BC, from a neutral angle as a migration process. A framework for the identification of migrations in prehistoric or early historical contexts developed by S. Burmeister and based upon the synthesis of several studies dealing with migration movements is applied to the concrete case of Greek colonization in Sicily. It can be demonstrated that a number of commonly discussed aspects of the phenomenon are readily understandable through comparison with frequently occurring migration patterns. Moreover the application of the framework highlights those research fields which need more attention in order to understand the movement in all its depth. Furthermore the observation of the Greek migration through the applied framework makes it clear that essential information will not be found in the destination area but in the region and society from where the movement started.?
    Keyword: Malta, Sicily, Grain Trade, British Colony,
    Author: Carmel Cassar
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Ashdod Ware Found at Khirbet Qeiyafa and Its Implications for Understanding the Tradition of Philistine Decorated Pottery
    This paper aims to present Ashdod Ware newly found at Khirbet Qeiyafa in the 2009-2010 seasons and to examine its implications for understanding the tradition of Philistine decorated pottery. Based on the Ashdod Ware found at Khirbet Qeiyafa, I argue that 1) Ashdod Ware can be subdivided into two phases: Ashdod Ware I and Ashdod Ware II, and 2) the decorated ceramic tradition of the Philistines from Iron Age I to Iron Age IIB (12th - 8th century BCE) can be subdivided into four different phases and can be understood as a battleship curve rather than as sequential (contra Ben-Shlomo et al. 2004). In addition, I tried to figure out the distribution of archaeological sites revealing Ashdod Ware I: it was first known only in Philistia and the Negev in the second half of the 11th century BCE and later it expanded to the north (Jezreel Valley and Beth Shean Valley) and to the east (Central Highlands) in the 10th century BCE.?
    Keyword: Pottery, Philistine decorated pottery, Iron Age, Ashdod Ware
    Author: Hoo-Goo Kang
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Labor Participation of Arab Women in Israe
    The low employment rate among Israeli Arab women has significant economic and social consequences for the Arab community in general and Arab women in particular. This study estimates the factors that affect the participation rate of Arab women in the Israeli labor force compared to that of Jewish women. Four categories of factors are identified: demographic and human capital characteristics, social and cultural norms, household characteristics and government policy on labor markets. Based on the results of the estimation, which helps to identify the key barriers to Arab women
    Keyword: Arab women, cost-benefit analysis, employment encouragement programs, professional training programs
    Author: Doron Lavee
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Italo-Maltese Relations(ca. 1150 -1936)
    During the Middle Ages, politically Malta forms part of the administration in Sicily, with the effective capital of Malta being Palermo. Rebel communities of Italians are exiled to Malta, whilst rebel residents of Malta are exiled to Italy. With the arrival of the Knights of St. John and the adoption of the Tuscan variant of Italian as the language of the administration, the contacts with mainland Italy increase: in the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries we not only have the Maltese intelligentsia producing literary compositions in Italian but we also find an influx of Italian artists and architects flocking to Malta and influencing the tastes and the training of the Maltese. In the eighteenth century we encounter the first grammars and dictionaries of the Maltese language. The nineteenth century witnesses the presence in Malta of the Italian Risorgimento exiles who spread the ideals of nationalism and romanticism amongst Maltese writers, politicians and intellectuals. However, the ascent of fascism in Italy in 1922 leads to the elimination of Italian as an official language of Malta in 1936, whilst Italy
    Keyword: Malta, Italy, Culture, Literature, Language
    Author: Arnold Cassola
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    The Italian Labor Market: An Appraisal of the 2003
    This article looks at the major historical developments in the Italian labor market, with specific attention given to the
    Keyword: Biagi Law, White Paper on the Labor Market, Italian labor law, Labor Market Flexibility, European Employment Strategy
    Author: Eduardo Zachary Albrecht
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Battle Standard (Flag) with the Image of the Immaculate Conception
    When maritime communications lacked the sophisticated technologies of today, seafarers had to conceive signals so that they could communicate with each other at sea. Flags were one aspect of the code language in use during early modern times all over the Mediterranean Sea. Flags were not only used to denote the nationality or religion of the owner of the vessel but also as signals, in particular when ships sailed in convoy or squadron formation. A successful encounter at sea depended on good coordination. For this reason, a particular flag was devised to be used in time of battle. It was known as the battle standard, and was raised to signal the beginning of combat. This article focuses on this particular flag and explores its use by both Christians and Muslims. Particular reference is made to the battle flags used by the Knights of Malta. The General of the Knights
    Keyword: Battle Standard, Immaculate Conception, Corsairing, Knights of Malta, Signals Flags
    Author: Simon Mercieca
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Religious Roots of a Political Ideology
    Albeit overtly secular, Zionist ideology was inspired by religious thought. While traditional religions often supported the nationalist cause, the relationship of Judaism and Zionism is vastly different. Adepts of traditional Judaism immediately rejected Zionism, and this rejectionist attitude has not vanished to this day. On the other hand, Christian, mainly Protestant theologians had developed the idea of the ingathering of the Jews in the Holy Land several centuries prior to the first Zionist congress in 1897. This explains why the initially socialist oriented secular project of social transformation has undergone sacralization, becoming a focal point of Evangelical Christian Zionists. These Evangelical contributions to Zionism and the Zionist state must be taken into account in analyses of the State of Israel, its position in the modern Middle East and the policy-making of those countries where such Evangelical circles wield significant influence.?
    Keyword: Zionism, Christian Zionism, Israel, Judaism, Evangelical
    Author: Yakov M. Rabkin
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Literature in Trieste, Where the Frontier Disappeared
    I devote this paper to use the history of Trieste and its border to examine how representations of difference have affected the politics of sovereignty during the twentieth century. Focusing on the history of the
    Keyword: other, frontier, identity, Trieste, literature
    Author: KIM, Heejung
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    Inventors of the First Alphabetic System
    During the Middle Bronze Age (1900-1500 BCE) some Asiatics, called Canaanites, who would have learned Egyptian writing, hieratic and hieroglyphic Egyptian scripts, left the earliest specimens of alphabetic writing. Yet they could reconstruct and remember the general form of the letters they had learned through the meaning of the names, on the basis of their acquaintance with Egyptian writing systems. The appearance of the alphabet is a remarkable advance in civilization, outdating the clumsy writing systems of the Near East. At the time of its creation, it was a practical expedient to counter the lack of a native writing system among Canaanites who had migrated to the Nile Delta as foreign workers. This new device was never regarded as an improvement or a replacement for the sophisticated systems of Egypt or Mesopotamia. No large scale writing or official use was involved at the time of its creation. The alphabetic system, however, enables ordinary people to read and write even the simplest of words and sentences and left far reaching consequences for human civilization.?
    Keyword: alphabet, hieroglyph, hieratic, Proto-Sinaitic, Wadi el-Hol, Serabit el-Khadem, Semites, acrophonic principle, disruptive innovation
    Author: BAE, Chulhyun
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    An Archaeology of the Verticalist Mediterranean
    In modern Europe, the Mediterranean Sea has become an abridged or forgotten sea. At present, under the pressure of
    Keyword: Mediterranean, Europe, postcolonial thought, meridian thought, verticalism
    Author: Luigi Cazzato
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Banking on Ethics vs the Ethos of Banking
    This paper will discuss the development of Islamic banking in the GCC as a concrete industry ? and not as a concept ? by looking at business practices from a practitioner
    Keyword: Islamic banking, Islamic finance, GCC, Ithmaar Bank, corporate governance
    Author: Kifah Salameh
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    International Trade
    The Shipbuilding Industry and Trade Exchanges between the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Countries of the Baltic and the Black Sea (1734-1861)
    This paper aims to explain the development of the Neapolitan fleet and of the shipyards of Naples and Castellammare, which played an important role in the overall social and political reorganization of Southern Italy. This area, which had become an independent kingdom in 1734, needed to create its own fleet and specific trade regulations and structures in order to become a legitimate part of the European political scene. When Charles of Bourbon occupied the kingdom of Naples in 1734, the situation was quite critical because it lacked the infrastructure and the fleet had been destroyed. When Charles became king of Spain in 1759, King Ferdinand decided to call admiral John Acton to come to Naples to reorganize the Navy: so for the new 74-gun vessels Acton decided to build a new royal shipyard in Castellammare. And this shipyard was reorganized in the second part of the Bourbon reign (1815 - 1861) for the construction of new steamships.?
    Keyword: shipyard of Castellammare, 74 and 80-gun vessels, steamships, guns of Sweden, masts of Riga (Russie)
    Author: Maria Sirago
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Written Heritage in The Mediterranean
    Studies of written heritage have been encouraged during the last years in Europe. They have recently introduced new fields of study within its methodology such as palaeography and codicology, mainly in cataloguing documents. Many libraries have been updated through new catalogues and editions of its manuscripts collections in different ancient languages. Other collections have been restored or inventoried by specialists. The research group devoted to the study of original texts in languages developed in the Mediterranean basin since antiquity is trying to contribute to this field. A survey on the studies carried out during the last years in the CSIC is here presented.
    Keyword: Manuscripts, written heritage, Mediterranean languages, codicology, palaeography
    Author: Ma Teresa Ortega-Monasterio
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Pedro I of Castile(1350-69)
    Pedro I of Castile ascended to the Castilian throne in 1350 at the age of fifteen following Alfonso XI
    Keyword: Pedro I of Castile, Anglo-Castilian Alliance, Edward Prince of Wales
    Author: Benjamin F. Taggie
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Umberto Saba, between Nature and Divine Providence
    In all his literary production, Umberto Saba returns repeatedly to the problem of God and how he perceives its importance. Suspended between Jewish family roots, a Christian environment and a disengaged context, he ends up complying with the last one. He avoids every opportunity of joining the divinity that he needs, without giving of himself to it. We can read the
    Keyword: Iitalian literature, Mediterranean culture, God, Love, Christianity, Jewish
    Author: Giorgio Baroni
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Expansion of Mediterranean Judaism and the Synagogue at Delos
    This paper deals with the issue of the expansion of the Mediterranean Judaism in association with the Synagogue of Delos. After presenting in brief the expansion of the Jews in the Mediterranean Sea the research focuses on the history of the island of Delos and the presence of the Jews on it. The presence of the Jews on the island is associated with the building GD 80. The paper examines the question of the identification of the building as a synagogue focusing in elements as topography ? situation, chronology, inscriptions and secondary fittings or findings. It presents the various opinions of the scholars who dealt with the subject and attempted to testify if the building GD 80 is the oldest synagogue of the Diaspora. The paper proposes the examination of the synagogue of Delos in parallel with the synagogue of Ostia and those of the Diaspora and the comparison of it with the synagogues of the land of Palestine.
    Keyword: Expansion of Judaism, Delos, Synagogue, Diaspora
    Author: Christos G. Karagiannis
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Homer as a Point of Departure
    Contrary to the view-current among certain critics-that it is only decorative, the epic simile, starting from Homer and carried on by Virgil and Milton, performs many functions, functions that help to make an epic what it is. In the development of the epic in general and of the epic simile in particular, Homer, Virgil, and Milton, three mainstream epic poets, were linked by a similar tradition and shared close affinities in the way they employed this rhetorical device. While drawing on the Homer-Virgil tradition, using the epic simile as Homer, Virgil, and Milton did, Dante in The Divine Comedy took Homer as a point of departure. This paper discusses what functions Dante
    Keyword: epic simile, the Iliad, the Odyssey, Paradise Lost, The Divine Comedy, slow-motion sequence, bulk, sublimity, anthropomorphic, ineffable
    Author: Laurence K. P. Wong
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Moroccan Arrivals (Edith Wharton-s In Morocco)
    Keyword: Wharton, Morocco, colonialism, tourism, arrivant
    Author: John Culbert
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Hymns to the Gods in Plato
    This article focuses on the place and importance of hymns to the Gods in Plato
    Keyword: Musicology, Hymnology, Politics, Legislation, Ethics
    Author: Thierry Grandjean
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    Spatial Influence in the Meeting of Poet-Poetry and the Language of Cities
    Metin Turan, a contemporary Turkish poet, has concentrated on the relationship between the poet and space in his works. In his poetry collections entitled
    Keyword: Metin Turan, Poetry, Space, Identity, Environment
    Author: Medine S
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    What Place Does the
    In Plato-s Republic, Socrates criticizes the poets who depicted the gods wrongly, as according to his concept of gods, hymns to them seem irrational, for gods are perfect in the best conditions. So it is noticeable that the description of the Ideas is very similar to that of gods, and that it is philosopher-rulers who can know the Ideas. Besides, the soul of a philosopherking is akin to the divine and to eternal being; therefore it can be said that gods and a philosopher
    Keyword: Hymn, God, Idea, Philosophy, Poet
    Author: KIM, Heon
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Ultimate Portraiture: God in Paradise Lost and in The Divine Comedy
    Arguably the two greatest poets of the Christian world, Milton and Dante have both written about God, respectively in Paradise Lost and in The Divine Comedy. Though equally influenced by the Bible and Christian thought and sharing many affinities, the two poets adopted different approaches in portraying the Supreme Being, a task that taxes the imaginative powers of the greatest of poets. While Milton
    Keyword: God, Milton, Paradise Lost, Dante, The Divine Comedy, Homer, Virgil, Anthropomorphism, Catch 22
    Author: Laurence K. P. Wong
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Women, Death and the Body in some of Plutarch
    This article focuses on some of Plutarch
    Keyword: Greek history, ancient and modern; Comparative approach; Women and gender-studies; Plutarch; Women; Death cult and Death-rituals; Body
    Author: Evy Johanne H?land
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    The Judicial Punishment of Decalvatio in Visigothic Spain:
    The Visigothic judicial punishment known as decalvation has been widely studied for more than a century, yet there exists no general agreement concerning its exact nature. Scholars concur that decalvation involved a shameful mutilation of the head and hair, but there is disagreement about whether the punishment involved scalping or merely shaving one
    Keyword: Visigothic, Isidore, Jews, Decalvation, Law
    Author: Jace Crouch
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Italian Jewish Migration to Eretz Israel and the Birth of Italian Chalutz Movement
    This article analyzes the Italian Jewish
    Keyword: Italy, Jews, Zionism, Eretz Israel [Land of Israel],
    Author: Arturo Marzano
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Discovering the Diversities of Indonesian Islam in Contemporary Cairo
    This paper tries to clarify activities of the Indonesian Azharis in contemporary Cairo focusing on (1) the interactions within the Indonesian communities and (2) their relationships with Egyptian society. Though hundreds of students from Indonesia has been flowing into the Azhar university little has been written on this issue. The paper clarified that (1) Indonesian students were reproducing their Indonesian lifestyles within the regional organizations. These geographic divides, however, were overcame by some extracurricular activities: publishing the periodics and discussions. Through these activities the students recognized diversities of Indonesian Islam. Simultaneously the paper depict that (2) while the majority of the students were weak to adapt with environment of Cairo, some students were willing to communicate with the society. It can be pointed out that both experiences fostered their nation identity as Indonesian. It is in Cairo that Indonesian students recognize the diversities of Indonesian Islam and enhance their national identity.?
    Keyword: Diversities, Indonesian Islam, Studying Abroad, Azhar University in Cairo, Area Studies
    Author: KINOSHITA, Hiroko
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Women, Power and the Body
    Based on studies in ancient Greek sources, mainly produced by men, combined with results from fieldwork carried out on contemporary Greek religious festivals, a comparison is made with similar ancient festivals through an analysis of the fertility-cult, which is important in the festivals. This is a useful way to try to consider the female part of society, since women are the central performers of the actual cult that plays an important role within the official male value-system. This is the value-system, from which the festivals and the society that they reflect, traditionally have been considered. The absence of the female value-system leaves previous analyses one-sided and incomplete. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis requires the female point of view to be included. Hence, the paper argues for the importance of changing our approach when working with ancient culture. Taking account of the female sphere, which still exists in Greece, provides us with a basis for considering the female part of society. But, by so doing, the official male perspective, which is similar to the Western male perspective generally applied within Greek studies, has to be deconstructed. So, by arguing for the importance of not using the general male model when presenting Greek women, the article tries to deconstruct the male ideologies
    Keyword: Modern Greece, Ancient Greece, Women, Gender, Gendered Valuesystems, Religious Festivals, Fertility-cult, Rituals
    Author: Evy Johanne H?land
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    Wolf-warriors, the Argonauts, and the foundation of Trebizond
    Trebizond (Greek Trapezus, Turkish Trabzon) is situated on the coast of the Black Sea, opposite to the actual Russian seaside resort Sochi, in the historical Pontic region or North East Anatolia (now Turkey). This paper tries to contribute to the tradition about the foundation of this city assuming a late Indo-European heritage feature playing a role as well as a deeper connection with Trebizond
    Keyword: Indo-European (IE), Trapezus (Trebizond), wolfing, wolf-warriors, the Argonauts, foundations
    Author: Andreas L. Katonis
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Representing Change and Stagnation in the Arab World
    This article refutes a common approach to studying democratization in the Arab world using examples from Morocco and Egypt. Egypt is commonly regarded as a case for near-complete stagnation, whereas Morocco represents the more dynamic monarchies in the region. The article posits that the theoretical underpinnings frequently used in research hinder us to see and analyse change appropriately. Reform-minded agents that cooperate with the state should not be dismissed as
    Keyword: Transformation Processes, Political Sociology, Civil Society, Semi-Authoritarian State, Arab World
    Author: Sonja Hegasy
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    French Foreign Policy towards Africa under Jacques Chirac
    Over the main changes that have occurred in Chirac
    Keyword: Chirac, France, Foreign Policy, Africa
    Author: SHIN, Won Yong
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Population Growth and Economic Development in Southern Mediterranean Countries:
    The Southern Mediterranean (SM) countries, nine North African and Middle Eastern partners and one permanent observer which border the Mediterranean Sea (MS) as defined in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (or Barcelona Declaration) launched in 1995, form one of the slowest growing regions in terms of economic and social development. Many development economists blame the slow development of SM countries on high population growth. Others, however, defend the view that high population growth could encourage economic growth through expansion of the labour force. The myth of Asia
    Keyword: Population Growth, Demographic Transition, Demographic Dividends, Migration and Economic Development
    Author: Wai Mun Hong
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The use of Remigius commentary on Donatuss Ars minor in a Carolingian parsing grammar Magnus quae uox?
    Magnus quae uox? is a Carolingian parsing grammar written in the tenth or the eleventh century. It is a commentary on Donatus s Ars maior and Ars minor, but is presented in the form of parsing questions and answers. Among the sources of Magnus quae uox? the use of Priscian s Institutiones grammaticae and the commentaries on Donatus s works by the scotti peregrini and Remigius of Auxerre is prominent. In particular, the use of Remigiu s commentary on Donatus s Ars minor is significant in that Magnus quae uox? follows closely Remigius s style of commentary. Remigius s commentary on Donatus s Ars minor is different in style from the other commentaries used in Magnus quae uox? in that it retains the question and answer form of Donatus s text. The classroom like way of presentation seemed to have appealed to the author of Magnus quae uox? who was constructing his grammar using questions and answers.
    Keyword: Carolingian parsing grammars, DonatussArs minior, Remigius of Auxerre, the combination of commentary and parsing, Latin education
    Author: JANG, Jee Yeon
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    High Tension. A Fresh New Wave in French Horror?
    Keyword: New wave, French horror
    Author: Philippe Met
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Study on the -Colloquial language- in B. Fenoglios works
    The Italian writer Beppe Fenoglio(Alba, 1922 1963) is one of the most representative authors in the world of modern literature. His autobiographical experience in the countryside of his native Langhe in the Piedmont, and his direct participation in the Resistance as a partisan are fundamental and important inspirations for his works. Therefore, his works can be divided in two main themes: peasant life and the Resistance. Also, his passion for the English literature gives him a power of imagination. Even though Fenoglio left just few works during his life, we can still find his novels and short stories published after his death together with drafts and variations as found in critical editions. This study analyses the processes of correctional works to examine the correctional techniques and directions of the author from the point of view of language with the help of rhetoric and pragmatics theories, considering that Fenoglio s work has already been studied from the point of contents. This research shows that the author deletes the words or phrases which repeats or have the same meaning, especially in near distance. Especially, in the colloquial part, the author has a tendency to eliminate the description part of the actions of the speakers. So, the colloquial part is only constructed through dialogues. As a result of this, the simplified colloquial part gives an effect of velocity for developing stories, not giving readers time to pause. Apart from this, the author uses the techniques of systematical dialogue format, appending, substitution and simile etc. for achieving completeness and focusing not only on the contents but also the language of his works.
    Keyword: Beppe Fenoglio, Colloquial language, Correctional works, Correctional works, Correctional techniques, Correctional directions, Pragmatics
    Author: LEE, Ki Chul
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    A contrative study of Korean and Romance language collocations: a corpus based study
    In this research we introduce our methodology of describing Korean collocations in multilingual perspective focusing on the contrastive aspects among languages. We selected 5000 Korean collocations based on the notion of restricted and bound collocations , and then tried to represent their equivalents in four target languages : Spanish, English, Italian and French. Based on our corpus of collocations, we present a contrastive analysis of lexico semantic and syntactic aspects of collocations among languages. We mainly focus on Korean and Spanish datas and then compare them with French and Italian collocations along with English datas.
    Keyword: contrastive linguistics, corpus, collocations, Romance language, lexical semantics
    Author: SHIN, Jayoung
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Economic Reform Prospects for the Maghreb
    After the successes in macroeconomic stabilization, the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Lybia, Morocco and Tunisia) have pursued the implementation of economic and administrative reforms since the 1980s in order to liberalize the economic system and enter a phase of sustained growth acceleration. This has led to tensions between macroeconomic stabilization and modernization in the region. The present article focuses specifically on the prospects for economic policy reform in the Maghreb and the channels through which it could proceed in the presence of the major economic crisis we are experiencing. The article argues that under current economic circumstances, prospects for microeconomic reform in the Maghreb critically depend on the policy-makers capacity to maintain macroeconomic stability and to anchor microeconomic and institutional reforms. It also put forward that the most effective channel to anchor structural reforms may be to signal commitment to convergence towards the economic institutional setting developed by the European acquis communautaire. Finally, it underlines that the EU s role should be not just to avoid recurring to protectionism, but to deliver sufficient incentives to support economic reformist governments in completing the reform agenda. This also may prove much harder to introduce into EU Member States preferences under the current negative economic expectations.
    Keyword: Economics Policy, Magreb, Macroeconomy, reform
    Author: Gonzalo Escribano
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    The Emergence of the Mafia in Italy
    This paper argues that the emergence of the Mafia in Italy can properly be understood by examining Mafia as an institution that had an origin in a unique cultural setting. Special attentions are paid on the peculiarities of the micro environment of Italian society, which was the very soil of the development of Mafia. In addition, the Calvinist and Catholic values will be analysed and compared, which will indicate how the first promoted the production of a global feeling of rational society, whereas the latter adhered the individual sphere and society as a collectivity. In regard to the genesis of Mafia in Sicily, the cultural and moral retrogradation, the unsettlement of the mercantilist, the disappearance of the feudal system, and a huge input of the violent unemployed caused a dire need for protection and organization. The Mafia was the institution that was built up in response to these conditions.?
    Keyword: Mafia, Italy, Sicily, Institution, Clientelism
    Author: HUH, Yoo Hyae
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Lomero dei poveri
    Dialect poetry experienced a resurgence in the Ottocento as authors were making a return to their dialectical roots across Italy. Italian poets were composing poetry in the dialects of their regions in an attempt to elevate their local mother tongues to a status equal to Florentine. Of all the dialect poetry produced in the Ottocento, scholars most often forget the region of Sardinia; dialect poetry manifested itself throughout Sardinia in the oral tradition, which took the form of poesia a bolu, where poets recited improvisational poetry performed for an audience. Poesia a bolu competitions produced many exceptionally clever poets, but one of the most renowned was Melchiorre Murenu with his pungent language and biting sarcasm. One of his poems was so insulting that he was rumored to have died for it: Sas isporchizias de Bosa, one of Murenu s better known poems describes superficially the filth produced by the residents of the Sardinian town of Bosa. A more profound reading, however, reveals a significant social and economic commentary. With this poem, Murenu elevates the nearly forgotten genre of poesia a bolu to a higher level by employing social awareness as the impetus for political and economic change in the impoverished and neglected state of Sardinia in the Ottocento.?
    Keyword: Sardinia, Melchiorre Murenu, Italian poetry, dialects, 19th century
    Author: Kristina Clement
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    The Mediterranean and its Literary Imagination: Sicily and Beyond
    Through the popular and artistic images of the Mediterranean it is possible to retrieve many writers voices , describing the mare nostrum from many points of view. The chant of aedo cieco follows Ulysses misadventures; the real setting of Lipari or Acitrezza narrates the hard work of merchants and fishermen, just like in the second novella of the quinta giornata in Boccaccio s Decameron and in Verga s Malavoglia. Mythology is also retrieved, involving the sea surface and the underwater creatures living there (mermaids and dolphins, Venuses and monsters). This is the case of Tomasi di Lampedusa and Stefano D Arrigo. Also, there is the suggestive set of writings on sea mythology. The sea is considered as the cradle of western civilization, up to the 20th century (Saba and Quasimodo). The anxiety of departure, through a hostile and dangerous sea, is another famous theme in Foscolo: Similar and opposite at the same time is the image of the Mediterranean as a cross separating people from their native land and a site where childhood memories can find a place (Brancati). Many Mediterranean Seas are described in the metaphoric sea chant tuned by many artists of Southern Europe.?
    Keyword: Mediterranean, etymology, poetry, fiction, Italy
    Author: Verdirame Margherita
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Negative Effect of the peace Treaties in Building Trust in the Arab Israeli conflict:
    Keyword: Building confidence, Step by step Diplomacy, Intifada (Shake off), Bilateral Talks, The Palestinians Rights, Israel, Palestine Liberation Organization, Peace Process, Ten Years, The Jordanian Journalism
    Author: Saad Abu dayeh
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    The Major Factors for the Development of Beirut as a leading seaport on the Eastern Mediterranean in the Nineteenth Century
    In the early nineteenth century, Beirut was no more than a small sea village with its small population and dilapidated facilities. Beirut had golden opportunities to seize political and economic advantages on the eastern Mediterranean region in the course of the nineteenth century, although there were other competing cities which already had vested rights in the region. The starting point of this research begins with the question of why Beirut became the most prominent sea port on the eastern Mediterranean in the nineteenth century and how it kept its leading position in this region. For the explanation of this emergence of Beirut as a political and economic center of the eastern Mediterranean area during this period, not only external factors which favored Beirut but also internal factors such as local struggles to guarantee Beiruti s political and economic advantages will be employed.
    Keyword: Beirut, Lebanon, Urban History, 19th Century, Eastern Mediterranean Seaport
    Author: SONG, Sang Hyun
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: English
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Lord of Morea And its Narrative Models
    The article discusses the plot and characters of Alexandros Rangavis
    Keyword: Alexandros Rangavis, The Lord of Morea, The Chronicle of Morea, Walter Scott, Ivanhoe, Homer, Odyssey
    Author: Paschalis Michael
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    A Court for Homicide presented in Drako
    The 12th line of Drako?s law can be restored as follows: d]i /kazen de tos basileas aitio[n] phon[o] ? [ak?n(or akonta) kai autocheira](16 or 18 letters) ? [b]oul / eusanta It is not so easy to decide whether a case is ?akousios phonos? or ?ak?n?, and whether an actor causing another?s death is ?autocheir? or ?bouleusas.? In the same context, we can confer to the text of the Athenian Constitution (LVII,3) that the case of ?akousioi? and ?bouleusis? came before the court at the Palladion.
    Keyword: Draco-s Law, Palladion, akousios phonos, ak?n, autocheir, bouleusis
    Author: CHE, Jayoung
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Cultural Dimensions of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
    In this paper we argued that the viability of the EMP calls for an emphasis on its cultural component. Unless, Euro-Mediterranean cultural cooperation is upgraded to a level of the other
    Keyword: Euro-Mediterranean, multi-dimensional, the EMP, civilizations, cultural cooperation
    Author: Mohammad El-Sayed Selim
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Slavic Expression
    This article traces the use of a Slavic idiomatic expression, corresponding to the English
    Keyword: Slavic languages, St. Methodius, Pomak dictionaries
    Author: Ivan Iliev
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Slovenia
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    An Integrative Study of the Moabite Religion during the Iron Age II Period
    This research includes the religion of ancient Near Eastern people and Jordanian archaeology ? regarding the religion of Moab during the Iron Age II period. Research of the Moabite religion includes essays or articles by A. H. van Zyl, Gerald L. Mattingly, Udo Worschech, and Paul J. Ray, Jr. However, they do not make an extensive study of Moabite religion by means of archaeological evidence. Furthermore, there are some new finds relating to the issue since Gerald L. Mattingly published his article such as the Moabite sanctuary at Khirbat al-Mudayna and recently excavated figurines in Jordan. For this reason, this article focuses on the Moabite religion, especially the Moabite national deity, Kemosh. In addition to the Hebrew Bible, the Mesha Inscription provides valuable information regarding the Moabite religious concepts and practices about Kemosh. The epigraphic evidence further reveals the existence of the Moabite cults other than Kemosh. The shrine from Khirbat al-Mudayna and the Moabite figurines also sheds light on the Moabites
    Keyword: Moabite Religion, Epigraphic Evidence, Archaeological Evidence, Iron Age II Period, Transjordan
    Author: JANG, Daegyu
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Responsibility of the Media
    This paper looks into the concept of the
    Keyword: Berlusconi, Italy, Media, social responsibility, Public Interest
    Author: HUH, Yoo Hyae
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Resurrection of the Count Juli?n in the Age of Globalization
    This paper explores how immigrants from Morocco have lived as
    Keyword: Morocco, Immigration, Identity, Fortress of Europe, Integration, EU
    Author: Juin Lim
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Importance of Algeria in the Mediterranean Region and the Opportunities it offers to the Republic of Korea
    In the past, the Mediterranean Sea played catalyst role to integrate the region. Different nations and communities, such as Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, and Turks, utilized the Mediterranean Sea to communicate their knowledge to others, to exchange goods and to show their military presence. The Sea was crucial in shaping their interests as well as economic and social ties. Yet at present geographical proximity among the states that border on the Mediterranean does not necessarily enhance the prospects for integration of the Mediterranean. Relationships among the neighbouring states are complex, and processes of the Mediterranean integration rather reflect ambivalent political and economic situations. One requires a new paradigm of regional integration for the Mediterranean area. Studies of Mediterranean history and civilization remind us their complementary and reciprocal interests which have served to develop the region. Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, organized the 22nd Meeting,
    Keyword: The Historical Meaning of the Mediterranean Civilization
    Author: H.E. Rabah Hadid
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    An ironic mirror
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    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Italian Literature
    Moving Cathars: The Italian Connection in the Thirteenth Century
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    Author: Malcolm Barber
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    The Movement of Scythian Nomads Nuancing 'Otherness'
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    Author: David Braund
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    The Latin Elite on Cyprus: Trying to Keep Apart
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    Author: Nicholas Coureas
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    Nineteenth-Century Cruising Yachtsmen in the Mediterranean
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    Author: J. Cusack
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Mythologizing the Mediterranean: The Case of Albert Camus
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    Author: Ray Davison
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Turkish Literature
    Living on the Margin- Byzantine Farmers and Turkish Herders
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    Author: Keith Hopwood
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The British Protectorate of the Ionain Islands, 1847-1859, and the Dispersion of a Foreign Elite
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    Author: Bruce Knox
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이라크 개혁(1880-1920)에 대한 터키의 시도
    북아프리카 이슬람 원리주의 운동의 중요한 한 갈래로 여겨지는 사누시 종단의 오스만 제국의 술탄과의 관계, 나아가 1차세계대전에 이은 터키 독립전쟁 기간에 터키의 독립영웅 무스타파 케말 파샤와의 특별한 관계를 다루었다. 전세계 이슬람 세력을 결집하여 서구열강으로부터 오스만 제국를 지키려던 술탄 압둘 하미드의 범이슬람운동에 힘입어 세이크 사누시는 오스만 제국의 특별한 보호를 받으며 정치적 활동과 조세 징수에서 많은 특혜를 누렸다. 오스만 왕정이 멸망한 이후에는 케말 파샤에 협력하여 터키 독립전쟁을 도왔다. 이교도인 침략자를 성스런 이슬람 제국의 땅에서 몰아내는 것은 신성한 투쟁이라고 보았기 때문이다. 사누시의 이슬람 영향력을 지속해서 감시하고 통제해 온 영국의 방해로 결국 그의 이슬람 통합 여파는 크지 않았지만, 오늘날 그의 종교적 권위는 이미 1920년대 탄탄한 길을 다지고 있었다.
    Keyword: 사누시, 오스만 제국, 술탄 압둘 하미드, 범 이슬람 운동, 무스타파 케말
    Author: Cezmi ERASLAN
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    This paper utilizes Pirandello's play 'Six characters in search of an author' as a metaphor to examine the anthropology of the Mediterranean. It suggests that the anthropology of the Mediterranean can be looked at in terms of two interrelated processes: how anthropologists as authors have tended to construct their texts and search for 'characters' to chracterise the region, and how the people of the Mediterranean go about constructing their identities as authors of their own characters. For the first, the political economy of the shifting category of the 'Mediterranean' is examined in light of recent criticisms of a 'Mediterranean anthropology'. The paper then takes one theme, often highlighted as typical of the Mediterranean region, that of honour, and examines it by reference to the construction of personhood and identity and the tensions that it creates. It suggests that the anthropology of the Mediterranean could benefit by constructing its problematics by reference to the central issues raised by Mauss and Simmel about the nature of exchange in society and its relationship to concepts of the person.
    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    This essay deals with the origins and characteristics of nationalism in Yugoslavia, Europe's most multiethnic state outside the Soviet Union. It is suggested that current ethnic conflict are rooted not only in the concepts of 19th-century European nationalism but also in an older and equally pervasive folk ideology in this area of the Balkans. The strength of ethnic particularism is evident in the failure of the Yugoslav socialist regime to create a genuine nation-state after more than four decades of attempts to foster a pan-Yugoslav consciousness
    Author: ANDREI SIMIC
    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Greek Literature
    In rural Greece, 'strange' or 'stranger' are terms which can be applied, depending on context, to anyone outside the house and family. This 'us'/'stranger' divide is broadly reflected in gift exchange, which is greatest between those who are closely related, converting gradually to 'hostility' as the ties of blood and mutual interest weaken and disappear. However this pattern is reversed again as the element of competition with strangers dies out, and this reversal is typified in the hospitality shown to the 'complete' stranger who is totally outside the normal village economy. This phenomenon is explained with reference to motives for gift-giving which involve spiritual values. Although these values are discernible in some gift-giving in village life, economic pressures on the whole subordinate them to those of self-interest, and this is perceived as an aspect of man's fall from paradise. However, because the villagers simultaneously perceive their house and family to be rooted in the spiritual world, they are also under a strong necessity to live out, even in a straitened economic environment, the values of unconditional giving which are typical of this other world.The 'complete' stranger is the only person to whom such giving can be offered without fatally undermining the material basis of the house, and thus if the only outsider to whom the family can manifest what it feels to be its real identity.
    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Italian Literature
    The life of Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk who bore the stigmata of Christ can be seen as an imitation of the death of Christ. As a priest he was not only empowered to make real the death of Christ through the ritual of the Mass, but he embodied it in himself by virtue of his stigmata. In transforming his understanding of suffering he transformed himself into a living crucifix, a symbol of death through which eternal life is gained. The article then examines the attitudes and responses of his followers.
    Author: Christopher McKevitt
    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Spanish Literature
    This article compares the related phenomena of patronage and protest as experienced in a village in southern Spain. It is argued that these types of relations exist at two critical junctures in society: between the state and the local level, and between groups within the village. Both patronage and protest can be used by people to gain goods and services in preference to official bureaucratic relations, as they are thought to be more in tune with local values and ideology. However while clients reciprocate benefits received from their patrons with loyalty, protesters explicitly deny the legitimacy of those from structure by channelling discount into piecemeal reform rather than a revolutionary break with the past. These issues are examined historically in the village of Vado de las Chozas, showing how patronage and protest alternate as the main forms of social interaction at different levels of society in different periods over the last hundred years.
    Author: Mario Guarino
    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
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    Author: Jeremy Boissevain
    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Greek Literature
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    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Greek Literature
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    Author: Sofka Zinovieff
    Poblication Year: 1991
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Greek Literature
    그리스의 사랑 ‘페데라스티아’ (παιδεραστία) -H. Patzer와 M. Foucault의 비교
    The main focus of this paper is on homosexuality among men, especially the ‘love of boys’ that appears in ancient thinkers and writers’ records, such as Plato and Aristotle and Herodotus and Xenophon etc. The so-called ‘love of boys’ is a translation of the ancient Greek word παιδεραστία. Many ancient sources explored its social aspects in ancient Greece. The most widespread and socially significant form of close same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was between adult men and adolescent boys, known as παιδεραστία. It is Harald Patzer and Michelle Foucault who gave this issue of interest to modern times and also provided an opportunity to generate interest in the academic field. The main purpose of this article is to look at the views and methodologies of how both two scholars recognize παιδεραστία and how they deal with it in their Die griechische Knabenliebe and Historie de la Sexualite. More over, this paper will be focused on the comparison of two views of German classicist Harald Patzer and French philosopher Michelle Foucault. Harald Patzer and Michelle Foucault also explain the pros and cons. Patzer's comparative study of different races has led to massive data sources for further studies. Foucault’s ‘innovative’ study provided a new opportunity to see the problem from the other perspective, compared with traditional view-points. Foucault, influenced by the theory of Nietzsche's concept of power, had a new perspective on the relationship between sex and power. Unlike the traditional ‘suppression hypothesis’, he emphasized the aspect of the 'production hypothesis' that power produces discourse on sexuality more and more. But Foucault's methodology, like the case of Patzer’s anthropological comparison and philological analysis, has also shown its limits in several ways. So, these shortcomings can be promoted by the study of H. Patzer and the process of complementing each other. In this sense, it's not a bad idea for the study of παιδεραστία as follows like that. Harald Patzer's view of historical-cultural phenomenon is expected to serve as a more empirically settling 'history of innovation' that was newly proposed by M. Foucault.
    Keyword: H.Patzer, M.Foucault, παιδεραστία, homo-sexuality, Knabenliebe, boy-love, bio-pouvoir, 파쪄, 푸코, 페데라스티아, 호모섹슈얼러티, 소년에 대한 사랑, 권력
    Author: 차영길 ( Cha Young-gil )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    외젠 이오네스코와 프랑스 비시정부
    This work is to research the cultural activities of Eugène Ionesco in the Vichy government (1940-1944). The Romanian origin, he was adopted by French culture. He was a Romanian poet and critic and specialized in French literature. He served Vichy as a Romanian diplomatic mission to France from 1942 to 1944. At that time, he had in charge of the Romanian media legation, public relations, secretary of culture in Vichy. Some criticize the fact that he worked for the dictator, Antonescu who had governed Romania by fascists. In her book L’Oubli du Fascisme, Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine criticized Ionesco’s behavior in Vichy: “A regrettable silence, an indisputable compromise. The stay in Vichy certainly relates, in his case, to a survival strategy.” But the survival is the inevitable duty for oneself. And survival will then fall into a feeling of guilt or remorse when he was on the side of evil and crime. Ionesco was neither intentionally silent nor making his own apology. On the contrary, he has actively explained his political position and his choice. He has expressed many times by the characters in the drama, in the diaries like Present passe, passe present. Working as a diplomat at Vichy, Ionesco met intellectuals without distinguishing between dissidents and Vichy collaborators. He considered his pursuits of the interests of Romania as a patriotic idea. He refused to follow the direction of any ideology or history. He tried to keep his conscience when Romanian circumstances were confusing. It is not fair to conclude that one might regard the act based on his conscience as mere collaboration with dictatorship. I believe Ionesco is a good and shy writer. He is perceived as a vanguard fighter who has challenged the existing systems of Western theater. But he is similar to the terrified Berenger surrounded by rhinoceros-fascist crowds. Even so, he is a critic of all intellectual modes and has not hesitated to face against the terrorists who commit the political opponents, the deception, the ideological motives, the madness. In this sense, Ionesco in Vichy should not be considered as a professional diplomat such as a bureaucrat, but a civilian diplomat section as a writer.
    Keyword: Ionesco, Romania, Vichy government, legation, cultural activity, 이오네스코, 루마니아, 비시정부, 외교사절, 문화활동
    Author: 박형섭
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Founts of Identity- The Thirst of Hercules and the Greater Greek World
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    Author: Matthew Leigh
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Arabic Literature
    The Representation of Libyans in Synesius' Letters
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    Author: Eireann Marshall
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Amicitia Extenditur ad Extraneos Marriage Law and the Concept of Citizenship (1563-1789)
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    Author: Simon Mercieca
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Sense of Self and Familiarity with Places in Italo Calvino's La Nuvola di Smog
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    Author: Claudia Nocentini
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Maltese in Tunisia before the Protectorate, 1850s-1870s Towards a Revised Image
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    Author: Andrea L. Smith
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    The Maltese Mercantile Diaspora in the Mediterranean in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
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    Author: Carmel Vassallo
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
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    Food, Culture, and People Moving
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    Author: John Wilkins
    Poblication Year: 2000
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    European History
    Seaports in Early Modern Europe Notes for a Model
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    Author: Peter Burke
    Poblication Year: 2000
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    European History
    Western Mediterranean Ports in the Roman Empire First Century B.C. to Sixth Century A.D.
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    Author: Philip de Souza
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    European History
    Birgu, 1530-1571 The Heyday of a Maltese Maritime City
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    Author: Stanley Fiorini
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    The Western Mediterranean Powers and the First Crusade
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    Author: John France
    Poblication Year: 2000
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    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Survival of the Urban Economies of Central and Northern Italy in the Seventeenth Century Recent Studies and New Perspectives
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    Author: Domenico Sella
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: English
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    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Significance of Collective Identities in Intergroup Relations
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    Author: Jan Berting
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: English
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    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    History Theory
    The Mediterranean Basin- Between the Glorious Past and the Uncertain Future
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    Author: Silvo Devetak
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: English
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    Human Geography
    Alterity in Arab Jordanian Rural Communities: A Case Study from Shatana, a Village in North Jordan
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    Author: Mohanna Haddad
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: English
    Country: Jordan
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Impact of National Conflict and Peace on the Formation of the Image of the other: How Palestinians in Israel Perceive, and are Perceived by Others
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    Author: Aziz Haidar
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: English
    Country: Palestine
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    Science of Religion
    Islamic Activism and the Western Search for a New Enemy
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    Poblication Year: 2001
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    Mediterranean Migrations and Arab-American Stereotypes
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    Author: Nancybeth Jackson
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    Human Geography
    Reducing Stereotypes between Two Conflicting Groups: The Case of a Palestinian-Israeli Youth Group Project
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    Poblication Year: 2001
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    L'Enfant Mediterraneen et la Perception de l'Autre: Perspective d'Integration
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    Author: Mamosi S. Lelo
    Poblication Year: 2001
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    Le Stereotype et la Vie en Ghetto Facilitent-ils l'Adaptation du Migrant?
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    Keyword: Francoise Bartiaux
    Author: Yves Libert
    Poblication Year: 2001
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    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    A City of 'Strangers': The Socio-Cultural Construction of Manhood in Jaffa
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    Discrimination, Relative Deprivation, and Expectations of Young Jews and Arabs in Israel
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    L'Image de la Culture Arabo-Musulmane et l'Integration de l'Immigre Maghrebin en Europe
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    Science of Religion
    Un Danger Islamiste a Bruxelles: Construction d'une Image et Crise Politique de l'Islam en Belgique
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    Etc language Literature
    D'une Mer a un Ocean: La Culture Mediterraneenne au Bresil
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    Poblication Year: 2001
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    La Question Feminine Entre le Volontarisme Politique et le Conservatisme Social
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    Stigma and Exile
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    Author: Sanja M. Spoljar-Vrzina
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    Contesting Maltese Landscapes
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    Anthropology and Political Movements
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    Author: Jeff Pratt
    Poblication Year: 2001
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    'No Limits to their Sway'
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    Al-Simakiya: Village Formation on the Eastern Mediterranean's Desert Margin
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    Representing Danger at a Mediterranean Drydocks
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    Author: Mark-Anthony Falzon
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    Trees and Saints: Continuities and Change in Civic Ceremonial in a South Italian Mountain Village
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    Science of Religion
    Fading Memories, Flexible Identities: The Rhetoric about the Self and the other in a Community of 'Christian' Refugees from Anatolia
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    Beyond Ethnicity: The Politics of Urban Nostalgia in Modern Macedonia
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    How Modern is the Mediterranean?
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    Author: Jon P. Mitchell
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    History Theory
    Tradition, Modernity and European Hegemony in the Mediterranean
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Alternative Modernities, or Accountable Modernities? The Palestinian Movement(s) and Political (Audit) Tourism During the First Intifada
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    Author: Iris E. F. Jean-Klein
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: English
    Country: Palestine
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    'Overthrowing Geography', (Mis)Reading Modernity: Jaffa, Tel Aviv and the Struggle for Palestine's History, 1880-1948
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    Human Geography
    Coffeehouses, Cosmopolitanism and Pluralising Modernities in Istanbul
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    The Gender of Modernity: Confronting Practices and Discourses among Muslim Women in Italy
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    Killing the Golden Goose? Debates about Tradition in an Andalucian Village
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    Time and Modernity in the Mediterranean: A Case Study from Languedoc
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    Author: Matt Hodges
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    The Barbary Regencies and Corsair Activity in the Mediterranean from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century
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    Author: Alain Blondy
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Geopolitical and Commercial Interests in the Mediterranean Sea. The Reports of Angelo Rutter, English Vice-Consul in Malta (1769-1771)
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    Author: Salvatore Bottari
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    La Circulation de la Lettre de Change entre Smyrne et l'Europe entre 1772 et 1789: L'Exemple des Marchands Marseillais
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    In the 'English' Mediterranean (1511-1815)
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    Social Science Etc
    Des Galeres pour quoi faire? La Suprenante Perennite de la Galere de la Galere dans la Mediterranee des Temps Modernes
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    Arabic Literature
    'The Shining of the Moon'- The Mediterranean Tour of Muhammad Ibn Uthman, Envoy of Morocco, in 1782
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    Author: Thomas Freller
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: English
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    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Ports, Ships and Money: The Origins of Corporate Banking in Valletta
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    European History
    The Venetian Colonies in the Ionian and Aegean Seas in Venetian Defense Policy in the Fifteenth Century
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    Author: Ruthi Gertwagen
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    The Spatial Mobility of Seafarers in the Mediterranean: A Case Study based on Status Liberi Documentation (1581-1640)
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    Greek Commercial Shipping from the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Century, Literature Review and Research Perspectives
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    Author: Gerassimos D. Pagratis
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    Arab History
    Un Prologue aux Tanzimat la Modernisation des Forces Navales Ottomanes, Empire, Maghreb, Egypte (fin XVIIIe- debut XIXe siecle)
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    Hybridity, Birthplace and Naming
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    Author: Judith Okely
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    Greek Literature
    The Piglets that fell from the Sky: Some Cautionary Tales about Greek Statistics
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    Science of Religion
    From Rhodes to Malta, The Order of Saint John of Jerusalem The Political Stakes of a Strategic Withdrawal
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    Author: Edith Garnier
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    Language: English
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    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The State and Civil Rights in the Late Ottoman Empire
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    Author: Ferdan Ergut
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    Les Francais a Malte au XVIIIe siecle: Etude de l'Utilisation du Lazaret, de la Pratique de la Quarantaine et des Relations Commerciales avec les Regences de Tunis et de Tripoli
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    Author: Xavier Labat Saint Vincent
    Poblication Year: 2003
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    Museums Education and Cultural Contestation
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    Keyword: Bernard Cauchi & Peter Mayo
    Author: Carmel Borg
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    Degrading others and Honouring Ourselves: Ethnic Stereotypes as Categories and as Explanations
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    Author: D. Theodossopoulos
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    Greek Literature
    The other Then, the other Now, the other Within: Stereotypical Images and Narrative Captions of the Turk in Northern and Central Greece
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    Author: Elisabeth Kirtsoglou
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    'Why do they hate us?' Everyday Serbian Nationalist Knowledge of Muslim Hatred
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    Author: Stef Jansen
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    Greek Tourists in Turkey: An Anthropological Case Study
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    Author: Jutta Lauth Bacas
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    Science of Religion
    Copying with Marginality: Redefining Christian and Muslim Identifications in South-Eastern Bulgaria
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    Author: Dimitrina Mihaylova
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    Inter-ethnic Stereotypes, Neighbourliness, Separation: Paradoxes and Challenges in Cyprus
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    Author: Maria Hadjipavlou
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Post colonial Studies and Research on the Politics of the Middle East and Africa
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    Author: C. Heristchi
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Toward a 'Mesopotamian Turn': Disciplinarity and the Study of the International Relations of the Middle East
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Role in Search of a Hero: Construction and the Evolution of Egyptian Foreign Policy, 1952-67
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    Author: A. Teti
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    A Historical Sociology of Ottoman and Turkish Nationalism
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    Author: T. Jacoby
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    The Politics of Economic Reform in Asad's Syria: A Discursive Approach
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Rents, Cooptation, and Economized Discourse: Three Dimensions of Political Rule in Jordan, Morocco and Syria
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    The Invention of the Arab State: Regime Security and Changing Patterns of Legitimacy
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    Science of Law
    Hisba Law and Freedom of Expression in Islam: Two Case Studies of Prosecution in Contemporary Egypt
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    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Understanding Political Transformation in Egypt: Advocacy NGOs, Civil Society and the State
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    Human Geography
    Negotiating Identity in the Post-Colonial Arab World: Clues from Psychoanalytic Theory
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    In Defence of Rules: Pierre Bourdieu en Grece
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    Dynamics of Macedonian Kinship in a Mediterranean Perspective: Contextualizing Ideologies and Pragmatics of Agnation
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    Why does Incense smell Religious? Greek Orthodoxy and the Anthropology of Smell
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    Author: Margaret E. Kenna
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    Etc Humanities Science
    Killing Giants of the Sea: Contentious Heritage and the Politics of Culture
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    Regional Development
    Old Resources for New Ceremonies: Building up Olive Products as New Leisure and as Cultural Heritage in Mediterranean France
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    Author: Sebastien Fournier
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    Arab History
    State and Classes in the Ottoman Empire: Local Notables in Historical Perspective
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    Author: Guclu Tuluveli
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    The Historical Development of Cyprus' Present-Day Latin Community
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    Author: Nicholas Coureas
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    Review Article: Gramsci, Freire, and Transformative Education
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    Author: Gloria Lauri-Lucente
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    Introduction: Turning back to the Mediterranean- Anthropological Issues and the Med-Voices Project
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    Author: Rachel Radmilli
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    Imaging the Mediterranean
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    Author: Julie Scott
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    Etc Humanities Science
    Mediterranean Counterpoint: Themes and Variations in the MED-VOICES database
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    Author: Tom Selwyn
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    European History
    Euro-Med Heritage: Culture, Capital and Trade Liberalisation- Implication for the Mediterranean City
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    Author: Raoul V. Bianchi
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    The Educational output of EU-funded Projects: Mediterranean Voices within the Academic Context
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    Author: Rachel Radmilli
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    Studying the People of Chania Through Photography: A Reflexive Approach
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    Author: Christos Varvantakis
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    Marginal Re-presentations: Boundaries on Identity
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    Author: Margaret Hart Robertson
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    Arab History
    Oral Histories of Ras Beirut Nostalgia, Memory and the Construction of History
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    Author: Suzanne Abou Ghaida
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    The Differential Symbolic: The Changing Forms of the 1st of October Commemoration in Greek-Cypriot Newspapers
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    Author: Costas S. Constantinidou
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    Construction Sociale et Symbolique des Identites Territoriales en Milieu Urbain
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    Heritage Deviations in Relation to Town Planning in Ciutat de Mallorca
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    Recreating a sense of home and belonging: Relocation to Crete
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    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Changing Places- Archaeology and Heritage in Strait Street (Valletta, Malta)
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    Author: John Schofield
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    Empires looking Seawards: The Benefits and Costs of Foreign Seaborne Trade
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    Author: Seven Agir
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Mediterranean as a Place of Cultural Exchange and Linguistic Elaboration: the Contribution of Venice to the Language Issue in the Renaissance
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    Author: Rosaria Bottari
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The migration of the Chioggia fishing-fleet in the Adriatic Sea between the 19th and the early 20th centuries
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    Author: Lisa Botter et al.
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Nelson's Ionian Agent: Spiridion Foresti and Intelligence Collection for the British Mediterranean Commanders
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    Author: Ian Chessell
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Determining Marine Consumption in Archaeological Populations through Stable Isotope Analysis: An Overview
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    Author: Oliver Craig et al.
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    Could Francis Leackie and the 'insular strategy' of Great Britain in the Mediterranean (1800-1815)
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    Author: Diletta D' Andrea
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    Greek Ships in Sicily during the 18th century
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    Author: Fabio Di Vita
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Muslim Renegade Women: Conversion and Agency in the Early Modern Mediterranean
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    Author: Eric Dursteler
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Educating for the Docks: A Future with the Admiralty 1930-1950
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    Author: Mario Ellul
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    La navigation vers le Levant a l'epoque moderne (1549-1715) vue a travers l'exemple de quelques voyageurs francais
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    Author: Jean-Pierre Farganel
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    The Mediterranean Commercial World of the Eighteenth Century: Ottoman and Italian Ports
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    Author: Elena Frangakis-Syrett
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    The Evolution of the Cult of the Madonna as the Patron Saint of Sailors and of Ports
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    Author: Ruthy Gertwagen
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Struggling against Isolation. Communication Lines and the Circulation of News in the Mediterranean: The Case of 17th century Malta
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    Author: Ivan Grech
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Italian Literature
    Steaming across Mussolini's 'Roman Lake'
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    Author: Maura Hametz
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    'A Mediterranean Amphibian': British Warfare, 1693-1713
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    Author: Keith A. J. McLay
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Malta and the Rise of the Greek-owned fleet in the 18th century
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    Author: Katerina Papakostantinou
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    French Nobles and Religious Struggle in the Mediterranean 1598-1635
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    Author: Brian Sandberg
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: France
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Social Welfare
    La balneation a Naples entre le 19eme et 20eme siecle
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    Author: Maria Sirago
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Navigating in 'Deep Waters'. Epidemics and Maritime Control in Mediterranean Africa from Plague to Cholera
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    Author: Salvatore Speziale
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Managing Marine Resources in the Ancient World
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    Author: Athena Trakadas
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Servants of Empire: The Maltese in the Royal Navy
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    Author: Carmel Vassallo
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Politics of Dance: The Incorporation of the Pontic Refugees in Modern Greek Culture through the Manipulation of Dancing Practices in a Northern Greek Villager
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    Author: Magda Zografou
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Thinking through the Body: The Use of Images as a Medium of Social Expression
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    Author: Isabelle Vella Gregory
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    God Protect me from my Friends, Prelates, Politicians, and Social Welfare in Contemporary Malta
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    Author: Mark-Anthony Falzon
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Social Welfare
    Bearing the Burden: Women, Family Planning and the Making of Modern Tunisia
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    Author: Kimberly L. Mills
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    Conflict and Co-operation: Dom Mintoff, Giorgio Borg Olivier and the End of Empire in Malta
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    Author: Simon C. Smith
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Elite Interaction in Archaic Etruria: Exploring the Exchange Networks of Terracotta Figured Frieze Plaques
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    Author: Carrie Roth-Murray
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Migration in the Mediterranean: Equalising Strategies and Social Hierarchies in Migrant Integration
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    Author: D. E. Zammit
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Human Geography
    Building Paths and Lives through Migrant Networks: The Case of Post-Socialist Women Domestic Workers in Turkey
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    Author: Nihal Celik
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Medeuro: The Longing for Identity and Community among Maltese Migrant Settlers in North Africa
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    Author: Henry Frendo
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    'Bem passa ku nos', between Cultural Essentialism and the NGOs: The case of Cape Verdean Migrants from Portugal
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    Author: Ziva Gobbo
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Ethnolinguistic Vitality Perceptions among Migrants and Indigenous Pupils in Greece
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    Author: Nikos Gogonas
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Internal Migration Transpires like Emigration: The Case of INternally Displaced Kurds in Turkey
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    Author: Atilla Gokturk
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    La Problematique de la Politique de l'Immigration du Travail Qualifee et la Discussion sur l'Integration des Travailleurs Etrangers Qualifies en Allemagne et dans l'Union Europeeanne
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    Author: Cyrine Hamida
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Social Welfare
    Regroupment Familial et Projets Migratoires des Femmes Tunisiennes
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    Author: Chokri Memni
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Migrant Entrepreneurship in a Spanish Inland City: between the Formal and the Informal Economies
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    Author: Gunhild Odden
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Domestic Politics in Cyprus: Grounds for Migrant Voices?
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    Author: Deniz Sert
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Contemporary European Regionalisms and Social Ties: Recent Immigration, Neo-Rurality and Opportunities for Ethnography in the Greek Countryside
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    Author: James P. Verinis
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Festivals, Games, and Ludic Performances as a New Potential Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean World
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    Author: Laurent-Sebastien Fournier
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Some Notes on Tourism and the Revitalisation of Calendrical Festivals in Europe
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    Author: Jeremy Boissevain
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Regional Development
    Inventing Local Traditions, becoming a Local Brand: Creators of Ludic Performances on a Croatian Island
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    Author: Nevena Skrbic Alempijevic
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    Private Space and Public Performance: Questioning the Notions of Sociability and Ownership in a Greek Religious Festival
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    Author: Katerina Seraidari
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Making Saints and Performing Locality as Heritagization? An Ethnography of Local Holiness and Village Identity in the French and Italian Alps
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    Author: Cyril Isnart
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Human Geography
    Ritual Revitalization and the Construction of Places in Catalonia, Spain
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    Author: Claire Guiu
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    Festivals of Moors and Christians: Performance, Commodity and Identity in Folk Celebrations in Southern Spain
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    Author: Maria J. C. Krom
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Wa'da (mawssim) and the Bedouin Heritage in Algeria
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    Author: Yazid Ben Hounet
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Regional Development
    From Farmyards to Town Square, Managing Continuity through Rupture: Montepulciano's Bruscello's Theatre
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    Author: Lita Crociani-Windland
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    'Vizibility': Women, Same-Sex Sexualities and the Subversion of Gender
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    Author: Venetia Kantsa
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Human Geography
    Forlorn, Ancient District: Gazi as Gayborhood?
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    Author: Brian Riedel
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Cultural Meanings of Loneliness: Kinship, Sexuality and (Homo)sexual Identity in Contemporary Greece
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    Author: Kostas Yannakopoulos
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Public Discourses on Sexuality and Narratives of Sexual Violence of Domestic Servants in Greece (1880-1950)
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    Author: Pothiti Hantzaroula
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Greek and Filipina Domestic Workers in Contemporary Greece: The Reproduction and Transformations of Domestic Work, Domestic Relationships and Female Identities
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    Author: Pinelopi Topali
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Mothers under Confinement: Maternal Reflections in a Greek Prison for Women
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    Author: Panayiota-Toulina Demeli
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Transcending the 'Home': Urban Greek Women, Direct Sales and the Politics of Europeanization
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    Author: Christy Moutsatsos
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Guiding Pregnancy: Expert Advice for the Modern Greek Mother
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    Author: Eugenia Georges
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc language Literature
    Reflections on the Significance of this Collection
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    Author: Peter Loizos
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Reconfiguring Greek Ethnography in a Changing World
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    Author: Evthymios Papataxiarchis
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    From the Pulse of Social Routine to the Subversion of Normality
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    Author: John Chircop
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    The 'Neo-Orthodox' in Cyprus: Religious Resurgence and Western Orthodoxy
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    Author: Vassos Argyrou
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Greek Literature
    'From Novelistic Romance to Romantic Novel': The Revival of the Ancient Adventure Chronotope in Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature
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    Author: Pieter Borghart
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    Per una lettura di Lazzaro di Gabriele d' Annunzio
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    Author: Srecko Juistic
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Relations between the Slovene and Croatian National Movements in Istria in the Late Habsburg Monarchy and in the Early Years of Italian Rule
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    Author: Andrej Rahten
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Gift Exchange and Reciprocities in Kidney Transplantation in Cyprus
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    Author: Costas S. Constantinou
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    A Conflict of Two Civilisations: The Ottomans and an Early Seventeenth Century Holy League Plan
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    Author: Mustafa Soykut
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    Russian-British Rivalry Regarding Danube Navigation and the Origins of the Crimean War (1846-1853)
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    Author: Constantin Ardeleanu
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    The Maritime Trade of Gibraltar 1805-1819
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    Author: Tito Benady
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    Britain's Ionian Consul: Spiridion Foresti and the Return to the Islands 1807-1810
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    Author: C.I. Chessell
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    The Last Marines of Byzantium-Gasmouloi, Tzakones and Prosalentai. A Short History and a proposed Reconstruction of their Uniforms and Equipment
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    Author: Raffaele D'Amato
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    Engine Drivers or Engineers: Ships' Engineers in the Spanish Merchant Navy (1834-1893)
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    Author: Enric Garcia Domingo
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Migration in the Formation of the Labour Market in the Barcelona Docks (1910-1947)
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    Author: Jordi Ibarz Gelabert
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    Gauging Maritime Trade between the Mediterranean and Northern Europe in the Late Eighteenth and mid-Nineteenth Centuries, using Electronic Databases
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    Author: Panayiotis S. Kapetanakis
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    The Rise of the Greek 'Conquering Merchant' in the Trade between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Romanian Principalities in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
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    Author: Cristian Luca
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    From the Septinsular Republic to the 'White Sea'. Ionian Shipping in the Port of Smyrna (1800-1807)
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    Author: Gerassimos D. Pagratis
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    'Gateways between Land and Sea'. The Development of Portuguese Seaports in the Early Twentieth Century
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    Author: Ana Prata
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    Commercial Philanthropy: American Missionaries and the American Opium Trade in Izmir during the First Part of the Nineteenth Century
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    Author: Timothy M. Roberts
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    Military Transportation as Part of Mediterranean Maritime Trade: Ottoman Freight Payments during the War of the Second Coalition (1798-1802)
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    Author: Kahraman Sakul
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    Fishing in the Mediterranean Atlantic
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    Author: Juan Manuel Santana-Perez
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Human Geography
    Centre and Periphery in Israeli Social Geography
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    Author: Moshe Shokeid
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    What a Marvellous Event- The Ever Becoming of an Italian Village
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    Author: Eva Carlestal
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Multiple Encounters on the Portuguese-Spanish Border
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    Author: William Kavanagh
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    International Trade
    Further Thoughts on Networks and the Mediterranean
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    Author: Jeremy Boissevain
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Irregular Female Migrants in Greece: Social Network and Social Integration in a Southeast European Transit Country
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    Author: Jutta Lauth Bacas
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    Orthodoxy at the Crossroads: Popular Religion and Greek Identity in the Practice of the Evil Eye
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    Author: Eugenia Roussou
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Mocking and Miming the 'Moor': Staging of the 'Self' and 'Other' on Spain's Borders with Morocco
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    Author: Sina Lucia Kottmann
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    How to Purify the Syncretistic- The Construction of Authenticity and Identity in Discourses, Policy and Practice of Andalusian Flamenco
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    Author: Marion Kruger
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    Anthropopoiesis, Embodiment and Religious Ritual in Morocco: Toward a New Theoretical Approach
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    Author: Carlo Capello
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Human Geography
    'Mediterranean Homelands': Transnational Perspectives on Continuing the Migratory Tradition across Generations
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    Author: Russell King
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Tortoises and Elephants in the Context of Family Social Mobility: Second-Generation Spanish Migrants in France and their Desire to 'Return'
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    Author: Lauro Oso
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    'Returning' Second-Generation Portuguese-Canadians and Portuguese-French: Motivations and Senses of Belonging
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    Author: Joao Sardinha
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Italian Migrants in Australia and their Relationship to Italy: Return Visits, Transnational Caregiving and the Second Generation
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    Author: Loretta Baldassar
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Gendering Counter-Diasporic Migration: Second Generation Greek-Americans and Greek-Germans Narrate their 'Homecoming'
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    Author: Anastasia Christou
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The 'Return' of British-Born Turkish Cypriots to Cyprus: Narratives of a Fractured Homeland
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    Author: Janine Teering
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Context Issue? Comparing the Attitude Towards Return of the Albanian First and Second Generation in Europe
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    Author: Zana Vathi
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Return' Migration Intentions among Second-Generation Turks in Europe: The Effect of Integration and Transnationalism in a Cross-National Perspective
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    Author: Tineke Fokkema
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Of Dopia and Xeni:Strategies of Belonging in Greek-American Return Narratives
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    Author: Evangelia Kindinger
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    He do the Med in different Voices Gabriel Levin, The Maltese Dreambook
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    Author: Peter Vernon
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Articulations of the True Believers: Football and Neo-Fascism in the Eternal City
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    Author: Alberto Testa
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Turn of the Screw: Narratives of History and Economy in the Greek Crisis
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    Author: Daniel M. Knight
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Entering through the Golden Door: Cinematic Representations of a Mythical Moment
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    Author: Yiorgos Kalogeras
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Al-Andalus as a Metaphor of Collective Identity for 1940s Moroccan Intellectuals
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    Author: Marie-Therese Ellis-House
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Shaming and Community Reactions to Offending in a Mediterranean Society: A Maltese Case Study
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    Author: Marilyn Clark
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Greek Literature
    Fascination with Difference: A Note on Power Relations and Body Culture in Greece
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    Author: Marina Petronoti
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Gender and Discrimination in Public Space: An Approach from a Multi-Ethnic Neighbourhood in Barcelona
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    Author: Fabià-Díaz-Cortés
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Early Music and the Mediterranean World: The Exploration of Hypothetical Worlds
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    Author: Britta Sweers
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Found in Translation: Epic, Song, and the Discovery of the Mediterranean
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    Author: Philip V. Bohlman
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Translating, ‘Music of Foreign Nations’: Perspectives of a Comparative Musicologist in Mandatory Palestine
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    Author: Ruth F. Davis
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Arabic Literature
    Translating from Nothing and Everything: Israel’s Habrera Hativeet (‘Natural Gathering’) in Retrospective
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    Author: Edwin Seroussi
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Jewish Music from Jerusalem to Jerusalem: The Mediterranean Timeless Music
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    Author: Gila Flam
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Translating American-Jewish Feminism through Mediterranean Music: Reflections on Consuelo Luz’s Compositions within the Context of Crypto-Jewish Tradition
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    Author: Sarah Ross
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Rebetiko as a Testing Device for Genre Theories and Musical Categorizing Processes
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    Author: Franco Fabbri
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Songs, Sounds ad Sentiments in Translation: The Transnational Travels of Corsican and Georgian Polyphony
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    Author: Caroline Bithell
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: France
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Su Raap: Sardinian Hip Hop between Mass Culture and Local Specificities
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    Author: Marco Lutzu
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Translating and Rebuilding Mediterranean Musical Place: Italian-American Musical Culture from Sheet Music to The Sopranos
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    Author: Michael Saffle
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc Humanities Science
    Singing/Hearing the Outerness: An Analysis of Hermeneutical Perspectives on the Relationships between Bellinian and Sicilian Song
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    Author: Francesco Del Bravo
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    Translated Repertoires in Malta, from Secular to Religious: The Case of Vincenzo Mifsud and other Maltese Composers of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
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    Author: Simon Mercieca
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Irregular Migration and the ‘Southern European Model’ of Migration
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    Author: Russell King
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Differential Impact of the Legal Status of Migrants in Italy on Transnationalism: Just a Matter of Time and Integration?
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    Author: Elena Ambrosetti
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    From ‘Irregular Migrants’ to Refugees and Back: Asylum Seekers’ Struggle for Recognition in Contemporary Italy
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    Author: Daniela Giudici
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Facing Crisis: Gendered Narratives of Senegalese Migrants in Spain
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    Author: Ingrid J. Ramsøy
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Law
    Suspended in Eurocrisis: New Immobilities and Semi-Legal Migrations Amongst Nigerians Living in Spain
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    Author: Jill Ahrens
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    African Border-Crossings in a ‘City of Others’: Constellations of Irregular Im/Mobility and In/Equality in the Everyday Urban Environment of Athens
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    Author: Ioanna Tsoni
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    European History
    The Mediterranean: Topos or Mirage?
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    Author: Lidia Dina Sciama
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Mediterranean: ‘a Wall’. Comment on Lidia Dina Sciama’s paper – ‘The Mediterranean: Topos or Mirage?’
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    Author: João de Pina Cabral
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Two Countries, Three Decades, One Anthropologist: Reflections on Fieldwork in Spain and Portugal
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    Author: William Kavanagh
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Honour, History and the History of Mediterranean Anthropology
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    Author: Paola Sacchi
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Power, Corruption and Reflexive Truths: A Reprise of ‘Mediterranean Corruption’
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    Author: Dorothy L. Zinn
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Perceiving Fences and Experiencing Borders in Greece: A Discourse on Changes at European Borders
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    Author: Jutta Lauth Bacas
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Human Geography
    Fencing in the South: The Gibraltar Area as a Paradigm of the New Border Dynamics in the Mediterranean
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    Author: Francesco Vacchiano
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Religion
    Mobilities, Boundaries, Religions: Performing Comparison in the Mediterranean
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    Author: Francesco Bachis
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Human Geography
    Southern Italy’s Double Face: A Critical Reflection
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    Author: Carlo Capello
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Autre ou notre? Appropriation et transformation de la palourde des Philippines’ dans la Lagune de Venise
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    Author: Florence Ménez
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    History Theory
    Cyprus and Malta: Two Colonial Experiences
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    Author: Robert Holland
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Strangeness of Anglo-Maltese Relations
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    Author: Dominic Fenech
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    History Theory
    Anti-colonial Struggle in Cyprus: Actors, Conceptualisations, Methods, and Motives
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    Author: Yiannos Katsourides
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    History Theory
    The Treaty of Lausanne as Predicament and Impediment to the Rise of Turkish Nationalism in Colonial Cyprus
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    Author: Altay Nevzat
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Political Power, Violence and Economy: The Turkish Cypriot Elite’s Struggle for Ethno-communal Formation
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    Author: Nikos Moudouros
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics of Education and Language in Cyprus and Malta during the Inter-war Years
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    Author: Antigone Heraclidou
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Greek Civil War in Cyprus: Ideology, Tactics and the Division of Society
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    Author: . Alexios Alecou
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Political Impact of World War II in Cyprus and Malta
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    Author: . Anastasia Yiangou
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Priests and Politicians: Archbishop Michael Gonzi, Dom Mintoff and the end of Empire in Malta
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    Author: Simon Smith
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Capital and Port Cities on Small Islands Sallying Forth Beyond their Walls: A Mediterranean Exercise
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    Author: Godfrey Baldacchino
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    ‘Nothing without Neighbours’ – Interlocal Relations and Campanilistic Narratives on two Croatian Islands
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    Author: Ana Perinic´ Lewis
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    The Jews, Catholic Policy, and the Knights of St John in Malta
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    Author: Carmel Cassar
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Social Welfare
    Greek Farmers’ Intermarriages with Albanian Women: Towards ‘Trans-Border Social Homogamy’?
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    Author: Nikos Kaberis
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Bye, Bye, Cacopardo! Revisiting Factionalism through the Hunting Scene in Malta
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    Author: Brian Campbell
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Stemming the Tide. Opposition and Conflict in the Creation of Natural Protected Areas. A Case Study of the Natural Park of Puebla de San Miguel (Valencia), Spain
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    Author: Pablo Vidal-Gonzalez
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Etc language Literature
    Images of Jews in Slovenian Literature between Memory and Metaphor
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    Author: Irena Avsenik Nabergoj
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Science of Law
    A Study on the Philippine Adat Law
    The present rebellion in the Southern Philippines by the Bansa Moro could not be totally blamed on the Muslims. This is part of the centuries-old "attitudinal animosities" between brother Filipinos: Moros and Christians, brought by the "divide and rule" policy of outside colonizers- including the "inner colonials." Cultural understanding is tantamount to national progress. It is high time, that educators, scholars, lawlyers, and researchers of both the private and government entitles come together and do something that can bring about understanding among as. The Philippines is a country populated with various cultural communities. Obviiously, each has its own custom law. In order to shape the destiny of the nation's legal system, for it to be more appropriate and meaningful, the legal systems of the different cutural communities must be partly, at least if not totally, considered as part of Philippine jurisprudence. This, in part, can help combat cultural ignorance and bring about understanding.
    Keyword: Tausug Adat Law Southern Philippines Muslims
    Author: Wang-Jong Yoo
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    A Study on the Discourse of Authoritarianism in Iran
    Political and economic reform in Iran began with Western political, economic and cultural penetration, and these reforms clearly had a double effect. On the one hand, there was an effort made for political reforms in democratic development, but on the other hand, the reaction to foreign penetration took the form of a turning to traditional culture as a way to keep the national identity. Therefore, the political transformations in Iran took on an equivocal shape, with democratic reforms and the culture of nationalism all mixed together. But democratic culture was unable to ally itself with traditional culture to create a new cooperative culture. Instead, these two cultures entered a coexistence of conflict, and Iranian political life of the contemporary period has resulted from that. Political reform was perceived as connected with imperialistic penetration, which provoked the reaction of traditional groups and their followers. For this reason,  returning to the tradition  became a big political and mental event in Iran, leading to the Islamic Revolution. Three main attitudes were found among Iranian intellectuals faced with Western culture and colonialism: 1) undisputed acceptance of all Western culture and civilization; 2) the alliance of Western material culture with Eastern intellectuality; 3) the acceptance of Western technology and economy depending on Islamic values. These three tendencies struggled with each other for a century. The Pahlavi shahs, with the exception of some values which were confirmed by the legitimacy of kingship and authoritarianism, were pursuing a full-scale reform in accordance with Western culture. Their dependence on foreign power and their political autocracy caused the growth of a reaction against Western cultural appearances. Jalal Al-e Ahmad, an intellectual and academic writer, published a book in 1962 called  Westoxication,  which was the beginning of a new paradigm, attacking the intellectual movement that had entered Iran along with the Constitutional Revolution as a kind of social disease. Al-e Ahmad said that in order to confront this disease, we have to return to the traditional culture, protected by the clergy. Dr. Shariati was another intellectual who wrote many books and made many speeches in that direction requesting a  return to ourselves.  Shariatis theories and writings turned some of the existing tendencies in the Islamic culture into political discourses. Nationalism and populism were the basic content of these movements, and these movements and thoughts in turn became the basis of the Islamic Republic Revolution.
    Keyword: Authoritarianism Iran political discourse Westoxication Westernism
    Author: Dal Seung Yu
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    The Contemporary Moro Conflict in the Southern Philippines
    This study is focuses on the contemporary Moro conflict in the Southern Philippines. To achieve this goal, the study has proposed the grievances and demands of these Moro people, the successive Manila governments been responding to their demands, the alternatives which can be tried to resolve the crisis. Primary findings underscore the ethnic distinctness of the Moro people as a historical factor in the conflict. Corollary to this, is the role played by Islam in Moro people's lives plus their history of resistance against foreign cultures. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a hostage crisis perpetrated by the extremist Abu Sayyaf group, and a wave of bombings in Manila's main shopping malls - all these events helped to bring the Southern Philippines issue into focus, injecting gloom in the political outlook in the country. Violence is rife in the southern Philippines where Moro people are fighting for an independent homeland. This ongoing conflict in the Mindanao region has to be studied in the context of the social, cultural and economic issues of the region, as some of the worst-off areas in central and western Mindanao are inhabited by a sizeable Moro population.
    Keyword: Southern Philippines Mindanao Christian Filipino Muslims
    Author: Wang-Jong Yoo
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    European History
    Apotropaic Elements on Ceramics from the Early and Middle Bronze Age in the Northern Adriatic Region (Caput Adriae)
    In the Early and Middle Bronze Age, the Istrian peninsula as the northern periphery of the "Mediterranean cultural sphere" was characterized by a dense population with fortified mountain settlements ("Gradine" in the Croatian language). In these settlements a distinctive decorated pottery has been discovered, until recently completely unknown. One group of these vessels, namely, large jars for food storage, is distinguished by a decoration with combined plastic and incised ornaments with antithetically arranged handles on all four sides, which follows a certain order and allows the recognition of stylized faces. In light of other depictions in prehistory and early history, the appearance of "monster" and "grotesque" representations on medieval churches, and studies on recent cultures, we can assume that the "scary faces" on the Bronze Age pottery of Istria had some kind of apotropaic meaning. Something similar can be assumed for a particular embellishment of the spherical bottles that were also typical of the fortified mountain settlements of the Istrian peninsula.
    Keyword: " Northern Adriatic, Bronze Age, fortified settlements, ceramics, apotropaic ornamentation "
    Author: Anja Hellmuth
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Pax Britannica and ‘Free Trade and Open Seas’: Shifting British Informal Colonialism in North Africa, 1800–1860s
    This paper seeks to explore how British informal colonialism in North Africa was inseparably linked with, and indeed dependent on, their network of formally controlled imperial domains: Corfu and the Ionian Islands, Malta and Gibraltar. It also sets out to investigate the use made of this chain of colonial ports-positioned in proximity to the Maghreb-as mediating trade centres/ entrepôts, as military-naval stations, and as bases for the penetration and exploration of the interior of the African continent. Focus is then put on the British deployment of their naval fleet to impose rule of law and free trade, as well as to suppress any resistance from various indigenous actors. As a conclusion, both immediate and long-term effects which this imperial intrusion had on regional customary exchange patterns and the political economies of the North African regencies should become clear.
    Keyword: " British imperialism/dominion, informal colonialism, North Africa, narrow-sea economies, geographical exploration "
    Author: John Chircop
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Contesting the Arab Regimes in the War Poetry of Nizar Qabbani
    Within defined political and aesthetic contexts, the Arab war literature on the Arab-Israeli conflict-particularly the 1967 war poetry-was an attempt to re-describe and reconstitute projections of the war in Arab media and popular culture. Repudiating war and its diabolical motives, several Arab poets questioned and subverted a complex pattern of nationalist myths that gave rise to the 1967 war between Israel and three Arab armies. Incorporating intertextuality and other Western discursive dynamics, this essay explores the provocative war poetry that the great Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani (1923-1998) wrote in the aftermath of the six-day 1967 war to interrogate the distorted war narratives purveyed by Arab politicians and state media and reveal their destructive impact on collective Arab memory. In this context, Qabbani integrates a complex pattern of traditions appropriated from ancient Islamic history to engage the 1967 war. In his repudiation of official attempts to obscure the origins of the war and bury its atrocities beneath a cultural amnesia, Qabbani negotiates narratives of trauma and pain, demystifying a phenomenon that centuries of history have glorified. His poems investigated here aim to engage the politics and the language of war, questioning the myths and the monolithic political discourse that triggered the 1967 war and paved the way for the defeat.
    Keyword: war, defeat, politics, amnesia discourse, trauma
    Author: Saddik M. Gohar
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Tunisian Media Revisited: The Formation and Reformation of an Authoritarian System
    The aim of this paper is to sketch briefly the state of Tunisian media before, during, and after the Jasmine Revolution. The situation of the Tunisian media has changed drastically in step with the country's socio-political transformation. Ben Ali utilised the media as a powerful tool for spreading his policies, while preventing citizens from criticising him and his family or disputing his political legitimacy. However, when the revolution emancipated Tunisian citizens from authoritarian rule, the situation changed. Since late 2010, when the demonstrations began, the media is believed to have played an important role in spreading political messages, rallying the masses, and attracting considerable attention from all over the world. This paper offers a snapshot of the Tunisian media in a state of transition, and attempts to outline the formation and reformation of the authoritarian media system in Tunisia.
    Keyword: Tunisia, media, Jasmine Revolution, media reform, private broadcasters
    Author: Yushi Chiba
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Visual Anthropology in Sardinia
    Visual Anthropology in Sardinia
    Author: Franco Lai
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Does Migration Improve Subjective Economic Well-being? An Empirical Study on Migrants from MENA Countries
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of migration from Middle Eastern countries, during the 1990s, on individual perceptions of migrant households’ subjective economic well-being. We consider data from household surveys conducted in Egypt, Turkey and Morocco in 1997. Using probit models, first we analyze the characteristics of migrants, secondly we determine the impact of migration on current subjective poverty, and thirdly we analyze to what extent the returns from migration are heterogeneous according to the individual``s financial perception. We find that the effects of migration on financial situation vary according to the country: in Morocco migration reduces subjective poverty for the less educated long term migrants, and in Egypt only for return migrants. Surprisingly, in Turkey, migration increases subjective poverty especially for highly educated migrants. These results imply that migration cannot be treated as a homogenous phenomenon, as migration may impact differently on different countries of origin.
    Keyword: Migration, Subjective poverty, MENA Countries, Development, Remittances
    Author: Yehudith Kahn, Audery Dumas
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    From Dogtooth to Little England : Family and Female Characters in Greek Cinema of the Early Twenty-First Century
    This essay aims to explore representations of the female in familial contexts in the Greek cinematic production of the early twenty-first century through a multilayered discussion of two popular films, Yiorgos Lanthimos`` "Dogtooth" and Pantelis Voulgaris`` "Little England", released in 2009 and 2013 respectively. The films have been selected as representative of two major generations/waves of Greek cinema: that of a postmodern/psychoanalytical approach that emerged in the decade of intense Europeanization up to the period surrounding the economic crisis (1999-2009), and that of the sociopolitical discourses which dominated the post-junta era (1974 onwards). Although a chronological distance of more than half a century separates the stories narrated in the films, young female subjects are presented in equally suffocating family environments. The discussion revolves around both thematic and aesthetic comparisons between the two works, in the light of research investigating dominant features of the family in Greece and the broader Mediterranean.
    Keyword: Family, Gender, Youth, Contemporary Greek Film, Mediterranean
    Author: Kyriaki Frantzi
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Treatment of Pronouns in a Medieval Latin Parsing Grammar: Cunabula Grammaticae Artis Donati
    In the early Middle Ages, the main and usual task of teachers of the Latin language was to present and teach the inflections in a systematic way. The grammatical descriptions in Donatus’ two popular grammar books handed down to them from Late Antiquity did not offer full accounts of inflections. The teachers’ attempts to add morphological materials to Donatus’ doctrines resulted in the medieval parsing grammars of the ninth century. The early medieval parsing grammars are characterized by the combination of Donatus’ doctrines with parsing questions about headwords, but the questions often touched on topics which are not found in Donatus’ texts, in particular when the inflectional forms were concerned. Priscian’s grammars were one of the main sources from which the morphological descriptions were drawn. The way in which Priscian’s doctrines were incorporated into the Donatus-based grammar differed from grammarian to grammarian, but as time progressed, the early medieval parsing grammars came to share a common structure and certain sets of questioning formulas. This article presents the section on the pronouns in the Cunabula Grammaticae Artis Donati, one of the earliest medieval parsing grammars, with a view to getting a glimpes of the way in which Priscian’s grammar was used in the medieval parsing grammars in the initial stage of their development.
    Keyword: Cunabula Grammaricae Artis Donati, early medieval parsing grammars, Donatus' Ars Minor, Priscian, Pronouns
    Author: Jee Yeon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Genoa 'La Superba.' The Rise and Fall of a Merchant Pirate Superpower
    Genoa 'La Superba.' The Rise and Fall of a Merchant Pirate Superpower
    Keyword: Genoa 'La Superba.' The Rise and Fall of a Merchant Pirate Superpower
    Author: Thomas Kirk
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Crossing the Frontier- The Impact of Mediterranean Cultures North of the Alps from the Seventh to the Fifth Century BC
    Defining the Mediterranean as a coherent area, while looking beyond its natural features has been a challenge for a long time. An approach suggested by N. Purcell focuses on connectivity as the salient feature with which to define the frontiers of the Mediterranean. In order to achieve this aim, it is necessary to understand the course and character of the connections between the Mediterranean and its adjacent regions. The present article deals with a small section of a Mediterranean frontier, namely the region north of the Alps, between the seventh and fifth century BC. This area was occupied by the so-called Hallstatt culture, which consisted of several regional groups. By comparing the impact of Mediterranean elements in the western and eastern sphere of the Hallstatt culture it becomes apparent that measuring connectivity for pre- and protohistoric periods in which the Mediterranean networks were supposedly less complex is already a complicated task.
    Keyword: Crossing the Frontier- The Impact of Mediterranean Cultures North of the Alps from the Seventh to the Fifth Century BC
    Author: Sebatian Müller
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Interactions between Persian and Andalusian Muslim Scholars(Exchange of Primary Sources of the Islamic Teachings)
    Almost eight hundred years of religious and intellectual developments in Persia and Andalusia (Iberian Peninsula) bear testimony to the fact that scholars and experts in both the eastern and western sides of the Muslim world have set in motion different currents of thought and transmitted them to the other side. Fields of study popular in the east at the time, which dealt with the Holy Quran, tradition (Hadiths), literature, philosophy, Islamic theology (Kal m) and S fism would find their way to the western regions, including Andalusia, in the form of cultural and religious products as well as educational services, and would influence people along with scholars there. This article merely reviews interactions between Andalusian scholars and their counterparts in Persia in the field of Hadith (the Tradition of the Prophet Mohammad) during the Andalusian era (711.1492 CE). The survey also sheds light on how religious knowledge circulated across North Africa to Andalusia from the east to the west and vice versa from the outset to the end of the fifteenth century (1492 AH). It is a qualitative library survey containing materials which have been compiled from reliable books and magazines which have been categorized and logically analysed.
    Keyword: Interactions between Persian and Andalusian Muslim Scholars(Exchange of Primary Sources of the Islamic Teachings)
    Author: Mohammad Hassan Mozafari
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Scarsella between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in the 1400s
    This article aims to rebut the common opinion that communication in medieval Europe was very sluggish and that the delivery of correspondence was extremely delayed and irregular, focusing on the mail service called scarsella between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in the Late Middle Ages. In daily life, many Italian merchants always complained of slow letter delivery and asked their correspondents to write letters more often. Yet, contrary to their routine complaint, the exchange of information by way of correspondence was very rapid, frequent and regular. Starting in the mid-thirteenth century, the mail service called scarsella began operating between commercial cities in the Mediterranean and major Atlantic market places. The scarsella, "the first public communication system in Europe", was the most safe, frequent and rapid postal service system in the Later Middle Ages. Solid news networks of scarsella between the commercial ports of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic ports of Bruges or London operated relatively well in the later middle ages, and in that sense exchange of letters and information between the two seas by way of the scarsella was very efficient. A fast and regular courier service was well established already in late medieval Europe, even though letter writers continued having bitter words to say about delays in the mails in the sixteenth century.
    Keyword: The Scarsella between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in the 1400s
    Author: Nam, Jong kuk
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Voyage to a Relative North: The Crossing of Intangible Barriers in Merzak Allouache's Harragas
    The Crossing of Intangible Barriers in Merzak Allouache's Harragas
    Keyword: The Crossing of Intangible Barriers in Merzak Allouache's Harragas
    Author: Martino Lovato
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Orient reflected in the Mediterranean Mirror - Focusing on the history of relations between China and the West
    This paper explores the modes of connectivity that, in diverse ways and through myriad perspectives, link the Asian continent to the Mediterranean basin.1 3 The world map of the Middle Ages called the T-O map, may show most directly what medieval Europeans thought of the world or of the Orient, which is itself evidence of their world view. Asia was very significant to the world view of Europe at that time. Asia was not just a geographical space, but a space of Christianity. It was considered that Asia, a kind of special symbol, was the paradise in which the ancestors of humankind lived and to which humankind should get back. In particular, much emphasis would be placed on China in the European literature. This is because The Travels of Marco Polo were at the very beginning of the relationship between the West and the East. The primary difficulty in studying what China is in the light of the West (and the Mediterranean as one part of it) is that the West and China cannot be defined. F. Nietzsche said that only non-historical concepts could be defined in the genealogy of morality. The West and China are not what they were originally but what they have been formed into by history, which means that they are defined as the objects not of definition but of interpretation. With regard to China seen in the light of the West, the West is the subject of interpretation while China is the object. But the problem is that the West is an imaginary community created by the concept of the non-western, or not-China. As the self-identity of the West has been created through reflection in the mirror of the other, changes in the perception of China in the West shall be examined in association with the process whereby the identity of the West has been formed. Cultural exchanges happened on the basis of Orientalism, in which China was appropriated by the subject called the West. In this regard, the "Re-Orient" in its true sense, shall refer to the restoration of the pre-modern relationship between subject and predicate, as Andre Gunder Frank argued. To conclude, in this study I would like to analyze how Westerners have read the book called China and what role such a reading plays in the self-fashioning of the West.
    Keyword: The Orient reflected in the Mediterranean Mirror - Focusing on the history of relations between China and the Wes
    Author: Heejung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Festival Dedicated to Agios Gerasimos, a Healing Saint Fighting Demons: A Case Study
    The festival dedicated to the healing saint Agios (Saint, m.) Gerasimos is celebrated on the Greek island of Kephallonia, of which he is the patron saint, on 16 August, the day after his death. Two years after his death in 1579, his body was found to have undergone no decomposition, and it exuded a pleasant odour. He became the patron saint of the island in 1622. His relics are housed in his monastery and during the festival his sarcophagus is carried in procession to the plane tree by the well that the saint is said to have dug with his own hands. As the sarcophagus is carried in procession, the pilgrims lie down in its path so that the saint`s body may pass over them, thereby healing them. Gerasimos is particularly famous for combating demons, and the pilgrims collect some dust from his tomb or fetch several leaves from his plane tree to keep as amulets. The article will present the festival as I experienced it during my fieldwork in 1992, and make some comparisons with similar cults in the Mediterranean world.
    Keyword: The Festival Dedicated to Agios Gerasimos, a Healing Saint Fighting Demons: A Case Study
    Author: Evy Johanne Håland
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Challenge of Neoliberal Economic Practices to OPEC's Predominant Power of Oil Price Control in the 1980s*
    Until the early 1980s it seemed as if high oil prices engineered by OPEC had become an invariable norm in the world market. However, the growing influence of market forces challenged OPEC`s predominant position by undermining its price structure and required Saudi Arabia to take on different tasks within OPEC. With the wave of neoliberal economic practices, market-oriented oil polices, primarily guided by the US government, eventually helped to accelerate structural changes in the world oil market. This study will demonstrate how neoliberal economic practices, which had emerged during the 1980s, exerted a significant impact on the world oil market, allowing market forces to take control of oil prices out of OPEC`s hands.
    Keyword: The Challenge of Neoliberal Economic Practices to OPEC's Predominant Power of Oil Price Control in the 1980s*
    Author: Hyun Song Sang
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Jean-Luc Godard's Cinema and The Mediterranean*
    Among Godard`s films, there are just a few cases in which the Mediterranean provides an immediate backdrop for the movie. The three works we will mention here, Le mepris, Pierrot le fou and Film socialisme, are good examples. However his other films, where the Mediterranean does not appear, cannot be said to be irrelevant to the `Mediterranean cinema`. Perhaps the Mediterranean scenery itself is not such a crucial element. The three films show distinct images of the Mediterranean, which may attest to the changes in Godard`s vision of cinema and modern civilization along with changing times. But beyond the appearance of various transitions, we find something permanent in his artistic propensity. It is the Mediterranean spirit of art which respects diversity, creativity and freedom of mind, so to speak, the adventurous spirit of Odysseus ever heading toward an unknown world. That is flowing through all Godard`s work.
    Keyword: Jean-Luc Godard's Cinema and The Mediterranean*
    Author: Hye-Shin Kim
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Disappearing Images of the Sea in Theo Angelopoulos' Last Films
    This paper proposes to explore how the progressive disappearance of images of the sea in Theo Angelopoulos` last films (from Ulysses` Gaze, 1995, to The Dust of Time, 2008) reflects a turning point in the filmmaker`s geographical, intertextual, and historiographical choices. Critical concepts borrowed from Hayden White, Paul Ricoeur, and Fernand Braudel help shed a new light on the historical narrative presented in Angelopoulos` last films to align the dramatic episodes of the Greek diasporas` returns from the “Eastern” shores with the failture of modern ideologies in Greece and Europe throughout the twentieth century. First rejected as witnesses or reminders of the demise of the idea of a Greater Greece, images of the sea become less and less visible in Angelopoulos` films so as to gain a reflexive and metaphorical function. Their absence in Angelopoulos` last film confirms that Greek history of traumatic events and impossible returns has now been replaced by the Eurocentric narrative.
    Keyword: Disappearing Images of the Sea in Theo Angelopoulos' Last Films
    Author: Caroline Eades
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Fiction and Conversion: The Powers of the Word in Amadís de Gaula, Las sergas de Esplandián, and the autobiografía if Sanit Ignatius Loyola
    While convalescing, Ignatius Loyola entertained himself with thoughts of returning to the profane life of the courtier. Lacking books of chivalry, he had to settle for lives of the saints and a life of Christ. Still floating in his mind, however, were chivalric tales, especially that of Amadis de Gaula. Through the powers of the word, Ignatius became dissatisfied with thoughts of the fictitious deeds of chivalry, and re-emplotted his life, undertaking a quest to perform real deeds of holiness. This mirrors the Amadis cycle in which the “profane” actions of the protagonist move to the sacralized deeds of his son, Esplandian. The emplotment of the Autobiografia closely resembles that of the Amadis cycle, suggesting that in dictating his Autobiografia, either Ignatius or his secretary, Da Camara, had the emplotment of the Amadis cycle clearly in mind -- an emplotment at the service of the Church and the Crown.
    Keyword: Fiction and Conversion
    Author: Mark DeStephano
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Refugees of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Aftermathe of the Great War: History Lessons for a Complicated Present
    The current dilemma regarding the hundreds of thousands of migrants /refugees fleeing across the Mediterranean is not new. Wars and civil wars are not new phenomena in the Mediterranean, and neither are the human miseries of displacement that result afterwards. This article focuses on the role of the League of Nations and international treaties in solving the refugee crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean after the Great War. This paper will focus on a comparison of the Turkish-Greek population exchange with the post-2011 refugee crisis. The current crisis showed how security priorities, nationalist pride, and religious fanaticism hinder the crucial decisions that would save the lives and futures of millions of people. When the politicians took decisions almost a century ago, they were based on almost the same foundations that are standing in the way of achieving a just and inclusive solution to the current refugee crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean.
    Keyword: History Lessons for a Complicated Present
    Author: Amany Soliman
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Freedom of Religion in North Africa: The post-Arab Spring period and Constitutional Development
    The Arab Spring that started in 2011 in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya has ousted the permanent presidents and military leaders from power, leading to constitutional changes. This paper attempts to study the impact of the Arab Spring on religious freedom in constitutional development in North Africa. Since the majority of the population in the region is Muslim, the drafters of the constitutions had a challenging task to strike a balance between protecting the religious rights and practices of the majority and ensuring equality of all citizens irrespective of their religion. Though the constitutions that were adopted in the post-Arab Spring period to some extent improved the attitude of the state actors toward freedom of religion, the spread of Wahhabi and Salafi extremism resulted in the advent of non-state actors, which have not only degraded freedom of religion, but also endangered the very existence of religious minorities in the region.
    Keyword: The post-Arab Spring period and Constitutional Development
    Author: Mohammad Hassan Mozafari
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    Subversives and Mavericks in the Muslim Mediterranean: A Subaltern History
    A Subaltern History
    Keyword: A Subaltern History
    Author: Joseph John Viscomi
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Almost Cossacks, but not Quite: Volunteer Units in the Russian Army (Mid- Eighteen- Early Centuries)
    In this paper I focus on irregulars who served in the Russian imperial army during the Russian-Turkish wars of 1768 - 1774, 1787 - 1792, and 1806 - 1812 and who were recruited from foreign - primarily from Ottoman - subjects. These irregulars were called volunteers, arnauts or cossacks and the study of them will benefit scholarship in at least three ways. First, comparison between the categories of cossacks and volunteers can assist in understanding social categories in the Russian Empire itself. Second, since volunteers were recruited primarily from foreign subjects, it can help to properly connect the history of the Pontic Steppe to that of the Balkans and to trace the movement of both people and ideas across the imperial borders. Finally, comparison of cossacks with typologically similar Balkan military communities can contribute to our understanding of borderland societies in general.
    Keyword: Volunteer Units in the Russian Army (Mid- Eighteen- Early Centuries)
    Author: Andriy Posunko
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    The conflict between Arabs and Berbers in Algeria : Focusing on linguistic and cultural identity
    Algeria is a country of multiple cultural identities in terms of language use. Recent social changes suggest that Tamazight might become an official language despite Algeria’s consistent post-independence Arabization policy. As in Morocco, this could be another important event in the Maghreb that will play a significant role in defining Algerian identity. This paper examines current language use in Algeria, specifically the status of the Tamazight and Berber languages, in light of political decisions, legal grounds, and other processes of change. In doing so, it also reviews changes to Algerian identity in modern Algerian history in accordance with contemporary Arabization policy. Tribal disputes such as that in M’zab seem to have a considerable impact in shifting Algerian identity by bringing issues of human rights, balanced regional development, and Berber into focus, despite the lack of direct connections to the Berber problem. Hence, examining Algeria through the lenses of language and culture will contribute to establishing and understanding the region’s cultural identity.
    Keyword: Focusing on linguistic and cultural identity
    Author: Lim,Gi-Dae
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Interfaith Dialogue in Jordan: Bridging the Gap between Christianity and Islam
    This paper examines Jordan’s strategy for its religious rapprochement movement, focusing on the conduct of the royal family, especially King Abdullah II and Prince Ghazi. Some advantages to the religious rapprochement policies led by the king and royal family of Jordan are their use as foundations of religious authority and political legitimacy, as established by their sacred lineage, and their performance as the ‘guardian(s) of Jerusalem,’ and the ‘birthplace of Christianity.’ Using these cultural and historical resources, Jordan is leading the initiative to foster interfaith dialogue, especially between Islam and Christianity. This study shows how Jordan tries to establish its authority and legitimacy through its religious rapprochement movement, and how its rapprochement policy relates to and stands on this foundation. By surveying the religious rapprochement movement as a whole, this paper clarifies the originality of Jordan’s religious strategy and of Jordan’s legitimacy.
    Keyword: Bridging the Gap between Christianity and Islam
    Author: Fukiko Ikehata
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Welfare
    Alter-globalization in Southern Europe: The Case of a Social Movement that Does Not Move
    This paper introduces the politics of the Alter-globalization movement in Greece, Spain, and Italy through a series of interviews and vignettes from the field, and locates the movement within the broader socio-political spectrum. The movement is found to have an uneasy relationship to power due to a paradox between its rhetoric and the actual material interests of its adherents. The paper also explores the relationship between activists and society and finds that the movement occupies a ritualistic and liminal space. It is concluded that this dynamic risks undermining civic participation in democratic processes.
    Keyword: Bridging the Gap between Christianity and Islam
    Author: Eduardo Zachary Albrecht
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Welfare
    A Mediterranean Biome Eco-State: Reorienting sovereignty in the Mediterranean Basin and its four global correlatives
    The Mediterranean Basin is the largest of five regions around the world that constitute, in aggregate, the Mediterranean Woodlands, Forests, and Scrub Biome under a commonly-used global ecological classification system. All of these regions - the Mediterranean Basin itself as well as the similar ecological regions in California, Chile, South Africa, and Australia - face severe ecological degradation, largely because of agricultural practices. Traditional nation-states cannot address this ecological crisis adequately. A new form of political organization - an “Eco-State” - can and should be established for this purpose. Doing so will require a reorientation of the centuries-old notion of sovereignty, a reorientation that is already underway in some respects. The Mediterranean Biome Eco-State would build on this momentum. It would hold binding authority over all ecological and agricultural aspects of the territories falling within its boundaries, thus exercising a form of blended sovereignty that it would share with other authorities. This essay summarizes some key aspects of such a new Mediterranean Biome Eco-State
    Keyword: Reorienting sovereignty in the Mediterranean Basin and its four global correlatives
    Author: John W. Head
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    A cruciform prometopidion from Ancient Thrace
    This article presents an extremely rare type of artefact discovered in a burial mound near the village of Gorski Izvor, Haskovo region, Central South Bulgaria (the ancient Southern Thrace). The object is a horse frontlet or prometopidion. We undertook an in-depth study of the frontlet and the complex in which it was discovered, and determined that it dates to the mid-third quarter of the 5th century B.C. There is a single, unique parallel, which was discovered in southern Thrace and has the same chronology. We specify the origin of the two prometopidions, and the fact that Near Eastern ideas have been applied in their iconography. We also make a connection with the cruciform appliques from the same period found in Thrace and elsewhere. Their utilitarian function as horse frontlets is shown. Finally, we analyze the cultural reasons that led to the differences in the iconographic scheme between the prometopidons from Northern and Southern Thrace.
    Keyword: A cruciform prometopidion from Ancient Thrace
    Author: Yavor Ivanov
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Mediterranean Poetics in Roviros Manthoulis' Documentary Films
    In this article, a selected corpus of the Greek filmmaker Roviros Manthoulis’ works created in France and Greece in 1973-1998 is examined. Drawing from the director’s own philosophy, which emphasizes both the poetical and political aspects of the art of cinema, discussion revolves around representations of various Mediterranean cultures in his films, and ways in which these representations are manifested, mainly through editing strategies. The notion of poetics in the article, apart from referring to both ancient and contemporary ways of ‘poein’/ creating a text, is extended to contexts of screening, circulation and reception. Identity construction issues and cross-cultural media and other practices as they emerge from the work of a prolific filmmaker are also co-examined.
    Keyword: Mediterranean Poetics in Roviros Manthoulis' Documentary Films
    Author: Kyriaki Frantzi
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    How Korea has Achieved its Economic Success in Contrast to Egypt
    Korea’s surprising economic growth in comparison with other pre-colonized countries attracted a lot of attentions in the world. Many researches attribute the successful economic performance of Korea to the Japanese colonialism which was quite different from European colonialism. However, adopting the Japanese developmental model was not dedicated by Japanese heritage but Korea’s own decision in order to achieve its economic goal. Therefore, it is more correct to say that Korea’s economic achievement can be attributed to Korea’s appropriate policy decisions, using the Japanese economic developmental model to reach economic prosperity, and cooperation between the state and business groups, rather than the Japanese colonial legacy itself. On the contrary to Korea, the Egyptian failure of economic development is mainly because of Egypt government’s inconsistent economic policy and inadequate allocation of national resources, which bring about the failure of mobilization of its private sector and population to economic activity, rather than the negative effect of British colonial rule on Egyptian economy.
    Keyword: How Korea has Achieved its Economic Success in Contrast to Egypt
    Author: Sang Hyun Song
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    The Muslims in Hong Kong and their Religious Symbols
    The history of Muslims in Hong Kong, or we can say in this area, dates back to 7 th century AD, when the Holy Prophet Muhammad sent one of his companions to Canton, now Guangzhou, in China, thus started the Muslims religious and cultural life in this part of the world. The Muslims have their distinct religious and cultural values and norms and the Muslims of Hong Kong are no exemption. The Muslims of Hong Kong like other Muslims in other parts of the world have preserved their religious life and culture through their religious symbols. Amongst these religious symbols the most important and omnipresent are their worshiping places known as Mosques and their burial places known as graveyards. Mosques are not only the prayers’ places but also community gathering places where the Muslims are supposed to not only pray five times daily but also to discuss their worldly as well as religious problems. The graveyards are the last abode of Muslims, which are visited by the Muslims on all auspicious occasions for the remembrance of their dead family members as well as friends.
    Keyword: 무슬림
    Author: Syed Minhaj ul Hassan
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    The Imact of Persian Philosophical and Theological Thoughts on Andalusian Philosophers
    The conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Muslims in the year 711 did not only caused a political change, but also instigated an important cultural, social and scientific transformation in the Mediterranean region. Various fields of study, popular in the Eastern part of the Islamic world at the time, such as literature, philosophy, Islamic theology (Kalām) and Sufism found their way into the Western regions, including Andalusia. This influenced scholars in particular, and the masses in general. This article reviews interactions between various Andalusian scholars and their counterparts in the Persian area in the field of philosophy during the Andalusian era. The research sheds light on how Islamic sciences, including various ideologies and schools of thought circulated from North Africa to Andalusia, from the East to the West and vice versa, from the onset of history of Andalusia towards the end of the 15th century (1492 AD).
    Keyword: Persian, Andalusia, Iberia, Philosophy, Islamic, Thelogy
    Author: Mohammad Hassan Mozafari
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    Recent Research on Bronze Age Hillforts near Rovinj, Istria
    Istria in the Caput Adriae is for the Bronze Age research of the Mediterranean area a still rather unexplored area. Although the location of several hundred settlement sites known as gradina has been registered, only a small number of them has been examined in more depth through archaeological excavations. The present article introduces the latest, albeit preliminary results of a research project that aims to get a more balanced picture of the Bronze Age settlement system in the region around the modern town of Rovinj. In course of the project three settlements which are located next to the sea and in closer vicinity to the only extensively researched site of the peninsula have been surveyed and examined. The results seem to suggest that all settlements were occupied synchronously and protected by a fortification. The latter fact questions the prevalent notion of a strictly hierarchical settlement system in the region.
    Keyword: Bronze Age, Istria, hillforts, Monkodonja, fortification
    Author: Anja Hellmuth Kramberger
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    New discoveries of Natural Gas in the Mediterranean and its Impact on International Relations (Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine)
    In the last decade, new discoveries of natural gas in the Mediterranean opened the way for predictions of its impacts on the international relations especially between Mediterranean countries. Many countries are involved in this issue whether by direct interest having a share of these discoveries or by indirect interest having the need for this gas. We can see countries; like Egypt and Israel are directly involved with these discoveries sharing the sea boundaries for gas fields. Some other counties are involved with this issue indirectly by being major consumers of natural gas and their needs of importing it. The question is whether these discoveries would lead to disputes in the Mediterranean region or if it can be a peaceful tool to share the benefits of these natural gas discoveries. To answer this question, this paper will try to shed light on these discoveries and its impacts on the relationships of Mediterranean countries, focusing on four states that are directly involved with those discoveries.
    Keyword: Mediterranean, natural gas, discoveries, energy, relations
    Author: Mona Farouk M. Ahmed
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
     A Governance Framework for Syrian Refugees in Italy: Social Integration and Cultural Assimilation
    This paper aims to discuss and analyze the main causes and consequences of the influx of Syrian refugees into Italy, with respect to social integration and the issue of cultural assimilation. The main issues in this study are 1) the possibility of refugees returning home due to changes in the situation of Syria; 2) refugee registration and finance in refugee camps; 3) the entry routes and flows of refugees to Italy; 4) distribution to secondary settlements from the initial entry point. The author derives policy implications from the analysis of the challenges and risks for refugees in the Lampedusa, Mare Nostrum, Triton, and Sophia rescue programs. Italian society is concerned about the spread of migrant Syrian refugees, with their Arab culture and Islamic faith, who are not ready for social integration into the local community. The governance of refugees in Italy is vulnerable due to the lack of manpower for border controls, refugee registration facilities, the police and interpreters. This paper identifies not only the problems of the government budget for refugees and the issue of forced repatriation to Syria, but also the lack of unified EU regulations on the acceptance and relocation of refugees, and disagreements about these matters.
    Keyword: Syrian refugees, Italy, Lampedusa, Social Integration, Cultural Assimilation
    Author: Joong-Kwan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Language Policy of Catalonia and Nationalistic Conflict in Spain
    This paper describes the language policy undertaken by the central and regional authorities during 1977-2015, a special attention is given to the legal and ideological aspects. There are two team works, dedicated to the language policy of regional administrations of “the Catalan speaking countries” (Boix-Fuster and Milian-Massana 2002; Strubell and Boix-Fuster 2011). As opposed to this article. These include the language policy of not only Catalonia, but only slightly touch upon the policy of central authorities. The role of this policy in the conflict that happened in 2017 is discussed. For this purposes, we will initially present the languages situation in Catalonia by 1975, and the language ideologies, associated with Spanish and Catalonian nationalism issues. Then we will address to the language policy of Catalonia, its evolution and results. The final part presents enhancement of Spanish nationalistic discourse of the People’s Party (Spanish: Partido Popular) in 1990-2000, its consequences in the language policy and initiation of current serious crisis in Catalonia and Spain.
    Keyword: Spain, language policy, Catalan, nationalism, multilingualism
    Author: Azamat A. Akbarov
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    The Yellow Sea in East Asian History 
    The history and culture of East Asia grew and developed by exchanges and negotiations through the Yellow Sea. The Yellow Sea has been the physical boundary between Korea, China, and Japan as well as the setting for communication and convergence. These characteristics of the Yellow Sea were caused by the geographical conditions, such as being surrounded by the Chinese mainland and the Korean peninsula, together with its human environment, i.e., its Mediterranean-like features. Nevertheless, so far we have paid little attention to the Mediterranean nature of the Yellow Sea as a historical space in East Asia. Therefore, research and interest in Yellow Sea from the standpoint of Mediterranean studies is urgently needed.
    Keyword: East Asian history, the Yellow Sea, mediterranean sea, the Mediterranean, historical ecology
    Author: Deokyoung Kwon
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Tajdīd (Renewal) in Sufism: An Examination of Khālid al-Baghdādī’s Thoughts and Practices from the Perspective of Social Capital Theory
    Renewal (tajdīd) has been one of the most controversial issues in the Islamic world. Throughout Islamic history, and especially since the Ottoman Empire started to lose ground to the West, there has been much debate about matters that need changing and how change should happen. One group that was both the subject and the agent of the change was the Sufis. One such influential Sufi mujaddid (innovator) was Khālid al-Baghdādī (d.1827). His innovative approaches have allowed Sufism to transform into activism, serving as a model for Sufis as well as for non-Sufi movements across all sectors of life. This study, which explores some conceptual similarities between Khālid al-Baghdādī’s innovative practices and social capital, analyzes his thoughts, and offers a conceptual framework in order to explain the complexity of the activities of the organizations he influenced, and to describe the process of producing social activism out of Sufism and the Sufi orders (ṭarīqa). It is hoped this study, by being the first attempt to look at Sufism from the perspective of social capital theory will serve as a starting point for further research.
    Keyword: Sufism, tajdīd (renewal), mujaddid (innovator), Khālid al-Baghdādī, social capital theory
    Author: İdiris Danişmaz
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    Imperial Geopolitics: Catherine II’s Policy on the Black Sea
    The article examines the internal and international policy of Catherine II in the years following the Treaty of Küçük Kaynardžj, signed with the Ottoman Empire in 1774, which ensured Russia the possession of new territories in the ancient Tauris region. The Mediterranean policy applied by the Empire and the necessity of expanding its sphere of influence towards the Black Sea after 1774 are also analyzed. The documents - located in Naples’ State Archive - Fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs- enable us on one hand to analyze the heavy Russian commercial traffic in the Mediterranean, and on the other to demonstrate how acquiring the territories on the Black Sea allowed Catherine II to start a policy of control and hegemony over that sea. By employing the Archive’s documentation, this study attempts to provide the geopolitical coordinates for, and to interpret the Tsarina’s choices in international policy on the Euro-Mediterranean political scene.
    Keyword: Kingdom of Naples, Russian Empire, Mediterranean Sea, Catherine II, Black Sea
    Author: Claudia Pingaro1
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Aya Yorgi of Buyukada: A Shared Pilgrimage-Shrine in Modern Turkey?
    A Greek Orthodox Monastery, Aya Yorgi (St George), which is located on the biggest island of Princes’ Islands chain in Istanbul, receives a substantial number of devout pilgrims every year – mainly on the feast of St. George (23rd April). Though at first sight, it seems to be a Christian space and a shrine, it is deemed to be a “shared sacred site” and an iconic symbol of multi religious coexistence in Turkey. It also needs to be emphasized that the vast majority of pilgrims consists of Muslim women. This paper describes the collective pilgrimage to Aya Yorgi and aims to contribute to the understandings of shared pilgrimages (with a participant observation) in the field.
    Keyword: Aya Yorgi, Turkey, Buyukada, Shared Pilgrimage, monastery
    Author: Mustafa Diktas
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
     Who is Rex Corum in the Letter of 1333 by Pope John XXII
    In 1333, Pope John XXII wrote a letter to the Great Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, appointing a new archbishop of Beijing. In addition to the letter to the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, the Pope wrote several more letters. The recipients of those letters were Öz Beg Khan of the Kipchak Khanate, King Leo of Armenia, Archbishop Jacopo, all Mongolian monarchs and their people, and Rex Corum. Unlike all the other recipients, controversies still remain over the identity of this last person. There were people who considered Rex Corum to be the King of Goryeo. But the term referring to Goryeo during the Mongol Empire period was not Corea but Caoli. In addition, the Goryeo King was not a key Khan of the Mongols. In consideration of the historical context and the journey of the new archbishop, the most likely candidate for Rex Corum is the Chagatai Khan.
    Keyword: Rex Corum, Goryeo, John XXII, Mongol, Khan
    Author: Jong Kuk Nam
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Libyan Crisis and Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in Question Focusing on the Applicability of the R2P Doctrine to the Intervention in Libya
    This article examines the conceptual implications of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) through a case research on the crisis of Libya. Although the R2P doctrine has been highly valued as an emerging norm to drive international community to protect civilians from mass atrocities, the doctrine has also opened the door to the point at issue. That is, even though lauded as a typical case of how R2P should be applied in general, the effectiveness of intervention in Libya has faced growing attacks as the country is sliding back into civil war following the withdrawal of NATO-led coalition forces. As the security situation worsened right after NATO withdrew, thus, many have questioned the wisdom and effectiveness of the external intervention within the new framework of R2P. Reflecting on these points at issue, this article aims to question the context in which the R2P doctrine was applied to the case of Libyan crisis so as to search for the limits and challenges of the intervention of NATO-led coalition forces. By exploring the drawbacks of this intervention, this article asserts that two core elements of the R2P framework – the responsibilities to prevent and rebuild – have been to some extent ignored with putting more emphasis on the responsibility to react. For reviving and sustaining the utility of R2P, within this context, the article argues that a critical approach to R2P should be urging diverse actors of the international community to go beyond an armed response to mass atrocity crimes through emphasizing and practicing the core values of international responsibilities not only to prevent mass killings by fully pursuing peaceful resolutions but also to highlight the post-conflict peacebuilding in Libya.
    Keyword: The Libyan Crisis, Humanitarian Intervention, Responsibility to Protect (R2P), International Community, NATO
    Author: Kyu-Deug Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Russia and the Mediterranean in the Era of Great Power Competition: Russia’s New Naval Challenges to the West
    Since 2014 Russia has steadily built a formidable naval and combined arms capability in the Black Sea and Mediterranean to lend credence to tis efforts to be acknowledged as a great power in the Mediterranean, Levant, and Middle East as well as to dominate Ukraine and the Black Sea. Another purpose of this force-building program is to extrude NATO from the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Seas. As a result of its success in seizing the Black Sea coast from Ukraine and in intervening in Syria, Moscow has moved on to start building a network of naval (and potentially air) bases throughout the Eastern Mediterranean and into the Gulf. These operations will not stop anytime soon and threaten not just Middle Eastern states but also the Black Sea littoral states like Romania and Turkey who are NATO allies. Thus the threats to Western allies and interests in the Black Sea are every bit as menacing if not more so than the oft-invoked threats to the Baltic States and should be recognized as such.
    Keyword: East Mediterranean, NATO, Black Sea, Russian Navy, Mare Nostrum
    Author: Younkyoo Kim
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Plato’s Geometric Figure and Thales Theorem: Meno 86e-87b
    This paper discusses the geometry dialogue between Socrates and Meno (86e-87b). Plato's vague expression in the geometry dialogue has caused a lot of controversy about figures. In order to estimate the geometric figure used in the dialogue between Socrates and Meno, we need to consider the tacit knowledge of Plato related to the dialectic of the dialogue. I argue that the geometry in the dialogue is related to Thales Theorem (an angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle) and his method of proof, called Allman–Heath’s conjecture. Also, I discuss Butcher, Wilson, and Knorr’s interpretations regarding similarity, and present competitive plausibility that the techniques of geometric measurement from the Old Babylonians and ancient Egyptians related to the geometry dialogue between Socrates and Meno may have flowed to the Greeks through the Eastern Mediterranean.
    Keyword: Eastern Mediterranean, Plato, Hypothesis, Thales Theorem, Geometry
    Author: Jeanam Park
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Confrontation of Love and Reason in Sufism
    The Forty Rules of Love, a widely read novel, which is translated to over 40 languages, is written by the Turkish writer Elif Shafak. The story draws a parallel relation between the world of the 13th century and that of the 21st century in two narratives of friendship development of the renowned scholar Rumi, who later turns to a poet and a mystic Sufi, Shams, and that of a mystic writer, Aziz and a housewife, Ella. Since the novel centers on Sufi phenomena, the paper studies the concept of reason and love in the narration, which is the main feature of Sufism to reach the elevation to and unity with God. The study derives the teaching and thoughts of Rumi from his well-known masterpieces Masnawi and Diwan-e Shams. The paper later discusses about the binary opposition of love and reason in the novel which is also another controversial issue in Sufism, where love is privileged over reason as the main source of spirituality. In her narration Elif Shafak believes that the rules of life as The Forty Rules of Love open a new angle in life as a guide towards becoming a noble being.
    Keyword: Elif Shafak, Sufism, Love, Reason, Rumi
    Author: Motahare Mozafari
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Cultural Analysis of Turkic Folk Beliefs and Turkish Horror Movies
    The present article focusses on the representation of Turkic folk elements in contemporary Turkish society. It can be argued that folklore underlies a nation’s unconscious psyche because it is passed down - often unconsciously - from generation to generation. Therefore, the study of folk beliefs may provide a better understanding of a people’s identity and other cultural traits. In order to ascertain the role of Turkic folk motifs, Turkish horror movies have been chosen as media for the analysis. These movies appear suitable for this research because they deal with the underlying human feeling of fear. Moreover, horror movies offer an opportunity for examining the representation of faith and its transformations in modern societies. In the present study five Turkish horror movies released from 2004 to 2017 are examined in detail. As a result it can be stated that the analyzed horror movies provide indeed interesting references to Turkish folk motifs and how these motifs are reflected in contemporary Turkish society. They allow for understanding changes of perceptions of the role of traditional and modern women, the opposition of the urban and rural, pre-Islamic beliefs, exorcism rituals, amulets, death, and resurrection.
    Keyword: Turkish culture, Turkish horror films, folklore motifs, Turkic folk beliefs, cultural content
    Author: Minji Yang
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    The ‘Pearl Set in Emeralds’: The Alhambra, Convivencia, Conflict, and the Lost Dream of Paradise in Al-Andalus
    The Alhambra, the most famous symbol of the presence and glory of Muslim civilization in Spain, is not one structure but a complex of buildings that embodies centuries of myth, history, conflict, and culture. This paper will explain how and why the Alhambra has been one of the most contested sites on earth, and how its natural surroundings, architecture, gardens, and decoration mirror the struggles, the creative genius, the dreams, and the desires of all those who have fought, lived, prayed, and meditated in the “Pearl Set in Emeralds,” or simply visited it. Inasmuch as it has been a site of conflict, the Alhambra is also quite possibly the single most enduring monument to Spain’s uneasy attempts to create a civilization of convivencia in the midst of a world of divisions – a dream that lives on to this day.
    Keyword: Alhambra, Emirate of Granada, Al-Andalus, Nasrids, Charles V of Spain
    Author: Mark DeStephano
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    The Conquest of Sicily in 827 from Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence
    Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean. The location along the shipping route between east and west as well as its proximity to Italy and North Africa renders it an important strategic place. Sicily was ruled by Byzantine for three centuries. In 823, following political and social disputes, Euphemius, the navy commander of Sicily revolted against the local ruler of Byzantine and declared independence. In 825 Euphemius was defeated by his opponents and the Byzantine expedition, and with his forces fled to North Africa to ask Ziyadat-Allah, the ruler of Tunisia, to support him regain power in Sicily. The Tunisian ruler responded positively, and Assad Ibn al-Furat, a famous and influential judge in North Africa, also issued a fatwa on jihad in support of the ruler. Ibn al-Furat’s Fatwa on Jihad and his participation as the commander of the operation are outstanding issues of the conquest. This study, while reviewing this period of the history of Sicily, based on two theories of “offensive and defense Jihad” has examined the jurisprudential foundations of Ibn al-Furat’s fatwa and his participation in the conquest of Sicily.
    Keyword: Sicily, Conquest, Offensive, Defensive, Jihad, Fatwa
    Author: Mohammad Hassan Mozafari
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Assessing the Post-Cold War US Security Strategy and the Non-Proliferation of the Greater Middle East
    Since the US lost a certain amount of its credibility among the international community with its 2003 Iraq invasion and the rise of China, there were analyses that the US unilateral hegemonic status would be degraded. However, there is still no ‘constraint structure’ which could damage US unilateralism. Moreover, in the global security environment of the 21st century where there is no player capable of substituting US hegemony, the strong will of the US to sustain its superiority and unilateralism cannot be ignored even if US power has actually decreased. In particular, in a situation in which there are many analyses viewing China’s potential to become a partner in a new G2 being hindered by it facing the ‘middle income trap’ the hyper-power or hyper-puissance of the US will continue for a considerable period of time. Therefore, this paper will examine the US security strategy and its non-proliferation policy in more detail. It will bring better understanding of why it is important to contemplate US non-proliferation policy through the conceptual lens of coercive diplomacy within a US unipolar system. Moreover, this research will examine the validity of applying the framework of coercive diplomacy to the non-proliferation of the Greater Middle East, particularly which is related to Iran’s nuclear programmes and why it will be naturally dealt with theoretical framework of compellence.
    Keyword: Post-Cold War, US Security Strategy, Non-Proliferation, Compellence, Greater Middle East, Iran
    Author: Seunghoon Paik
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Critiquing Liberal Peacebuilding in Libya
    Since the collapse of the Qaddafi regime in 2011, Libya has suffered from recurring cycles of political, social, security and economic crises that generate frustration and threaten the recovery altogether. In the absence of a functioning state, in particular, the broader Sahel and Maghreb regions have become increasingly vulnerable and the southern part of Libya has been threatened to become a breeding ground for terrorist groups within striking distance of Europe. In this context, the paper tries to critique the main reasons why the West has strived to promote the project of liberal peacebuilding in the aftermath of the downfall of Gaddafi regime in Libya. Given that the ideas and values of liberal peace which the West attempted to introduce in Libya triggered the country fell into prolonged civil war among various divisions, therefore, the paper argues that liberal peacebuilding driven by the western interventions should be reconsidered and an emphasis needs to be given to indigenous peacebuilding approaches.
    Keyword: Colonialism, Tribalism, Regional Division, Civil War, Liberal Peacebuilding, Libya
    Author: Kyu-Deug Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    The Struggle for Supremacy between the Turkic and Chinese Empires for the Trade on the Silk Road
    In the past, the Silk Road3) in the Northern Eurasian continent4) was initially the main passage to trade, transportation, and civilization. The Silk Road, which connected the East and West for the first time, became the center for exchanging ideas and culture, trading and diplomatic relations. The Silk Road played a significant role for linking China with the West and interchanging various civilizations in the regions. However, more important is the fact that the interchange of civilizations on the Silk Road was facilitated by commercial activities. In short, the Silk Road was the trade and cultural web that enriched human civilization. The leading parts of the Silk Road history were the sedentary state China and the migratory states of Northern Eurasia. Although China was the nation that manufactured and exported silk and the Roman Empire was the ultimate importer, it was the nomadic state in the Northern Eurasia region that mediated the two nations located on the opposite ends of the Eurasian continent. In this regard, the mediator role of the northern nomadic states cannot be omitted when discussing the history of the Silk Road. The nomadic states that lived in the region continuously sought to trade for the national wealth and source of war funds. Thus, not only did the Northern Eurasia’s Silk Road link the civilization and history of the East and West, but was also a place of strategic competition for the struggle for existence. Merchants of the Silk Road had transported silk with camels, crossing the Pamir plateau and the central Asian desert to Rome. Between the long distance between Rome and China, the Turkic Empires, such as the Xiongnu (匈奴)5), Göktürk (突厥), and
    Keyword: 실크로드, 중국, 유목국가, 튀르크제국, 흉노, 돌궐, 위구르, 무역, 패권
    Author: 이희철
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    Islamic Perspectives on Shakespeare’s King Lear
    In this paper, we are going to discuss Shakespeare’s King Lear from an Islamic perspective with particular emphasis on the issue of filial ingratitude, and in particular its building motifs. We will show how justice, family, gender, society and class, and, to some extent, language and communication are a conditio sine qua non in the understanding of the dynamics of filial ingratitude as a motif. To put our discussion in perspective, we will also reflect upon attitudes of Islam towards this dominant theme drawing from the Islamic holy book, Qur’an, and situating it within the perimeters of King Lear. The methodology behind this paper is New Historicism since it allows us to relate the play to its past and to our present time. The paper does not venture into the problems of comparisons, or boundaries or indeed theoretical paradigms by particular schools or particular thinkers. Instead, whereas filial ingratitude is a universal theme, the question this paper seeks to answer is, what is the point of view in Islamic perspective on thematic aspects emerging from King Lear? What is the position of sons and daughters in Islamic societies who display ingratitude and cruelty towards their parents? The presupposition is that Islamic ethos must be put within proper context and by integrating common norms and universally acceptable tenets of mankind with a recognition of what constitutes the world of Islam. We are aware, in this regard, of the fact that there is a big difference between what Islam stipulates on Muslims and what Muslims may actually do. In other words, we speak here about Islamic values not the practises of Muslims.
    Keyword: King Lear, Shakespeare, drama, ethos, Surah, filial ingratitude, Qur’an, Islam
    Author: Hesham Khadawardi Mohamed Elaskary
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    Moroccan Religious Identity to Fight Fundamentalism
    This paper examines the religious reforms launched by Morocco in the aftermath of the suicide bombings of Casablanca in May 16, 2003, which aims to foster a national religious identity capable of countering the increasing intrusion of extremism. This religious identity focuses on promoting the Maliki rite ‘madhab’, Ash’ari theology, and Sufism against the growing peril of Jihadi and the rising threat of fundamentalist groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIL. The main research question of this paper is to what extent promoting a national religious identity was successful in combatting internal terrorism menace in post 2003’s attacks? This paper argues that Morocco has successfully prevented the occurrence of any major terrorist attack similar to the suicide bombings of 2003, through promoting and enforcing a national religious identity. This paper will test the success of the religious identity in curbing fundamentalism by measuring the number of terrorist attacks carried out across the country, ‘de-radicalization’ of Salafi-Jihadists, and the request made by other countries to import Moroccan expertise in deradicalization, namely Mali and France.
    Keyword: Religious Identity, terrorism, Moroccan model, Salafi-Jihadists
    Author: Mohamed El Bouchikhi
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    AS the first part to study ethno-religious conflicts and rebuilding the state in Iraq 2003 to 2009, the thesis will ultimately discuss why ethno-religious conflicts in Iraq emerged among the Sunnis, the Shiites and the Kurds in the beginning. In terms of studying the emergence and the brutalization of ethno-religious conflicts in Iraqi history, this paper will chronologically investigate these conflicts from a transitional period between the end of the Ottoman Empire (1550 - 1914) and the British mandate (1914 - 1932) in terms of the state formation of Iraq by the British authorities and according to the British interests in Iraq. As well, this paper will discuss how these conflicts played a significant role in the Iraqi political situation under the monarchy (1932 - 1958) and the Saddam regime (1958 - 1990). It explains how and when the Ba'th party emerged as the Iraqi political entity and how Saddam grew to play a significant role in Iraqi politics, how he manipulated these conflicts and used them as a means for his suppression of Iraqi political and religious minorities and maintaining his power.
    Keyword: Ethno Conflicts, Religious Conflicts, History, Iraq, Iraqi War, The US  Invasion of Iraq, Ottoman, Saddam Husein
    Author: 진용기
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Monarchy and Political Parties in Morocco A Study on The Power Relationship
    This paper aims to study the power relationship between the monarchy and political parties in post-independence Morocco. In the midst of the struggle for independence against the French and Spaniards, political parties came to light in Morocco early 1930s. It was a turning point in the struggle for independence when the urban elite took the lead by political means. As the kingdom gained its independence mid-1950s, the political parties and the monarchy that fought together for independence turned against each other seeking to monopolize the political sphere mainly the Istiqlal [Independence] Party (PI). This paper seeks to examine the power relationship between the monarchy and the political parties in post-independent Morocco through the main research question, how did the monarchy ensure its political supremacy over other political entities in the kingdom. This paper argues that the monarchy weakened the opposition parties using all the means such as harsh repression, marginalizing, mirroring pro-monarchy political parties, fragmenting the partisan sphere, and co-opting to weaken its political opponents. The result, as a distorted partisan sphere, numerous numbers of useless political parties, while the monarchy emerged as the vanquisher of a fierce political struggle with the political parties.
    Keyword: Monarchy, Political Parties, Political Supremacy, Co-opting. 군주국, 정당, 흡수, 정치적 최극위
    Author: Mohamed El Bouchikhi
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Concepts of Conquest and Occupation
    In the past era, earlier before establishing the modern international law and the United Nations, both conquest and military occupation were worldwide happening all over the world. This includes the period of the existence of Islamic power in the Iberian Peninsula, which some describe as an occupation of other countries territories, while others describe it as a conquest for those territories. However, the word ‘conquest’ almost disappeared on describing wars for long time but reappeared in some news about wars of recent era, while the word ‘occupation’ continued and did not disappear from our modern world. Approaching the two concepts and explaining the similarity and difference between them can clarify the indications of applying each concept and the intentions behind this. In Arabic language, the language of Muslims holy book of Quran, the indication for the two concepts of ‘conquest’ and ‘occupation’ is totally different, in a way that many arguments can arouse to prove which of the two concepts give the right description for some cases. However, both of the two concepts have similarity in meaning on the point that both of them refer to an action using the force (usually military force) to control another country. In Arabic the ifference indications of the two concepts is very obvious to show that one has a positive meaning and the other implies a negative sense of hostility. This can be clear seeing that the Arabic word for conquest (fatḥ فتح (is only used to express Muslim rule of other countries, while the Arabic word for occupation (iḥtilāl) is used to describe foreign rule for Muslim countries. In this sense, there are Arabic writings defending the Muslim rule of Iberian Peninsula (Andalusia) calling it conquest and refuse to call it occupation. This paper will try to discuss the difference between these two concepts (conquest, occupation), and on the other hand, it will try to apply these terms onto the case of Muslim rule in Iberian Peninsula, to determine whether it was a conquest or an occupation for the territories.
    Keyword: Conquest, occupation, Islam, Iberian Peninsula, Andalusia, Reconquista.
    Author: Mona Farouk M. Ahmed
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Prospects of Political Islam and State Policy in Central Asia
    This paper will determine the nature of the politicization of Islam, analyses the causes and consequences of this process in the countries of Central Asia. The main stimulating factors behind the politicization of Islam are the collapse of the bipolar system of the world and the discrediting of the dominant communist ideology, which led to the Islamic Renaissance in the region. The negative consequence of the politicization of Islam was the spread of extremist organizations of a radical sense, which puts the security level of the countries of the region under control. After the collapse of the former USSR, the Muslim communities of the countries of Central Asia were able to return to normal conditions of religious life, legally carry out their rites and traditions (Akbarov, 2003). Confirmation of this process is the rapid increase in the number of mosques, madrasas, higher theological schools, the emergence and active dissemination on a large scale of religious literature. It was the collapse of the former USSR that was the starting point of the Islamic Renaissance of the Central Asian region and pushed the countries of the region under study to the world of Islam. Meanwhile, in the Islamic world, there is a vigorous activity of religious-political organizations and radical extremist movements. Islam in the 20th and 21st centuries is a factor that has a direct impact on the internal and external political processes of countries at the regional and international level. The politicization of Islam is the subject of social and political tensions in the world. The disintegration of the bipolar system and the selfdestruction of the communist ideology were the stimulating factors of the politicization of Islam in the countries of Central Asia.
    Keyword: Islam, Central Asia, politics, process, religion.
    Author: Azamat Akbarov
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    Discourses on Diversity in Medieval Interpretation of the Qur’ān
    References to historical conceptions of diversity in the Islamic tradition have become an important part of modern debates about Islam, tolerance, and pluralism. While the concepts of ikhtilāf (recognised difference of opinion among the Islamic jurists) in jurisprudence and ahl al-dhimma (protected communities of non-Muslims under Islamic rule) in the domain of interfaith relations, have received most scholarly attention, this article draws attention to conceptions of diversity in the field of exegesis of the Qur’ān (tafsīr), and in particular to the practice of many medieval exegetes who included into their commentaries a diversity of interpretations of the Qur’ānic verses. This practice has not passed unnoticed in modern scholarship. It has been attributed, for example, to the literary conventions of the genre of classical tafsīr, and explained as being beneficial for intraMuslim disputations in cases where the exegetes recorded the interpretations of their doctrinal opponents. It has also been treated as a manifestation of the juridical principle of ikhtilāf in the field of Qur’ānic exegesis. To complement this focus on the practice, this article raises a question about how medieval Muslim thinkers themselves engaged with the question of interpretative diversity with regard to the Qur’ān. The article offers a preliminary consideration of this question through an overview of the five selected discourses on exegetical diversity from among the medieval Muslim authors. Although their contributions by no means exhaust the treatment of this subject in medieval Islamic literature, they nevertheless exemplify a range of approaches to interpretative diversity, from explaining its causes by reference to epistemological challenges and the nature of language, and validating it through the recognition that the text itself has several levels of meaning; to attempts to justify exegetical diversity as reflecting the divine will, and, on the opposite side, to narrow its boundaries. As such, these discourses could provide a starting point for further study of conceptions and attitudes to interpretative diversity in the Islamic tradition.
    Keyword: Diversity, Qur’ānic exegesis, tafsīr, interpretation of the Qur’ān
    Author: Alena Kulinich
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Utility of Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Solving Political Crisis
    In international law, governments have been trying to resolve conflicts by interactions with other governments; this has led to the foundation of various international and regional organizations. The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation has formed on the basis of interaction between Islamic states as well as nonmember states. The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation is a political and international organ which is the only international governmental institute formed on religious principles. Although the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) stands to foster cooperation among Muslim states in economic, social, and cultural fields, its prime objective is to 'promote Islamic solidarity among member states'. Conflict resolution among member states, therefore, is one of the principal functions of the OIC. Recent changes in the Middle East can be considered as a trial of the Charter of the OIC to investigate how it resolves disputes among member states. As the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is a cultural and political organization; the question is how it has been successful in resolving disputes between member states and nonmember governments, and what legal and political methods are applied by OIC? This article seeks to address the legal status of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation as one of the international capacities that attempts to provide grounds for peaceful negotiations and security. It seems that the organization has significant potentials to consolidate the dialogue among member states; however, despite the capabilities, it has failed to play an important role in resolving disputes among the member states and maintaining regional peace and security.
    Keyword: Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Middle East, Regional Security, Islamic Countries, Political Crisis .
    Author: Motahare Mozafari
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    Halal Sea food as per Five Major Islamic Jurisprudences
    Islam is a law oriented religion. Its instructions cover all aspects of the individual and social life of Muslims. Halal in terms of the dietary standard means permitted and lawful eating, drinking, and using. Halal and haram (prohibited) as divine orders are important code of conduct for Muslim lifestyle. It is also important for non-Muslims, because they have close ties with Muslims. Since Muslim countries are one of the largest and most attractive markets in the world, having a deep knowledge of their culture, values and food standards is an important issue. This study attempts to examine the halal and haram seafood from the main five Islamic legal point of view. It is a qualitative, comparative, and jurisprudential study. Therefore, by referring to the primary sources of the five legal schools (Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki, Hanbali, and Shia), relevant materials were collected, classified, and discussed, and the conclusions were drawn accordingly. This paper classifies the jurisprudential differences resulting from the application of different research methods on halal seafood, such as evaluation of the authenticity of the prophetic traditions, classification of the primary sources, interpretation of words, applying the scientific researches, and using modern technology. About the halal seafood standards, it concludes that without any controversy, all scaly fishes and shrimps are halal, but the jurists disagree on other seafood. Even there is no consensus among the jurists from the same school on certain seafood.
    Keyword: Sea Food, Jurisprudence, Halal, Haram, Permitted, Lawful, Prohibited.
    Author: Mozafari, Mohammad Hassan
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    Presence of Islam in Spain Since the Reconquista
    Spain’s history has witnessed a serious decline of the presence of Islam for long period after the end of Muslim rule through the so-called Reconquista, which was followed by a Christian rule that persecutes Muslims and forced their conversions to Catholicism until Islam’s presence in Spain had vanished within the 17th century. However, in Modern times, Spain started to adopt democratic policies that permit the freedom of religions, which allowed Islam to re-appear in Spain with the emergence of a Spanish Muslim minority. This paper will try to shed light on this Muslim minority in Spain trying to search for its linkages with Medieval Muslim Spain (Al-Andalus). This would be through searching the formation of the Modern Spanish Muslim minority, and its activities, to see how far it has relations with the Andalusian identity. These relations might be based on the self-estimation within the Muslim minority itself according to the internal perception of Muslims Spaniards themselves for their roots or connections with the Andalusian heritage of Spain. From the other hand, linkages with Al-Andalus also could be according to the external vision of other members of Spanish society for the Andalusian roots of the risen Muslim community in Spain, as this may have impacts on the social cohesion in Spain.
    Keyword: Islam, Muslim minority, Al-Andalus, Reconquista, Spain.
    Author: Mona Farouk M. Ahmed
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    이탈리아의 부르카 규제에 관한 연구
    Rising immigration from Africa is fueling extreme social tensions in Italy. Driven by the anti-Muslim opinion, councils in Northern Italy have unlawfully implemented ordinances to prohibit the wearing of the burqa and niqab, but these have always been invalidated as it is not within the powers of a local administration. At the national level, presently, Italian legislation does not ban religious clothing in public places. Anti-Islam sentiments, however, are widely spread in Italian society. Especially after the attacks of the 9.11, in context of increasing Islamophobia. This study reviews restrictions on Muslim religious dress in Italy. The headscarf provokes an immediate identification with Islam and therefore with the numerous prejudices directed towards Muslim women. Muslims, especially Muslim women continue to be discriminated in their daily lives in Italy when they wear religious dress. The future does not hold any easy solutions. The economic and social imbalance between the countries of the north and south Mediterranean basin leaves little doubt that the flows of immigrants from Muslim countries will continue and perhaps increase. The Italian government and it’s citizen must realize that Islam has become a permanent feature of Italian society. Only by accepting this fact can Italians begin to see solutions in cooperations with, not against, their new neighbors.
    Keyword: Italy, Veil, Restriction, Muslim, Islamophobia, Discrimination, 이탈리아, 부르카, 이슬람, 규제, 무슬림, 차별.
    Author: 허유희
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Feminist Movement in Post Ottoman Egypt: Revisiting the Contributions of non-Muslim Women Pioneers
    The rise of Egyptian nationalism gave a momentum to the women’s struggle in alignment to the fight for independence. Hence, the history of Egyptian women’s awakening can be read parallel to the history of modern Egyptian nationalism. In this article, there is a spotlight on the efforts of non-Muslim women, either Egyptian or foreigner, who were pioneers in leading women’s advancement in Egypt. However, these women were less celebrated in the writings of Egyptian history either in Egypt or in the West, in comparison to Muslim pioneers. Few of the non-Muslim pioneers are scarcely mentioned in many secondary sources of the Egyptian feminism history without referring to their different identity and their belonging to a minority. Sometimes they are mentioned in the history of education or advancement of a certain industry without referring to their leading roles in advancing the lives of Egyptian women in general. In this article, the legacy of non-Muslim women and their contribution to the women movement in Post Ottoman Egypt will be revisited.
    Keyword: Egypt, women, non-Muslim, post-Ottoman, Feminism
    Author: Amany Soliman
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    A Comparative Study of Convivencia in Medieval Sicily and Al-Andalus
    Sharing the same conditions of being a part of Christian European lands conquered by Muslims, Sicily and Spain are good examples for a comparative study on Muslim and Christian rule. The similarity between Medieval Sicily and Al-Andalus can be seen as both being major crossroads for Islamic Civilization to Europe while being under Muslim rule for a long period. In addition, the similarity can be seen in the final re-conquest of both of them by Christian monarchs changing the majority of the population from Muslims to Christians. The religious diversity of the population of both Sicily and Spain after they were being conquered by the Muslims in Medieval times made the topic of Convivencia one of the important related fields of research. In this study, we will try to investigate the similarities and differences between medieval Sicily and Spain regarding the Convivencia between Muslims and Christians.
    Keyword: Convivencia, Muslims, Christians, Sicily, Al-Andalus
    Author: Mona Farouk M. Ahmed
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Optimal Variations of Organizational Culture in Arab Markets: Comparative Analysis of Tunisia and Saudi Arabia
    This paper aims to perform a comparative analysis of the moderating effect of organizational culture on the adjustment level of Korean expatriates in two different Arab countries. To approach international issues on business activities, one should follow certain guidelines to find the best solution. This research examines an organizational culture as the moderator of the adjustment determinants of expatriates through the JK model to investigate the comparative, cross-cultural adjustments of Korean with multinational samples in Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. Also, the expatriate adjustment model assesses the dimensionality of adjustment and tests the adjustment determinants proposed in the model comprehensively. This research is based on models such as the inherent differences in personal characteristics within individual cultural value positioning, individual ideology, and the evaluative criteria of each organization, which are built on Islamic culture and tradition within Arab countries. In the assessment, this study confirms a diversity of the adjustment process by considering the moderating effect of organizational culture on the adjustment level of Korean expatriates in both two countries. The process of analysis shows how behaviors in cross-cultural adjustment are evaluated, as suggested by existing surveys and methodology. As a result, this study finds out a optimal position of Korean managers of multinational companies and individual business expatriates to develop a different adaptation option of the managerial strategies in Arab markets.
    Keyword: Cultural Adjustment, Moderating Effect, Arab Market, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia.
    Author: Joong-Kwan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Eighteenth-century Neapolitan anticurialism: The example of Damiano Romano
    This study aims to reconstruct the core principles of Neapolitan anticurialism from the evidence found in the writings of the eighteenth-century lawyer Damiano Romano. Traditional Neapolitan anticurialism, developed in the context of opposing papal absolute supremacy over any single state’s ruler since the council of Trent, had demanded only a limitation of the Catholic Church’s jurisdictional power, defending the rights and prerogatives of royal power in the field of everyday administration, but did not cast doubt on ecclesiastical authority in the spiritual sphere. The religious and political principles proposed by Romano were emblematic of the traditional anticurialism of Naples. Romano did not raise any question in relation to papal authority in the sphere of faith and religious doctrines, whereas he tried to oppose papal legal incursions into the temporal sphere.
    Keyword: jurisdictionalism, anticurialism, regalism, Damiano Romano, Pietro Giannone
    Author: Donghyun Lim
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    An Unspoken Agreement:
    We are currently witnessing the demise of Arab-Jewish culture – a tradition that started more than fifteen hundred years ago is vanishing before our eyes. Until the twentieth century, the great majority of the Jews under the rule of Islam used Arabic as their language but after the establishment of the State of Israel, Arabic has been gradually disappearing as a language mastered by Jews. They have been deliberately excluded from Arabism to the point that we can now assume an unspoken agreement between Zionism and Arab nationalism to carry out a total cleansing of Arab-Jewish culture. The present article focuses on the changes in the concept of identity and belonging among the Arabized Jews, especially the Iraqi-Baghdadi intellectuals among them. My main argument is that due to some processes that those Jews had experienced during the twentieth century and because of some global developments, they gradually developed a negative sensitivity toward the notion of stable identity, whatever identity. Instead of that, they started to assert, explicitly and implicitly, their particular singularities and to search for alternative forms of identification, mostly various kinds of inessential solidarity and belonging
    Keyword: Arab-Jewish culture, Arabized Jews, Iraqi-Baghdadi Jews, Identity, Inessential Solidarity.
    Author: Reuven Snir
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Global Perception on the Three Great Cuisines in the World:
    In general, China, France and Turkey are often mentioned in the culinary world as the countries of the “three great cuisines of the world”. These three countries deserve to be praised their rich culinary tradition. However, it has not been reveled yet on how and when these three countries are mentioned as the world’s major cuisine. It seems that this common saying was recognized by the global public as it were a fait accompli and, thus, is widely quoting in the food and tourism related writings. This study will be the first of this kind of research for navigation of this popular account’s origin. More specifically, this research concentrates on exploring how Turkey could be included among the “three” in the historic perspective. Since documentation or any materials on the popular belief of “three great cuisines” are as yet unconfirmed, this paper gets an insight into the process of the wide recognition and spread of the culture of Ottoman and Turkey throughout Europe and America, based on the fact that one’s awareness and attitude to other culture were being formed in the history of cross-cultural communication. Thus, this study aims to provide a clue as to when or where an exotic Turkish culture of Orient had widely spread in Europe and America since the 18th century. This narration gives a strong possibility that Europeans and Americans had a deep affinity with Turkish culture and food. Though not disclosing an origin of “three great cuisines”, the author presents a historical and cultural scenery to understand how Turkey is included in the “three” in its national and international perspectives. This study concludes that the incorporation of Turkish cuisine into the “three great cuisines of the world” seems fair enough considering the historic spread of the Turkish culture abroad.
    Keyword: three great cuisines, Chinese cuisine, French cuisine, Turkish cuisine, global perception.
    Author: Lee Heechul
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Folk Song and Islamic Ritual Music
    The characteristic of alevi-bektaşi is the combination of Sufism, Shi’ism, and shamanism. They use music very similar to Anatolian folk songs for their rituals, however, their music expresses Islamic beliefs and ideology and is not employed merely as a ‘folk song’, but as a ‘religious practice’. This article focuses on mersiye, one of the songs sung in the Alevi-Bektaşi ritual, and considers the connection between Islamic belief and folk culture. Comparing the musical contents and place of performance of mersiye, which laments the martyrdom of Imam Hüseyin, with those of ağıt (lament in folk song in Turkey) allows the characteristics of mersiye to be identified. The article analyzes the depiction of mourning in the Islamic tradition through musical devices and the social role of singing the song.
    Keyword: Alevi-Bektaşi, mersiye, dirge, Islamic religious music, Turkey
    Author: Manami Suzuki
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean
    In recent years, the Eastern Mediterranean has emerged as a crucial component of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) Maritime Silk Road Initiative strategy (MSRI) with particular importance for its BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). Chinese investments in port facilities and key large-scale infrastructure projects in the Eastern Mediterranean aim to open new trade links between China and the Eurasia-Africa regions. This study examines the Chinese MSRI strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean by focusing on the Cypriot option as a new BRI trade node and route. PRC’s relations with Cyprus are almost exclusively linked to its MSRI strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean and energy projects. Although the BRI framework does not immediately bring PRC and Cyprus closer, it allows the two countries to discuss China’s new role in the Mediterranean region and maximize the bilateral relationships without challenging Cyprus’s pro-West orientation.
    Keyword: Belt and Road Initiative, China, Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean, Maritime Silk Road strategy, Europe
    Author: Mordechai Chaziza
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Regional Development
    Syrian Refugees in the U.K.
    County Durham in north-eastern England participates in a scheme, which allows the most vulnerable Syrian refugees to settle in the U.K. As the County’s population is dominantly White, the refugees tend to be differentiated from the locals regarding ethnicity and religion. This paper presents a case study of a songwriting workshop of Syrian refugees, supported by local volunteers and Durham City of Sanctuary, a charity organization. In their song lyrics, the refugees express their hope for establishing their lives in the locality. Folkloric symbols of the Durham sanctuary, which appear in its history, absorb the refugees’ primordial sentiments and make them reidentify as sanctuary seekers. The research suggests that history can be productive and innovative as a model for projecting the contemporary relationship between the locals and refugees onto the past and can encourage the shift of social boundaries, which blurs ethnic and religious differences between the immigrants and locals.
    Keyword: Syrian Refugees, England, Social Integration, History, Anthropology
    Author: Noriko Sato
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Tatar Slaves in Late Fourteenth Century Florence
    Walking through the streets of Florence in the late 14th century, Tatar slave female children could be easily observed. The existence of Tatar slaves is also confirmed in slave trade contracts, transport contracts, official documents of city governments, and contemporary literature. Genoa was the city with the highest proportion of Tatar slaves in the late 14th century. Between 1351 and 1380, the proportion of Tatar slaves in Genoa was 90.9 percent, and from 1381 to 1408 it was slightly lowered to 80 percent. More than half of the slaves traded in the Venetian market between the 1360s and 1450s were Tatar slaves. In the late 14th century, Florence was also one of the cities where the proportion of Tatar slaves was considerably high. Who are these unfamiliar strangers of Tatar slaves unlikely to be met in Italian cities such as Florence, Genoa, and Venice in the Later Middle Ages? This article aims to reveal the ethnic identity of Tatar slaves mentioned in European documents of the Later Middle Ages, analyzing a register of slaves created in Florence in 1366. In 1366, the government of Florence ordered citizens that bought slaves to report their purchase of slaves and to pay taxes (35 Florin to 1 Florin tax). The analysis of this register of slaves permits us to confirm whether Tatar slaves frequently appearing in the Italian records of the Middle Age belonged to the same ethnic group or not. Travel accounts, chronicles, and the papal correspondence revealed that the term of Tatar was used as a common word referring to Mongol. In general, Tatar slaves were regarded as Mongols in Medieval Europe, although in strict sense, the Mongols are ethnically different from the Tatars, that is an umbrella term for different Turkic ethnic groups bearing the name Tatar. However, it is likely that all Tatar slaves mentioned in the Florentine register of slaves did not belong to the same ethnic group in that they did not share common physical characteristics enough to regard them as one category. We may conclude that Tatars slaves encompass a broader group, even though the term of Tatar defines the Mongols. However, it is certain that Mongol slaves were so numerous to come across routinely in Italian cities in the Later Middle Ages.
    Keyword: Tatar, Mongol, Florence, Italian merchants, Black Sea, Slaves, Ethnos
    Author: Jong Kuk Nam
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    The Circular Model of Existence Reflected on Writings of the Akbarian Sufis in the Ottoman Empire
    This paper aims to examine “the circular model of existence” called “devir” in Turkish. There are various Sufi writings based on the concept of devir, which are called “devriyye” in the terminology of literary studies in Turkey. Originally, devir means the way that all beings have been manifested from Oneness and come back to Him, and has been imagined as a circle. Although devir is theoretically based on the Unity of Existence (Ar. Waḥdat al-wujūd), devriyye has not been analyzed enough from a philosophical perspective. In this paper, firstly I reveal the definition of devir through one of Niyâzî-i Mıṣrî (d. 1694)’s works, Risâle-i Devriyye (Treatise of Devriyye). Mıṣrî is known as a Sufi poet positioned in Akbarian tradition taken from Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn al-‘Arabī (d. 1240) renowned by the title of al-Shaykh al-Akbar (the Greatest master) and his followers. Secondly, to explore the positioning of devir as a Sufi terminology, I analyze other descriptions of devir in the commentary on Mıṣrî’s poems written by a representative Sufi Shaykh in 19th century Anatolia, Muḥammed Nûrü’l-‘Arabî (d. 1888).
    Keyword: Sufism, Ottoman Sufis, Sufi literature, Waḥdat al-wujūd (the Unity of Existence), the School of Ibn al-‘Arabī
    Author: Kotoko Madono
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Uncloistering the Nuns
    This article reflects on the need to improve the dissemination of the research activity carried out within universities. It is based on a specific and personal case: the author’s experience within the Visionarias Project (, which works to rescue the hagiographic and mystical literature of Castilian women between 1400 and 1550. The article is divided into five parts: the first part is devoted to the role of women in the dissemination of knowledge in late medieval Europe; the second part deals with the literary and cultural activity of two Castilian nuns: Juana de la Cruz and Maria de Santo Domingo; the third part briefly presents the Visionarias Project; the fourth reflects on the usefulness of performative studies and theatre in the study and dissemination of female texts; and the fifth part puts forward some ideas on how to use social networks in favour of true scientific dissemination.
    Keyword: 15th-16th Centuries, Castille, Female Saints and Authors, Theatricality, Social Networks
    Author: María Victoria Curto Hernández
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Women’s Third Prison
    This paper deals with the scopic enactment and negotiation of the scalar dynamics of gendered nationalism and their implication for women’s third prison in the Egyptian post-independent setting. Women’s Third prison is a critical category referencing Middle Eastern women’s intersectional positioning between kinship feudally-inflected patriarchy and political familism with the latter constituting the panacea and pinnacle for the imagination and gender imaging of women placed in the national body-politics. The paper tackles the questions of the gender politics of nationalism and their scopic drive underpinning the cinematic adaptation of the gender story of the nation from text to screen along two historical contexts—the period of developmental and global modernity. Adopting a multicultural feminist approach, the paper examines three cinematic adaptations of two novels and a play. These are Idris’ AlʿAyb (Disgrace 1962), al-Zayat’s Al-Bab al-Maftouh (Open Door 1960) and al-Asaal’s Segn al-Nisa (Women’s Prison 1882). The paper approaches the adaptations - Idris and Khalifa’s AlʿAyb (Disgrace 1967), Youssef Issa and Latifa al-Zayat’s al-Bab al-Maftouh (Open Door 1963), Abu Zikri and Naoum’s Segn al-Nisa (Women’s Prison 2014) - through both McClintock’s framework on the gender politics of nationalism (1997), Hucheon’s notion of “the context of creation … and reception” (Hutcheon 2006, 15) and Mulvey’s take on the visual pleasure of narrative cinema. The paper capitalizes on the medially induced turn in Translation Studies (Littau 2011) with its attention to context and media as parameters and venues for constructing the self-image of national cultural identity. The paper argues for the following: first, the significance of the context of creation and reception as a regulating and shaping parameter for the politics of adaption - conceived in repertoire with the narrative reservoir and scopic schemes shaping the horizon of expectation of the target audience; second, the technologies of violence of gendered nationalism and its scopic enactment of the scalar dynamics of social hierarchy through the visual narrativization of the gender story of Western styled nation-state. Third, the visual narrativization of national cinematic adaptation administers a transmedia story-telling within the scopic regime of modernity and global modernity. Fourth, Western styled nationalism negotiated the inherent paradox of modern nation-state through the social-contractual relation of women to national body politics - visually narrativized through the Egyptian styled pleasure of national cinema fetishistic scopophilia. Ultimately, the paper argues for the sustainable persistence of women's third prison, whose metamorphosing visual narrativization tolls the knell for the nation-state's hyphen putting the current social order in jeopardy with no redemption for a viable alternative.
    Keyword: Women’s Third Prison, Adaptation, scopic regimes, women’s cinema, national cinema
    Author: Riham Abdel Maksoud Debian
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Dynamics of Supply-Side Factors in the Arab Countries
    Determination of economic performance over the long run requires an analysis of the supply-side factors as a priority, rather than the demand-side factors. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is to measure the growth and the contributions of each supply-side factor in the four selected Arab countries from 1991 to 2019, and then, to describe the dynamics of economic growth type of each country by decade. The findings suggest that firstly, even for countries that are in the same sub-region, the types of economic growth are totally different by country. Secondly, the type of economic growth in each country has changed according to their economic policy, and it has appeared that only one country among the selected Arab countries, that is, Morocco, has successfully changed its growth type from input-driven growth into TFP-driven growth for the period, in other words, from extensive growth to intensive growth.
    Keyword: Total Factor Productivity (TFP), Supply-Side Factors, North Africa, The Levant, Growth Accounting
    Author: Dasol Noh
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    칼디란에 관한 소고
    Competing Kurdish nationalist movements have been an integral part of Middle Eastern politics in at least four states for over a century now. Yet, scholars disagree on the origins, significance, and development of Kurdish nationalism. Moving beyond the misleadingly binary “constructivism vs primordialism” paradigm that has left the field theoretically perplexed, this paper scrutinizes the often-mentioned, but glossed over pre-modern Kurdish consciousness. Most scholars who address this phenomenon argue that it began with the literature of the late-16th and 17th centuries, but in doing so they ignore a paramount milestone in Kurdish cooperative political development. By employing Anthony Smith’s concept of ethnie, this paper argues that the Kurdish emirs’ decision to coordinate their efforts in the Battle of Chaldiran in attaining their desired political outcome marks the origin of pre-modern Kurdish political organization.
    Keyword: 쿠르드, 쿠르드 민족주의, 칼디란(Chaldiran), 민족의식, 에스니 (ethnie), 수평적 에스니(lateral ethnie). Kurds, Kurdish nationalism, ethnie, Chaldiran, national consciousness, lateral ethnie.
    Author: Robert Lawrence
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Israel History
    Tracking the Sufi presence in Jerusalem
    Tracing Sufism in the Islamic world, Jerusalem was one of the Sufis’ centers attracting many of them to settle in this holy city known for its significant spirituality for Muslims. This study traces the Sufi presence in Jerusalem from the past until the present to give an overview of the history of Sufism in this holy city. Through examining the remaining Sufi lodges in Jerusalem today, the study introduces the main Sufi orders and the development of their role and activities in the Jerusalemite society throughout history. The study showed that the golden era of the Sufi role ended with the end of Ottoman rule. Then, there was a decline in this role which faced many challenges including the economic difficulties worsened under the Israeli occupation. Being a part of the Palestinian society, the Sufis of Jerusalem had their contributions to the Arab-Israeli conflict struggling for defending their lands and properties till today. Introducing the development of the Sufi orders in Jerusalem, the study showed that despite the decline of the Sufi activities in the modern era, the Sufi presence continued, which was seen in their remaining buildings including zawiyas, ribats, and shrines covered by this study. Though many of them lost their Sufi function, there are still some Sufi families continuing to maintain Sufi traditions at present in Jerusalem.
    Keyword: Sufism, Sufis, Sufi orders, Zawiya, Jerusalem, Palestine
    Author: Mona Farouk M. Ahmed
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Highlighting the Reasons behind the Egyptians’ Disillusionment with the Muslim Brotherhood after 2011
    2013 년 7 월 무함마드 무르시 대통령의 군사 타도 이후 무슬림 형제단의 권력 상실은 이집트를 30 년간 통치한 호스니 무바라크 대통령의 2011 년 민중봉기에 이어 이집트의 민주적 전환을 이루려는 시도가 실패했음을 의미하면서 다양한 논쟁을 불러일으켰다. 이 연구에서 다룬 주요 주제는 왜 무슬림 형제단이 이집트의 통치를 지키지 못하였는지에 중점을 두며, 이집트 인들이 무슬림 형제단에 믿음을 잃게 된 이유는 무엇인가? 무슬림 형제단의 계획은 얼마나 잘 고안되었고 유용했는가? 무슬림 형제단은 “이슬람 국가”의 이상을 잘 구현했는가? 제대로 준비도 되지 않은 채 집권했다는 점에서 무슬림 형제단이 저지른 정치적 실수는 무엇인가?에 대해 연구를 진행하였다. 또 무슬림 형제단은 다원적 사고방식을 채택하지 못하여 외교 및 경제 정책 모두에서 실수를 저질러 결국 가장 큰 아랍 국가의 통제권을 장악하는데 실패하였고 그것은 결국 정치적 이슬람의 명성에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구는 이러한 질문들에 대해 새로운 관점에서 답하고자 하며 이집트에서 무슬림 형제단의 통치 실패의 이유를 정확히 지적하고자 노력하였다. 그리하여 본 연구의 결과는 보수와 혁명 정신의 부재, 진보적 계획의 부재 그리고 지도자들의 무능과 통치 경험의 부족등과 깊게 연관이 되었음을 밝힌다. 또한 이 연구는 이슬람교와 정치 이슬람 분야의 정책입안자와 학자들에게 도움이 되고, 이 주제와 관련된 학문적 논의에 기여할 것이라 믿는다.
    Keyword: 아랍의 봄, 중동 민주주의, 정치 이슬람, 이집트, 이슬람주의. Arab Spring, Middle East Democracy, Political Islam, Egypt, Islamism.
    Author: Geon, Hassan
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Determinants of the Choice of Foreign Direct Investment Modes
    Multinational enterprises (MNEs) have recently increased their presence in Kazakhstan, but research on their choice of foreign direct investment (FDI), a major form of entry, has not been sufficiently conducted despite its significance for firm strategy and the local economy. This study addresses the determinants of the choice of FDI modes by foreign firms in Kazakhstan, focusing on two major FDI modes, i.e., setting up a joint venture (JV) or a wholly owned subsidiary (WOS). Six hypotheses on how country-level factors affect MNEs’ choice between the two modes were established. Using secondary data on 187 firms from 41 countries operating in Kazakhstan as of 2019, a binomial logistic regression was conducted to test the hypotheses. The results show that a longer cultural distance, a higher corruption level, and a weaker economic relationship between home and host
    Keyword: Foreign direct investment, foreign market entry modes, foreign market entry mode choice, Kazakhstan
    Author: 나원찬
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Bull Sacrifice and Communal Meal - Kesketsi
    The liturgical festival dedicated to Agios (Saint) Charalampos, the protector of the farmers, is celebrated in the mating season of the horses, so that the saint may provide for their fecundity. Since he is expected to ensure an abundant harvest, he is also celebrated later during the year with a popular festival in the village of Agia Paraskeuē on the island of Lesbos, where the bull sacrifice constitutes the climax of the festival. The sacrifice is performed on the summit of Tauros, the Mountain of the Bull, after the blessing of the animal by the priest. The bull is cut up and left to cook all night. The next day the priest will bless the traditional dish kesketsi, cooked from the sacrificed bull, which is consumed by all the festival participants who also share another communal meal Charlamelia, at the conclusion of the festival. The article presents the festival and explores the importance of the communal meal, kesketsi, a custom which is also crucial at several saints’ feasts on the island. Communal meals cooked from sacrificial bulls or sheep dedicated to different saints are also important in other places in Greece and the eastern Mediterranean. The custom has important parallels in the wider Greek context, ancient and modern.
    Keyword: Animal Sacrifice, Communal Meal, Modern and Ancient Greece, Pilgrimage, Religious Festival
    Author: Evy Johanne Haland
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Mehmet Yashin’s Decolonial Transcultural Proposal
    Both Cypriot history and Yashin’s Turkish-Cypriot literary/cultural production are the tangible evidence of E. Said’s idea and take on culture. If the Mediterranean Sea can be understood as a history of crossings (I. Chambers), Cyprus is the quintessential product of this process and Yashin’s macrotext an aesthetic attempt at attesting it through a sort of deterritorialization of the subject and his/her language, or supposed mother-tongue, be it Greek, Turkish, Arabic or English. Starting from this ground, my attempt will be reading Yashin’s poems in a composite space historically dominated by Ottoman and British empires and other cultures, and so traversed by both colonial and imperial difference. Specifically, the main assumption is that Yashin’s stubborn “spectral” position of non-belonging and betweenness (“A Ghost”) is, at the several levels of identity positionality (ethnic, gender and genre), an implicit resistance to the colonial matrix of power (A. Quijano) informing Modernity, both in the space of colonial difference (P. Chatterjee), due to British colonialism, and in the space of imperial difference (W. Mignolo) due to Byzantine-Ottoman empires.
    Keyword: Mehmet Yashin, Turkish-Cypriot culture, transculturation, transligualism, (post)coloniality
    Author: Luigi Carmine Cazzato
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    이집트의 영향을 받은 중국의 이슬람 부흥 전 단계
    Since the late 1970s, the tide of Islamic revival movements has swept across the world, bringing a profound impact on Muslims living in not merely core Islamic lands but also peripheral areas. Such Islamic revival movements also emerged in China after the 1980s, when religious activities were legally sanctioned. However, if looking with a retrospective on five decades, it can be found that it was not until the 1980s but ever since the beginning of the 20th century that was the symptom of Islamic revival by Chinese Muslims vaguely present. This paper then focuses on this early stage of Islamic revival in China and tries to elucidate the influential complexion from Egypt, by focusing on an overseas student Ma Jian and his works. Ultimately, this paper concludes that while the patriotic moves of early 20th-century Muslim intellectuals were frequently spotlighted these days, in fact generally their activities were nothing static but rather rich in diversity.
    Keyword: Chinese Muslim intellectual, Islamic Revival in China, Ma Jian, Islamic community, identity
    Author: JiaHuan He /jiahuan he
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: English
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    A Crusade Against Christians? Bohemond of Taranto and His Campaign in 1107
    Bohemond of Taranto’s campaign in 1107 against the Byzantine Empire has been widely accepted in three major schools of historical thought within the field of crusade studies as a crusade. Yet, this seems oxymoronic on the ground that his intention was not in the completion of pilgrimage to Jerusalem or directly aiding the Crusader states. Considering these issues, this study examines Bohemond’s invasion of the Byzantine Empire in 1107 to determine the range of historical grounds that enabled its identification as a holy crusade, despite the fact that it was a campaign against another fellow Christian community. In order to successfully solve this conundrum, this paper analyzes the historical background of Bohemond and related events leading to 1107, his effort to legitimize this religiously cannibalistic invasion as a crusade, and lastly, contemporary scholarship’s treatment of this historical issue. The observations made in this study will thus provide a bridge between the medieval perception of a holy war and the present imagination of it.
    Keyword: Crusade, Bohemond of Tarranto, Holy War, Byzantium, The Crusade of 1107
    Author: Hee Min Yang
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Role of Slave Groups in the Link between Roman Lusitania and the Mediterranean
    This article focuses on the vital role of slaves and freedmen in the construction and preservation of Lusitania as a Roman province, with an emphasis on their contribution to establishing and maintaining the connection between Lusitania and the Mediterranean. Building upon the author's Ph.D. thesis, which specifically examines this topic, the study investigates the economic and trade networks enabled by Lusitania's maritime link. Through a comprehensive analysis of Latin epigraphy related to slaves and freedmen in the region, including their names, occupations, and sociocultural pursuits, this research provides insights into their significance in shaping Lusitania's development.
    Keyword: Epigraphy, Lusitania, slave groups, Mediterranean, trade networks
    Author: Sílvia Teixeira
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Impact of Imports and Foreign Direct Investment on Total Factor Productivity
    This paper empirically investigates the effects of two noteworthy economic trends in TFP growth recently observed in the Arab world, i.e., the increasing trend of inward FDI and the decreasing trend of imports from technologically advanced countries. Multiple panel regression analyses, based on the long-term panel dataset of 10 selected Arab states from 1991 to 2019, show that inward FDI flows are a significantly positive factor on TFP growth in non-oil dependent Arab countries. However, it was observed to be an insignificant variable in the case of oil dependent Arab countries. In sharp contrast, another independent variable in the study, imports from high-income countries, appears to have a positive association with the TFP growth in oil dependent Arab countries. However, this study could not find any empirical evidence supporting a significant association between imports and TFP growth in non-oil dependent Arab countries.
    Keyword: Imports, Foreign Direct Investment, Total Factor Productivity, The Arab World, Technology Spillovers
    Author: Dasol Noh
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    evisiting the Proxy Intervention Theory
    The negotiations to revive the nuclear deal with Iran, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) have stalled since mid-2022. One of the most prominent objections suggested by the opponents to the deal was that the sanctions removal would allow Iran to boost its military capability to aid terrorists all over the Middle East to pursue its strategic aspirations. This paper aims to demonstrate how Iran has utilized and continues to use irregular war techniques effectively to destabilize the region. The paper focuses on how Iran carries out proxy incursions in Iraq, one of the current battlegrounds with obvious Iranian involvement. Using a structured, focused comparison method to evaluate why and with what means Iran conducts proxy interventions in Iraq. The majority of the data was gathered from secondary sources such as books, journal articles, newspapers, and reports. This paper will add to the academic literature and benefit the political decision-makers to assess the impact of Iranian involvement on the overall security situation in the already unstable region.
    Keyword: Middle East, Iraq, Hezbollah, Proxy War, Iran’s IRGC Quds Force
    Author: Geon, Hassan
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Study of the Historical Evolution and Distinctive Features of Turkish Carpets
    This study investigates the historical evolution of Turkish carpets within the context of Turkic history, Islamic influence, and the geopolitical landscape of the Anatolian Peninsula. Tracing the journey from the mid-7th century Arab expansion into Central Asia to modern Türkiye, the research delves into the transformation of these carpets from utilitarian objects to symbols of artistic, religious, and cultural significance. It examines how the progressive Islamization of the Turks, particularly through Sufism, and the cultural synthesis under the Seljuk and Ottoman Empires influenced carpet-making. The pivotal migration of Turks to the Anatolian Peninsula, the Seljuk Empire’s rise and fall, and the Ottoman Empire’s cultural dominance are explored as key factors in the evolution of Turkish carpets. Incorporating documentary research and fieldwork, including interviews with contemporary artisans, this study provides a comprehensive view of the socio-economic and cultural roles of carpet weaving in Türkiye. It presents Turkish carpets as dynamic cultural artifacts that reflect the rich heritage of the Turks and their ongoing adaptation to modernity.
    Keyword: Turkish Carpets, Turkic History, Seljuk Empire, Ottoman Empire, Cultural synthesis
    Author: Yang Min Ji
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Moroccan Foreign Policy Towards Palestine and Israel (1948-2020)
    Morocco’s connection with Al-Quds goes back hundreds of years. In the times of the Crusades, Morocco sent its troops to support King Salah Eddine Al- Ayoubi during his war with Christians. In post-independence Morocco, a new environment arose with the occupation of Palestine and the declaration of the state of Israel. In the aftermath of Al-Aqsa Mosque fire in 1969, and in a complicated regional environment, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) was established. Among the permanent committees of the newly born organization was the Al-Quds Committee, which has been chaired by Morocco since 1979. Using a qualitative analytical methodology, this paper aims to analyze the position of Al-Quds in Moroccan foreign policy, and to what extent the Abrahamic Agreements, through which Morocco signed a trilateral agreement with the US and Israel, have influenced this position.
    Keyword: Morocco, Foreign Policy, Palestine, Israel, Peace Advocacy
    Author: Mohamed El Bouchikhi
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The 2017 Kurdish Independence Referendum and Political Disarray in the Kurdish Region of Iraq
    The Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq is a constitutionally recognized autonomous governing entity, and until recently, a relative success story in post-2003 Iraq. In recent years, the Kurdish Region of Iraq has plunged into intra-Kurdish disunity and political stalemate, and researchers have not adequately demonstrated causality of the current disarray. This paper is a case study and utilizes the concept of critical junctures to illustrate the role of the 2017 Kurdish independence referendum in the current political turmoil in the Kurdish Region of Iraq. It argues that the choice to carry out the referendum and reactions of political leaders to the results of and events following the referendum locked-in the dysfunctional status quo that beleaguers the Kurdish Region of Iraq today. In doing so, it offers causation through a comprehensive and structured manner of analyzing the phenomena while contributing to the literature by reinforcing the utility of the Soifer’s critical juncture framework.
    Keyword: critical junctures, Kurdish division, Kurdish referendum, PUK, KDP. PUK, KDP, 쿠르드 자치구독립 국민투표, 중대한 분기점, 쿠르드족 분열.
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    The Role of Cross-Cultural Intersection in Shaping Islamic Architecture
    The emergence of Islam coincided with the decline of the Byzantine and Sassanid empires, allowing the new Muslim emperor to absorb and transform a rich heritage of Roman, Byzantine, and Persian architectural elements. This paper investigates how these cultural exchanges influenced the architectural and aesthetic aspects of Islamic monuments, with a focus on notable examples such as the Dome of the Rock and the Umayyad Mosque of Damascus. The research outlines how Islamic architecture evolved significantly through the contributions of various non-Arab craftsmen and the adoption of various architectural styles and their aesthetic components over time, being the result of intercultural interactions and blending, which have been realized through social and political factors like revolutions, uprisings, and conquests. This evolution was not merely imitative but involved a creative synthesis of pre-existing styles adapted to Islamic religious and cultural contexts. The study further discusses the role of these interactions in forming a distinctive Islamic architectural identity that was both a continuation and a transformation of earlier traditions.
    Keyword: 다문화 교차로, 문화 교류, 이슬람 건축, 우마이야 모스크, 바위의돔. Crosscultural intersections, Cultural exchange, Islamic architecture, Umayyad Mosque, Dome of the Rock.
    Author: Motahare Mozafari
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Social Reform Led by Sufis in 16th Century Morocco_
    With regard to the social activities of the al-Ṭarīqa al-Jazūlīya in 16th century, only ‘Abd Allāh al-Habṭī, who campaigned for the abolition of bid‘a and became a Sa‘adian dynasty administrator, has been featured while ‘Abd al- Wārith al-Yalṣūtī, who wrote on taṣawwuf and brought up many disciples but were distanced from politics, have been ignored. However, al-Yalṣūtī was not just a contemplative who stayed away from society. By examining his work on Sufi practice, The Royal Road, it became apparent that he saw the problem of uneducated, self-styled Sufis misleading the people and that he was teaching them the proper way to practice in order to correct the situation. Furthermore, the training of disciples by al-Yalṣūtī can be seen as part of an attempt to improve social conditions through raising and increasing the number of decent Sufis. It shows the diversity of targets and methods of social reform by Sufis.
    Keyword: Morocco, Sufism, Sufi discipline, social reform, Ṭarīqa
    Author: Yukari Tanahashi
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Mapping Halal Research in the Mediterranean:
    In the midst of the global growth of halal studies, this research explores halal research trends within the Mediterranean region from 2006 to 2022. This study employs a bibliometric approach to analyze research output from the Web of Science database. Through network visualization tools and text mining, research areas, collaboration patterns, and publication distribution across disciplines were mapped. This analysis aims to deliver a systematic overview, including historical context and future direction of halal research in the Mediterranean. The findings identify key authors, journals, institutions, and countries. This comprehensive understanding serves as a valuable resource for researchers, highlighting prominent themes and potential areas for future exploration, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of halal research in the region.
    Keyword: halal, bibliometric analysis, research performance, Malaysia, Mediterranean
    Author: Nina Sakinah Ahmad Rofaie
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    A Border Site in the Iron Age Southern Levant
    Borders in antiquity in general and during the Iron Age in particular, were very different from modern, formal borders, yet, they probably existed. This is also true regarding the Southern Levant which is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. The paper will discuss border types in antiquity and border sites in the Iron Age (ca. 1,200–586 BCE) Southern Levant, the eastern Mediterranean. In particular the site of Khirbet ‘Aujah el-Foqa in the southern Jordan Valley, recently excavated, is discussed. This is a fortified small site located in a strategic spot in an arid border zone location. The area was probably the border between the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, as well as with the Ammonite Kingdom to the east. The site yielded a rich assemblage of pottery vessels from the 9 -8 centuries BCE as well as other finds, and was th th probably under the control of the Israelite Kingdom. During periods when stronger central administrations were evident there was more incentive to develop border sites also in marginal regions.
    Keyword: Southern Levant, Borders, Iron Age, ‘Aujah el-Foqa, Fortifications
    Author: David Ben-Shlomo
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Snake’s Symbolism in Anatolian Mythology:
    This study examines the role of snakes in Anatolian folklore by focusing on the legend of the Shahmaran. Depicted as half-human and half-serpent, 1 Shahmaran embodies the duality of the snake, reflecting its transformative and protective qualities. This study explores the role of the snake in Anatolian culture, its portrayal in the story of Shahmaran, and its symbolic presence in daily life. The findings reveal the dual nature of the snake as both a protector and a potential threat, illustrating the balance between life, death, and renewal. By examining Shahmaran, this study highlights how the serpent symbolism shapes the cultural identity and collective consciousness in Anatolia.
    Keyword: Shahmaran, Anatolian folklore, snake symbolism, Turkic mythology, cultural identity
    Author: Yang Min Ji
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Student Activism and Mobilizations in Pre and Post-breakup Slovenia and Croatia
    This article bears evidence of young people’s civic engagement in two of the successor states of former Yugoslavia that more or less border the Mediterranean, as (re)presented in local documentary films after 2000. Starting with a still running radio station established as early on as 1969 in the Slovenian city of Ljubljana, it then focuses on students’ mobilizations in Zagreb and other Croatian universities in the period following the turbulent transition from socialism to (neo)liberalism. The films reveal both a rich cultural and local cinematic tradition and most importantly instances of young citizens’ familiarity with non-institutionalized modes of action existing in former Yugoslavia and much more so in the post-breakup era. In a Balkan/ Mediterranean region rather peripherally mentioned in media coverage and scholarly research, this kind of activism had been aligned with movements taking place in Western countries appealing for democratization in education and society both in the 60s and the first decades of globalization.
    Keyword: Activism, Education, Film, Media, Mediterranean
    Author: Kyriaki Frantzi
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Morocco and Türkiye Post-EU Membership Denial
    The European Union’s (EEC then) relations with Morocco and Türkiye date back to the 1960s, when they signed their first trade agreements. In the aftermath of the second major EU enlargement in the 1980s, after the joining of Spain and Portugal in 1986 despite their economic low performance, both Moroccan and Turkish applied for full membership. European media, then, argued that Europeans would deny both Morocco and Türkiye’s membership while it is quite important to find compromise solutions. Therefore, they both turned towards their geographical sphere, Sub-Saharan Africa for Morocco and MENA (mainly the Middle East) for Türkiye. This paper aims to compare Moroccan and Turkish foreign policies towards their regional spheres as a reaction against their EU’s membership denial.
    Keyword: Morocco, Türkiye, European Union, Membership, Regional Sphere, Foreign Policy
    Author: Mohamed El Bouchikhi
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on the Convention Industry in Italy:
    This study explores the historical development and strategic activities of the Italian Convention Bureau (ICB) in advancing Italy’s MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions) industry. ICB has leveraged Italy’s rich cultural heritage through five initiatives—Italy at Hand, Box IT, Italian Knowledge Leaders, Italy For Weddings, and Sustainable Events Industry—to position the country as a distinctive MICE destination. A key differentiator is its focus on wedding tourism, offering unique value in the global MICE market. ICB’s private-led model underscores its independence but reveals limitations due to minimal collaboration with public sectors. Successful MICE nations like Singapore and South Korea highlight the importance of government support and public-private partnerships. For Italy’s sustainable growth, stronger policies and cooperation are essential. This study underscores ICB’s impact while suggesting future research on integrating convention centers and event planners to provide a holistic view of Italy’s MICE ecosystem.
    Keyword: Italy, Convention Bureau, MICE, Wedding Tourism, Knowledge Leaders
    Author: Sook-Hwa JUNG
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: English
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    이태리어와 국어 문법의 상과 시제, 서법
    시제란 일정한 시점을 기준으로 하여 상태의 시간적 위치를 구분하여 드러내는 문법 범주를 말한다. 문법 범주란 주로 문법 기능을 나타내는 요소, 곧 문법 형태소를 말한다. 시제를 고려할 때 빼놓을 수 없는 것이 바로 시간(time)인데 시간과 시제는 각각 별개의 것으로 엄격히 구별되 어야 한다. 시제는 일반 낱말 따위로 나타내는 단순한 ‘시간 표시’가 아 니고 각 언어에 체계적으로 갖추어진 시간 관계 문법 요소들로 나타내 는 문법 범주이다. 그래서 시간은 모든 인류에게 공통되는 자연적인 것 으로서 언어 없이도 존재 할 수 있지만 시제는 시간 관계를 동사의 형태 에 의해 나타내는 언어적 개념으로 언어에 따라 각기 다르다. 시제는 ‘사건이나 상태’를 대상으로 하며, 일정한 시점을 기준으로 시 간적 위치를 구분하는데 특히 중요한 것은 시제는 ‘문법범주’라고 하는 점인데 이는 시제가 어휘범주가 아니고 문법형태들의 대립 관계로 나타 나는 문법적 기능 요소라는 것이다. 결국, 시제는 문법 형태를 가지고 시간적 위치를 나타내는 것을 가리 킨다. 여기서 ‘문법 형태’란 서구어들의 전통 문법에서는 ‘굴절 형태’를 가리키는데 우리말에서는 ‘서술 보조소’라는 형태로 나타난다고 보고 있 다. 시제는 ‘현재’, ‘과거’, ‘미래’ 따위로 하위 구분하는 것이 예사이나 Comrie(1976:b)는 시간 표시의 문법 형태 없이 시간 부사 따위의 낱말로 시간적 위치를 나타내는 언어가 많다고 지적하며1) 만일 어떤 언어에서 일정한 문법 형태가 없고, 어휘적 범주로만 시간적 위치를 나타내게 된 다면, 그 언어에는 시제라는 문법 범주가 없다고 하였다. 국어문법에서도 일반적으로 서구에서와 마찬가지로 Jespersen식의 시 제 개념에 의해 문법 범주로서 시제를 이야기하였다. 대체로 1960년대까 지는 이러한 경향이 일반적이었다. 60년대에는 시제의 체계에 대한 분류 에 매달렸고 70년대 이후에는 시제를 둘러싼 여러 개념에 대한 논의가 시제의 중심 논제가 되었으며 여러 학자들이 각각의 다른 개념에서 생 겨난 각기 다른 시각을 피력해 왔다. 학자에 따라서는 국어의 시제를 오 로지 현재 시제 한 가지만이 있으며 ‘-았/었-’이나 ‘-겠-’은 각각 완료와 추정을 보이는 相이라고 주장하는 사람이 있다. 또한 나진석(1971)은 국 어의 시제는 ‘상의 범주’, ‘서법의 범주’ 및 좁은 뜻의 ‘때매김 범주’의 세 가지 하위 범주로써 형성된 삼원적 구조인데 이들은 ‘상+서법+때’의 순 서로 배열된다고 하고 상에는 ‘나아감’과 ‘끝남’이 두 가지, 서법도 ‘직설’ 과 ‘서상’의 두 가지 그리고 ‘이적’과 ‘지난적’의 두 가지로 나뉘어 도합 여덟 가지의 시제가 있다고 하였다. 남기심(1972)은 지금까지 시제를 보 이는 것으로 알려져 온 ‘-았-’, ‘-았었-’, ‘-겠-’, ‘-더-’ 등이 상이나 서법 을 나타내는 것일 뿐 시제를 나타내는 것이 아니라고 하였다. 장석진 (1973a) 술어동사의 동작성 혹은 정지성 같은 의미론적 특질과도 관련된 지속, 완료, 의도 같은 시상 혹은 양상을 함께 고려하지 않은 시제의 분 류는 별로 바람직하지 않은 것으로 보았다. 다른 많은 사람들이 이 문제 와 관련하여 회상, 경험, 추측 사실, 기능 등의 개념에 대해 언급하였다. 또한 회상이나 경험은 과거와 밀접한 관련이 있으며 추측, 가능성, 미 래도 역시 밀접한 관련이 있는 개념인데, ‘-겠-’을 추측도 나타내고 가능 성도 나타내며 미래도 나타내는 다의적인 존재로서 취급하는 경향이 있 다. 결국 이것은 시제와 결부된 modality의 문제를 거론하는 것이다. modality는 문법범주로서의 mood의 저변을 이루고 있는 의미론적인 측 면, 즉 화자가 어떤 명제에 대하여 가지는 심리적인 태도를 말하는데 정 도가 확실한 것은 현재가 되고 확실성이 적은 것은 추측이 되는데 추측 은 확인되지 않은 것이므로 현재 뿐 아니라 미래도 된다. 미래의 일은 확인되지 않은 것이므로 추측은 자연히 미래성을 포용하게 된다. 추측은 국어에서 ‘-겠-’으로 표현되는데 과거의 추측을 나타내는 것도 가능하다. “이제는 이미 도착했겠다”가 그 예이다. 그리고 ‘-겠-’은 의도를 표현하 기도 하는데 이러한 의미 해석이 미래성을 나타낸다는 기술이 가능하기 때문에 ‘과거’와 같은 확실한 시제에 비하여 나름의 시제 역할을 하지 못 하며 따라서 ‘미래’를 따로 설정할 필요가 없다는 주장이 많다. 이러한 이상의 고려에 따라 우리말은 미래 시제를 인정하지 않는 경향이 보다 확산되어 있는 듯하다. 자세한 미래 시제 기술의 문제점은 본문에서 다 루겠지만 본 논문에서는 우리말의 미래 시제를 하나의 문법 범주의 형 태로 인정하지 않고 추정을 나타내는 서법의 형태가 시간적 구분에 사 용되는 것으로 고려하여 시제적 대립을 보이는 문법 형태가 없는 것으 로 분석하고 있는 우리말 미래 시제의 기술에 대한 문제점을 파악하려 고 한다. 아울러 시제로 인정하려 하지 않는 이유의 기준이 되는 고려 사항들이 시제와 서법에 있어서 분명한 문법 범주의 형태를 나타내는 이태리어의 미래 시제를 포함한 시제 구분에서도 여전히 나타나지만 이 러한 미래 시제의 형태를 문법적인 시제의 형태로 분석하는 것이 아무 런 문제가 되지 않음을 살펴보고자 한다. 아울러 우리말 시제의 형태를 분석하는 방법에 있어서 함께 나타나는 서법과 상의 처리에 대한 하나의 제안을 제시하고자 한다.
    Keyword: 이태리어 시제
    Author: Jong Te Yun
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    이슬람에서의 진(Jinn)과 민속신앙
    Islam is the union of politics and religion and consists of belief and behavior. That is to say, Islam is not only a system of belief(religion) but also a way of life covering politics, economies, society, etc., the human life in general and a high-levelled complex culture, and is a world of belief and practice containing both religion and mundane life. The fact that Islam is union of politics and religion and consists of belief and behavior can be construed that Islam consists of Shari'ah (Islamic Law) and belief, and the relation of the two is not clearly separated each other but retains a form of mutual complement. Accordingly, faith includes the law of Islam, and the law of Islam is grounded on belief. the role of Islamic Law is wider than the positive laws of other cultures, and is belief and ideology as well as law at the same time. Therefore, the trend of non-Islamic world to make the same use of the meaning of legislation of the positive law and the concept of Shari'ah by interpreting it as an Islamic law is the result of either the narrow interpretation of the concept of Shar'ah or the misunderstanding of wrong interpretation. Belief constructs Aqīdah (creed) and Aqīdah is the practical principle of Islamic law. Belief and behavior or Aqīdah and Sari'ah have such a corelation as tree and fruit, cause and effect, or prologue and epilogue have each other. Aqīdah means the belief in the absolute said and emphasized through the foreseers and prophets whom He sent to do so on His belief, the ideology of the one only God not permitting any belief in other gods and the original belief being aware of obedience in general to the owner of power. Therefore, Aqīdah in Islam is alpha and omega of the Muslims' belief and as well as a metaphysics based on the unquestionable said grounds (God's saying). Such belief can be divided into six beliefs; First, the belief in the one and only God as the Creator, second in such invisible beings as Angel, Satan and Jinn, third in the Scriptures, fourth in the foreseers and prophets, fifth in the Judgement Day and sixth in fate. This study aims at seeing into the definition. characteristics and role of those phrases about Jinn as described in the Qur'an and Hadīth in order to know the way of how the Muslims understand the being of Jinn, the one of the six belief as mentioned above. The Jinn did not appear first with the advent of Islam, but originally existed in Arab folk religion and its concept changed with the advent of Islam. Also the Jinn is surmised to have played a important role in absorbing the spirits of the areas and to have contributed a lot to the settlement of Islam. Therefore, the study is to see into the concept of Jinn in the Arab folk religion after looking into the same in Islam,. There appear a great number of devils in the such a novel as the Arabian Nights read a lot by the general public, the phrases where the devils confess themselves Jinn and expression where the Jinn converted at cetera. It very widely in the general public. The ideology of spirit which the Arabians had absorbed, assimilated and Islamized many of the neighboring different cultures in the course of becoming a general religion as the Islam spread all over the world, and also the spirit ideology of the areas was absorbed into and assimilated with the Jinn, contributed a lot to the settlement of Islam and is still present mixed with the concept of Jinn of the orthodox Islam in the general public.
    Keyword: Jinn, Folk Religion, Islam, Arab, Sharī'ah, Creed, Creation, Angel, Insanity, Poet
    Author: Won Sam Lee
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Jamiül Hikayat의 음운론적 특징 연구
    튀르크어는 몽고어, 만주-퉁구스어와 더불어 알타이어족의 한 분파로 유라시아 대륙에서 살고 있는 튀르크인들이 사용하는 언어이다. 튀르크 어는 터키어를 비롯하여, 카프카즈의 아제르바이잔어, 중앙아시아의 튀 르크멘어, 우즈벡어, 크르그즈어, 카작어, 중국의 우이구르어, 시베리아의 야쿠트어 등 알타이어계 언어들 가운데서 연속성을 갖으며 가장 넓게 분포되어 있으며, 약 1억 8천의 인구에 의해서 사용되고 있다1). 현대 튀 르크제어 뿐만 아니라 역사 튀르크어 역시 흉노어, 돌궐어, 차가타이어, 큽착어, 오스만어에 이르기까지 긴 역사 속에서 역동적인 분화와 변화과 정을 겪으며 발전했다. 튀르크인들에게는 역사 튀르크어로 쓰여진 많은 작품들이 있다. 돌궐제국시대의 오르혼 문자로 쓰여진 여러 비문, 마니 교, 불교, 기독교 등 여러 종교를 받아들인 우이구르인들의 우이구르 문 자, 마니문자 등을 사용하여 쓰여진 많은 번역작품, 중앙아시아에서 최 초로 이슬람을 받아들인 튀르크인으로서 아랍문자를 사용하여 쓴 카라 한인들의 주옥같은 작품들, 아랍어, 페르시아어 사이에서 튀르크어를 문 학어로 발전시킨 차가타이어의 여러 문학작품들이 있다. 각 시기에 따라 전혀 다른 문자들을 사용한 튀르크인의 문학작품들을 통해서, 문학뿐만 아니라 튀르크어가 발전되었던 것이다. 10세기에 튀르크인들의 이슬람화 가 이루어진 이래 1928년 터키공화국에서 아타튀르크의 문자개혁이 있 기 전까지 수세기 동안 아나돌루와 중앙아시아의 튀르크인들은 아랍문 자를 사용하였으며, 따라서 이 시기의 문학작품도 아랍문자로 표기되었 다. 아타튀르크 문자개혁 이후에 터키에서는 로마자가 사용되기 시작하 였으며, 중앙아시아에서는 소련 지배 이후에 키릴문자가 사용되었다. 본고에서는 아랍문자로 쓰여진 Jāmi‘üʾl Ḥikāyāt (자미윌 히카야트)의 음운연구를 통하여 작품의 음운특징 및 변화를 살펴보고, 이 작품이 쓰 여진 시기를 추정해 보고자 한다.
    Keyword: 투르크어
    Author: Hyo Joung Kim
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    이태리어의 존대표현에 관한 비교연구: 試論적 접근
    언어의 본질은 인간의 활동으로 한 개인이 자신을 다른 사람에게 이 해시키기 위한 활동이다. 이와 같은 ‘말에 의한 의사소통 (verbal communication)’은 언어의 독특한 특성을 표현하는 것으로, 인간은 언어를 통하여 서로에게 의미를 전달한다는 뜻이다. 즉 언어는 사람들이 의미의 전달의 행위를 수행하는 도구인 것이다. 언어의 발신자(sender)와 수신 자(receiver) 사이의 담화에서 사용되는 언어는 의미론에서 말하는 진리 조건적 의미 이상을 갖고 있다. 바꾸어 말하자면 언어의 사용자들이 효 율적인 정보의 전달에만 치중하지 않기 때문이다. 그것은 언어행위는 감 정의 동물인 인간 사이의 행위이기에 감정의 유입이 자동적으로 개입되 기 때문이다. 따라서 이 때 담화자 사이의 언어행위에는 상호간의 감정 을 규정, 처리하는 일정한 규칙이 실현되며, 이 규칙은 화자와 청자 간의 사회적 심리적 관계를 드러내는 것이다.
    Keyword: 이태리어
    Author: Yoo Hyae Huh
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Modernism in the Francoist Edifices
    Modernism in the Francoist Edifices This paper is an attempt to make an answer to the relationship between modernism and Francoism. For this purpose, we think over the relationship between modernism and fascism from the general point of view, then analyze the currents of the theory of architecture that main francoist architects adopted. and lastly examine the principal francoist edifices: El Valle de los Caídos, El Ministerio del Aire and Universidad Laboral de Gijón. El Valle de los Caídos shows us the greatness of the ancient memorials and the religiosity in its stone steps, basilica and big cross. El Ministerio del Aire is an edifice that represented the Empire of Felipe II and Catholic religion, so it was called El Monasterio del Aire. The Universidad Laboral de Gijón reflects the dream with which the architects hoped to build the city of God without conflicts of class. Taking these points into consideration, we can conclude these attempts that the francoist architects intented to embody in these edifices come within the purview of programmatic modernism.
    Keyword: Modernism, Francoism, El Valle de los Caídos, El Ministerio del Aire, Universidad Laboral de Gijón
    Author: Yeong Jo Hwangbo
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study of Cooperation in EU & Maghreb Union
    A Study of Cooperation in EU & Maghreb Union -Starting Union for MediterraneanThe Mediterranean Sea is vast and its geographical range connects Europe, Africa and Asia. And it’s no doubt that many scholars attach significant importance to it because it has been regarded as a beginning place of history and many civilizations in addition to its political importance. Dividing the world into two parts, the north and the south, the Mediterranean has been the meeting place of the East and the West, Islam and Christianity, Europe and the Arab world, and cultivated flourishing civilizations. The civilizations which developed in the Mediterranean were sometimes winced by U.S. power. However, they seem to be reorganized today into a form of a huge regional organization, the name of which is the Union for the Mediterranean or the Mediterranean Union(MU), by their efforts to recover the glorious days of the past. Indeed, France and Italy among the European counties surrounding the Mediterranean have politically and economically influenced to and also have been affected by North African countries which were once their colonies. And England has kept special relations with Egypt and Israel in varied fields. This article deals with the diversified cooperative relations between EU and the North African countries belong to Arab Maghreb Union(AMU), focusing on MU. There will be variety of gains and losses if an enormous free trade zone establishes following the birth of MU. Indeed, MU is a coupling of two politically, economically, socially and culturally different regions except their geographical proximity and historical connections in which the north exploited the colonial south. The Economist magazine analyzed that the success of MU depend on winning confidence from the north EU countries firstly through displaying how fairly they trade with the North African partners in accordance with the principles of free trade despite two sides’ economic unbalance including opening of the Mediterranean EU countries’ agricultural products market and secondly through decreasing their vested rights among EU countries. Because MU includes two worlds which can be called the developed Christian countries in the north and the developing Islamic countries in the south, it has great diversity. Therefore, it has to seek not the complete unification but the equilibrium, in which they can find peace, harmony and cooperation through communications with largely different each others.
    Keyword: EU, Maghreb Union, Union for Mediterranean, Mediterranean Sea, Arab, France, Italy
    Author: Eui Gab Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Compare of 2008's General Elections between Italy and Korea: Focusing on analysis of political culture and voting behavior
    Compare of 2008's General Elections between Italy and Korea: Focusing on analysis of political culture and voting behavior This papers examined on comparing of the 2008's general elections between Italy and Korea. Berlusconi that was the italian Prime Minister in 1994 and 2001 one more time is successfully reached on the political power at the 2008's general election after the government of Center-Conservative and Moderate-Left. There are some of discussions and researches on the factors that Berlusconi and his personal, if it permits to calling it, his political party 'People of Liberty' could be successful to take the political power on the 2008's general election. Universita degli Studi di Torino, 010-8434-3911, 2 | 지중해지역연구||제11권 제1호 [2009. 2] In this paper researching goals we treat of four determinative factors. The first is that of the internal and external subjective conditions from which could be raised the present political situations. The second is that of the 2008.s general election produce interesting results which could be compared of its meaning and significances between Italy and Korea. The third is that of confirm of which was true that the effects of 2008's general election should sweep away all those negative particular sulpolitical-cultural factors in Italy-for example, Catholicism, Anti-Communism, Clientelism, Trasformism, Mafia, etc.-substituted in Media Populism representing from Berlusconi as a political man. At the conclusion will descript the present political situation with the characters of Berlusconi's government in order to comparing of the mentioned factors. Berlusconi's government started with some internal conflicts at to the distribution of cabinet ministers and change the almost national political systems. The problem is that the italian economy could not overcome the above conditions without widespread support of the electorate and the Berlusconi's government may confront the danger of collapse in due time. If it will not be the case, Italian politics will show another series of instabilities and similar situation of Korea.
    Keyword: 2008's general elections, Berlusconi, sulpolitical-cultural factors, voting behavior, political power
    Author: Jong Bub Kim
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Building Economic Cooperation Between Korea and Egypt
    한국과 이집트간의 경제협력 구축 시장경제체제가 세계적으로 확대되고 교역이 다변화됨에 따라 중동지 역에 대한 관심이 늘어나고 있다. 현재의 중동지역의 경제는 WTO의 질서 에 따른 무역중심의 개방화와 자유무역협정(FTA)를 통한 경제시스템의 구 축이 새로운 경제 흐름이다. 특히, 이집트는 역외강대국과 경제적 연대를 구축하는 한편 지역협력을 정책과제로 하고 있다. 기존 지역내경제권과 EU와 아프리카 지역경제권을 잇는 연결고리 역할은 물론, 무역과 투자유 치의 경제 환경 조성에 의한 개발과 발전을 목표로 하고 있다. 또한, 고용 기회의 창출과 수출증대의 양면효과를 극대화하기 위하여 주요지역 거점 국가와 자유무역협정을 적극적으로 추진하고 있다. 한국의 첨단 기술과 이집트의 자원을 주축으로 하는 상생협력을 위하여, 자유무역협정 등의 긴밀한 경제협력 단계로 진입해야 할 시점이다. 단기 적으로 가능성이 높은 경제협력부문은 에너지 개발사업과 석유화학 시설 등 플랜트 분야이다. 한국과 이집트의 통상거래규모는 증가 추세이며, 2008년도에 우리의 수입이 수출을 초과해 무역수지 적자로 전환됐는데, 가스 및 나프타의 수입량 증가와 가격 인상이 주요인이다. 한국은 승용차 및 부품, 합성수지, 펌프 등 산업 자본재를 이집트로 수출하고 있는 반면, 이집트로부터 천연가스, 나프타 등 원자재를 주로 수입하고 있어 양국 간 교역구조는 상호 보완적이다. 본 연구에서는 중동지역의 거점 개발을 목표로 이집트와 자유무역협정 의 가능성을 분석한다. 세부적으로 이집트의 경제발전 과정을 조사하고, 이집트와의 경제협력 확대에 초점을 맞추어 우리나라와의 협력 분야 및 전망을 살펴보는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이로써 중동의 이집트와 한국의 자 유무역협정 추진에 대한 이해를 제고하고, 대 중동지역과의 자유무역협정 정책을 도입에 시사점을 제공하고자 한다
    Keyword: free trade agreement
    Author: Joong Kwan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Principle of Creation in the Aristotle's Poetics
    The Principle of Creation in the Aristotle's Poetics The purpose of this paper is to define and clarify the interrelation of the important concepts that constitute the principles of poetic creation presented in Aristotle's Poetics. Above all, poetic art (poiêtikê) is defined as a representation (mimêsis), which, according to the context of Poetics, can be further defined as a process to extract a proper image from an object and transfer it into artistic space. In poetic creation, proper elements are selected from accidents (pragmata) and then reorganized according to the principle of probability or necessity so as to make a representation of an action (praxis), which can be defined as the composition (sunthesis) of a story (muthos). Such a principle of creation can be conceptualized as a purification (katharsis) since after having selected essential elements of an accident and abandoned unessential ones, and the poet represents action in a purified form. As a result, there may be differences between the event and its poetic representation, but there remains, at the same time, an essential similitude. Through reasoning (sullogismos), spectators can overcome the obscurity made by differences and recognize the essential and universal elements coexisting between model and representation. This is a poetic pleasure afforded by poetic creation, like an intellectual enigma, that consists in revealing the essence of human life by means of difference and similitude. Finally, such a poetic creation can be defined as a type of metaphor (metaphora) that depends on perceiving the essential similitude in things.
    Keyword: Poetic art (Poiêtikê), Poesy (Poiêsis), Representation (Mimêsis),Accident (Pragma), Action (Praxis), Purification (Katharsis), Plot/Story (Muthos), Composition (Sunthesis), Metaphor (Metaphora)
    Author: Heon Kim
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on the Historical Change of 'Imperf. 2/3 pers. m. pl. Ending' in Classical Hebrew
    A Study on the Historical Change of 'Imperf. 2/3 pers. m. pl. Ending' in Classical Hebrew The paragogic Nun in Aramaic and Arabic imperfect verbs has a modal function. Imperfect verbs with the paragogic Nun express, in general, the indicative mood while imperfects without it serve in jussive mood. But the paragogic Nun in Biblical Hebrew is considered to loose its syntactical meaning. One may find specific examples of the paragogic Nun not only in the indicative mood but also in the jussive context. Regarding the 'Long Imperfect' which contains the paragogic Nun in Biblical Hebrew, biblical linguists have suggested different explanations – antiquity of the text, archaization, Aramaic influence, meter, etc. The study on this linguistic phenomenon, however, seems to have not been thoroughgoing so far. Conclusions drawn from their investigations seem not complete. There seems to be a need of a further research for one to reach clearer conclusions. The present study reinvestigates this linguistic feature. The work limits its study to the usage of paragogic Nun in imperfect 2/3 person masculine plural. It checks the subject in both biblical texts and extra-biblical sources in Classical Hebrew in its wide definition, i.e., Biblical Hebrew (Ancient Biblical Hebrew, Standard Biblical Hebrew, Late Biblical Hebrew), Inscription Hebrew of the First Temple period, Qumran Hebrew, Hebrew of Ben-Sira and Mishnaic Hebrew. The study presents whole occurrences of paragogic Nun in these sources and provides statistic data. It shows that the rapid decrease of the paragogic Nun in Classical Hebrew results mostly from a diachronic factor. The most significant change in the use of the paragogic Nun occurs between the First Temple and the Second Temple periods. The usage of the paragogic Nun reaches 8% in the First Temple period (Standard Biblical Hebrew), but it drops to 3% in the Second Temple Period (Late Biblical Hebrew). This change seems to be reflected in extra-biblical sources of the same periods. One may count about 30% in the First Temple period sources, but in the Second Temple period sources the paragogic Nun is hardly found. The study concludes that this phenomenon should be properly defined as an LBH feature.
    Keyword: paragogic Nun, imperf. 2/3 m. pl. ending, SBH, LBH, Qumran Hebrew, Mishnaic Hebrew, historical change
    Author: Seoung Yun Shin
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    The Study on the Law Thoughts of Ancient Greek
    The Study on the Law Thoughts of Ancient Greek -with Platon and Aristoteles as the central figureGreek is the cradle of democracy. Ancient Greek laws are characterized by the various legislative systems because Ancient Greek was organized from many separated polices. The law thoughts of Ancient Greek have exerted influence on modern laws in a diversity of sides. Specially Platon's theory of the state and Aristoteles' Nicomachean Ethics are acknowledged theoretically and practically as the original form of justice in the modern law. These days, the investigations of Western law history in the sphere of law have been studied generally the Roman law and the Germanic law. However when the Rome enacted a statute for the first time, they learned it from the Greeks. This is an interesting fact. The thoughts of Ancient Greek which gave rise to democracy are the rule of laws being connected by equality to realize ideal and justice. According to Platon's theory of the state, law is not an actual law possessing current in those days but an ideal law. The ideal law means what imitating a genuine ruler's act. When the state enacts such a law, the political structure based on the law will be the most ideal one. Aristoteles defines law as a general and rational norm based on the acceptance and agreement of the people or the lawmakers. Law is intended to create and preserve the necessary conditions of happiness. And Aristoteles describes law as constitutional principle realizing justice and happiness by respecting and observing laws to the members of communal society by menas of rationality and physical compulsion. Law as a means of moral education resorts to persuasion and coercion in order to perform its proper role.
    Keyword: the Law thoughts of Ancient Greek, Aristoteles, Platon, Justice and Law, theory of the state, politics
    Author: Eun Rae Cho
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La propiedad morfo-sintáctica del artículo definido en la Relativa Oblicua en español
    La propiedad morfo-sintáctica del artículo definido en la Relativa Oblicua en español En este trabajo intentaremos ofrecer un análisis morfo-sintáctico del artículo definido en la Cláusula Relativa Oblicua en español. En las relativas oblicuas, el español admite en algunos casos la ausencia del artículo definido entre la preposición y el relativo, por ejemplo, “El libro con (el) que me obsequió estudia la pintura de Frida Kahlo”. Según Brucart(1999), en los casos en que el antecedente forma parte de un sintagma definido, el relativo no necesita reiterar tal carácter. En cambio, cuando el antecedente estácontenido en un sintagma no definido, es necesario marcar el cará-cter definido de la mención anafórica que lleva a cabo el relativo. Hay unos estudios que intentan mostrar las características sintácticas del artí culo definido en las relativas oblicuas en español como Arregi(1998, 2000), Gutiérrez-Rexach & Mallén(2001), Roca-Urgell(1996) Sin embargo, a ellos les cuesta mucho mantener una aproximación uniforme a los fenó-menos de la presencia/ausencia del artículo definido relacionado con el antecedente animado y el no animado en las relativas oblicuas. En el presente trabajo, mostraremos nuestra propia propuesta basándonos en la Morfología Distribuida de Halle y Marantz(1993) y Harley y Noyer(1998a, 1998b), insistiendo en que las relativas oblicuas en español pueden ejercer la realización alternativa de la secuencia [DREL-Comp] y esta capacidad viene de la condición de la Materialización y la Fisión de rasgos.
    Keyword: relativas oblicuas, artículo definido, complementante, materialización, realización alternativa, fisión de rasgo
    Author: Jae Yong Kwak
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    “Stoics on the criterion of truth”
    “Stoics on the criterion of truth” The major epistemological debate between the Hellenistic philosophers was on the question of the criterion of truth. The primary object of my discussion is to answer the following questions as regards the Stoic criterion of truth. 1) What is the Stoic criterion of truth? 2) Is the Stoic criterion able to be accepted as a genuine criterion of truth? Analyzing debate on the criterion we can get two conclusions. First, according to the Stoics the criterion of truth is generically (kata genos) a cognitive impression(kataleptike phantasia), which is defined as an impression that comes from what is, is imprinted and impressed in exact accordance with what is, and is such that an impression of this kind could not come about from what is not. The reason why the Stoics defined the cognitive impression as criterion of truth is that in indirect way it guarantees the truth of all other propositions, giving rise to the common conceptions and becoming the foundation of every human investigation. So it is only through cognitive impressions that we have any knowledge of what is true or not. Although some scholars maintain that about the criterion Chrysippus disagreed with Zeno who defined the criterion as a cognition(katalepsis), in my opinion Chrysippus seemed to clear some vague points of Zeno. Therefore the Stoic criterion of truth which satisfies both correspondence and coherence is cognitive impression. Second, the criterion of truth should be true, requiring no more proof. That is why the Stoics maintained that cognitive impressions with the right kind of history are clear and by themselves different from all other impressions. But the Sceptics tried to show that there are impressions which have all the supposed characteristics of cognitive impressions but nevertheless are false. They contend that the so-called criterion of truth is not means for judging truth and falsehood, but a plausible criterion at best. On the other hand, the criterion of the Stoics is rather “by which” the existence and the truth of a state of affairs come to be known. Therefore sometimes ordinary people cannot distinguish cognitive impressions from abnormal impressions, because they cannot systemize and justify their cognitive impressions. Finally only the sage can justify and use properly cognitive impressions as criterion of truth, although cognitive impressions appear clear and distinct to all human beings.
    Keyword: Stoics, Scepticism, Criterion of Truth, Coherence Interpretation, Correspondence Interpretation, Cognitive Impression(Kataleptike Phantasia), Cognition(Katalepsis)
    Author: Yu Suk Oh
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Khalil Mutran as a bridge between neoclassicism and romanticism
    Khalil Mutran as a bridge between neoclassicism and romanticism Khalil Mutran played a part as a transitional figure between neoclassicism and romanticism in Arabic literature. And he was called “the poet of the two (Arab) countries”, Egypt and Lebanon. In an attempt to free himself from the strict rules of the Arabic Qasidah, Mutran sometimes used the narrative poem, the Andalus-Arabic form(Muwashshat), a long prose poem, and the form of the five-lined(Mukhammas). But in spite of these efforts to break away from the Qasidah, and in spite of his personal lyrical notes, his works as a whole make a neoclassicist impression. And thematically for poems of profound personal introspection, there are numerous panegyrics, lampoons, elegies, social and political occasional poems. So he was not called the romantic poet, but the neo-romantic poet. His reaction to the limitations of classicism was an expression of a much wider movement towards Westernization. Mutran was a highly conscious artist who introduced into Arabic poetry a number of attitudes and assumptions and so he can be regarded as the true father of the new or modern school of poetry in Arab world. The most important of these assumptions are the unity of the poem, the belief in the freedom and independence for self-expression, and the uncommonness of the imagination and the strangeness of the subject.
    Keyword: a transitional figure, neoclassicism, romanticism, the poet of the two countries, the epic poem, the unity of the poem, self-expression
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    바그다드부터 톨레도까지 번역과 문화간 대화에서 아랍 이슬람의 업적
    이 책이 번역과 문화간의 대화에 초점을 두었고 아랍어, 그리스어, 라틴어가 서로 만나는 접점에서 문화를 연구하고 있다. 지중해 연구소가 이처럼 아랍어, 그리스어, 라틴어 학자들이 중심이 되어 바그다드에서 톨레도까지 다문화 사회와 문예 부흥을 연구하면 한국의 다문화 정책에도 도움이 되지 않을까 생각한다. 더구나 그리스 철학이 기독교와 유대교, 이슬람교에 공히 영향을 주었고 이슬람 신학 또는 이슬람 변증학(일므 알칼람)이 아리스토텔레스의 논리학의 영향을 받았다. 따라서 우리나라에서 아랍어과나 아랍이슬람지역학과가 단순히언어 숙달에만 그치지 않고 이들 언어를 통하여 아랍 이슬람학의 제 학문까지 섭렵할 수 있는 교과목 설계가 절실하다고 본다.
    Author: 공일주
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    지중해에 대한 동경
    지중해 문명의 특이성은 이러한 교통과 융합의 힘에서 찾아야 한다. 오랫동안 이어진 저력이자 기반도 이러한 다양성과 상호 소통에서 찾아야 한다. 그래서 지중해 문명은 고여 있지 않고, 지금까지 흐를 수 있었다. 그 어떤 힘도 생각보다 오랫동안 강제할 수 없었지만, 동시에 그 어떤 문명도 이 세계의 일원이 되는 데에 큰 힘을 낭비하지 않아도 되었다. 그것이 결국 지중해를 지켜보고, 때로는 지켜보는 원동력으로 만들었다
    Author: 김남석
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Glottopolitics Dimension to Language and Placement Plan in Education of French Regional: A Case Study of Occitan Language
    Glottopolitics Dimension to Language and Placement Plan in Education of French Regional: A Case Study of Occitan Language The purpose of this case study was to understand the glottopolitics of minor language and investigate a regional language in educational placement plan. The issue of Occitan language should be included from the foreign language classroom(3 languages in France) has been also a important issue in ex-Occitanie(since middle age) countries(Spain, Italy and Monaco) or the mediterranean region. Especially, in France, the result of analysis demonstrates the glottopolotics about regional language was a limited types of the linguistical policy. The analysis of the historical context shows the long line of conglomerates that had to cope with the power struggles within their national language. For example, the repeated argument resulted in the education of the regional language under the projet of bilingual & immersion foreign language program. The present study also demonstrates the important example about protection of several minor languages in the eco-system linguistic as Louis-Jean Calvet noted. This study concludes with some implications the element of different cultures within the traditional culture, for example of the occitan language.
    Keyword: Glottopolitis, Placement Plan, French Regional, Occitan Language, Minor Language, Bilingual & Immersion Program
    Author: Ni Na Chang
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    James Joyce’s Novel and Classic Myths
    James Joyce’s Novel and Classic Myths James Joyce is concerned with the relationship between myth and its literary expression, and some of his novels are perhaps based on the mythology. In this respect, this thesis aims to study his views on mythology and its literary relations with special reference to his novels, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysseys. In his novels Joyce develops mythic symbols and artistic creation elaborately. Joyce thinks that almost all his novels are a flight into the art from the real world. For example, Stephen Dedalus in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man like Icarus in Greek myth tried to escape from the situation of the paralysis. In the end of the novel, Stephen declares that “I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race. In addition, Joyce’s mind is fettered by symbols drawn from mythology and history. The mythology congenial to him is partly Celtic, but the Greek myth is also very important to him. In Ulysses Joyce rewrites the myth of the Odyssey, one of the most well-known stories in the Western world. Ulysses unveils the basic assumptions of the Odyssey and subverts the world of myth through characters in the novel. Therefore, Joyce makes use of the mythological symbols and rituals to express the change of human civilization with much success in his novels.
    Keyword: James Joyce, Classic Myths, Myth and Literature, Joyce and Myth
    Author: Sang Moon Huh
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Historic Avant-Garde Literature in Spain
    Historic Avant-Garde Literature in Spain It seems that Spain did not have a concrete Avant-garde movement unlike other European countries at the start of twentieth century. However, we can not dismiss the possibility of various attempts to sympathize with other Avant-garde movements such as Futurism, Expressionism, Dadaism, Surrealism, etc. Therefore, the objective of this article was to approach to the reality of Spanish Avant-garde movement. To obtain our aim, we took advantage of the personal opinions and literary works at that time. After analyzing our proposed issues, we can come to the following conclusions: First, Spanish Avant-garde can be divided into two different periods: the first revolutionary stage and the second constructive stage. Second, we can find common aesthetic principles of the Spanish Avant-gardists such as a break with the past generations; the persuit of new Third, Spanish Avant-gardists want to carry out the Avant-gardistic ideology through their concrete literary works. Therefore, they paid attention to many new themes: the metropolitis, sports, cinema, music-hall, etc. Finally, we can’t help mentioning literary megazines which played a great role in distributing new Avant-gardistic ideology all over the country: Revista de Occidente and La Gaceta Literaria, etc. In short, many young writers of that time felt very anxious for new artistic or literary trends and acted like authentic avant-gardists, though they didn’t form a concrete school or movement.
    Keyword: Spanish Avant-Garde, Ultraism, Modern Literature
    Author: Hyo Young Park
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Development of the Arabic Scripts and Calligraphy
    A Development of the Arabic Scripts and Calligraphy -Centering around the Quran Manuscripts- Arabic belongs to the group of Semitic alphabetical scripts in which mainly the consonants are represented in writing, while the markings of vowel is not written or optical. With the expansion of the Islamic empire and increasing number of non-Arab muslims afterward AD 7C, there was a greater need for facilitating reading and learning of Arabic. Since several letters of the Arabic alphabet share the same shapes and the vowels are not clearly indicated, the Arabic reform was needed to avoid linguistic confusion and to preserve the purity of Quran. ʔiʕjām (letter-pointing) and tashkīl (vowel indication) was developed to meet these problems. Calligraphy is the most important and pervasive element in Islamic art. It has always been considered the noblest form of art because of its association with the Quran, In this research, I try to study the development of the Arabic scripts and calligraphy using the ancient Quran manuscripts. I think that the Quran manuscripts will be the most suitable material for this research because lacking the other linguistic materials to study the Arabic script and calligraphy in the early Islamic era. In this article, I will concentrate to the tashkīl and ʔiʕjām to study the early Arabic script and to the mail and Kūfīc script to the Islamic calligraphy. I expect to understand the process of the development of the Arabic scripts and Islamic calligraphy through this article.
    Keyword: Arabic Language, Arabic Script, Islam Calligraphy, Islam, Quran, Manuscript
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    A Study on the Transformation of the Alf Lailah wa Lailah into West-Europe
    Alf Laylah wa Laylah (The thousand and one nights) is the book of folk tales of Middle East. In this book many tales which include all subjects of human life are connected systematically in the narrative device of frame story and contain the thoughts and the emotion of Middle Eastern people. According to an Arab historian Ibn Nadim, Alf Lailah va Lailah and Hezar Afsane is near and Alf Lailah va Lailah is derived from the Hezar Afsane . In the medieval Europe Sendebar was so circulated and it was considered translated book from Alf Lailah va Lailah . This book generally known as the Libro de los engaños , which is the spanish version of Sendebar , is a rare example in a European language of the Oriental branch of the Seven Sages . In the Middle ages of Europe, Seven Sages was read in various versions of many languages. These texts can be grouped into two: the oriental and the occidental group. The texts of the oriental group are comprised of the Syriac, Greek, Hebrew, Persian and Arabic texts and Historia Septem Sapientum written in Latin. The texts of the occidental group are those written in French, English, Latin and other European languages. The texts of the oriental group seems to have originated from an Indian source and the relationship among these texts has not yet firmly established. This paper aims to shed more light on the transformative relationship of the texts by the comparative examination of Alf Lailah va Lailah and Hezar Afsane and Sendebar and Historia Septem Sapientum .
    Keyword: Alf Laylah wa Laylah, Transformation, Sendebar, Historia Septem Sapientum, Persian Version, Latin Version, Spanish Version
    Author: Jong Wha Lee
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Muslim Immigrants in Korea: Their Intermarriage with the Koreans and the Settlement
    Muslim Immigrants in Korea: Their Intermarriage with the Koreans and the Settlement This paper focuses on Marriage, Settlement and Acculturation of the Muslim Immigrants in Korean Society, as the second year subject of the project on “Acculturation and Adaptation of Immigrant Muslims in Korean Society: Coexisting with Koslims in a Multi-Cultural Society”. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the Muslim immigrants’ intermarriage with the Koreans and their settlement in the Korean society. To be sure, the growing number of foreign brides and bridegroom are one of the important social issues in the Korean Multi-cultural debate. To investigate the intermarriage situation efficiently from the various muslim immigrants, this study divided the muslim in Korea into five categories; Arab Muslims, non Arab Middle East Muslims, Central Asian Muslims, South Asian Muslims, and South East Asian Muslims. In order to outline the Muslim intermarriage status in Korea, this research has employed various statistic data as qualitative method. However this study was done mainly through field research using survey and a face-to-face interview to explain the peculiarity of the different Muslim communities’ intermarriage trend in Korea. This study is one of the first to provide information about the intermarriage trend and the situation of the Muslim immigrants in Korea.
    Keyword: Muslim Immigrant, Intermarriage, Acculturation, Islam, Marriage Assimilation, Arab Muslim, Non Arab Middle East muslim, Central Asian Muslim South Asian Muslim, Southeast Asian Muslim
    Author: Hee Sun Cho
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Regional Development
    A Review on the Prospect of Regional Development of Greece and Central/Eastern European Countries in the European Union
    A Review on the Prospect of Regional Development of Greece and Central/Eastern European Countries in the European Union From initial state, European Community (European Union) made effort to reduce regional inequality and to get over the retardation of less deveolped countries. In case of Greece, since the 1990’s the close cooperation between the Greek government and the Community Support Frameworks[CSF) of European Community has proved the intensification of regional innovation and the improvement of enterprise management, based on the joint ownership and dissemination of technology and information. However, the items enforced by European Community on the one hand, and the Innovative politics downwards from the central government of Greece on the other hand, used to form a cause of discord between the central and the local governments, not making much account of regional particulars. And, inspite the efforts for innovation, a small scale of companies and research institutes disturbed the self development and mutual transfer of technology. Meanwhile, remarkable Regional Innovation Strategy(RIS) of Greece set up with the Regional Technology Plan(RTP) of Macedonia in 1995. And the example of Macedonia was followed resulting in 11 projects of RIS and RITTS(Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategy), regionally balanced and spread over various regions of Greece. On the other hand, close relation with European Community had an effect not only on economic but political phases. The development of regional self-government system of Greece came into effect in the decade of 1990’s, when the relation between European Community and Greece intensified. Then, since the decade of 1990’s European Community furnished transitional fund to the Central and Eastern Countries, who were not then it’s members yet, for preparing to enter European Community. The regional unbalance, however, got intensified in the majority of the 10 countries who got the benefits of transitional fund. In partiuclar, the more the role of market increased, the more regional inequality deepened. Futhermore, it seems that in future European Community would give much more weight on promoting economic integration of the European Union than reducing regional inequality upon traditional strategy. Answering to these tendencies, members of European Community in Central and Eastern Countries strive not only for economic integration with the world of European Community by means of technology Innovation and intensifing interaction between enterprises, but also seek after organizational, institutional reformation. The point calling attention here is that, in less developed countries of Central |최 자 영| 유럽연합 내 그리스와 중동부 유럽의 지역발전 방향에 대한 소고| 3 and Eastern Europe, the politics attracting foreigner’s investment, which is properly to accelerate the economic integration into European Community, should be carried out keeping consideration for the existed industry structure as well as regional balance. Especially in retarded regions, the effort for realizing regional balance used to be closely connected with reducing the social gap between the rich and the poor. Actually, however, it is not h anasy job to harmonize between the politics for the sectorial to harmonizein industry and the regional to harmonizein balance. The horizontal, sectorial support and intensification of market economy, which seek after competitiveness and profit, tended to increase social inequality, intensifing the social disparity between the rich and the poor as well as the regional concentration of industry. Then, the effort to exploi, ittential capacities of less developed regions accommodating the integrated economic structure of European Union should be assuonropeaevery aspustrby cooperation of the tht a auth shoies, that is, region, state, and European Union. Furthermore, the development of market economy is inevitably coupled with the accomodation of much more liberal political structure of Western Europe, so as to call for revision of traditional political structure of socialism in Central and Eastern Europe, resulting in a fine prospect of economic development. Thus, as the local autonomy has developed in Greece under the influence of European Community, it is inevitable to diffuse central power to each region and to materialize political democracy, which is in turn to improve the creativity of enterprises on the one hand, and that of regions on the other hand,. And these movements in the end will do much for reducing the inequality among various regions as well as social classes.
    Keyword: European Union (European Community), Greece, Central and Eastern Europe, Regional Balance, Innovation of Technology, Local Autonomy
    Author: Ja Young Che
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    자위(Jawi)문자의 실체와 문헌 속에서의 시스템
    Ⅰ. Tulisan Jawi에 대한 소개 Tulisan Jawi는 아랍의 종교인 이슬람이 말레이 세계에 전파되면서 함께 들어온 아랍문자의 변형체다. 원래 세계의 유명한 종교들은 문자와 함께 발전되고 전파되었다. 즉, 힌두교는 산스크릿문자와 함께, 불교는 중국의 한자와 함께, 기독교는 알파벳과 함께 그리고 이슬람교는 아랍문 자와 함께 전파되었던 것이다. 원래 Huruf Jawi라는 말은 Jawa의문자라는 뜻인데 옛날에 아랍 사람 들은 이쪽 말레이- 인도네시아 지역을 통틀어서 가장 역사적으로 알려 진 Jawa땅으로 일컬었었다. 더군다나 지금의 말레이시아 땅은 믈라꺼 해협 쪽만을 제외하고는 별로 알려져 있지 않았던 것 같다. 이것은 아랍 사람들의 오해에서 빚어진 하나의 아이러니다. 사실 Jawa의 문자는 Kawi문자다. 즉, Java의 Script는 Jawi가 아니고 Kawi이며, Jawi는 Jawa의 문자가 아니고 말레이시아의 문자를 일컫게 되었다.
    Keyword: 자위문자
    Author: Kyoung Seok Kang
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Economic Building between EU and Maghreb Community
    Economic Building between EU and Maghreb Community Maghreb region has been focusing on the economic integrity for the economic development to assisting in the expansion or retention of regional operations within a Middle East or assisting in the start up of new community within EU. In the mean while, EU guide economic actions to the Mediterranean states through the FTA model. Therefore, economic development schemes of the Maghreb individual countries are dominated by grouping, with large associations. Especially, Tunisia local economic development plan has been working out of a Maghreb region may act towards increasing relation with EU and US by attracting economic and political cooperation with larger units. This paper focuses on the potentialities of the economic integration of Maghreb countries and EU that will be developing GCC, working for Neo-Silk Road from Europe to Asia. In its broadest sense, economic development encompasses three major continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe. To evaluate the possibility of the giant economic community, this paper survey the role of Tunisia within their environment in economic social infra-structure.
    Keyword: Maghreb, Tunisia, EU, Mediterranean, Economic Integration, Middle East, FTA
    Author: Joong Kwan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Les Femmes maghrébines en France et les efforts pour la création du troisième espace
    Les Femmes maghrébines en France et les efforts pour la création du troisième espace Cet article a pour but de éclairer les efforts pour la création du troisième espace par les femmes maghrébines en France. De manière générale, l′étude des femmes maghrébines pose des problèmes méthodologiques importants malgré le renouvellement des approches et des points de vue, en raison de l′imbrication étroite entre pratiques religieuses et rites sociaux et de la politisations de la religion musulmane depuis la fin du siècle dernier. Les populations maghrébines victimes d′un rejet se replient sur elles-mêmes et trouvent dans la religion une identité et une force nouvelles. Les femmes sont les principales victimes de ce repli communautaire qui tend à les inférioriser. Pourtant certaines, désemparées par l′exclusion, participent à ce processus et leur dépendance, dont le port du voile ou le mariage de femmes maghrébines avec des non-musulmans est une des manifestations, peur être perçue par elles comme des facteurs de valorisation. Pour elles, il est important de créer un espace nouveau qui n′est ni islamique ni français.
    Keyword: Femmes maghrébines, France, Islam, Intégration, Voile, Exogamie des femmes
    Author: Ki Chan Byeon
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Science Etc
    La lectura del texto deterritorializado
    La lectura del texto deterritorializado Juan Goytisolo rechaza todo tipo de orden social, desde el comunismo hasta el capitalimso y sus sistemas políticos, como la democracia o la dictatura militar, pasando por el catolicismo como modelo de sociedad jerarquizada. Goytisolo configura, a través de la plaza Xemaa-el-Fna, en que las diversas culturas podrían coexistir y conyugar recíprocamente, sin prejuicio nunguno recuperando el eco juglaresco como halaiquí nesraní. Esta idea de la cultura se convierte en la espiritual y escatológica en su última etapa. La preocupación espiritual de Goytisolo, que le había llevado en un principio a interesarse por la mística sufí y por las romerías marroquíes, da paso a una nueva y profunda atracción por la experiencia mística de San Juan de la Cruz, por el uso que éste hace del lenguaje. Con su énfasis en el influjo que los sufíes han tenido en el carmelita persigue, siguiendo la senda marcada por Américo Castro, resaltar la importante presencia de lo árabe en la tradición literaria española. Además el escritor quiere aportar una nueva lectura de los versos del santo, desea ensalzar al otro San Juan, a un intelectual heterodoxo y perseguido. Goytisolo se sirve del tema del SIDA para hacer una fuerte crítica de la represión del intelectual, del enfermo, del heterodoxo, y del homosexual. El San Juan de la Cruz contaminado se constituye en el nuevo héroe erótico-místico por excelencia. Esta idea refleja, a través de la identificación con San Juan, la multiplicidad o la ruptura del sujeto como el sistema orgánico a base de la teoría rizomática de Gilles Deleuze. En esta tesis, podremos encontrar una conexión entre el punto de vista abierta y carnavalizada de Goytisolo con la ideología rizomática y desterritorializada de Gilles Delauze.
    Keyword: Identidad rizomática, deterritorial -ización, sufismo
    Author: Ju In Lim
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Il concetto dell'arte di Pirandello nel teatro del mito I giganti della montagna
    Il concetto dell'arte di Pirandello nel teatro del mito I giganti della montagna Tra i teatri sull′arte di Pirandello, Sei personaggi in cerca d′autore tratta della relazione di contrasto fra il poeta e gli attori (incluso il regista), ma in I giganti della montagna quella fra gli attori(incluso il poeta) e il pubblico. In Sei personaggi in cerca d′autore Pirandello vuole mettere in luce particolarmente le difficolta′, cioe′ il dilemma della forma d′arte pura, quando lo scrittore intreccia i casi dei personaggi a causa del limite dell′immaginazione, quando gli attori devono rappresentare il vero dei personaggi, quando il capocomico deve scegliere l′opera e poi la deve analizzare e costruire, e quando fra il poeta, gli attori e il capocomico non si comunicano. Ma ne I giganti della montagna il punto centrale e′ cambiato. Nel testo ci sono ‘gli scalognati’ che creano ‘teatro puro’ non per un pubblico ma per puro giuoco, ‘la compagnia dei comici’ che crea ‘teatro rappresentato’ che implica la possibilità dell′interprete condizionato dai rischi, dagli errori di valutazione e d’interpretazione, e ‘i giganti’ incapaci di capire l’opera, dediti all′azione pratica, all’economia, allo sviluppo tecnico, e che rappresentano la barbarie e la violenza bestiale del pubblico. Qui attraverso il contrasto fra il poeta, gli attori e il pubblico, viene trattato l′aspetto materialistico del teatro che rappresenta il fallimento della comunicazione senza rapporto con il valore artistico. Percio′ in Sei personaggi in cerca d′autore i personaggi sono in cerca d′autore, ma ne I giganti della montagna i commedianti sono in cerca del pubblico. Tuttavia Pirandello non considera che il livello di un pubblico violento e bestiale non e′ l′unico problema. Questo fallimento deriva dal conflitto tra ‘i servi fanatici dell′Arte′ e ‘i poveri servi fanatici della vita’, perche′ non si considerano e non vogliono capire la situazione l’uno dell’altro. Percio’ I giganti della montagna vuole dire che, qualunque sia il genere di pubblico, l’arte senza scambio e comunicazione con il pubblico, l′arte per l′arte in se′ stessa non ha significato. Ilse avrebbe dovuto cercare di piu’ il modo per comunicare con i giganti. Questo e′ il concetto conclusivo di Pirandello, che “l′arte e′ uno specchio ‘per’ la vita, non ‘della’ vita”.
    Keyword: il teatro del mito, la forma d'arte pura, il teatro rappresentato, il fallimento della comunicazione, l'aspetto materialistico del teatro
    Author: Jee Yeon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    El proceso de desarrollo de la literatura fantástica española del siglo XIX
    El proceso de desarrollo de la literatura fantástica española del siglo XIX -Contexto sociocultural y análisis comparativa entre “Luisa” y “La mujer alta”- En el presente estudio, se analiza exhaustivamente el proceso de desarrollo de la literatura fantástica española del siglo XIX a través del contexto sociocultural de aquel periodo y de la comparación entre dos cuentos fantá sticos: “Luisa”(1837), de Eugenio de Ochoa y “La mujer alta”(1882), de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón Como es sabido, en España, la literatura fantástica empezó a florecer en los años 30s del siglo XIX, un poco más tarde que otros países europeos como Francia, Inglaterra y Alemania donde se había cultivado este género a partir de finales del siglo XVIII. Además, dicha corriente era considerado a veces como una ‘subliteratura’ la cual contaba con una calidad estética menor. Dicho retardo y la mencionada evaluación fueron originados, parcialmente, debido a que el romanticismo, considerado cuna de la literatura fantástica, fue incorporándose lentamente en España a causa de la situación política del país y a que también existían varios obstáculos socioculturales que frenaban el desarrollo de esta literatura: la larga tradición realista de la literatura española, la reacción contraria a la avalancha de traducciones y la preocupación por la creación de una literatura nacional, la errónea comprensión del concepto de lo fantástico, etc. Sin embargo, literatura fantástica española no dejó de desarrollar incesante y progresivamente a lo largo del siglo XIX gracias a la expansión del mercado editorial y a la activa participación de algunos de los autores más destacados de la época. Se ha podido comprobar este proceso de desarrollo a través de la comparación aquí tratada entre “Luisa” y “La mujer alta”. En la primera aparecen los elementos narrativos de lo fantástico ‘visible’ y una fuerte influencia del exterior; mientras que en la segunda, dominan los elementos de lo fantástico ‘invisible’ y la acogida creativa de algunos maestros del género fantástico como Hoffmann y Poe.
    Keyword: Literatura española del siglo XIX, Literatura fantástica, Eugenio de Ochoa, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, “Luisa”, “La mujer alta”
    Author: Yong Gab Jeon
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Effective Method of ESL Instruction to Non-English Majors*
    효과적인 영어교육방법 —지중해권 전공언어학생들을 중심으로— 이 연구의 목표는 영어교육에서 듣기의 중요성을 강조하는 것이며 받아 쓰기가 비 영어전공학생에게 영어교육을 하는 데 효과적인가를 조사하는 것이었다. 비 영어전공학생들은 아랍어, 불어, 이태리어, 포르투갈어, 스페 인어 및 동양어 전공들이었다. 이 학생들의 입학신청서를 검토한 결과 비 영어전공학생들은 영어전공학생들보다 토익점수가 상당히 낮았다. 전체 실험인구 120명의 학생들은 영어전공학생들(상위)과 비 영어전공 학생들(하위, 중위)로 구성되었다. 그리고 이 학생들은 두 집단 (통제그룹 과 실험그룹)으로 나누어졌다. 실험집단은 토익시험 테이프에서 들리는 영 어소리를 우선 한글로 받아 적고 나중에 영어문장으로 옮겼다. 통제집단 은 영어소리를 한글로 받아 적지 않고 직접 영어로 받아 적었다. 하위 및 중위 학생들이 한글로 받아 적었을 때 통계적으로 중요한 차이가 발견되었다. 상위 학생들에게는 통계적으로 중요한 결과를 찾을 수가 없었다. 이 연구의 결과는 많은 학자들과 연구자들의 견해, 즉 듣기가 언어습득 에 중요하고 또한 받아적기가 듣기를 향상시키는 데 효과적인 방법이라는 것을 떠받친다
    Keyword: 받아쓰기, 듣기이해, 듣는기술, 비영어전공, 한글로 음운 받아 쓰기, 외국어 습득
    Author: Yun Kul Cheung
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    The Role of the ‘Sea People’ in the Interaction of Ancient Mediterranean Civilization and Canaan
    The Role of the ‘Sea People’ in the Interaction of Ancient Mediterranean Civilization and Canaan The Philistines were one of the ancient Sea Peoples of Aegean origin who settled on the coast of Canaan at the beginning of the twelfth century BCE. The Philistine were, in fact, a people of cultural and material sophistication who maintained a unique identity in their cities and settlements in the south of Palestine for about six hundred years. The historical reappraisal of the Philistines is the result of the combined efforts of modern scholarship and archaeology. The early history and precise geographical origin of the Sea Peoples remain unclear. It is certain that disturbances at the center of Mycenaean civilization at the end of the thirteenth century BCE were responsible for mass migrations to the eastern Mediterranean. Archaeological evidence points to the arrival of groups from the Aegean soon after the destruction of the aftermath of the Trojan War. The importance of the Philistines and the other Sea Peoples in the history of the ancient Near East lies in the role they played in furthering the connections between Canaan and the rest of the Mediterranean world. Their commercial, technological and cultural achievements, hardly mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, were extensive, and they played a pivotal role during the political upheavals and population movements that marked the transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. The Philistines brought to the ancient Near East a developed material culture that continued to evolve, even as it wad affected by local influences. They were accomplished architects and builders, highly artistic pottery makers, textile manufacturers, dyers, metalworkers, silver smelters, farmers, soldiers, and sophisticated urban planners. Yet, because of their confrontation with the hill people known as the Israelites described in the Hebrew Bible, the Philistines acquired a negative historical image that still retains its symbolic power. From the reliefs of Madinat Habu and the ruins of the great Philistine cities, however, we catch glimpses of the vibrant, advanced culture that they transplanted from their old homeland to their new one. Whether or not this negative image loses its potency in Western culture, the Philistines have at least and at last emerged from the realm of myth onto the stage of history.
    Keyword: Philistine, Palestine, Sea People, Canaan, Mediterranean Civilization, Ancient Near East
    Author: Chang Mo Choi
    Poblication Year: 2009
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study on the Effectivation of the Lisbon Treaty and Changes of EU
    A Study on the Effectivation of the Lisbon Treaty and Changes of EU The Lisbon Treaty was signed by heads of state and government of the 27 EU Members States on 13 December 2007. It is intended to reform the functioning of the European Union following the two waves of enlargement which have taken place since 2004 and have increased the number of EU Member States 15 to 27. The Lisbon Treaty was drafted as a replacement for the Constitutional Treaty which was rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005. The Lisbon Treaty operate by amending the two treaties that embody the EU’s fundamental rules. There are ‘the Treaty on European Enion(TEU)’ and ‘the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)’. The Lisbon Treaty, which came into force on 1 December 2009, opens up a new stage for the European Union(EU), for this project of coexistence 27 countries and 500 milion people, a project created on the values of freedom and human dignity, of tolerance and solidarity. The key issues of our time require global cooperation. Consequently, the Lisbon Treaty has brought significant improvements to the way the EU is represented in the international community. Principally, it brings together under one “roof” the full range of political, economic, and other instruments that the EU can deploy to achieve its global objectives. As presidents of the European council and of the government of the rotating presidency, we would like the application of the Lisbon treaty to be as diligent and rigorous as possible. In a spirit of co-operation, we will promote the EU’s new institutional order so we can address and resolve the problems that concern us all. Together we will address the priorities set out in the programme of the presidency. In this article, I will try to research the Lisbon Treaty, the effectivation of the Lisbon Treaty and EU’s changes.
    Keyword: Lisbon Treaty, EU, European Union, Effectivation, Ratification
    Author: Won Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Classic Hero and the Incapable
    The Classic Hero and the Incapable -The Omnipresence and the Absence- Throughout human history there have been many types of heroes: from the classical ones which are the prototype of beauty and strength, a symbol of perfection; to superman of D’Annunzio, an individual “winner” who manages to deal positively with situations and is separated from the mediocrity of things, seeking affirmation in the social context. That is classical hero cults could be of the utmost political importance. In the present, one potential drawback of the necessity of hero identification means that a hero is often more a combination of symbols than a representation of an actual person. In order to appeal to a wide range of individuals, the author often relegates the hero to a “type” of person which everyone already is or wishes themselves to be; a “brave” person; a “self-sacrificing” person. The most problematic result of this sort of design is the creation of a character so universal that we can all identify with somewhat, but none can identify with completely. Finally we got to analyze in depth the italian writer Italo Svevo’s incapable characters of “Disease of living” that can not relate to society and rather prefers to it succumb to society than attempt to relate to it. In the narrative of the late twentieth century scholars have repeatedly taken the model of the incapable of Svevo. Always the hero, described with extraordinary powers in collective imagination, embodies the good. Homer has exalted in their poems the hero. Contrariwise Svevo destroys the traditional typology of the classic hero to build a character that can be considered the exact opposite of the Homer’s archetype. If Achilles or Hector seek affirmation of their virtus within the community, the characters in the novels of Svevo express their discomfort at the very time they relate to society. The Svevo’s inept do not chase dreams of glory or impossible ambition, but it is a character who, despite having lost his identity, seeks to “straddling” in the snares of everyday life. This is the virtus that they express. This article is proposed to show how Svevo’s novels undermine the traditional typology of the classic hero narrated by Homer, and investigate the main differences and similarities of the Svevo’s characters with the classical heroes to understand the role of his “anti-heroes.”
    Keyword: Classical Hero’s Typology, Antihero, Incapable, Society, Time, Destiny, Deity
    Author: Hee Jung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Resumen /sinopsis El papel y las características del Consejo de la Inquisición española durante los siglos XVI y XVII
    Resumen /sinopsis El papel y las características del Consejo de la Inquisición española durante los siglos XVI y XVII La Inquisición Española fue una organización de carácter mixto, es decir eclesiástico y secular. Esta dualidad se refleja en el Consejo de la Inquisición, compuesto por el Inquisidor General y los consejeros. La razón por la que la Inquisición Española ha sido siempre considerada como un instrumento fiel a la política estatal, a pesar de que su cometido principal era la persecución de la herejía, se debe al Consejo de la Inquisición, que formaba parte del sistema polisinodial que sostenía la monarquía española de la Edad Moderna y que carecía de la jurisdicción eclesiástica para tratar de las materias inquisitoriales. En cambio, el Inquisidor General era la figura en que se concentraban todas las facultades apostólicas que provenían del Papa a través del Breve de su nombramiento. Por este problema jurisdiccional, la relación entre el Inquisidor General y los consejeros no era siempre cordial sino que a veces llegaba a ser extremadamente tensa. Constantemente el Consejo de la Inquisición intentaba ampliar su jurisdicción para intervenir en otros campos, como la cuestión de la gracia que pertenecía privativamente al Inquisidor General.
    Keyword: Consejo de la Inquisición, Inquisidor General, Consejeros, Jurisdicción, Dualidad
    Author: Eun Hae Lee
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on the Poetic Criticism and the Literary Works of Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad as a Spokesman of Diwan Group
    A Study on the Poetic Criticism and the Literary Works of Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad as a Spokesman of Diwan Group As a spokesman of Diwan Group which struggled to make the true Egyptian literature, Aqqad tried to break down the strong castle of Neoclassicism and also set up the new Romanticism through the critical comments and works. And so, in his most works he subjectively and romantically expressed his feelings about all the situations in the whole life including the nature and love. Formally, he experimented the one blank verse and about 60 strophic verses like muwashshat, Muzdawij, Muthallath, Murabba, Mukhammas, and so tried to destroy the fetter of the rhyme. But in spite of his constant efforts, he composed his most poems with the form of Qasidah and Qitah(a short poem under the 10 lines) which regard the meter and rhyme as the most important thing. And he could not totally overcome the limits of Neoclassism that controled the Egypt at that time. Any way, it is remarkable thing that Aqqad used a lot of the Qitah in the works more then about 500. The Qitah has the same point as the Qasidah in view of using the mono meter and mono rhyme, but it will be considered to the important changes in view of breaking the long-lined rule of Qasidah and at the same time taking the unification of contents. And also he showed the several experimentations using the form which destroyed the rule of divided into halves that is one norm of Qasidah. As above mentioned, in the subjects he broke down the Neoclassicism partly and set up the Romanticism in the Arabic poetry, but formally he could not take off the bridle of the Neoclassicism. After all, Aqqad was the pioneer who crossed the limits of the Noeclasscism and proceeded to the freer Romanticism through expressing the subjective and romantic subjects with various forms. And also these experiments were developed by the Apollo Group which began to be in full activities in the thirties, and then became the footstone for the movement of the free verse in the fifties.
    Keyword: Poetic Criticism, Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, a Spokesman of Diwan Group, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Feelings, Strophic Verse, Qasidah, Qitah, Unification of Contents, Apollo Group, the Movement of the Free Verse
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Cultural Intercourse between the Orient and Ancient Greece: Focusing on the Underworld Women in Myths
    Cultural Intercourse between the Orient and Ancient Greece: Focusing on the Underworld Women in Myths This paper is to clarify the cultural intercourse between the Orient and the ancient Greece around the Mediterranean area. Specifically this paper focuses on the Underworld queen-characters in myths. In the first chapter, I try to trace the common aspects between Ereshkigal, the Sumerian goddess of the Underworld and Persephone, the Greek goddess of the Underworld. Even though the most powerful goddess of the Underworld of the Orient(Ereshkigal) seems diffenrent from Persephone, a dependent weak daughter and unwilling queen of the Underworld in Greece, the earliest evidences show that Persephone was originally a great goddess like Ereshkigal. In short, I conclude that Persephone was a Greek Ereshkigal. In the second chapter, I deal with Medusa, who lived in the Underworld as an attendant of Persephone, and Perseus who was well known for killing Medusa. Medusa, originally a powerful and benevolent being from the Orient, changed into a wicked monster, eventually killed by Perseus in Greece. It is interesting to note that those powerful goddesses in the Orient changed into weak or wicked presences in Greece. It is also interesting to note that the names of Persephone, Perseus, Medusa are all deeply related to the Underworld and whose origin seemed to be from the Orient.
    Keyword: Ereshkigal, Underworld Queen, Persephone, Medusa, Perseus, Mediterranean Cultural Intercourse
    Author: Hae Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Ottoman Diplomatic Attitude Toward Habsburg in the Age of Süleyman the Magnificent
    Ottoman Diplomatic Attitude Toward Habsburg in the Age of Süleyman the Magnificent Many scholars holding a Euro-centric perspective negatively view the Ottoman Empire as having a diplomacy centered on its Islamic tradition. According to Muslim law, the Muslims must live in a certain territory called ‘dār al-Islam.’ Christian publicists speculate that the territory constituting dār al-Islam was acquired by force consistent with the Empire’s organization for plundering and conquest; they argue that conquest was a law of life, the principle which animated what had now become a large and complex society. In addition, they had a view that was not until the Peace of Paris signed in 1856 that the Empire was officially admitted to the European interstate system. But I think they had a view based on misunderstandings with regard to the Empire and diplomacy. The Empire already in the reign of Süleyman Ⅰ had been intergrated into the European interstate system, and the Muslim sultans used diplomacy officially as a useful means to foreign policy. So using force was not the only resort for foreign policy, diplomacy was also a means for problem solving. This paper focuses on the Ottoman diplomatic attitude toward Habsburg. I intend to demonstrate that the traditional historiographic image of Ottoman-Habsburg contacts as an unbridgeable dichotomy between ‘dār al-Islam’ and ‘dār al-Harb’, should be softened. Thus, I suggest that the Ottoman attitude toward diplomacy is not unilateral but favourable and reciprocating. Süleyman Ⅰ tries to establish control over Hungary and Danube Region against Ferdinand Ⅰ of Habsburg. Until 1541, the sultan relies on military operations. But after that he resorts to using diplomacy more than force. He used to sit down at the table with Ferdinand for bilateral negotiation and diplomacy. Thanks to these negotiation and foreign diplomats, from the age of Süleyman the Magnificent onward, awareness about the Ottoman Empire had increased in Europe, and an open field for diplomatic relations had been created.
    Keyword: Süleyman, Ferdinand, Ottoman, Habsburg, Diplomacy, Hungary
    Author: Dong Won Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Estudio de la Cultura de la Alienación Social en la Literatura Folklórica y en la Pintura de Género
    Estudio de la Cultura de la Alienación Social en la Literatura Folklórica y en la Pintura de Género El cuento popular describe una sociedad medieval con claros caracteres de relación armónica, polarizada y estratificada, con status y roles claramente definidos, en la que unos mandan y a los otros les toca obedecer. El grupo dominante asienta su autoridad en el poder y la riqueza, quedando ambos legitimados. En el cuento popular la estratificación social está claramente jerarquizada, de modo que los diversos estratos sociales, debidamente ordenados, tienen en la cúspide a quien detentaba todo el poder y la riqueza; tal estructura social es presentada en los cuentos como algo inamovible. En este artículo, vamos a averiguar la cultura de la alienación social en los cuentos populares y en la pintura de género, que, con el sentido realista del arte, se aplicó a las escenas cotidianas, de la calle o de la vida privada, contemporáneas al autor y que ocultó temas alegóricos, destacando las pinturas de Velázquez, de Murillo y J. de Rivera, y de Francisco de Goya, quienes utilizaron la pintura de género como un medio para una sugerencia oscura sobre la condición humana con numerosos cuadros de mendigos y pilluelos, en un tono realista, pero amable, evitando la expresión del dolor o la tristeza.
    Keyword: Cuento popular, Alienación social, Cultura, Pintura de Género, Literatura española
    Author: Bu Ja Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Free Radio (‘radio libri’) Movement in Italy
    Free Radio (‘radio libri’) Movement in Italy This article aims to describe the Free Radio(‘radio libri’) Movement in Italy and tries to find concrete activities of free radios. In Italy, the 68 revolution of student movement went hand in hand with worker’s movement, and social movement as named Autonomia movement continued all through the 1970s. Worker’s movement has been combined with social struggles, counter-cultural movements of youth-students emerged actively. And followed different sqautting movements, separatistic feminist movement, auto-reduction movement, and so on. With those movements developed the free radio movement as media struggle. Since 1976, i.e. the liberation of airwaves as the result of decision of the supreme court, free radios had been activated and arrived about three thousand through the country. Among them, socialistic radios were made up of 20%. These radios brought about the change of media operation and broadcasting system. Among the distinguished examples, I took up ‘Radio Alice’ as a agent of movement like a flash and ‘Radio Popolare’ as a transversal forum of multitude, which is broadcasting now. Radio Alice had broadcasted for one year and one month, had tried the internal democratisation of the station. Radio Alice tried to destroy the normal broadcast language and wanted to broadcast the voice of desire. It organized receiver-groups and transmitted open broadcasting. It also used the trick way which revealed the true information by using the false information. Furthermore during the ’77 movement it broadcasted lively the mobile situation of police and demonstration mob by the way of phone-in. And it not only broadcasted the accident but also asserted itself. So it played the intelligence agent of movement. Hence it was closed enforcedly by the state. Radio Popolare has broadcasted from 1976 to now, wanted to be a forum for wide multitude. It was established by the cooperative of various supporters. It proceeded to the specialization but tried to maintain the internal democracy. It innovated the established way of broadcasting and performed various experiments of broadcasting. Furthermore it went beyond the accident reporting, suggested various issues around which receivers discussed, and broadcasted the discussing process itself. The Free Radio(‘radio libri’) Movement in Italy at 1970’s had expanded the different expressions of multitude based on their autonomy. And it contributed to the expansion of democracy by including the minorities. Many free radios had been commercialised at 1980’s, but several radios continued to broadcast. Now new media movement(telestreet movement) has emerged with the evolution of communication instruments.
    Keyword: Free radio, Autonomia Movement, Free Radio Movement, Local Radio, Radio Alice, Radio Popolare, ’77 Movement, Phone-in, Minority
    Author: Soo Jong Yoon
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Une étude sur les enseignements de la langue-culture pour les immigrés dans la politique de l'immigration en France
    Une étude sur les enseignements de la langue-culture pour les immigrés dans la politique de l'immigration en France Le présent article est divisé en deux partie: la première partie est un rappel historique de la politique de l'immigration en France; l'enchaînement des évènements historiques est essentiel pour la compréhension et la réflexion de ce phénomène d‘immigration vers la France. Dans la seconde partie, nous essayons de présenter, d‘analyser et l'interpréter, le plus objectivement possible, les programmes de l'enseignement de la langue-culture pour les immigrés. Les questions que nous avons choisies portent sur l'importance de la langue-culture utilisée dans la société française pour l'intégration interculturelle ainsi que leurs attitudes envers les multiculturalité en question. À l'examen de la politique de l‘immigration et les programmes faits par le CASNAV, il semble que les efforts de la France ont vu l'intégration interculturelle dans et/ou par l'etablissement scolaire avec des intentions calculées. Ces analyses nous montrent qu'une analyse scientifique que ne signifie pas qu'elle est neutre, mais plutôt qu'elle pourrait être influencée par une étude du cas. Nous pouvons donc réflechir le résultat de France pour appliquer à la Corée.
    Keyword: la politique d'immigration, L'enseignement de la langue-culture pour les immigrés, CASNAV, l'assimilation, l'intégration, la politique du multiculturalisme, la sociolinguistique
    Author: Ni Na Chang
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    A Study on the Levant People’s Way of Thinking through the Texts of Songs
    A Study on the Levant People’s Way of Thinking through the Texts of Songs - focused on Lebanon & Syria - The domain of popular and folk music often provides insight into the psychological and social, cultural traits of a nation’s character. It means that one can often illustrate the spirit and beliefs of the people by studying the types of songs. This study is aimed to find the Levant people’s way of thinking through the texts of songs-focused on Syria & Lebanon-by classifying motifs of the songs, especially the religion, and social life and sex. The Syrian and Lebanese songs express happiness and sorrows and religious beliefs of the people. The song and music were used in emotional occasions such as love, the pains of the departure, and some social & political issues. We can say that Syrian and Lebanese people are usually in pursuit of Islamic virtues, and they keep balanced life between religious holiness and secularity
    Keyword: Levant, Syria, Lebanon, Popular Song, Folk Song, Mawwāl, Underlying Culture
    Author: Eun Kyeong Yun
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on the Underlying Culture in Levant
    A Study on the Underlying Culture in Levant -Focusing on the Nomadic Culture and Islam- This study aims at having a close look at how nomadic culture and Islamic culture are mixed together by surveying into the underlying culture of Levant. In Levant, as is also the case with other Arabian regions, it is observed that the application of Islam is not genuine, but is mixed with folk beliefs. This study focuses on explaining ‘bidʕah’ by describing the differences that exist between sacredness and secularity. It is observed that, in the underlying culture of this region, faver-seeking religion and folk customs appear in the form of Islam. This study explores the consciousness of nomads and their underlying culture through looking into their custom of saint worship, their thoughts on jinn, evil eye and magic, and their beliefs in fortune and misfortune.
    Keyword: Levant, Underlying Culture, Nomadic Culture, Islam, Jinn, Evil Eye
    Author: In Seop Lee
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이스라엘 안보 환경의 변화와 안보 수정주의
    Since the 1948 when Israel became independent, Israel has continued to conduct its defense-security reform. Israel has six full-scale wars with its neighboring Arab countries and non-state military organizations, and in recent, in particular, since the Second Intifada, has faced a series of small-size military conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah, transforming the classic state-state war into state-non state war. In addition to these, Isarael is required to adapt to the rapid change of the security environment surrounding including the sudden collapses of the Arab authoritarian regimes, the Syrian civil war and Yemen civil war, and the growing influence of Shia Iran and its regional and sectarian hegemony war with Sunni Saudi Arabia by leading the region into increasing regional instability. Israel is also facing domestic challenges weakening and threatening its security including the demographic changes among secular Israelis, religions Israelis, and Jewish Israelis and Arab Israelis. The current change of the demographic standing forces only the secular Jewish Israelis to be responsible for “the security burden” such as the military service. These factors lead Israel to adopt a new security strategy known as the Security Revisionism and compel Israel to plan and conduct defense security reform. This change of the security strategy Therefore this research will, based on these facts, address the change of the Israeli security environment, focusing on the transformation of the security doctrine from the traditional security strategy to the current security revisionism. Along with this, this paper will find out Israel’s defense and security reform with the recent several reform plans including the Teuza Reform Plan and Gideon Reform Plan. Further, this research will also address the implication and significance of the change of the Israeli security doctrine.
    Keyword: Israeli Security Policy, Israeli Security Revisionism, the Middle East Politics, Israeli Politics, Defense Reform, 이스라엘 안보정책, 이스라엘 국방정책, 중동정치, 이스라엘 정치, 국방개혁 Abstract [Korean]
    Author: 안승훈 ( Ahn Sung-hun )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on the Romantic Mood in the Motifs and Forms of Abu Shadi’s Poetry
    A Study on the Romantic Mood in the Motifs and Forms of Abu Shadi’s Poetry As a leading poet of Apollo Group and the founder of Apollo magazine, Ahmad Zaki Abu Shadi was regarded as the poet whose works were full of the romantic mood. In 1932, when developed the romantic trend in the group and the magazine founded by Abu Shadi, the neo-classicism was still strong across all over the Arab world. So I have some questions. Was he a real romantic? Did his works express the romantic motifs in new forms or in the classical form of Qasidah? Was he different from the Diwan Group Which introduced the romantic mood in the Arab world? And if he was so, how different? To respond to this questions, I analyzed four diwans of Abu Shadi: his first diwan of 1910, two diwans written after his emigration to America in 1946 and another one that contains selected poems and critics. The analysis shows that Abu Shadi expressed subjective romantic emotions in the theme and the motifs of 85% of the 268 poems contained in the four diwans. On the other hand, he experimented much less with new forms, like the stanza, the blank verse, his own free verse, the dramatic poem, the narrative poem or drama. Instead he used the Qasidah form in 85% of the 268 poems. So I conclude that he was not a fully romantic poet but a boundary poet between the neo-classicism and the romanticism in the Arab poetry.
    Keyword: Abu Shadi, Apollo Group, Apollo Magaine, Diwan Group, Neo-classicism, Romantism, Qasidah, The New Forms, Free Verse, Boundary Poet
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Heracles in Euprides’ Tragedies
    Heracles in Euprides’ Tragedies - A Historical Approach - This paper is to clarify the meaning and politico-social background of Greek tragedy focusing on the Heracleidai and the Heracles of Euripides. I try to prove that the reason Euripides chose the theme of Heracles for his tragedies was deeply related to the enmity against Sparta. During the Peloponnesian War, the chief enemy of Athens was Sparta. It meant that the Athenians needed to rebuke Sparta or to emphasize miseries of Sparta for anti-Sparta propaganda. Euripides (as well as Sophocles and Aeschylos) chose Heracles as their theme because Heracles was widely accepted especially as the legendary hero and founder of Sparta. In the Heracles, Heracles was described far from as a hero, but as a mere wretched person: Heracles had been mad enough to kill his own children, and after the murder, his behaviour was like a weak woman and even tried to kill himself out of despair. The very person who saved Heracles from his miseries was Theseus, the Athenian King. The structure of Heracleidai was almost the same. The children of Heracles were chased by the king of Argos, the fatal enemy of Heracles. There was none to help them against Argos, except Athens. Only the Athenians helped them even risking a war against Argos. In conclusion, the message of these two tragedies, Heracleidai and Heracles seems quite clear: Heracles, the national hero of Sparta, was not heroic at all, and it was Athens that saved Heracles or his children from their misfortune. Thus, Sparta should not have attacked Athens: it was like returning good with evil. It furthermore means that Greek tragedies, Heracleidai and Heracles as well as other Attic tragedies, cannot be fully understood without considering international relationship of Athens at that time.
    Keyword: Euripides, The Children of Heracles, Heracles, Sparta, The Peloponnesian War
    Author: Hae Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Sacrifice for the Polis-State in Pericles’ Funeral Oration
    Sacrifice for the Polis-State in Pericles’ Funeral Oration Pericles’ funeral oration is a famous ancient speech from Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War. In Athens there was a practice to hold a public funeral and give a speech in honor of all those who had died in war. The Pericles’ funeral oration seems to be a very modern one to demand blood sacrifices in the name of the state ‘polis’. Mourning was general, and yet it was not to dominate Pericles’ funeral oration. Instead, he delivered the eulogy of the imperialistic Athens bluntly, and praised the fallen soldiers’ blood sacrifice for noble causes. The war, however, was for the imperialist domination. The logic and cause of his speech is like those of Yasukuni Shrine in the Japanese Imperialism. In the funeral oration, Pericles justified the warlike politics of Athens against the same Greeks in the second half of the 5th century B.C., on the pretext that she had contributed to the defensive wars against Persia in the first half of the same century. Here we can discover somewhat unjustified enforcement of the role of war in society being processed. The warlike values and politics need private sacrifices and the democracy, and the liberty of Athenians developed on the violence committed by the state against the other Greek polis.
    Keyword: Pericles’ Funeral Oration, Peloponnesian War, Defensive War / Offensive War, Private Sacrifice, State(Polis), Liberty
    Author: Bong Youl Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    A Study on Aristotle’s Concept of Passion and Slavery
    A Study on Aristotle’s Concept of Passion and Slavery This article is concerned about the natural slavery in the Aristotelian political philosophy. Natural slavery is defined as the character of a person who is aware of the nature of things by the reason but lacks of the active knowledge of it, since he was not able to take control of his passion. So passion is one of the most important characteristics to reach happiness. A slave can’t accomplish the virtuous life in terms of deliberation, because he has no ability to decide and to desire for what is best and fine. In this article I am trying to research the Aristotle’s understanding of natural slavery. In order to achieve this goal, first I will analyze the concept of thymos in the various text. Secondly, I am focused on the role of self-knowledge and self-improvement to comment on the association of reason and passion in the process of deliberation.
    Keyword: Passion, Slavery, Reason, Thymos, Desires
    Author: Jo Hann Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    A Study on the Greek Codex Tractatus Coislinianus 120
    A Study on the Greek Codex Tractatus Coislinianus 120 The Greek Codex Tractatus Coislinianus 120 is very important and valuable manuscript that is supposed to include the content of Aristotle’s lost Poetics book II. This article provides a philologically edited Greek text and Korean translation. This codex has attracted the attention of classical scholars since 1839. It was found by J.A. Cramer and, after philological examination, was published. He maintained that Tractatus Coislinianus 120 is intimately related to the theory on Greek comedy, especially to Aristotle’s poetic theory. However, his opinion has not gained strong support from classical philologists because many scholars believe that Aristotle did not author the original text of this manuscipt and that the content does not correspond to the Aristotelian philosophy and view of literature. But L. Cooper and R. Janko maintained a positive position about the Tractatus Coislinianus 120 in relation to Aristotle’s existent Poetics. R. Janko is especially convinced that Aristotle’s Poetics Book II existed in the past and this manuscript is its summary. Accordingly, he attempted to reconstruct Aristotle’s Poetics II on the basis of this codex. However, the success of his attempt is still controversial.
    Keyword: Manuscript, Codex, Philology, Aristotle, Poetics, Comedy
    Author: Heon Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    A Study of the Animal Metamorphosis Motif in Turkic Folklores
    A Study of the Animal Metamorphosis Motif in Turkic Folklores The metamorphosis motif is one of the very common motifs in folktales of Eurasia Turkic tribes, as it is in many other tribes in the world. Especially, among Turkic folk tales, this kind of motifs are very popular, not only in legendary types with regard to origins of animals, lakes, mountains, trees, stones, as well as of sun, moon and stars. Motifs metamorphoses in Turkic folktales have 11 types which change into such as stones, animals, mountains, sees, etc. The most popular one among these is stone metamorphosis, being the second one is animal metamorphosis. Commonly in Turkic motifs, metamorphosis into animal occurs from mainly disobediences and bad behaviors, some from encountering fear, shame, and difficult situation. As these metamorphoses in general occur as results of punishment of Allah or other supernatural being, folktales with these kinds of motifs seem to have an educational purpose or lesson for next generations. On the other hand, sometimes there occur metamorphoses of supernatural beings into animals. In this paper, I would like to introduce various typologies of metamorphoses in typical Turkic folktales which contain animal metamorphoses, examining their characteristics and functions
    Keyword: Turkic Folklore, Turkic Mythology, Animal Metamorphosis Motif, Wolf Motif, Deer Motif
    Author: Hyo Joung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    The Problem of Conversos and the Enactment of the Statutes of the Purity of Blood in Medieval Spain
    The Problem of Conversos and the Enactment of the Statutes of the Purity of Blood in Medieval Spain The great pogrom of 1391 spread to lots of towns, and meanwhile many Jews converted to Christianity. Indeed the possibility of mass conversion of Jews, a dream of Spanish Christians seemed to be realized. However, soon Old Christians came to feel that it was a disaster rather than a blessing. Every legal restriction imposed on the Jew was erased completely, and all offices in Church and state were open to conversos, Jewish converts. It threatened the lives of Old Christians. Thus anti-converso responses were developed to exclude conversos. Conversos were recognized as pseudo-Christians adhering to the past faith. In addition, some Christians began to doubt that baptism could transform the Jewishness of converts. Conversos came to constitute a independent group different from Old Christians. Especially alboraycos, one of various terms used to name converts evidences their situation. The term derived from Libro del Alborayque written around the mid-fifteenth century. Alborayque is a monster composed of numerous animals. Alborayque, the author explains, was one of the names applied to the Jewish converts. Thus, the term implied that the conversos were neither Jews nor Christians. Now conversos constituted a new type of the Jewish group. Thus a new legal definition was needed to control conversos. Not long after the mass conversion of 1391 Old Christians began to insist on a new difference, ie., blood, and the purity of blood logic was invented. As a result, the regulations known as the statutes of the purity of blood were the attempt to deprive conversos of the privileges they had enjoyed as Christians.
    Keyword: Converso, Old Christians, New Christians, Purity of Blood, Jew
    Author: Young Keon Seo
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    A Study on the Human-Being Figure of the Cave of Lascaux in the Paleolithic Era
    A Study on the Human-Being Figure of the Cave of Lascaux in the Paleolithic Era This article is to investigate and make an interpretations of the symbolic meanings of the archetypal imagery of the Paleolithic Era. The appearance of the images of the human-faced figures in the Paleolithic Era is not often. The figures of the human-being discovered in the caves of ‘Lascaux’, ‘Les Trois-Frères’, and ‘el Juyo’ serve us to be the decisive, essential and intrinsic clue in establishing the Cro-magnons’s primitive culture. Especially the human-faced figure image at the cave of Lascaux is in a different and special meaning from the other figures of those times. The triangle structure between the figure of a human-being, a bison and a bird described as a kind of a pole, that is supposed to be a kind of spiritual monument for ritual and ceremonies, must have the special meanings that have made us get the academic curiosity. This investigation is to synthesize the narration of the triangle structure above mentioned, the concrete and detail elements of the three figures, and the some analysis of the human-being figures. We’ve focused on the analysis of the characteristics of the figures of human face to investigate the symbolic meanings of the human-being figures and their details, making the point in investigating the human face figures of the cave of ‘Les Trois-Frères’, and 'el Juyo’ together. The results of this article have the special and specified value as a pilot study and an investigation to recognize the importance of studying the culture codes and the archetypal imagery of the early human-being society, and to serve the future studies about the cultures of the Paleolithic Era that contains the potential elements with which we could approach to the appropriate methods to understand the original forms, ways of behaving, thingking, and living of the human-being at those times when the act of describing figures had a special meanings.
    Keyword: Image of Human-Being of the Paleolithic Era, The Cave of Lascaux, Archetypal Imagery, Schaman, Analyze Images & Symbols
    Author: Sung Ju Woo
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    An Analysis of the Potential for the Economic Integration of Maghreb Countries and Some Suggestions for Promoting the Integration
    An Analysis of the Potential for the Economic Integration of Maghreb Countries and Some Suggestions for Promoting the Integration The main objective of this study is to assess the potential for economic integration among Maghreb countries and to suggest the strategy of integrating the economies of Maghreb countries. To analyse the potential for economic integration, we try to find out synchronous long-run movements in their GDPs and inflation rates and short-run business cycles in them, which mean they have common economic features to rationalize the economic integration. The methodologies used are augmented Dickey-Fuller to test the stationarity of a time series, cointegration analysis to test for the number of common trends in a set of time series, and Granger causality analysis to test for the common cycles. Empirical results suggest that all countries share the common long-term trends and three of them share common cycles. These two critical findings indicate the existence of macroeconomic interdependence among these countries which is important factor for the success of integration of the Maghreb economies. Even though at the end of 2010 Maghreb countries announced an agreement on the establishment of a Maghreb free trade zone for agricultural products that will take effect in 2011, economic integration in the Maghreb has been stalled since the establishment of AMU in 1989, mainly due to political tensions, mismanagement of economic policies, and poor infrastructure. In this paper, we suggest the basic strategy of integration and an array of cooperative measures that the United States and the European Union can pursue with the Maghreb countries to promote integration within the region and with the rest of the world. The basic strategy proposed is the sequential expansion of economic cooperation from bilateral cooperations between Maghreb countries to agricultural FTA and wider FTA. The cooperative measures include lowering or eliminating tariff barriers, coordinating rules of origin, improving business environments, and integrating the service markets. They can foster larger economic reforms in the region, which would greatly enhance the opportunity of economic development of these countries.
    Keyword: Maghreb, AMU, Economic Integration, Cointegration Test, Granger Causality Test
    Author: Ki Chul Kwon
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    민주화 이후 그리스의 균열 구조 변화와 포퓰리즘 균열
    After democratization, the weak class cleavage has been distorted by clientelist cartel politics in the cleavage structure of Greece. The cartel system, which had failed to deal with neoliberal globalization and the financial crisis in the late 2000s, pursued bailout and austerity policies and was challenged by mass resistance and populist politics. The Greek cleavage structure was then overdetermined by weak class cleavage and strong populism cleavage. As a result, Syriza, a left-wing populist party that formed a identification with the mass movement and represented it in real politics, became the first party and took control of the regime. Populism seeks a ‘monosubjective politics of antagonism’ that focuses on the homogeneous subject and exclusivity. Unlike traditional right-wing populism, Siriza’s left-wing populism sees right-wing populist as a subject of solidarity and makes use of an ‘allelosubjective politics of recognition and inclusion’ in which various leftist and social minority are included as equal subjects.
    Keyword: Greece, populism cleavage, class cleavage, Syriza, left-wing populism, 그리스, 포퓰리즘 균열, 계급 균열, 시리자, 좌파 포퓰리즘
    Author: 정병기 ( Jung Byungkee )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Welfare
    Divergent Strategies of Concerted Social Security Reforms
    Divergent Strategies of Concerted Social Security Reforms -A Comparison between Spain and Italy- The aim of this paper is to find out the main factors behind different reform strategies chosen by Spain and Italy, though they tackled similar challenges such as financial imbalances of social security systems and the EMU and opted for social concertation as a feasible policymaking mechanism. Unlike mainstream arguments on concerted welfare reforms, this paper suggests that the different policy choices in concerted social security reforms in two countries under study have been determined by the different structures of concertation, which have had impact on the actors’ strategies, resulting in different policy choices. Differently from Italian case social concertation in Spain has been characterised by the narrow, separate dealing of policy issues. This structure was due to social partners’ strategic choices and political reasons on the government’s part. This issue-separated concertation structure meant the limits on the opportunity for the exchange of resource among actors, which resulted in the path- dependent policy choices. In Italian case, the Amato government and his successors formed a comprehensive reform package, linking issues in incomes policy, collective bargaining structure reform, employment and welfare policy, and tax reform. Through this extensive reform package Italian governments could concede resources to the trade unions in exchange for labour consensus for structural social security reforms.
    Keyword: Spain, Italy, Concertation Structure, Social Decurity Reform, Actors’ Preference, Opportunity of Resource Exchange, Pathdependent Reform, Structural Reform
    Author: Hye Ran Kim
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    『로마와 중국: 고대 세계 제국들에 대한 비교사적 관점들』 발터 샤이델 편집, 옥스퍼드 2009년 출간
    오랫동안 많은 연구자들 혹은 지적 호기심이 많은 일반인들의 큰 관심을 받아온 고대제국들 간의 비교는 그 지대했던 원초적 관심사에 걸맞는 심층적 연구로 나아가기 위해 점진적인 발돋움을 해왔다. 적어도 고대세계에서 많은 유 사점들을 지닌 로마라는 지중해제국과 중국이라는 아시아대륙의 제국은 그러한 연구를 수행할 만한 대상으로 간주되어 왔다.1) 막스 베버, 칼 비트포겔(KarlWittfogel) 등이 오래전에 이미 양 제국에 대한 비교의 중요성을 시사한 바 있다. 근래에 이르기까지 약간의 비교작업이 이뤄지긴 했지만 주로 지성사 분야에 국한된 한계를 보여주었다. 즉 중국의 춘추전국시대로부터 발전했던 공자, 맹자등의 사상과 고대 그리스의 고전철학 간의 비교를 주축으로 하는 연구들은 다각도로 전개된 바 있다. 하지만 인문학, 자연과학, 예술 등의 광범위한 분야에서 세목에 따른 비교연구로 이어지지는 않았다. 가령 인문학에서도 정치, 경제,군사, 문화, 제도사적으로 다룰 여지들은 있었지만 이것이 종합적인 비교접근으로 승화되진 못했던 것이다. 그런즉 2009년에 발터 샤이델이 책임편집인이 되어서 여러 학자들의 논문들을 한 권으로 엮어서 발행한
    Author: 손태창 ( Son Tae-chang )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Der Vertrag von Lissabon und die Änderungen der EU
    Der Vertrag von Lissabon und die Änderungen der EU In diesem Aufsatz habe ich den Vertrag von Lissabon unter der Prämisse betrachtet, was sich durch das Vertragwerk verändert hat. Die Europäische Union hat mit dem Vertrag von Lissabon, auch als Reformvertrag bezeichnet, eine neue vertragliche Grundlage erhalten. Der Vertrag wurde eigentlich von den Staats- und Regierungschefs der 27 Mitgliedstaaten der EU schon am 13. Dezember 2007 in Lissabon unterzeichnet und ist aber erst am 1. Dezember 2009 in Kraft getreten. Der Vertrag umfasst zwei rechtlich einander gleichwertige Verträge, den Vertrag über die Europäische Union(EUV) und den Vertrag über den Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union(AEUV). Zum Bestandteil der Verträge gehören auch die ihnen beigefügten Protokolle und Erklärungen. Die neue Vertragsstruktur sieht vor, dass der EU-Vertrag und der EG-Vertrag verändert werden. Der EG-Vertrag heißt nun AEUV. Beide Verträge haben gleichen rechtlichen Stellenwert. Die wesentliche strukturelle Änderung der EU besteht in der Abschaffung des Drei-Säulen-Modells. Die Gemeinschaftsmethode sieht zunächst das Initiativrecht für einen Rechtsakt bei der EU-Kommission vor. Das Prinzip der begrenzten Einzelmächtigung sowie das Subsidiaritätsprinzip kommen zum Tragen. Hinsichtlich des Rechtsstatus wird von einer eigenen Rechtspersönlichkeit der EU ausgegangen. Die Charta der Grundrechte hat Rechtsverbindlichkeit für die EU-Organe und Mitgiedstaaten bei der Anwendung und Umsetzung des Unionsrechts. Hinsichtlich der Institutionen lassen sich die folgenden Neuerungen feststellen: die Stärkung des Europäischen Parlamentes, die Schaffung des Präsidenten des Europäischen Rates und des Hohen Vertreters der Union für die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Und der Vertrag schafft mehr Demokratie und Bürgerbeteiligung.
    Keyword: EU, Vertrag von Lissabon, Europäisches Parlament, Kommission, Europäischer Rat, Grundrechte
    Author: Yi Do Park
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Les facteurs de la transformation du statut des femmes algériennes pendant la guerre d’Algérie
    Les facteurs de la transformation du statut des femmes algériennes pendant la guerre d’Algérie -l'extériorité et l’immanence- Les femmes algériennes se sont imposées ou posées, au fil des années à partir du début de XXe siècle, en un enjeu politique entre le pouvoir colonial et les nationalistes algériens. Elles représentaient une force sociale susceptible de faire basculer le devenir de l’Algérie. Dans ce cadre, cet article a pour but de clarifier les facteurs de la transformation du statut des femmes algériennes pendant la guerre d’Algérie aux points doubles : l‘extériorité et l’immanence. L‘extériorité, c’était la politique d’émancipation du gouvernement français à l’égard des femmes algériennes. L’immanence s’était présentée par le corps féminin dans résistance. L’émancipation des femmes algériennes pendant la guerre, a introduit des brèches dans l’ordre établi et suscité des espoirs. Elle a également, sans doute, contribué, par opposition au colonialisme, à concevoir leur évolution dans l’observance stricte de la loi musulmane et de la tradition. Grâce à ces facteurs, il était possible de créer un autre monde que celui dans lequel les femmes ont vécu, un monde où les relations entre les deux sexes seraient différentes, un monde où elles seraient les égales des hommes.
    Keyword: Guerre d’Algérie, Femmes algériennes, Statut juridique, Droit de vote, Corps féminin, FLN(Front de Libération Nationale)
    Author: Ki Chan Byeon
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study in Anthropology
    인류학연구 반 세계화운동과 이태리 나폴리 도시 이 논문의 목적은 세계화에 반대하는 운동과 이태리 나폴리 지역에서의 사회적이고 정치적인 전후사정 간의 관계를 규명하는 데 있다. 이 연구에 서는 크게 두 가지 질문에 대한 대답을 추구하고 있다. 첫째는 어떻게 나 폴리 지역에서의 사회적인 상황들이 지역 내의 항의 운동에 영향을 줄 수 있는가에 대한 것이고, 둘째는 그러한 항의 운동들이 나폴리 도시의 정치 적인 상황에 어떤 영향을 미치는가에 대한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 이 두 가 지 질문에 대해서 본 논문에서는 세 가지 요인들을 이용해 평가하려고 한 다. 첫 번째 요인은 가족, 범죄 그리고 교회의 역할에 대한 것이다. 두 번째 요인은 나폴리 도시에 대한 민족적인 서술과 이 도시의 사회적인 체계이 다. 마지막 세 번째 요인은 나폴리 도시에서의 정치적 운동과 저항 운동 간의 관계이다. 이러한 질문과 요인들에 대한 본 논문의 결론을 말하자면, 반 세계화운동과 나폴리 지역에서 일어나는 항의 운동 사이에서는 정치적 인 결과물이나 연속성을 찾아볼 수 없다는 것이다. 하지만, 나폴리 지역의 항의 운동은 젊은 계층들이 참여했다는 점에서 심리학적인 면에서 매우 중요한 역할을 했다고 볼 수 있다. 왜냐하면 그 운동은 나폴리 지역의 젊 은 중산층들에게 높은 수준의 범죄율과 권위 있는 위치에 있는 사람들의 부패 그리고 도시 내에서 보편적으로 발생하는 폭력에 대한 그들의 불만 과 좌절감을 표현하는 데 일조하고 있다고 할 수 있기 때문이다. 이 연구 는 저자가 나폴리에서 2002년 9월부터 2003년 7월까지 약 1년을 보내면서 참여 관찰과 질적 연구 중 하나인 대상자들과의 인터뷰를 통해 이루어졌 고, 또한 그 해에 나폴리 도시에서 반세계화 운동으로 조직된 다양한 정치 적인 항의운동에 참여하는 것을 통해 이루어졌다. 저자는 항의자들과 매 일의 보통 일상생활에서 관계를 맺으면서 조사하였고, 그 기간 동안 도시 의 항의자들과 일반 시민들 간의 100개 이상의 인터뷰 자료들을 수집할 수 있었다. 참고문헌들은 인류학과 정치학 두 분야 모두에서 사용되는 것으 로 인류학 분야에서는 Italo Pardo and Thomas Belmonte의 연구에서 많은 도움을 받았고, 정치학 분야에서는 Edward Banfield, Isaia Sales and Robert Putnam를 비롯한 많은 여러 학자들의 연구에서 도움을 얻었다.
    Keyword: 인류학, 나폴리 지역, 반 세계화주의, 항의 운동, 가족주의, 범 죄조직, 부패
    Author: Eduardo Zachary Albrecht
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Modern Succession and Modification of Classic Islamic Literature
    Modern Succession and Modification of Classic Islamic Literature - Focusing on Narrative Technique Succession of The Thousand and One Nights in Turkish Modern Literature - Recently in domestic academic world, there is active research on modern succession and modification of classic literature, mythology and folktale, as well as history and chronicle. This is not only limited to Korea and there is visible research and experiment on succession and development of traditional culture in artistic circles all over the world. When converting a literature work as a textual value, it requires in-depth research and reception in the sense that it ultimately enrichens Korean literature’s soil and, furthermore, is a fruitful result that extends to world literature. Numerous intersecting points of textual interrelationship create a world: relationship between author and texts among an author and other authors, between author and society, and similarity and difference of literature work with world’s works. In order for Korean literature to reach world literature, there needs to be active effort to accept the characteristics in accordance to modern change as well as sincere research. This research is based on such discussions and examines cases where classic Islamic literature is absorbed and luxuriated for recreation along with characteristics of the descriptive technique of The Thousand and One Nights that is used in the works of three Turkish authors. Among structures of framework novel, Aziz Nesin’s Yaşar shows the form of narration used in circular framework, in other words target framework that aims to exchange social enjoyment as members of social community in the sense that various events internally take place. Ihsan Oktay Anar’s Tales of Efrasiyab is close to target framework in the sense of Scheherazade conversing every night to extend her life and, at the same time, close to circular framework in regards to many internal stories being placed in an external story. In addition, aside from the main character’s journey, Black Book portrays a circular framework where various columns are set as internal stories to create one framework. In this sense, it was confirmed that each works have different frameworks and are diversely modified, but such structures of framework novel was still being succeeded in modern literature works in the form of seeking to re-write. In other words, it can be interpreted that classics still take life today and hold their value. As many excellent literature works of today prove, there are many cases where the continual lives of classic works are modified and recreated to maintain their connection in all aspects. In the same way, Turkey has accumulated much classic works due to history of Osman Turk to hold its position as a source of restoration and inspiration and it is the present situation where many
    Keyword: Classic, The Thousand and One Nights, Modern Succession, Acculturation, Turkish Literature, Literature Tradition
    Author: Nan A Lee
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Reflexiones sobre la magnificencia y la simbolización barroca en los autos de fe de la Edad Moderna
    Reflexiones sobre la magnificencia y la simbolización barroca en los autos de fe de la Edad Moderna En la Edad Moderna la Inquisición española se ponía frente al pueblo a través de la ceremonia llamada auto de fe, que era una condena y un castigo severo contra los herejes, al mismo tiempo que el otorgamiento del perdón para los penitentes. Sin embargo, para las personas corrientes los autos de fe se identificaban frecuentemente con los sambenitos o la hoguera e incluso como una forma de locura colectiva. Los autos de fe evolucionaron de un rito y proceso sencillo a una ceremonia compleja y magnífica, como se comprueba en el auto de fe de Madrid de 1680. Elementos visuales, como la Cruz Verde, los cirios blancos, los sambenitos, la coroza, o la procesión, etc. se combinaron con un tablado bien preparado en todos los detalles, que proporcionaba un fuerte impacto a todos los presentes. Esto posibilitaba la transmisión de mensajes doctrinales a través de imágenes visuales y símbolos y conllevaba el fin pedagógico de imponer la fe ortodoxa a los espectadores. El método, llamado pedagogía del miedo, se reflejaba en todos los procesos del auto de fe. Al mismo tiempo, esta ceremonia tomaba la forma de una fiesta popular y de triunfo de la religión católica, puesto que se realizaba en el espacio público de la plaza mayor y en un día festivo.
    Keyword: Auto de fe, inquisición española, imágenes, pedagogía de miedo, Fiesta
    Author: Eun Hae Lee
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Change of Party System in Italy
    Change of Party System in Italy -Realignment to Competitive Bipartism of ‘The Second Republic’- The italian party system of ‘First Republic’ was established as the incomplete bipartism in 1970s through the polarized pluralism of 1960s by the effects of proportional electoral system with a preferential voting as institutional factor and by exclusion and coexistence of the Communist Party as actoral factor under conditions of the Cold War and the strong Catholic. However it began to be dealigned through weakening and desolution of the both political subcultures and strengthening of the disgust to politics and political parties since the late 1970s and was finally dealigned through the change of election system in 1993. Then the party system of the italian ‘Second Republic’ has been transformed in competitive bipartism by the critical electoral realignment through majority electoral system in 1994 and by secular dealignment through the establishment of new political subcultures, center-left and center-right. Under the competitive bipartism the government can be replaced and a single party or an electoral alliance can form a stable majority in parliament. And it is prospected that the consolidation process of this bipartism began just before and after 2008 election, because the two great single parties were established.
    Keyword: Italian Party System, Competitive Bipartism, Dealignment, Realignment, Consolidation
    Author: Byung Kee Jung
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    The Mediterranean Studies from the Standpoint of Area Studies’ Methodological Paradigm
    The Mediterranean Studies from the Standpoint of Area Studies’ Methodological Paradigm It is quite evident that constant efforts to define the disciplinarity of ‘Area Studies’ have been made by many scholars during the half a century. Among them, Professor Robert B. Hall by whom the field of ‘Area Studies’ was pioneered have tried to define and conceptualize it. He was acknowledged as one of those who contributed much to the development of ‘Area Studies’. He stated and emphasized the four objectives of its studies: 1) world knowledge, 2) cooperative research and its integration, 3) cross-cultural understanding, and 4) elimination of handicaps in social science research. Recently, the importance of the Mediterranean area as ‘Area’ unit has been concerned. Although that area was already the subject of scholars’ study and research, nowadays that area is highlighted as an analytical area unit for the cultural exchange between the East and the West. On this, this paper is performed by examining and analyzing the Mediterranean are as ‘area unit’. In order to do, the above mentioned area studies’ methodological approaches will be reviewed and applied to it. The concepts, etymology, scopes and historical background of the Mediterranean Area will be inquired and investigated from the standpoint of Area Studies’ paradigm. Therefore, the task of its conceptualization and defining will be attempted and open to argument.
    Keyword: Area Studies, Mediterranean Studies, Mediterranean Area, The Middle East, Islam
    Author: Byoung Joo Hah
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La aproximación morfo-sintáctica a la Construcción de Gerundio en español interpretada como un causante interior del Predicado Complejo
    La aproximación morfo-sintáctica a la Construcción de Gerundio en español interpretada como un causante interior del Predicado Complejo En cuanto a la CGE(Construcción de Gerundio en español, Lagunilla(1999: 3447) describe que los llamados gerundios predicativos modifican al verbo y al SN sujeto u objeto de la oración en la que se hallan integrados, como lo hacen el adjetivo y otras categorías de naturaleza predicativa, mientras que los gerundios adjuntos modifican solo al verbo y pueden expresar varios contenidos como instrumento, causa, condición, consecuencia, etc., por lo que esta autora considera el SG-causa(sintagma de gerundio con la interpretación de causa) como adjunto. Por otro lado, París(2003) argumenta que el SG-causa presenta la propiedad de complemento, insistiendo en que el SG-causa aparece seleccionado por el verbo principal debido a la propiedad léxica del verbo causativo psicológico. En este sentido, según París, el SG-causa no debe clasificarse como adjunto. En este trabajo intentaremos mostrar que el SG-causa es uno de los segmentos que forman un predicado complejo y actúa como un causante interno dentro de su estructura configuracional en el sentido de Pesetsky(1995). Finalmente, sobre la base de esta propiedad configuracional, ofreceremos un análisis de la Materialización Nula del núcleo en la secuencia [CAUSp + SD-CAUSANTE] bajo el marco de la Morfología Distribuida de Halle y Marantz(1993) y Harley y Noyer(1997, 1998).
    Keyword: Gerundio, Materialización Nula, Causante Interno
    Author: Jae Yong Kwak
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    Theory of “East Asian Mediterranean Sea” and Mediterranean Feature of the Yellow Sea
    Theory of “East Asian Mediterranean Sea” and Mediterranean Feature of the Yellow Sea In recent years, Korea and Japan named a wide range of East Asian waters including the East Sea, Yellow Sea, South China Sea, and Okhotsk Sea as East Asian Mediterranean Sea and presented East Asian Mediterranean Sea Theory that explains historical developments of the East Asia. Geography and oceanography define that a mediterranean sea is surrounded by lands, and at the same time, is linked to the ocean through a few narrow streams. The definition goes on to claim that it does not have its own current and that it crosses waters of different salt concentration and temperature. The East Asian Mediterranean Sea does not fit into such geographical conditions and features, lacks cultural diversity and interrelationship, and humane characteristics. The Yellow Sea of the East Asian Mediterranean Sea is not a perfect match with typical mediterranean geographical features, but has oceanographic features of a mediterranean sea in part. In addition, the Yellow Sea was a channel for political, cultural, and economic exchanges in ancient East Asia. Different cultures of China, Korea, and Japan met thorough the Yellow Sea. This means the Yellow Sea partially has geographic and cultural characteristics of the Mediterranean and deserves to be called “semi-East Asian Mediterranean Sea”
    Keyword: East Asian Mediterranean Sea, the Yellow Sea, Cultural Diversity, Oceanography, Semi-East Asian Mediterranean Sea
    Author: Deok Young Kwon
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    En Torno a la Dimensión Visual de la Novela por Influencia del Cine
    En Torno a la Dimensión Visual de la Novela por Influencia del Cine -el Uso del Presente de Indicativo y la Actualizacion del Pasado- El cine, que arrastra a lo largo de su existencia una enorme deuda con la literatura, alcanza una maduración propia y desde algunas décadas atrás, es capaz de devolver a su antiguo mecenas lo que debe. Así pues, los narradores vanguardistas, impresionados con el vertiginoso cambio de imágenes sucesivas del cine, perciben en él un modelo teórico y una fuente de inspiración técnica y temática. Dicha convivencia interartística produce además, y como consecuencia, un cambio relevante en nuestra forma de percibir los relatos; esto es, con el tiempo nos hemos acostumbrado a ver contar historias, en lugar de escucharlas narrar como en el siglo XIX. Por ello, en la obra no se percibe tanto la preocupación de su autor por contar una anécdota ni la aventura de sus personajes; lo que más le interesa es registrar tal cual un trozo de la vida de la gente sin previas explicaciones de carácter introspectivo. De modo que, el narrador tradicional, que se apresura en facilitar información, pierde terreno a favor de uno más moderno. El arte de escribir consiste ahora en presentar los cuadros y los tipos mediante unos cortes y empalmes secos, como el montaje en un filme; lo que en el mundo literario se considera como una forma de escribir cinematográfica. En España el estudio de dicho diálogocine-novela adquiere supreponderancia apartir de la década de los 80, empezando por las obras de la generación del Medio Siglo. El presente trabajo se centrará prioritariamente en los diferentes recursos narrativos que, por influencia del séptimo arte, han contribuido a incrementar la dimensión visual de las novelas contemporáneas. Asimismo se hará una revisión del uso del presente de indicativo, recurso narrativo mediante el cual la novela consigue -teóricamente- actualizar el pasado a modo fílmico. Según la crítica, la técnica, además de aportar mayor visualidad al texto literario, aumenta en el lector una sensación de inmediatez, la de estar viendo lo que se lee. Veremos cuáles son las limitaciones que el recurso alberga para hacer realidad, lo que la teoría destaca.
    Keyword: Generación del Medio Siglo, Influencia del Cine, Diálogo Cine-novela, Convivencia Interartística, Dimensión Visual, Presente del Indicativo, Actualizar el Pasado, Sensación de Inmediatez
    Author: Kwang Hee Kim
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    provençal Iconography and Family Romance in Marius et Jeannette
    에 나타나는 가족 로맨스와 프로방스의 도상학 프로방스의 대표적인 영화감독인 로베르 게디귀앙은 삼십 년에 걸친 작 품활동을 통해 자신의 고향인 마르세이유의 지방색과 그 곳의 문화적 정 체성을 부각시켜왔다. 그의 독창성은 전통과 현재를 넘나드는 자신만의 작품세계에 담겨 있다. 마르셀 파뇰에서 시작되어 1930년대 프랑스 영화 황금기의 한 부분을 장식했던 프랑스 남부 영화(méridional cinema)의 전통 에 기대면서, 동시에 현시점에서 마르세유의 포스트모던 도시로서의 정체 성을 재현하는 그의 태도는 비평적 성공과 흥행 인지도를 고루 불러왔다. 이 논문은 이러한 게디귀앙의 전통과 변주의 핵심에 있는 두 가지 요소 를 가지고 그의 1997년작 를 분석하고자 한다. 첫번 째 요소는, 파뇰 이후로 프랑스 남부 영화의 원형이 되어온 가족 로맨스의 재현에 주목하고자 한다. 파뇰의 영화가 세대 간의 문제를 ‘아버지의 이름 으로’ 해소하는 오이디푸스적 구조를 따르는데 반해, 게디귀앙은 추락하는 아버지의 지위와 부성의 실종으로 얼룩진 가족을 내세워 ‘아버지의 타자 성’을 인식하게 하는데 초점을 맞추어 살펴보고자 한다. 두 번째 요소는, 게 디귀앙의 영화가 마르세이유의 문화적 코드로 나열된 프로방스의 도상학이 라는 점에 주목한다. 고대도시 마르세유의 창조 신화에서부터 전통 요리로 이루어진 만찬에 이르기까지, 그리고 여기에 프랑스 남부 사투리에 대한 애 착과 프로방스 문학에의 경의와 인용이 더해져, 는 게디귀앙이 다루고자 했던 고향의 정체성과 그 변화하는 양상을 생생하게 기록해내고 있다. 이 논문은 위의 두 가지 요소-가족 로맨스와 프로방스의 도상학-사이 의 상호관련성을 연구하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 먼저 90년대 이후 마르세 유의 계속된 경기침체와 늘어나는 이민자 세대로 인한 갈등 속에서 게디 귀앙이 모색하는 재구성된 가족(famille recomposée)의 모델, 즉, 타자에 대 한 관용과 환대로 확대 재해석되는 혼종(métissage) 가족의 재운용에 대한 이해를 모색하고자 한다. 더불어, 가부장적 아버지의 소멸이 어떻게 프랑 스의 탈중앙화 하는 현실에 대한 알레고리로 작용하는지를 살피는 데 중 점을 두고, 에 재현된 커뮤니티의 지역성과 그것의 특수성의 가치에 대해 성찰해 보고자 한다.
    Keyword: 마르세이유, 마르셀 파뇰, 장 르누아르, 로베르 게디귀앙, 가족 로맨스, 오이디푸스 구조, 타자
    Author: Eun Jee Park
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    The Polish Rider by Antonio Muñoz Molina
    The Polish Rider by Antonio Muñoz Molina -The Past History Restored by the Construction of the Personages- The Polish Rider, published by the Spanish writer Antonio Muñoz Molina in 1991 has been acclaimed as the greatest Spanish novel since the demise of the late Generalissimo Francisco Franco. The story is about how the hero of the novel, Manuel, a simultaneous interpreter, falls in love with his teenage friend, Nadia and how they recall their pasts. The story recounts how he tracks down his family history, finds his identity and returns to his homeland, Spain. The protagonist describes what social turmoil the members of a family endured in a chronological order from the viewpoint of the present. The description encompasses the first Spanish Republic, Spanish-American War, the second Spanish Republic, Spanish Civil War, dictatorship by Generalissimo Franco, his death and transitional period, and the period of mature democracy in modern Spain. The work, although its theme is the restoration of one man’s identity, can be said to have shown the roots and tradition of Spain’s present democracy by conjuring up its tumultuous recent history.
    Keyword: The Polish Rider, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Spanish Civil War, Spanish Novel, History in the Novel
    Author: Gum Young An
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La Escritura Estratégica Sobre Misoginia de Conversos
    La Escritura Estratégica Sobre Misoginia de Conversos En este tesis, intento buscar un aspecto de transculturalidad en una época de convivencia de Edad Media a través de maqama hebreo. En realidad, la literatura hebrea se sitúa entre la árabe y la cristiana en la Peninsula Ibérica. Es que la hebrea se considera como una imitación de la árabe. Pero en realidad, la hebrea no sólo es un reflejo de imagen multicultural de España sino también se hace una base de la literatura popular del Siglo de Oro con el uso de romances vernáculos como castillano y catalán. La dualidad entre lo secular y lo sano de las poesías de Nagrela influye en la poesía mística del siglo XVI. Al mismo tiempo, el maqama de Jaume Roig no es sino una obra original diferente del maqama de los árabes. Aunque el protagonista, ego del autor, blasfema contra conversas, separándose de ellas, el maqama sugestiona una inquietud de los conversos incluso a sí mismo. Los conversos se riesgan a ser perseguidos por la Inquisición alrededor de la Reconquista. Teniendo en cuenta de la identidad de Jaume Roig, la misoginia de su obra es otra cara para fraguar su verdadera identidad. En aquel tiempo, el cristiano tenía un profundo prejuicio deformado de los conversos que es configurado como una imagen de bruja. Roig revela prejuicio de los conversos sin disfraz, criticando la impotencia de los cristianos viejos a través de la escritura estratégica sobre la misoginia. En la Edad Media, los conversos critican el orden jerárquico, como en la novela picaresca de Siglo de Oro, los protagonistas blasfeman contra el valor anacrónico frente al punto de vista materialista.
    Keyword: La Misoginia, Transculturalidad, Converso, Convivencia, Jaume Roig
    Author: Ju In Lim
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Restrictions of the EU’s Mediterranean policy
    Restrictions of the EU’s Mediterranean policy -Cooperation and Exclusion caused by Dual Purposes- The independent variable to bring a matter of nature on of European Union and Mediterranean states is the European Union’s duplicity with limited cooperation and exclusion to the Mediterranean regions. In 1970s, the purposes on European Union’s Mediterranean policy were differentiated with European states and others in the Mediterranean region and give preferential treatments to southern European states that will belong to the Union in the near future. This aspect still holds good until today. European Union’s Mediterranean policy is combined enlargement policy to the European state that will be member states and partnership relations to the non European States. The results are differentiated policy for the Turkey and other Mediterranean states. Therefore the higher relations with Euro-Mediterranean Partnership between European Union and Non European Mediterranean states is nothing but a rhetoric statement, which proposes based on exclusive geopolitical interests of the European Union.
    Keyword: European Union, Mediterranean Policy, Neighbourhood Policy, Treaty of Lisbon, Common Security and Defence Policy, Mediterranean Relations
    Author: Byung Joon Song
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    An Exploration in Search of Mediterranean placeness and of the Modern Cinema
    An Exploration in Search of Mediterranean placeness and of the Modern Cinema -Focused on Journey to Italy by R. Rossellini- What counts most on the whole in Journey to Italy(Viaggio In Italia) by R. Rossellini is not realism but reality. The environment and the space here are ‘found’ along with humans(actors) instead of being established from the beginning. Thus, his films necessarily take a form of documentaries. It is a journey on which his characters gradually find their environment and the world they face. Rossellini keeps his eyes on the characters’ autonomous movements and actions in the world as it is. He prepares no well-knit scenario and does not predetermine actors’ playing. This attitude is coherent with the form of ‘journey’ or a kind of road movie style that he chose. It shows one of the most innovative cinematic forms. Rossellini has deep attachment toward Naples as a location for shooting. Above all, he would like to show the city that keeps some spiritual ambience, a sense of eternity, and a sensuous world that are disappearing from the modern age. A variety of places including Cumae and Capri are explored, and the exploration eventually reaches its culmination at the ruins of Pompei that Rossellini cherishes most. Narratively, there seems to be few connecting factors between these places. However, we can find another logic not based on reason, and another placeness, in that the sensorial(optical, auditive and tactile) / perceptive interactions between the observer (Katherine, especially) and the places increase over time. The images stimulate our reflections, and they are not conventional or typical but “the logos in its nascence.” In this context, Journey to Italy becomes an essay film. It is an unrestrained ‘toga’ film (against the conventionally well-made Anglo-American films) as Rossellini put it, meaning a creative Mediterranean film.
    Keyword: Roberto Rossellini, Journey to Italy, Naples, Mediterranean Placeness, Toga Film
    Author: Hye Shin Kim
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    A Study on Dhimmi System and Tolerance of Islam
    A Study on Dhimmi System and Tolerance of Islam In the 7th century, Islam expanded rapidly its forces from the Arabian Peninsula, and occupied the territories of Byzantine Empire and Sassanian dynasty, those who lived in this area came under the domination of Islam. A small number of Arab Muslims are rulers, Many residents were non-Muslim. With the gradual conversion of these non-Muslims became Muslims, and they were replaced by primary layers of the Islamic Empire. However, some in keeping with their religion and culture to protect their identity. In the Holy Quran Jewish, Christian, Savi is called as the people of the Holy Book and Islam called them as a dhimmi. In addition, Islam intergrated State and religious community, and did not distinguish ruler’s realm between God’s realm unlike the Christian countries. In chapter 2, Dealt with what is the definition of dhimmi? and whether dhimmi belong to any class? In chapter 3, Dealt with whether any discrimination measures against dhimmi. In chapter 4, Dealt with what did dhimmi in Islamic area and how could exchange their position? In chapter 5, Dealt with dhimmi received religious tolerance in the Islamic area, but Iberian muslims received religious persecution in the christian iberia country. Eventually Islam is a tolerant religion.
    Keyword: Islam, Jews, Christian, Dhimmi, non-Muslim, Muslim
    Author: Eui Gab Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    A Comparative Study on Shema' and Shahadah in Judaism and Islam
    A Comparative Study on Shema' and Shahadah in Judaism and Islam. The present study tries to see how Shema' and Shahadah came to be in Judaism and Islam and, to observe how they were understood and practiced in the Jewish and Islamic way of life since their birth. The two monotheistic belief systems in the eastern Meditteranean area, Judaism and Islam, known as 'Abrahamic Faith', have their own confessions of faith called Shema' and Shahadah. The two seem coessential in therms of their confessional contents and are relevant each other in the use of their terminology. However, Shema' and Shahadah demonstrate some differences in religious functions and roles. The Jewis texts, Miqra' and Talmud( Mishnah and Gemara ), show that Shema' was given as a formula from the beginning in the early stage of the national identity formation. The original function of Shema' may well be understood as educational exclusively for the Israelite, if according to the texts of Miqra'( i.e., the Old Testament ) alone. Shema' later developed gradually in hundreds years of time into a core part of the Jewish daily prayers. The Islamic texts, Qur'an and Hadith uncover that the present Shahadah formula is a post-Qur'anic one. Main contents of Shahadah appear separately in Qur'an and the full formula is found later in Hadith. Shahadah in the texts of Hadith occurs in different contexts of propagation, education and funeral. This shows that Shahadah became an essential element in every sphere of Muslim life. The Talmudic texts show that for generations Shema' became a most important subject of discussions and interpretations for its practical adaption in the Jewish daily life. The present study provides some comparative features of the Jewish Shema' and the Islamic Shahadah but the textual relevance of influences between the two still remain for further researches.
    Keyword: Eastern Mediterranean Area, Judaism, Islam, Shema', Shahadah, Miqrq', Qur'an, Talmud, Hadith
    Author: Seoung Yun Shin
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Maimonidean Messiah and the Messianic Era
    람밤(마이모니데스)의 메시아사상과 메시아시대 메시아사상은 유대교를 이해하는 데 있어서 핵심되는 교리 중 하나이다. 이 논문은 4가지 질문과 함께 현대 유대교의 메시아사상의 근간을 만든 람 밤(Maimonides)의 메시아사상과 메시아 시대를 재구성해보는 것을 목표로 한다. 1) 람밤의 메시아사상이 어떻게 형성되고 표현되었나? 2) 람밤의 철 학적 사고구조에서 메시아시대의 도래를 위한 인간의 노력은 필요한가? 아니면 신의 절대적인 예정하심인가? 3) 람밤이 그리는 메시아는 어떤 메 시아인가? 4) 람밤의 메시아사상은 전통적 메시아사상과 반대인가?
    Keyword: 람밤, 마이모니데스, 메시아, 메시아사상, 유대교
    Author: Jung Hwa Choi
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Jerusalem in the Holy Land of Ancient Christian Maps
    Jerusalem in the Holy Land of Ancient Christian Maps Jerusalem, the city holy to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, has been the subject of numerous volumes of history, chronicles, biblical exegesis, and itineraries. Many of these books included maps and views of Jerusalem, whose number grew continuously with the development of the printing press. Before the advent of print, maps of Jerusalem, like other maps, had been used to illustrate manuscripts, often on vellum, or had been created as wall or floor mosaics. Few such maps are still extant. But from the end of the fifteenth century, when the first printed map of Jerusalem appeared, until the beginning of the nineteenth century, when maps began to be based on accurate surveys, over 300 maps of Jerusalem were designed and printed. Early maps, in contrast to those of modern times, are generally artistic sketches and drawings rather than products of accurate survey and measurement. In some of these sketches the artists sought to present a faithful representation of their subjects, while in others the map is merely a graphic expression of creative inspiration and of the artists’ imagination. Among the maps of Jerusalem there are both realistic and imaginary ones. In those maps whose draughtsmen attempted to present a true picture of Jerusalem, one finds reliable details that provide valuable information about the sites depicted; such maps constitute important historical sources. They depict the city’s fortifications, walls, towers, and gates, its churches, monasteries, mosques, and minarets, and thus we can learn about the nature of the sites and their role in the past. In contrast, other maps reflect the perspective and sentiments of their creators more than they depict the places shown. This article will show these maps of Jerusalem, realistic as well as impressionistic, and discuss a process of changing from a geography of idea to a real geography, from their beginning in the sixth century to the first modern and accurate ones, created in the nineteenth century. And I also view maps as a kind of language which have its own cartographic grammar.
    Keyword: Ancient Christian Maps, Maps of Jerusalem, Holy Land Maps, Cartography
    Author: Chang Mo Choi
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Political Significance of Emperor Cult in Neokoros
    The Political Significance of Emperor Cult in Neokoros Emperor cult was firstly performed for Augustus, who subjugated disorder in the late period of the Roman Republic and resolutely carried through the transition to a new political system. And it showed different characters in the eastern empire and in the western. Usually the emperor cult in the eastern empire is regarded as religious, while in the western as political. Religion, however, could not be separated from politics in ancient times, especially in the eastern empire. That is to say, the emperor cult in the eastern Greece was traditionally based upon religion and at the same time appeared as strongly political in the system of neokoros. By examining the characters of neokoros, therefore, this paper intends to show that the emperor cult in the eastern empire had both religious character and political one. Thus in chapter 2, it will observe the base on which the eastern emperor cult was established, the pattern how it appeared, and its religious nature. In chapter 3, this paper will examine the meaning of the title neokoros and how its meaning changed, as well as three major duties, which neokoros was expected to carry out, such as the performance of sacrificial cult, the financial responsibilities, and the administrative ones. The title neokoros was traditionally related to temple priests. In the period of Roman empire, however, it changed to the title of the city where the emperor temple was placed. Thus cities built competitively emperor temples and struggled to receive the title neokoros. In chapter 4, this article will examine the procedures which cities followed to acquire the title. On these procedures, koinon, the senate, and the measurable figures of the city exerted their influence. In the last chapter, the competition of cities to be neokoros and the privileges which the cities would enjoyed after being titled neokoros will be examined. Finally it will show that neokoros did not play as a divine worship to revere emperor as a deity but as a political, diplomatic and economical mechanism in relation to the honour of their city.
    Keyword: Emperor Cult, Neokoros, Emperor Temple, Koinon, Competition of Eastern Greek Cities
    Author: Hwal Lan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Europeanism of the Franco’s Regime and European Economic Community(EEC)
    The Europeanism of the Franco’s Regime and European Economic Community(EEC) A new government of technocrats in 1957 and the stabilization and liberalization plan in 1959 introduced a simultaneous liberalization of domestic markets and international economic relations, that motivated Spain’s access to Europe that was in a process of integration after the so-called ‘Schuman Plan’. But Spain’s application for associate status was rejected by the ‘Birkelbach report’ that represents an early expression of democratic conditionality. In spite of this, Franco’s Spain approached Brussels once more in 1964, though without explicitly alluding to the associate membership matter. This enabled EEC to reply, with a rather modest agreement to examine the economic problems posed for Spain by European integration with a view to finding possible solutions. The outcome of this was the Preferential Agreement signed with Spain in 1970, so called a third way with a certain degree of political consideration. Not only did it explain that the european integration was characterized by the realism and functionalism, but also it showed that the europeanism of the Franco’s regime was limited to the economic sphere. It was proved by the ‘Contubernio de Munich’ and the ‘Proceso de Burgos’.
    Keyword: EEC, Technocrats, Associate Membership, Birkelbach Report, Preferential Agreement
    Author: Eun Hae Lee
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    A Journey of the Greek Prometheus to the Arab
    A Journey of the Greek Prometheus to the Arab -Borrowing from the Myth of Prometheus and Its’ Arabic TransformationMany Greek myths were borrowed in the lots of Arabic poems in modern times. In fact the Greek myths were tabooed because of their gods’ tales. In the Arabic poetry built up on Islam that believes in the Only God Allah, another gods were naturally tabooed. Meantime some poets in the beginnings of twenties introduced the Greek myths in their poems. But the full-scaled start was from the 1950’s Tammuzian poets who wrote their many poems by the myths and prototypes having the image of the death and revival. They want to express their own and their countrymen’s hopes for the revival from their collapse and hopelessness through the Greek myths of the death and revival. Especially, some poets borrowed some images from the myth of Prometheus. They were the Tusian poet Abu al-Qasim al-Shabbi, the Iraqi poet Abdu al-Wahab al-Bayyati, and the Palestinian-Iraqi poet Jabra Ibrahim Jabra. First, Shabbi expressed his own sufferings of his heart disease and his counterforces through Prometheus’ eternal punishment and his pecked liver. And also he borrowed the image of the air king from the eagle of Zeus and declared to live as a grand-looking person like an eagle. Next, Bayyati borrowed the image of chained Prometheus to express the suppressed freedom of Iraq. And hetook the cruel image of the eagle which pecked the liver of Prometheus to show the dictatorship and his puppets which suppressed himself and his countrymen through the terrorism. Finally, Jabra borrowed the sacrifice and endure of Prometheus which stole the fire from Zeus and after that was punished to the endless pain but didn’t regret at all. And it’s to symbolize the unyielding resistance of Algerians which resisted against the French trusteeship for 130 years. And also he borrowed the Zeus to show the terror and extortion of the French imperialism and borrowed the eagle of Zeus’ errand to express the cruel puppet government of the French imperialism. Like this some modern Arabic poets effectively and successfully expressed their sufferings and the hope for their life through the myth of Prometheus.
    Keyword: Greek myths, Prometheus, borrowing, transformation, Abu al-Qasim al-Shabbi, Abdu al-Wahab al-Bayyati, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Mutual Understandings between Korea and Turkey
    Mutual Understandings between Korea and Turkey -Focusing on the Country Narratives in Social Studies Textbooks in Both CountriesThis paper compares the contents of Korean and Turkish social studies textbooks on both countries to examine how the perceptions of two countries on each other are represented in the textbooks. Textbooks are closely related to the political and power structures of a country. In this sense, textbooks are social narratives. As such, the country narratives about Turkey found in the textbooks of Korea are one of the official ways Korea perceives Turkey and the country narratives about Korea found in the Turkish textbooks play an important role in how Turkey understands Korea. In Korean textbooks, Turkey is introduced as part of the non-Western world in the dualistic world view between the West and the non-West. They describe the history of Turkey from the time of the Seljuk dynasty, to the Ottoman Empire, and to the Republic of Turkey and the current affairs of contemporary Turkish society in detail. However, they do not consider the historical significance of Turkey from a world history perspective. Turkey is an Islamic country with historical and cultural traditions of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires and is currently being considered to join the European Union. Therefore, being on the border, Turkey has features of both the West and the non-West and it is difficult to understand Turkey from the perspective of only one-side. On the other hand, the Korean War is the most often mentioned topic about Korea in the Turkish textbooks. In general, they describe the Korean War as an international historical event paying attentions to the cause, the unfolding of the war, and the aftermath. However, they tend to emphasize the Turkish contribution to the Korean War. The Turkish textbooks explain that the Korean War was an attempt to stop the spread of Communism and to keep peace. Therefore, the textbooks explain that Turkey’s participation was not only part of the Turkish history but also an attempt to realize the ideals of the Republic of Turkey. Accordingly, the level of perception found in the textbooks of Korea and Turkey on each other is uneven. This is because textbooks are social products reflecting the understanding of power, politics, social ideas and values of the society. While textbooks reflect the official understanding of the society they continuously reflect the changes of perception at the same time.
    Keyword: Korean Social Studies Textbook, Turkish Social Studies Textbook, Seljuk Turk, Ottoman Empire, Republic of Turkey, Korean War
    Author: Jae Yun Jeong
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Historical Significance of Educational Thought in Quintilian’ Institutio Oratoria, 1.1-3
    The Historical Significance of Educational Thought in Quintilian’ Institutio Oratoria, 1.1-3. Quintilian, the author of Institutio Oratoria. is a Roman successful teacher of rhetoric. His Institutio Oratoria is a source of ancient education and particularly of western ancient rhetoric. It was a textbook to educate perfectus orator. He defines perfectus orator as vir bonus who not only has exceptional powers of speech, but also all the virtues of character. He is the product of education acting on nature. So I think that his opinions of the pre-rhetoric stages of education are considered more important than later material. This article aimed at investigating his opinions of the Institutio Oratoria, 1, 1-3. and demanding the meaning and importance of his ideas in the history of western education. The gist of what he said is as follows. Firstly, he claims that all human beings have an inherent tendency to virtus and first education, speaking training should begin when baby. So nurces, mother, and peers are important to their language training, to say nothing of father. Secondly, he advises to the boy entrust to school and teacher, and not to keep him studying at home when he became 7 years old. He advocates the school as a good condition to educate the boy. For he can learn much more by the competition in good faith Thirdly he opposes flogging a pupil, though it is an accepted practice at that time. His main ideas are very humanistic and modern. Perhaps they will give us some hints to solve our very serious education issues.
    Keyword: Quintilianus, Institutio Oratoria, Orator, Rhetor, Declamatio
    Author: Deog Su Kim
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Il rogo tra le palme of Augusta. P. Violà and Fascist ‘Politica Islamica’ in Colonial Libya
    Il rogo tra le palme of Augusta. P. Violà and Fascist ‘Politica Islamica’ in Colonial Libya This article takes into consideration in which Fascist Italy reckoned itself in relation to the southern Mediterranean, and specifically its perceptions of Muslim culture in Italian colonial Libya. Examining Augusta Perricone Violà 1932 novel Il rogo tra le palme, it tells how Italian women writers allowed the ‘politica islamica’ that identified various Italian perception of Muslim-Italian relations at that time. Just as the ‘politica islamica’ supposed Italian relationships to Islam as a form of cooperation based upon shared values and the collective scope of a highly idealized Muslim-Italian society, female writers at this time also imagined new relations of Muslim-Italian cultural kinship. This perception of cultural commonality, which classified Italian discourses of the late 1920s and 1930s, can be seen in the way that Violà’s novel turns to Islam as an important allegorical source of Italian women’s self-fashioning. While past scholarship has focused on the way Italian fascist women emulated Muslim women as exemplary mothers, here it is argued that this novel offers a more dynamic cultural imaginary
    Keyword: Cultural Exchange, Acculturation, Italian women writers, ‘Politica Islamica’, Augusta Perricone Violà, Fascist Italy, Libya
    Author: Hee Jung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Las Propiedades Morfo-sintácticas del Complemento Indirecto no Argumental de los Verbos Deadjetivales en Español
    Las Propiedades Morfo-sintácticas del Complemento Indirecto no Argumental de los Verbos Deadjetivales en Español Campos(1999) considera complementos indirectos a aquellos sintagmas nominales que forman parte de la estructura argumental de un verbo que aparece con un complemento directo, con el cual se relaciona. Gutiérrez Ordóñez(1999), siguiendo la mísma línea que Campos(1999), Demonte(1994) y Strozer(1976), describe que los predicados de transferencia seleccionan complemento indirecto argumental, mientras que los verbos de ‘creación’, ‘destrucción’ o ‘preparación’ pueden seleccionar opcionalmente los complementos indirectos no argumentales, involucrados en la acción del verbo. Gumiel et al.(1999) argumentan que los verbos deadjetivales como ‘engordar’, ‘agrandar’ y ‘ampliar’ comparten algunas propiedades cruciales con los predicados secundarios resultativos suponiendo que los verbos deadjetivales y los predicados secundarios resultativos comparten una misma estructura. Ellos insisten en que los sufijos ‘en-/a-/∅’ ocupan en la posición nuclear del SP en la estructura sintáctica del verbo deadjetival, tal y como suponen Hale y Keyser(1993) sobre la preposición locativa abstracta con respecto a la estructura sintáctica léxica del verbo denominal. En este trabajo intentaremos mostrar que los SSDD dativos en la construcción de los verbos deadjetivales son complementos indirectos no argumentales debido a la propiedad configuracional y los sufijos no tienen nada que ver con la preposición locativa ni con la estructura analítica del verbo deadjetival. Queremos ofrecer una sugerencia alternativa argumentando que el núcleo del SGrado abstracto es un locus de grado de Estado debido a la característica de los predicados deadjetivales y de su raíz léxica. Destacamos que el clítico dativo relacionado con el complemento indirecto no argumental está sujeto a la condición de materialización para los predicados deadjetivales desde el punto de vista de la Morfología Distribuída de Halle y Marantz(1993, 1988).
    Keyword: Complemento Indirecto No Argumental, Verbo Deadjetival, Realización Del Clítico Dativo]
    Author: Jae Yong Kwak
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Minoan Religious Practice Recently Found at Tell es-Safi, Israel
    Minoan Religious Practice Recently Found at Tell es-Safi, Israel -Based on Two Horned AltarIn the last decades, one of the debated issues among the Mediterranean and Near Eastern archaeologists is the origins of the Philistines who settled in the southern Mediterranean seashore in Israel around 12th century BCE. Recently, scholars seem to have agreed with that, because of a certain chaos in the area of the Aegean culture, the people left from their homelands by ships and appeared on the battle scenes with Ramses III in Karnak. The Bible (Amos 9:7; Jeremiah 47:4; Deuteronomy 2:23) tells us that their homeland was island of Caphtor which is Crete in Hebrew. In this island, archaeological remains show that the Minoan culture which led earlier Aegean culture had been demolished around 1,400 BCE, the people of this land had left and their trace has been found in the Cyprus around 1300 BCE. However, not all of them settled in Cyprus and some of them find their permanent living places in the southern Mediterranean seashore of Israel, during the 12th century BCE. The Bible calls them Philistines and tells us their main cities: Gaza, Ekron, Gath, Ashkelon, and Ashdod. Archaeological evidence in these cities also reveals that there were certain cultural elements, such as pottery, religious figurines, and dietary, relating to the Aegean culture in the beginning of their settlement. However, their cultural specialties have been faded and adjusted to the Israelite culture. Nevertheless, several fascinating finds which can tell us that there were still Minoan or Aegean cultural continuities have been revealed in Tell es-Safi (Philistine Gath). Especially, a two horned stone altar found in 2011 season has drawn international attention. This altar insures us the issue about the relations of the Philistines and Aegean and Minoan culture. The motif of two horned altar has been found on the seals and larnak of Minoan culture. Indeed, it has been already discussed that there was “horns of consecration” symbolic representations of the horns of the sacred bull in Minoan culture. In fact, there is an altar from the 13th century BCE site of Myrtous Pigadhes in Cyprus that also has only two horns. The two horned altar found at Tell es-Safi may be another indication of the Minoan influences on early Philistine culture. However, the decorative features of the altar including its height, horns and the groove are similar to the Israelite altars. Thus we may conclude that when the Philistines came from Aegean region including Crete as the Bible tells, they must bring their own religious aspects and may continue them. However, while they lived with the Israelites, certain aspects must have been changed and became similar to the Israelites’.
    Keyword: Tell es-Safi (Gath), Philistines, Minoan Culture, Horned Altar, Horns of Consecration
    Author: Mi Young Im
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Dictator and Language
    Dictator and Language In this paper, I have tried to analyze the three speeches delivered by Tunisian President Ben Ali during the Tunisian Jasmine Revolution before he was forced to leave his country. For the sake of seeing if there is any shift among these speeches from the linguistic and rhetorical aspects I have examined the themes and structures of the speeches, concentrating on the linguistic tools and rhetorical strategies employed by him to face the protests by Tunisian people. The paper concludes that as the protest and the social unrest became worse, Ben Ali used different linguistic devices such as a code-switching, self-referencing and repetition in addition to the various rhetorical strategies in dealing with the protest in context with the social situation. As he spoke for the first time in Tunisian dialect in his last speech, it meant he intended to shorten the psychological and emotional gap between him and the people. Ben Ali used the traditional tactics of ascribing the demonstration to the terrorists and the criminals, employing the tactics of cane and carrots. Ben Ali’s last speech showed the mood of begging, a different change from the previous speeches. Also the frequent use of the first-person pronoun in the last speech in comparison with the previous two speeches showed the seemingly shift of the public identity of Ben Ali linguistically and psychologically from the dictatorial president to the ordinary people. Lastly, the use of the term Sha’b in the last speech can be interpreted as the sign of recognizing the sovereignty of the people after long years of dictatorship. It is expected that this study can be used as the foundation for determining the Arab dictators’ pattern of discourse such as former Egyptian president Mubarak, Syrian president Bashshar and Qadhafi of Libya in future relevant researches.
    Keyword: Tunisia, Dictator, Ben Ali, Political Speech, Code-switching, Linguistic and Rhetorical Shift
    Author: Hee Man Sah
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Was the Author of Epistle to the Hebrews an Philonist?
    Was the Author of Epistle to the Hebrews an Philonist?. This article tries to explain the exact meaning of eikon and skia in Heb. 10:1, as well as the relation of this passage with Heb. 8:5 & 9:23-4. Especially, I will scrutinize modern scholars’ contention that the Epistle to the Hebrews was deeply influenced by Platonism of Philo of Alexandria. In this way we will get the following conclusions. 1) Originally not only “skia” but also “eikon” had the meaning of “imitation”, while in the philosophy of Plato these terms were used to denote something contrary to “real entity”. But the meaning of these words changed dramatically in the Hellenistic age. So “skia” as before was used with the meaning of “something contrary to real entity”, while “eikon” came to denote “ideas as the archetype of the universe”. Likewise, in the Epistle to the Hebrews “skia” means “a mere imitation of the archetype(something contrary to the archetype)”, while “eikon” denotes “real entity itself (archetype itself)”. This similarity shows strongly some influence of Philonian(or Platonic) dichotomy in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Nevertheless, according to Philo the reality that heavenly tabernacle symbolizes is a spiritual principle or virtue that can be found in human beings generally, while that of the Epistle to the Hebrews is the recovery of the relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In this regards, the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews escapes clearly from the influence of Philo. 2) The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews does not seem to be strongly influenced by Philo’s philosophy. But he might know at least some thoughts of Hellenized Jews that agreed with Philo. And Evidently he kept the Hellenized Jewish faith in mind, while writing the Epistle to the Hebrews. In other words, the readers that were in the mind of the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews were Jewish Christians, in that they knew well the Old Testament with its sacrificial rites and commandments, nevertheless they already had the Hellenistic understanding of archetype vs. imitation and heavenly things vs. earthly things. To these readers, the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews tries to show the real nature of Jesus Christ, advising them not to forsake the Christian faith. [Key Words:
    Keyword: Skia, Eikon, Original-copy, Philo of Alexandria, Covenant
    Author: Yu Suk Oh
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Science Etc
    Issues in the Mediterranean Regional Studies and Mediterranean Studies
    Issues in the Mediterranean Regional Studies and Mediterranean Studies The Mediterranean area has the homogeneity through the ceaseless inter-cultural communication, and that have to be understood as a connected area not a divided one by the sea. And the Mediterranean has the most suitable condition for the unit of area studies. In the 21st century, each regions are not divided, but they have closely connections with each other in economy, society and culture. And these are reflecting the situation of the globe which different countries are closely connected and each other influenced. In this point, the different-looking civilizations in the Mediterranean are closely connected with sometimes conflicts and sometimes inter-cultural communication, and so the Mediterranean can be called as a miniature of the globe which globalism can be applied. So the Mediterranean have to be understood as the regional unit which has something in common through mutual exchanges between different cultures. And to understand the relations of communication and exchange among the civilizations which have made homogeneity of the Mediterranean, it is necessary to divide the subjects of exchange, that is, the individual units and to concrete them clearly. So the unit, or the subject of exchanges between the different cultures is the most important character of clearly dividing the different organizations and groups. A Classification for inter-cultural communication of the Mediterranean is useful to understand the characters of the Mediterranean civilization. So a Classification must be accepted not as the individual things, but as the motives of inter-cultural communication and then it took a conclusion that inter-cultural communication of the Mediterranean area can be classified as exchanges by one’s own cooperation, exchanges by the political, social, economical pressure. And also it can be mixing with the first and second. Anyway this will be a basis for stereotyping of inter-cultural communication. The Mediterranean Studies are scientifically on the step of a germ. On the basis of objective understanding about the history and civilization of the Mediterranean area, the Mediterranean studies is the open science which searches the way of living together for the Mediterranean countries and civilizations. And also it is the science for cooperation and living together which can overcome orientalism and occidentalism. [Key Words:
    Keyword: Regional Studies, Mediterranean Studies, Regional Unit, Interchange, Intercultural Interchange, Interchange Unit, Communication, Amalgamation, Globalization, Stereotyping
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Economic Relation of Migrants in the French Labor Market
    The Economic Relation of Migrants in the French Labor Market The Migrant Workers are cheap in France and these numbers have been increased over the past half-century. A dichotomy of social and economic structure has been formed between the immigrant and the domestic labor population. The economic activity of the migrants can be characterized by the simple(physical) labor in France. By the way, the dichotomy between the immigrant and the domestic labor population, as an attractive elementary for the migrants, leads to the dynamic of immigration economy. This article examines the economic relations between the immigrant and the domestic labor population in the french labor markets. We study the tendency of immigration and their employment situation that show the structure of the social discrimination with which the migrants are confronted in labor market.
    Keyword: Migrant Workers, Labor Market, Discrimination, North African, France
    Author: Ji Young Lim
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on Arab Society and Culture Represented in the Poems of the Jahiliya Era before the Advent of Islam
    A Study on Arab Society and Culture Represented in the Poems of the Jahiliya Era before the Advent of Islam The Arabic poems in Jahiliyah period, Al-Qaṣīdah, were the only method of recording and historical reference of the Arab people before the advent of Islam. Al-Qaṣīdah not only represents lives of people of that period, but also informs us about social structure and values, and culture of that time without any censorship. Regardless of the significance of Al-Qaṣīdah, which provides a important tool to shape and interpret the lives of people in Jahiliyah period, however, there has been few study conducted that illuminates the Jahiliayh period. This study has its meaning in the sense that it interprets and shapes Jahiliyah period through the lens of literature. In order to reach the goal, this study limits the scope of research subject as below. The first subject deals with tradition and custom, focusing on gender segregation and tribal battles. The second subject discusses about religious lives of people during the Jahiliyah period. In which the study analyses religious value and customs shared among the Arab people before the advent of Islam. The last subject reshapes economic activity and lives of people through examining articles of daily use represented on the Al-Qaṣīdah poems.
    Keyword: Jahiliyah, Mu’allaqāt, Arab Society, Arab Habits, Religious Life, Economic Life]
    Author: Se Won Chang
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkey’s Energy Supply-Demand Situation and Its Energy Security
    Turkey’s Energy Supply-Demand Situation and Its Energy Security -Its Implication to the Cooperation with Korea- Recently, Turkey is the one of the fastest growing economic in the world. Thus it energy demand for its sustainable development is increasing rapidly as well. However, Turkey’s geo-political location is crucial to diversify and secure the energy-transportation routes for the EU energy market. Turkey is utilizing its geo-political and geo-strategical position to play as an energy hub in the region. For Turkey and Europe, energy Hub is the emerging concept of new energy security not only to secure new energy supplies but also to diversify long-distance, cross border pipelines. Like wise Turkey is initiating various new green energy policy to meet with global demand and its energy diversification. Thus, this paper will review the development of the turkey’s green energy policy and its current situation. Hydro energy, solar energy, wind energy, and other green energy (or renewable enter) in Turkey will be analyzed. Their future potential role in Turkey’s energy security will be debated in the paper. Both Turkey and Korea is a member of G20 and important emerging market in the world. Therefore, there are many field that both country can cooperate. In this article, by reviewing the Turkey energy market and energy security, it will try to find out its implication for the future energy cooperation between turkey and Korea. To accomplish the research aim various Turkish governments’ documents and websites were analyzed. Particularly, energy related Turkish government organizations were reviewed and evaluated by the researcher.
    Keyword: Energy Corridor, Energy HUB, BTC, Pipeline, Green Energy, Renewable Energy, Turkey, Gas, Oil
    Author: Chong Jin Oh
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    The Arab Mind
    The Arab Mind In these days the Arabs are drawing a great deal of attention in the world, especially in political, economic and culturally aspects such as ‘democracy revolution’, energy policy and Islamic culture after the glorious history achieved in the Middle ages. This paper illustrates mind and/or the characteristics of the Arabs and discusses how they think and act as individuals and in a social setting. In order to understand their lives and culture as they are, the paper discusses the main points in four parts. Part I: Introduction Part II: The origin of Arabic people Part III: Formation of the consciousness Part III-1: Bedouin culture-honour, generosity, familism, pride, chastity, hishuma Part III-2: Islamic components, Conservatism, Atomic Society Part IV: Conclusion
    Keyword: Arab Mind, Origin, Bedouin Culture, Conservatism, Atomic Society
    Author: Wan Kyung Cheon
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Anglicismos en el Léxico de la Lengua Española y la Expansión Semántica
    Anglicismos en el Léxico de la Lengua Española y la Expansión Semántica Cuando dos lenguas entran en contacto, se producen interferencias. En este caso, una lengua ejerce mayor influencia sobre la otra, importándole elementos léxicos, fonéticos, morfológicos y sintácticos que se van adaptando al sistema lingüístico de la lengua receptora. Actualmente la mayoría de los extranjerismos que recibe el español proceden del inglés de EE.UU. Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, cuando los EE.UU. empezó a considerarse el líder mundial en el sector económico, político, científico y tecnológico, se han adoptado muchos anglicismos y aún siguen adoptándose en la lengua española. Así mismo, su cultura es omnipresente en cualquier rincón del planeta, y con la ayuda de los medios de comunicación e de Internet su difusión es incesante. Con todo ello, los préstamos lingüísticos del inglés, a su vez, llegan a cubrir los huecos semánticos que se hallan en la lengua autóctona, a aportar nuevos significados a sus léxicos, generalmente, a través de una extensión semántica, o a competir con los homónimos de la lengua receptora que no tienen relaciones semánticas con el inglés. En este trabajo, vamos a indagar las consecuencias de la afluencia de anglicismos en el nivel léxico-semántico de la lengua española y a considerar el problema de su posible polisemia.
    Keyword: Extranjerismo, Lenguas en Contacto, Anglicismo, Préstamo, Calco
    Author: Hye Jin Cho
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La Etimología Popular Producida en la Evolución del Español
    La Etimología Popular Producida en la Evolución del Español -la Desviación Analógica o el Error Radical- Según Dubois, J. & Giacomo, M., et. al.(1983), la etimología popular es el fenómeno por el que el hablante, basándose en ciertas similitudes formales, aproxima consciente o inconscientemente una forma dada a otra con la que no tenía ninguna relación genética. Vagabundo → vagamundo es un ejemplo típico del cambio formal. A pesar de que esta palabra no es la compuesta, los hablantes pensaban erróneamente que significaba ‘el que vaga por el mundo’, por tanto se produce la nueva forma vagamundo por medio de ‘vagar+mundo’. Además de esta palabra, esparadrapo → estiratrapo, lagartija → largatija, sandalias → andalias, etc., son los ejemplos que se han producido por la etimología popular. Este tipo de cambio es enmendable y se puede admitir en la lengua. Por otro lado, la etimología popular cambia el sentido de las palabras. Por ejemplo, Navalquejigo ‘nava de las encinas’ se cambió en Navalquejido ‘nava del quejido’ por el malentendimiento de los hablantes. Muchas personas piensan que la [operación] cesárea tiene relación con Julio César, porque pensaban que este hombre nació por esta operación. Aunque está claro que este concepto no tiene relación etimológica con él, esta hipótesis aún está viva entre los hablantes. De esta manera, la etimología popular puede causar un error grave al hablar de la etimología de las palabras. Hoy en día, muchas hipótesis incorrectas o arbitrarias se propagan sin obstáculo por el internet como si fueran correctas. En este trabajo analizamos los dos aspectos de la etimología popular, el cambio formal y el cambio semántico, entre los cuales éste en particular puede causar un error radical que puede influenciar de forma negativa a las personas, por tanto debemos cuidarnos para no cometer este tipo de error basándonos en los datos académicos posibles.
    Keyword: Etimología Popular, Cambio analógico, Cambio semántico
    Author: Kang Guk Lee
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    La distancia entre la realidad de la prueba de limpieza y la postura oficial de la Inquisición española
    La distancia entre la realidad de la prueba de limpieza y la postura oficial de la Inquisición española La prueba de sangre era para garantizar la genealogía limpia del que quería ocupar un puesto en la inquisición, cuyo ascendiente no era converso, ni morisco, ni procesado por la Inquisición. Aunque parece que la Inquisición española estaba muy relacionada desde el principio con el estatuto de la limpieza de sangre, en realidad no tomaba una iniciativa para su introducción en su propia estructura. Al revés, el Inquisidor General mismo no se sometía a esta prueba ni tenía una jurisdicción exclusiva sobre ella. Como es una cuestión de honor, su jurisdicción correspondía al Consejo de la Inquisición en la Monarquía Polisinodial. Para ser un organismo honorífico, se necesitaba llevar la prueba de limpieza a los que pretendían ocupar los puestos en la Inquisición como otras instituciones o colegios. Sin embargo, los familiares no tenían mucha dificultad de entrar en la Inquisición sin pasar alguna prueba hasta el año de 1553. La pragmática de 1623 es la única limitación legal para quitar los abusos y minimizar los gastos demasiado pagados por los pretendientes que querían sacar el linaje limpio. Es un resultado proveniente de las disputas sobre la efectividad de la prueba de limpieza surgidas a partir del memorial de Salucio de 1599. Incluso los Inquisidores Generales Guevara y Pacheco participaron en esta discusión a favor de la reforma de la pruba. Pero el Consejo de la Inquisición no apoyó al Inquisidor General Guevara en contraste con el caso de Pacheco. Allí se encuentra la fisura o la discordia dentro de la dirección inquisitorial. También ésta repetía ordenar la aplicación de la pragmática a cada tribunal inquisicitorial que no siempre tomaba en serio la dirección, sino se acostumbraba a hacer lo mismo como antes.
    Keyword: Prueba de limpieza, Honor, Converso, Inquisición, Pragmática de 1623
    Author: Eun Hae Lee
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Gli elementi ariosteschi ne Il cavaliere inesistente di Italo Calvino
    Gli elementi ariosteschi ne Il cavaliere inesistente di Italo Calvino Ariosto che è lo scrittore del Cinquecento ha molto influenzato il processo creativo delle opere di Italo Calvino. Italo Calvino ha espresso la sua ammirazione verso Ludovico Ariosto e il suo Orlando furioso. I suoi saggi dedicati al poema, i continui riferimenti all'Ariosto nella sua ricca produzione, il suo commento al Orlando furioso testimoniano l’influenza di Ariosto. Calvino apprezza così profondamente Ariosto per essersi posto come una figura d'innovatore, la cui ironia si pone ad emblema di una modernità. Ariosto poté vedere tutto l'ironia e la deformazione fantastica, ma il suo atteggiamento fu orientato a riscoprire l'uomo, riprendendo così in pieno lo spirito rinascimentale e umanistico. Gli elementi dell'Orlando furioso che si ritrovano nelle opere di Calvino sono così numerosi ed evidenti, ma l'ammirazione per l'Ariosto e lo studio del Orlando furioso si concretizzano nel romanzo Il cavaliere inesistente. Gli episodi e i personaggi de Il cavaliere inesistente rimandano alle vicende dell Orlando furioso. L'elemento ironico e fantastico come il poema di Ariosto regna anche questo romanzo. Di questi elementi Calvino si serve per guardare il mondo e capire come l'uomo si rapporti alla propria realtà storica e sociale. Il cavaliere inesistente narra le vicende del Medioevo ma non mettendo mai da parte i problemi contemporanei della realtà. Calvino si è proiettato nei fatti passati per presentare più i probemi della realtà contemporanea.
    Keyword: Ironia, Fantasia, Realtà, Scrittura, Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, Cavalleria, Uomo
    Author: Hyun Kyung Lee
    Poblication Year: 2012
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Les deux systèmes de la politique française de coopération avec les pays africains
    Les deux systèmes de la politique française de coopération avec les pays africains L’objectif de cette étude consiste à éclairer les deux systèmes de la politique française de coopération avec les pays africains, c’est-à-dire la homogénéité et la différence entre la politique de coopération avec les pays magrébins et celle avec les pays africains et malgache. La politique de coopération était en réalité fondé sur le maintien de relations politiques, économiques, militaires et culturelles inégalitaires, héritées de la situation coloniale. Elle était moins l’expression d’une doctrine cohérente de la France en matière de relations politiques et économiques internationales, que le reflet d’un pseudo-réalisme politique faisant une part trop faible aux données économiques et culturelles. Au terme de cette analyse, nous demeurons frappés par l’existence de différences importantes entre les deux dimensions examinées. Aussi sommes-nous portés à conclure à la spécificité de chacune d’elles, spécificité due au particularisme des conditions dans lesquelles les deux froupes d’États concernés accédèrent à l’indépendance et à la consolidation des relations nouées entre eux et la France postérieurement à cette indépendance. Cette déduction ne conduit, cependant, pas à nier le fait qu’elles forment les deux systèmes français de coopération.
    Keyword: Politique de coopération, Pays magrébins, Pays africains sud-sahariens et Madagascar, Zone franc, Néo-colonialisme
    Author: Ki Chan Byeon
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Meno’s Paradox and the Theory of Recollection in Plato’s Meno
    Meno’s Paradox and the Theory of Recollection in Plato’s Meno This article discusses the relationship between Meno’s paradox and the theory of recollection in Plato’s Meno. What the point of Meno’s paradox is and how the theory of recollection is supposed to respond to it have been a matter of great scholarly debate. In this article I discuss the view that the paradox is a mere sophism based on the false dichotomy of complete knowledge and ignorance; and the view that the paradox derives form the principle of the priority of the knowledge of what X is. With regard to the former, I argue that the theory of recollection does not give an adequate response; with regard to the latter, though there is a way the theory might offer an answer to the paradox, Plato does not give a clear indication that he intends the theory to play that role. I then discuss the interpretation by Irwin and Fine that Plato’s solution to the paradox is given not by the theory of recollection but by the distinction between knowledge and true belief; and argue that it is mistaken. I show that their interpretation is based on a misreading of a crucial text. They believe that in that passage Plato introduces the distinction between true belief and knowledge. But I argue that this distinction is not brought up until the last part of the Meno. The discussion of their interpretation makes it all the more urgent to consider the paradox from the perspective beyond the inner context of the Meno. I suggest that the central point Plato wants to make about Meno’s paradox concerns the nature of knowledge in the strict sense and how it can be obtained. The methodological question about Socrates’ elenchus is also relevant, but I argue that it is derivative to the epistemological question about the nature of true knowledge and its acquisition.
    Keyword: Recollection, Knowledge, True Belief, Meno, Plato
    Author: Hun Sang Chun
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    An Analysis on the Outcomes of Economic Reform in Jordan
    An Analysis on the Outcomes of Economic Reform in Jordan -Cointegration and VECM test- Since the end of 1980s, Jordan has passed several phases of economic reform aimed at stabilizing the Jordanian economy and managing the transition from a state-controlled economic model to a market-led one. This study tries to assess the outcomes of economic reform. To do it, this paper analyzes the relationship between economic growth and several macroeconomic variables which are considered to be affected by the economic reform. The empirical analysis is carried out using the data for GDP, consumption expenditure, investment, government expenditure, export, FDI, official aid and workers’ remittance. Cointegration analysis and VECM estimation find that in Jordan only overseas inflows of fund have led GDP, whereas domestic variables haven’t caused significant changes of GDP. This means that economic reform of Jordan has succeeded only in overseas sectors. The reform process in Jordan has been so slow, incomprehensive, and uncoordinated that it couldn’t find long-lasting solutions to major social and economic challenges of Jordan, such as poverty, unemployment, public debt, and high dependency on foreign aid. The critical point to driving the reform agenda forward is to deal with fundamental factors that determine their outcomes. The major reason for the failure to deal with key social and economic difficulties lies in the convergence of political and governance issues that undermine the reform efforts. Jordan needs to try to improve the governance framework, which means the progress of public sector performance, public sector accountability, and institutional capacity building. Jordan also has to make progress in political reform, which means enhancement of democracy in political and social life of the population.
    Keyword: Jordan, Economic reform, Economic growth, Cointegration Analysis, VECM
    Author: Ki Chul Kwon
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    A Study on the Islamic Perspective of Induced Abortion
    A Study on the Islamic Perspective of Induced Abortion Induced abortion is an issue tabooed in Islamic cultures and it is not clearly defined or interpreted by Islamic laws or Islamic religion. The meaning of induced abortion is not clearly stipulated even by Coran which is the primary source of Islamic laws. So, legal scholars’ interpretation of it has played an important role in Islamic definition of induced abortion; and induced abortion has been differently interpreted by each legal school. Yet, all the legal scholars consistently agree that induced abortion is not a sphere which is to be decided by men, and most of them concur that induced abortion may be permitted when the life of a woman in childbed is affected. However, each school of lawyers has different opinions about the time point when induced abortion can be permitted and there is also a difference even within a legal school. Currently, induced abortion is banned in Arabic and Islamic countries excluding Tunisia and Turkey. This thesis largely consists of two parts. In Chapter 2, Islamic opinions about induced abortion are discussed from legal and medical perspectives and kinds of punishments on induced abortion are also examined, so as to closely understand how Islam defines induced abortion. In Chapter 3, an investigation is made into whether or not Arabic and Islamic countries currently permit induced abortion, and a consideration is made of the implementation of related policies in those countries.
    Keyword: Sexuality, Muslim Women, Abortion, Contraception, Birth control
    Author: Hyo Joung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    The Other’s Sightline
    The Other’s Sightline -Equatorial Guinea Reflected in Spanish Literature- The main objective of this paper consists of analyzing the various responses of Spanish writers about Equatorial Guinea. Since the early 20th century, Equatorial Guinea has been reflected in Spanish Literature in many ways. Some writers were only interested in the exotic landscapes or the peculiar customs of the indegenous people. Others paid special attention to the colonial system which had worked as the means of exploitation. Recently we can find a new trend in certain works which are heading for Cosmopolitanism beyond the traditional dicotomy of Colonialism and Postcolonialism. In order to carry out my objective, I chose La casa de la palabra of José Antonio López Hidalgo, published in 1995 as the main text. After introducing briefly the colonial history and the literary identity of this country, I focused on Carolina, protagonist of this novel. She was born in Equatorial Guinea and lived among the indigenous people. But the independence made her come back to Spain, her home country. Twenty years later, we can find her again as nurse, volunteer of the international cooperation. In this hot land, she meets her acquaintances like doctor García Sáez and Mamá Raquel, her old baby sitter to pursue the traces of her lost father, Carlos Araujo. In particular, the black old lady, Mamá Raquel, takes special care of Carolina, showing ilimited love for her and regarding her as the symbol of salvator and succesor of the Bubis. Through the analysis of this novel, I can get to the following conclusion. The writer intends to overcome the traditional dicotomy between Western modernity and African savage, colonialism and postcolonialism, domination and resistance, suggesting that the peculiar life of each indivisual is as valuable as the universal life. As Kwame Anthony Appiah suggests, every broken piece of mirror reflects a part of the truth and only one broken piece doesn’t exist in the world.
    Keyword: Equatorial Guinea, colonialism, postcolonialism, cosmopolitanism, López Hidalgo, La casa de la palabra
    Author: Hyo Young Park
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Reflexión sobre la competencia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza de E/LE
    Reflexión sobre la competencia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza de E/LE El aprendizaje de un idioma implica para el/la aprendiz, la adquisición de conocimientos de una o más culturas distintas a la suya y de su práctica cultural por medio del contacto con ellas. El presente trabajo pretende explicar las características de la comunicación intercultural y los principios y métodos para el logro de una comunicación intercultural eficaz, así como también resaltar la importancia de la competencia comunicativa intercultural y de su enseñanza en las aulas del E/LE. Para abordar el tema y antes entrar en el estudio propio de la comunicación intercultural, se puntualizará ciertos conceptos básicos como las definiciones de cultura y comunicación y los posibles problemas que se plantearían en la comunicación intercultural.
    Keyword: comunicación, enseñanza de E/LE, intercultura, comunicación intercultural, competencia comunicativa intercultural
    Author: Hye Jin Cho
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Sobre la adverbialización en ‘-mente’ de las categorías adjetivales listadas en el Currículo Nacional(2009)
    Sobre la adverbialización en ‘-mente’ de las categorías adjetivales listadas en el Currículo Nacional(2009) En el Currículo Nacional(2009) se encuentran listadas 897 palabras. Entre ellas, los 117 adjetivos pueden admitir el sufijo ‘-mente’ para la adverbialización. El Currículo Nacional(2009) muestra que no es necesario incluir todos los adverbios en -mente en la lista del vocabulario básico debido a la precondición de permitir la derivación adverbial en ‘-mente’. En cierto sentido, como explica Torner Castells(2005: 212), el sufijo ‘-mente’ no parece consistir más que en producir un cambio de categoría de adjetivo a adverbio. Sin embargo, es natural reconocer que los aprendices principiantes suelen tener dificultad de distinguir cuáles son los adjetivos compatibles con la adverbialización en -mente dado que ellos, los no nativos, no tienen intuición léxica. El presente trabajo está dedicado a la discusión sobre la carga de aprendizaje de los adjetivos que pueden derivarse en los adverbios en -mente porque estos son las palabras con morfología y tienen una gran relacion con la morfosintaxis y la semántica.
    Keyword: adverbialización, adverbio adjetival, adverbio en -mente, Currículo Nacional(2009), derivación
    Author: Jae Yong Kwak
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Ethic of Hospitality
    Ethic of Hospitality The paper explores the issue of strangers and of hospitality in Marco Tullio Giordana’s Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti, based J. on Derrida’s discussion of hospitality. Since the 1990s has increased the post modern thinking in Italy it’s influence which makes the repression of the other a point at issue, the ethical response on it has become a important theme in philosophy. Focusing on the Giordana’s work, the purpose is to gauge the unique status Derrida holds in the post-modern thought, based on his Theory of absolute Other and unconditional hospitality. The thesis will illustrate how thoughts on the absolute other and the political theory of deconstruction provide crucial hints to overcome the limits of modern justice’s theory, which is equalitarian and seeks universality. Furthermore, the thesis will show the ethical meanings of Derrida’s theory of absolute other, and what its logical dilemmas are, exloring the Giordana's film. Through this process, the reason why we must pursue the possibility of overcoming universalistic justice and ethics of responsibility as an absolute and unconditional hospitality, which is based on the absolute alterity
    Keyword: Immgrant, Italian cinema, M.T. Giordana, J. Derrida, Hospitality, Mediterranean
    Author: Hee Jung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Political Satire at Egyptian President Mursi
    Political Satire at Egyptian President Mursi -A Study Focused on ‘El-Bernameg’ by Bassem YoussefThe purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship of satire and the socio-political reality with reference to some episodes concerning Egyptian President Mursi that appeared in popular satirical show El-Bernameg(The Program) hosted by Egyptian TV comedian Bassem Youssef. Charged with insulting President Mursi and Islam, he has captured in a refreshing way the frustrations and aspirations of many Egyptians by resorting to political satire, a genre that was absent from Egyptian television before the revolution in 2011 El-Bernameg has extended the boundaries of public discourse by mocking public figures such as Egyptian President Mursi and the power holders in the Islamist government. For instance, Youssef portrayed Mursi as a superman with superpowers and he mocked Islamists’ use of religion for political purpose. It also represented a shift of political parody from the private level to the public sphere. It is noteworthy that though to deal with the religion as a material for political satire along with politics is regarded as a taboo to satirise in the Arab world, Islam was subject to being as part of satire because Mursi is originally from Muslim Brethren. This study also showed that the political satire can provide public knowledge about politics to the people, at the same time when they are to be entertained by it. Bassem Youssef’s political parody format is unprecedented in the Arab world as it is supposed to be a watchdog on the news media. It is said that political jokes represent a revolt against authority and a liberation from its pressure and the laughter has the corrective effect. Then, it remains to be seen later whether Mursi will begin to correct his undemocratic course of action. But it is clear that Bassem Youssef will continue to be the epicenter of debate about the freedom of expression in Egyptian politics by showing his satirical rhetoric and ‘laughter’.
    Keyword: Egypt, President Mursi, Political Satire, laughter, Bassem Youssef, ‘El-Bernameq’]
    Author: Hee Man Sah
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    José de Valdivielso’s Sacramental Acts and Chorus
    José de Valdivielso’s Sacramental Acts and Chorus José de Valdivielso employs actively the chorus tradition from the history of European drama in his sacramental act. His sacramental act makes the most use of choruses, which deliver songs and dances as its expression method. By doing this, the dramatist intends to show a splendid baroque play stage and to provide dramatic interest. The author doesn’t divide between his own chorus and actors strictly, but he sets up for one another to change the roles, so he extends the music function of choruses to other actors. By maximizing the ocular effect through the elements of dances and songs which choruses have, Valdivielso relieves the solemn mood that a religious drama can have, and he provides audience with artistic interest. However, Valdivielso’s chorus does not stop simply at the level of the offering dances and songs as things to see, but it drags the sympathy out of audience through the emotional element of music, so it tries to maximize the audience’s response about drama’s theme. Like the ancient Greek tragedy, choruses play the role of a commentator and messenger who delivers religious messages of sacramental acts to audience effectively. As a result, a chorus achieves the religious purpose that a sacramental act has: the educational role for audience. By inheriting and developing the chorus function of Greek tragedy, Valdivielso achieves two purposes which a sacramental act should pursue as a religious drama: dulce et utile, the esthetics of Horatius. While the dramatist satisfies his audience through his splendid and emotional baroque play stage, he simultaneously accomplishes the educational function that delivers the religious ideal of Counter Reformation to the Spanish people of those times.
    Keyword: José de Valdivielso, Sacramental act, Chorus, Baroque drama, Spanish literature
    Author: Man Hee Lee
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Disappearing Boundaries and a New Topograph
    Disappearing Boundaries and a New Topograph -Barcelona in Alejandro González Iñ árritu’s Biutiful- Iñárritu’s film captures always the interconnectedness, which unavoidably draw us together, informing our sense of humanity in perpetual conflict with the superficial alienation of “the other.” His work communicate something fundamental to this recognition of postmodern global reality. All of this makes Iñárritu’s film particularly intuitive and immediate to contemporary global audiences. His films are powerfully informed and immediate, essential art in this age of postmodern confusion. In Biutiful, the latest film of Iñárritu, Barcelona, city cosmopolitan connotes cultural and social complexity which results in confusion and conflict and moral compromise. As the largest metropolitan city on the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona has a rich cultural heritage and is an important cultural center. In Biutiful, we find the Catalan capital such as a transnational and paradoxical location. In addition, Barcelona is recognizable as the film’s co protagonist, along with main character. This multicultural city shows the moral uncertainties and political complexities by focusing on immigrant and marginalized characters. Biutiful is aware of extreme complexity of the social structure of the global city of the porosity of its internal borderlands. Biutiful takes place in grimy and crowded parts of Barcelona that are a world away from a monumentally architectural and touristic city. If the notable or recognizable public spaces of Barcelona appear in the film, they are significantly portrayed as sites of conflict. Barcelona become a city without boundaries in Biutiful. The dualistic contrast between the city centers and the peripheries, even the death and the life disappear. Uxbal and the other important immigrant characters, through their powerful presence transform the city they inhabit into a chaotic place. This distinctive cityscape reveals real aspects and dimensions of Barcelona. Iñárritu’s Barcelona is polyphonic and hybrid city. Biutiful construct a city defined by its capacity to create new identity
    Keyword: Biutiful, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Barcelona, City, Trans- boundary
    Author: Song Yi Lee
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study on the Rise of Political Islam and Women’s Identity in Turkey
    A Study on the Rise of Political Islam and Women’s Identity in Turkey -focused on female teachers teaching at primary and secondary schools in Ankara- It was very shocking that in Turkey, a secular republic country, the pro-Islamic Justice and Development Party(Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi: AKP) overwhelmed the general election in 2002 and became the ruling party. On the other hand, it was doomed to occur for the conservative Turkish society due to the revival of Islam since the 1980s. Together with the spread of Islamism, mistrust of the secular government and consecutive adverse events followed by the economic recession made voters look forward to something new and just then, the AKP, who is neither an Islamic party nor secular but a third party, published ‘conservative democracy’ as the party’s platform and met the Turkish people’s expectations. Moreover, for the purpose of Turkey’s accession into the European Union, AKP vowed to execute the social regulations and measures required by the EU. The AKP’s victory in Turkey was positively evaluated domestically and abroad that Islam and democracy are compatible. In accordance, during the first governance, AKP’s home and foreign policies unfolded in line with the EU’s requirement. They waited for the ‘social consensus’ by trying to intentionally exclude Islamic factors from policy-making so that there would not be any social conflict resulting from Islamism or Secularism. However, since they won power in 2007 and again in 2011 for their third term, the AKP has decided on its conservative Islamic policies and even forced them, which markedly differs from their first term. AKP, now as a conservative party, who perceived women’s issues as the most vital factors in policy-making placed more stress on women’s role in the family rather than on women’s issues themselves. From surveys carried out to female teachers teaching at primary and secondary schools in Ankara, it has been discovered that the rise of political Islam has had a negative influence on women. Majority of those surveyed agreed that the conservatization of the society has increased veil wearers and has lowered status of women for the last decade. More importantly, when surveying even conservative women such as AKP supporters group, veil wearers group in non-public places, high and medium pious groups and indifferent groups to women movement, negative opinions on AKP’s conservative women policies were perceived. Consequently, it was found that highly educated women in society are also aware of the negative influence on women’s identity currently exerted by the political Islam in Turkey.
    Keyword: Political Islam(Islamism), Secularism, AKP’s Women Policy, Women’s status in public and private realm, Women’s rights
    Author: Ha Eun Han
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    The Planning of Electronic Culture Atlas for Interchange of Mediterranean Civilization
    The Planning of Electronic Culture Atlas for Interchange of Mediterranean Civilization In recent years, there have been many demands for digital convergence of the future. Since a necessity of interdisciplinary research between the Humanities and Engineering Studies was gradually raised, Electronic Culture Atlas, especially, was pointed out as the typical example of it. A map on which represents various aspects related to culture by using dot, line, face and so on is called “Culture Atlas”. In this sense, “Electronic Culture Atlas” is the electronic form of the Culture Atlas, namely, a concept of database which makes it possible to combine the use of data values such as theme, space and time. Consequently, the user could be provided with the cultural information which is intimately linked to the application of these three values. Furthermore, it also could be integrated way to understand about the culture of specific region. In this paper, Electronic Culture Atlas will be suggested to apply for researching global area studies, in particular, Mediterranean region Studies. Existing Electronic Culture Atlas was used the two-dimensional images as a base map, which resulted in visual blurring when it is zoomed in. In this respect, Electronic Culture Atlas should be designed using three-dimensional map (which is based on Google Earth) to solve this problem. Besides, the result produced by the author’s humanistic interpretation will be presented on the basis of objective and general information on the existing Electronic Culture Map. This research will be expected to express the results of global area studies visually by using this creation of Electronic Culture Atlas. It helps to understand the research results easily and makes it possible to use them as a preliminary data for new research. The interdisciplinary research such as Electronic Culture Atlas will be invigorated in many fields including future academic research. I hope this research is of cornerstone as a research method for interdisciplinary research.
    Keyword: Mediterranean area studies, Crusades, Electronic Culture Atlas, Digital Convergence
    Author: Jung Ha Kim, Ji Hoon Kang
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    Norman-Arab-Byzantine Culture in Sicily in the 12th century -Focus on the period of Roger II and William II
    Norman-Arab-Byzantine Culture in Sicily in the 12th century -Focus on the period of Roger II and William IIThis article focus on a complex of the Norman-Arab-Byzantine Culture in Sicily in the 12th century. A new culture in Sicily in the 12th is a complex of features held by the interaction of the Norman, Arab and Byzantine culture following the Norman conquest of Sicily from 1061, to around 1250. An intense Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture developed, exemplified by rulers such as Roger II of Sicily, who had Islamic soldiers, poets and scientists at his court. The Norman Kingdom of Sicily under Roger II was characterised by its multi-ethnic nature and religious tolerance. Normans, Muslim Arabs, Byzantine Greeks, Longobards and “native” Sicilians lived in harmony. Interactions continued with the succeeding Norman kings, for example under William II of Sicily. We find the Norman-Arab-Byzantine Culture in art, architecture and law. This Culture resulted from numerous exchanges in the cultural and scientific fields, based on the tolerance showed by the Normans towards the Greek-speaking population and the Muslim settlers. As a result, Sicily under the Normans became a crossroad for the interaction between the Norman-Catholic, Byzantine-Orthodox and Arab-Islamic cultures. Indeed, at that time Sicily provided the model for medieval Europe of how a diversity of peoples, races and tongues could be governed by a system of tolerance and law.
    Keyword: Sicily, 12th century, Norman-Arab-Byzantine Culture, complex, Roger II, William II
    Author: Chy Gyu Kim
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Aspects of Diaspora in Vita by Melania Mazzucco
    Aspects of Diaspora in Vita by Melania Mazzucco Today transnational migrations and movements due to the globalization have expanded the meaning of ‘diaspora’. Diaspora is now defined as the spatial dispersion of a people from their original homeland. The term can also refer to the people dispersed. Multi-cultural and multi-ethnic societies are a fact of life in many countries and this global trend seems inevitable. In this connection, a disaspora and its modes of life can pose significant problems. Melania Mazzucco’s novel
    Keyword: diaspora, identity, the female diaspora, Italian immigration, muticultural society
    Author: Hyun Kyung Lee
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Low Cost Airline and the Policies of EU-Member States
    Low Cost Airline and the Policies of EU-Member States: -Comparative Studies between France and European CountriesThe concept of LCC (Low Cost Carrier) was introduced by Pacific Southwest Airline in 1949. With the success of Southwest Airline which was established in 1971 and implemented this business concept, it began to be spread out all over the World. With the introduction of the concept of LCC by Ryanair in 1990, the LCC becomes popular in Europe. In Korea, the LCC has achieved a remarkable growth with 42.1% share of the domestic passenger transport. One of the most important reasons of the growth of LCC is the Open Sky Policy of European Union. With the Open Sky Policy, the barrier of the route of air-transport was removed. It results that the LCC market has been rapidly expanded. Nowadays, LCC has 1/3 share of European International seat capacity. In 2003 European monthly seat capacity of LCC was just 14%. In 2013 it reached to 36%. Compared to the world-wide growth of LCC, European has achieved important growth. Even if the researches of LCC were actively carried out, the focus of the existing papers was on the management of LCC. In order to prepare the development of LCC in Korea, it is necessary to develop the study about the EU LCC which has important LCC market. The growth of EU LCC has changed the network of air transportation. Before the growth of Ryanair, Dublin airport was not considered as an important airport for European air-transportation network. Thanks to the development of Ryanair, the position of Dublin airport has been changed. According to the network theory of Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, the network is stable with the difficulty of change. Nevertheless, the EU air-tranport network has experienced a dynamic change. However, the growth of LCC is not identical between the EU member-states. In United Kingdom and Spain, LCC market was rapidly expanded while in France, the growth of LCC was restricted due to the support of French government for its national carrier Air France.
    Keyword: Open Sky Agreement, Low Cost Carrier, EU, Air Transport Industry, Regional Economic Integration
    Author: Sang Wuk Ahn
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Clasificación categórica de las ciudades con base etimológica
    Clasificación categórica de las ciudades con base etimológica En el presente trabajo se expone una clasificación de las categorías de las ciudades desde el punto de vista político y las funcionales desde el punto de vista estratégico. Según las categorías políticas las ciudades son clasificadas en: ‘Villa, Ciudad>Medina>Pueblo, Aldea, Burgo, Alfoz>Palazuelo>Vicus> Quintana, Granja, Huerta’; y, según las funciones militares, lo son en: ‘Oppidum> Castrum, Castillo>Alcalá>Alcázar, Ciudadela> Torre, Burya’. El objeto de esta clasificación es facilitar el acceso al estudio de los elementos históricoculturales adyacentes en el étimo de los nombres de las ciudades. Se considera que, por medio de este tipo de estudios etimológicos y geográficos, se puede profundizar la comprensión de los estudios regionales de la Península Ibérica
    Keyword: Clasificación etimológica, Categoría de las ciudades, Etimología
    Author: Kang Guk Lee
    Poblication Year: 2013
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    ‘The Arab Spring (Al-Thawrah)’ and Its Origin and Political Changes in the Middle East
    ‘The Arab Spring (Al-Thawrah)’ and Its Origin and Political Changes in the Middle East After a long absence, the wave of revolutions sweeping the Arab World and the Middle East bears the possibility of triggering internal and external disputes in the Area. In Tunisia, protesters called for the restoration of the country’s suspended constitution. Rising food prices and high unemployment have fueled popular protests from Morocco to Oman. In Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Iran and Libya, protesters are demanding either reform or total revolution. Although a striking resemblance to previous political upheavals as in Europe in 1848 and in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, the 2011 revolutions are fighting something different from them. To understand the revolutions, therefore, it is necessary to analyze their origin and historical background, that is, it needs to examine the political cultural background of the Arab World since the late Othman Empire. In this sense, the work is performed by focusing on two subjects which are related the Arab Revolt and Revolution. The first is to review causes of the Arab civil revolt in general. It tries to inquire into evidence of the political culture that have effect on the Revolution. And then it tries to view a change in international political environment in the Arab World and the Middle East. The second subject to be examined mainly centers on US’ involvement in the Middle Eastern affairs especially after the death of Bin Laden. It will investigate the change of the US policy, what is called the policy of isolation, since the Gulf War. Consequently, the aim of the paper that conceptualizes and defines the Arab Spring will be attained and open to a further argument.
    Keyword: Arab Democratization, Arab Revolt, Arab Revolution, Arab Spring, Jasmin Revolution, Middle East Politics, Thawrah
    Author: Byoung Joo Hah
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Conflicts and Cooperations in the Middle Eastern Society
    Conflicts and Cooperations in the Middle Eastern Society -in case of Jordanian Water ResourcesThis paper reviews the status of the water resources in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the context of the global pattern of increasing demand for water linked to population increase, a growing urban-based population and increasing economic progress. Jordan is currently one of the world’s ten water poorest nations, a situation which is being exacerbated by a rapidly growing population. Jordan has a climate ranging from Mediterranean to Arid with approximately 80 per cent of the country receiving less than 100mm of precipitation annually. Evaporation ranges from around 2000mm per year in Zarqa in the north west of the country to over 5000mm per year in Ma”an in the south. Renewable freshwater resources are of the order of 750-850 million cubic meters(MCM) with approximately 65 per cent derived from surface water and 35 per cent from groundwater sources. Current demands for water are of the order of 955 MCM. This shortfall is currently managed by controlling supply, but this is unsustainable. Treated waste water provides a possible additional source of water, but there are concerns and limitations over its use. Jordan must develop a strategy to manage its water resources sustainably, making full use of all available water resources. Some of the problems and possible solutions are discussed.
    Keyword: Jordan, Water Security, Management of Water Resources, Water Crisis, Water Shortage, Climate Change, Water War, The Middle East
    Author: Jae Hoon Choi
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Pension Reform in Mediterranean European Countries-Focused on Italy and Greece ?-3)
    Pension Reform in Mediterranean European Countries -Focused on Italy and Greece ?-3) The purpose of this paper is to analyse pension reform in Mediterranean European countries, especially focused on Italy and Greece. And the implications will be suggested. In order to analyse pension reform in Mediterranean European countries, first of all, politics, economy, and society in four countries are examined shortly. In terms of politics, Mediterranean European countries had experienced long dictatorship until the middle of 1970, and then brought about democracy in the middle of 1970. And they were agricultural countries until 1970, thus, they were industrialized late comparing with West European countries. Also their society has been characterized with the spread of informal and irregular economy and clientelism. Mediterranean European countries also have similar pension system each other comparing with West European countries. That is, Mediterranean European countries have developed their welfare state focused on pension. Thus, the benefit level of the pension was very high relatively. And pension in Mediterranean European countries also have played a role as social assistance without enough financial subsidy from the state. Because of these reasons, they have faced financial problem in pension and should have reformed pension. Under the financial problem in pension, Mediterranean European countries have accelerated pension reform in terms of financial sustainability. Thus, the direction of their pension reform tends to be convergent to financial sustainability while the degree of the pension reform was divers each other. In order to examine these changes, pension reform of Italy and Greece is analyzed in depth. The reason which this paper focuses on the pension reform of Italy and Greece is that Italy is characterized as successive pension reform with social consensus but Greece is characterized as passive pension reform with external factors. Italy also had reformed the pension quickly while it took a long time for Greece to reform the pension. Then, based on analysis of pension reform caused in Italy and Greece, the implication of pension reform in Mediterranean European countries is suggested.
    Keyword: Pension Reform, Mediterranean European Countries, Convergence, Path-dependency, OMC
    Author: Ho Sun Yoo
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    한국 지중해 지역 연구 현황의 통계적 접근과 해석
    In this study, we used the key words of 365 papers printed from 2002 to 2018 in the Journal of “Mediterranean Area Studies” as data to investigate the correlation of each subject. We analyze the tendency of “Mediterranean Area Studies” through analysis of the main text by using statistical methods such as word clouding and association analysis. And then, we could visualize the information between key words and also we measured the association rules of them by using support, confidence, and lift as the criteria. In recent years, integrated learning is becoming a global trend not only in Korea but also in the world. So, we would like to try another statistical approach to the research of the Mediterranean region in the future.
    Keyword: Mediterranean Area Studies, Word Cloud, Text Mining, Association Analysis, 지중해지역연구, 워드 클라우드, 텍스트 마이닝, 연관성 분석
    Author: 문승호 ( Moon Sungho )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    지중해 배경에서 히브리 성서 읽기
    This paper aims to address the importance of the Mediterranean setting for the study of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. A region’s climatic pattern and geological conditions are important in the formation of its religion and history of longue duree (Fernand Braudel). Unfortunately, the twentieth-century western scholarship of the Hebrew Bible has ignored these natural elements in their study of the religious and historical texts, as Theodore Hiebert (1996/2007) has concluded. In this article, I demonstrate that the climatic and geological setting of the East Mediterranean, or the Levant, is crucial to interpreting the Hebrew Bible in multi-dimensions. For this purpose, the paper discusses the following exemplary Mediterranean religions and Hebrew Bible passages that illustrate the usefulness of reading the Hebrew Bible in the context of a Mediterranean setting. (1) The Ba‘alu cycle and Demeter myth of Israel’s neighbors demonstrate that climatic patterns played important roles in myth-making in the Mediterranean regions. (2) The Föhn effect in Israel creates different environmental settings between the west and the east of the central hills. The Föhn wind causes the east parts to be arid and without rain. However, grasses grow, and flowers blossom in the wilderness of the rainy season thanks to rainfall flowing down from the central hills. Dramatic changes in the Judean wilderness landscape caused by flowing water (wadi) might have inspired some eschatological visionaries (Isaiah 35:6-7; 43:19-20). (3) The Fall feast or the feast of Booths played a central role in Israel’s religion. It was celebrated not only in memory of wilderness life (Leviticus 23:33-43) but also for the restoration of the rainy season in the Fall (Psalm 126). Jeroboam’s reform of the calendar (1 Kings 12:31-33) was understood as apostasy by the Deuteronomistic historian. However, it should have been understood as an insertion of a leap month to adjust to the difference between the lunar calendar (roughly 355 days) and the actual seasons based on the solar calendar (365 days). (4) The Book of Amos and Psalm 46 can be understood better in light of a tectonic earthquake (ca. 750 BCE). This earthquake of 7.8-8.2 magnitude probably occurred north of the kingdom of Israel, or today’s Lebanon (Austin-Franz-Frost 2000) and devastated many anti-Assyrian coalition countries. The epicenter’s location and estimated magnitude are very helpful when analyzing historical mysteries, such as the rapid decline of the northern kingdom after Jeroboam II’s most glorious period, or how the Assyrian king was able to conquer enemies through short Blitzkrieg, how weaker Judah survived longer than stronger Israel, and so on. These case-studies above could motivate Hebrew Bible researchers to pay greater attention to the Eastern Mediterranean’s environmental and geographical setting.
    Keyword: Mediterranean Climate, Ba ‘alu Cycle, Demeter Myth, Feast of Booths, Israelite Calendar, Elijah at Carmel, Amos’s earthquake, 지중해성 기후, 바알루 신화, 데메테르 신화, 초막절, 이스라엘 달력, 갈멜산의 엘리야, 아모스의 지진
    Author: 방기민 ( Ki-Min Bang )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Malakh YHWH와 Apostolos Christou와 Rasul Allah에 관한 비교 연구
    A Comparative Study of (Malakh YHWH), (Apostolos Christou) and (Rasul Allah) The three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam share a common characteristic by which they are defined as revealed religion. One of the phenomena in the revealed religion is the presence of receivers or mediators between man and the divine being. They function as messengers of the revelation to those who are supposed to be addressed. This study tries to see what messengers appear in Judaism, Christianity and Islam and to examine what relationship exists among them. Considering that the object of the study and its relevant material may be extremely exceeding, the present article limits its range of survey to the representative messengers in these religions: (Malakh YHWH) in the Miqra’ (i.e., the Old Testament), (Apostolos Christou) in the New Testament and (Rasul Allah) in the Qur’an. The examination of the written material in the chronological order seems to reveal that the formation of Rasul Allah in the Qur’an had been influenced by already The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ph.D. 78 | 지중해지역연구||제16권 제1호 [2014. 2] existing terms in the Miqra’ and the New Testament. The suggestion is supported, first of all, by the Qur’an itself. The Qur’an presents as Rasul Allah Moses and Jesus, the representative figures of the Miqra’ and the New Testament. It confirms that there had been Rasul Allah (pl. Rusul Allah) before the time of Muhammad the last Rausl Allah. This premises the possibility that Moses and Jesus designated as Rasul Allah in Arabic might have been called in other terms in the Miqra’ and in the New Testament. The presentation of Moses and Jesus, described most as the man of God and the Son of God in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, as Rasul Allah before Muhammad demonstrates a new Islamic viewpoint in her understanding of the history of religion.
    Keyword: The Miqra’, Malakh YHWH, The New Testament, Apostolos Christou, The Qur’an, Rasul Allah]
    Author: Seoung Yun Shin
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    A Study on the Acceptance of the Arab Islam Civilization in Egypt
    A Study on the Acceptance of the Arab Islam Civilization in Egypt -Focusing on the Rashidun Caliphate Era- In the seventh century, the Arabs began to politically organize their tribes in the Arabian Peninsula and to bring about their monotheistic Islamic religion in that region. Their accomplishing unity and acquiring religious power led the Arab Muslims to open their eyes beyond the Arabian Peninsula. The first territory that the Arab Muslim military conquested beyond the Arabian Peninsula was Egypt. Egypt had had close political, economical, religious relationship with the Arabs for a long time due to the geographical contiguity. Furthermore, Egypt was one country that the Arab Muslims coveted for all the wealth and prosperity that it possessed. Therefore, the Arab Muslim military began their campaign against Egypt, which had been ruled by the Byzantine Empire. The Arab culture and Islamic civilization have a distinctive character. Namely, it gradually blended with the indigenous culture in the conquered territory and the amalgamation of the cultures resulted in a new indigenous culture with a passage of time. As such, some historians have called this phenomenon an ‘Islamic Miracle’. However, we do know that the Islamic Miracle is not the swift military campaign but the permanent Arabization and Islamization in the conquered territory. In this paper, I will research the spreading of the Arab-Islam civilization and its acceptance and the resulting characteristics in Egypt where the Arab Muslim military went beyond the Arabian Peninsula for the first time in the seventh century. To accomplish the goals of this research, I will discuss the situations in Egypt before the Arab Muslim military arrived in year 640 and also examine the Arab Muslims’ conquest of Egypt and their rule over that country.
    Keyword: Arab, Islam, Coptic, Military Campaign, Rome, Byzantine, Amr bn al-As, Dhimmy
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Pío Baroja and Anti-Catholicism
    It is not difficult to find anti-Catholic attitude of Pio Baroja in many of his novelistic works due to the negative image formed through his childhood. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the various aspects of his anti-Catholicism, which can be found in his novels. To achieve the goals of this study, I chose the following four works in which his religious attitude is most clearly revealed: - Camino de perfección (1902) - César o nada (1910) - La leyenda de Jaun de Alzate (1922) - El cura de Monleon (1936) To analyze his anti-Catholicism, I paid special attention to several sub-themes (religious views of Pio Baroja / Baroja as agnostic/ Catholic clergy as novelistic characters / anti-Catholicism / anti-clericalism/ Vasque traditional beliefs). With the analysis of the texts, I can come to the following conclusion: Baroja can be considered agnostic and he adheres to the scientific positivism. Therefore, he can not help showing his negative attitudes toward the Chatholic dogma or the religious rites of the Catholic church. According to his opinion, the Catholic clergy which consists of a rigid hierarchy and pyramid structure is an obstacle to the development of the country. For this reason, through his entire life, he keeps taking a negative and critical stand for Spanish Catholicism.
    Keyword: Pío Baroja, Anti-Catholicism, Camino de perfección, César o nada, La leyenda de Jaun de Alzate, El cura de Monleón
    Author: Hyo Young Park
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Establishment of the System of the Parts of Speech in Ancient Latin Grammars
    The Establishment of the System of the Parts of Speech in Ancient Latin Grammars This article aims to investigate the emergence and the establishment of the system of the parts of speech in ancient Latin grammars. The overall structure of Latin grammar itself and the contents and form of the description of the system of word classes were constructed under the great influence of ancient Greek grammatical tradition. The system of the eight parts of speech and furthermore the definitions and properties of each part of speech employed in ancient Greek grammars were used by the Latin grammarians without any visible transformations in essence. Nevertheless, the ancient Latin grammarians attempted to, and succeeded in adapting the Greek system to their own needs, which arose from the fact that the Latin language was different from Greek despite the inherent grammatical similarities, both being the daughter languages of the Proto-Indo-European language. The most observable transformation made by the Latin grammarians is the order of the eight parts of speech and the replacement of the article category by the interjection. Although the number of the parts of speech proposed differed from grammarian to grammarian, the system of eight parts was the most preferred one during the period of the first to the fourth century. After the middle of the fourth century, however, when Donatus produced his Ars Maior, the system of the eight parts of speech and the order of the parts used by Donatus became the canonical scheme in Latin grammatical description. The authority of Donatian system was reinforced by the Donatus commentaries produced during the fourth and fifth centuries. This article analyses and compares Dionysius Thrax' Technē Grammatikē and Donatus' Ars Maior with a view to examining the context in which the ancient Latin grammatical tradition was formed and established itself with regard to the specific area of the system of the parts of speech.
    Keyword: the system of eight parts of speech, Dionysius Thrax's Technē Grammatikē, Donatus' Ars Maior, definitions of the parts of speech, formal and semantic criteria
    Author: Jee Yeon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    French Corporatism
    The features of the French industrial relations, i.e., the weakness of trade union and employer organization, the fragmentation of trade union, the mutual hostility and lack of trust for the government of French workers’ and employers’ organization, are the reasons for its mildness and not for the absence of corporatism. On the one hand, French trade unions refused class reconciliation. On the other hand, they changed into reformist within the capitalist system and formed a conflictual partnership with employer organizations. French workers’ and employers’ organizations claim political independence and distrust the government but do not totally reject political concertation. For these reasons, French corporatism appears as a limited general exchange institutionally through the Economic Social Committee and as a simultaneous exchange through the Social Summit and the inspired tripartite consultation non-institutionally. Therefore, French corporatism can be defined as a political exchange by simultaneous and limited general exchange.
    Keyword: French corporatism, political exchange, general exchange, simultaneous exchange, Economic Social Committee, Social Summit
    Author: Byung Kee Jung
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Francisco Bances Candamo’s Sacramental Act and Chorus
    Francisco Bances Candamo’s Sacramental Act and Chorus Francisco Bances Candamo’s Sacramental Act is a work after the genre’s peak. It lacks coherency in regard to its topic and the long-winded lines deprives the genre of a very essential factor, speed. Perhaps for that reason, Candamos’s Sacramental Act and Calderon’s Sacramental Act were presented to King Carlos II for Corpus in 1691, and late Calderon’s work was selected by the King to be performed. Candamo embellished the setting in a grandiose Baroque theme, possibly to cover what the content lacked. He uses globes and wagons that represent the universe and the life, respectively, and thus describing the heavenly and earthly worlds. Moreover, the author maximizes the musical effect that chorus has in classic tragedies, making the sacramental act similar to a musical play. By introducing different and rich musical elements, Candamo’s sacramental act provides fresher, fancier and more dramatic performance to the audience who were used to watching the conventional sacramental act in the same season every year. Candamo adapts the message delivery function of Greek tragedy’s chorus into the priest’s role to hold Catholic mass and to give a sermon. Through chorus, the audience interacted with the characters, and in the same way, the believers in mass would respond to the service, playing the role of an ideal audience. In the middle part of the play, the chorus was given two extreme characteristics of good and evil, and playing a mediator between the two forces. Candamo’s sacramental act shared certain characteristics with Catholic church’ mass. As Baroque’s mass adopts dramatic taste, Candamo gives the sacramental act a form of religious ceremony. Candamo, thus, emerged as an artist who realized the symbolic transformation of chorus of a sacramental act to a genre with Catholicized musical background which the previous generations never experienced.
    Keyword: Francisco Bances Candamo, Sacramental act, Chorus, Baroque drama, Spanish literature
    Author: Man Hee Lee
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Spain and Muslims in the Mediterranean
    Spain and Muslims in the Mediterranean -Focusing on Don Quixote- Cervantes witnessed the glory and fall of the Habsburg Spain that constructed the Empire on which the sun never set. Cervantes himself did not lead an easy life and his misfortune had much to do with the Turks in the Mediterranean background. He fought against the Ottoman navy in Lepanto and was wounded and disabled for life. Returning to Spain, his ship was captured by pirates and he was sold as a slave to the Turks in Algiers. It wasn't until five years later that Cervantes was released. Back in Spain, a disabled veteran was not welcomed by society. We may be able to discern what kind of attitudes Cervantes must have had on the Muslims from this series of adversities. We can say that the experience in the Muslim world led the Spanish writer to keep openness to other cultures. But we must also take notice that Cervantes was greatly influenced earlier by humanism of Erasmus as well. The captive's tale in the first part of Don Quixote shows a happy conclusion when the Spanish captain and his Muslim lover get married with the blessings of their companions. Cervantes might here indicate to us the harmony Spain had previously enjoyed for over 800 years, during which period various cultures and religions coexisted with mutual recognition and respect. In the second part of Don Quixote, we can see the story of Ricote who was expelled from Spain. The scenes involving Ricote's family could be read as a satire on the Spanish exclusiveness. We can say that Cervantes' intention was to criticize the Spanish biased nationalism. Taking a stand against the repression of the Moriscos, Cervantes made use of his masterpiece to open that exclusive nation. In the 16th century, the Mediterranean was divided into the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Turks. Spain kept the Mediterranean spirit of harmony, despite the constant quarrels with Muslim nations in holding the control of the sea. But since the late 16th century the two empires turned their concerns toward the Atlantic and Persia respectively. The old pluralistic Spain of the three religions was replaced by a monolithic society. It was a turn from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, from plurality to uniformity and from openness to exclusiveness. In Don Quixote, Cervantes looks back to the harmonious past. That would be regarded as nostalgia for the lost Mediterranean spirit.
    Keyword: Habsburg Spain, Ottoman Turkey, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, Cervantes, Don Quixote, Islam, Muslim, Morisco, Christianity, novel
    Author: Jeong Hwan Shln
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study on the Policy of Justice and Development Party(JDP) toward Alevi in Turkey
    A Study on the Policy of Justice and Development Party(JDP) toward Alevi in Turkey This study focuses on the policy of JDP toward Alevi in Turkey. As we know, the Alevi issue has become the focus of intense debate in Turkish politics and society asthe Alevist recognition movement has developed since the 1990s. This marked the coming out of a previously silenced phenomenon and this process involved both an intensification of debates over religious rights of individuals and public reconstruction of Aleviness. These developments have brought the Alevis much freedom up until now whereas they were not permitted to enjoy such freedom previously. In 2007, for the first time in Turkey including the era of the Ottoman Empire, the ruling JDP government undertook a series of steps to respond to Alevi claims, known as the Alevi opening. The objective of the Alevi opening is to reconcile the Turkish state with the Alevis. The Alevi opening is now underway to address the Alevis’s claims with JDP’s implementing various political alternatives. There are many obstacles that prevent the fulfillment of Alevi claims. In my opinion, there are, however, many potential steps that would help eliminate barriers to social and political reconciliation. Legal and political reforms are important for surmounting structural inequalities and preventing the practices of marginalization.
    Keyword: Alevi, JDP, Alevi Opening, Identity, Heterodox Islam, Turkey
    Author: Duck Chan Woo
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    A Study on the Sunnah as the Second Source of Islamic Law
    A Study on the Sunnah as the Second Source of Islamic Law -The Authority of Muḥammad, His Sunnah and Ḥadīth- The primary question this paper attempts to answer is “what makes the Prophetic Sunnah the second source of Islamic law, next only to the Qur’ān?” By analyzing the role and authority of the Prophet Muhammad, his Sunnah and Hadīth, I came to conclusions as follows: First, there are many Qur’ānic verses that demand Muslims obey and follow the messenger of Allah. Second, it is Muslims’ duty to obey and follow the Sunnah because it is also the revelation from Allah. Third, there are a number of verses on the Prophet Muhammad’s authoritative practices, such as kissing the black stone and circling around the Ka’bah. Forth, the founders of the four Islamic law schools adopted the Qur’ān, the Sunnah, ijmā’(consensus), and qiyās(analogy) as the principles of their schools.
    Keyword: Qur’ān, the Sunnah, Sharī‘ah, the Second Source of Islamic Law, Authority, Revelation, the Four Schools of Islamic Law
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Estudio sobre las unidades fraseológicas de alegría y tristeza en español desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la metáfora conceptual
    Estudio sobre las unidades fraseológicas de alegría y tristeza en español desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la metáfora conceptual El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre la imagen conceptual de las emociones de alegría y tristeza fijadas en las unidades fraseológicas(UFs) en español. Como las emociones son tan habituales, los seres humanos solemos emplear la metáfora para expresarlas, pese a que en algunos casos no nos damos cuenta de su uso porque está tan lexicalizada. Asimismo, tratamos de determinar los procesos cognitivos que subyacen a la creación de estas UFs y de discernir los aspectos generales o particulares del proceso de su conceptualización. Para ello, a base de la teoría de la metáfora conceptual, analizamos las UFs de la alegría y la tristeza para comprender cómo se conceptualizan estas emociones por medio del lenguaje figurativo como metáfora y metonimia.
    Keyword: teoría de la metáfora conceptual, metáfora, metonimia, emociones, unidades fraseológicas
    Author: Hye Jin Cho
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    Characteristics and Types of Lingua Franca Exchanges in the Mediterranean Region
    This study aims to highlight the communication characteristics of Lingua Franca, used in the ports around the Mediterranean area from the periods of the Crusades to 19th century, and to propose what kinds of cultural phenomenon we can discern. We begin with the problematic definitions of the term “Lingua Franca” described in some of the dictionaries cited. We explain the various historical aspects of the multilingualism required of the speakers of different languages in the commercial trade. This enables us to understand the emergence, evolution and disappearance of Lingua Franca.”It seems that its life cycle is closely linked to linguistic, functional and cross‐border characteristics. Therefore, we can characterize Lingua Franca in three key words : linguistic hybridity, vehicular function, and cross‐border identity. In conclusion, we consider Lingua Franca as a model of cultural interaction or cultural transfer allowing the coexistence of both heterogeneity and homogeneity
    Keyword: Lingua Franca, sabir, frontier, vehicular function, Mediterranean, linguistic hybridity, liminality, cross-border identity
    Author: Eun Soon Choi
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Athens’ Thalassocracy and The Contention of Athena and Poseidon
    Athens’ Thalassocracy and The Contention of Athena and Poseidon The myth of the contention between Athena and Poseidon for Attica is represented both in the pediment of the Parthenon and the temple of Erechtheion. In this article, I argue that the story of the struggle between Athena and Poseidon for Attica symbolizes the struggle between land power and sea power and Poseidon gained more importance during in the latter part of the fifth century BC. Athena represented the traditional society based on the land and hoplites while Poseidon represented Athens’ thalassocracy and Nautes especially after the Delian League. During the Peloponnesian war, the sea power became more crucial for a victory against Sparta, which means Poseidon gained more importance for the Athenians. The construction of Erechtheion in spite of the difficult economic situation during the Peloponnesian war symbolizes the rising importance of Poseidon. However among Athenians, there were people against the policy of thalassocracy.The representative writers are Euripides and Platon. Euripides’ the Erechtheus and Platon’s Atlantis-story were written to criticize Poseidon and Athens’ thalassocracy.
    Keyword: Athens, Thalassocracy, Parthenon, Erechtheion, Athena, Poseidon, Atlantis
    Author: Hae Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study of Turkish Authorization System on Textbook
    A Study of Turkish Authorization System on Textbook The study aims to review how textbooks are made in Turkey, which is one of the major factors in Turkey’s education system and determine what the system implies. In Turkey, the process of developing textbooks is directly managed and supervised by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry defined the formats of the education system by law and dictated what contents should be included, which languages can be used, and how the textbooks should be edited. Accordingly, textbooks in Turkey are a medium that delivers only the official facts and builds an educational foundation for the country. The textbooks serve as the key channel, through which enacted policies and ideology of the government of Turkey are collected and delivered for the purpose of diffusing official and standardized knowledge for the general public. Such policy originates from the mild nationalism of Ataturk that was aimed to encompass diverse ethnic groups and bind them all together as citizens of Turkey. Education has been given top priority since the days when the nation was engaged in fierce independent movements to secure its sovereignty after the defeat in World War I. The legislation of the Law of Unification of Education 1924 laid the groundwork for building a centralized educational system in Turkey and this has continued until now. The photo of Ataturk, the national flag and anthem of Turkey, which have to be shown in all textbooks have become a powerful symbol of the nation to hold all members of the nation together as the citizens of Turkey by reaffirming the perception on Turkey as the mother country and as being of a homogeneous ethnic origin. Even before the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, education had been implemented as a framework to protect the people of the nation and as a channel to encompass diverse ethnic groups. Textbooks are the mechanism that embodies this ideology in specifics and seem to be an effective method in accomplishing what the government intended. However, to some extent, it restricts the view of the world and view of the values and is likely to cause an excessively standardized education. It seems necessary to adopt more flexibility by expanding autonomy in the education and the textbook developing systems.
    Keyword: Turkey, Textbook system, Authorization system, Textbook production system
    Author: Jae Yun Jeong
    Poblication Year: 2014
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Study on the Aspects and Types of Anglicisms in Italian
    Study on the Aspects and Types of Anglicisms in Italian. The aim of this paper is to analyze some aspects of intergration and adaption of anglicisms in Italian in terms of phonetics, morphology and semantics. The integration of English loan words in the system of the Italian language is essentially important as the anglicism is adopted to meet the particular expressive needs of simply because the language model is prestigious. Therefore, this research specially identifies the characteristics of the processes of morphological integration such as the assignment of grammatical gender; the derivation of Italian productive suffixes that demonstrate their increasing level of acclimatization; and the creation of compounds and semantic integration including the extension and restriction of the meaning. Also, this study attempts to examine two types of calques, i.e semantic calques and translation calques, by gathering data on the difference between the meaning of original English terms and wrong anglicisms in Italian.
    Keyword: Foreignisms, English loan words, Anglicisms, Calques, Integration
    Author: Soon Haeng Kang
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    The Syntactic Property of Spanish Relative Determiner cuyo in the Restrictive Relative Clause
    The Syntactic Property of Spanish Relative Determiner cuyo in the Restrictive Relative Clause. In this article, we argue that the spell-out condition of the Spanish relative determiner CUYO is structurally related with [+WH] complex relative construction under the basic hypothesis that the [ɸ-feature] of the Latin possessive relative determiner CUIUS diverges as to the way of its specification in Spanish and Italian, the [+WH][+REL(ative] element occupies in the Spec of CP, and the [ɸ-feature] of relativized element must be explicitly realized in the morphosyntax. We propose an alternative approach based on the previous studies of Kayne(1994), Cardinaletti(1998), Cinque(1995) about the realization of Spanish relative determiner cuyo, in order to account for several previously relevant for the Italian possessive relative constructions, in the light of the Distributed Morphology(cf. Halle & Marantz(1993), Harley & Noyer(1998), and subsequent works.
    Keyword: ɸ-feature, Possessive Relative Clause, Relative Determiner, Spell-out Condition, Cuius
    Author: Jae Yong Kwak
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    1952 Revolution of Egypt in Najib Mahfuz's Miramar
    1952 Revolution of Egypt in Najib Mahfuz's Miramar. The recent Arab Spring will be considered as a historical event which brought and will bring drastic changes to the whole Arab world. The Egyptians and Arabs, however, have not produced yet proper literary outputs about the January revolution of 2011. Prominent Egyptian literary works of the past can offer to the contemporary writers a reliable guidepost in this regard. The paper selected Najib Mahfuz's novel Miramar, published in 1967, to study on the impacts of revolution in Egypt. The novel attracted wide attention with its multiple narrators, because the technique was new to Arab writers since the translation of William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury into Arabic in 1963. Miramar is a story about the events that happened in an Alexandrian pension of the same name. The characters have different backgrounds and each of them narrates what happens inside the pension and, at the same time, reveals through retrospection what he saw, experienced and believed. Pivot character of the novel is Zuhra, the beautiful servant girl of the place. Amir Wajdi seems to represent the author Najib Mahfuz in a number of aspects. One of the main topics of the residents if 1952 Revolution. They advocate. complain and blame the Revolution and what it brought to Egyptian society. The novel discovers in a scene that all feel fear of the Revolution's watchful eye and ear. Amir Wajdi says that he has not been an opponent of the Revolution. But he probably is not pleased with the current situation of Egypt after 1952. His view on the Revolution is clearly shown in his advice to Zuhra when she decides to leave the pension. The paper concludes that Miramar exposes that the Revolution, as is shown in Sarhan al-Buhayri's corruption and eventual suicide, failed in achieving what it promised. But Amir Wajdi, and so does Najib Mahfuz, finds a hope in Zuhra who represents Egypt. She is destined to find magically a suitable bridegroom when the time comes.
    Keyword: Modern Arabic Novel, 1952 Revolution, Alexandria, Najib Mahfuz, Miramar, Multiple Narrators
    Author: Jae Won Park
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The rise of Low Cost Carriers in the EU and the French adaption problem to the new market environment
    The rise of Low Cost Carriers in the EU and the French adaptation problem to the new market environment. Even if the air travel demand is reducing after the Global Financial crisis in 2008, the sector of Low Cost Carrier's growth is continuing. The EU's Open Sky policy which has started in 1987 and has been complete in 1997 allowed small airline companies including low cost airlines companies to increase new air-routes between the EU member-states. With the EU's Open Sky policy, the EU's low cost carriers has experienced the continuous growth. In the EU, 4 LCC companies are among the 10 largest airline companies in EU. However, the growth of LCC is not identical among the EU member-states. In the United Kingdom and Spain, LCC market was rapidly expanded while in France, the growth of LCC was restricted due to the support of French government for its national carrier Air France. Among the 10 largest LCC companies, French LCC company dose not exist. Among the 10 largest airport of the EU, the air route frome of to French airport does not exist. This undeveloped situation of French LCC is caused by the French government and the industrial relations of Air France. In the beginning of 2000's, French government dissuaded the French low cost airline companies to be established. The intention of this policy is to protect the national carrier, Air-France. The other problem for the LCC development in France is the industrial relations in Air France. To cope with the change of market environment, Air France had a plan of the development of Air France-KLM Group's low-cost subsidiary, Transavia. This plan included the establishment of the subsidiaries of Transavia all over the Europe. However, this project of Air France management faced the protest from the labour union of the pilots which organized a strike for 2 weeks. This strike resulted in the abandon of the management's project which aimed to create Transavia's subsidiaries all over the Europe.
    Keyword: Open Sky Agreement, Low Cost Carrier, EU, Air Transport Industry, France
    Author: Sang Wuk Ahn
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Labor Migrants and Urban Transformation in Israel
    This article examines the ways in which a distict migrant enclave for temporary labor migrants is developed in a particular context of Israel. Although enclaves are indeed neither a new phenomenon nor one occurring exclusively with any particular group, the patterns and conditions of formation vary dramatically by contexts. Through the case study of Filipino migrants, this article explores how the Neve Sha'ana neighborhood of Tel Aviv, which is known as the 'capital of the foreign workers( Kara 2001 ),' is dynamically shaped and sustained as the greatest migrant settlement in the country. Under the Israeli migration regime, which aims to sustain its character as an immigration country for Jews only, the migrant workers are constantly in demand yet never permitted to live permanently. Nonetheless, Filipino migrants, whose presence is legitimated solely by their laboring function as live-in care-givers, constitute the majority of the foreign populations in the neighborhood and struggle to build their own space through a variety of activities as well as their ongoing presence. This article attempts to delineate the formation of a migrant enclave, drawing the historical and economic contexts, labor policies both at state and municipality levels, migrant networks, geographical conditions, and the work conditions as well as the migrants' social status in Israel. As the economic hub of the country, Tel Aviv city provides not only greater job opportunities for the foreign residents but the basic social rights such as education and health on the basis of corporation policy that bypasses the national system. Particularly, Neve Sha'anan neighborhood is the dominant absorber of foreign migrants due to the cheap housing, easy access, and the development of social and economic services that meet the migrants' distinct needs. Significantly, the shared flat which sprouted out the neiborhood plays a pivotal role in attracting the migrants by providing a key site for community formation and a shelter space for the live-in care-givers with marginal status and vulnerable work conditions. Through this examination, this article reveals that the combined effects of these conditions listed above result in sustaining the influx of migrants into the neighborhood and characterizing the urban periphery as a social and economic center for the migrants.
    Keyword: Israel, migrant enclave, Filipino migrant workers, place-making, urban transformations
    Author: An Na Lim
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Retirement as the mode of labor behaviour
    Retirement as the mode of labor behaviour. In Korean companies in France, the relationship between a local( korean ) employee and an employee sent from Korea is characterized by the structural system such as promotion and conditions of contract, and this system is determined by the rules related with the order of power. Especially the different ways of behaviour and mutual cognition of the members reveal their different cultural capital acquired by distinct social and cultural environments. The members' divers interests, value and will consist in the cooperative of conflictual labor relationship. The local employees of Korean enterprise in France, where the social and cultural differences among the members are not recognized, have the passive behaviour in terms of the change of the organization.
    Keyword: Korean enterprise in France, local ( Korean ) employee, dispatched employee, relationship of labor, status, mode of labor behaviour
    Author: Ji Young Lim
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Some Semantic Features of the Arabic Vocabulary
    al-Mutaradif, al-Mushtarak al-Lafzi, and al-Tadadd are important features of Arabic vocabularies. Especially al-Tadadd is not common in many languages of the world. This study aims to elucidate these linguistic terms by way of giving definitions, introducing various opinions of Arab scholars on them, and clarify the reasons and linguistic backgrounds that have led to these vocabularies. al-Mushtarak al-Lafzi is often translated in English as homonym. Every al-Mushtarak al-Lafzi belongs to homonym, but every homonym is not al-Mushtarak al-Lafzi because al-Mushtarak al-Lafzi is defined on the basis of the phonetic views not phonological views. Arabic has more al-Mutaradif than any other languages in the world. According to Arab scholars, in Arabic there are more than one thousand words meaning the sword, more than 500 words meaning the lion, more than 400 words meaning the forx, ...etc. This makes Arabic one of the richest languages in the world abundant al-Mushtarak al-Lafzi. This study also tries to elucidate the feature of al-Tadadd, which can be defined as words having the opposite meanings in one word as in /ʕāqil/ for a wise man and an idiot, and /mawlā/ for a master and a slave. These characteristics is very important in teaching the Arabic and help the Arabic learners understand Arabic vocabularies as well.
    Keyword: al-Mutarādif, al-Mushtarak al-Lafzi, al-Tadadd, Homonym, multisensewords, Phoneme, Phonetics, Phonology, al-Suyuti
    Author: Kyu Young Jung
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    A Synopsis of History of Translation of Spanish Literature in Korea
    A Synopsis of History of Translation of Spanish Literature in Korea According to my analysis of all the materials I collected, I arrived at the following conclusions. First, even though an explosive expansion of translated literary works has been achieved in the 21st century, it has been limited to the works of some popular contemporary Spanish writers. Second, many classic works have not yet been translated, and the translation task of the classic works in the 18th century is more urgent. Third, there have been many instances in which the same book is translated by more than two translators due to a lack of academic interchange and communication.
    Keyword: Spanish Literature; translation; Middle Ages; Golden Ages; 18th century; 19th century; 20th century; 21th century
    Author: Hyo Young Park
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Party System of the Greek Third Republic
    The Party System of the Greek Third Republic -The De-alignment and Re-alignment of a Pre-dominant Party System and the Imperfect BipartismThe Greek political system is built as a pre-dominant party system in which the ND has ruled immediately after the democratization (1974) and re-aligned into the imperfect bipartism (two-party system). However, the two big parties began to weaken since 2007 because they continued the clientelistic politics and could not deal effectively with the global economic crisis in the 2000s. The bipartism has thus suffered a de-alignment process and was re-aligned into multipartism (multi-party system) in the 2012 parliamentary election. And it showed signs of consolidation in the 2015 parliamentary election. Although the re-alignment and consolidation are verging into a multi-party system, it is difficult to predict their particular verge, the polarized one or the two-party-centered one. The result may depend on the party-political and government-political consequence of the SYRIZA which replaced the PASOK and emerged as one of the two major political parties.
    Keyword: Greek party system, a predominant-party system, imperfect bipartism, multipartism, SYRIZA, ND, PASOK
    Author: Byung Kee Jung
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    Digital Humanities and Electronic Cultural Atlas
    Digital Humanities and Electronic Cultural Atlas -Electronic Cultural Atlas Implementation of the Book titled
    Keyword: Digital Humanities, Mediterranean, Overseas Area Studies, Electronic Cultural Atlas, Convergence Studies
    Author: Ji Hoon Kang
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Analysis of the Cognitive Structure of Spanish Animal Proverbs Related to Women
    Analysis of the Cognitive Structure of Spanish Animal Proverbs Related to Women The aim of this study is to draw attention to the existence of semantic derogation of Spanish proverbs that declare the identity of the women. A significant amount of Spanish proverbs that do not go unnoticed is based on animal images, and the process of linking women with animals is made metaphorically and metonymically, depending on the cognitive models. In particular, animals such as mule, cow, chicken or other domestic animals are used to associate negative characteristics with women. Due to the male-centered world view of Spanish society and the cognitive power of metaphor and metonymy, such animalization manifests the role traditionally allocated to women, which, in fact, reflects the common belief that women are inferior and subordinate to men. To examine such derogatory uses with conceptual metaphor and metonymy with regards to women, this study will analyze the metaphoric structure and examine the misogynist view of Spanish language.
    Keyword: Paremiology, Animal proverbs, Metaphor and metonymy, Semantic derogation, Linguistic sexism
    Author: Hye Jin Cho
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    Memorialising The Battle of Algiers
    Memorialising The Battle of Algiers -Two different approaches in France and AlgeriaThe Battle of Algiers (1966) has been regarded as a work of cinema vérité documenting the historical event based on the collective memory of those involved in witnessing the end of French colonialism and the birth of Algerian independent nation. This has created disconcertingly different modes of reception of The Battle of Algiers in France and Algeria, as the withering empire and its former colony respectively underwent a process of historicising the film within their own particular culture. Drawing on the concept of national cinema, this article argues that French cinema's reluctance to embrace the film largely has to do with the so-called 'memory war' on the traumatic past of the Algerian war whilst the film's idealisation of the Algerian history attempted to show rather glorified facets of independence and nation-building but bypassing the post-independence confusions.
    Keyword: history of cinema, The Battle of Algiers, national cinema, ‘memory war’, cinema vérité
    Author: Eun Jee Park
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Philosophical illumination about the spirit of ‘poverty’ and ‘contemplation’ of Ste. Clara of Assisi
    Philosophical illumination about the spirit of ‘poverty’ and ‘contemplation’ of Ste. Clara of Assisi The mystic means one who wrote mystical poetry or mystical works from the mystic experiences in religious life. The life and spirit of the mystic often presenting to philosophers new perspectives on the world and on man, give new inspiration to understand the world and man. The life and spirit of the medieval mystic, Clara of Assisi is summed up in two words ‘absolute poverty’ and ‘contemplation’. Absolute poverty means the no possession of property which is ‘renunciation of religion’ ‘the prohibition of private property’ and ‘renunciation of honor or social power’. This spirit of poverty is itself a value for the religious life and it becomes a necessary condition for contemplation. The contemplation is an eminent act of the human soul which perceives the presence of God in all things existent. And the contemplation is ultimately union with God oriented. The soul of a mystic who has annihilated any worldly thing and is filled with God’s presence, is able to perceive the deepest value and high level. The act of contemplation is an act of the most noble and high level. Since this act of contemplation is no possession of propert oriented but realize better value to be, it coincides with the spirit of Eric Fromm who insists the life of being in opposition to the life of the possession. The life and spirit of Clara of Assisi is an example of the new man which is presented by Eric Fromm.
    Keyword: Ste. Clara of Assisi; absolute poverty; contemplation; the mystic; religious life; the life of being; new man
    Author: Myung Gon Lee
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    A Study on the Fantasy and the Auteurism
    A Study on the Fantasy and the Auteurism -Focusing on the films of Director Guillermo del ToroA film made with new media cultural values, which are not afraid to experiment with innovative things, while being entertaining and making a personal statement in the film, is another way of taking a new perspective and understanding the world. Alex de la Iglesia, Enrique Urbizu and Óscar Aibar etc., embodied the “young cinema” that has helped pave the way for Bayona, Amenabar, Balagueró or Latin American productions of Guillermo del Toro, which open completely the window to infuse different air into Spanish cinema. In short, it is a generation of film-makers who, despite the disparity of issues and concerns, appear united by their love of genre cinema with special predilection for the fantastic and the action thrillers. This new trend or this globalization trend reflecting the new film generation, causes profound change of culture and cinema, exceeding the national limit, and does arouse interest of transnational activities. This study aims to analyze fantasy and auterism in such movies of Guillermo del Toro as Cronos, The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth, and find a tendency of the film industry of Spain and Latin America in recent years.
    Keyword: Genre Cinema, Guillermo del Toro, Auteurism, Fantasy, Fairy Tale]
    Author: Bu Ja Kim
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study of Factors Associated with the Political Achievements and Challenges of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan
    Unlike the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the movement in Jordan has successively promoted its agenda and message in the Jordanian society. At the beginning of the movement, its conservative Islamic ideals were well matched with the political needs of the Hashemites to check potentially political opponents. As the Muslim Brotherhood effectively provided support for the sovereignty of the monarchy whenever the regime encountered political challenges, it could benefit from the limited political system by acquiring the privilege to operate various organizations, which could provide a wide range of support for local people. Under the circumstances of mutual benefits between the regime and the Muslim Brotherhood, it effectively expanded its power in the Jordanian society. However, the deterioration of relations between Jordan regime and the Muslim Brotherhood, self-inflicted wounds, and the changing dynamic of local Islamist politics in recent years has caused its erosion of political influence over the local people.
    Keyword: Jordan Politics, Muslim Brotherhood, the Hashemites, Islamic Action Front, Islamic Center Charity Society, Islamist Movement
    Author: Sang Hyun Song
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on the definition and division of pronouns in Late Latin grammars
    Even though the ancient Latin grammatical tradition evolved from the ancient Greek grammatical tradition, the Latin grammarians developed peculiar features of their own in describing the Latin language. The most conspicuous of them are seen in their description of the pronouns, in particular in the definition and subdivision of the pronouns according to the quality. In this article, the treatment of the pronouns in the Ars Maior of Donatus, the prominent Latin grammarian of Late Antiquity, is analysed in detail, with a special focus given to the concept of ‘persona’ (person) and the definiteness of personal pronouns. With a view to understanding more fully the concise descriptions given by Donatus, the explanations found in the works of his contemporary grammarians and commentators are compared and analysed. We find that the Late Latin grammarians are more semantically oriented than syntactically in expounding the pronouns when compared to their Greek predecessors, as is seen in their inclusion of the words which do not refer to specific persons into the category of pronouns and also in their division of pronouns according to meaning.
    Keyword: Donatus, definition of pronouns, division of pronouns according to quality, definiteness, person
    Author: Jee Yeon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Strategic military policies in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates
    Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are implementing a low oil price policy by keeping their oil production at high levels in spite of requests by non-OPEC nations to reduce oil production to prevent oil price collapse. Relying on their enormous oil wealth, approximately one trillion dollars, both countries are emerging as regional powers by investing huge amounts of petrodollar money into the development of military capacity against Iranian threats. Furthermore, reconciliation between Washington and Tehran encouraged Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to cooperate with Russia, China, and Pakistan as well as Western nations in the military sector. This study will examine the details of strategic military policies in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and anticipate how their military policies will affect the political topography of both the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region and the Middle East.
    Keyword: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, GCC, Military policies, Western nations
    Author: Eui Gab Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    A Study on the Beginning of Khatmiyya Order and Its Thoughts
    A Study on the Beginning of Khatmiyya Order and Its Thoughts The Khatmiyya order has been misunderstood as a shamanistic folk belief not having any doctrine or belonging to any sect. That is why scholars research just the general trend of the order like connections with political circles or Sufi genealogy. But an identity of orders is not on the general trends but on doctrines and rituals. The order is the biggest Sufi order in East Africa. Muhammad Uthman al-Mirghani, the founder of Khatmiyya order, spent his childhood under Imam of Mecca, his grandfather, and his youth as a disciple under the great master of Sufism, Ahmad Ibn Idris. It became a foundation for him for understanding both legalism and mysticism. Having made a trip to East Africa for missionary work, he encountered Sufi orders - Tijaniya order, Qadiriyya order - which proclaim a doctrine of Mahdi that will save the world. This doctrine influences Khatmiyya doctrine that Mirghani family is sealing the Mahdi. Khatmiyya doctrine is a guarantee of salvation for believers of Khatmiyya order. According to al-Mirghani, Mahdi will save the world on the last day of the world. Mahdi should be a descendent of Muhammad and the Mirghani family descended from the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Until Mahdi’s birth, someone in every generation should maintain special knowledge about the secret of the last day and salvation without transmuting. They call the maintainer ‘al-Khatim’, which means the seal of special knowledge from Allah. While agreeing with other Muslims’ salvation by good deeds, Khatmiyya order guarantees the exact salvation for people under the teachings of al-Khatim. They are concerned with an internal state that can make them keep commandments more than the commandment itself. The internal state is the special spiritual knowledge. The special spiritual knowledge is not made by just knowing something but by getting a thorough training. That’s why their training is steadier and stricter than that of other Sufi orders. Many orders tried setting up their orders in eastern Africa but there was no notable success before Khatmiyya order. Al-Mirghani could make suitable doctrines and rituals for Africa because he experienced legalism and mysticism and other Sufi orders.
    Keyword: Khatmiyya order, Sufism, Neo Sufism, Islam, African Islam, Mirghani family, Uthman Mirghani
    Author: Jo Seph Kwon
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    Multilingual-based Web System Development for Area Study
    Multilingual-based Web System Development for Area Study - Focusing on the Development Case of IMS Web System - We developed the Multilingual Mediterranean Web Service(MMWS) system, design, and layout of the IMS(Institute for Mediterranean Studies) website and established an integrated system of information for organization, including communication and support. We provide support and improvement of the computing environment, including hardware and software, for public information transmission not only within our Institute but also with related organizations. In this paper, we tried to apply to our study to identify the major service problems of area informatics and investigated the status of website associated with the area studies. Therefor, An new analysis model for operating and evaluating the website is proposed. An analysis index used for an analysis model in aspects of user service level can be represents as follows: Openness, User friendly facilities, Information content, Ease-of-use and Customer. In terms of this study it is possible to use of data for improving the service level for communication. The results of this study provide cornerstone to build new direction for the linkage between area studies and area informatics.
    Keyword: Multilingual Website, Information system, Area studies, Area Informatics, Unicode
    Author: Jae Hyung Cho
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    A Study on the Levant People’s Way of Thinking through the Texts of Songs
    A Study on the Levant People’s Way of Thinking through the Texts of Songs - focused on Lebanon & Syria - The domain of popular and folk music often provides insight into the psychological and social, cultural traits of a nation’s character. It means that one can often illustrate the spirit and beliefs of the people by studying the types of songs. This study is aimed to find the Levant people’s way of thinking through the texts of songs-focused on Syria & Lebanon-by classifying motifs of the songs, especially the religion, and social life and sex. The Syrian and Lebanese songs express happiness and sorrows and religious beliefs of the people. The song and music were used in emotional occasions such as love, the pains of the departure, and some social & political issues. We can say that Syrian and Lebanese people are usually in pursuit of Islamic virtues, and they keep balanced life between religious holiness and secularity
    Keyword: Levant, Syria, Lebanon, Popular Song, Folk Song, Mawwāl, Underlying Culture
    Author: Eun Kyeong Yun
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on the Underlying Culture in Levant
    A Study on the Underlying Culture in Levant -Focusing on the Nomadic Culture and Islam- This study aims at having a close look at how nomadic culture and Islamic culture are mixed together by surveying into the underlying culture of Levant. In Levant, as is also the case with other Arabian regions, it is observed that the application of Islam is not genuine, but is mixed with folk beliefs. This study focuses on explaining ‘bidʕah’ by describing the differences that exist between sacredness and secularity. It is observed that, in the underlying culture of this region, faver-seeking religion and folk customs appear in the form of Islam. This study explores the consciousness of nomads and their underlying culture through looking into their custom of saint worship, their thoughts on jinn, evil eye and magic, and their beliefs in fortune and misfortune.
    Keyword: Levant, Underlying Culture, Nomadic Culture, Islam, Jinn, Evil Eye
    Author: In Seop Lee
    Poblication Year: 2010
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    걸프통화동맹안의 경제적 안정성 분석
    The purpose of this study is to analyze sustainability of the Gulf Monetary Union(GMU) which will be organized in future by using vector autoregressive model(VAR). The model is conducted to identify the influence relationship between macroeconomic variables in each of GCC countries and to check idiosyncratic risks and macro risks and then calculate its cumulative effects. The variables are world real GDP, oil price, oil & gas real GDP, non-oil & gas real GDP, real exchange rate and CPI for the period of 1990-2014. The main findings are as follows. First, employing Granger causality, there is no macro risk which is shared by all GCC countries. Bahrain and UAE have two same patterns, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia share three patterns, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have two patterns. Second, the signs of the cumulative effects are identical as well so it supports the creation of the GMU in broad outline. However, some empirical results imply the several members would require different economic policies because the rise in the exchange rate has a different influence on oil GDP and non-oil GDP. For this reason, the GCC countries are needed to manage their speed of the economic diversification in balance.
    Keyword: GCC, Gulf Monetary Union, Economic Integration, Correlation Analysis, Vector Autoregressive Model, Granger Causality, Cumulative Effect, 걸프협력기구, 걸프통화동맹, 경제통합, 상관관계분석, 벡터자기 회귀모형, Granger 인과관계검정, 누적효과
    Author: 정혜선 ( Jung Hye-sun )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    철학자들에 대한 알 가잘리의 비판과 그 정치적 배경
    Al-Ghazālī(1058-1111), the great Ash‘arite theologian, is well known as the author of Incoherence of philosophers(Tahāfut al-Falāsifa). In this work, he discussed twenty questions of philosophical doctrine in which he regarded philosophers as mistaken and misguided. Especially three of them he denounced as more serious than the others and tantamount to infidelity. The three doctrines are: the eternality of the world, God’s ignorance of the particulars , and the denial of bodily resurrection. He has completed the work in 1095. After about 10 years, he wrote Difference between Islam and Zandaqah(Fayṣal al-Tafriqa Bayn al-Islām wa `l-Zandaqah) to expound the legal ground upon which he condemned the philosophers to infidelity. Here we can say that al-Ghazālī was very sincere and consistent in the rejection of philosophy throughout his lifetime. This paper aims to understand the reason why al-Ghazālī attacked the philosophers. To do this job, al-Ghazālī’s main works such as Incoherence of philosophers and Difference between Islam and Zandaqa will be analyzed in detail. This paper consists of 5 parts: 1. Introduction, 2. Whom does al-Ghazālī exactly mean by the name ‘philosophers’?, 3. The pronouncement of infidelity and the three philosophical doctrines, 4. The pronouncement of infidelity and its political background. As conclusions, following points will be mentioned. First, In Incoherence of philosophers, al-Ghazālī’s attack was mainly focused on Ibn Sīnā. All of the three philosophical doctrines, upon which he denounced the philosophers as infidels, are Ibn Sīnā’s opinions appearing in his main works. Second, al-Ghazālī made attacks on Ibn Sīnā as a preparation to attack Ismā‘īlites. The Ismā‘īlites, as a main Shi‘ite sect, disapproved the ‘Abbāsid caliphs and maintained political rivalry with them between 10th-12th centuries. After they established the Fāṭimid dynasty in 969, they started to threaten the ‘Abbāsid government ideologically and militantly. Al-Ghazālī refuted the Ismā‘īlites and Ibn Sīnā at the same time, because both of them belonged to the same neo-platonist trend. Third, the Ash‘arite school , to which al-Ghazālī belonged, has been traditionally involved in defending the ‘Abbāsid government from the Ismā‘īlites. Al-Ghazālī’s attack on Ibn Sīnā was a part of his political attacks on the Ismā‘īlites.
    Keyword: Al-Ghazālī, Incoherence of philosophers, Ibn Sīnā, the Ismā‘īlites, Neo-platonism, The Theory of Emanation, Niẓām al-Mulk, Niẓāmiyah Madrasa, al-Azhar, Ikhwān al-Ṣafā
    Author: Jeoung Myoung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    팔레스타인 여성과 이슬람 근본주의
    It has been usual that the men encourage or lead the women to participate in the ethical movements in many cases of colonial movements of the third world. Also, in the case of Palestine, the men stirred up the women's participation in the political affairs by the recognition of their role in the secular movement under the urgent situation of the national liberation movement. As the result, many Palestinian women's organizations were established to encourage women's social and political activities. Nevertheless, their radical statue is not changed nor developed. First, it is ascribed to the patriarchal system that has been prevailed in that society. Secondly, Palestinian Authority is not willing to deal with the gender problems, or even so, it has insufficient power to resolve the problems. And thirdly, Islamic fundamental movements in Palestine effect on the role, statue, and activity of Palestinian women. Islamic fundamentalism has settled down in Palestine since it has spreaded wide in Islamic world during 1970's. Islamic fundamentalists have made use of the matter of women to confirm their identity. Focusing on the matter of women's Ḥijāb, they could attract the people who have been tired of the secular government's policy. So, this paper will discuss Palestinian women's activities before the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, the appearance of Palestinian Islamic fundamentalism, Palestinian Islamic fundamentalism and the women, and the women's responses and views on Palestinian Islamic fundamentalism. And finally, it aims to study on the relation between Palestinian Women and Islamic fundamentalism to figure out the role of Islam in Muslim women's role and position.
    Keyword: Gender, Feminism, Palestinian Women, Muslim Women, Palestine, Islamic Fundamentalism, Palestinian Islamic Fundamentalism, Hamas, Ḥijāb, Intifada
    Author: Hee Sun Cho
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    중앙아시아에서 종교지도자의 기능과 역할
    The aim of this paper is to examine the function and role of clerics in Central Asian Islam with emphasis on Mullah, Sheik and Bibiotun. In Central Asia there are two categories of mullah: official ones and unofficial ones. The social status of the two groups is very different. The first group, who have diplomas, conduct their religious activities openly on a legal basis. The unregistered mullahs conduct their religious activities clandestinely. They are recruited from among the students of the underground maktabs. While the unregistered mullahs conduct their duties on an illegal basis, their should have jobs to lead their lives. Comparing to the former, the latter serve Islam very well on daily level, because they know very well what their people need irrespective of islamic knowledges. Sheiks have a very large influence on the population of Central Asia, because they are in constant contact with people. The sheiks' primary influence is on the female portion of society, since the majority of pilgrims to the mazars are women, who believe the keepers of the mazars without question. It is here that the main shaper of children gets the values that she then transfers to the younger children. In Central Asian Islam, it is not too much to say that bibiotuns play very important roles in spreading islamic knowledges to society. The bibiotuns' primary influence is on the female portion of society like the mullahs. The job of the bibiotun is to oversee all the female rituals in the mahalla. It is taken by a woman who has been specially prepared for the role. In addition to absolutely thorough knowledge of the rituals, she must know the norms of good Muslim behaviour. Candidates for the post of bibiotun are chosen from among girls seven to eight years old. who then go through the same preparation in the girls' maktabs as the boys who will become the future mullahs do in theirs. As our important future task, the function and role of bibiotun should be reexamined well through field work.
    Keyword: mullah, sheik, bibiotun, Central Asia, Islam, mahalla, muslim, Official Islam, Parallel Islam, mazar
    Author: Duck Chan Woo
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    팔레스타인 이슬람운동의 현황과 전망
    The Islamic religious movement in Palestine is not how to confront Zionist barbarities; it is rather to ensure that the second Intifada (appropriately named the al-Aqsa Intifada) does not suffer the same fate as the first Intifada(1987-1993). Then, the sacrifices of the Palestinians were bartered away in Oslo, culminating in the infamous accords signed on the White House lawn in September 1993. The PLO, which had played little part in the first Intifada were imposed upon the Palestinian people to do the Zionists
    Keyword: Palestine, the Islamic Religious Movement, Palestine Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Liberation Party, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, the Palestinian popular uprising(the Intifada), the al-Aqsa Infifada, Palestinian Islamic fundamentalism, Palestinian Authority
    Author: Wang Jong Yoo
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    튀니지 가족법을 통해서 본 튀니지 현대 여성상
    Until now, from the perspective of the Western world, it is known that Muslim women in the Arab world are oppressed by Muslim men, Muslim Religious Laws, and a patriarchal society, and they cannot exercise any social or institutional rights By contrast, Family Law in Tunisia, which is characterized by monogamy, concentrates on respect for basic human rights, and is considered different from the laws of neighboring Arab Muslim countries. It is not too much to say that Tunisian women have become an ideal example of the improvement of Muslim women's rights in Arab countries, as a result of its Family Law. Like other Muslim women, traditional Tunisian women used to be considered so incompetent and weak that they could not work, and had to depend on men. The turning point for the transformation of these traditional Tunisian women was the Family Law which was enacted in 1956. Tunisia's Family Law can be said to be a product of Islamic reform movement from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. As Tunisians became increasingly interested in the issue of women, the Family Law was established. Tunisian reformist thinkers emphasized the gender equality of the original religion based on the Islamic scripture the Qurān, and the memoirs of the prophet Muhammad Ḥadīṯ. Thus, they demanded education and inheritance rights that women at that time were not allowed , together with the right to take part in society. In addition, the reformists emphasized the need to reinterpret Sharī'ah Law, (which had influenced the Muslim world for a long time), and reintroduced the notion of gender equality into Muslim philosophy, presenting an open attitude towards women. Responding to these movements, Tunisian Family Law was promulgated in 1956, and subsequently revised 6 times, as a result of changes of government and the development of society. The status and the rights of women in contemporary Tunisia have been improved
    Keyword: Muslim women, Tunisian woman ,Tunisia's Family Law, Sharī'ah Law, monogamy, Islam Reform Movement, Tunisian reformist,, gender equality, Inheritance right of the woman
    Author: Hyo Jung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    요르단 구어체 아랍어의 변종과 음운적 특성에 대한 연구
    The purpose of this paper is to provide the classification of Jordanian Colloquial Arabic variations and its phonological features by way of surveying the linguistic situation in Jordan. Since Ferguson(1959) first proposed the English term "diglossia" modeling it on the French diglossie, there have been several attempts to describe the diglossic situation within the Arab world. But the concept of diglossia which refers to the coexistence of the High variety (MSA) and the Low variety (regional dialects) in a society has recently changed to the triglossic situation in which three Arabic varieties(including the Middle varieties) or more than it exist. In this respect, Jordan society also does not go beyond the triglossic situation. Likewise, Jordan society has the High variety (MSA) , the Middle varieties, and the Low varieties. Chapter 2 is simply a survey of the linguistic situation in Jordan in terms of the triglossic situation, and classifies Jordanian Arabic into three varieties - Madani, Fallahi, and Bedouin according to the regional and phonological distinctions. Chapter 3 provides a linguistic analysis of each of three varieties, focusing on the phonological distinctions such as preservation of the interdentals, voiced realization of the /q/ as /g/ , and preservation of the gender distinction in the second and third person plural of pronouns and verbs. In order to attain the goal the paper is designed to investigate Jordanian Colloquial Arabic spoken by educated groups and most particularly by the university students.
    Keyword: Sociolinguistics: Arabic Dialect
    Author: Jin Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    안달루스의 아랍어-스페인어 상호관계 연구
    With the dominance of Islam among the Andalusian population, the Arabic language naturally began to spread until it soon became the common language of the different races that were being fused in the Andalusian crucible. Even Spainards who persisted in their adherence to Christianity soon assimilated Arab culture and adopted the language of their conquerors without reluctance. It is quite natural during this amply extensive period to observe considerable cultural and linguistic influence of Arabic on Spanish. What is interesting is the fact that the influence seems to be a two-way traffic of cultural and linguistic exchange though more in the direction of Spanish than in the direction of Arabic. However this did not mean that Spain had forgotten its Latin. In the case the Latin vernacular, this was spoken not only among Christians but also among Andalusian Muslims. This use of two languages in Andalusia is highly important, as we shall later see that it gave birth through Andalusian invention to a new genre of lyric poetry which was a mixture of Arabic and Latin vernacular- namely, the poetry of the muwashshah and the zajal, which were destined to exert a far-reaching influence on the literature of the Arab East as well as on that of Europe in the West.
    Keyword: Andalusia, Arabic, Spanish, linguistic influence, linguistic exchange, lyric poetry, muwashshah, zajal
    Author: Jong Wha Lee
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    카와리지의 급진주의와 반정운동
    Khawarij is the first political sect in the Ummah al-Islamiyah(Islamaic community) which rose in opposition to the Ummayyad dynasty on issues of tradition and theory of Sunni caliphate system throughout Ummayyad period. By the time went, it became a religious sect that stood on speculiar dogmatic such as 'one who commits a big sin (kabirah) becomes nonbeliever(al-kafir)' with the gist of the belief inspiring by a idea of that 'the main idea of their religion is practice'. Their activism of strict belief on the teachings of Islam like 'do good and forbid bad' berates others as nonbelievers and produced extreme radicalism who believed that big sinners and apostates should be killed. As a result of this fanatic radicalism, most of their sects except al-Ibadyyah, who took a moderate road, had disappeared in the 8th century. Though it is true that their creed was extremely dogmatic, stressing on the strict harmony between belief and practice, but their teaching contributed to the theological development of other sects such as Sunni, Shi'a, Murji'a and Mu'tazila since then. In addition to this, their puritanic belief and radical thought influenced the movement and thought for the modern Muslim reformation.Their teachings are still fresh in mind of radical extremists struggling against secular regime with the anti-westernism and anti-secularism of Islamic fundamentalists such as Muslim brotherhood in the every corner of world today.
    Keyword: Khawarij, Radicalism, Islamic sects, Kabirah, l-Ibaddyyah, Fundamentalism, Muslim extremist, Fanatic Radicalism, al-Kafir, Anti-regime movement
    Author: Joo Young Sohn
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    팔레스타인과 이스라엘의 분쟁에서 이슬람 원리주의 운동의 역할
    This study is designed to research on the role of Islamic Fundamentalism in the conflict between Palestine and Israel from the establishment of Israel in 1948 to the Agreement of Wye River. In Chapter Ⅰ, the purpose of this study is presented with some explanation of Intifada, the Road Map of Peace Process in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the possibilities of a peaceful settlement between Palestinians and Israelis. This study is deeply concerned with the establishment of the Palestinian independent state and the nature of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel. In Chapter Ⅱ, the theory of formation of Islamic Fundamentalism and its application is described. The theories of Marty, Appleby, John L. Esposito, Daniel Pipes, John Obert Voll, John Obert Voll, and Gilles Keppel are presented. Marty and Appleby presented crisis theory. John L. Esposito and Daniel Pipes presented success theory. John Obert Voll and Gilles Keppel presented evolution theory. But it is almost impossible to adopt only one theory to explain Islamic Fundamentalism. So it is important to understand exactly on the various movements of Islamic Fundamentalism and to analyse the Islamic Fundamentalism on the basis of evolution theory. In Chapter Ⅲ, the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its background is presented. The history of the Jews in Europe, the emergence of political Zionism, the Balfour declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, British Administration, the Jew's immigration, the Jewish community in the World War Ⅰ and Ⅱ and the birth of the State of Israel were described. In Chapter Ⅳ, the activities of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine are presented. The history of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine, its process, the Intifada in 1987 and 1991, the internal competition and cooperation of the Islamic groups in Palestine, and their pragmatic attitude to establish the independent state of Palestine were mentioned. In Chapter Ⅴ, the nature of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel ie presented. It contains the political environments of Israel, historical background of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel, the formation of the Duruzs, its activities, the Islamic movements in 1970s - 1990s, the attitude on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and their pragmatic line(the acceptance of a two-state solution). In conclusion, it is said that the pragmatic line to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict peacefully is witnessed both in the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and in Israel. The Arab-Israeli peace process will influence the development of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and Israel. The main trend in the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and in Israel will be characterized by pragmatism. And the birth of the independent state of Palestine might result in the weakening of the radical Islamic movements in Palestine and Israel.
    Keyword: Palestine, Israel, Islamic Fundamentalism, Intifada, Duruz
    Author: Byung Ha Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    팔레스타인과 이스라엘의 분쟁에서 이슬람 원리주의 운동의 역할
    This study is designed to research on the role of Islamic Fundamentalism in the conflict between Palestine and Israel from the establishment of Israel in 1948 to the Agreement of Wye River. In Chapter Ⅰ, the purpose of this study is presented with some explanation of Intifada, the Road Map of Peace Process in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the possibilities of a peaceful settlement between Palestinians and Israelis. This study is deeply concerned with the establishment of the Palestinian independent state and the nature of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel. In Chapter Ⅱ, the theory of formation of Islamic Fundamentalism and its application is described. The theories of Marty, Appleby, John L. Esposito, Daniel Pipes, John Obert Voll, John Obert Voll, and Gilles Keppel are presented. Marty and Appleby presented crisis theory. John L. Esposito and Daniel Pipes presented success theory. John Obert Voll and Gilles Keppel presented evolution theory. But it is almost impossible to adopt only one theory to explain Islamic Fundamentalism. So it is important to understand exactly on the various movements of Islamic Fundamentalism and to analyse the Islamic Fundamentalism on the basis of evolution theory. In Chapter Ⅲ, the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its background is presented. The history of the Jews in Europe, the emergence of political Zionism, the Balfour declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, British Administration, the Jew's immigration, the Jewish community in the World War Ⅰ and Ⅱ and the birth of the State of Israel were described. In Chapter Ⅳ, the activities of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine are presented. The history of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine, its process, the Intifada in 1987 and 1991, the internal competition and cooperation of the Islamic groups in Palestine, and their pragmatic attitude to establish the independent state of Palestine were mentioned. In Chapter Ⅴ, the nature of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel ie presented. It contains the political environments of Israel, historical background of Islamic Fundamentalism in Israel, the formation of the Duruzs, its activities, the Islamic movements in 1970s - 1990s, the attitude on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and their pragmatic line(the acceptance of a two-state solution). In conclusion, it is said that the pragmatic line to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict peacefully is witnessed both in the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and in Israel. The Arab-Israeli peace process will influence the development of the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and Israel. The main trend in the Islamic Fundamentalism in Palestine and in Israel will be characterized by pragmatism. And the birth of the independent state of Palestine might result in the weakening of the radical Islamic movements in Palestine and Israel.
    Keyword: Palestine, Israel, Islamic Fundamentalism, Intifada, Duruz
    Author: Byung Ha Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    종교 다원주의의 도전과 이슬람
    Issues of pluralism, democracy and Human Rights are of crucial importance to those Muslims who are in search for progressive Islam beyond 9/11, particularly to those who live in countries where Islam is a minority religious tradition. Historical Islam began as a minority tradition in a non-Muslim setting. When the Prophet Muhammad received the revelations in 610 CE, the people around him were largely tribal and polytheistic with christian and jewish minority. As with any new religious tradition, Islam would not have developed had it not been tolerant to other religions. Even after it became political and religious majority Islam was a tolerant religion. It was especially towards monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Christianity. Islam theology based on Qur'an identifies those religious tradition as the Providence of God. 'The People of the Book' as Christian and Juwish who dwell in Islamic countries were classified as dhimmis. They were under the social and economical protection of the government and enjoyed religious autonomy. But with the advent of modern society which is accompanied by humanism and secularism, the religious generosity of Islam lagged behind. Especially the Shari'a of ridda, 'apostasy' is contradictory the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Although islam recognizes other monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, it cannot embrace any new religious movements even they believe in the God. The question is what's the islamic view of religious pluralism. This article attempts to manifest the possibility of religious pluralism in islamic world.
    Keyword: Islam, Pluralism, Human Rights, New Religion, Religious Tolerance
    Author: Young Kyung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    인도네시아 4․5 총선거와 이슬람계 정당의 대연합 가능성에 대한 소고
    Indonesia is the biggest Islamic state in the world whose total population is 220 milion in 2003. During the last six decades in the modern government in Indonesia, Islamic parties have managed to create coalition governments. However, they have failed to organize their own strong government in long-term basis. During the Soeharto regime of 32 years, Islamic parties were forced to obey the military government. Fall of Soeharto regime immediately open the era of civil government. Therefore through the General Election on 7th June 1999, Abdurrahman Wahid, who was supported by Islamic PAN party, was elected as the first civilian president in Indonesia. But his presidential duration is very short due to the lack of harmony of power politics. Indonesia scheduled to have her 9th General Election on 15th April 2004 that contains very important meaning. There is no doubt that the coalition of non-Islamic parties including Megawati's PDI-P party and Akbar Tanjung's Golkar is more powerful than that of Islamic parties. But the economic dilemma under the Megawati government helped to reduce the nation-wide support for the PDI-P party. In the meantime, the second largest Golkar party has many presidential candidates. That means Golkar now is under the hard competition of leadership. In these circumstances, it is possible for Islamic parties led by Amien Rais to win the second round presidential competition, which is scheduled on 20th September 2004, if he succeeds to invite Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as his running mate.
    Keyword: Indonesia`s General Election, Islamic Parties, Non Islamic Parties, Coalition Parties
    Author: Sueng Yun Yang
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    정치발전과 이슬람: 이스라엘 아랍 섹터의 사례연구
    Since the third wave of democratization of developing countries in the 1970s, the Western leading scholars in the field of the Middle Eastern studies have argued that the political underdevelopment in the Arab Muslim countries of Middle East originates from the religion of Islam without concrete empirical evidences. The aim of this paper is to explore the inter-relationship between political development and Islam in the Muslim sub-sector in Israel, defining the political development as an institutionalization of politics which pursues to advance the universal values such as freedom, equality and human rights, and the process of strengthening the capability of political system. This study focuses upon the question of whether the Islam as a religion and Arab Islamic movements in Israel have contributed or hindered to its political development by explicating. It examines interactions among the Israeli government's policy toward the Arab Muslim sector; its political system, consisted of mainly political parties of Israeli Arab sector; the domestic and international environment of the Israeli Arab political system. It also attempts to explore the changes in the values and attitudes of the constituents of the Israeli Arab society with the macro approach and micro politico-cultural approach. The Islamic movement of Israeli Arab sub-sector has been developed and increasingly become influential political actors in both of the level of local governments and the level of Israeli national politics with the tacit support of major Israeli national political parties, basing upon the social welfare institutions such as medical, educational and cultural organizations. After the Islamic movements had risen and become important actors, however, they have struggled for the strengthening of the identity of Palestinian Muslim and the political and economical equality of Arab Muslim Palestinians with the Israeli Jewish sector within the Israeli legal bounds. Their struggle and activities of the Islamic movements with the identity of Palestinian Arabs in the Jewish state have collided with the Israeli national regime of mainly Jewish identity. But their conflict resolution process has been institutionalized by Arab political parties in the Israeli Arab sector, the Palestinian national representative organization, human rights movements both of Israeli and Palestinian, Israeli Supreme Court, and the struggle and activities, and the institutionalization of the Islamic movements contributed to the strengthening of the Palestinian Muslim Arab identity, the increase of the capability of the Israeli Arab sub-political system. In this regard the Palestinian Islamic movements in the Israeli Arab sub-sector have played positive role for the political development of the Arab sub-sector political system.
    Keyword: Islam, Political Development, Israeli Palestinian Arabs, Islamic Movement in Israel, Israeli Arab sub-Political System, Israel Political System.
    Author: Young Chol Choe
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    이슬람 무이자 은행에 관한 연구
    A global network of financial institutions such as Islamic banks has started to take shape based on the principles of Islamic Economics. Islamic banking, based on the Quranic prohibition of charging interest, has moved from a theoretical concept to embrace hudreds of banks operating in more than 40 countries with 150 billion dollar deposits world-wide. Now Islamic banking is widely regarded as the fastest growing sector in the Middle Eastern financial market. The purpose of this paper is to explore and examine the foundation of prohibition of riba(interest) and its application to contemporary Islamic society : interest-free Islamic Banking. This paper consists of five parts. part 1 for introduction of this paper. Part Ⅱ deals with the general introduction(including objectives and principles) for Islamic economic system, basic purposes and operating principles of interest-free Islamic Banking. Part Ⅲ will be devoted to the detailed operating system of interest-free Islamic Banking. Part Ⅳ explicate the alternatives of prohibition of riba (profit & loss sharing system of Islamic interest-free bank) and some problems and prospects. Part Ⅴ for summary and conclusion. Interest-free banking seems to be of very recent origin. They have all recognized the need for commercial banks and the evil of interest in that enterprise, and have proposed banking system based on the concept of Mudarabaha, Musharaka, profit and loss sharing. The study revealed that adapting of interest-free Islamic banking system can be a good alternative to troublesome modern economic system and further attempts to adapt Islam to contemporary economic realities can be expected, as a Muslim might prefer to fix the contemporary economic problems by the Islamic ways. However, all efforts to deal with interest or other partial issues will not solve the problem of current Muslim societies, because it does not provide them with a system of their own which applies, represents and clarifies the Islamic philosophy. A partial application of Islamic ideas and policies have not been successful in most Muslim countries. To merely substitute interest on loans by other forms of interest or profit fails to offer a real alternative Finally, the study calls for more research to develope the concept and the instrument of Islamic financial system in order to be employed effectively in our economic life.
    Keyword: Islamic Bank, Interest-free bank, ushur-free bank, Profit & Loss Sharing System, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Murabaha
    Author: Deck Kyu Han
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    아도니스, 바야티, 사이얍의 시에 나타난 그리스신화
    Today some primary modern poets of free verse borrowed to use the several symbolic elements from the Greek myths and also from the Christian myths and the ancient Near-East myths. For the muslims who believe the only God Alla the use of the polytheistic Greek myths was properly denied for a long time. So the literary concern about the Greek myths was started from the nineteenth century under the influence of the French and the English literature. The Mahjar poets in America, actually most of them are christians, had used the Christian myths as a spring for their literature, but the use of the Greek myths was to be in fashion in Egypt. It was Abu Shadi that borrowed the style of the Greek myths in the Arab romantic poetry. He accepted the Greek myths from the poems of the English romantic poets, Shally and Keats and from the ones of the poets in Elizabethan era, Shakespeare, Spenser and Marlowe. In the thesis I will study how to express the Greek myths in the most famous Arab poets'(Adonis, Abd al-Wahab al-Bayyati and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab) poems. I will classify the contents in Sisyphus, Kerberos and Medusa. As a result of study I got the several things as follows. The above-mentioned poets used the symbols from the Greek myths in the negative. The image of Sisyphus condemned to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, for Sayyab, were the painful Arabs and for Bayyati was the arab democrat expelled from his fatherland and wondered without any hopes. Meanwhile Sayyab used the Kerberos as the symbol of Iraqian communist to massacre his people, and used the Medusa as the light of the street lamp. In the poems of others except Sayyab and Bayyati I could not find the examples of the Greek myths. I think this is the proof of that the use of the polytheistic Greek myths in Arab world up to the present was denied as usual.
    Keyword: Adonis, Bayyati, Sayyab, the Greek myths, Sisypus, Kerberos, Medusa
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Study on the prophets in the Quran
    This paper deals with Adam and Hawwa in the Quran. They are the first man and the first woman created by Allah and lived in paradise. However, Iblis tempted them by saying that they could live for ever if they ate from that tree and would become like angels. They forget Allah's command and ate unintentionally from the tree, against Allah's command. But they soon came to regret their disobedience. They asked Allah for His forgiving. Allah forgave them and told them to go down to earth as vicegerency and live there for some time. At the same time Allah promised that they would be allowed to return to paradise as long as they and their children were obedient to Him in future. On the other hand Iblis was expelled from the paradise to earth because he disobeyed Allah's command to prostrate to Adam but he did not it on purpose. So, Adam and Hawwa came down to earth as vicegerency. On earth, they raised their children including Cain and Abel.
    Keyword: Allah, Adam, Hawwa, Iblis, Forgetting
    Author: Young Kil Choi
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    Islam of Oman & its prospect
    It is not known when Oman was first settled but archaeological finds dating back to the 4th millennium BC. In 630 AD at the dawn of Islam the Prophet Muhammad sent a letter with 'Amr ibn al-'As to Jaifar and 'Abd, the two sons of al-Julanda ibn Mustansir who jointly ruled Oman from Sohar. The two brothers sent emissaries to meet the Prophet with their message that they embraced Islam and swore allegiance on behalf of their people. The Azd of Oman, after their early conversion, played a key part in the formative days of Islam when Basra in southern Iraq became an influential city and was the main base camp for Muslim conquests. It was here that the Ibadi doctrine which predominates in Oman was evolved. The Ibadis derive their name from Abdulla ibn Ibadi who appeared on the scene in about 683, growing up in the Caliph Mu'awiya's reign and dying in Abdul Malik ibn Marwan's(685-705). The Omanis adopted the doctrines of Ibadi Islam in the late 7th or early 8th century. Ibadi Islam in its earliest and strictest form was opposed to the idea of the Muslim community being ruled by a hereditary leader, which was to have repercussions throughout Oman's history. The Omani Ibadis elected their first Imam in 749, and a hereditary imamate emerged, which represented a break with strict Ibadi doctrine, lasting into the late 9th century. The Abbasids(750-1258) managed to suppress the imammate, but Oman itself managed to remain relatively free of Abbasid control. It also remained loyal to the Ibadi strain of Islam which is still dominant in the country today. In July 1970 Sultan Said ibn Taimur was overthrown by his only son, Qaboos, in a bloodless palace coup. He began to modernize his country. He affirmed his country's tradition of religious broadmindedness and vision in his National Day Speech in 1994. Condemning fanticism based on lack of correct knowledge among Muslim youth about their religion, which could lead to violence, discord and hatred, In an Omani Islamic society no distinction is made between the religious and the secular. But all matters specifically affecting Islam are now dealt with by the Ministry of Justice, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs. Other religions are tolerated and there are a number of Christian churches and Hindu temples in Oman. Oman will be changed in Islam by the government of Oman moderately.
    Keyword: Islam, Oman, Ibadi, Imam, Sultan
    Author: Kyung Keun Song
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    The Islamic Movement of Yemen and Prospect
    Yemen is a country with deep Muslim traditions, but is often most mentioned for its relatively large Zaydi Shi'i group, even if this represents a minority in the country as a total. Yemen's north is the centre of Zaydism, the second largest group inside Shi'i Islam. Zaydism is known for putting less importance on the position of the Imam, than among the Twelver (Iran), perhaps because the Zaydis have enjoyed far more political and religious freedom than the other. The Zaydis have professed military and violent activities in this century (examples of this is the stubborn fight against the British colonialists in Aden and the occupation of the great mosque in Mecca in 1979). The people of Yemen have practically the experience of passing through a multitude of political ties, ideologies and government systems like no other state on the planet, from Marxism, democracy, Islamism, monarchy and a range of occupations (British, Ottoman to name a few). Their experience with Islamists had been soaked with support at times and total rejection at others, and today, it is at the point of rejection. The Islamists and the Islamic movements are at an end in Yemen. The international community represented by the United States will pinpoint and eradicate all whom they deem to be a terrorist, basically an Islamically oriented individual, and the government will gladly add to that list some of its own opponents that they deem to be a threat even if not an Islamist. It
    Keyword: Yemen, Zaydis, Sufism, Islamic movement, Islah
    Author: Wang Jong Yoo
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islamic Family Law, Possibilities of Reform from a Women's Rights Perspective
    Among the four countries above the most consensus is observed in regard of the positive correlation between women's social status and development of the society. However the change of women's status in the family law depends on the social value. In Egypt and Morocco islamic identity is more emphasized, whereas the strong influence of western family law is most obvious in Turkey. In interview the Egyptians tend to resist the western influence with strong defence of their islamic family value. They believe the reformation of family law should be based on the interpretation of their religious code, which can be varied. Most of the Moroccan interviewee regard the bill of reformed family law in 2004 brings the islamic identity and promotion of women's status together. While in Egypt and Morocco the western influence on family law is generally denied, it is more accepted even with their strong identity as Muslim in Tunisia. Especially it appears that Tunisian government supports this moderate adoption of modern family law. In contrast the westernization of the family law is the only way of modernization in Turkey. But the westernized family law in Turkey seems to have conflict in reality, particularly in respect of kinship, rural life, and ignorance of uneducated women. In islamic value the promotion of women's right is limited to protection of motherhood and control of women's sexuality within the community. Muslims consider that the individualism in western family results in irresponsible sexuality, which endangers the value of community. For Muslims the marriage is a holly contract, in which fairness is more important than equality of man and wife.
    Keyword: Family law, Women's status, Islamic identity, Westernization, Fairness of gender
    Author: Hee Sun Cho
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    Research Study on Awareness of the Personal Status Law in Morocco
    The personal status law in Morocco was established and codified as follows: laws pertaining to marriage and the dissolution of that contract, December 22, 1857; laws pertaining to birth and its results, December 18, 1957; laws pertaining to legal qualification (legal capacity) and legal representation, January 25, 1958; gift laws, February 20, 1958; law of succession, April 3, 1958. These laws were legislated in accordance with the traditional Fiqh methodology. However with the advancement of society a portion of the personal status law was revised in 1993 as a result of a wide range of policies. The revision of the personal status law in 1993 stirred much controversy between those who supported the revision and those who were against it. The dispute continues even to this day. As a result, in 1999 the Morocco government began to formulate the family relationship institution and the form of personal status law in the direction of expanding the rights of women. In 2001 the royal advisory committee was formed for the personal status law. The policies for the advancement of women promoted by this committee have been promoted as a measure to protect society and the family. Presently the bill for the new personal status law has been completed and has been presented to the national congress. This study is a follow up of the "Islamic Personal Status Law, Possibilities of Reform from a Women's Rights Perspective - A Study through Changes of the Personal Status Law in Morocco." The study was conducted through interviews in the country. Replies given by the Moroccan intellects were analyzed to study the problems and awareness towards the personal status law in Morocco and to discover the characteristics of Moroccan society. The study was conducted from January 5th to the 25th, 2004 by interviewing nine people in Morocco engaged in various fields. Among those interviewed were intellectuals in various fields including an official from women organizations, a professor majoring in the Shariah, an official from the political party wielding influence in the legislature and advisor to the king on women issues. Those interviewed were selected from those classes related directly and indirectly to the establishment of the personal status law. This selection was conducted in hopes of getting an overall understanding of the characteristics of the Moroccan society through the perspectives toward the personal status law from a wide range of samples. In the interview comprehensive questions on the characteristics of the Islamic personal status law, the priorities for reform of the personal status law, the role of education and the state, the possibility of coexistence of traditional and universal human rights and detailed questions on marriage, divorce, child rearing, inheritance and other major items of the personal status law were presented. The interview was recorded and questions were asked in order of the questionnaire or were changed to avoid disrupting the conversation with the respondent.
    Keyword: Islamic Personal Status Law, Morocco, Moroccan Women, Women's Rights, Sharī'ah, Fiqh
    Author: Won Sam Lee
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    A study for Tunisian family law toward its recognition
    Tunisian family law is considered as secularized compared other Islamic countries based on abrogation of polygamy and legalization of divorcing procedure. Tunisian Ulama claimed that their family law is revolution based on Ijtihad of Islam and hope to be discriminated with Turkish's that adopted European civil law and comes secularizing. The two axis of Tunisian family law and policy of women is, political organization including women council in politic party and other women's union. This study has been completed based on the study of documents of Tunisian family law with interview those organizations and from 22th. Jan. 2004 to 2nd. Feb. For collecting various view name interviewee from various side. Firstly name the people from governmental organizations and related people for checking the its idea of basis, and secondly name the management of women's union for analysing women's view. Additionally, name Ulama of Sharia for Islamic view, and professors and lawyer for getting the view based on their free position. The interview asks its general specification and limitation and the possibilities of revision based on the marriage, divorce, custody, alimony and succession which considered core idea of modern Tunisian family law. And survey its formal meaning and idea by asking the question that it comes from copy after western law or should be understood from religion way. Asking their view toward the marriage, is abrogation of polygamy violation of the Islamic law, the divorcing, is the divorcing law guarantee the equalities of the sexes for legally and actually and what's the social understanding for divorced women. For the parental prerogatives and custody we've asked their view whether their custody is burden for divorced women who on the work, and is there any political system for care those women. And for the succession that still keeps Islamic ideology, is there any possibilities of revision in a view of equalities of genders and the issues toward Tunisian women and limitation of family law and its revision. Finally, is there any idea for human right and women right as general idea in Islam.
    Keyword: gender, muslim women, Family law, Sharia, Tunisia, marriage, divorce, custody, alimony
    Author: Hyo Jung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Emergence of Regence conflict in Post-Suharto Indonesia
    In Indonesia the very foundation of its post-Suharto national policy of 'Indonesian Unification' is being shaken to its very core: the Aceh and Papua regions have been involved in separate independence movements; and religious and ethnic tensions have been occurring in Moluccas, Kalimantan, and Celebes regions. Why is large-scale bloodshed continuing to occur after the fall of the Suharto regime? All of this appears to be spontaneous uprisings fueled by the strong resentment and dissatisfaction of the minorities op- pressed during the 32 years of iron-fisted rule of Suharto accompanied by the post-Suharto power vacuum, economic recession and a drive towards democratization. The regional conflicts naturally arose during the process of unifying many island-regions in the archipelago inhabited by a diverse eth- nic population into one country. Moreover, it became an intrinsic element of the Suharto regime's national policy implementation. Although inhabited by 60% of the nation's population, Java Island occupies a mere 6.7% of the entire national land area. Therefore, concen- trated economic development for Java Island and the subservience of re- gional governments and public institutions outside Java to the Javanese population have sown the seeds of discontent into the region's political elite. More- over, the expanded immigration policy implemented for the sake of balanced development of the entire archipelago and regional military defense strategy has caused economic and religious conflicts between the natives and im- migrants of different cultural backgrounds. Although the natives were strongly displeased with the immigration policy, they had to keep silent about the regime's implementation of the
    Keyword: regional conflict in post-Suharto, Aceh, Papua,Celebes, Moluccas, separate independence movements
    Author: Dae Sik Je
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    An Interpretation on Economic Value of the Zakat
    Economic concept of Islam does not particularly concern itself with those causal relations which Neo-Classical treats as objective and scientific laws and tendencies. Whereas the economic system and behavior in Islamic society are entirely based on the Islamic axioms and criteria founded in the Sharia. The object of this paper is to analysis the Zakat tax system, one of ideal and real phenomenon of the Islamic economic tradition. In order to distinguish one economic system from another, it need to focus on and compare the fundamental elements. The Zakat is different from the Kharaz, Jizya and Ushr on the way of management, that is discussed in this paper. The characteristics of the Zakat system could be distinguished by: (i) a rational macro distribution structure; (ii) a co-ordinating mechanism based on the tax system; (iii) the promotion of proper economic behavior through moral incentives as well as collective incentives. In the conclusions, the Zakat system would be identified as an proper experience in the form of religion provides a framework by the aid of people to another according to the Shria, which is divine basic Islamic law. An economic system, whether theoretically articulated and recorded or traditionally practised over the centuries, is a right function of how society organizes itself to address the basic economic problems of what is to be create the economic justice. In the process of the satisfying the economic balance, all the factors in the Zakat interact through organizations and institutions that may developed typical Islamic tax system.
    Keyword: Islamic Economy, Islamic Tax System, Zakat
    Author: Joong Kwan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Economic Globalization and Develpoment in Saudi Arabia
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the process of economic globalization of Saudi Arabia and analyze the performance. This paper consists of four chapters. Continuing from the introduction, in the second chapter, this paper investigates the distortion of Saudi economy since the 1980's that it is inevitable for Saudi economy to accept the economic globalization. In the third chapter, this paper analyzes the process and performance of domestic structural reform and open policy which can be the major measures for the economic globalization. And this paper briefly measures the globalization level of Saudi Arabia with some quantitative indicators. And for the conclusion, this paper evaluates the overall globalization process and its performance and indicate tasks and prospects. Entering the 80's low oil price period, Saudi Arabia revealed problems which indicates typical low growth structure due to stagnation in the oil sector, chronic budget deficit, enlargement of inefficiency of stated-owned enterprises, distortion of labor market, and the protection policy of domestic industry and people. Under this circumstance, in the mid 90's, the Saudi government positively adopted the globalization strategies advised by IMF which is based on neo-liberalism economics. According to these globalization strategies, Saudi government is implementing a strong structural reform and open policy such as reduction of government subsidies, expansion of privatization of state-owned enterprises, labor market reform and stimulation of domestic market opening. This paper evaluates that this globalization strategy has not revealed visible accomplishments, due to the failure of cutting back subsidies, poor progress of privatization process, slow saudization, retaining a variety of the barriers of trade and investment. Finally this paper suggests that it is essential to carry out strongly globalization strategy such as structural reform suitable to market economy and removing the barriers of trade and investment in order to find a way out of continuous stagnation,
    Keyword: Economic Globalization, Structural Reform, Privatisation, Saudization, Open Policy, Government Subsidies
    Author: Geon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    A Study on the developments of Yemenite spoken Arabic and the phonological features of San‘ā’ dialect
    Recent studies by Ingham(1982) accord to the classification of the dialects in the Arabian peninsula into three groups: North-east Arabian dialects(dialects of the Najd), South-west Arabian dialects(dialects of Yemen, Hadramaut and Aden), West Arabian dialects(dialects of Hiagazi and Tihama). According to this division, Yemenite dialects belong to South-west Arabian dialects. The dialect map of Yemen is complicated because the geographical fragmentation of the area has produced a great deal of dialect variation. Behnstedt(1985) distinguished the following main areas : the Tihama dialects; the k-dialects, the dialects of the central plateau(the dialect of San‘ā’); South-east dialects(mahriyah, shaḥriyah, suqturiy, taʕizz). This paper aims at investigating the developments of Yemenite spoken Arabic and analyzing its phonological features focusing on San‘ā’ dialect. The reason why San‘ā’ dialect has become a subject of this study is that San‘ā’ dialect represents the mixed zone between the eastern and western dialects. In the second chapter, we'll make a diachronic approach to the developments of Yemenite spoken Arabic. Yemenite spoken Arabic is divided into dialects derived from the old Yemenite languages such as Minean, Sabean, Qatbanean, Himyaritic and dialects influenced by dialects of Higaz. This chapter will deal with the historical developments of two kinds of dialects respectively. In the third chapter, we'll make a synchronic analysis of the phonological features of San‘ā’ dialect focusing on the Bedouin features of San‘ā’ dialect such as the voiced realisation of the /q/, the retention of the interdentals, and the gender distinction in the second and third person plural of the verbs and the pronouns as well as the deletion of hamzah, the variations of the /ḍ/ and the diphthong, the contraction of the long vowel, and the deletion of the short vowel.
    Keyword: Yemenite spoken Arabic, the Tihama dialect, the k-dialect, the dialect of San‘ā’, The phonological features of San‘ā’ dialect
    Author: Jin Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아라파트 이후 중동평화와 미국의 대중동정책:
    This study researches and analyzes current changes of Middle East Politics after the Palestinian and the Iraqi general elections of 2005 January. Re-elected Bush Administration oughts to renew peace process based on "a road map" between Arab and Jews in order to keep its Pax-Americana position in the Middle East. Both of all areas, Iraq and palestine are suffering by armed insurgent threats of violence, for example, suicide car-bombings. Palestinian Hamas and Iraqi Sunni muslims are fearing of depriving their political power from their peoples. Therefore, Hamas has joined the PLO in wishing a political role for formulation of a collective Palestinian national leadership that would lead the Palestinian people in the absence of its enduring symbol. A logical justification for the proposed leadership is the prevention of chaos and lawlessness and possibly a destructive power struggle. Palestinian people wants a united national leadership after free election in which all palestinians have participated first time. But there are uncertainty of chaos after Iraqi general elections because of geopolitical conflicts rooted in old history. The post-Iraqi election, Iraqi people has not to think a united leadership because of country devide, the south Shi‘ite, the north Kurd and the middle Sunni societies. The Middle East Peace needs the United States' positive mediator and Israeli concessions.The study proposed the concept of valuable criteria of conflicts as researching mechanism of political struggle. The paper explained that political values of area politics make new changes after introducing the first free election in the Middle East. There are no solution of social chaos in the Middle East. The free election system is not solution of conflicts in the area. This study try to examine the process of passing phenomenon in the Middle East.This study is composed of five chapters; first chapter considers geopolitical background of Middle East politics as introduce. Chapter Ⅱ examines the Palestinian autonomy and the Oslo Accord for its military operations to keep its occupied arab territories, specially, Jerusalem city. This chapter is the first to employ rigorous research to analyze all sides of official negotiations over Israeli- Palestinian territorial disputes, and to compare with Iraqi War of 2004 and American national interests. Chapter Ⅳ focuses on new Mahmoud Abbas leadership in the post Arafat ear. The second term of Bush administration considers a cooperation with EU and Russia to arrange new order of Middle East. The political environment of Middle East is to show strong constraints of Islamic Fundamentalism and anti-American attitude. The final chapter reviews general values of political criteria and reassesses the Middle East Policy led by USA and Israel.
    Keyword: Middle East Peace, Palestinian uprising, the Oslo Accord, Palestinian autonomy, Israeli security, settlement policy, Iraqi war, American interest, Mahoumd Abbas, leadership, fundamentalism, Islam, election
    Author: Hong, Soon-Nam
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    파워포인트를 활용한 아랍어 수업
    최근 컴퓨터와 정보 통신 기술의 발달로 교육 분야 특히 외국어 교육 에 도입되고 있는 멀티미디어는 외국어 교수․학습을 위한 매우 다양하 고 흥미로운 교육 환경을 조성하고 있다. 언어 교육의 주된 기능은 의사 소통으로서 언어 능력 즉, 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의 능력은 충분한 학 습 동기와 적절한 학습 목표, 체계적 학습 활동을 통해서 개발된다. 이러 한 능력을 신장시키기 위해서는 의사소통 활동에 필요한 언어 기능과 이에 수반하는 다른 기능을 통합적으로 지도하고 학습하도록 유도하는 체제가 필요하다. 멀티미디어의 활용은 바로 이러한 맥락에서 이해되어 야 하며 멀티미디어 또는 그 환경이 학습자의 학습 동기와 흥미를 유발 하고 학습 효과를 높이는데 효율적으로 활용된다는 것은 재론의 여지가 없다. 특히 세계화의 시대에는 능동적이고 적극적인 의사 소통 능력 즉, 듣 기와 말하기의 기능이 매우 중요시된다. 그러나 그간의 아랍어 교육은 듣기․말하기 기능보다는 읽기와 쓰기의 기능이 우선시되고 문법과 강독에 치중되어 학습자들이 실제로 자기 의사를 표현하고 상대방의 의사 를 듣고 이해하는 의사 소통 능력은 크게 떨어진 것이 사실이다. 더욱이 7차 교육 과정부터는 중·고등학교에서 아랍어가 제2외국어로 채택됨에 따라 다양한 교육 자료의 활용과 수업 방법 개선의 필요성이 높아졌다. 현재 아랍어과가 설치되어 있는 한국외대, 명지대, 부산외대, 조선대에서 는 이에 대비한 아랍어 교사 양성을 위한 교직 과정이 개설, 운영되고 있는데 중․고등학교에서의 효율적인 아랍어 교육을 위한 교수․학습방 법 연구가 시급한 상황이다. 따라서, 제반 교육 여건을 고려할 때 아랍어 교육에서도 듣기․말하기 능력 배양을 위한 교수․학습 방법의 개선 방안이 모색되어야 할 필요 성이 제기되는 것이다. 이를 위해서는 멀티미디어 시대의 추세에 걸맞게 텍스트 자료와 함께 소리, 그림, 동영상, 이미지 등 다양한 멀티미디어 교육 자료의 활용이 절실히 요망된다고 할 수 있다. 무엇으로 가르칠 것 인가 즉, 교육자료는 외국어 교육을 구성하는 중요한 요소중의 하나이기 때문이다. 아랍어를 외국어로 학습하는 경우 실제 언어 환경이 주어지지 않은 대신에 교실이란 제한된 상황 속에 놓이게 되며 이러한 환경에서 더 많은 학습 효과를 거두기 위해서는 당연히 다양한 교육 매체의 구비 와 활용이 필수적이다. 본고에서는 위와 같은 연구 배경 및 필요성에 따라 외국어로서의 아 랍어 교수․학습 방법의 개선 방안의 하나로서 아랍어 교수․학습 능력 을 신장시킬 수 있는 멀티미디어를 활용한 아랍어 수업 모델을 제시하 고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 프리젠테이션(Presentation) 제작 도구인 파워 포인트를 주로 활용하였다
    Keyword: 아랍어 수업, 파워포인트
    Author: Hee Man Sah
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    아랍 정체성(Arab Identity)의 역사적 패러다임 변화
    This paper analyzes the origins of ‘Arab/Arabs’ and ‘Arab world’ and then tries to formulize its identity, using area studies’ methodological approaches. It begins with broad questions: who exactly called themselves ‘Arabs’ in context of history? Was Arab identity (Al-Huwiyyah Al-ʿArabiyyah) contested and fluid through its history? The study tries to remove idealists’ views of identity that emphasize its similarities. It is rather dialectical, attaching more significance to common characteristics in the context of history. The paper examines the questions empirically and concentrates on ‘Islamization (ʾAslimah)’ and ‘Arabization (Taʿrīb)’ including ‘the Shuʿub movement (Al-Shuʿubiyyah: Shu`biyya)’ from which variables for Arab identity are drawn. From this perspective, Arab identity can be seen through an angle of local or regional identity. It can also be described as consisting of interrelated factors: racial, ethnic, national, religious, cultural, linguistic, political characters. The conception of modern Arab identity can be reframed by analyzing the Arab renaissance (Cultural Movement) or ‘Al-Nahḍah’, ‘Pan-Islamism (Al-Waḥdah Al-Islāmiyyah)’, ‘Islamic Modernism (Al-Iṣlāḥ Al-Islāmī)’, ‘Pan-Arabism (‘Al-Waḥdah Al-ʿArabiyyah)’ and ‘Arab Nationalism (Al-Qawmīyyah Al-ʿArabīyyah)’ that affect its notions. Thus, it is necessary to inquire and outline their origins and characteristics according to historical progress. Its results will be compared with them and at the same time the importance of their differences will be recognized and considered. And then, if all the dimensions are analyzed together, the forged notions of Arab identity can be embodied in its own shape although it is vulnerable to controversy criticism. In this context the implication of plurality and unity in defining Arab identity can be expressed as the right words of ‘Es Pluribus Unum! (Out of Many, One!)’ Finally, it is generally supposed that the noble spirit of the Arab Spring (Al-Thawrah Al-Madaniyyah) is the result of the efforts to find its roots in the Arab history. It seems to seek its lineage from the historical movement of Al-Shuʿubiyyah by using the word ‘Al-Shaʿb’ under the slogan of “Al-Sha ʿb Yurīd Isqāṭ Al-Niẓām”.
    Keyword: Arab Identity, Arabization, Islamization, Mawali, Shu`ubiyya, Arab World, Arab Nationalism, 아랍정체성, 아랍인, 아랍화, 이슬람화, 마왈리, 슈우비야, 아랍민족주의, 범아랍주의
    Author: 하병주 ( Hah Byoung Joo )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    팔레스타인 아랍어의 말씨 바꿈에 관한 연구
    인간을 다른 동물과 구분해주는 가장 큰 특징중의 하나는 인간의 말 을 통한 의사 소통 능력이다. 물론 침팬지나 돌고래 등 지능을 갖춘 일 부 동물들이 소리나 몸짓 등 여러 가지 수단을 통해 의사 소통을 하지만 이는 인간의 발화 만큼이나 체계적이지 않고 발달되어 있지 않아 인간 의 능력과는 비교될 수 없다. 이러한 인간의 발화에 대한 언어학 분야의 연구(특히 사회언어학)에서 최근부터 관심을 끌어 온 주제중의 하나가 말씨 바꿈(Code Switching) 으로서, 이 현상은 단일언어사회, 이중언어사회, 다중언어사회를 막론한 모든 언어 공동체에서 공통적으로 나타나는 현상이다. 말씨 바꿈에 대한 관심은 최근에 들어서야 급증하고 있지만, 발화에서 의 말씨 바꿈은 인간이 발화를 시작한 먼 옛날 그 당시부터 시작된 인간 의 의사 소통 방식의 한 종류로 보아야 할 것이다. 아랍어는 문어체와 구어체 간의 양층언어현상(Diglossia)이 지구상의 수많은 언어들 중 가장 두드러지게 나타나는 언어이며 따라서 이에 대한 연구가 활발히 이루어져 왔다. 그러나 양층언어현상에 대한 연구 자체는 활발히 이루어졌지만, 양층 언어현상의 실제 발화 수행이라고 할 수 있는 말씨 바꿈에 대한 연구는 서구에서 공부한 아랍의 소장 학자들에 의해 비교적 최근부터 이루어지 고 있고, 용어 자체도 아직 결정되어 있지 않은 상태다.1) 그러나 아랍어 언어 공동체에서 말씨 바꿈은 문어체 표준어와 구어체 방언간 뿐만 아니라, 도시/시골/베드윈 방언 등 각 지역 방언 간의 말씨 바꿈이 빈번하게 이루어지는 등 그 어떤 언어 공동체보다 활발하게 나 타나고 있어 말씨 바꿈 연구의 좋은 자료를 제공하고 있다 하겠다. 따라서 본고에서는 논자가 팔레스타인 라말라 Ramallah지역에서 직 접 조사한 설문 조사를 바탕으로 하여 이 지역 아랍어 원화자들의 말씨 바꿈과 아랍어의 상황에 대한 인식을 논하고자 한다. 이 조사는 1997년 5.19.-5.26일까지 라말라의 비르제이트 Birzeit 대학 교에서 말씨 바꿈과 이 지역의 언어 상황에 대한 아랍어 원화자들의 인 식에 대한 설문 조사이다. 이 조사는 비르제이트 대학교에 재학중인 아 랍어과와 사회 과학대학 학생 193명(남학생 111명, 여학생 82명)을 대상 으로 실시하였으며, 본 설문은 원화자들의 실제 발화에서 말씨 바꿈에 대한 심리적인 면과 이 지역의 아랍어의 현 상황에 대한 질문을 중심으로 10개의 질문으로 구성하였다. 이 조사는 무학자나 중등 교육 이하의 교육 수준을 가진 이들은 문어체 아랍어에 대한 지식이 빈약하여 실질적인 조 사에 적합하지 않은 것으로 판단하여 대학생을 중심으로 이루어졌다. 설문 조사를 실시했던 비르제이트 대학교는 1924년 라말라와 비르제 이트 지역의 학생들을 교육하기 위하여 라말라와 비르제이트의 중간 지 점에 설립되었다. 1924년 초등학교로 설립되어, 1953년 대학으로 발전하 였으며, 1975년 Birzeit University로 정식 명명된 라말라 북쪽의 점령지 에 설립된 최초의 대학이기도 하다. 현재 4개의 단과대학과 석사 과정이 설치되어 있는 이 대학은 팔레스타인 독립투쟁(Intifa:ḍa)의 거점이자 팔 레스타인의 지성을 대변하는 대학중의 하나로써, 이스라엘의 군사적 압 력으로 인해 개교 이후 지금까지 15차례의 휴교를 거듭하였고 총장이었 던 Dr.Hanna Nasir는 19년간의 망명 생활을 하기도 하였다. 그 결과 대 부분의 학생들이 대학 4년 과정을 수료하는데 10여년이 소모되는 어려 움을 겪기도 했지만, 라말라와 비르제이트 지역의 팔레스타인인들에 대 한 최고 교육기관으로써, 또 이스라엘에 대한 팔레스타인 저항의 멕카로 서의 역할을 수행하고 있다. 조사 지역이었던 라말라는 예루살렘 북쪽 26Km에 위치한 요르단강 서안(Wesk Bank)의 상업과 경제의 중심지다. 전통적인 농경 사회였던 라말라는 12세기 십자군에 의해 약 100년 동안 지배를 받아 기독교 문화 의 영향을 일찍부터 받아 들였으며, 19세기 중반 오스만 제국의 통치 시대에는 교회가 건설되기 시작하여, 이 지역에 큰 교회와 교회의 지원 을 받는 학교와 병원이 세워졌다. 서구 문명과의 이러한 접촉은 일찍부터 라말라 주민들의 대규모 해외 이주 로 이어졌고, 그 공간을 외부 사람들이 채우는 인구 구성을 이루게 되었다. 또한 1948년 전쟁으로 인하여 Jaffa, Lyada, Ramleh의 피난민들이 라말 라로 이주하여 인구가 증가하였으나, 원주민의 약 30%는 해외(특히, 미 국)로 이주하였다. 대부분의 팔레스타인 도시와 마을들이 친척들끼리 모여 사는 친족 공 동체의 특징을 가지고 있었던 것에 비하여, 라말라는 전술한 여러 가지 동기(점령, 이주, 피난 등)로 인하여 팔레스타인 각 지역의 사람들이 함 께 모여 사는 특이한 성격을 지니게 되었다. 이러한 특징은 각지역 방언 간의 상호간 접촉으로 인한 언어 변화 연구에 좋은 자료를 제공해 주리 라 믿는다.
    Keyword: 아랍어 말씨바꿈
    Author: Yeong Soo Yoon
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    아랍어의 문법 성에 관한 연구
    아랍어의 문법 성 범주의 구분과 그 문제점, 그리고 형태와 통사적 영역에서 문법 성이 어떻게 통용되는지를 기술문법 방식을 중심 으로 일별하고자 한다. 본고에서 사용하는 전사체는 tāʼ marbūṭah를 종지형일 때는 h로 쓰고, 문장구조 내에서는 tāʼ mabsūṭah (또는 tāʼ maftūḥah)와 같이 t로, ʼalif maqṣūrah는 ā로, ʼalif mamdūdah는 a:로 표기하기로 한다.
    Keyword: 아랍어 문법 성
    Author: In Seop Lee
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    현대 아랍시에 나타난 팔레스타인 문제
    문학과 정치의 관계는 문학의 역사만큼이나 오래된 것이다. 특히 아랍 사회에서는 전통적으로 늘 문학은 정치와 함께 있어왔다. 더구나 금세기 들어 끝없는 전화와 사회적 격변을 겪어야 했던 아랍 권에서는 불행하 게도 정치가 언제나 문학의 핵심적인 관심이 될 수밖에 없었다(송경숙 1991 : 412-428 참고). 1988년 아랍세계에서 최초의 노벨 문학상 수상자가 된 이집트 산문작 가 나집 마흐푸즈Najīb Maḥfūẓ(1911∼)는 “내가 쓰는 모든 것에 정치가 들어 있다. 당신들은 내 작품에서 사랑이나 그 밖의 다른 어떤 주제가 들어 있지 않은 소설은 볼 수가 있어도 정치가 배제된 소설은 찾을 수 없을 것이다. 왜냐하면 정치는 우리의 모든 사고의 축이기 때문이 다”(Jamāl Ghiṭānī 1980 : 78)라고 하였다. 1972년 이스라엘 측에 암살 당함으로써 짧고 치열했던 문학적․정치 적 생애를 마감해야 했던 팔레스타인의 대표적 산문작가 갓산 카나파니 Ghassān Kanafānīy(1936∼1972)는 “나는 아주 어릴 적부터 정치에 마음이 쏠렸어요. 왜냐하면 우리는 난민촌에 살고 있었는데 난민촌에서의 정 치라는 것이 단지 조간 신문에서 읽혀지는 어떤 제목들이 아니고 바로 우리가 오늘은 악카에서 그리고 내일은 레바논이나 시리아에서 살지 않 으면 안되도록 운명 지워지는 사건들이기 때문이지요”(’Iḥsān ‘Abbās ed. 1974 : 126)라고 정치 특히 국제정치와 자신의 관계를 피력한 바 있다. 아랍세계에 갓산 카나파니를 처음으로 소개하고 그의 작품에 대한 비 평적 읽기를 권했던 이집트의 여성작가이며 영문학 교수인 라드와 아수 르Raḍwā ‘Āshūr(1946∼)는 “정치야말로 갓산 카나파니의 삶과 죽음에 가장 중요한 역할을 하였다. 그러므로 그의 작품에서 정치가 다루어지는 것은 전혀 놀라울 게 없다”(Raḍwā ‘Āshūr 1977 : 177)라고 주장하였다. 정치, 특히 국제정치가 빚어내는 현실에 대한 민감한 반응은 아랍 권 작가들에게는 하나의 숙명인지도 모른다. 1948년 제1차 중동전쟁 당시 팔레스타인 시인 압둘라힘 마흐무드‘Abd al-Raḥīm Maḥmūd(1913∼ 1948)는 강단을 버리고 직접 총을 들었고 팔레스타인의 샤자라Shajarah 마을을 수호하다 산화하였다. 또한 레바논의 아방가르드 시인 칼릴 하위 Khalīl Hāwī(1919∼1982)는 1982년 이스라엘의 레바논 침공과 이에 대하 여 침묵만을 지키는 아랍 국가들에게 항의하기 위하여 자살하였다. 이에 앞서 1973년에 있었던 요르단 작가 타이시르 삽불Taysīr Sabbūl(1939∼ 1973)의 자살 또한 아랍의 반민주적 정치현실과 무관하지 않다.
    Keyword: 아랍시
    Author: Kyung Sook Song
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    알제리 작가 따히르 왓따르의 소설 '라즈' 연구
    제3세계 포스트 콜로니얼 국가 가운데 대부분의 아랍 국가는 식민 경 험이 타 지역에 비해 비교적 짧아서 그 문학의 특징도 여타 지역의 문학 과 차이를 보이고 있는 것이 사실이다. 그러나 식민주의 경험, 식민주의 잔재와의 투쟁, 민족적 정체성의 확립이라는 포스트 콜로니얼한 공통적 요소를 지니고 있다. 특히 아랍 세계 가운데 132년(1830-1962)이라는 가 장 긴 식민주의의 경험을 가진 알제리의 문학은 아랍문학 가운데서도 포스트 콜로니얼 문학의 전형으로 평가되고 있다. 탈 식민주의 시대 알제리 작가들은 식민주의가 파괴시켜 놓은 정체성 을 재확립하기 위하여 자신들이 국가를 대표하여야 한다는 부담감을 안 고 있었다. 그 결과 알제리 문학에서는 순수한 낭만주의 소설을 거의 찾 아보기 힘들다. 알제리 문학가들은 과거 민족해방을 위한 무력 투쟁, 민 족해방전선에 의한 혁명의 승리, 농업개혁법이나 토지의 국유화, 독립 이후의 자아 비판이나 조국과의 괴리감 등을 담은 사실주의적인 작품을 쏟아 내고 있다. 식민시대 이후 대부분의 국가에서 그러하듯 언어의 문제는 알제리 작가들의 최대 고민거리이다. 식민 시대를 거치는 동안 프랑스식 교육을 받은 작가들은 자신들의 모국어로 문학 활동을 하기에는 역부족이었다. 그들은 서구에서 배운 새로운 문학 장르라 할 수 있는 소설을 식민지어 였던 프랑스어로 매개로 생산할 수밖에 없었다. 식민주의어인 프랑스어 로 문학 활동을 하던 당시의 문학 풍토에 대한 반성이 바로 이웃 국가 튀니지의 자이투나 대학에서 유학 한 후 귀국하여 민족해방전선에 합류 한 따히르 왓따르에 의해 시작되었다. 귀국 후 따히르 왓따르는 주간지 ‘자마히르’(국민)와 교양 잡지 ‘샤읍 사까피’(문화민족)의 주간을 맡았으 며 혁명의 불이 당겨지기 시작하자 주간지 ‘아흐라르’(자유인)를 통해 해 방전쟁의 소식을 전했다. 그는 1958년 처음 소설을 쓰기 시작할 때부터 알제리 현실에 깊숙이 파고들어 활동하였으며 알제리 독립 이후 1965년 부터 본격적인 글쓰기를 시작하면서 정치가에서 문학가로 변신한 흔치 않은 작가이다. 그는 자신의 직접적인 경험과 체험을 통해 독립 이전의 알제리 혁명과 독립 후 알제리 사회의 고민, 변화, 희망 등을 표현하고 있다. 본고에서는 우선 왓따르 이전의 알제리 문학의 문제점을 살펴본 후, 그의 여러 장ㆍ단편1) 작품 가운데 초년작이며 출세작이라 할 수 있는 라즈 를 통해 정치적 독립을 얻기 위한 투쟁과정, 투쟁 과정에서 드러 난 정치ㆍ이념의 갈등, 식민주의가 흩트려 놓은 전통사회의 변화와 상실, 독립이후 신 민주의의 도래에 대한 우려 등을 연구하고자 한다. 알제리 문학은 여타 아프리카 문학과 마찬가지로 ‘독립적이고 심미적인 표현의 장이기 보다 실천의 장’(이석호:217)으로 이해해야 하기 때문에 역사적, 사회적 상황에 대해서는 침묵하면서 텍스트성이나 예술성만을 논하는 것에 대한 반성을 불러일으켰던 포스트 콜러니얼 비평의 관점에서 이 작품을 연구하고자 한다
    Keyword: 아랍문학, 알-라즈
    Author: Hee Sun Cho
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    바드르 샤키르 알사이얍의 시에 나타난 T.S. 엘리엇의 영향 연구
    오스만 터키(1300-1924)의 오랜 지배를 받고 있던 아랍 세계는 1798년 나폴레옹의 이집트 침공을 기점으로 본격화된 서구 문학의 수용을 통해 고사 상태에 처해 있던 아랍 문학에 새로운 기운을 불어넣고자 하였다. 이러한 과정에서 상대적으로 전통의 뿌리가 약했던 아랍의 산문문학1)은 근대2) 초기부터 서구의 산문 형태를 수용하는 서구 지향적 태도를 취하 였다. 그러나 이슬람 이전 시대부터 아랍인들의 삶을 대변해 온 유구한 전 통 유산으로, 서구로부터 더 이상 배울 것이 없다는 자부심의 원천이었던 시문학은 처음에는 아랍 문학의 황금기였던 압바스시대(755-1258)의 까씨다(Qaṣi:dah)3)에로의 회귀를 지향하는 전통 지향적 태도를 취하였다. 4) 이후 19세기말과 20세기초, 아랍 세계에서는 서구 세계로의 유학이나 여행, 이주 등을 통해 서구 문화와의 직접적인 접촉이 활발하였다. 동시 에 기독교 계통의 학교와 아랍 학교의 유럽인 교사들을 통해 그리고 서 구 문학 작품의 번역․소개 등을 통해 서구 문학과의 간접적인 접촉도 활발하게 이루어졌다. 이와 같이 서구 문학, 특히 프랑스시와 영시의 직․간접적인 영향으로 아랍 문학에 낭만주의 시, 사회주의 사실주의 경 향의 시, 참여시 등의 시 형태가 처음으로 등장하였다. 이러한 새로운 경 향의 시(詩)들이 나타나게 되는 배경으로는 아랍 세계의 어두운 현실5) 과 서구시의 영향6)으로 요약해 볼 수 있다. 서구시의 영향과 수용 중, 엘리엇(T. S. Eliot, 1888-1965)의 시론 및 작품 의 영향과 수용은 특히 주목할 만하다. 1944년 리틀 기딩 (Little Gidding)에 이어 엘리엇의 거의 모든 작품들이 아랍 세계에 번역․소개되었다.7) 그의 작 품들 중, 특히 황무지 (The Waste Land, 1922)는 주제, 형태, 기법 면에 서 아랍시에 실로 엄청난 영향을 주었다. 신화와 전설8)이라는 모티브를 통해 현대 유럽 세계의 정신적인 황폐함과 물질 만능주의가 죽음을 통 해 새로운 생명을 얻을 수 있다는 메시지를 가지고 있는 황무지 는, 1948년 팔레스타인 붕괴 이후 계속되었던 총체적 혼돈 속에서 절망과 실의(失意)에 빠져 있던 아랍인들에게 새 봄을 기다리는 희망을 주었다. 이러한 상황 속에서 거의 모든 현대 아랍 자유시 시인들이 엘리엇의 시를 모방하였으나 엘리엇의 시에서 주제, 형태, 기법을 적극적으로 수 용하여 아랍시에 적용하는 선구자의 역할을 한 시인은 바드르 샤키르 알사이얍(Badr Sha:kir al-Sayya:b, 1926-64)이었다. 사이얍은 1947년에 일부 비평가들에 의해 아랍 최초의 자유시로 평가받고 있는 사랑이었 나? (Hal Ka:na al-Ḥubban?)를 발표하였으며, 이후 현대 아랍 자유시 운동의 주도적인 역할을 하였다. 본고에서는 현대 아랍 자유시 운동의 선구자인 사이얍의 시에 끼친 엘 리엇의 영향에 대한 고찰을 주목적으로 한다. 주제적인 측면과 기법적인 측면도 엘리엇의 영향 정도를 가늠해 볼 수 있는 중요한 부분이지만 현대 아랍 자유시 시인들의 가장 큰 관심이 전통 까씨다의 엄격한 정형성으로부 터 탈피였다는 점에서 형식적인 측면을 중점적으로 고찰해보고자 한다
    Keyword: 엘리엇, 시
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    우즈벡키스탄의 경제동향과 한국과의 관계
    제2차세계대전 종전후 미국과 더불어 양극체제를 주도해 오면서 사회 주의진영의 맹주역할을 해오던 구소연방은 1985년 고르바초프가 새로운 지도자로 등장하게 되면서 커다란 변화를 겪게 되었다. 고르바초프의 페레 스트로이카(Perestroika)라 불리우는 개혁정책과 글라스노스트(Glasnost)라 불리우는 개방정책의 추진은 그동안 소비에트연방내에 누적되어있던 정 치, 경제, 사회전반에 걸친 제문제들이 봇물처럼 터져나오는 결정적 계 기가 되었고 이에 따라 소련연방을 구성했던 중앙아시아지역의 국가들 사이에도 정치적, 경제적 문제들과 각민족간의 제문제들이 새롭게 대두 되기 시작했다. 특히, 지난 1991년 8월 모스크바에서 발발한 보수주의 쿠데타의 실패 이후 구소연방을 구성하고 있던 중앙아시아의 각공화국들은 독립움직임 을 본격화하였고, 그 후 1991년 말까지 구소연방은 해체되고 중앙아시아 의 모든 공화국들이 독립하게 되었다. 새로 독립을 쟁취한 중앙아시아 국가들은 총5개국인데 이들중 우즈벡키스탄, 카자흐스탄, 투르크메니스 탄, 크르그즈스탄은 터어키와 같은 계통의 언어를 사용하는 투르크계 공화국들이고 타직키스탄만이 페르시아계 언어를 사용하는 이란계공화국이다1). 이상의 중앙아시아국가들은 독립후 구소연방간에 구성되어 있 던 협조체제의 붕괴로 심각한 경제침체에 직면하게 되자 전환기의 경제 적 어려움을 극복하기 위해 계획경제에서 점진적인 시장경제로의 전환 을 목표로 경제개혁을 추진하고 있고 구소연방을 구성했던 각 공화국간 에 ‘독립국가연합’(CIS:Commonwealth of Independent States)2)을 성립 시켜 상호긴밀한 협조체제를 구축하고 있다. 지난 1994년 6월 김영삼대통령의 우즈벡키스탄 방문을 계기로 우리나 라의 중앙아시아지역에 대한 관심이 고조되기 시작하였으며, 1995년 2월 카리모프(Karimov) 우즈벡키스탄 대통령의 방한과 5월 나자르바예프 (Nazarbayev) 카자흐스탄 대통령의 방한으로 우리나라와 우즈베키스탄 과 카자흐스탄간의 긴밀한 경제협조체체가 구축되었고 한국기업의 대구 소련 투자는 최근들어 우즈베키스탄과 카자흐스탄에 집중되어 지금은 오히려 대러시아투자보다 큰 비중을 차지하고 있다3). 하지만 카자흐스 탄의 경우는 아직 인구구성상 러시아인이 현지 카자흐인과 거의 같은 비율을 점유하고 있어 역내, 대외교역 역시 러시아연방에 치중되어 있고 민족주의 영향으로 카자흐어가 강조되고 있지만 아직도 러시아어가 제1 언어로 사용되고 있는 실정이다. 이와는 달리 우즈벡키스탄의 경우는 중앙아시아 5개국중 우리나라 기 업의 투자가 가장 많이 이루어졌고4) 인구구성상 우즈벡인 80%이상을 차지하고 있어 우즈벡어가 명실공히 제1의 언어로 사용되고 있고 우즈 벡인들은 우즈베키스탄이외도 기타 중앙아시아 국가들에 거의 10%에 육박하는 수준으로 골고루 분포되어 있는 실정이다. 특히, 우즈벡키스탄 에는 구소연방중 가장 많은 한인들이 거주하고 있어 우리나라의 대중앙 아시아 진출에 있어 최적지라 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 측면에서 볼 떄, 우 리 학교 GLE코스의 중앙아시아지역 전공학생들이 동지역을 진출하는데 있어 우즈벡키스탄은 중앙아시아 5개국중 가장 이상적인 국가라 할 수 있다. 따라서, 본고에서는 먼저 우즈벡키스탄의 일반적인 국가개황, 경 제현황과 대외교역관계, 그리고 우리나라와의 경제협력관계를 살펴본 후 우리학교 GLE코스 학생들의 진출유형을 모색해 보고자 한다.
    Keyword: GLE코스, 경제동향
    Author: Duck Chan Woo
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    이슬람 경제학을 통한 현대 이슬람금융 운영 연구
    Ⅰ. 서 론 일반적으로 중동지역에 관한 연구는 경제적 관점에서 볼 때 석유라는 막강한 자원을 중심으로 중요시되어 왔으며 현재에도 많은 오일머니(oil money)로 인해 관심이 집중되고 있다. 이러한 중동지역에서 새롭게 평 가되어야 할 부분이 바로 금융분야이다. 일반적인 금융과는 상이하게 이 슬람의 금융은 많은 특색을 가지고 있다. 예를 들어 재산의 가치 및 저 장수단, 이자의 금지, 은행제도 등은 많은 서구 금융권과는 다른 특징을 가지고 있다. 이슬람의 경제이론의 기본은 ‘모든 만물은 자연의 법칙에 따르며, 자 연의 순리에 벗어나면 자연으로 돌아간다’는 이슬람의 대원칙에 충실하 게 따라야 한다는 점이다. 그러므로 이슬람에서는 모든 사회개혁의 전제 조건은 도덕적 개혁으로 보고 있다. 이런 이슬람 경제사고는 우주 최고 의 신인 알라(Alla:하나님)의 법칙에 따른다. 이러한 기본 개념이 서지 않는 한 이슬람의 경제권에 대한 이해는 어렵다. 그러므로 본고에서는 이러한 이슬람의 경제이론을 기본으로 하여 이슬람 경제학의 이해와 이 슬람 금융에 대하여 연구하고자 한다.
    Keyword: 석유,이슬람경제학
    Author: Seong Soo Lee
    Poblication Year: 1999
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    ZABA의 Tulisan Jawi 표기법
    제 1 장 문자로 표기되는 목소리 1. 말과 회화의 기원 1) 모든 동물 특히 인간은 그 목소리로 각각 소리를 내는데 능하고 그 각 소리는 자기와 같은 부류인 다른 인간이나 다른 짐승들에 의해 이해되어 진다. 예를 들어 한 원숭이가 소리를 내면 다른 원숭이들 이 그 소리를 알아듣는다. 고양이, 닭 등도 역시 그러하다. 2) 인간사이에서도 역시 그러하다. 만약 예를 들어 "mak"(엄마)라는 소리를 하면 그 소리는, 그 말을 쓰는 같은 부류의 사람들에 의해 이해되어진다. 그 소리는 귀에 들리고 곧장 뇌로 전달된다. 그리하 여 금방 그 뇌는 그것을 알아채고 그 의미를 파악하게 되는 것이 다. 다른 의미를 지니고 있는 소리들도 그 언어를 가지고 있는 사 람들한테는 역시 그러한 것이다. 3) 이러한 일로 인해 인류의 각 민족에게는 말 또는 회화가 생겨났던 것이다. 그리하여 비록 Semang, Sakai 등도 같이 문자를 모르는 많은 족속들도 있지만 모든 족속들은 소리를 낼 줄 알고 또 회화를 할 줄 아는 것이다.
    Keyword: 자위문자 표기법
    Author: Kyoung Seok Kang
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    대이슬람경제권과 중국 관계 연구
    오늘날 전 세계에 이슬람 국가로 분류되어지는 국가는 약 54개국 정 도이고, 이슬람교를 믿는 인구는 약 12억명에 달하고 있다. 근래에 들어 와서 이슬람교를 믿는 숫자가 전세계적으로 늘어나고 있는 추세다. 이러 한 상황에서 이슬람 국가들은 최근 들어 ‘대이슬람경제권’ 창설, 즉 중동 과 중앙아시아 그리고 동남아시아 등의 지역에 분포하고 있는 이슬람 국가들간에 공동체를 만들어 ‘상호 주권존중’․‘내정불간섭’․‘분쟁해결에 있어 무력사용 배제’ 그리고 ‘역내 자원의 공동개발과 이용’․‘기술공유’ 등을 통해 정치․경제 및 사회를 발전시키는데 힘쓰려 할뿐만 아니라 국제 사회에서도 새로운 정치 질서를 형성하려고 하고 있다. 이러한 이 슬람 국가들의 추세는 미국․EU 뿐만 아니라 中華경제권을 형성하여 경제 강대국으로 치닫고 있는 중국까지도 긴장시키고 있다. 여기에 중국 은 이슬람 국가들과 인접하고 있는 서북지역의 新疆維吾爾자치구를 통 해 Islam의 국가들과의 관계 개선을 모색하고 있다. 만약 중국이 대 이슬람경제권에도 참여하게 된다면 중국은 경제강대국으로서 세계의 경 제를 주도할 수 있는 강력한 힘을 지니게 될 것이다. 그럼 중국이 어떻게 대이슬람경제권에 참여할 수 있을까? 그것은 바 로 중국에서 이슬람 문화를 지닌 소수민족들이 밀집해 있는 서북지역의 新疆維吾爾자치구를 개발하는 것이다. 특히 이 지역의 維吾爾族은 인접 해 있는 중앙아시아의 이슬람국가와 역사적․인종적․문화적으로 유사 하기 때문에 중국은 局地的으로 대이슬람경제권에 참여할 수 있다. 게다 가 최근 인접한 국가간의 경제블럭화 현상이 두드러지게 나타나고 있는 가운데, 중동․중앙아시아 및 남아시아의 일부 국가 그리고 중국의 新疆 維吾爾자치구를 포함하는 이슬람 세력간의 경제협력은 대단히 중요하다 고 하겠다. 本考에서는 먼저 중국이 대이슬람경제권 형성에 있어서 참여하기 위 해서 문화적 공통점이라고 할 수 있는 이슬람 문화에 대해서 개괄적으 로 알아본다. 그리고 중국이 대이슬람경제권에 참여하는데 있어 어떠한 문제점이 있으며, 거기에 관한 중국의 대처 방안과 전망에 대해서 알아 보기로 한다.
    Keyword: 대이슬람경제권
    Author: Bong Jin Kong
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    이태리 민담 분석
    민담1)은 인간이 언어로써 서로 의사를 소통할 수 있었던 때부터 시작 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 민담의 내용은 일상 생활의 이야기에서부터 자연 현상의 이변이나 꿈 그리고 소망과 상상 등이 뒤얽힌 이야기들로 가득 하다. 이렇게 생겨난 이야기들은 전파되는 과정에서 지역적 특성이나 역 사적 특성 또는 이야기꾼의 구미에 맞게 수정되어 왔다. 따라서 한 이야 기가 한 곳에서 생겨나 다른 곳으로 전파되든 동시에 여러 곳에서 생겨 서로간에 전파되든 오랜 세월이 지나는 동안 하나의 이야기는 다양한 형태를 낳게 된다. 그러므로 민담의 근원지를 명확히 밝히는 일은 대단 히 어려운 작업일 수밖에 없다.
    Keyword: 이태리 민담
    Author: Young Sook Kim
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    프랑스 베리지방의 문학기행
    ‘신비로운’ 고장 솔로뉴 Sologne는 삼림과 늪으로 둘러싸여 있으며 문 향 文鄕의 고장 투렌느 동북쪽의 지금의 블루와 Blois시와 오를레앙 Orléans시 아래쪽 지역이다. 소나무가 울창한 솔로뉴 지방은 지금까지도 늪지대가 곳곳에 남아있어서 낚시와 사냥을 즐길 수 있는 지역이기도 하다. 특히 수도 파리로부터는 150킬로밖에 떨어져 있지 않기 때문에 많 은 파리 주변의 문화 및 레저 애호인들은 이 곳을 찾곤 한다. 19세기의 나폴레옹 3세도 이러한 자연환경에 매료되어 라모트-부브롱 La Motte-Beuvron에 저택을 특별히 마련하기까지 할 정도였다. 포도주 애호가들은 수세기 동안 사냥터로 유명했던 이 지역 숲에서 저녁내기로 흥미진진한 게임을 즐기며 슈베르니 Cheverny포도주의 맛을 음미하기도 했다. 사냥꾼들의 낙원인만큼 전원이 빼어나며 곳곳에는 르네상스의 우 아함과 고전적인 부드러움에 이르기까지 모든 형태가 나타나 있는 매우 다양한 고성들을 만나 볼 수 있다. 그러나 프랑스인들에게 있어서는 솔 로뉴지방은 무엇보다도 이 지방의 정겨우면서도 쓸쓸한 풍경을 배경으 로 펼쳐지는 청춘의 꿈과 신비가 서려있는 작품을 보여준 20세기 초의 매혹적인 작가 알랭 푸르니에의 고장으로 다가오는 곳이다. 솔로뉴 지역 아래에 위치한 베리 Berry평야지역은 인근 보스 Beauce 평원2)과 더불어 프랑스의 야채밭이라 불리는 농업과 목축업의 고장으로 유 럽 연합에서 가장 넓은 곡창지대이다. 베리 지방은 샤토루 Châteauroux시 와 부르주 Bourges시 아래쪽 지역으로, 파리 분지 남쪽 마시프상트랄 Massif Central의 북쪽 기슭인 루와르 Loire강과 크뢰즈 Creuse강 사이를 차지하며 앵드르 Indre주와 세르 Cher주에 걸쳐 있다. 루와르강이 만들어 놓은 굽이에 따라 다채로운 풍경이 전개되면서 고성과 황량하면서도 독특 한 자연 풍광으로 상트르 Centre지방의 매력을 더해준다. 이 지역의 중심도시인 부르주라는 도시는 거대한 부르주 대성당과 더 불어 수 백년이 된 저택들이 잘 보존되어 있는 고풍스러움으로 더욱 유 명하다. 특히 대성당인 생-테티엔느 성당 Cathédrale de Saint-Etienne 은 유네스코 세계 문화 유산에 등록될 정도로 아름다운 성당인데 특히 수십개의 궁륭과 특이한 스테인드 글라스로 유명하다. 또한 중세시대 샤 를르 7세의 재정 고문관이었던 자크 쾨르 Jacques Coeur3)의 출신지로도 유명한 곳이다. 최근 들어서는 봄마다 음악과 춤을 겸한 축제들이 화려 하게 개최되어 문화의 메카로 손꼽히기도 한다. 근교에 있는 노앙 Nohant에는 자연과 서민들의 생활에 애착을 가지며 그들의 이야기를 소 설 작품에 재현한 조르주 상드의 기념관이 있다. 본 논문에서는 앞선 문학기행형식과 마찬가지의 방법으로 솔로뉴지역 과 베리 지역의 지형적 특색, 문화 유산, 그리고 이 곳 지역이 배출한 문인들인 알랭-푸르니에(Alain-Fournier, Henri Alban, 1886-1914)와 조 르주 상드 (George Sand, Aurore Dupin, baronne Dudevant, 1804-1876) 의 생애 및 작품 배경 등을 살펴보기로 한다.4)
    Keyword: 프랑스 중부지방 문학
    Author: Tack Mo Kim
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    형태규칙들의 상호작용과 이태리어 평가접미사의 관계
    생성 형태론적 연구체계 안에서 문법의 어휘부는 단어와 어간이 들어 있는 사전, 그리고 복합어 형성규칙과 파생어 형성규칙을 포함하는 어형 성 규칙으로 이루어져 있다. 어형성 규칙 다음에는 굴절규칙, 재조정규 칙, 경계삽입규칙등이 차례로 적용되어 출력부를 생성한다고 보는 것이 일반적이다. 이러한 어휘규칙들은 개별적으로도 활발히 연구되었지만 적용 순서 및 적용의 반복에 대한 논의 또한 꾸준히 전개되어 왔다. 한편 어형성 규칙에서 파생과 굴절의 경계선에 놓이는 것 같으며 어느 규칙에도 포 함되지 않는 규칙의 적용을 받아야만 될 것 같은 경우가 있는데, 흔하게 이태리어나 그 밖의 다른 로망스어들, 그리고 드물게 게르만제어들에서 발견되는 평가 접미사(evaluative suffix)들이다. 이태리어에서는 평가 접미사가 매우 생산성 있게 어형성을 하고 있는 데 대개 다음의 네 그룹으로 분류된다.
    Keyword: 평가접미사
    Author: Jong Te Yun
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    꾸란과 성경에 나타난 예수 연구
    종교는 ‘인간의 믿음과 소망이 담긴 신이 내린 메시지의 구체화’라고 할 수 있다. 세계의 수많은 종교들 중 지중해 연안에서 발생하여 세계적 인 종교가 된 것이 카톨릭교, 크리스트교, 이슬람교 등이며 유태교는 이 종교들의 모체신앙으로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 세계 3대 종교에 속하는 크리스트교와 이슬람교의 성 전에 나타난 예수에 대하여 연구하고자 한다. 크리스트교의 경우 한국에 서도 많은 신자들이 있어 오해의 소지가 거의 나타나지 않지만 이슬람 의 경우는 많은 부분에서 일반인들은 오해를 낳고 있다. 예를 들어 알라 신, 무함맏교 등이 그것이다. 이슬람은 유태교나 크리스트교와 같이 셈(Sem)족의 종교이지만, 그 중에서도 연륜이 가장 짧다. 이슬람은 예언자 무함맏이 태어난 6세기 후 반기의 아라비아 반도에는 이미 유대교와 크리스트교가 상당히 보급되 어 있었으므로 그 영향을 받은 것은 당연하다. 무함맏은 나이 40세에 예 언자로 자처했으며, 그 이전에는 오랫동안 대상활동을 통하여 아라비아 반도 밖의 상황을 잘 알고 있었다. 그는 아라비아반도 안과 밖에서 유태교도, 크리스트교도 및 조로아스터교에서 많은 지식을 얻을 수 있었다. 유태교와 크리스트교 및 이슬람교는 같은 일신교이며 유사한 점도 많 으나 신의 개념 정의에는 견해차가 있다. 이슬람은 신앙의 대상으로 유 일신 알라(Allah)만을 인정하고 그 외에는 모든 것이 그의 창조물이라는 입장이다. 알라는 唯一無二의 존재라는 개념은 이슬람의 철저한 大원칙 이며, 이 점에 있어서는 어떠한 다른 의견도 전혀 용인되지 않는다. 따라 서 알라는 아버지도 아들도 동반자도 없다는 것이다. 유태교의 신 여호와도 유일신임에는 틀림이 없으나 오직 유태교도만 의 신이라 믿고 그들 자신은 선민이라는 것이다. 곧 유태교는 유태인의 민족신앙으로 볼 수 있다. 크리스트교의 신도 여호와이고 유일신이기는 하나, 그 창시자 예수를 신의 아들로 보는 점이 이슬람과 다르다. 유태교에서도 예언자 에스라 (Ezra)를 신의 아들로 믿고 있으나, 이슬람은 이에 대하여 인정하지 않 으며, 이러한 주장에 대하여 도저히 용서받을 수 없는 불경이며 대죄 행위라고 규탄한다. 이슬람에 있어서 신에게 인간차원의 혈연관계는 절대 있을 수 없다는 것이다. 이슬람 최고의 경전이 바로 꾸란인데 무슬림에게 있어서 꾸란은 단순한 책이 아니라 먼저 온 예언자들과 예수에게 내려진 계시가 흐려 지자, 다시 무함맏에게 전달한 절대신의 말씀이다.1) 꾸란(Quran)에서는 예수 그리스도가 성령으로 잉태한 성모 마리아의 아들로서 태어났고, 신이 보낸 위대한 예언자 가운데 한 분이라고 존경 하고 있으나, 그 이상은 인정하지 않는다. 이러한 사실에 대해 꾸란은 다 음과 같이 규정하고 있다. 그리고 유태인들이 말하길. “에스라가 하나님의 아들이다.” 라고 하 고 “나사르란 예수가 하나님의 아들이라 하니 이것은 그들 입에서 나온 말일뿐이다. 그들은 이전의 불신자들의 말과 유사하니 --(중 략)-- 그들은 하나님 외에 아흐바르2)와 루흐반3) , 그리고 마리아의 아들, 예수를 주님으로 경배하나, 오직 하나님외에 경배하지 말 라고 하였으니, 그 분외에는 다른 신은 없음이라 ---(후략) (꾸란 9장 30-31절) 꾸란에서는 하나님외의 신에 대해서는 단호하게 배격하고 있다. 이러 한 꾸란에서 크리스트교의 예수에 관한 언급은 그다지 많지 않다. 성경 에서의 예수는 지고지순한 하나님의 아들로 묘사되고 있지만 꾸란에서 는 선지자의 한 분으로 묘사되고 있는 것이다. 그러므로 크리스트교와의 입장과는 상이하다. 본고에서는 크리스트교 와 이슬람의 경전인 꾸란에서 나타나고 있는 예수에 대해 다루고자 한 다. 성경속에서의 예수상은 너무 많은 부분에서 나타나고 있어 전체적인 예수상을 파악하기는 어렵다. 그러므로 복음서상의 예수의 계보와 꾸란 에서 말하는 ‘예수는 신의 아들이 아니라, 단지 선지자일 뿐이다’라는 견 해에 의거하여, 성경의 복음서에서 예수에 관련된 부분들을 진실성의 차 원에서 다루고 꾸란에 나타난 예수의 이미지와 비교하여 결론을 내리고 자 한다
    Keyword: 꾸란, 예수
    Author: Seong Soo Lee
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Economic Crises and Structural Adjustment Program in Egypt
    The economy of Egypt grew at a steady rate from the start of the oil boom in 1974 up to when oil revenues began to decline in the mid-1980s, with which GDP commenced to steadily decrease. Many of the imbalances in the economy which led to the slow down of the growth process during the 1980s appear to be closely connected to the development policies pursed during the 1970s and the 1960s. From the mid 1980s Egypt found themselves faced with a balance of payment disequilibrium and unsustainable debt burdens. Due to this the Egyptian government has had to adopt policies directed towards the stabilisation and structural adjustment of the Egyptian economy within the existing structure and functioning of their economy. This essay will therefore, firstly, look at the internal as well as external economic situation and the problems which led to the Structural Adjustment Program(SAP) policy being introduced in Egypt. Secondly, it will briefly describe the main elements of SAP. Lastly, it will examine the implications of the implementation of the SAP policies. The focus will particularly be on the impact on employment, export and the balance of payment in Egypt.
    Keyword: economic structures
    Author: Yun Joo Lee
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아나키즘의 한국적 적용에 관한 고찰
    사회주의와 무정부주의는 자본주의적 제도 아래서는 노동자들이 노예 상태에서 벗어날 수 없다는 점에는 일치했으나 그 방법에 있어 사회주 의자들은 산업들을 민주정부의 통제 아래로 존치시킴으로써 노동자들을 자유롭게 할 수 있다고 보았고, 아나키즘에서는 모든 정부를 없애는 것 만이 노동자들이 자유로울 수 있다고 본 점이다.1) 아나키즘의 이론은 오 래되었지만 근대에 와서 새롭게 탄생된 데는 푸르동에 의해서였다. 1840 년에 출간된 what is property 라는 저서에서 그는 “property is theft” 라고 하였다. 부는 정부라고 하는 조직의 힘에 의해 소유가 인정된다고 보았다. 이 같은 조직의 힘의 결집체인 정부는 근로자들의 모든 것을 빼 았기 때문에 정부권력이 있는 한 근로자들은(서민들) 자유로울 수가 없 는 것이다. 그러므로 모든 정부들, 권력들, 강제들이 사라짐으로써 더 이 상 파당이나 권위(권력)가 없어져야 사람들과 시민들이 절대적인 자유를 향유하게 된다. 이 같은 푸루동의 견해는 복잡한 구조를 갖고 있는 근대 사회에서 비현실적인 것으로, 이루어지기가 어려운 것은 사실이었다. 푸 르동의 이같은 사상은 바꾸닌2)(Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin : 1814-1876)에 의해 확장되어졌다. 바꾸닌은 러시아의 귀족출신으로 독일 에서 공부하다가 뒤에 프랑스로 가서 푸르동을 만나 1848년의 프랑스 2 월 혁명3)에 가담하였다. 그는 1849년 드레스덴에서 혁명활동에 종사했 으나 체포되어 러시아로 잡혀와서 시베리아로 추방되었다. 1861년 유럽 으로 도망하여 칼마르크스(Karl. Marx)가 조직한 국제 노동자 회의(제1 인터네셔널)4)에 참가하였으나, 바꾸닌은 이 조직내에서 그의 아나키즘적 철학을 적용코자 하였기 때문에 마르크스의 반대에 부딪치므로서 자기 의 사상을 정치세력으로 활성화시키지 못하였으며, 동시에 그가 열정을 기울였던 노동자 계급의 이익을 옹호하는 법률도 성사시키지 못하였다. 그는 분명히 모든 입법부, 권위적 행정부 관료들과 기득세력을 옹호하는 법률 등을 반대하였다. 3년 뒤 바꾸닌은 마르크스와 격렬한 논쟁을 벌리 므로서 1872년 헤그에서 열린 인터네셔널회의에서 추방당하였다. 그는 개인적으로는 온건한 사람으로 많은 지지를 받고 있었는데 톨스토이 같 은 귀족도 바꾸닌의 지지자였다.5) 바꾸닌은 아나키즘의 실질적인 중심인물로 그는 아나키즘을 순수한 이론이나 단순한 사고, 실험의 단계에서 벗어나도록 이를 국제적 사회주 의 운동으로 전환시켰는데 “바꾸닌 없이도 아나키즘은 존재했겠지만 아나키즘운동 그 자체는 존재하지 않았을 것”이라고 볼 때 그는 아나키즘 의 진정한 창시자로 불리워 질 수 있다.6) 이렇게 볼 때 근대 아나키즘은 아나키즘의 한국적 적용에 관한 고찰:이태언 155 푸르동에 의해 시작이 되어서 바꾸닌이 사상적인 순화작업을 함으로써 자본주의 모순으로 부각된 노동자의 생존권 권익옹호를 위해 일어난 사 회주의 운동과 더불어 노동운동의 2대 주축이 되었던 것이다. 아나키즘 은 1840년대 푸르동(Pierre Joseph Proudhon 1809∼1865)에 의해 국제적 연합운동으로 시작되었으나, 1917년 소련에서 사회주의 정권이 수립됨으 로 칼마르크스(Karl Marx)사상과의 경쟁에서 패배하여 죽은 사상으로 취급되었다가, 21세기를 목전에 둔 시점에서 새롭게 정보화 사회에 걸맞 는 정치사회사상으로 인식되어 국내외적으로 주목을 받게 된 것이다. 우리나라에 있어 앞으로의 신사회운동을 아나키즘적 입장에서 구성해 보는 것이 이 글의 목적인데 이를 위해 ① 아나키즘의 의의와 오늘날까 지의 활동내용 ② 한국사회에 도입된 이후의 역할 ③ 우리가 안고 있는 고질적 현안문제 해결을 위해 아나키즘의 논리를 어떻게 적용할 수 있 겠는가 하는 순서로 살펴보려 한다.
    Keyword: 아나키즘
    Author: Tae Eun Lee
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    현대아랍자유시에 나타난 인유의 기법에 관한 연구
    20세기 중반 서구 시인들의 영향, 무엇보다 엘리엇(T. S. Eliot, 1888-1965)의 영향을 많이 받았던 현대 아랍 시인들은 엘리엇이 프루프 락의 연가 (The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)와 황무지 (The Waste Land, 1922)에서 사용한 성서와 문학 작품들을 언급하는 다양한 인유1)의 기법 을 적극적으로 수용하였다.2) 이때 현대 아랍시인들은 무조건적인 모방이 아니라 역설적인 효과를 성취하기 위해서 혹은 시적 경험을 풍부하게 하기 위해서 인용문들을 창조적으로 변화시켜 사용하 였다. 이러한 기법은 최초의 자유시를 쓴 것으로 알려진 이라크 시인 바 드르 샤키르 알사이얍(Badr Shākir al-Sayyāb, 1926-64)에 의해 적극적 으로 수용되었으며, 사이얍과 더불어 1950년대와 60년대 활발한 시작활 동을 했던 현대 아랍 자유시 시인들에 의해 자주 사용되었다. 이에 논자는 현대 아랍 자유시 시인들의 시작품 분석을 통해서 인유 가 사용된 예를 성서, 고전 까씨다, 속담·민담, 구어체 노래와 속담들 그 리고 유럽 문학으로부터의 인유로 세분하여 살펴보고자 한다.
    Keyword: 인유의 기법
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    아라비아의 토속관행과 이슬람의 관행
    어느 종교라도 한 지역에 정착하게 되면 그 지역의 토속관행에 영향 을 받아 혼합과 융화의 과정을 거치게 된다. 유럽에 기독교가 전파되면 서 유럽의 토속문화와 기독교가 혼합, 융화되어 오늘날의 기독교 유럽문 화가 형성되었듯이, 그리고 우리 나라에 불교와 유교가 들어와 우리 고 유의 토속관행과 혼합되어 인도와 중국과는 사뭇 다른 우리 고유의 문 화가 형성되었듯이, 이슬람문화 역시도 아라비아 반도를 비롯한 이슬람 이 전파된 지역의 토속관행과 어우러져 오늘에 이르고 있다. 그러나 오 늘날 대부분의 무슬림들은 순수한 이슬람적 관행과 이슬람 이전부터 지 켜져 내려오던 토속관행과 거의 구별하지 못하고 있다. 이슬람 이전부터 지켜져 내려오던 대부분의 토속관행을 무슬림들은 순수 이슬람 관행으 로 여기며 그것을 종교적인 관행으로 지켜 오고 있다. 이슬람 문화의 가장 커다란 특징은 어느 종교에서도 찾아볼 수 없는 혼합과 융화의 의미를 내포하고 있는 점이다. 이슬람은 다양한 문화와 종교, 역사, 관습 등을 혼합, 융화시켜 이슬람이라는 틀 속에서 재해석하 였다. 이러한 혼합과 융화를 통해 이슬람은 이전부터 내려온 역사와 전 통과 종교의 계승자임을 자처하게 되었다. 타문화에 대한 이슬람의 포용과 관용은 기본적으로 타문화를 열등한 것으로 간주하고 자신의 문화를 모든 문화의 귀결점으로 인식하는 이슬람의 우월성에서 비롯되었다. 이 슬람 문화는 유대교와 크리스트교와 사비교도 등과 같이 성전을 지니고 있는 종교의 의식이나 교리뿐만 아니라 이슬람 이전 시대 아라비아반도 의 다양한 우상숭배의 관행이나 의식까지도 이슬람 속에 융화시켰다. 일반적으로 토속 관행은 무함마드가 새로운 종교의 창시자로 나타났 을 시절 아라비아반도에 퍼져 있던 것이든지, 혹은 이슬람이 확산된 지 역에 있었던 신앙이나 가치, 관행이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이슬람 이전 아라비아반도의 토속관행이 어떻게 이슬람에 수용, 정착되었으며, 이슬람 이후 8세기부터 이슬람 세계에 확산되기 시작한 수피주의의 영 향이 어떻게 이슬람 속에 반영되었는지를 연구하기로 한다. 이에 이슬람 이 태동하였던 아라비아반도의 신성한 장소 메카와 카바에 관련된 의식 을 비롯하여 후에 이슬람의 주요 규범으로 규정된 순례, 단식, 예배의 관 행이 어떤 과정을 거쳐 이슬람적으로 변형, 정착되었는가를 연구할 것이다. 본 연구의 방법으로는 현재 이슬람세계에 잔존하고 있는 관행을 중심 으로 쿠란을 비롯한 토속관행에 관한 문헌 연구를 통해 이루어질 것이 다. 그리고 여러 토속관행 가운데 쿠란에 언급되어 있거나 이슬람적인 관행과 관련되어 있는 것에 한정하고자 한다. 쿠란에 언급되어 있지 않 고 하디스에만 언급되어 있거나 이슬람적인 것과 관련되지 않은 관행은 너무도 방대하여 본 논문에서는 논외로 하기로 한다.
    Keyword: 관행
    Author: Hee Sun Cho
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    이슬람 경제체제의 기본원칙과 목표
    20세기 후반, 특히 제 1차 오일쇼크이후 아랍ㆍ이슬람세계에 대한 세 계인의 관심이 집중되면서 이 지역에 대한 이해와 연구가 새롭게 시도 되기 시작하였다고 볼 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 이슬람세계 내부적으로도 이슬람세계가 걸어온 발자취에 대한 자성과 재고의 필요성이 크게 대두 되고 있는 가운데 이슬람의 부활을 통해 현대 이슬람사회가 직면한 많 은 문제들을 해결해보자고 주장하는 목소리가 높아지고 있다. 오랜 시간 동안 이슬람의 전통적 가치관이나 원칙에 의해 움직여 왔던 이슬람세계 속으로 약 2세기 전부터 서구의 세속주의가 꾸준하면서도 깊숙하게 그 뿌리를 내려왔다. 이러한 서구의 영향은 많은 이슬람국가들이 서구식민 통치로부터 독립하였던 20세기 중반이후에는 크게 감소할 것으로 예상 되었으나 이들 나라의 서구세계에 대한 의존은 줄어들기는커녕 오히려 증대되었다고 볼 수 있다
    Keyword: 이슬람 경제제도
    Author: Deck Kyu Han
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    오류의 성격과 의미
    외국어 습득과정에서 발생하는 오류의 성격과 원인의 규명에 관련된 문제들이 상당 기간 계속 중요하게 연구되어 왔다. 학습자의 오류 행위 의 이유와 형태에 대한 이해는 상당한 중요성이 있을 뿐 아니라, 동시에 오류의 방지라는 구체적인 의미에서 결정적인 비중이 있으며, 교수법의 측면에서 외국어교수법의 중요한 문제 해결의 실마리를 제공하는 의미 가 있기 때문이기도 하다. 사실 오류현상이란 무엇이며, 그 발생이유에 대한 이해는 바로 (적어 도 많은 경우에) 오류를 예측하게 하여, 추후 적절한 방법론적 수단을 고안하여 예방 할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 문제의식을 연장한다면, 이 에 대한 연구의 심화는 바로 ‘L2를 어떻게 가르쳐야 하는가?’ 라는 문 제의 핵심에 직접적으로 연결된다.
    Keyword: 외국어,오류
    Author: Yoo Hyae Huh
    Poblication Year: 2000
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    지옥과 역사 사이에서
    동서고금을 막론하고 니콜로 마키아벨리(1469-1527)만큼 상반된 평가 를 함께 받고있는 인물도 그리 흔치는 않을 것입니다. 그는 자신의 생전 에서부터 예리한 정치적 안목을 지닌 인물이라는 칭찬을 받았는가 하면, 권력에 아부하는 ‘아첨꾼’이라는 비난도 함께 받았습니다. 고결한 공화주 의자라고 옹호하는 사람들이 있는가 하면, 메디치 가에 빌붙으려는 기회 주의자라고 혹평하는 사람도 있었습니다. 그는 친구들 사이에서 분위기 를 주도하는 유쾌한 기질의 소유자인가 하면, 세상을 냉소적인 눈으로 바라보는 인물로 알려지기도 합니다. 크로체의 말처럼, 그는 ‘정치를 도 덕과 분리’함으로써 근대 정치학의 길을 연 선구적인 사상가로 평가되면 서도, 동시에 어떤 정치가도 스스로 마키아벨리주의자로 불리기를 꺼려 하는 그런 인물인 것입니다.
    Keyword: 니콜로 마키아벨리
    Author: Cha Seop Gwak
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    이집트 구어체 아랍어의 외래어 차용에 관한 연구
    1. 연구동기 및 목적 국가나 민족 간에 교류가 일어나면 반드시 양 언어에 그 자취를 남기 게 마련이다. 특히 새로운 지시대상이나 개념을 표현하기에 자국어가 가 진 어휘가 불충분할 때, 외래어 또는 외국어의 수용은 불가피하다. 따라 서, 한 언어가 지닌 외래어의 실태는 그 언어를 사용하는 민족 역사의 어느 일면을 숨김없이 반영해 준다고 볼 수 있다. 아랍어에도 언어교류의 흔적으로 존재하기 마련인 외래어가 존재하고 있다. 이 외래어들은 이집트의 긴 역사 만큼이나 다양하다. 특히 2차 세 계 대전 이후 영어가 이집트 아랍어에 끼친 영향은 대단히 큰 것으로 나 타난다. 이집트 아랍어에 영어가 끼친 영향에 관하여서는 많이 연구가 되었으 나, 프랑스어가 이집트 아랍어에 끼친 영향에 관한 연구는 상대적으로 빈약한 실정이다. 따라서 본 논문은 근대 이후 영어와 함께 이집트 아랍어에 큰 영향을 끼친 프랑스어의 영향을 고찰하려고 하는 것이다. 이 집트 아랍어에 존재하는 프랑스어 차용어 연구는 이집트 아랍어의 어휘 구조에 대한 이해를 돕고 따라서, 학습자들이 보다 효과적이고 용이하게 어휘 습득을 하는 데 도움이 되는 결과를 도출할 수 있다.
    Keyword: 프랑스어의 영향,아랍어
    Author: 김기경
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    중앙아시아에 있어서 이슬람의 정치적 역할
    본 연구에서의 언급하는 중앙아시아의 지역적 범위는 狹義의 중앙아 시아1), 그중 서투르키스탄의 Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan으로 설정한다. 이 지역내 구소련의 자치공화국에서 1991년 독립한 5개국 인구의 무 슬림 비율은 ; Uzbekistan 88%, Kazakhstan 47%, Kyrgyzstan 75%, Tajikistan 85%, Turkmenistan 89%2)를 차지하는데도 이슬람을 공식적 으로 국교로 택한 국가는 없다. 반대로 이슬람에서는 무슬림 공동체에 관한 모든 법과 사회구조는 꾸란에 기인하여야 함에도 중앙아시아국가 들의 무슬림은 무슬림 공동체의 한 일원이기 이전에 투르크민족국가의 국민으로 남아있다는 것이 오히려 일반적이다. 중앙아시아에 있어서 이슬람은 현대민족국가의 틀 안에서 정치세력과 오히려 충돌이 일어나기도 하였다.3) ‘이슬람 자체가 정치뿐만 아니라 모 든 것이다’라는 중동이슬람국가의 명제가 중앙아시아에서는 투르크민족 주의와 갈등을 빚고 있다는 것이다. 더욱이 현존하는 중앙아시아각국의 정치세력은 구소련시대 기득권층으로서, 종교에 대한 이념적 부정을 이 겨 내온 이슬람을 적어도 정치적인 부분에 있어서는 포용의 대상이 아 닌 공격의 대상으로 여기고 있다. 물론 이슬람은 중앙아시아 투르크 인 들에게 절대 다수의 종교이기는 하지만 투르크 민족주의와의 갈등에서 나타나는 일련의 현상들은 충분히 분석해 볼 만한 연구과제로 지적된다 는 것이다. 이러한 문제들은 결국 이슬람과 투르크 민족주의의 대립과 공존이라 는 두 가지 문제로 집약되며, 이는 이슬람이 중앙아시아 각국에 있어서 그 정치적인 역할을 어떠한 정도까지 발휘할 수 있을 지에 대한 결론을 유도하게 된다는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 바로 이러한 문제를 중앙아시아 각국에서 투르크민족 주의와 세속주의적 이슬람, 그리고 투르크민족주의와 원리주의 이슬람의 결탁과 충돌의 형태로 분석하고자 한다.
    Keyword: 이슬람
    Author: 김선호
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    이슬람교와 크리스트교의 예수관에 대한 비교연구
    이슬람교와 크리스트교는 세계종교사에서 포괄적이고 다양한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 그러나 양 종교는 서로 양보할 수 없는 교리적 차이점을 가지고 있다. 그것은 예수에 관한 것이다. 이슬람교의 가장 중요한 특징 은 바로 엄격한 유일신 사상이다. 그리고 신은 눈으로 볼 수 없는 초월 적인 존재이다. 그런데 크리스트교에서 예수는 요컨데 신이 인간의 모습 을 하고 이 세상에 나타나는 것을 의미한다. 이것은 무슬림은 믿을 수 없는 부분이다. 신은 인간의 눈으로 볼 수 없으며 무슬림은 예수를 신이 아닌 가장 훌륭한 예언자들 중 하나로 간주하고 있다. 바로 여기에 양 종교간의 예수에 관한 견해의 차이가 있다. 즉, 예수를 신으로 보느냐, 아니면 단지 예언자로서만 인정하느냐의 교리적 차이점이 있는 것이다. 이에 대해 논자는 다음과 같은 의문을 가지게 되었다. ‘이슬람교와 크리 스트교는 현대 역사에서 왜 대립구조를 갖게 되었는가? 양 종교는 갈등과 대립의 관계일 수 밖에 없는가, 아니면 화해와 화합도 가능한가?’ 하 는 것이다. 이에 논자는 이슬람과 크리스트교의 첨예한 견해차이들 중 하나인 예수의 지위와 성격에 관한 비교연구를 수행하고자 한다. 왜냐하 면 예수는 양 종교에서 매우 중요한 인물이며, 그의 지위에 대한 인식은 양 종교의 교리형성과 밀접한 관련을 가지고 있기 때문이다. 우리 나라에서 이슬람교에 관한 인식은 크리스트교에 비해 매우 빈약 한 형편이다. 그에 비례하여 크리스도교인과 일반인이 가지고 있는 이슬 람교에 관한 편견이나 선입관은 엄연히 존재하고 있다. 지각 있는 사람 이라면 세계에서 5명 중 1명이 이슬람교를 믿는 무슬림이고, 이슬람교가 점차 확산되고 있다는 사실에서 어떤 점으로든지 이슬람교에 대해서 관 심을 가져야 한다. 또한 이 논문을 통해 세계 3대 종교에 속하지만 우리 나라에서 정당하게 평가받지 못하고 있는 이슬람교의 한 부분에 관해 객관적으로 이해할 수 있는 기회를 제공하고자 한다. 또한 예수에 대한 비교 연구를 통하여 양 종교간의 갈등과 대립의 관계의 시발점을 찾아 양 종교의 이해의 폭을 넓힐 수 있을 것이다. 예수에 관한 비교 연구는 꾸란과 성서에 근거하여 수행할 것이다. 예 수에 관한 꾸란과 성서의 언급은 크게 다음과 같이 구분해 볼 수 있다. 마리아에 대한 서약, 예수의 탄생, 예수의 기적들, 예수의 신성의 임무, 예수와 십자가, 예수와 신성, 예수와 삼위일체설이다.1)
    Keyword: 예수관
    Author: 남옥정
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    복카치오의 인문주의
    복카치오(Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375)가 살았던 시대는 인류 역 사의 대 전환기였다. 지구 중심의 사고방식이 태양 중심의 우주관으로 바뀐 것만큼이나, 인문주의 운동은 인간의 정신적 체계를 완전히 변화시 켰다. 모든 것이 신 중심으로 이루어졌던 중세적 체계에서 인간 중심적 인 체계로 옮겨갔다는 것은 다분히 코페르니쿠스적 혁명으로 보아 좋으 리만치 획기적인 역사적 사건이었고, 그것은 현대까지도 인간 중심의 문 화라는 형태로 지속되고 있는 것이다. 인문주의는 이탈리아에서 시작된 이탈리아적인 운동이다. 단테를 중 세 문화의 완결자로 본다면 페트라르카와 함께 복카치오는 신세계의 개 척자로 보아 마땅할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 그 중에서도 특히 복카치오 의 인문주의 사상을 살펴보려 한다. 대표작 에서 복카치오의 인문주의는 반복되고 변형되어 나타나면서 작품의 주된 모티브를 이루 고 있고, 작품의 사상적 기초로서 뚜렷이 부각된다. 복카치오의 주된 사상인 인문주의에 대해서는 이제까지 수많은 연구 들이 있었지만, 필자는 100편의 이야기가 실려있는 중 첫째 날 세 번째 이야기인 “세 개의 반지”에 그의 인문주의 사상과 독창성이 어떻게 투영되는가를 정리해보고자 한다. 이 이야기는 복카치오 시대를 전후하여 여러 문헌들 속에서 발견되고 있는 것으로 보아, 그 이야기 자 체는 복카치오의 창작이라기보다는 인류 역사에서 널리 형성된 우화에 근거하고 있는 듯하다. 이 글에서는 복카치오의 이야기와 복카치오 시대 전후의 여러 문헌 속에서 발견되는 비슷한 내용의 우화들을 비교함으로 써, 복카치오의 세계관의 독창성을 끌어내고, 그의 인문주의가 어떠한 의미를 지니는지 논하고자 한다.
    Keyword: 인문주의
    Author: Sang Jin Park
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    아프리카의 문화적 수용성과 이슬람의 확산
    1. 서론: Africa의 문화적 수용성 식민통치를 주도했던 유럽국가들의 언어는 같은 식민지 국가들이라 할 지라도 아프리카에서의 정착 속도는 인도나 베트남, 인도네시아 보다 훨씬 빨라, 대다수의 아프리카국가의 공용어로 사용하고 있다. 영어사용 아시아국가 또는 불어사용 아시아 국가는 극히 미미하지만, 아프리카 국 가들은 공식적으로 불어권, 또는 영어권 아프리카로 분류되고 있으며, 북아프리카와 나일강 유역 대부분 국가의 경우, 수백만 주민들이 언어영 역으로 아랍어권으로 변모하였다. 토착민족어사용을 선호하고, 옹호하는 언어민족주의는 탈식민 이후 근대국가형성의 주도적인 이데올로기로 아 시아의 국가들에게는 공통적인 현상이었으나 아프리카에서 신기하리만 큼 매우 그 세력이 미약하며, 몇 국가에서만이 근대 사회에 적절한 토착 어를 발전시키는데 노력을 기울였을 뿐, 대부분의 사하라이남 국가들은 학교에서 유럽어 사용에 우선순위를 두었었다. 아시아 지역의 기독교 전파와 확산은 몇 세기가 필요했으나 아프리카 대륙에서는 단 한 세기 동안 매우 빠른 속도로 확산되었으며, 특히 중국 에서는 마테오리치 이후부터 십수 세기 간 걸쳐 이루어진 기독교의 전 파 결과 공식적인 신도의 수는 3500만명인 남아프리카공화국 한 국가에 못미치고 있다. 남부 인도의 기독교 전파는 구전에 의하면 예수의 제자 인 도마에 의한 1 세기 이전으로 거슬러 올라가지만, 현재 9억 인구 중 겨우 2000만 정도에 불과하다. 그러나 아프리카에서 단 1-2 세기에 걸친 확산은 인구의 1/3이 기독교화되었다. 이 글의 주제인 아프리카 전체에 걸쳐 무슬람신앙은 1884-1885년 베 를린 회의 이후 유럽-기독교 식민통치구조라는 강력한 역사적 영향에도 불구하고 그 신도의 수가 급속하게 증가하고 있다. 어떤 아프리카 국가에서도 토착종교의 신들을 기리기 위한 개천절과 같은 공휴일이 제정되지 않았고, 기독교적 축제 (특히 크리스마스)나 이 슬람 축제 (Idd el Fitr. 등) 등의 수입 축제를 공휴일로 삼고있다. Sem 족어 계통의 종교(기독교와 이슬람교)다 대부분의 아프리카에서 국가적 으로 존중되고 있는 반면, 토착 종교들은 기껏해야 전국적 규모가 아닌 인종집단적인 행사로 이루어 지고 있는 형편이다. 그 이유는 무엇일까? 많은 연구자들은 아프리카인의 독특한 특질 중 하나인 “고도의 문화적 수용성(cultural receptivity)” 에 기인한다고 평가 하고 있다. 이런 아프리카의 문화적 수용성, 즉 새로운 문화를 개방적으 로 받아들이는 태도는 강점과 약점이 각각 존재한다. 즉 타 문화를 배우 려는 준비성이 강점이라면, 타문화에 의존하거나 지적으로 모방하려는 위험이 그 약점이다. 그러나 이러한 이분법을 넘어서면 제 3의 관점도 존재하는데, 그것은 문화적으로 아프리카를 정복한 타 문화는 세월의 흐 름과 함께 문화적으로 아프리카화 되거나, 아프리카적 수용성을 통하여 그 종교성이 풍부해지는 결과를 나타내고 있다.
    Keyword: 이슬람
    Author: 신원용
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    신앙고백(Shaha:da), 예배(Ṣala:t), 단식(Ramaḍa:n), 성지순례(Ḥajj)와 희사(Ẓakat)는 이슬람교의 다섯 기둥으로서 이슬람을 떠받치고 있는 근 간이다. 이는 무슬림들에게 절대적으로 요구되는 신성한 의무이기도 하 다. 이러한 중요성에도 불구하고, 국내에서 아직까지 이슬람의 다섯 기 둥에 대한 구체적인 연구와 소개가 체계적으로 이루어지지 않고 있어 안타까운 심정이다. 따라서 본 고에서는 꾸란과 하디스(Ḥadi:th)1)에서 언급된 사항들을 중심으로 이슬람의 다섯 기둥을 지중해 연구소의 《지 중해지역 연구》를 통해 구체적으로 소개하고자 한다. 이번 호에는 다섯 기둥 중 ‘단식’에 대한 연구이며, 다음 호에서 나머지 기둥에 대한 연구 가 이어질 것이다. 본 고는 Dr. Yaseen Ibrahim Al-Sheikh의 Kita:b aṣ-ṣaum(1998, Al-Maktab Al-Islami)의 번역에 기초하였음을 밝혀둔다. 또한 본문에서 꾸란의 번역은 최영길 교수의 《성 꾸란 의미의 한국어 번역》(1999, 파 하드 국왕 성 꾸란 출판청)을 인용하였음도 밝혀 둔다.
    Keyword: Ramaḍa:n, Ḥadi:th, Kita:b aṣ-ṣaum
    Author: Yeong Soo Yoon
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    말타어에 관한 고찰
    말타어는 9세기에 셈어의 하나인 아랍어의 한 방언에서 출발했지만 이딸리아어를 비롯한 서구어의 영향을 지대하게 받아서 오늘날에는 아 랍어와는 별개의 언어로 간주된다. 또한, 표기문자도 라틴자모를 씀으로 써 아랍문자를 쓰는 아랍어(문어체와 구어체를 포함함)와는 구별된다. 이 말타어의 성격을 표준 문어체 아랍어와의 관계에서 살펴보면, 고전 라틴어와 이에서 파생된 프랑스어․이딸리아어․에스빠냐어를 비롯한 로만스제어와의 관계, 고대 인도의 산스끄리뜨어와 역시 이에서 파생된 현대 인도의 힌디어․뻔잡어를 비롯한 여러 언어와의 관계와 비교될 수 있다. 그러나 문어체 아랍어와 말타어의 관계는 이러한 언어들의 관계보 다 한층 더 복잡한 면모를 나타낸다. 이 두 언어의 관계는 그 정신 기조 에 각각 이슬람교를 포함한 아랍문화권과 기독교를 포함한 서구문화권 이 대립해 있다는 점에서 더욱 두드러진다. 이 현상은 역시 산스끄리뜨 어라는 하나의 뿌리에서 출발했지만 각각 힌두교와 이슬람교라는 정신 적 문화를 바탕으로 하여, 마치 다른 언어처럼 보이는 힌디어와 우르두 어의 관계와 비교해 볼 수 있다. 힌디어는 힌두교를 믿는 인도인이 산스 끄리뜨어와 마찬가지로 데바나가리로 표기하고 고급 어휘로 갈수록 산 스끄리뜨어에서 차용해 쓰는데 반해, 우르두어는 인도와 파키스탄의 이 슬람교도(무슬림)가 아랍문자로 표기하고 고급 어휘로 갈수록 아랍어, 페르시아어, 터키어에서 차용해 쓰는 것으로 알 수 있다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 말타어의 역사적 고찰과 그 특징을 살펴보고자 한다. 역사적 고찰은 말타어의 근간이 된 아랍어가 전래되기 전의 선사 시대부터 아랍인의 도래와 그 이후의 서구 여러 민족과의 접촉사를 살 펴봄으로써 현재의 말타어가 이루어진 과정을 이해하고자 한다. 다음으 로는 문자․음운․(명사를 중심으로 한) 형태론 면에서의 말타어의 특 징을 아랍어와 비교하여 살펴본다.
    Keyword: 말타어
    Author: 이규철
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    몬탈레의 '시간'에 대한
    많은 문학 연구가들에 의해 20세기 이탈리아 문학사에서 가장 중요한 시인중 한 명으로 인정되고 있는 에우제니오 몬탈레(Eugenio Montale)1) 는 적어도 다음과 같은 점들을 고려할 때 합당한 평가라고 할 수 있을 것입니다. 즉, 몬탈레는 시어와 시의 형식에 있어서 중세의 단테 알리기 에리(Dante Alighieri)2)부터 시작된 위대한 이탈리아 문학의 전통을 이 어오면서도 동시에 새로운 세상 읽기에 적합한 시어와 형식을 고안해 냈습니다.3) 뿐만이 아니라 현실 인식에 대한 새로운 관점을 가지고 있었 으며 주제 면에 있어서도 이탈리아적 굴레를 넘어 인간이 갖는 보편적 문제를 다루면서 유럽 최고 수준의 시를 썼던 것입니다. 그는 20세기 서 구 사회에 숨가쁘게 밀어닥친 온갖 시대적 변화와 이데올로기를 체험하 고 인간의 보편적 관심사인 삶에 대한 의문을 일관되게 성찰하였던 것 입니다. 몬탈레는 삶의 정체성과 본질을 깨닫는 것을 진리를 발견하는 것으로 생각하였는데4) 이 진리에 가까이 가기 위한 유일한 수단으로써 몬탈레는 시를 썼던 것입니다.5) 몬탈레의 이러한 시와 시 쓰기는 동시대 의 시인들뿐만이 아니라 이후의 수많은 젊은 시인들에게 실로 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다고 할 수 있습니다
    Keyword: 몬탈레
    Author: 이상엽
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    현대 문어체 아랍어의 기본문 고찰
    Lee, Young-Tae. 2000. Basic Sentence Structure in Modern Literary Arabic. Arabic Language and Literature. No.4, pp. 19-34. This is a syntactical research of the basic sentence structure in Modern Literary Arabic. This paper consists of 4 chapters. The first chapter explains the reasons for choosing this subject, the importance of Basic Sentence and confines the realm of this research, Modern Standard Arabic. The chapter two includes introducing the insist that the Basic Sentence is composed of SVO, and reveals that opinion’s short points, and shows the reasons for the analysis Basic Sentence as VSO. The chapter three shows the Arab Grammarians’ opinions for the concealed pronoun subject, and points their short points. In order to solve the problems, it suggests pro in the place os Subject following Verb, and checked the suggests’s fitness on the real examples. The conclusion compiles the results of this research.
    Keyword: Arabic Language, Arabic Literature, Modern Literary Arabic
    Author: 이영태
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    아랍어 기원문 형태에 관한 연구
    이슬람교에서 duꡐāꡑ라 불리는 기원(祈願)이나 기도는 알라의 용서와 크나큰 보상을 받는 미덕 중의 하나로 간주된다.1) 아랍어로 표현되는 기 원문은 그 내용과 종류가 다양하고, 문형에서도 명령형이나 청유형 이외 에도 확신과 희망이 내포된 창작문형(jumlat ꡑinshāꡑīyyat)2), 그리고 오랜 세월 사용되어지면서 일상적으로 익숙한 문형으로 자리를 잡아 오늘날 에는 동사가 생략되고 명사나 명사구 또는 합성어와 같이 두 단어의 연 결 형태로만 사용되기도 하고, 동사가 없는 명사문(nominal sentence)이 사용되기도 한다. 이 글은 아랍어로 표현되는 기원문의 형태를 언어적 유형별로 구분하 여 살펴보며, 그 문체를 연구하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 아랍어에서 다양 하게 사용되는 이러한 기원문은 거의 모든 일상사에서 사용되는 종교적 인 표현이며, 아랍인들의 다양한 행사에서 통상적으로 사용되는 표현법 이기 때문에 굉장히 광범위하고, 다양한 주제이기는 하지만, 이 글에서 는 가장 일반적이고, 잘 알려진 기본적인 표현들만을 다루고자 한다. 기원문이라고 불리는 duꡐāꡑ는 "qāla rabbukum udꡐūnī ꡑastajib lakum."3) (너희들의 주님이 말씀하시기를 너희들이 나에게 구하면 내가 너희들에 게 답해 주리라.)라는 꾸란 구절에서 보듯이 일반적으로 이슬람교에서 ‘기도’라는 의미로 이해된다. 그러나 이 논문에서 duꡐāꡑ라는 용어는 기도 라는 의미로서가 아니라, 기원문이라는 의미에 국한해 사용한다는 사실 을 밝혀둔다.
    Keyword: 아랍어 기원문
    Author: In Seop Lee
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    나직 알말라이카의 시 세계
    이라크의 유명한 시인․비평가인 나직 알말라이카는 1950년대 이래 현대 아랍 자유시1)의 형성과 발전을 주도하였다. 말라이카는 ‘시의 황금율은 무법칙이다’라는 그녀의 신념에 따라 시의 주제와 형식의 자유를 추구하였다. 말라이카의 시 경향은 1960년대 말부터 낭만주의에서 상징주의로 점 차 변모되었으며,2) 시적 표현 역시 직접적 표현에서 상징적 표현으로 변 화되었다. 일부 비평가들은 그녀가 당시의 사회 문제들을 다루었다는 점 에서 참여시인의 그룹에 포함시키기도 하였다. 그러나 그녀는 ‘참여’를 거부하지는 않았지만 스스로 ‘참여시인’이라고 자인하지도 않았다. 그것 은 그녀가 ‘시란 특별한 학파나 주제에 얽매어서는 안 된다’는 믿음을 가 지고 있었기 때문이었다. 말라이카는 아랍시를 고답적(高踏的) 정형성으로부터 탈피시키고자 노력하였다. 그녀는 시인에게는 운율을 자유로이 쓸 수 있는 권리가 있 으며, 시인은 메시지를 가장 적절히 전달하기 위해 시의 길이도 자유로 이 조절할 수 있어야 한다고 보았다. 그러나 자유시에 있어서도 운(韻) 은 유사하게 유지되어야 한다는 제약 조건을 둠으로써 많은 논쟁을 불 러일으키기도 하였다.3) 말라이카 시의 주제는 행복과 자유에 대한 희망이다. 그녀는 절망과 우울, 고통과 슬픔, 병적인 내향성, 현실도피적 은둔 등의 비관적․부정적 정서를 통해 자신의 희망을 표출하였다. 이러한 비관적․부정적 경향 은 그녀 개인과 아랍세계 전체, 둘 모두가 처한 어두운 현실을 반영한 것이라 할 수 있다.4) 한 마디로 말라이카의 부정적 정서는 시인 자신이 폐쇄적 아랍․이슬람 사회의 현실과 속박을 벗어나려는 이상의 괴리 사 이에서 고뇌하는 여성이었으며, 정치적으로 좌절하고 패배한 이라크 국 민이었다는 사실에 기인한다. 그녀는 삶에 대한 고통을 날카로운 직관력 과 순수한 감성으로 표현하여 독자들을 고통의 세계로 몰입시키고, 신의 존재를 통해 그 고통으로부터 해방될 수 있다는 희망의 메시지를 전달 하고자 하였다. 본고는 최초의 현대 아랍 자유시 중의 하나인 콜레라 (Ku:li:la:)를 쓴 시인으로서, 아랍세계에 엄청난 파문과 반향을 불러 일으켰던 현대시의 문제들 (Qaḍa:ya: al-Shi‘r al-Mu‘a:ṣir, 1962)이라는 비평서를 쓴 비평가 로서의 말라이카의 삶과 시 세계를 고찰함을 그 목적으로 한다. 특히 논 자는 말라이카가 1945년 최초의 시집을 발표한 때부터 인간을 위한 노 래 2 를 발표한 1965년까지의 낭만주의 경향의 시들을 연구범위로 잡았 다. 연구 방법은 1965년도까지 말라이카의 시 세계를 주제의 변화에 따 라 3단계로 분류하고 각 시기의 가장 두드러진 특성을 도출하며 대표작 을 소개할 것이다.
    Keyword: 나직 알말라이카
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Regional Development
    21세기 중동과 지중해
    21세기 중동지역에서 발생할 수 있는 변화는 첫째로 폭발적인 인구성 장의 지속, 둘째로 에너지원, 즉 석유의 공급지로서 계속 각광, 셋째로 물 전쟁(Water War) 가능성 등으로 크게 세 가지로 대별할 수 있다. 유 라시아 재단(Eurasia Foundation)의 회장인 찰스 윌리암 마인즈(Charles William Maynes)는 1997년 10월 3일 워싱톤에서 개최된 중동연구소 (Middle East Institute) 51주년 “21세기의 중동 (The Middle East in the Twenty- First Century)”라는 제하의 연설에서 “향후 중동에서 지 속될 것으로 보이며, 중동 지역과 다가오는 시대에 그 이외 지역의 역사 과정에 영향을 미칠 것으로 보이는 현재 진행중인 중동의 전개과정에 대해 언급하고 있다. 이러한 전개과정은 인구성장, 기술습득과 대중의 의식구조 모두의 형태에 의한 지식의 보급 및 자원에 대한 투쟁을 포함 한다고 그는 지적하고 있다.
    Keyword: mediterranean, middle-east asia
    Author: 홍성민
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    디오게네스의 ‘인간다움’에 나타난 철학적 의미에 대한 고찰
    The ancient Greeks didn’t believe that the philosophical thought of the Cynics was a true philosophy. Its philosophical thought paid attentions to merely dealing with a method of human life(DL VI, 103). Diogenes’ thought was searching for the philosophical basis for being-human or humanity. On his account, the value of philosophy at least “prepared one’s mind for human destiny”(DL VI, 63). Philosophy is required for one who is eager to “live well”(DL VI, 65). Diogenes was not a theoretical thinker but a practical one who did philosophy to pursue human happiness. For him, happiness was based on abstinence and self-sufficiency, which were the key notions of the Hellenistic era. From Diogenes’ point of view, the fulfillment of human freedom completes the characteristics of being human. Human freedom calls for self-control or self-restraint, which means freedom from desires or passions. In other words, human beings are free beings in the sense that they can control their own self. Therefore, human beings are not pessimistic ones who suffered from depression and resignation. For Diogenes, in particular, the function of philosophy is to eliminate anxieties or frustrations in life. Philosophy for him is a personal matter but not communal matters. It is not a theoretical argumentation but a practical ways of life based on human choices or performance. In that respect, his philosophy was an attempt to reintegrate Greek classical thoughts in light of a new way of thinking in the Hellenistic period. His philosophy differs from that of Antisthenes in that Diogenes regarded it as a duty to try to show up the state devoid of any desires publicly, whereas Antisthenes secured inner world for himself to keep uninterrupted state.
    Keyword: The Cynic, Diogenes, Askesis, Autarkeia, Arete, Kosmopolites, 견유학파, 디오게네스, 금욕, 자족, 아레테, 세계시민
    Author: 임성철 ( Rhim Sung-chul )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    주제 사라마구 문학에 있어서 환상의 역사
    Fantasy and history in José Saramago's literature José Saramago, primeiro autor de língua portuguesa a ser galardoado com o Prémio Nobel da Literatura, é um escritor tenaz, que esbanja em Imaginação e Compaixão. De facto, Saramago, desde “Levantado do Chão” e “O Memorial do Convento”, que o tornou famoso mundialmente, tem vindo a tentar a harmonia entre a realidade e a imaginação através dos trabalhos de unir numa só empreitada os planos expressivos da fala, do pensamento e da escrita. A História e a Fantasia surgem como dois elementos essenciais, que sustentam esse seu mundo literário, constituído pelas vastas obras publicadas ao longo de últimos 20 anos. Tentando reorganizar a história(o passado) em que se mistura com a fantasia, apresenta-nos a dúvida do homem moderno numa dupla lógica de assumir uma posição crítica sobre o passado e, ao mesmo tempo, aprender com o passado. De tal maneira que, Saramago é comparado muitas vezes a Gabriel Garcia Marquez, que tornou a Literatura da América Latina conhecida através do seu realismo mágico. Mas diferentemente de Marquez, Saramago adopta uma técnica de misturar as personagens históricas e as ficctícias. Embora introduza os elementos sobrenaturais ou seja fantásticos, não se distancia do mundo real, uma vez que suas obras estão marcadas pela presença dos cenários históricos, ou seja factos concretos. Pois, os acontecimentos históricos e ao mesmo tempo fantásticos nos seus romances não são uma simples representação, mas sim um instrumento irónico de analisar o presente e apresentar o futuro. Saramago, que assim criou um novo género literário, chamado “romance histórico- fantástico”, tenta procurar a utopia através das alusões alegóricas, críticas e éticas, conduzindo-nos para uma viagem não só no mundo real, mas também no interior do Homem através da Imaginação. E, através da reflexão profunda, aborda questões cruciais do homem, da sociedade e da literatura do seu tempo, tendo desenvolvido o tema da luta solitária do indivíduo contra a autoridade e o conflito entre o indivíduo e a religião. De modo que, pode-se dizer que a grandeza das obras de Saramago reside no esforço mágico de fazer reviver a historicidade e a identidade do povo lusitano, e ainda a do homem perdida na sociedade moderna.
    Keyword: 주제 사라마구
    Author: Yong Jae Kim
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    기호와 거짓말
    Segno e menzogna Secondo Peirce, è segno qualsiasi cosa che “sta per” qualcosa d’altro sotto qualche aspetto. In seguito alla definizione, Eco osserva che “la semiotica, in principio, è la disciplina che studia tutto ciò che può essere usato per mentire”, dato che questo qualcosa d’altro può essere assente nel momento in cui il segno sta in luogo di esso (1975). In altre parole il segno può funzionare indipendentemente da ciò che lo origina, e può affermare la propria esistenza del tutto autonoma, con propria forza di significazione e comunicazione. Questa osservazione mette in dubbio il concetto stesso della “menzogna”. A volte è assai difficile determinare se un enunciato sia menzogna o no, perché non è più possibile verificarlo, quando in specie non riguarda alla realtà reale. Questo perché, seguendo la nozione del “mondo possibile” di Eco (1979), la realtà come mondo di riferimento non è altro che un altro mondo possibile che dipende dagli atteggiamenti proposizionali. In questo senso ogni enunciato sta in bilico tra il vero e il falso, finché non sia accettato tale da un consenso di interpretazioni spesso contrastanti. Né la intenzione del parlante (o intentio auctoris) può servire come un criterio assoluto di giudizio. Ogni discorso allora implica e nasconde una possibilità di menzogna, e parafrasando appositamente il Fabbri (1992) si potrebbe dire in un senso che “siamo tutti agenti doppi”.
    Keyword: 기호학
    Author: Woon Chan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    지중해 지역의 프랑스 남부 작가 기행
    Voyage littéraire en Sud France méditerranéenne La Provence bat dans les collines qui relient la mer aux montagnes des Alpes. Ce sont ces coteaux de vignobles, de cultures et de paysages colorés qui ont charmé Cézanne, Van Gogh, Chagall ou Giono... En Provence, les gens du Midi ont l’accent qui chante. Ils sont bon vivants et aiment se taquiner autour d’une table gourmande et généreuse... C'est la Provence pittoresque de Pagnol, Daudet et Giono. Le bord de la mer Méditerrannée, la Côte d’Azur, la fameuse French Riviera, qui s’etend d’Hyères à Menton et accueille un tourisme intense et plutôt luxueux dans ses grands hotels, restaurants chics, belles boutiques, plages privées et résidences prestigieuses. Les villes phares en sont Nice, Cannes, Saint Tropez et Menton. Mais le bord de la mer, c’est aussi la Camargue et ses gardians, les grands ports de Marseille, de Toulon et de Nice, portes de l’Afrique depuis l’antiquite. Fontvieille est le village où Alphonse Daudet a écrit les celebres Lettres de Mon Moulin. Pour visiter le Moulin de Daudet et son petit musée, vous grimperez la petite colline où se tient le moulin majestueux. Jean Giono, enfant du pays Manosque, a consacré son oeuvre à la Provence, il écrivait de son village natal. Le véritable trésor de Manosque est sa beauté. Située entre Marseille et Cassis, Aubagne est la ville natale de Marcel Pagnol. L’écrivain cinéaste qui a celebré la Provence et sa culture à travers des personnages pittoresques, a passé sa jeunesse à Aubagne.
    Keyword: 남부 프랑스
    Author: Tack Mo Kim
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Welfare
    노쇠한 이탈리아의 새로운 선택
    The New order of Italy with its elderly population Within the next few decades, Italy could have a difficult time supporting its elderly population, because the future work force looks fairly small. A government study shows Italy has one of the lowest global birth rates in the world, leading to predictions that the population will shrink from 58 million to 40 million by 2050. The country, which for centuries has favored large families, now has fewer children under age 15 than it does people over 65. In the 1950s there were three children for every elderly Italian citizen. Sociologists say the population change may be due to Italy’s failure to accommodate the family needs of a growing female work force. The government has not created more day-care centers or other child-care options for working mothers. Sociologists worry that in the near future, there won’t be enough working taxpayers to support the retirees on pensions. By 2010, Italy will be the first major civilization in history where the number of citizens over 60 years old exceeds the number under the age of 18. Decreasing birth rates have become commonplace in the developed world. In Italy, however, birthrates have nose-dived to one of the lowest levels in the world - roughly about 1.2 babies per household. This steep fall has taken place over the course of only a few decades. The aging population causes serious budgetary and public spending pressures. Although public spending on welfare is slightly lower than the EU average, pensions account for 60 per cent of welfare spending while the EU average is 45 per cent. Successive Italian governments have attempted to encourage private pension schemes to top up state pensions, but a more radical overhaul of the pensions system has not been broached. The Italian parliament has been urged by businesses in the country’s economically robust north to naturalize up to 30,000 more immigrants to help meet labour shortages, according to a recent issue of Migration News, a monthly summary of immigration trends published in the United States. Cash payments, tax incentives, job leaves and the flexibility to work part time are also considered as a subsidiary method of solution.
    Keyword: 고령화 사회
    Author: Jong Te Yun
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    중동 문화속에서의 3대종교-이슬람교,유대교,기독교-비교연구
    A Comparative study of Islam, Judaism, Christianity in Middle East Culture Nowadays, especially after the 11th of september attacks, most people in the world, especially in the Western countries, have misconceptions about islam and islamic culture. By the western countries point of view, islam was misunderstood as a religion that teaches violence and spread terrorism, and the arab culture was looked at as uncivilized culture. Therefore, we felt that one before making a prejudiced and biased views, the misconceptions must be clarified by deep study and research of the teachings and backgrounds of the three religions that exist in the middle east and the world. So first, we must understand that islam, christianity and judaism are the core religions in the middle east, and have great influence on their cultures, and we need to recognize that the muslim culture has been greatly, influenced by Quran, Hadith and the judaism has influenced by Torah, Talmud. The present study is a comparative study of the principles of the three religions in the world, which are also very prominent in the middle east. The study included the discrepancies and resemblances in the principle teachings of islam and Judaism and christianity, that might help in more understanding of the different cultures, and to clarify the misconceptions that exists, which we hope it might help in more cultural understandings and avoid civilization conflicts and promote positive civilization dialogue. The purpose of the present study is a comparative study of the three religion based on Edmund Husserl's Phenomenological study through examining the different, teachings, history and custom of each religion, Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
    Keyword: 비교종교학
    Author: Seong Soo Lee
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    시인 지브란 칼릴 지브란 연구
    A Study on the Jibran Khalil Jibran as a Poet Gibran was Lebanese-American philosophical essayist, novelist, poet, and artist. But in this thesis I will only treat Jibran as a poet because of his great role to revolutionize the Classical Arabic Verse. Gibran’s early works were written in Arabic and are considered central to the development of modern Arabic literature. From 1918 he wrote mostly in English and managed to revolutionize the language of poetry in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1920 he founded a society called “the pen bond”, and supported the struggle to revolutionize the classically conservative Arabic literature. Usually Gibran used prophetic tone to condemn the evils that torment his homeland or threaten the humankind. His style, a combination of beauty and spirituality, became known as ‘Gibranism’.
    Keyword: 지브란 칼린 지브란,아랍고대 시문학
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    중동연구의 새로운 지평
    The Middle Eastern Studies in S. Korea: Its Trend and Prospective In the history of Korea-Arab relations a significant change and turning point was made by “the New Middle East Policy” of Korea, on December 15, 1973, and it is a landmark in the development of the Korea-Arab relations. These political shifts since 1973 have given great impetus to the promotion of interests and the expansion in the Middle Eastern studies in Korea. Numerous educational and research centers have been established by universities and private groups in Korea, and they have produced a variety of scholarly research in the field. In this respect, the paper outlines several characteristics about the Korean educational and research system in the field of Arab studies, and then it examines what the recent trend in the Korean academic community indicates. From the result, it will be tried to find what solutions are for developing the Middle Eastern studies in Korea.
    Keyword: 중동 연구, 신 중동 정책
    Author: Byung Joo Ha
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    한국에서의 이탈리아 교육
    한국에서의 이탈리아 교육 이탈리아어가 한국에서 교수/학습된 기간이 거의 반세기가 되지만, 이 탈리아어의 교육방법을 개발하고 향상시키는 연구는 상당히 경시되고 있는 현실이다. 이와 관련해서 이탈리아어과가 설치된 대학들의 학부 및 대학원 교과과정을 설명한다. 또한 한국이어이문학회와 지중해 연구소의 활동 및 연구논문집을 살펴보고, 현재 국내에서 사용되고 있는 원서와 국내 저서, 그리고 멀티미디어를 이용한 교재들을 소개하는 동시에, 졸 업생들의 취업문제를 포함한 한국에서의 이탈리아어 교육 전반을 개관 하고 있다. 마지막으로 이탈리아어의 학습동기와 한국에서의 교수/학습 의 문제점들을 평가하고, 동시에 제시된 문제들의 해결 방향을 제안하고 있다.
    Keyword: 교수법, 이탈리아어
    Author: Yoo Hyae Huh
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    전통적인 이란 정치문화의 특성
    전통적인 이란 정치문화의 특성 전통적인 이란의 정치문화를 연구하기 위해서는 역사 속에서 나타난 이란의 신화, 종교 및 정치사상을 살펴보아야 한다. 특히 종교는 가장 중 요한 문화의 주축이다. 이란정치문화는 고대이란의 문화와 시아파의 문 화에서 영향을 받았다. 이란의 고대신화에서 최초의 인간은 최초의 왕이 었다. 이란에서 카유마르스는 최초의 인간이자 최초의 왕이다. 따라서 왕권체제는 종교와 결합되었다. 왕은 종교의 보호자이자 체제의 수호자 이다. 종교의 본질은 바로 체제의 유지에 있다. 종교와 정부의 결합은 고 대이란의 정치사상에서 가장 중요한 내용이다. 왕은 정신세계와 물질세 계 모두를 지배하였다. 조로아스터교에서도 왕은 종교 위에 군림했다. 왕은 체제를 수호하였 고 종교의 본질도 체제의 유지에 있었다. 사산조의 문헌 중에는 만약 조 로아스터가 예언자의 지위와 함께 왕권을 획득하면 부활의 날이 온다고 적혀 있다. 그러나 이 둘은 오직 약속의 날에 하나가 된다. 이 사상은 이 맘과 정부가 하나가 되는 제12대 이맘에 관한 시아파의 사상과 일치한 이슬람시대에도 종교와 정부의 관계는 지속되었다. 7세기에 이란은 아 랍인의 침입을 받아 이슬람으로 개종하게 된다. 이슬람문화에서 사회와 정치생활은 하나이고 분리될 수 없다. 따라서 종교는 생활의 모든 측면 을 지배한다. 특히 시아파에서 이맘은 신과 특별한 관계를 가지고 있다. 시아파 법학에서 정부에 관한 논쟁은 상당히 복잡하고 뿌리깊은 논쟁이 다. 법학논쟁사에서 이 개념은 다양한 의미로 사용되었다. 시아파 법학자는 정부가 완전무결한 이맘의 특성이라고 주장하였다. 따라서 이맘의 은폐기에 정부는 어떠해야 하는지, 시아파의 의무는 무엇 인지 지속적으로 논의되었다. 제12대 이맘파에서는 열두 이맘을 완전무 결한 것으로 믿었다. 아야톨라 호메이니는 이슬람법학자통치론을 주장했 는데, 이맘의 은폐기 동안 이슬람법학자들이 그의 대리인으로서 무슬림 들에 대한 통치가 가능하다는 것이다. 결국 정통성과 정부에 대한 시아 파사상은 고대이란의 이상적 왕권사상과 상당히 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있다.
    Keyword: 이란, 정치문화
    Author: Dal Seung Yu
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    이탈리아어의 아랍어 차용어휘
    이탈리아어의 아랍어 차용어휘 지중해 연변에 위치하고 있는 중동의 국가들과 북부 아프리카 및 이탈 리아를 포함한 유럽 국가들은 그 지리적인 특징으로 인해 고대로부터 전쟁과 정복 또는 통상 등의 형태로 많은 접촉을 해 오고 있다. 이러한 문명간 또는 문화간 접촉은 쌍방 모두에게 다른 문화권의 영향에 직․ 간접적으로 노출되는 결과를 가져왔다. 이러한 상호 영향은 언어에서도 나타나고 있다. 이는 이탈리아어에 아랍어의 어휘가 포함되어 있다는 점 에서도 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이탈리아어에 있는 아랍 어 차용어의 종류와 형태를 연구함으로서 두 문화간의 언어적 접촉 형 태를 분석하고자 한다
    Keyword: 차용어, 아랍어, 이탈리아어
    Author: Umberto Cassano
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    아랍어 교과서의 문화적 내용 분석
    An Analysis of Cultural Contents of Arabic Textbooks for Beginners Level This research aims to analyze the cultural contents of four Arabic teaching textbooks used currently in Korea. To attain this object, this research uses three ways. Firstly, the cultural contents were classified into 'small c culture' and 'big C culture' and checked whether they are distributed in balance. Secondly, the four textbooks were analyzed generally in terms of teaching culture with check lists. Thirdly, it was examined how much these four textbooks satisfy learners' interests. As a result, the followings are found out. First, all of the four textbooks don't present cultural information by using footnotes or side notes. Second, all of these textbooks don't give enough contrast between target culture and students' native culture. Except for 'Al-Kitāb fī Taʕallum Al-ʕArabiyyah', the three textbooks under analysis don't introduce cultural contents in balance.
    Keyword: 아랍어교육, 문화교육
    Author: Ji Hyun Kong
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    그람쉬의 "새로운 문화"와 근대 이탈리아
    Gramsci's “New Culture” and the Modern Italy Considering Gramsci's cultural position in the modern Italy provides us with a frame through which we can analyse our present culture and establish its meaning. First, his writings maintain tensions with reality by virtue of their simple yet implicative styles and thoughts. Second, Gramsci considers culture as life; for him, culture is something produced in association with society and history. This vision was formed by directing against the traditional and ideal perspective of culture that insisted high class culture alone. Third, Gramsci's concept of culture was developed to cultural politics as it were; that is to say, culture is generated and changed relating to society and history, and thus culture becomes a part of the process of sociohistorical production. The main notion in Gramsci's concept of culture is hegemony. Hegemony allows us to grasp more acutely such modern aspects as leisure, private life, mass culture, etc. that can hardly be explained from political or economic perspective. Hegemony should not be understood as a theoretical or ideal system or structure, but rather an individually experienced procedure. So it is possible for a hegemony to be revised and restructured towards “counter-hegemony”. Hegemony provides us with a chance to consider culture as a way open to political and social analysis and criticism of our life. This paper strives to seek more concrete examples for those mentioned above in the modern Italy which implicates such inter-twisted problems as Rosorgimento, Catholicism, the southern problem, national identity, etc. Reconsidering Gramsci from cultural perspective allows us to analyse these problems from more updated point of view which can be linked to discovering more effective insights on our contemporary world. For example, Renate Holub holds that when we utilize Gramsci's notion of hegemony, we are able to analyse our world even beyond that which the Frankfurt School did; if we concentrate the technological effects in our cultural world, the study of culture can be transferred from the past text-centered analysis to the problem of social reception and interpretation of the texts. In this respect, the concept of hegemony should be a powerful tool by which we are able to analyse appropriately not only the modern Italy but also our own contemporary life and culture.
    Keyword: 그람쉬
    Author: Sang Jin Park
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    크로아티아 민주연합과 세르비아 문제
    크로아티아 민주연합과 세르비아 문제 유고슬라비아가 존립한 73년간, 크로아티아의 가장 큰 정치적 불만은 세르비아 패권주의였다. 제 1차 유고슬라비아왕국이든 제 2차 유고슬라 비아 사회주의연방이든 결국 정치권력은 수적으로 가장 우세한 세르비 아가 독점하고 있어 상대적으로 크로아티아를 비롯한 기타 민족은 유고 슬라비아 내에서 2등 국민 밖에는 되지 못한다는 것이 크로아티아가 갖 는 불만의 골자였다. 이런 크로아티아인들의 불만은 1980년대 말부터 세 르비아 지도자 슬로보단 밀로셰비치 (Slobodan Milosevic)가 공산주의 몰락으로 인해 생겨난 정치 공백을 메우기 위해 대세르비아민족주의 (Greater Serbianism)를 동원하자 더욱 증폭될 수 밖에 없었다. 세르비아 민족주의에 맞서기 위해 프란뇨 뚜지만 (Franjo Tudjman) 대통령이 이 끄는 크로아티아의 집권여당 크로아티아 민주연합(Croatian Democratic Union)은 크로아티아 민족주의 (Croatianism) 동원에 나섰다. 그러나 크 로아티아 민족주의는 세르비아 민족주의에 대응하기 위한 방어적 성격 에도 불구하고, 크로아티아 전체 인구의 12%나 차지하는 크로아티아 내 세르비아인들의 적대감을 불러일으킬 수 밖에 없다는 태생적 문제점을 안고 있었다. 이러한 문제점은 인종 청소라는 오명을 남긴 유고슬라비아 해체 전쟁의 확산 과정을 통해 극명하게 드러났다. 이에 본 연구는 전쟁촉발의 중요한 원인이 되었다는 비판을 받고있는 크로아티아 민주연합의 민족주의적 차별 정책의 성격과 실행과정을 살 펴보았다. 특히 크로아티아의 민족주의 정책이 어떻게 세르비아 본국의 민족주의적 선동정책과 맞물려 결국 크로아티아 내 세르비아인들을 무 장봉기와, 전면전의 소용돌이에 휩쓸리게 만들었는 가를 밝히고자 했다. 결론적으로 본 연구를 통해 크로아티아 내 거주 세르비아인들은 자신들 의 조국이라 할 수 있는 세르비아의 민족주의 선동과 자신들의 현재 거 주지인 크로아티아의 민족주의 선동 사이에 끼어 더욱 더 차별 받는 소 수민족으로 전락하게 되었음을 밝히고자 했다.
    Keyword: nationalism, self-determination
    Author: Seung Eun Oh
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    문명대화론 사무엘 헌팅톤이 문명충돌론을 발표한 이후 이에 대한 수많은 비평이 다양하게 이루어졌다. 이러한 비평은 문명충돌론이 이론적 측면에서도 중요할 뿐만 아니라 정치적 측면에서도 커다란 영향을 미친다는 사실에 주목하였다. 나는 헌팅턴 이론의 정치적 내용을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한 다. 즉, 헌팅톤의 이론은 서구문명의 헤게모니, 특히 미국의 헤게모니에 대한 우려를 반영한 것이다. 나는 이 연구에서 현대세계의 영역에서 문명 또는 문화의 대립형태로 발생하는 사건이 세계화의 과정에서 나타나는 자연적인 현상이라고 보 고 있다. 세계화라고 알려진 것은 모순된 과정이고 정치적, 경제적 및 문 화적 측면에서 다양한 대립이 나타나는 것이다. 그러나 이 대립은 문명 의 충돌을 의미하는 것이 아니다. 서구정치가들과 사상가들이 우려하는 이 무질서는 서구 근대성의 세계화에서 나타나는 자연적인 결과이다. 서 구의 근대성이 그 자체의 특수한 형태로 다양한 문명과 문화와 결합되 고 이 결합이 비록 동시에 대립의 형태로 나타나더라도 문명의 충돌을 내포하는 것이 아니다. 세계화는 자본주의, 산업주의, 민족국가 및 인권과 같은 서구 근대성 의 제도들로 복잡하고 모순된 과정이다. 이 모순은 문화적 영역에서도 그 자체의 특수한 표현을 가진다. 서구 근대성의 현상과의 만남은 동질 성의 부활과 인종적, 종교적 및 문화적 운동의 원인이 되었다. 바로 이 주제는 문명충돌론의 기본적인 핵심내용이다. 헌팅턴의 이론은 기본적으 로 냉전 이후 국제분쟁의 모델에 대한 묘사이다. 이론적 분석으로서 문화 사이의 급진적 차이점은 오랜 역사를 가지고 있다. 극단적 우익주의, 파시즘 및 민족주의가 다양한 방법에서 그러한 이론으로 사용되었다. 한편, 탈근대주의자들은 이 견해에 새로운 논쟁을 제공하였다. 그들은 인식론으로 문화의 다양성의 개념에 기초하였다. 헌 팅턴은 이와 같은 접근법으로 문화의 불수용성을 주장하였다. 그러나 이 접근성은 계몽주의의 전통을 근본적으로 반대한다. 간략하게 그의 접근 법은 서구의 지적 전통에서 가장 두드러진 몰락을 대표한다. 이 글의 주요 쟁점은 세계화 과정의 모순적 얼굴, 세계체제의 불일치 와 복잡성 및 그 영향이 민족적, 문화적 대립으로 확산되어 다양한 문명 과 문화의 대립이 발생한다. 결론적으로 이것은 인류문명의 세계적 진보 이다. 이것은 서구적 얼굴이냐 비서구적 얼굴이냐가 아니다. 나는 다양 한 문명과 문화에 관계된 인간들의 의식적인 대화가 세계의 상호이해와 세계문화의 향상을 위해 건설적이라고 평가된다.
    Keyword: 문명,문화,세계화
    Author: Dal Seung Yu
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    셈어의 발달과 분화에 관한 연구
    A Study on the Development and Diversification of Semitic Languages -Centering around the Arabic LanguageThe Semitic language family has the longest recorded history of any linguistic group. The Akkadian language is first attested in cuneiform writing on clay tablets from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) from the mid-third millennium B.C. and Semitic languages continue to be spoken in the Middle East and in northeastern Africa today. But, lacking of the written materials and systematic research about Semitic languages, a study on the development and diversification of semitic languages is still the beginning stage in Korea. Also, Almost nothing have been carried a study on relationship of the ancient kingdoms to their languages in Arabic Peninsular. In this article, I deal the development and diversification of semitic languages centering around Arabic language. I expect that this research will be the Arabic historical linguistics in the Arabia Peninsula
    Keyword: 셈어,아랍어
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    터키민족문학의 발달과 터키민족의 정체성 모색
    The development of the national literature and Searching for Turkish identity When a country is experiencing changes by both its internal and external factors, the society is forced to face various kinds of problems such as political and social tensions, confrontations and conflicts among different social classes, and stagnation of cultural areas. In circumstances like that, as a way of seeking general understanding of people's lives and retrieval of its homogeneity, national literature theory has emerged and various discussions on the theory have been held. Considering that literature represents an aspect of human mentality that reflects the reality of the society, it is natural that an attempt has been made to take advantage of the influence of nationalism, which was the mainstream of the time. Turkish national literature theory has shown the reality of Turkish people and literary self-introspection on the historical background. If national literature is the one with its own historical and cultural background based on the peculiar traditions, Turkish national of the people in literature. Since the contents of the literature was focused on the lives of ordinary Turkish people, the national literature was able to be on its way to develop, and the leading writers of the time wrote and did research based on Turkish nationalism. Turkish nationalism shows an example that when nationalism is adopted in literature, it helps establish the identity of the people, evoke sympathy among the people, and unite and educate the people. The characteristics of national literature, which are inspiring the national consciousness and popularizing the national sentiments, can hold potentials for national development. All in all, Turkish national literature helped establish Turkish people's identity and strengthen national sympathy. Its success led a way for the development of Turkish literature by achieving the literary popularization
    Keyword: 민족문학,이슬람주의
    Author: Nan A Lee
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    근대문학의 계몽사상 반영
    근대문학의 계몽사상 반영 -아랍문학과 한국문학 비교연구- 계몽은 소위 제3세계 국가의 근대사를 관통하는 시대 정신이 자, 근대문학의 가장 주요한 주제이다. 아랍과 한국도 예외가 아니어서, 이러한 제3세계적 근대의 특성을 여실히 보여준다. 앞선 문명과 군사적 우위를 바탕으로 한 서구의 침입에 맞서, 당대의 선각자로 대변되던 아랍과 한국의 문인들은 자국의 일반 대중을 대상으로 한 계몽을 제1의 목표로 두었다. 그들이 보수 주의자이든 아니면 개혁론자이든 또는 시인이든 아니면 문장가 이든, 그들의 모든 문학적 생산은 계몽을 지향하였다. 즉 계몽 은 아랍과 한국의 근대문학의 기점이자, 근대문학 활성화의 촉 매이며, 문학과 독자간의 가교로써 문학의 현대화와 다양화 그 리고 대중화에 크게 기여했다. 그러므로 아랍과 한국의 근대계 몽사상과 그 문학의 연구는 양국 문학의 비교연구의 출발점이 될 것이며, 더 나아가 제3세계 문학들 간 비교연구의 한 전형을 보여줄 것이다.
    Keyword: 근대,계몽,계몽문학
    Author: Se Won Chang
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    티치아노 롯시의 시세계
    티치아노 롯시의 시세계: 최근의 세 작품, “Il Movimento dell Adagio”, “Pare che il Paradiso”, “Gente di Corsa”에 대한 소고. 티치아노 롯시는 1935년 밀라노에서 태어나, 대학을 마치고 줄곧 그곳 에서 생활해오며 창작활동을 펼치고 있다. 그는 문학 비평과 문학사, 언 어학, 시의 출판사업에 이르는 다양한 방면에서 정력적인 문학 활동을 보여주었다. 이 논문은 1963년에 첫 시집을 발표한 이래로 “롬바르디아 계열”의 시인으로 분류되는 시인의 여러 작품들 중에서 가장 최근의 작품집, 1993년의 “Il Movimento dell Adagio”과 1993년의 “Pare che il Paradiso” 그리고 2000년의 “Gente di Corsa”을 다루고 있다. 이러한 작업은 2002년 3월 부산외국어 대학교에서 있었던 초청강연회 에서 이루어졌던 시인과의 만남과 그 뒤로 시인의 시세계를 주제로 나 누었던 서신들이 계기가 되어 가능할 수 있었다. 시인은 그의 작품들의 영원한 주인공들인 인간들을 끊임없이 계속 앞 으로 나아가는 과정 속에서 관조하고 있다. 동시에 이러한 인간들은 자신들의 편의에 따라 만들었으나 동시에 자신들을 얽매고 도덕적으로 타 락시키는 규범들에 사로잡힌, 빈 껍데기로 전락해버린 존재로 그려지고 있다. 또한 인간들에게 돌이킬 수 없이 가혹한 벌을 내리는 세월의 흐 름을 잊기 위해서는 옛날을 회상하고 잠시 숨을 돌리며 숙고함과 동시 에 분주한 현실생활로부터 물러설 수 있는 미덕이 필요함을 이야기하며 이렇기 때문에 노인들과 병자들, 그리고 아이들만이 이러한 함정으로부 터 안전할 수 있는 유일한 개체로 보고있다. 노인들과 병자들은 어쩔 수 없이 소외되고 시간적인 제약을 받기 때문에 현실생활과 동떨어질 수 밖에 없는데, 결국 이들은 시간이 많아지고 잠시 여유를 가지고 과거를 떠올릴 시간을 가지게 되고 자신의 내면을 성찰하고 발전시킬 수 있게 된다는 것이다. 한편 아이들은 어른들의 시간 밖에서 생활한다. 어른들 이 자신들이 만들어 놓은 규범들 속으로 아이들을 억압하려 하지만 아 이들은 아직 “모든 것이 자신들의 권한 밖이기 때문에” 가능한 한 시간 의 흐름에 버틸 수 있는 것이다. 시인은 시집 “il Movimento dell Adagio”를 통하여 주로 노인들의 모습을 그리고 있다. 즉, 노인들의 전형적인 기다림의 시간을 표현하고 있다. “Pare che il Paradiso” 역시 같은 개념에서 출발하였으나 순응주 의에 곪은 인간성에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이러한 인간 무리들에게 천국 은 아직까지 오지 않은 것으로 현재일 수도 있고 앞으로 올 수도 있지만 계속되지는 못하는 그 어떤 것이다. 2000년도 비아렛죠 수상을 계기로 “삶 속의 사람들”이라는 한국어 제 목으로 번역되어 소개된 “Gente di Corsa”는 시인의 최근 작품이다. 이 작품 역시 전작들과 같은 주제를 다루고 있지만 주로 아이들과 청소년, 중년으로 이루어진 가공 또는 실존 인물들을 그리며 다시 한번 자신의 비극적인 세계관 속으로 우리들을 끌어들이고 있다. 아이들과 소년들, 어른들은 일자리, 다른 사람들의 인정을 얻기 위해 그리고 무(無)를 향 한 계속되는 투쟁 속에서 그려지고 있다. 시인은 그릇된 가치관으로 왜곡된 인간성에 대하여 이야기 하고있으 나 자신 역시 이러한 범주를 벗어날 수 없다는 것을 알기 때문에 인간에 대한 그의 평가는 잔인하지 않으며 포옹력과 인간미를 갖추고 있다. 결 국 작가의 생각으로 우리들 각자의 내면에서 발견할 수 있는 긍정적인 자아에 대한 탐구 속에서만 가능하다고 믿고있는 해결책에 대한 희망을 독자들에게 불러 일으키고 있다.
    Keyword: 티치아노 롯시
    Author: Gemma Gori
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이슬람원리주의 운동의 정치세력화 과정연구
    Islamic fundamentalism and process of Political Islamic movement The purpose of this study is to analyze the character of Islamic fundamentalism and process of Political Islamic movement through the activity of Front Islamique du salut(FIS). The aim of Islamic fundamentalist is reconstruction of Ummah(Muslim Unity), the early society of Muhammad's age. Islamic movements insist to restore the spirit of Islam and to purify the society of Islam. The Modern Islamic fundamentalism could be divided into three categories : revivalism, reformism and radicalism. Arab-world was experienced the Gulf War(1990-1991), which showed a heavy conflict between the Islamic states, and Western states, after collapse the Cold War Era. Now, Islamic fundamental movement as a new ideology, appeals to muslim in the world. The concept of modern national state from the West does not accord with the traditional Islamic principles of reign and a spirit of nationalism. On the other hand, Islamic movement have no legitimacy in the system of modern state which govern the Arab world, regardless of the form of government. For this reasons, Islamic fundamentalist have an insecure position and also their political activities. The suppression of FIS's victory in Algerian election changed the FIS's moderate character to radical one, and makes worse the Algerian political situation. Activation of Islamic fundamentalism be apt to be restrained by secular national state which supported by the Western Power under New World Order System. The Political situation have been formed and changed by the Political movement. Islamic fundamental movement leads the political situation in Egypt, Syria and Algeria etc. Consequently, Islamic fundamental movement have been extend to Political movement. It is yet far from their object, to reconstruct the muslim unity, to realize the Islamic political principle by tawhid in their practical methods. Yet Islamic fundamental movement have not overcome the system of secular state.
    Keyword: 이슬람원리주의, 중동정치
    Author: Jae Hoon Choi
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    지중해 문명과 지중해학
    우리가 논하는 ‘지중해 연구’(the Mediterranean Studies)는 지중해1)를 한 지역단위로 한 지역연구(area studies, 지역학)이다. 동서양 학계에서 본격적인 지역연구를 시작한지도 반세기를 넘겼다. 그간 시대의 발전추 세와 학문적 수요에 부응해 지중해 연구를 포함한 국내외의 지역학 연 구에서는 적지 않은 성과가 이루어졌다. 2) 그러나 줄곧 논제가 되고 있는 지역 개념의 모호성이라든가, 학문성격(학문계보)의 불확실성 등 몇 가 * 이 글은 2002년 제9차 지중해연구소 연례학술대회의 기조 연설문임. ** 전 단국대 사학과 교수 1) 본문에서의 ‘지중해’는 유럽과 아시아 및 아프리카의 3대륙으로 에워싸인 지중해 (관용적인 약칭은 ’유럽지중해‘)를 지칭한다. 보통 지중해(地中海)는 대륙으로 둘 러싸인 대륙지중해(multicontinental mediterranean sea)와 국가들로 둘러싸인 다 국간지중해(multinational mediterranean sea)로 2대별된다. 2) 그간 국제학계가 지중해지역 연구에서 달성한 성과에 관해서는 박상진의 논문 지중해 지역 연구의 조건과 가능성 (국제지역학회, 국제지역연구 제6권 1호, 2002. 6. p.133) 참고. 이 글에 의하면 대표적인 저서로는 브로델의 The Meditrrannean and the Meaiterranean World in the Age of Philip Ⅱ(1972, 6권) 와 Goitean, S.D.의 The Mediterranean Society(2000), The Corrupting Sea(2000) 등이 있다. 2 지중해지역연구 제5권 제1호(2003. 4) 지 요인으로 인해 지역학의 학문적 정립은 아직 미완의 과제로 남아있 는 성 싶다. 게다가 ‘지역연구’ 자체에 대한 회의나 거부 경향마저도 없 지 않다. 3) 더욱이 지역연구를 위한 전통적 국제지역단위구분법 통례에서 제외된 지중해4)의 지역연구는 그 역사가 일천할 뿐만 아니라, 지역학 연구 일반 에서 노출된 제반 문제점들을 포괄적으로, 그리고 보다 심각하게 잉태하 고 있음으로써 연구의 절박성을 더해가고 있다. 지금까지 지역연구에서 애매모호하나마 보편시되는 지역 구분의 기준으로 지중해를 가늠할 때, 지중해가 과연 지역단위로서의 그러한 보편타당성을 지니고 있는가? 다 원적인 문명과 각이한 정치, 경제, 사회제도로 착잡하게 뒤엉켜있는 지 중해가 이른바 ‘통일성’을 바탕으로 하는 지역연구의 한 단위나 대상이 될 수 있는가? 그토록 다종다양한 분과학문(discipline)을 아우르고 있는 지중해 연구가 구경은 다학문적(multidisciplinary)이면서도 종합적인 성 격을 띤 지역 연구학으로 집성될 수 있을 것인가? 등등. 요컨대 지역단 위로서의 지중해가 지니고 있는 특수성을 보편성으로 승화시켜 ‘지중해 학’이란 새로운 학문을 일구어내게 하는 당위성과 가능성은 있는가? 있 다면 그것은 과연 무엇인가? 연구과제가 아닐 수 없다고 본다. 이러한 문제의식에서 출발하여 그 실마리를 함께 풀어보자는 것이 외 람되지만 이 글을 쓰게 된 동기이자 목적이다. 이를 위해 이 글에서는 다원성(多元性)과 상관성(相關性)으로 특징지어지는 이른바 ‘지중해문명’ 을 키워드(key word)로 하여 지중해를 하나의 지역연구 단위(‘세계단위’) 로 설정하고, 그 역사적 전개과정을 추적함으로써 지중해학의 학문적 정 립을 위한 연구의 장을 여는 데 일조하고자 한다.
    Keyword: 지중해 문명
    Author: Su Il Jung
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    지중해의 해양생태학적 고찰
    Marine Ecology of the Mediterranean: A Review The Mediterranean Sea covers an area of approximately 2.5 million square kilometers and a volume of 3.7 million cubic kilometers, excluding the Black Sea, and has an average depth of about 1500m. As a sea it is rather unique in that it is almost completely surrounded by land: Europe to the north, Africa to the south, and Asia Minor to the east. The Mediterranean is a silled basin, separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a shallow sill of 320m depth at the Straits of Gibraltar. The Siculo-Tunisian sill close to which lie the Maltese Islands divides the Mediterranean into an East and a West Basin. The Mediterranean Sea has three principal kinds of water: the Mediterranean Surface Water (0-200m deep), the Mediterranean Inetrmediate Water (200-600m deep) and the Mediterranean Deep Water (deeper than 600m). The Mediterranean generally has tides of very low amplitude (0.06m in the Maltses Islands). General water mass properties, ecosystem diversity, species diversity, origins and affinities of marine flora and fauna, and species distribution patterns, biogeographic classification in the Mediterranean Sea are reviewed in this text.
    Keyword: 지중해의 수괴특성
    Author: Chang Kun Kang
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    고귀한 단순과 고요한 위대
    The noble simplicity and calm grandeur This paper aims to clarify the concept and meaning of classical beauty maintained by Winckelmann, called the discoverer of classical beauty of ancient Greek art. To do this, it will firstly make clear how the ideal of beauty is embodied, by examining the main properties of beauty in his works. Then, the contents and forms of ideal beauty will be explored through analyzing the relationship of beauty and its expression in this paper. Lastly, by examining the concept of ideal mentioned by him in his works, it will illustrate the character of ideal beauty and the process of its formation. According to Winckelmann, the ancient Greek art is the prototype of art. The ideal of its beauty is ‘the noble simplicity and calm grandeur’ exhibited in the posture and expression of ancient Greek sculptures. For him, the highest beauty exists in God, and works as a principle of the formation of human beauty. Thus, human beauty is formed by its reflection. What is more, its highest form is found in the figure of adolescents, and concretely demonstrated in the configurations composed of elliptic lines. The concept of ideal beauty in Winckelmann‘s aesthetics is experiential and tangible rather than speculative. In other words, Winckelmann insists that the ideal beauty of ancient Greek art is established, when the beauties discovered in the parts of nature are unified into the whole in harmony. Thus, he advocates ’the normative idealism‘ based on nature. Winckelmann‘s theory of the ideal beauty mentioned above is of significance to the history of aesthetics. Firstly, Winckelmann develops the right perspective of art creation by applying the concept of ideal beauty to his theory. He might be able to employ the concept of ideal beauty based on merely art experience, because he was independent of the philosophy of his times. This may enable his theory of ideal beauty to hold the normative idealism and further to provide the basis of art creation. Secondly, his idea of the ideal beauty settled the concept of classical beauty. ‘The noble simplicity and calm grandeur’, referred to as the ideal of ancient Greek art by Winckelmann, implies the harmony of forms and contents and is the principle of the expression of the golden mean between both extremes. He regards the golden mean as the highest ideal, as understanding it as the essence of ancient Greek art. ‘The noble simplicity and calm grandeur’ is the most crucial element to the classical beauty in ancient Greece, and consequently becomes the ideology of neoclassicism. Furthermore, his idea of the ideal beauty has an significant influence on the establishment of German classicism's viewpoints of the world and art, which criticize the modern art culture. Lastly, Winckelmann's thoughts of ideal beauty may be considered to be universal. His idea of the golden mean contends that the beautiful comes from ‘the harmony of reason and sensibility’. It can be also considered as the ultimate aim that the education of humanity through the beautiful in Schiller's aesthetics tries to reach. Furthermore, it shares a common idea with ‘the way of the golden mean’ of Oriental thoughts. Thus, the universality may be discovered in Winckelmann's idea of the ideal beauty.
    Keyword: 그리스 예술
    Author: Jung Hee Ki
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    지중해 연안 중세철학사에 대한 철학적 연구 고찰
    For a long time, medieval philosophy on the Mediterranean coast was remembered for its limited medieval philosophy in Western Europe. More strictly, in time, he has drawn a single medieval philosophy centered on the 13th century, spatially centered on the University of Paris in Western Europe, and in philosophy centered on the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. So was the philosophy of Islam, Judaism, and Byzantine at that time on the outskirts of Western European philosophy? Many researchers describe these philosophy as being set for Western European philosophy, but in fact no philosopher is philosophical to be the background of another philosopher. Each philosophy works with its own philosophical center. For this purpose, this paper proposes a methodology to look at the philosophy of the philosophers in the Mediterranean region, not the philosophy but the logic of philosophy itself, by ‘the intentional anonymization’. Through this proposal, this paper will show that various medieval philosophy is possible, not a single medieval philosophy. Thomas Aquinas, a man’s philosophy, exists in plural forms without being single. Then, for a thousand years, philosophy from various parts of the Mediterranean can not be made one by one, which results in ignoring the individuality of each philosophy. This thesis is an effort to correct such problems.
    Keyword: Medieval Philosophy, History of Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy History Methodology, Intentional Anonymization, Mediterranean Philosophy, 중세철학, 중세철학사, 지중해 연안 중세철학, 철학사 방법론, 의도적 익명화
    Author: 유대칠 ( Yu Dae-chil )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    아랍 서예와 기독교 이콘의 연관성 연구
    A Study on the connection between Arabic Calligraphy and Christian Icon The Medi terranean is a multi-cultural environment where ancient Egyptian culture, Greek culture, Roman and Christian culture, Arabic and Islamic culture have mutual relations and influences one another. So, the Mediterranean culture is a mosaic of inter-related cultures. In result, the definition of the Mediterranean culture is very difficult. to ordain. The identity of Mediterranean can not elaborate by itself without constant interaction with these different cultures. But until now, the Mediterranean Studies have been achieved usually on the European countries, namely the north part of Mediterranean. The connection between Arabic Calligraphy and Christian Icon is relevant of this. Indeed, we usually consider that Christian Icon is the representation of the Mediterranean religious art. However, what about the Arabic Calligraphy as religious art of another part of Mediterranean? The study on the Arabic Calligraphy as a genre of the Arabic and Islamic art has not been achieved properly in our country. This study will shed light generally on Arabic Calligraphy which has remained always as marginal in this relation despite of its historical, cultural, and aesthetical importances.
    Keyword: 지중해 문화
    Author: Kyung Sim Kim
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    꾸란 어휘 속에 나타난 장음화 연구
    꾸란 어휘 속에 나타난 장음화 연구 꾸란의 음성·음운은 아랍학에서 매우 중요한 요소 이다. 하나님 말씀 이 잘못 전달되는 것을 없애기 위해 많은 아랍 학자들은 꾸란 에서 사용 된 어휘의 음성음운 현상 연구에 많은 힘을 쏟았다. 그 연구 중 장음화 현상은 꾸란 독경 시 어휘들간의 조화로운 운율을 살리면서 정확한 의미 를 전언하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 따라서 장음화 현상은 꾸란 음운 현 상에서 중요한 분야 중 하나로 간주되어 독립된 학문 분야로 발전 되어 왔다. 장음화에서 중요한 역할을 하는 모음들은 발음 시 모음의 길이를 두 모음에서 여섯 모음 길이로 어휘가 놓인 상황에 맞게 다양하게 발음 을 한다. 장모음에서는 모음의 길이가 다양한 길이로 발음이 되는 데도 불구하고 의미에는 영향을 끼치지 못한다. 그 이유는 단모음과 장모음은 뚜렷이 구분이 되며 둘 중 장모음에서 모음의 길이를 두 모음길이에서 여섯 모음 길이로 발음을 하는 것이기 때문에 의미에는 영향을 주지 않 고 단지 모음길이에서 짧고 길게 발음만 하는 것이다. 전술한 바와 같이 본 논문에서는 아랍학자들이 꾸란 낭독 시 다양한 장음화 현상을 명명하고 정의를 내린 것을 다루면서 현대아랍어에서 일 어나는 단장음화 현상과의 관계를 정립한다. 또한 학습자들이 아랍어의 단장모음의 정의와 정확한 발성법을 이해하는 계기가 되어 단 장음의 차 이로 발생하는 의미변화를 쉽게 이해하는 좋은 기회를 삼았으면 한다
    Keyword: 꾸란,장음화
    Author: 박재양
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    오스만 터키와 동부 지중해의 해상교역
    The Maritime Trade in Eastern Mediterranean of the Ottoman Empire The East Mediterranean has been the Islamic sea since the 7th century. The Arabs were predominant in the sea from the 8th century, and replaced by Turks from the 15th century when the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople of the Byzantine. The East Mediterranean prosperity in the Islamic period was mainly based on two pillars; the sea has been functioned as an important route to Mecca for annual pilgrimage on one hand, the vital route of supplying agricultural grain from Egypt to Istanbul on the other hand. The Preveza War in 1538 in which the Ottoman fleet commanded by admiral Barbarosa defeated combined European fleet became a turning point for the absolute supremacy over the East Mediterranean by the Ottoman Empire. With the Ottoman presence, the East Mediterranean became the most dynamic cultural melting pot where all the commercial items, technology, new ideas and arts from the orient, western Europe and Arab world flowed into. In particular, the East Mediterranean has significant position to connect the maritime routes to the Great Oasis Silk Road, by which human society enabled to initiated new sense of mutual understanding and cooperation. Main commercial articles from East Mediterranean to the rest world were as follows; incense(frankincense), sugar, citron, orange, coffee, carpet, textile(muslin, gauze, mohair, taffeta, damask), silk, slave(Slav, Barbary, Black African). After the 17th century, however, the hegemony of East Mediterranean turned over to the West Europe from the Ottomans who were then faced to such problems as internal power conflicts and uprisings in peripheral provinces of the empire. As new maritime superpowers, Britain and France now started their colonial expansion occupying Egypt, North Africa and Middle East. Finally with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the East Mediterranean as a Islamic sea lost many parts of her glory and prosperity enjoyed since the 7th century. In the 21st century, however, the East Mediterranean still surrounded by Islamic region- Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt prepare new take-off to recapture her heyday.
    Keyword: 동부 지중해,오스만제국
    Author: Hee Soo Lee
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    시어에 관한 현대 아랍 시인들의 견해
    A View of the modern Arab Poets about the Poetic Language The question of poetic language has significantly concerned four leading modern arab poets, Salah Abd al-Sabur, Nazik al-Malaikha, Nizar Qabbani, and Adonis. They are generally concerned with creating a poetic language by which their creativity and individulity are mintained. The main aspect of their poetic language is diction. The four poet-critics emphasize the common principles of their poetic conceptions: First, they emphasize the freedom of the poet - the freedom from submitting completely to the traditional poetic conventions. Second, they emphasize the importance of continual experimention in poetry. Third, they emphasize that modern Arabic poetry is the part of the world's modern poetry. And forth, they emphasize the solipsism of the poet in writing his poetry. But Nazik al-Malaikha believed that the innovation can be achieved by adding and modifying and building on the past, not by replacging it entirely. She is concerned with keeping the originality of the form and language of modern Arabic poetry. Abd al-Sabur concerntrates on the contemporaneity of poetry whose form and language must be inspired by its time and the individuality of the poet. Qabbani is more possessed with continuous renovations. And he is the poet most concerned with the reader. He strongly believes that poetry must be comprehansible even for the average reader. As for Adonis, he is extremely preoccupied with departing from the prevailing and familiar forms and methods of expression. And he emphasizes that it is the responsibility of the reader to understand the content of the poem.
    Keyword: 시어,현대아랍시인들
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    지중해 지역의 지리적 특성
    An Introduction to the Geography of Mediterranean region. The aim of this paper is to give a broad description of the geography of the Mediterranean region. Given the large number of countries which make up this region and their geographic diversity, the geographic characteristics had to be described in broad outline. Firstly, basic patterns of spatial structure of mediterranean region were considered. Secondly, principal industries were discussed. Thirdly, population geography was considered: demographic change and international migration. Fourthly, urban system of the region was described. Fifthly, constraint factors on development were also reviewed: environmental and economic crises.
    Keyword: 지중해 지리학
    Author: In Chul Jung
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    여신 숭배를 통해본 지중해 지역의 여성성
    Goddesses and Famininity in the Mediterranean World There were many goddesses who were worshipped as Mother-Goddess in the Mediterranean areas in antiquity. Not only were there many so called 'Venus'es from the Palaeolithic Age, but also Isis in Egypt, Kybele in Asia Minor, Tanit in Phoenicia, and Gaia, the first divinity in Greek Mythology. This paper does not intend to solve the colossal question why the worship for the Goddesses was stronger in the Mediterranean areas than any other areas, but to figure out the chronological transition of their roles and of the practice of worship of them. The Goddesses who had been initially enjoying independent position as divinities came to be subordinate to Male-Gods, as the patriarchal social system developed. In Greece, for example, the Goddesses of Olympus were destined to be subject to those MaleGods like as Zeus or other gods. And afterwards, with Christianity as monotheism began to dominate, the Goddesses as well as various Male-Gods disappeared. Nevertheless, the worship of Goddesses in the Mediterranean areas survived in disguise. When Christianity had fallen under an ideology of a kind of patriarchism, the desire for femininity had been oppressed. It seems, it was transformed into the worship of the Virgin Mary, in the Middle Ages on, and for Marianne in the epoch of the French Revolution in the Modern Age. In this, we could trace a continuity beyond the ages in the structure of human mentality and feeling.
    Keyword: 여성성, 지중해
    Author: Hae Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    아우구스티누스의 철학에서 앎(scientia)으로 음악(musica)에 대하여
    Augustinus’ thoughts on music do not only emphasize ‘intellectus’. He thinks that sensus is as important as intellectus in terms of music. For him, music begins with a sense of mathematical sound. And Human intelligence(intellectus hominis) can judge the sound like a mathematical order(ordo). It is possible to judge the essential beauty of music when human intelligence is heard in mathematical order. At this time, intelligence must rely on sound with a mathematical order, that is, hearing. The sense of human hearing must convey the mathematical order to reason. In other words, sense and intelligence make music possible together. This is very important in Augustinus’ theory about music. Augustinus does not see Senses and the object of the senses as simply negative. The object of sensation is also a creature created by God in mathematical order. Rather, music is possible by sensing the mathematical sounds that exist in the mathematical order. This paper examines the positive factors of sensory perception and sensory object in Augustinus’ understanding of music. And this paper will examine how important the concept of ‘order’ is in the ontological thinking of Augustinus. In this understanding, this paper attempts to show we can understand the relationship between order and mathematics. When this relationship is understood, we can understand mathematics becomes universal metaphysics as a science(scientia) of order. It is music that can confirm this philosophical project of Augustinus. This paper does not simply attempt to explain that music is mathematical. Augustinus identified everything that exists in the mathematical order and chose music as the best way to understand his view. Music can help us to understand his thoughts on mathematics and, at the same time, rethink his thoughts on sensations(sensus). It also confirms the ontological position of the universe in his mathematical order. For this reason, This paper will try to look at the metaphysical position of Augustinus’s order through music. Through this, we will begin the first step toward understanding music philosophy in the early Middle Ages on the Mediterranean coast.
    Keyword: 아우구스티누스, 음악, 중세 수학, 중세 음악 이론, 중세 존재론, Augustinus, Music, Medieval mathematics, Medieval music theory, Medieval ontology
    Author: 유대칠 ( Yu Dae-chil )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    파블로 데 올라비데(Pablo de Olavide)를 통해서 본 스페인 계몽주의의 한계
    Pablo de Olavide that was a peruvian creole, moved to Spain and had the opportunity to participate in the reformist policies promoted by Aranda and Campomanes, ministers of Charles III. In 1767 he was appointed intendent and asistente of Seville and he was the first superintendent of the newly established New Settlements of Andalusia. As Seville’s asistente, he intended specially to reform and secularize the University of Seville with a new plan of the studies, and also inplemented the reform in the theatre. These caused resentment among all the local clegy and monks, who became open enemies against him. The situation in the New Settlements of Andalusia was no better than in Seville, where a group of the monks headed by Fr. Romualdo de Friburgo accused him of reading prohibited books and speaking disrespectfully of the Catholic religion. The Inquisition declared him a public heretic and condemned to the reclusion in a monastery in 1778. This trial and condemnation gave shock to many spanish and european enlightened thinkers and showed the limites of the reform under Charles III, enlightened despot.
    Keyword: 스페인 계몽주의, 파블로 데 올라비 데, 카를로스 3세, 개혁, 종교재판소, Spanish Enlightenment, Pablo de Olavide, Carlos III, Reform, Inquisition
    Author: 이은해 ( Lee Eun-hae )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    중단과 지속 요소 BUENO의 기능 분석
    Discourse markers are a tool of communication process which guides or handles inferences and they play a very important role in communicative act. The aim of this study is to analyze the functions of Spanish discourse marker BUENO in informal oral conversation. For this, the work chooses the Spanish novel Historias del Kronen as corpus, which is stood out for the use of colloquial and realistic language. As a result of analysis, it was found that BUENO performs various discourse functions as well as its well-known role as an expression of agreement. It is expected that it will contribute to expand the understanding of the functions of BUENO in colloquial communication and suggest an easier and more concrete way to approach the use of BUENO through the coherent speakers and context of the novel.
    Keyword: 담화 표지, 비형식적 구어 담화, 교감 기능, Bueno, Discourse Marker, Informal Oral Discourse, Phatic Function, Historias del Kronen
    Author: 조혜진 ( Cho Hye-jin )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Israel History
    초기 이스라엘, 블레셋, 기후변화와 이주
    This paper is a case study on reading the Hebrew Bible in the Mediterranean context. In my earlier article, “Reading the Hebrew Bible in the Mediterranean Setting” (2019), I addressed the importance of the climatic and geological setting of the Hebrew Bible. As another case study from this perspective, this paper examines selected biblical passages regarding early Israel and Philistine conflicts in the broader context of the Eastern Mediterranean world. The specific time period is around the Late Bronze Age Collapse (roughly 1,250 - 1,000 B.C.E). I hypothesize that these ethnic/cultural conflicts and the Late Bronze Age Collapse were caused or spurred by climate change. To demonstrate my hypothesis, I will explore the Late Bronze Age Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean and the possible causes of the Philistine migration in the second and third parts of this research. Many theories attempt to explain the cause of the rapid and significant civilization collapse. Since Carpenter (1966) rejected a traditional argument that attributes the invasions of barbarian peoples; such as the Dorians, as an explanation for the Dark Age, alternative views have been suggested. For example, alternative views might include the Hekla III eruption (Yurco 1999), droughts (Weiss 1982), collapse of the social and trade system (Liverani 1987), wars (Drews 1993), earthquake storms (Nur, Cline 2000), and climate change (Finne et al. 2017; Kaniewski et al. 2013; Drake 2012; Stiebing, Jr. 1994; Weiss 1982). After reviewing research on the Late Bronze Age collapse in Greek-Mycenae, Hittite, and Egypt, respectively, this paper demonstrates how climate change became a trigger for the failure of the Bronze Age and for massive migrations of the Sea People, including the Philistines, who caused the early Israelites to suffer a national crisis and lament the deaths of their beloved heroes (Samson, and Saul). In conclusion, we can find two historical and biblical lessons by reading the Hebrew Bible in the background of the Late Bronze Age Collapse. First, the effect of the climate change, 3,200 years ago, was so severe that it not only caused a general collapse of civilization in the Mediterranean, but also caused the Sea People to leave their home. Eventually, the early Israelites suffered the butterfly effect from their migration. The second discovery reveals an historical irony. The descendants of ancient Greeks who migrated to North Africa and the Levant, including modern Syria, do not welcome descendants of ancient North African and Levantine people today. The Hebrew Bible (e.g., Lev. 19:33-34), written for/through the hands of ancient Israelites, who suffered under Philistine authority, provides surprising context and wisdom to solve today’s immigration/refugee issue.
    Keyword: The Late Bronze Age Collapse, Sea People, Philistines, Migration, Climate Change, Samson, the Song of the Bow, 후기 청동기 시대 붕괴, 바다 민족, 블레셋, 이주, 기후변화, 삼손, 활 노래
    Author: 방기민 ( Ki-Min Bang )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    캠프데이비드 협정과 정착촌 확장
    The Camp David Accords and the increasing of Israeli Settlements Road Map in April 2003 and Oslo Accords Process in 1990s are based on The Camp David Accords in 1978. Therefore the analysis of The Camp David Accords will help understanding the contemporary conflict of Israel-Palestine. Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and Menachem Begin, Prime Minister in Likud Government of Israel and Jimmy Carter, President of the United States of America have agreed on The Camp David Accords, the first framework for peace in the Middle East at Camp David September 17, 1978. This article examines the following question: What is the relations between The Camp David Accords and the increasing of the Israeli Settlements in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza after 1978. The Accords separated these Occupied territories from Egypt and Jordan. Exactly, through The Camp David Accords Egypt agreed that Israel would acquire the Occupied territories instead of giving back Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. Until 1987 since this Accords Likud governments had intensified the construction of the Israeli Settlements rapidly and freely in these territories without the opposition of Egypt and Jordan. Likud governments believed that the domestic political struggle, not external military or political struggle, would determine the future of the Occupied territories. So they had established the diverse Settlement Plans for the Occupied territories and practiced the Plans. The aim of Likud governments was to create internal-demographic facts in the Occupied territories. From 1978 to 1986 in East Jerusalem, Israeli Settlers had increased more than three times and become 103,900 in number. From 1978 to 1987 in West Bank and Gaza, Israeli Settlers had enlarged about fourteen times, up to 70,000 in number. In Conclusion, Israel would try to legitimize to control over Occupied territories through the increasing of the Settlements. In 1987 the Palestinians in Occupied territories started Intifada against this Israeli policy and have intensified their identity as Palestinians not Egyptians or Jordanians immensely since the Intifada.
    Keyword: 팔레스타인,정착
    Author: Mee Jeong Hong
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    북아프리카 지역 근대화 과정에서의 여성 지위변화 고찰
    A study on the changement of women's status in the North Africa's modernization process-as examples of Egypt and Morocco - The identification of North Africa's countries has been formed on the base of Islam. However, it shows distinctive features depending on the cultural and racial difference, besides on the political revolution through proper historical experience of those countries. Indeed, the period of modernization in each country has been initiated differently according to the specific historical experience and the political, social background. we can say the modernization basically is point to the West. and then in North Africa area, we can find out the beginning of this modernization in contact with the West, which is due to the colonization, and in nationalism movement for independence of one's own country. In this study, I want to consider the changement of women's status through nationalism movement as modernization process in Egypt and Morocco. Indeed, until now Egypt, as a region of Mashriq, plays the role of pioneer of feminism movement. and in Morocco, as a region Maghrib, occurring feminism movement and activities constantly since acquirement early the identity by national unification.
    Keyword: 여성, 근대화
    Author: Kyung Sim Kim
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Modernization, Salazarism and Women
    Modernization, Salazarism and Women - Case of Portugal - Pode-se dizer que até aos meados do século XX, a experiência da Modernização de Portugal foi muito limitada, encontrando-se num estado feudal, medieval e pre-moderno. Podemos referir várias razões disso, entre as quais se destacam o Salazarismo e as tradições históricas, sociais e religiosas da Península Ibérica, que são diferentes de outros países da Europa, tais como Contra-Reforma, sucessivas confusões internas e conflitos entre as várias classes sociais, que duraram até aos inícios do século XX. No entanto, não se pode dizer que nunca houve as tentativas de modernizar o país. Pois, em Portugal, também foram iniciadas, no século XIX, as primeiras tentativas da Modernização. Contudo, devido ao conflito entre o Liberalismo e o Absolutismo que abalou todo o país, Portugal encontrou-se numa situação irónica onde existiam duas sociedades bem diferentes, ou seja a conservadora e a moderna. aliás, esta situação continuou até aos finais do século XX, o que impediu a modernização do Estado. Em especial, o regime salazarista que tinha sofrido mais de 40 anos fez atrasar a modernização de Portugal. O regime salazarista, baseada nas ideologias como o Nacionalismo, o Catolicismo e o Corporativsimo, no entanto, tinha tentado moderniz ar o país, porém os seus esforços foram concentrados apenas no sector económico. Pois, outros sectores da sociedade portuguesa, tais como o político, o social e o cultural, mantinham-se no estado pre-m oderno. De facto, a política de fechamento do Estado Novo impediu que Portugal pudesse acompanhar a modernização de outros países europeus. Tendo em conta esta situação de Portugal de então, a situação das Mulheres Portuguesas e sua experiência da Modernização naturalment e foram diferentes das de outros países europeus. Tudo isto deve-se ao tradicional machismo da sociedade portuguesa e, em especial, à política do regime salazarista que determinou o papel das mulheres, cujo estatuto social foi limitado no seio da família. E daí, a diferença sexual desenvolveu-se para a diferença social e cultural e ainda política, o que criou a discriminação sexual. De tal maneira que, a situação das mulheres portuguesas tinha sido muito inferior às de outros países da Europa. Até pode-se dizer que foram parecidas com as de alguns países do Medio Oriente e da Ásia. Concluindo, a História, Tradição e Passado, que Portugal tinha sofrido até hoje, foram as princiapis barreiras da modernização de Portugal. Juntamente com isso, o regime salazarista tinha pesado Portugal e as Mulheres Portuguesas tão forte que não foi conseguida a modernização de Portugal até aos finais do século XX
    Keyword: Modernization, Salazarism, Women, Portugal
    Author: Yong Jae Kim
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Fascist Modernization of Italy and Women
    Fascist Modernization of Italy and Women This article is based on the condition that the study of modernization has the two separated yet indispensably combined aims: the positivist way of tracing the sociohistorical phenomena and processes of modernization and the theoretical reflection of it. This article adopts the latter, particularly from the perspective of women. The perspective of women is crucial in the theoretical reflection of modernization insofar as it gives us a chance to rethink the modernization process itself and the studies of it. However, it does not aim to grant the so-called modern subject to the women; this is simply repeating the traditional distorted discourse of the modernity centered around the men. To rethink the modernization from the women's perspective is to have post-modern and post-historical position to our present world. This position is in this article applied to the case of Italy in the period of fascism under Mussolini's government. This period is very unique in the study of the relationship of modernization and women because under the Mussolini Italy underwent a distorted modernization, and this was so particularly with women. That is to say, the women's experiences of modernization under the Mussolini allows us to analyze the modernization problem from the dual perspectives; this is because the Mussolini contributed to the modernization of Italian women and at the same time detained it. In this article these are examined with relation to the themes such as women in family, nationalization of women, and social-political activity of women under the Mussolini. After all, by reading the relationship between fascism, modernizatio n and women in Italy, it will be possible to analyze how the Italian fascism affected to the Italian modernization and, particularly, to the Italian women's modernization experiences in the everyday life. This is also very crucial to understand the complicated processes of modernization distorted by any political power or colonial domination which is no other than the Korean case
    Keyword: Fascist, Modernization, Italy, Women
    Author: Sang Jin Park
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    La Modernization de France et renouvellement de la féminité
    La Modernization de France et renouvellement de la féminité Au XIXe siècle, en France, la femme était bien perçue par les hommes selon les canons de la mysogynie traditionnelle. Car, tout au long du siècle, s'affirme un discours dépréciatif de ce que sont les femmes, du danger qu‘elles représentent et par conséquent des limites à leur imposer. Ce sempiternel mépris des femmes, cette volonté de les contrôler et de les contenir révèlent la peur que les hommes éprouvent devant ce sexe nocturne, incompréhensible, insatiable, sournois, rusé, ce maléfique pouvoir de l'ombre. La misogynie du XIXe siècle se nourrit de ces vieilles croyances quasi immanentes. Mais, à y regarder de plus près, elle se renouvelle profondément dans ses sources, son discours et ses formes. Et elle change dans ses arguments comme dans ses procédures. Renouvelée dans son expression, travaillée par l'esquisse de nouveaux eapports entre les sexes, elle dit, à sa manière, la modernité.
    Keyword: Féminité, Modernisation, Travail des femmes, Ouvrière, Féminisme, Féministe
    Author: Ki Chan Byeon
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Women's Position
    The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Women's Position The present research mainly examines how women‘s position had changed or had not changed in the course of socialist modernization. The research argues that the socialist modernization implemented by the Yugoslav communists represented both an opportunity for and an obstacle to addressing women‘s issue in Yugoslavia. The Communist leaders brought about a lot of changes and, to a considerable extent, they enabled traditionally house-bound women to make their way into society. Despite this seemingly-great achievement, the paper holds that the authoritarian nature of the communist rule stopped the communist leaders from truly addressing the women‘s issue. It concludes that the authoritarian leadership maintained or even enhanced the traditionally strong patriarchal value inherent in the society. With little changes made in the value system dominating the society, no reform was able to reach its logical conclusion. For this reason, the socialist modernization failed to liberate women from the traditional society. It was often said that Communism was a nightmare for men while it was a paradise for women. This saying may be true in some senses. Many indications show that the female members of the Yugoslav society benefited from drastic social changes and legal protection. For example, the 1946 Socialist Constitution proclaimed the equality of women in terms of employment, education and marriage. The legal protective devices were put into practice. By the 1970s, women's illiteracy rate dropped to 10% from 57% in the 1940s. Women's employment rate rose 7 times higher in the mid 70s than in the 40s. Yet, these statistics fail to convey the whole picture of women's issue in Yugoslavia. These changes favorable to women happened only outside their home. They may have gained social, economic and political freedom much more than ever before. Yet, not much had changed inside home. Women may have found themselves working shoulder to shoulder with their male co-workers at work place. Yet back at home, they had to serve for male members of the family as their grandmothers and mothers did. The reason can be found in the patriarchal value that still dominated the society. Authoritarianism inherent in the communist system failed to weaken it. The communist leaders, who were authoritarian themselves, shared the need to liberate women only to the extent that they needed female laborers to achieve the socialist revolution women. Most of them, who were male-chauvinistic head of the family themselves, did not see the need to liberate women as an individual member of the society. As a result, women were made to endure the double burden of working both at home and at work and remained as minority of their society. The unresolved issue of women's discrimination raised its ugly head again in the post-communist Yugoslavia. With most of the legal protection removed, women found themselves even more discriminated in the post-socialist society. Thus, the socialist modernization hold mixed meanings and draw mixed reactions from the female members of former Yugoslavia.
    Keyword: communism/socialism, modernization, patriarchy, women's issue, discrimination, minority
    Author: Seung Eun Oh
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Modernization․Kemalism․Women - In the case of Turkey - The aim of this study is to examine the modernization of Turkey and the status change of turkish women in the modernization process. The modernization in Turkey has begun in the last period of Ottoman Empire and culminated in the Tanzimat Reform. Owing to the Tanzimat Reform, women problem was formed in Ottoman Empire as a pending problem for the first time. In the last period of Ottoman Empire, Young Ottomans and Young Turks contributed to promoting of the social status of women. The Atatürk regime that replaced the Ottoman rule in Turkey played important roles in modernizing Turkey and is often praised for promoting gender equality and emancipation women. But this study argues that the Atatürk regime was limited in its intentions in regard to the change in women's social role and gender relations. Although the republican government' policies led to considerable progress in certain areas, they fell short of achieving gender equality. In terms of legal policy framework, unequal treatment of sexes can be found in Criminal and Labor Laws, in addition to the Civil Law. The limited nature of the progress has usually been explained either by the strength of the Islamic tradition which curtailed the intended goals of Kemalism, or by the cautious strategy of the Kemalists who pursued a gradual course of change to avoid further alienation of the traditional groups. Thus, Kemalism intended to equip the Turkish women with education and finer skills, only to improve their contribution to the Republican patriarchy as better wives and mothers
    Keyword: Modernization, Ottoman Empire, Women, Atatürk, Kemalism, Turkey
    Author: Duck Chan Woo
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Modernization of Arab Stats and Muslim Women
    Modernization of Arab Stats and Muslim Women This study was performed to analyze Modernization of Arab states and Muslim Women in Modern Age. The study consisted of four chapters, The first chapter describes the intention and methodology of this study. The second chapter elucidates the theories of modernism and modernity and modernization of Islamic societies. Especially, The research was based on the characteristics of modernization in the Arab World. In this chapter, the study focused on Wahabism and arab nationalism. In the present study, the modernizations of Arab States was different in each country, in Lebanon and Syria, the modernization made was headed by the army. But In Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Modernization made was headed by the royal family and the intellectual and private sectors. The third Chapter discusses the changes of rights of the Muslim women. And analyzes the changes of law rights of Muslim women in Arab states, specially to explain sacred Islamic law, Sharia. The Islamic cognition of women on the basis of Quran and Hadith. The traditional Islamic thinking about Muslim women became weaken by modernization, and that is because of the fast developmental changes in Arab states. Which gave the Muslim Women many opportunities specially in education more than in the past. Lastly, The forth Chapter is the conclusion, this chapter was written to find out the relationship between the modernization and women problem.
    Keyword: Modernization, Arab States, Muslim Women, Quran, Hadith
    Author: Seong Soo Lee
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Modernization and Women
    Greek Modernization and Women The modernization of Greece has developed in a different way from that of Western Europe, as there was neither civil revolution nor much bourgoisie power to guide the development of capitalism in Greece. On the one hand, throughout the 19th century the tradition of the Ottoman Empire's central government was still strong and the regional communities remained as units of tax gathering. On the other hand, Marxism came in at the same time with the formation of a modern nation under the influence of Western Europe. Greek modernization was a mixture of Soviet communism and Western capitalism. Until today, Greece retains socialistic characters. The increase of women rights in the process of Greek modernization could largely refer to two different mechanisms of oppression and these two periods of development. As to the former, women often suffered oppression under the patriarchy as well as inequality in industrial fields. As to the periodic distinction we could say as following:in the first part of the 20th century the discussion was concentrated on whether women's outside work is desirable or not. In the second half of it, however, the main point of concern was on inequality between the sexes in employment and wages in industrial work fields, as well as the inequality between city and country. The difference of weight between two mechanisms of oppression according to periods might be said as being due to the degree of industrial modernization. While most women had to do house work in the traditional structure of industry in the first part of the 20th century, modern industrial development has accelerated since World War II, altering lifestyles and values. The more industry develops, the weaker patriarchy gets, men lowering to the position of women. World War II was a kind of watershed breaking down the traditional patriarchy and social inequality between men and women. Furthermo re, since 1980s the PASOK government has comprehensively contribu ted to overthrowing the patriarchy, improving the living conditions of workers/farmers, as well as other social issues-maternal and women's right, child care and education
    Keyword: Greek, Modernization, Woman
    Author: Hae Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Women under Franco's regime
    Women under Franco's regime As part of Spain's economic and political transformation in the nineteenth century, Spain developed a version of the new gender ideology taking shape in "modernizing" countries, an ideology that attempted deliberately to marginalize women's participation in the social and political transformations taking place. By the mid nineteenth century, the dualistic world of separate spheres constituted the official framework for assigning woman's status and proper function, and its residual impact remains an important constituent of gender roles to the present day. Thus, while the public and political realm got recast as the stage of the modern worker and citizen, women were defined out of that realm and relegated to the private sphere of domesticity. On the other hand, the politics and construction of the nation remained a predominantly male endeavor in Spain, as in most European countries, until the twentieth century. The sociocultural formation of identity was shaped by the ideology of separate spheres based on different gender roles. According to some scholars, 'nationalizing the masses' largely referred to male subjects. Men were the soldiers, workers, taxpayers, consumers, and ultimately, voters of the nascent nation-states, and women were excluded from the public rhetoric and process of nation-building. Under fascist regimes such as those of Italy or Nazi Germany, gender difference figured centrally in the political discourse that defined national and individual identities. These regimes took great care to articulate women's roles and obligations as part of the national agenda. Likewise, Franco's state viewed women as its indispensable partner in nation-building. It put in place institutions and promulgated laws to officiate women's duties as mothers and daughters of the fatherland. Both the state and the Catholic Church reinforced the separate spheres ideology. As the regime saw it, gender difference constituted the very essence of selfhood; it rendered stability and social order to the nation, and clarity of purpose to the individual. This article explores gender relations under Franco's regime by focusing on the women's identity and their roles in the field of labor and politics.
    Keyword: modernization, woman, gender, women's history, Nacional-catolicismo, Sección Femenina, Francoism, feminism
    Author: Yeong Jo Hwangbo
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    A Norms of Islam and it's Etiquette
    A Norms of Islam and it's Etiquette All of the societies in the earth have developed their own norms to keep and regulate the conduct of personal and social relations. This norms reflect the character, value and experience of the each society. Every people in the society must observed it's own rules and norms. In islamic society, it is true that many elements of islamic norms and manners still dominate various spheres of daily life. Expecially, The Quran and Hadith have influenced absolutely the muslims' life. And it is also true that the foreign elements have had a wide and increasing influences in islamic world. Therefore we can found the coexistence of the islamic elements and the foreign one in Arab-muslim society. To understand islamic society, it is natural that we have to know the above mentioned characters and muslim's way of thinking and pattern of life. In this article, I try to introduce the characters of islamic society and it's norms and manners to understand islamic world
    Keyword: Islam, Norm, Etiquette
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    The Error Analysis in the Arabic Textbooks for the High School
    The Error Analysis in the Arabic Textbooks for the High School After publishing Arabic textbooks in Korea, many efforts were made to develop the efficient teaching method for Arabic and make foreign students learn it more effectively. This research comes to be of help toward developing Arabic textbooks and aims to reconsider what makes foreign Arabic learners confused and burdensome, and find some ways to lighten a burden for them. This study handles two main textbooks for the high school to analyse them and indicate some errors in spelling and using words for the proper context. And it is more focused on finding grammatical errors to correct them for the next textbooks. The confusing elements for foreign students are as follows; - disorder of some corelative grammatical elements. - discordance of some descriptions. - using some grammatical exceptions. These confusing elements are followed by the examination of some errors in spelling and using proper word. And these are followed by grammatical error analysis, and here are some grammatical errors: - conjunction ‘fa’ which connects the cause and effect. - non-standard Arabic expressions, especially misuse of the corpus which is not used in the nominal sentence. - spoken structures in the textbooks. - wrong explanation for the prepositions. Many misuses of the noun are found in the textbooks, especially some nouns impregnated with incertitude like ‘ghayr’ and ‘mithl’. - disagreement of number and gender categories in one sentence and tense discord in a conditional sentence. This study gets through with some suggestions to limit the grammatical boundary for the high school level.
    Keyword: Arabic, High School, Textbook, Error, Analysis
    Author: In Seop Lee
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    꾸란의 의미 번역과 한국 사회에 끼친 영향
    꾸란의 의미 번역과 한국 사회에 끼친 영향 9•11 테러와 이라크 전쟁 발발 이후 국내에서 이슬람에 대한 연구가 활발하다. 현재 국내에서 진행되는 이슬람 연구는 종교 분야에 국한되지 않고 이슬람 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 다양한 시각으로 이슬람에 접근하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 1990 년 대 이후 국내 학계를 강타한 오리엔탈리즘의 영향으로 이슬람에 대한 객관적 시각 정립과 올바른 평가를 견지하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 국내에서 아직까지 이슬람의 성격 규명에 있어 명확한 답을 내리지 못하고, 이슬람에 대한 오해와 편견이 잔존하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 그것은 이슬람 국가와의 지정학적인 거리감, 이슬람 관련 정보와 자료 수집에 있어 서구에 강한 의존도, 이슬람 이해의 필수 요소인 아랍어의 높은 난이도, 그리고 기존의 전통적인 종교 –유교, 불교, 기독교-에 대한 상대적 선호도에 기인한다. 이슬람의 진실에 가장 손쉽게 다가갈 수 있는 것은 바로 꾸란의 이해이다. 꾸란은 이슬람 종교를 떠 받치는 가장 견실한 기둥이며, 교리적으로 볼 때 인간이 천국에 이르는 첩경이다. 즉 꾸란에 대한 정확한 해석과 올바른 이해야 말로 이슬람의 진실을 파악하는 유일한 수단인 것이다. 이런 점에서 꾸란의 의미 번역은 이슬람 연구에 있어 가장 기저에 있는 작업이며 필수적인 연구 과제임에 분명하다. 본 소고를 통해서 그 동안 논자가 국내에서 실행한 꾸란 의미 번역 작업과 그 이후 꾸란 연구 과정을 소개하고, 그것이 국내에 끼친 영향을 기술하고 있다.
    Keyword: 꾸란,이슬람교
    Author: Young Kil Choi
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    Personal Status Law in Turkey
    Personal Status Law in Turkey Personal status law which was based on the Kuran and Sunna was applied without changing the character of Islamic law(Shariah) in the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Rulers thought that they had no authority to change the Islamic law or demand to change the Islamic personal status law from Islamic lawyer. The Islamic personal status law was prepared by jurisprudence of Islamic lawyer. In 1917, the official personal status law was first prepared by a committee who consisted of Islamic lawyer. Hanafi school of Islamic law gave wives no chance to offer divorce to their husband. But the official personal status law of 1917 had a reformatory factor to give wives a chance to offer divorce. This official personal status law became a model for the some Islamic countries which were established after collapsing of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. Mustafa Kemal who was the founder of the Turkish Republic started a series of reforms after establishing the Turkish Republic. Progressive group under the leadership of Mustafa abolished the Islamic court, retired their judges and transferred their jurisdiction to the secular courts in April 8, 1924. A new secular codes of civil law replaced the Islamic personal status law to promote women's rights in 1926. The new secular codes of civil law had a special feature to abolish polygamy and to give Turkish women chance to offer divorce to their husbands if they needed it. The new secular codes of civil law were changed 15 times from 1926 to 1990 to accomplish equal rights for both sexes. As a result, most lawyer in Turkey including woman lawyers are accepting that the new personal status law which was revised in Dec. 2001 secured the equal rights for both sexes confirming monogamy, equal right for divorce and property of a married couple, representative right of husband and wife respectively for their family etc.
    Keyword: Islamic personal status law, Turkey, Turkish women, the equal rights for both sexes, monogamy
    Author: Dae Sung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    Islamic Personal Status Law, Possibilities of Reformfrom a Women's Rights Perspective
    Islamic Personal Status Law, Possibilities of Reform from a Women's Rights Perspective - A Study through Changes of the Personal Status Law in Tunisia - Since the influx of Personal Status Law to Magib, Personal Status Law had assimilated with aboriginal culture and became a primary law, together with traditional tacit law, that governed the family and women's life in Islamic society for centuries. During the assimilation processes, national and regional traits were reflected in PSL. Integration with modern political hegemony, PSL has metamorphosed into secular law. Contemporary Tunisian Personal Status Law has emerged from paternal kinship oriented society and prescribed retrieval of female citizens' rights in important domains of family life such as marriage, divorce, custody, alimony, and inheritance. After independence from French domination in 1956, Tunisia underwent a social reform movement and legislated a revolutionary Personal Status Law abrogating polygamy and repudiation. Since its enactment, Tunisian Personal Status Law has been revised and reformed. This paper intends to investigate the possibility of women's rights reformation in Islamic society by inquiring Tunisian Personal Status Law. First, noteworthy contents in family related issues from the Maliki School, one of Islam Sharia that had influenced Magrib region and Tunisia, will be analyzed. Second, backgrounds of legislation of early modern Tunisian Personal Status Law and its significant provisions will be observed. Third, distinctive items of Personal Status Law resulted from revision and reformation will be reviewed and summarized. From the preceding analyses, this study will try to state the limitation of Tunisian Personal Status Law and its future paths of evolution
    Keyword: Islamic Woman. Islamic Personal Status Law, Tunisia, Tunisian Woman, Woman's right
    Author: Hyo Jung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    Islamic Personal Status Law, Possibilities of Reform from a Women's Rights Perspective
    Islamic Personal Status Law, Possibilities of Reform from a Women's Rights Perspective - A Study through Changes of the Personal Status Law in Morocco - Religion and the family have been intimately related. Each has an in fluence upon the other. Neither can be fully understood apart from the other. This interconnection may explain the apparent gap in conventional studies of the Muslim family structure between two unbalanced approaches:the clearly sociological approach, and religious approach. Muslims see the moral life as related to ultimate ends, personal happiness and ultimate salvation. and Muslims regard the family as a fundamental part of one's earthly and religious life. Muslims in habit, are against all forms of women's activity outside of family. These traditional views are being radically challenged by activity of women's organizations especially in Morocco The issues of sexual morality, marriage, divorce, and family are emerging as pressing issues in Islamic religious traditions. The rise of feminist theology, activism, and the call for equality between men and women are giving rise to fundamental debates within religious traditions, embedded as it is in Islamic civilization and its plethora of social and political movements. As such, it seems that the discussion of these issues among muslims of different of social status in Morocco is useful, and provides an occasion for benefit, not only in coming to a better understanding of another status, but in coming to a better understanding of one's own. Sharī'ah is one comprehensive system of law that is divine in origin, religious in essence, and moral in scope. It does not exclude fiqh, but it is not identical with it. In contrast, fiqh is a human product, the intellectual systematic endeavor to interpret and apply the principles of sharī'ah. At any rate, the referents of the Two concepts are readily distinguishable at least analytically. The confusion arises when the term sharī'ah is used uncritically to designate not only the divine law in its pure principal form, but also its human subsidiary sciences including fiqh. In this background, this paper will study on characteristics of Moroccan traditional personal status law, historical backgrounds of Moroccan personal status reforms and its major issues, methodology of reforms, and it will evaluate the reforms of Moroccan personal status law from a Women's Rights Perspective.
    Keyword: Islamic Personal Status Law, Morocco, Moroccan Women, Women's Rights, Sharī'ah, Fiqh
    Author: Won Sam Lee
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    스페인어 경로 자질의 접두사와 전치사의 동시 실현
    Varela & Martin Garcia(1999) describe that in Spanish some prefixes change the syntactic projection of the argument of the simple predicate (El clavo ha pasado por la pared > El clavo ha traspasado la pared. El piloto vuela sobre el lago Ontario > El piloto sobrevuela el lago Ontario), and through this kind of prefixation, the optional complement of the sentence like Sacaron las bolas negras (de entre las blancas) is converted as the obligatory complement of the complex predicate in Entresacaron las bolas negras *(de entre las blancas). In the sentence Entresacaron las bolas negras *(de entre las blancas), we can observe that the Path prepositional prefix has the same phonetic feature with the Path Preposition. This kind of phenomena can also be observed in the sentences like El rio afluye al mar, Un pajaro sobrevuela sobre la estatua de la libertad durante la puesta de sol en Nueva York. In this article, we provide a morpho-syntactic account, within the framework of Distributed Morphology(cf. Halle & Marantz(1993)) to show that the simultaneous realization of Path Prefix and Path Preposition with the same phonetic feature is closely related to the spell-out condition in the derivational confuguration with respect to the Path feature.
    Keyword: 전치사적 접두사, 접두사 부착 동사, 경로, 중복실현, 융합, 포합, 분산형태론, Prepositional prefix, Prefixed verb, Path, Double realization, Conflation, Incorporation, Distributed Morphology
    Author: 곽재용 ( Kwak Jae-yong )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    앙토냉 아르토와 정신병원
    Antonin Artaud, a poet of cruelty, suffered from mental illness for life. He has been suffering from mental illnesses such as meningitis in his early days and neurosis since his youth. His writing and artistic activities can not be separated from psychosis. Artaud did not stop writing despite being in custody at a psychiatric hospital. It was the only means of communicating with the outside world as a patient of chronic disease. His morbid state and existence, his dissatisfaction with the absurdity of the world, and mysticism. In psychiatry, this obsession with art therapy is referred to as graphomania. After his expulsion from Ireland, Artaud was transferred to the psychiatric hospital of Sotteville-les-Rouen in October 1937; then, interned at Sainte-Anne in Paris in April 1938 and finally transported, placed in a straitjacket, to the psychiatric hospital of Ville-Evrard, in the suburbs of Paris, in February 1939. He remained there for four years, until his death. Providential transfer to Rodez in February 1943. Providential, because Ville-Evrard had proved to be a real “deathbed”. The patients fell like flies with being reduced to famine. Today, research on Artaud is continuing in many fields. The texts he had produced are still subject of decryption. Especially, writings confined in psychiatric hospitals are read not only in literature, art, but also in psychiatry. In particular, the writings and paintings of Artaud raise the problem of absolute solitude of human mind, despair of language, manifestation of social maladjustment. The extraordinary world is dominated by poets like Artaud, fantasists, madness owners, and neurotic patients. Their mysterious persuasive powers have given birth to religion and art, and will open a new future. If they say their creative inspiration is poetry, it will at some point come into contact with mental illness. That is the case with Artaud. This study explored writing as a mental illness of this sick-Artaud, the detention of the hospital, and the release of poets.
    Keyword: 앙토냉 아르토, 정신병원, 글쓰기, 감금, 정신착란, 난서증, 亂書症, Antonin Artaud, psychiatric hospital, writing, internment, delirium, graphomania
    Author: 박형섭 ( Park Hyung-sub )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    A Study on the Spirit in the Oriental and the Western Art
    A Study on the Spirit in the Oriental and the Western Art - Centering on Chinese Calligraphy and Greek Sculpture - The aim of this thesis is to comparatively analyze the spirit in the Oriental and Western art and to search for their distinct paradigms of beauty and further the universality beyond them. Chinese spirit is best embodied in calligraphy which is characterized by harmony or moderation. Chinese calligraphers, expecially in Wi and Zin Age, emphasized 'ChungHwaZiGi(沖和之氣)' and attained the ideal of calligraphic beauty through 'the dialectic of Yangkang and Emyu'. As a result, Chinese calligraphy has been a model of Chinese Art. On the other hand, ancient Greek spirit is also moderation, which is embodied in Greek sculpture. Greek sculptors stressed tranquillity and reached the ideal of sculptural beauty through 'the dialectic of beauty and exposure'. Consequently, Greek sculpture has been a model of the Western Art. In conclusion, although moderation, or the golden mean as Oriental and Western artistic spirit was the most fundamental concept of their ancient aesthetics, which human beings pursued both in the East and the West, it was quite different in its form and contents between them on account of their cultural differences.
    Keyword: artistic spirit, Chinese calligraphy, Greek sculpture, moderation, universality
    Author: Jung Hee Ki
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    An Empirical Study on the Long-Term Memory Effect of Economic in Mediterrancen nation
    An Empirical Study on the Long-Term Memory Effect of Economic in Mediterrancen nation - Focusing on Stock Earning Rate - The Studies until now are concluding that stock price in stock market follows random walk process by rational expectation hypothesis and efficient market hypothesis developing a lot of probability models. However, random walk process in stock market has a lot of questions actually. The main objective of this thesis is to test existence of the long-term memory effect of Stock Earning Rate in Mediterrancen nation. The modified R/S analysis and V-statistic used to examine this utility function. In conclusions, this thesis shows existence of the long-term memory effect of of Stock Earning Rate in Mediterrancen nation
    Keyword: Mediterrancen nation, stock marekt, modified R/S analysis, Hurst exponent, V-statistic
    Author: Ji Yeol Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    시리아 방언
    아랍어은 7세기중엽에 이슬람이 출현하면서 이슬람교의 경전 인 꾸란에서 문자화되어 현재까지 첨삭없이 아랍사회의 문어체 로서 사용되고있다. 반면 일상생활에서는 아랍국가마다 그들만이 사용하는 구어체 언어가 있다. 구어체 언어는 음성음운, 형태, 통사면에서 문어체 와 차이를 나타내며 국가마다 독특한 체계를 가지고 사용하고 있다. 언어학자들은 아랍어 방언을 동부와 서부 두 지역으로 나누었 다. 동부 방언은 레반트 지역, 아라비아반도 및 이집트를 서부방 언은 북부아프리카의 아랍국가들을 일컬는다. 본 논문에서는 레반트지역에 속한 시리아 방언의 음성음운, 형태의 변천 과정에서 토착어인 아람어의 영향 범위를 다루어 시리아 방언에서의 셈어 흔적을 찾고 시리아의 수도 다마스커스 방언의 독특한 음운현상과 어휘에서 발생하는 동화, 대치, 생략 현상의 변화과정에서 발생하는 변종들을 다루어 학습자들이 방 언의 음운 규칙을 쉽게 이해하여 효율적인 학습이 되도록하였다. 또한, 시리아 방언의 학습방법을 다루어 학습자들이 쉽게 시리 아방언을 쉽득하는 방법을 제시하였다. 특히, 시리아 다마스커스 대학교의 남녀젊은이들의 언어습관 에서 나타나는 문어체와 구어체간의 관계를 현지 설문조사를 통 해 분석한 결과를 제시하여 시리아 사회에서의 아랍어 문어체와 구어체의 위상을 알아보았다.
    Keyword: 문어체, 구어체, 방언
    Author: 박재양
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on Multimedia-assisted teaching Arabiclanguage with special attention to developing multimedia contents
    A Study on Multimedia-assisted teaching Arabic language with special attention to developing multimedia contents This study was implemented to find a way to apply Internet and computer technology to teaching the Arabic language and culture to the Korean college students at the beginner’s level. Nowadays, as the information and computer technology has developed, multimedia has become one of the major instructional tools in teaching foreign languages and culture since it can arouse great interest among the learners through the integration of text, sound, image and moving picture. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop web-based multimedia contents and present a model for learning Arabic language and culture on the cyber space. In order to implement this aim properly, first of all, this paper will describe the need of teaching the integrated Arabic language and culture and its related problems. Then, it is concluded that the web-based learning can be an effective way and tool for solving this problem. The paper shows the process of developing the multimedia contents through the four phases of analyzing in which a joint team of experts would participate. It also explains the factors such as interactivity to be taken into consideration for the design of the web-based online learning.
    Keyword: multimedia contents, web-based learning, computer, interactivity
    Author: Hee Man Sah
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on Linguistic Features of News Arabic
    A Study on Linguistic Features of News Arabic - Focused on Egyptian Area - In the Arab Word , there exists a striking dichotomy between two or more varieties of the same language used by speakers under different conditions. This sociolinguistic situation was termed "diglossia" by Ferguson. It means that classical Arabic is the literary standard and , in principal , the language of formal discourse, while colloquial Arabic is everyday spoken language. Arabic diglossia is not a new phenomenon. It goes back to the pre-islamic era and it was observed by Arab and Muslim grammarians. In nowadays the literary Arabic means the language of writing and reading which is used in magazines, newspapers, books, lectures, news broadcasts, formal occasions, etc. As for the colloquial dialects, they are the language of conversation which people use in daily life, at home and on the street. As for news Arabic , it differ from classical(literary) Arabic and is influenced in some way by spoken Arabic. This article is linguistic study of radio news Arabic focused on Egyptian area. In this study, we may find many differences in the phonological, morphological,and syntactic systems especially.
    Keyword: Arabic Diglossia, Literary Arabic, Spoken Arabic, News Arabic
    Author: Eun Kyeong Yun
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Andalusian Mulūk 'al-Ṭawā'if period and it's effects on the Arabic Literature
    Andalusian Mulūk 'al-Ṭawā'if period and it's effects on the Arabic Literature `Al-Manṣūr was a great statesman and a great soldier. When he died in 1002 A.D, The political situations in Andalus rapidly changed. The unity of the Cordova khalifate passed away in 1031 A. D. admit violent internecine struggles in Andalus muslim society. Berber and Slaves divided the kingdom between them, accordingly the muslim territory of Andalus was divided into kingdoms of the mulūk 'al-Ṭawā'if. Of these Party Kings the most powerful were the `Abbādids of Sevillia. Although it was an age of political decay, the material prosperity of Spain had as yet suffered little diminution, while in point of literature activity and cultural renaissance, the society of this time reached a level hitherto unequalled. As regards poetry, the period of mulūk 'al-Ṭawā'if is the period of unsurpassed brilliancy, due mainly to the great freedom of behavior, which set aside many religious restrictions, especially those against wine drinking, those concerning the seclusion of women, the wearing of the veil, and love relations between the two sexes. The first half of the 11 Century is marked by these great figures : `Ibn Ḥazm, `Ibn Zaydūn, Walādah. The second half of the century is dominated two figures : `Al-Mu'tamid the poet-king of Sevillia and His Wazīr `Ibn 'Ammār
    Keyword: Andalus, Mulūk `al-Ṭawā`if, Arabic Literature, Cultural Renaissance
    Author: Jong Wha Lee
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    식민 전쟁과 서발턴
    El blocao (1928) which consists of seven short stories shows the Avant-Garde tendency in the form, but it contains the negative view of the Moroccan War with the social criticism. For this reason, this novel can be considered the pioneer of the Prewar Spanish Social Novel. Though seven short stories have nothing to do with each other, the novelistic action is displayed in the same time and space: Tetuan and the frontal line in the Moroccan War. Through the novel, we can find various types of subaltern. The main objective of this study is to analyze the types of subaltern and their attitude and action in the context of the dichotomous world: civilization and barbarism; dominance and resistance; Europe and Africa; core and periphery. Jose Diaz Fernandez was born in 1898 at the small village of Salamanca, but he has spent the majority of his early life in Asturias. His literary careers begin with the publication of his articles in the local daily newspaper. Since 1930s. he has been involved in politics of Spain as a politician. Before analyzing the text, I examined his articles about Moroccan war published in the daily newspaper of Gijon. Seven short chronicles must be important materials for his first novel. But I can’t find here his severe criticism which is found easily in his later works. In order to carry out the proposed study, I classified the subaltern into tree types in this novel. First, Moore women: The sexual desire of the Spanish soldiers is instinctively led to the Moore women. These women represent inaccessible African continent and at the same time they can be thought as the symbol of resistance against the invaders. Secondly, Angustias, a female revolutionist, is the main character of the fifth short story (≪ La Magdalena Roja≫). She doesn’t stop fighting against the ruling power of Spain in order to attack the imperialism and colonialism of Spain. She also fights against her country to contribute to the independence of Morocco. Finally, I can not ignore the existence of junior soldiers who have joined involuntarily the army. Because of the colonial war, they degraded to the status of the animals showing the brutality of their instinct. They are also the victims of the arbitrary and unfair treatment of their superiors.
    Keyword: 포스트모더니즘, 식민 전쟁, 서발턴, 호세 디아스 페르난데스, 『진지』, Postcolonialism, Colonial War, Subaltern, Jose Diaz Fernandez, El blocao
    Author: 박효영 ( Park Hyo-young )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Views about the Tradition and the Form of Arabic Verse
    The Views about the Tradition and the Form of Arabic Verse - From the leading Poet-Critics of Arabic New Poetry - In the twentieth century Arabic poetry has undergone momentous changes. It has experienced a number of schools and trends, and has generated several movements. Arab poets experimented in a few decades with many trends which acquired centuries of experimentation in the West. So after 1950's the New Poetry became a poetic movement and gained a great popularity. The movement was introduced and pioneered by poets such as Nazik Malaikah, Badr Shakir Sayyab, Abdul Wahab Bayyati, Nizar Qabbani, Salah Abd Sabur and Adonis and so on. The goal of the New Poetry was to open new horizons for the poet in order to create and experiment the new. These experiments were performed by several leading poet-critics both in their theories and their practices. I chose four leading poet-critics whose poetry is representative of the New Poetry. They are Salah Abd Sabur, Nizar Qabbani, Adonis(Ali Ahmad Said) and Nazik Malaikh. They were in the same generation and all of them were considered to be leading poets. Also they had their own views of modern and traditional arabic poetry. I think the understanding of the views about the tradition and the form of the several leading poet-critics is necessary for the understanding of the modern arabic poetry. So I studied the views of above-mentioned poet-critics by dividing into two chapters, the views of the tradition and the views of the form.
    Keyword: Tradition, Form, Free Verse, Prose Poetry, Leading Poet-Critics
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Fiestas Españolas
    Fiestas Españolas - “Moros y Cristianos” En Corea, aumenta cada vez más la demanda de fiestas en las que los participantes y los turistas puedan disfrutarse. Aunque abundan fiestas focklóricas u otros tipos de festivales, éstos no llegan a satisfacer plenamente a la gente. En este trabajo, vamos a tratar de las fiestas españolas, que es el primer país en este campo. Luego compararemos sus características con las de nuestras fiestas similares. Así podremos ver cómo mejorar las nuestras. Ya que no hay suficiente espacio para detallar todas las fiestas españolas, lo haremos sólo con la de “moros y cristianos”. Esta fiesta es una fiesta representativa de España en el sentido de que se celebra en más de 220 lugares, de distintas maneras y fechas. Se basan todas en el mismo hecho "Reconquista". El ejemplo de la fiesta de Alcoy nos permite ver que la participación voluntaria de los miembros de la comunidad y la industrialización de la zona son las causas principales de su éxito
    Keyword: fiestas españolas, Moros y Cristianos, fiestas regionales
    Author: Hyo Sang Lim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The modernization and the early feminism in Egypt and Morocco
    The modernization and the early feminism in Egypt and Morocco The modernization in Egypt and Morocco went with development of literacy's ability. Also, with the modernization the relations between the women and the men have remarkably changed. Education has been the most important step for women liberation. Indeed, thanks to education, women could work in various fields. Further, the regulation affecting legal and social status of women allowed them equal responsibilities as men. Although the difference of the period, Egypt and Morocco had contacted with the West, more precisely, the both countries had been under the rules of colonialism set up by England and France respectively. So, we can say that the modernization of Egypt and Morocco has started through the nationalism movement. Accordingly, in this article, I have tried to make a study about the early feminism in the modernization process of Egypt and Morocco through Huda Shaarawi and Malika El Fassi's life reports. They did dual struggle for what is called emancipation of nation and women. We could say that they have layed the foundation for modern feminism.
    Keyword: Huda Shaarawi, Malika El Fassi, The early feminism, nationalism mouvement, modernization
    Author: Kyung Sim Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    La Modernización de España y el papel de los inteligentes femeninos
    La Modernización de España y el papel de los inteligentes femeninos - En torno a Emilia Pardo Bazán - Aparte de la novelista representativa del naturalismo español, Emilia Pardo Bazán era una de las feministas que habían luchado contra los prejuicios de la sociedad masculina para recuperar los derechos femeninos a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. El objeto fundamental de mi trabajo, pues, consiste en analizar el papel de las mujeres en el proceso de la modernización, adoptando a Emilia Pardo Bazán como un prototipo femenino en tal circunstancia. Para llevar a cabo lo propuesto anteriormente, he prestado especial atención a sus actividades sociales y sus escritos de carácter feminista esparcidos en numerosas revistas de aquella época. De lo expuesto anteriormente, puedo llegar a las siguientes conclusiones: En primer lugar, Emilia atribuye la causa de la incapacidad laboral de las mujeres españolas a la escasa educación femenina. Por eso, la gallega se ha esforzado por mejorar el sistema educativo de las mujeres. En segundo lugar, a su parecer, es indispensable la libre elección de trabajo para la verdadera emancipación femenina. En tercer lugar, según ella, el atraso económico de España tiene mucho que ver con los problemas femeninos de que padecían la mayoría de las mujeres. En cuarto lugar, ella no tiene mucha confianza en los inteligentes masculinos para realizar tal proyecto sino que requiere una participación activa de las mujeres.
    Keyword: Emilia Pardo Bazán, modernización, las mujers, el Mediterráneo
    Author: Hyo Young Park
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    중앙아시아와 중동 산유국간 협력관계 연구
    Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates were established in 1992. Solid fundament of friendship, mutual understanding and friendship was laid during official visits of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the United Arab Emirates. Strong pace has the development of cooperation between business circles of two countries. UAE is the most important trade and investment partners of Kazakhstan in Middle East. Taking into account the thriving economies of Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates there is a great potential of further development of economic cooperation and enlargement of trade amount between Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates.
    Keyword: Cooperation relationship, Central Asia, Middle Eastern Gulf countries, Kazakhstan, United Arab Emirates, Islam, Economic cooperation, Oil Economy, 중동 산유국, 중앙아시아 산유국, 카자흐스탄, 아랍에미리트, 경제협력, 이슬람, 외교정책, 석유경제, 종교문화교류
    Author: 최재훈 ( Choi Jae-hoon )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    ‘마그레브-사하라’ 지역의 지속가능한 안보와 평화를 위한 프랑스의 노력에 관한 연구
    The Maghreb-Sahara region is the place where many nations make up "borders". It is also a region where the humanity is grappling with various problems, such as trafficking, terror, environmental issues, gender inequality and dispute over natural resources. We examine the situation of the Maghreb-Sahara where the problems of globalization face with. In this article, we show the general characteristics of the Maghreb-Sahara, its French colonization and the surviving elements of French culture after its independence. In particular, we highlight two aspects compared to the French elements. The first is about the effects and influence of French culture. We examine how influence of French soft power still exists in this region, and how France live up to Sustainable Development Goals, SDG); supported by the United Nations. The second is to notice that the terrorist group and the hostage as well as the increase of illegal traffic in this region. In order to take action against them, France is increasing their power on the military. These are intended to strengthen their influence in this region but at the same time a strategy to achieve SDG. These two elements that are examined in this article, are those of what can be verified the French influence in the conflict world like Maghreb-Sahara. This will help us better understand what the Korean government is doing ODA in this region.
    Keyword: Maghreb, Sahara, France, Sustainability, Peace and Security, 마그레브, 사하라, 프랑스, 지속가능성, 평화와 안보
    Author: 임기대 ( Lim Gi-dae )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Experiência da Modernização e o Discurso Feminista
    A Experiência da Modernização e o Discurso Feminista - No caso das escritoras portuguesas contemporaneas - A experiência da Modernização de Portugal foi muito limitada até aos meados do século XX. Podemos destacar as suas causas principais como Salazarismo e as tradições históricas, sociais e religiosas da Península Ibérica. Em especial, o regime salazarista, que tinha optado uma política de fechamento fez retardar a modernização de Portugal em comparação aos outros países europeus. Esta política pode ser explicada por um lema desenvolvido pelo então governo, que é "Orgulosamente sós". Através deste discurso político, o Estado Novo tinha desenvolvido uma ideologia para criar uma imagem mitificador de Portugal. Entretanto, a Revolução dos Cravos levou o povo português a enfrentar a verdadeira realidade de Portugal, ou seja a de um país pequeno, situado nos confins da Península Ibérica. Perante esta situação, os escritores portugueses deviam sentir uma necessidade imediata e ainda um grande desafio de recuperar a Identidade de Portugal, que foi confundida pelo regime ditador de Salazar. Uma nova geração chamada, 'geração de revolução' que tinha surgido após a Revolução tentou desvelar a face de um Portugal velado durante séculos por uma imagem mitificadora imposta pela ideologia oficial, que tinha criado a imagem de Portugal Universal. Lídia Jorge faz parte desta geração. Ao longo de 20 anos da sua vida literária, tem abordado as questões importantes da sociedade moderna portuguesa, tais como o desmembramento da família tradicional, o desaparecimento dos valores tradicionais, a mudança de estado e o papel das Mulheres Portuguesas, etc. De facto, o desenvolvimento imaginário e metafórico, que caracteriza o seu discurso literário leva-nos a um desenvolvimento temático muito importante: a identidade do povo português, em especial a identidade da Mulher. A sua visão feminina leva-nos a compreender vários problemas que a Mulher Portuguesa enfrentou, enfrenta e enfrentará no processo da modernização do país. Em conclusão, podemos dizer que Lídia Jorge está a abrir um novo horizonte literário por um novo discurso feminista, caracterizado pela grande inventiva da escrita e pela notável capacidade de observação, tentando, assim, procurar a Descoberta de Si mesmo, que foi ignorada e esquecida pelo discurso oficial e masculino.
    Keyword: Modernização, Discurso Feminista, Portugal
    Author: Yong Jae Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    경제위기 이후 스페인 노동시장의 개혁과 성과
    This study reviews the main features of the labour market of Spain by examining its labour reforms and employment indicators since the 1980s. In particular, this paper evaluates the reform of the Spanish labour market undertaken in 2012 by focusing on its contents and changes in employment indicators. The Spanish economy has experienced the boom and crisis in 2000s, while its labour market was rigid with dual labour market problem. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis in 2008, the massive layoffs occurred and the unemployment has reached an unprecedented level. During the economic crisis, the Spanish government undertook the comprehensive labour reform. The latter aimed to improve the flexibility of labour management and to reduce the duality in its labour market. Since 2014, the Spanish labour market has shown a recovery: the total employment has been increasing, while the unemployment fell. However, it is still unclear whether the labour reform of 2012 achieved its desired goals. The share of temporary workers in Spain is the highest among the EU countries and its transition rate from permanent to temporary contracts is still low. The recent good performance of the Spanish labour market is mainly explained by business cycle factors rather than structural ones. However, it is worth noting that changes in the labour structure are also taking place, as employment in the construction sector, which had the highest level of temporary employment in the past, decreased sharply and employment in the manufacturing, tourism, and public sectors increased.
    Keyword: 스페인, 노동시장개혁, 임시직, 노동시장 이원화, 유연성, 경제위기, Spain, labour market reform, temporary workers, dual labour market, flexibility, economic crisis
    Author: 강유덕 ( Kang Yoo-duk )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The modernization and the early feminism in Egypt and Morocco
    The modernization and the early feminism in Egypt and Morocco The modernization in Egypt and Morocco went with development of literacy's ability. Also, with the modernization the relations between the women and the men have remarkably changed. Education has been the most important step for women liberation. Indeed, thanks to education, women could work in various fields. Further, the regulation affecting legal and social status of women allowed them equal responsibilities as men. Although the difference of the period, Egypt and Morocco had contacted with the West, more precisely, the both countries had been under the rules of colonialism set up by England and France respectively. So, we can say that the modernization of Egypt and Morocco has started through the nationalism movement. Accordingly, in this article, I have tried to make a study about the early feminism in the modernization process of Egypt and Morocco through Huda Shaarawi and Malika El Fassi's life reports. They did dual struggle for what is called emancipation of nation and women. We could say that they have layed the foundation for modern feminism.
    Keyword: Huda Shaarawi, Malika El Fassi, The early feminism, nationalism mouvement, modernization
    Author: Kyung Sim Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    한국의 지중해문명 연구 동향과 그 담론적 쟁점
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the trends and issues related to Mediterranean Studies of Korea in the last 10 years. In this work, I introduce the development of anti-Eurocentric debate surrounding Mediterranean Studies and an alternative to Eurocentrism. This anti-Eurocentrism was triggered by Martin Bernal (Black Athena, 1987), A.G. Frank (Reorient, 1998) and P. Horden & N. Pucell (The Corrupting Sea : A Study of Mediterranean History, 2000). Briefly, in order to criticize or overcome Eurocentrism, the proposition of Asiacentrism or Sinocentrism and even Afrocentrism could be another consequence of erroneous criticism of the centralism. Rather, it is more important to doubt and dismantle those facts that we have long believed to be self-evident and objective. Next, “the connectedness model”, an explanatory method emphasizing connectedness, fluidity and networks centered on the Mediterranean emerged along with the criticism of “the stable cellular model” of Finley-Hopkins’s Mediterranean analysis. Accepted as an orthodox interpretation of ancient scholarly academic circles until the 1980s, this model foresaw the transition of interpretation of the Mediterranean civilization. The Theory of Balanced Relations on Mediterranean Studies and the study on the types of intercultural exchanges in the Mediterranean provide a rich perspective and could become a new methodology for interpreting the Mediterranean civilization.
    Keyword: A Tendency of Mediterranean Studies of Korea, Anti-Eurocentrism, the connectedness model, Theory of Balanced Relations on Mediterranean Studies, Typology of Intercultural exchanges in Mediterranean, 한국의 지중해연구 경향, 반유럽중심주의, 상호교류모델, 관계균형론, 지중해문명교류 유형론
    Author: 최춘식 ( Choi Choon-sik )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    La Modernisation et l'antiféminisme en France
    La Modernisation et l'antiféminisme en France L'antiféminisme est omniprésent dans la vie politique et culturelle du siècle qui vient de s'écouler, à la croisée de l'histoire des femmes et de l'histoire des hommes, au cœur des conflits qui rythment l'évolution heurtée des rôles et des identités de sexe. Les adversaires de l'émancipation des femmes déforment le sens du mot «féminisme», le chargent de leurs craintes et de leurs fantasmes, de leur mépris et de leurs sarcasmes. Il semble délicat d'identifier a priori des thèmes comme antiféministes, car ils ne prennent toute leur signification que situés dans leur contexte. Il est, en revanche, facile de repérer ceux et celles qui ont fait de l'antiféminisme leurs fonds de commerce. L'antiféminisme traduit des angoisses réelles : depuis la modernisation et l'industrialisation en France, l'accélération des évolutions économiques, culturelles et politiques fragilise les statuts, les rôles, les identités des hommes et des femmes dans toutes les couches sociales. L'antiféminisme, qui surgit alors comme un symtôme du malaise, doit prendre place dans l'histoire des peurs individuelles et collectives.
    Keyword: Modernisation, Féminisme, Antiféminisme, Histoire des femmes, Féminité
    Author: Ki Chan Byeon
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Between Class and Nation
    Between Class and Nation: in search for the interconnection between the collective modernization and women's issue in former Yugoslavia The present study intends to show the causal links between the ways in which modernization had been conducted in former Yugoslavia and the way in which the question of women is treated in the society. The study puts forward an argument that the focus put on collectivity, not individuality, in the process of modernization has adverse impacts upon the liberation of women and equal treatment of women with men. The socialist leadership strove to resolve the issue of 'classes'. The fall of the socialist leadership entailed the rise of the nationalist leadership and the nationalist leaders then mobilized the Yugoslav society on the wave of nationalism. As a result, nation replaced class as the primary theme of discourse across the Yugoslav society. This development was not helpful for the resolution of women's issues. While every major issue was discussed primarily in terms of collectivity such as classes and nations, it was hard to women's issue on its own and therefore neglected. Only against this backdrop, violences committed against women in the post-socialist and nationally-mobilized society of former Yugoslavia. The socialist mobilization had the effect of weakening male domination of the society to a certain extent. Yet the rise of nationalism and the subsequent domination of nation as the primary issue confronting each constituent society canceled much of the positive changes made in terms of women's issue. Modernization for collectivity did not guarantee the rights for individuality especially social minority such as women
    Keyword: socialism, nationalism, modernization, women's issue
    Author: Seung Eun Oh
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Young Intellectuals and Women in the last period of Ottoman Empire
    Young Intellectuals and Women in the last period of Ottoman Empire The purpose of this study is to examine the political thoughts and the ideologies of Young Intellectuals(Young Ottomans and Young Turks) and their views of women in the last period of Ottoman Empire. Young Ottomans, among whom were Şinasi, Ziya Pasha, Sadullah and Namık Kemal, emerged as a reaction to the authoritarianism, extreme Westernism and superficiality of Tanzimat policies. Their ideology involved a complex blend of Ottoman nationalism, Islamism and constitutionalism. Young Ottomans were the earliest advocates of women's emancipation, preparing the ground for later reforms, Şinasi's satirical play Şair Evlenmesi (The Poet's Wedding) written in 1859 is considered one of the earliest criticisms of the arranged marriage system. Among them, Namık Kemal was the most important intellectual. He was vocal in his criticisms of the more oppressive and unjust aspects of marriage and family life, as well as women's overall position in society. He used the newpaper he edited, Ibret, to call for reforms in women's education. His novel, Zavallı Çocuk (Poor Child) also offer critical commentaries on women's condition. Young Turks influenced by the political and the ideological thoughts of Young Ottoman were the second generation of Young Intellectuals in the last period of Ottoman Empire. Especially, the overthrow of the autocratic regime in 1908 by Young Turks, members of CPU(the Committee of Union and Progress), was followed by a period of intense social upheaval and ideological ferment. Women's rights issues were no exception. During the Second Constitutional Period, debates on women and the family became more tightly and self-consciously integrated into ideological positions representing different recipes for salvaging the empire. These can be identified as Islamist, Westernist and Turkist positions. But it goes without saying that the activities of Young Intellectuals in the last period of Ottoman Empire served as an important springboard for the reforms under the Atatürk regime.
    Keyword: Young Ottomans, Young Turks, Women, Ottoman Empire, CPU
    Author: Duck Chan Woo
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Regional Development
    프랑스의 도시재생사업과 시사점
    This paper aims to gain implications by analyzing the Euromediterranee project of Marseille and the Ile-de-Nantes project of Nantes, focusing on the composition, approach, institution, finance, and governance of the project that has become an issue in the implementation of urban regeneration projects. Marseilles and Nantes have adopted a comprehensive approach that considers society, economy, environment, and culture with the aim of sustainable development. Marseille successfully carried out the Euromediterranee regeneration project in 1995 although it suffered an industrial depression and decline since the 1960s. The project has contributed to the improvement of the image through various facilities(culture, transportation, etc.) and expansion of green space, attracting 5,300 companies, creating 43,500 jobs, and hosting of European cultural capital (Marseille-Provence 2013). In particular, the European cultural capital event in 2013 helped boost Marseille’s status as a cultural city by revitalizing the Euromediterranee project, and attracted a total of 11 million visitors. Nantes contributed to the successful transformation of the urban economic structure and the improvement of its image by implementing a regeneration project for the Ile-de-Nantes creative district. In 2012, Nantes created 36,400 jobs, or 9 percent of all jobs, in the cultural and creative industries, ranked second in the nation in the growth of creative jobs, and is considered the most livable city in various surveys. Considering the recent industrial depression and the deepening population decline in most local cities in Korea, the case of Marseille and Nantes, which have been achieving success in the pursuit of sustainable development and innovation in the long term, gives us implications.
    Keyword: urban regeneration, creative city, Euromediterranee, Ile de Nantes, Marseille, 도시재생, 창조도시, 유로메디테라네, 일드낭트, 마르세유
    Author: 배준구 ( Bae Jun-gu )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Muslim Women and Jewish Women in view of Modernization
    Muslim Women and Jewish Women in view of Modernization This paper to analyzed Muslim Women and Jewish women in view of Modernization. The study consisted of four chapters, The first chapter describes intention and methodology of this study. The second chapter elucidates the theories of modernism and modernity in and modernization of Islamic and Jewish societies. Especially, The research was based on the characteristics of modernization in the Arab and Jewish World. In this chapter, the study focused on Quran and Torah and Talmud. In the present study, the modernizations and Arab States and Jewish societies was different in each country. in Lebanon and Syria and Israel, the modernization made headway by the army. But In Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Modernization made headway by the royal family and the new elite. And This Chapter to discuss the changes of rights of the Muslim women and Jewish women. The Islamic cognition of women on the basis of Quran and Hadith. Also Jewish cognition of women on the basis of Torah and Talmud. Lastly, 3th Chapter is the conclusion, this chapter was written to find out the relationship between the modernization and women problem
    Keyword: Muslim Women, Jewish Women, Quran, Torah, Talmud
    Author: Seong Soo Lee
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    크세노폰의 경영론에 나타난 교육과 정치 그리고 권위와 자유의 상호연관성에 대한 고찰
    It has been argued that Xenophon’s political conviction depends on the social elitism. His view is similar to those of ancient Greek thinkers in 4th century B.C. His focus is too much on the social cultures formed through educating or cultivating political responsibility of the political leader. The order and family management in Xenophon’s Oeconomicus is management-society in its structure. This was verified when he master handed over his responsibility to women, the concierge, or housemaid. But this calls into question management society or management psychology that have something to do with the management of the household economy. Xenophon’s model is rooted in the capitalist management, not in cooperative management, since it was the economy of the owner, employer, and wage laborer, focused on the relationship between domination and obedience rather than the one between equality of peoples and liberty for all. What does matter here is to shed light on merit, care and responsibility, but not on arbitrary power and birth. ‘Merit’ here means ‘justice’, that is, equal right to domination. Human beings are free in the sense that they have more liberty through the realization of their merits. It is important to note, however, that equality of rights means its relative sense, because the order of life in the political aspect of household economy is unchangeably class-oriented and paternalistic. We are finally led to conclude that many critical points are to be made in his approach that emerged from an interconnection between freedom and authority. A critique is directed against Xenophon’s Utopia. In spite of the fact that his notion of non-violent domination is rooted in voluntary obedience, moral superiority of the leader, and care for the ruled, I would dare to say that his idea is still utopian in its character. The critical points are four-folded: (1) fundamental hunger for freedom, (2) the difficulty to find the leader with moral superiority in the world, (3) the possibility of corruption in politics and (4) the fact of unreasonable world order and irrationality of individual psychology. It may be inferred from these criticisms that Xenophon’s views about human nature and politics are too optimistic to implement them in the real world.
    Keyword: Xenophon, Oeconomicus, Education, Authority, Voluntary Obedience, 크세노폰, 경영론, 교육, 권위, 자발적인 복종
    Author: 임성철 ( Rhim Sung-chul )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Historias del Kronen으로 살펴본 스페인어의 강화 전략
    Speakers intend to influence his/her interlocutors to achieve his/her purpose in every act of communication. For this, he/she often employs the linguistic strategy of intensification. Intensification is a discursive strategy related to the concept of the argumentative force in the colloquial conversation and it emphasizes ‘I’. The aim of this study is to examine the main morphosyntactic structures and the semantic-pragmatic uses of the colloquial Spanish intensification through the analysis of Historias del Kronen. The examination of the characteristics of the linguistic phenomenon will allow us to debliberate this linguistic strategy and have a specific and consistent understanding of it.
    Keyword: Intensification, Colloquial Spanish, Linguistic Strategy, Pragmatics, Historias del Kronen, 강화, 일상대화체 스페인어, 언어전략, 화용론, 『Historias del Kronen』
    Author: 조혜진 ( Cho Hye-jin )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Representation of the Modern and the Narrative of the Women
    Representation of the Modern and the Narrative of the Women : the Post-Colonialist Perspective and Interpretation of Alberto Moravia's Novels The 'modern' is the term that indicates the era and philosophy based on the principle of representation. The modern thought allows us to believe that we are living in the 'modern' world where everything can be understood and controlled by our reason and represented intactly in any ways. The women and Africa are alienated from this modern world and thought, and put aside from the possible object of representation; they are mystical and unknown things far from the identification categories such as reason, men, science, technology, etc. This article aims to illuminate the absurd relationship between the women and Africa on the one hand and the men and reason on the other, with special reference to Alberto Moravia's novels. Particularly this article examines the odd relationship between the women subjects and the modern discours, and the way of remedying that relationship by highlighting the possibility of representation positively. In Moravia's novels, Africa is located outside from modernization; in this context, it is in the same condition of the women. Neither Africa nor the women are not represented properly in Moravia's novels and remained as just the Others. This is not because they are believed to remain in the pre-modern or anti-modern status; this kind of understanding is just simple. We need to imagine more complex one: that which the women and Africa were the so-called shadow of the modern even though they existed as realities. That is to say that they were the other faces of the modern, the shadow accompanying the light of the modern. In Moravia's novels, the modernization of Italy is represented as reiterated with the colonial desire and at the same time reveals its complication in relation to the existence of the women. In this case the representation of the modernization of Italy and the women goes towards not so much the traditional realism as its more up-graded possibility. From this post-colonialist perspective and interpretation that reveals the positions of the women and Africa appropriately, we are able to understand them as the other faces of modernity. Locating the women in the representation of the modernity is possible in this context.
    Keyword: Alberto Moravia, the women, Africa, modernity, modernization, representation, post-colonialism
    Author: Sang Jin Park
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Idea of ti-mê
    The Idea of 《ti-mê》: The tradition and Modernization Greek Women's movement significantly developed during the Second World War. In the period prior to the resistance against the German Invasion, Greek women were afforded very little personal freedom in the public sphere. But as the War progressed, women were mobilized into resistance organizations and successfully undertook even very dangerous tasks. One of the explanations for this movement can be found in a psychological receptiveness of the women themselves to empowerment. That is, the fighting spirit was fuelled by the idea of 《ti-mê》 that has long been part of Greek mentality from antiquity. 《ti-mê》could be understood as a feeling for respect, honour, pride, or keeping something adorable. This paper firstly intends to clarify the role and continuity of this mentality of 《ti-mê》of the Greek women from the classical age to the modern times. Women has been a powerful presence in the Greek drama from antiquity. Ancient Greek drama has brought them Iphigenia, Antigone, the prominent figures of noble morality toward their brotherhood or native land. Antigone sacrificed herself by her own decision for the sake of brotherhood. Another heroine was Iphigenia, the daughter of Agammenon, who willingly sacrificed herself for the sake of Greek fleet to set off fighting against Troy. We do not actually know that there were really such women. But the significance lies in that those heroins were remembered by Greeks all the time through the repetitive performances of dramas and every Greek has known those characters who sacrificed themselves for the sake of what they esteemed most- of 《ti -mê》. The idea of 《ti-mê》 was produced and reproduced in their memory and has formed kind of Greek national identity. This idea of 《ti-mê》blossomed during the second world war, the time of national crisis. However, after the second world war women were compelled to return to their traditional roles. Some of them did while some, especially the socialists, continued the struggle for their rights in order to avoid returning to a position of dependence. In the short term, they failed. In the long term, however, as industrialization was going on, the changed social and economic situation enabled women to enjoy the equality between men and women. We could conclude that the modernization of Greek women is the product both of the progress of industrialization socio-economically and the idea of 《ti-mê》 psychologically
    Keyword: ti-mê(τιμηˊ), antiquity, women, the second world war, industrialization, modernization
    Author: Hae Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Divina Commedia e le storie arabe del viaggio oltremondano
    Divina Commedia e le storie arabe del viaggio oltremondano Già da molto tempo è stata rilevata l'analogia tra Divina commedia e le tradizionali storie arabe riguardanti isrā' e mi'rāğ, cioè il viaggio notturno e l'ascensione di Maometto, ma non si erano seguite le ricerche ulteriori da parte degli studiosi per verificare le ragioni, perché non era facile presentare prove convincenti. Nel 1919 M. Asín Palacios, illustre arabista spagnolo ha riproposto il problema delle fonti con La escatologia musulmana en la "Divina Comedia", in cui si rileva un'impressionante serie di corrispondenze tra i testi islamici e il poema dantesco, ma ancora non bastava ad attirare l'attenzione dei dantisti. Solo negli ultimi anni dopo la scoperta dei due versioni del Libro della Scala di Maometto, si è cercato di trovare qualche "anello mancante" e di fornire una ragionevole spiegazione per le agalogie tra il poema dantesco ed i testi arabi. E viene riconosciuta l'influenza araba nei diversi elementi cosituenti la Divina commedia. Ma ciò non toglie niente alla grandezza di Dante, perché ha saputo organizzare quasi tutto il sapere del suo tempo nel suo poema, e perché da un altro lato è una cosa naturale influenzarsi da diverse culture in un mondo letterario già costituito dalle profonde intertestualità come il Medioevo europeo
    Keyword: cultura araba, viaggio oltremondano, escatologia, contrappasso, intertestualità
    Author: Woon Chan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Divina Commedia e le storie arabe del viaggio oltremondano
    Divina Commedia e le storie arabe del viaggio oltremondano Già da molto tempo è stata rilevata l'analogia tra Divina commedia e le tradizionali storie arabe riguardanti isrā' e mi'rāğ, cioè il viaggio notturno e l'ascensione di Maometto, ma non si erano seguite le ricerche ulteriori da parte degli studiosi per verificare le ragioni, perché non era facile presentare prove convincenti. Nel 1919 M. Asín Palacios, illustre arabista spagnolo ha riproposto il problema delle fonti con La escatologia musulmana en la "Divina Comedia", in cui si rileva un'impressionante serie di corrispondenze tra i testi islamici e il poema dantesco, ma ancora non bastava ad attirare l'attenzione dei dantisti. Solo negli ultimi anni dopo la scoperta dei due versioni del Libro della Scala di Maometto, si è cercato di trovare qualche "anello mancante" e di fornire una ragionevole spiegazione per le agalogie tra il poema dantesco ed i testi arabi. E viene riconosciuta l'influenza araba nei diversi elementi cosituenti la Divina commedia. Ma ciò non toglie niente alla grandezza di Dante, perché ha saputo organizzare quasi tutto il sapere del suo tempo nel suo poema, e perché da un altro lato è una cosa naturale influenzarsi da diverse culture in un mondo letterario già costituito dalle profonde intertestualità come il Medioevo europeo
    Keyword: cultura araba, viaggio oltremondano, escatologia, contrappasso, intertestualità
    Author: Woon Chan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Mythology through Images I
    Greek Mythology through Images I An analysis of the Images according to the New Archeological Approach A great amount of the informations about the Greek Mythology come from the written documents. But we are not accessible to the real world of the creators of the Mythology and their society, because the informations are very limited not only in quantity, but also in quality. How can we get more informations to know about the real life of the ancient greeks who created the world of Mythology that had influenced a lot in the Occidental World? In this article we have investigated why we have to study the Greek Mythology through Images. This will be an analysis of the Images according to the New Archeological Approach. In case of the informations about the god of wine, Dionysus, the written documents have a tendency of informing us unilateral aspect of the god of parties. But, the god does not represent the unilateral aspect, but symbolize the diversity in deed. If we study the meaning of Dionysus with the images reflected in the vases of the early Greece, Dionysus represents as the images or symbols of passions and emotions of the human being. But, after passing the time the god of wine became an object for the religious reverence and glorification. Some aspects of Dionysus of the early Greece do not exist in the aspects of the later Dionysus. With an example of the analysis of the images of Dionysus reflected in the plastic arts, we can notice the importance of an analysis of the images, because the images represent much more informations than the written documents do.
    Keyword: Greek Mythology, New Archeology, Dionysus, Ancient Greece, Analysis the images
    Author: Sung Ju Woo
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    크로아티아 민주연합과 세르비아 문제
    크로아티아 민주연합과 세르비아 문제 유고슬라비아가 존립한 73년간, 크로아티아의 가장 큰 정치적 불만은 세르비아 패권주의였다. 제 1차 유고슬라비아왕국이든 제 2차 유고슬라 비아 사회주의연방이든 결국 정치권력은 수적으로 가장 우세한 세르비 아가 독점하고 있어 상대적으로 크로아티아를 비롯한 기타 민족은 유고 슬라비아 내에서 2등 국민 밖에는 되지 못한다는 것이 크로아티아가 갖 는 불만의 골자였다. 이런 크로아티아인들의 불만은 1980년대 말부터 세 르비아 지도자 슬로보단 밀로셰비치 (Slobodan Milosevic)가 공산주의 몰락으로 인해 생겨난 정치 공백을 메우기 위해 대세르비아민족주의 (Greater Serbianism)를 동원하자 더욱 증폭될 수 밖에 없었다. 세르비아 민족주의에 맞서기 위해 프란뇨 뚜지만 (Franjo Tudjman) 대통령이 이 끄는 크로아티아의 집권여당 크로아티아 민주연합(Croatian Democratic Union)은 크로아티아 민족주의 (Croatianism) 동원에 나섰다. 그러나 크 로아티아 민족주의는 세르비아 민족주의에 대응하기 위한 방어적 성격 에도 불구하고, 크로아티아 전체 인구의 12%나 차지하는 크로아티아 내 세르비아인들의 적대감을 불러일으킬 수 밖에 없다는 태생적 문제점을 안고 있었다. 이러한 문제점은 인종 청소라는 오명을 남긴 유고슬라비아 해체 전쟁의 확산 과정을 통해 극명하게 드러났다. 이에 본 연구는 전쟁촉발의 중요한 원인이 되었다는 비판을 받고있는 크로아티아 민주연합의 민족주의적 차별 정책의 성격과 실행과정을 살 펴보았다. 특히 크로아티아의 민족주의 정책이 어떻게 세르비아 본국의 민족주의적 선동정책과 맞물려 결국 크로아티아 내 세르비아인들을 무 장봉기와, 전면전의 소용돌이에 휩쓸리게 만들었는 가를 밝히고자 했다. 결론적으로 본 연구를 통해 크로아티아 내 거주 세르비아인들은 자신들 의 조국이라 할 수 있는 세르비아의 민족주의 선동과 자신들의 현재 거 주지인 크로아티아의 민족주의 선동 사이에 끼어 더욱 더 차별 받는 소 수민족으로 전락하게 되었음을 밝히고자 했다.
    Keyword: nationalism, self-determination
    Author: Seung Eun Oh
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    Sultan’s Harem in Turkish Literature -Focused on the novel The Great Eunuch of Constantinople -
    Sultan’s Harem in Turkish Literature -Focused on the novel The Great Eunuch of Constantinople - The harem is defined to be the women's quarter in a Muslim household and is thought to bear a resemblance to the Korean traditional women's quarters known as "Gyubang". To be fair, westerners overemphasized the sexual part of the harem that the image of it merely conjures visions of secret places for love and lust. Yet, such an obsolete way of thinking is not desirable that harem women try to exercise power by sexually tempting their masters. In particular, we should never overlook the fact that harem in the Ottoman Empire was more like a fierce battlefield for power and slave concubinage, rather than a place for carnal desire. 『The Great Eunuch of Constantinople 』is a novel, story of which takes place not in the harem of the nobel or wealthy classes but in the Imperial harem. The story is told in first-person observer, a black eunuch who takes control over the overall conditions of the Imperial harem. The eunuch starts the story by telling the vicissitudes of harem lives he has witnessed and how Sultan has dethroned by Valide Sultan(Sultan's Mother or Queen Mother) and imprisoned in the Kafes(secret chamber of the palace). The novel covers following topics: beautiful and sensuous women, quarters without any men, eunuchs, Sultan's power and family feuds over it and harem women's frustration came from being kept inside harem for one's lifetime. The black eunuch's statement breaks our stereotyped point of view on harem which is usually erotic. Admittedly, in the novel theme exists references the sensuality of harem women or rather the beauty of their nudity. Yet, it is only a way of describing the mood of harem. Harem women were sent to the Sultan's court from various provinces and their restricted lives regardless of their free will. They were nothing more than an object of possession, and their lives were all about waiting for a chance to entertain Sultan. People often imagine harem women's lives a life of luxury and comfort. But in reality, harem women are not allowed to go outside but to stay inside which in turn makes their faces whiter. And many of the harem women never see the Sultan and die just waiting in a damp dark room. The situation gets worse when concubines give a birth to a son of one of the Sultan's brothers given that the newly crowned Sultan executes his brothers together with their concubines and sons. Harem is a bloody battlefield for power and a place filled with sorrows of women those who die a virgin. In order to compete with each other, harem women should be of extraordinary beauty and talent. The ability to play a musical instrument can be an example of the talent. They may dress well and fare rich. But there seems to be little doubt as to the fact that one can hardly be happy when she has to share one man with other numerous women. In 『The Great Eunuch of Constantinople』, harem is behind Sultan's abnormal sexual interest that favors the fattest concubine in the Ottoman Empire, instead of other beautiful women. 『The Great Eunuch of Constantinople 』is significant in a sense that a Turk author, not a western writer, wrote the novel based upon the nation's historic records. The writing thus earns fresh look on harem, sexual image of which was merely exaggerated.
    Keyword: Sultan’s Harem, Power, Eroticism, Turkish Novel
    Author: Nan A Lee
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    ‘Feriale Duranum’에 나타난 아우구스투스의 종교 정책
    When Augustus began his political system, Roman religion was in the midst of chaotic circumstances. Therefore he carried out the reformation of religion. This paper tried to examine the Augustus’ religious reformation through ‘Feriale Duranum’, the military religious calendar. Especially it focuses on the worship of Mars, which was regarded as the most important god by soldiers while their waging war. Mars was a fertility god related to grain growth and harvest, and a god of war as well. Meanwhile he, father of Romulus, was connected with Aeneas, the founder of state and with Augustus, descendant of Aeneas. At this point was important Mars especially to Augustus. Augustus built a massive temple in the midst of Forum Augustum that was dedicated to Mars Ultor, whose role was an avenger. It shows his filial affection for his father Caesar. By building this temple Augustus transformed the memory of Roman State into a part of his family story. The priests of Mars, called salii, were jumping priests, who consisted of 12. They were singing, dancing, and marching in a parade through the city of Rome with sacred shields. They came from a very remote period. Their rites and dances had complex traits related to grain growth, war victory, and the rite of scapegoat. Equus October was a thanksgiving festival, dedicated to Mars, for Mars gave abundant harvest to farmers and war victory to Roman soldiers. Mars worship was important because Rome in the period of Augustus was an agrarian society and thus agricultural success was directly connected to the stabilities of politics, economics, and society. Augustus demanded soldiers to participate in a stable and prosperous society, Rome, so called Pax Romana, which was started by himself, as well as in war victory. Salii putting on special armors sang ‘carmen saliare’. This song shows the connection between Aeneas and Heracles. Heracles is a paragon of Roman founder and a prelude of Augustus. As Heracles became a god by virtue of his great deeds, Augustus would receive the same rewards. Augustus, based on this point, put his name into ‘carmen saliare’ in 29 B.C. The reason why Augustus put Mars worship into ‘Feriale’ was probably that he made soldiers recognize him as a divine one, contrasted with Heracles, and that he brought them into his new political system. Mars worship in Feriale shows that Augustus tried to consolidate his political system by his religious policy.
    Keyword: Augustus, ‘Feriale Duranum’, Mars, Salii, Equus October, 아우구스투스, 페리알레 두라눔, 마르스, 살리이, 에쿠스 옥토버
    Author: 김활란 ( Kim Hwal-lan )
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Syntactic Errors and the Degree of Permissibility in Arabic
    Syntactic Errors and the Degree of Permissibility in Arabic Arabic is ruled by standard norms firmly fixed in the Koran. It is significant that the standard Arabic was derived from the Hejaz (the western part of Saudi Arabia) dialects. So the standard Arabic does not depend on the Koreish dialect only, but also on the other dialects of western Arabia. Nowadays many Arabs and non-Arabs make many errors in their use of Arabic. This is because of Arabic's very complicated grammatical rules which make it hard to find anyone who can write and speak Arabic without errors. On the contrary, we could find them make errors in the syntactical, morph-syntactical, and lexical errors are evident. Therefore this research aims to study the varieties of grammatical errors in order to discover why speakers make those mistakes errors in Arabic, and how they could avoid them. Particular emphasis is placed on the range of permissibility, i.e. whether these errors may be accepted and considered as part of standard Arabic
    Keyword: Arabic, Error, Permissibility, Rule, Analogy
    Author: In Seop Lee
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    The Origin of the Philistines and the Sea Peoples
    The Origin of the Philistines and the Sea Peoples Among the ten groups of the Sea Peoples recorded in Egyptian documents, the Philistines was the only group which left their traces of settlement in terms of historical and archaeological respects. As a long-standing enemy of the Israelites the Philistines were relatively well illustrated in every aspects in the Bible. In spite of literary anachronism of the Philistines related with the Patriarchs, ‘the Table of the Nations’ appeared in Genesis 10 had assigned the Philistines grandsons of Mitzraim(Egypt) belongs to the Japhethites. This classification accords with the Egyptian historical records which designate the Philistines as one of the Sea Peoples invaded into her territory in the 8th year of Ramesses III in ca. 1175 B.C.E. The arrival of the Philistines in the coastal plains of Israel is clarified by the appearance of Philistine Bichrome wares, whereas the distinctive Mycenaean pottery, 'Myc.IIIC:1b' groups represent the earlier immigration of the Sea Peoples. The end of the Bronze Age in Mediterranean basin in ca. 1200 B.C.E. has been closely connected with the various migrations of the Sea Peoples. The written documents related with the destruction of the Hittite empire and the Syrian metropolises such as Ugarit and Emar have always mentioned about the imminent threats of the Sea Peoples
    Keyword: Philistines, Sea Peoples, Mycenae, Egypt, Israel, Dark Ages
    Author: Seong Kim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    The Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia
    The Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia The Mesopotamian peoples had regarded the Mediterranean Sea the mysterious world. The Mesopotamian rulers performed a rite of clean their sword in the Mediterranean Sea after they conquered Syria and Palestine. Especially Assyrian kings had tried to conquered and controlled the cities along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea because of their political, economic and commercial concern. They built bīt kāri (emporium) in the cities on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Mesopotamain kings had not developed directly cities along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. However they used the Phoenicians and their technical expertise. The Mediterranea Sea had played an important role to maintain Mesopotamian empires.
    Keyword: The Mediterranean Sea, Mesopotamia, Phoenicians
    Author: Young Jin Kim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    터키 튀르크 민속 출생의례에 대한 고찰
    Birth is considered to be the most sacred in any society because it means the production of descendants and it is directly related to the preservation of the tribe. Accordingly, birth rituals were born to tell and show gratitude to the god and nature the birth of the baby and to ask a holy being for help to protect the new life from various dangers. The present study with such a perspective began from a question about how the birth rituals, which have the strongest folklore characteristics among the rites of passage, are present in modern Turkish society in which most society members are Muslims. To answer the question, the present study investigated prenatal and postnatal customs, which are birth rituals, appear in the Turkic culture and folk religion related to them. In addition, an investigation was conducted on non-Islamic factors appear in folk custom related to the naming of a child, which is a kind of postnatal folk custom. Especially, the meaning of ghost cheating and baby selling folklore for prolonging baby’s life that equally appear in both Turkic and Korean folklore, and how do they act on the thought expression of Turkic people were analyzed. The present study is expected to contribute to the identification of connection between Turkic and Korean folklore in future studies, and find the trace of folk cultural exchanges between ancient Turks and Koreans.
    Keyword: Turkic Folklore, Childbirth Rituals, Baby Celebration, the Naming Ritual, Shamanism, nimisAm, Islam, 터키 출생의례,작명풍습, 귀신 속이기와 아아 팔기 풍습, 샤머니즘, 튀르크 민속
    Author: 양민지
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Ancient Egyptian Civilization and The Greek Civilization
    The Ancient Egyptian Civilization and The Greek Civilization - Egyptian Influences on the Greek Religion and PhilosophyAlexander conquered Egypt in 332 BC, but there had been a cultural exchanges between two countries before then. Ionians and Carians are known to have served as mercenaries in the Egyptian Army especially in the armies of Psammetichus Ⅰ in the 7the century BC, and Naucratis was declared a Greek free-trade zone by the pharaoh Amasis in 560 BC. Naucratis was a Milesian Greek settlement in the Canopic branch of the Nile in the Western Delta. Some scholars believe that Corinthians may had early inhabited the city with the Milesian Greeks arriving later. The Greeks assumed that the Egyptian god were the same as their own gods, but in different form. Zeus was identified as Egyptian Amun, the chief deity in the ancient Egyptian period and Apollo with the Egyptian sky and sun god, Horus. Despite some differences, the early Greeks accepted that the were their gods. In fact, the Egyptian gods were not unknown on the Greek mainlands. An inscription found in the port of Athens, Piraeus, records the presence there of a temple to Isis/Osiris in 333 BC, before Alexander's conquest of Egypt. Egyptian Civilization influenced in many aspects on the Greek Civilization, especially in the Greek philosophy and Religion. Despite the differences between the two societies, there are many similarities showing the influences of Egypt on the Archaic Greek sciences
    Keyword: Archaic Greek, Naucratis, Psammetichus, Alexander the Great, Amasis
    Author: Kyu Young Jung
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Does the Mediterranean make us re-think the Roman Empire?
    Does the Mediterranean make us re-think the Roman Empire? - on the paradigm shift in the ancient history - Postmodernism and globalization have changed the historiograghy since the 1990s. The study of ancient history cannot be excluded from this academic trends. Historians and archaeologists began to emphasize the concepts of fluidity, connectedness and networks. So can we speak of a paradigm shift in Kuhn's sense in the history writing of the ancient world? The new model seems to be taking shape after the book of P.Horden and N.Purcell's The Corrupting Sea: A Study of Mediterranean History. Where the old model emphasized static cells, rigid structures, and powerful institutions, the new one sees fluidity and connectedness and networks. Moreover globalization makes the role of mediterranean more important in the interpretations of ancient history. Now with the change of methodology and view-points, the main study field of the ancient world sees to be changed form the political organizations and socio-economic structures of one unit as a research field, whether it is a race or a nation or a civilization, to the connectedness and fluidity and networks of the mediterranean world. For this approach the best case may the Roman Empire and the so-called romanization between rome and colonies, not the course of the military triumph of the Romans but the course of mutual cultural effects. It is the aim of this paper which focused on the fluidity and connectedness in the 'Mediterranean Empire'
    Keyword: globalization, paradigm shift, connectedness model, mare nostrum, Mediterranean Empire
    Author: Young Gil Cha
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Modernism in the Francoist Edifices
    Modernism in the Francoist Edifices This paper is an attempt to make an answer to the relationship between modernism and Francoism. For this purpose, we think over the relationship between modernism and fascism from the general point of view, then analyze the currents of the theory of architecture that main francoist architects adopted. and lastly examine the principal francoist edifices: El Valle de los Caídos, El Ministerio del Aire and Universidad Laboral de Gijón. El Valle de los Caídos shows us the greatness of the ancient memorials and the religiosity in its stone steps, basilica and big cross. El Ministerio del Aire is an edifice that represented the Empire of Felipe II and Catholic religion, so it was called El Monasterio del Aire. The Universidad Laboral de Gijón reflects the dream with which the architects hoped to build the city of God without conflicts of class. Taking these points into consideration, we can conclude these attempts that the francoist architects intented to embody in these edifices come within the purview of programmatic modernism.
    Keyword: Modernism, Francoism, El Valle de los Caídos, El Ministerio del Aire, Universidad Laboral de Gijón
    Author: Yeong Jo Hwangbo
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    The Wolves' Children: Foundation Myths and Cross-cultural Contacts in the Ancient World
    The Wolves' Children: Foundation Myths and Cross-cultural Contacts in the Ancient World. This purpose of this paper is to posit the possibility of various forms of cultural intercourse between the cultures of the Mediterranean Sea and the Orient through the reviewing of various cultures' foundation myths. Observing the myths of the Romans and the Asian nomadic peoples, such as the Turks, Huns and Mongols, one is struck by certain similarities. In the foundation stories of early Rome, Aeneas, the forefather the Roman people, was a refugee from the city of Troy. The twin brothers who actually founded Rome, Romulus and Remus, were abandoned and survived after being suckled by a she-wolf. Similarly, in the mythologies of the Turks, Huns and Mongols one encounters stories of newborns left to be raised by wolves or deer. In this same vein, in the ancient Korean kingdom of Buyeo there are often references to "shamanistic deer". Another point of similarity is that indications of kingship occurred through bird divination or augury in these various cultures. Romulus was preferred as a king as he had observed more eagles than his brother Remus. In a similar way, kingship was often awarded through the mechanism of bird-auguries in the ancient Turk, Mongol, Skito-Siberian and Buyeo cultures. The contender for the crown is often escorted by eagles or crows, proof that his selection was sanctioned by the gods. The foundation myths of Aeneas and the twin brothers, Romulus and Remus, allude to the possibility of intercultural exchanges between Rome and the Asian peoples as the myths contain common elements. In light of this, the theory of the Indo-European origin of Rome should be reexamined.
    Keyword: Foundation Myth. Buyeo. Ancient Rome. Wolf's child. Bird-divination
    Author: Hae Young Choi
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    The Development of Buddha Legend in Indian Buddhist Traditions
    The Development of Buddha Legend in Indian Buddhist Traditions - With special consideration of the Story of Four Encounters transmitted in Pāli texts - The Story of Four Encounters, called 四門遊觀 or 四門出遊 in far eastern buddhist traditions, occupies an important position in Buddha legends as the direct motive of the Siddhārtha's renunciation. A trial to retrace the possible origin and transformation process of this narrative element is made with special attention to the text material written in Pāli. Beginning with Aṅguttaranikāya I 145-146, where we can find a probable beginning point of the legend, some variant versions transmitted in the textual corpus of Theravāda/Sthāviravāda buddhist tradition are examined. In spite of strong modifications, much narrative elements or fixed forms of expressions are adopted in different versions. Exempt from the unacceptable assumption of a linear development, one can, on the other hand, observe a general direction of the development. The development of the Buddha legend shows the general tendency to present the historical Buddha in picture of ever more apotheosized, omnipotent and transcendant Being. This tendency reflects the general development of the buddhist thought in India in regard to the nature of the Buddha. It is observable not only in the text material, but also in artistic presentations or also in religious ceremonial practices. This tendency reaches the highest point, which emerges in Mahāyāna buddhist texts such as Lalitavistara with unimaginable literary exaggerations. Nevertheless one does not have to lose from his sight that this change in conceptions of Buddha implies immediately the change of buddhist world view. For the Buddha is not only the object of worship, but also the person who found and taught the way of the release on the basis of his own life. In this sense the basic structure and some important structural elements of the Buddha legend remain preserved, because the change and development of the Buddha legend must correspond, in principle, to the buddhist doctrine taught by (historical) Buddha himself.
    Keyword: Buddhism, Buddha, Four Encounters
    Author: Sung Yong Kang
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    La versión maniquea y georgiana de Barlaam y Josafat
    La versión maniquea y georgiana de Barlaam y Josafat La historia de Barlaam y Josafat, que fue muy conocida a lo largo de la Edad Media en toda Europa de la Edad Media, es una cierta reelaboración de la leyenda de Buda. En la larga ruta desde la India hasta los países europeos la leyenda india atravesó por diversas fases de evolución, sufriendo sustanciales altercaciones, y finalmente en la historia de Barlaam y Josafat. En la trayectoria de peregrinación desde India, la segunda étapa apareció en Asia Central, por la versión maniquea. La zona centroasiática como Bactriana y Sogdiana, incluso el Turquestán chino fue el lugar cruzado geográfica, religiosa y culturalmente entre varios mundos. A esta zona se extendió el budismo con rapidez a principio de la era cristiana, y se contactó con las doctrinas dualistas del maniqueísmo, fundado por Mani en el siglo III y predicada en la región desde Persia, al oeste, hasta el Turquestán chino, al este. Y en ese proceso del contacto, se produjo la re-utilización maniquea del tema búdico, y apareció la versión maniquea. Y la siguiente fase es la versión árabe desde la cual se tradujo al georgiano, la primera versión cristiana. Históricamente la Georgiana desempeñó un papel muy importante de conexión cultural entre Oriente y Occidente. Sobre todo los ermitaños y monjes que estaban en los claustros y monasterios de la zona de Siria y Palestina tradujeron muchos libros árabes al georgiano. Uno de ellos es la historia de Barlaam y Josafat, que se llama Tskhovrebay [da moghwadseobay netrari]sa Iodasap'isi dzisa Abenes Hindot'a mep'isay, romeli moak'tsia metarman mamaman Balahvar modzghwarman : Gwakurt-then, Mamao, desde que se introdujo al mundo europeo. Porque desde la versión georgiana se tradujo a la versión griega, de la griega a la latina, y de la latina a todas las versiones europeas occidentales. Así que en la peregrinación de nuestra leyenda desde India a Europea las versiones maniquea y georgiana hizo un papel muy importante de intermediación de relacionar los dos mundos diferentes, como entre la India y la Asia central maniquea, y entre el mundo árabe y cristiano.
    Keyword: Barlaam and Josafat, Central Asia, Manichaeism, Georgia
    Author: Seon Uk Kim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    A study on the effect of the Arabic Literature on the European Literature
    A study on the effect of the Arabic Literature on the European Literature -Focus on the transformation of the Buddhist legendThis paper studies on the rapid flourishing of Arabic culture in Spain under Muslim rule, the wide social and cultural fusion and the spread of Arabic as a language of culture and literature in Andalusian society, common to both Christians and Muslims of Spain. The result was the rise in the late ninth century of a new form of Andalusian poetry, the muwashshah distinct from the conventional Arabic poem. Western scholars, particularly in Spain made efforts to the study of the effect of the muwashshah on the provençal troubadours. This is followed comparison between lyrical European poetry and the muwashshah with analysis of points of resemblance and difference in prevailing themes and concepts. This paper further surveys the Arabic story collections which found their way into Europe, the Latin translations of such books as “Kalila and Dimna” and “The Thousand and One Nights” and their effect on Spanish and neighbouring European literature. Lastly this paper focuses on the story “Barlaam and Josafat”. The Indian origin of this legend revolves round the life of Buddha and his penance. This old Indian legend known as “Lalita Vistara” has been recently discovered, has managed to invade all religions, cultures and languages. It seems that the legend found its way into Arabic through an old Persian translation. And Spain knew this legend through Arabic. Most probably there were two Arabic translations of it which were popular in Muslim Andalusia. The progress of the story reveals a profound influence exercised upon it by an Arabic text of Islamic cast. The middle ages, with their religious feuds and sharp disputation about the ideal and true religion, were the proper soil for the propagation of this originally Indian legend. This accounts for its popularity in mediaeval literature in different languages. It has thus become the basis of many religious stories and the plays from its transmission up to the beginning of the modern age.
    Keyword: Arabic Literature, European Literature, Muwashshah, Kalila and Dimna, Thousand and One nights, Transformation of the Buddhist legend
    Author: Jong Wna Lee
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    Study on the Greek version of the Barlaam and Josaphat in the different phases of the text tradition from India to West-Europe
    Study on the Greek version of the Barlaam and Josaphat in the different phases of the text tradition from India to West-Europe. This article has for its objet to bring into relief the importance of the Greek version of the story Barlaam and Josaphat, which shows the similarities between the features of the life of St. Josaphat and the corresponding episodes in the life of the Buddha. In Fact, the indian biography of Buddha written in Pali and Sanskrit was transmitted into the west gradually through divers cultures. At first, Buddhism came into contact with Manichaeism in the Central Asia, especially in Sogdiana and Bactria. As a result of this religious contact, we have the manichaean version of the Barlaam and Josaphat. On the base of internal textual evidence, we can assume that the Christian Barlaam and Josaphat romance originated in this region as a Manichaean religious trace. This Manichaean version must have entered in the Arabic and Persian World, especially in Baghdad, where no less than three works about the Buddha (al-Budd), also known as Budhasaf (i.e. the Bodhisattva prince), were circulating. One of these books was entitled Kitab Bilawhar wa-Yudasaf, and this is the direct ancestor of our Greek Barlaam and Josaphat. But these versions owed no allegiance to Christianity. The first christian version is the Georgian Balavariani romance, which remains today in a very short fragmentary form. Therefore, in order to understand the whole phase of the Christianization of Buddha's life story, the most important version is the Greek one, whose author is not yet definitely decided : John Damascene according to, for exemple, the Ms. Paris. 1128 ? or Euthymius according to the Ms. Paris. 1771 ? In the process of Christianization, the author of Greek version maintained the frame of Buddha's life story maintained also in every precedent versions. He coated this frame not only with the essential content of the Bible, but also with the effective defence of Christianity known as the Apology of Aristides (an A.D. second-century Athenian philosopher) against the Greek religious mythology and atheistic philosophy. But the first georgian version does not include this Apology. Moreover, the Greek version is important in the respect that it played the principal role as the original form for almost all the other European versions of the Barlaam and Josaphat romance.
    Keyword: Buddhism, Christianization, Text Tradition, (Greek) Version, Authorship
    Author: Heon Kim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    아프리카인 해외이주의 사회⋅경제적 결정요인 분석
    Recognizing that the migration flow over a period is greatly affected by the initial conditions that make it possible, this paper tried to analyze the relationship between the initial conditions and the migration flow over the next five years. This kind of method can reflect the reality of migration, especially in case of emigration, which requires considerable decision-making steps and relatively long-term preparation, from the occurrence of the intention of emigration to the actual execution of the migration. This paper used panel data from African countries to analyze the impact of per capita GDP, population and overseas migration stock on overseas migration flows over the next five years. To implement the analysis, we used a fixed effect least squares regression model. The estimates were found to explain about 55% of the variation of migration flow of Africans. According to this analysis, population and overseas migrants stock have small positive and negative effects on overseas migration flows, respectively. On the other hand, per capita GDP has been found to bring about 24 migration increases for every dollar increase. This means that an increase in per capita GDP works significantly to increase overseas migration by strengthen the capacity to raise resources for overseas migration than by forcing Africans to be complacent and give up their overseas migration. These results give us a similar outlook as the Gallup Survey and the analysis of the gravity models. In other words, it is unlikely that African people would stop moving abroad in the near future because socio-economic development, improvement of education, job creation, and improvement of income opportunities of African countries help African people to obtain the resources to migrate. Rather, they are expected to move more in the short and mid-term run. It will still take a long time for the majority of African countries to reach a turning point of a per capita GDP ranging between 7,000 and 13,000 dollars above which emigration becomes less likely. Today, only 11 of the 53 African countries have a per capita GDP above this threshold, and at least three of these are still emigration countries.
    Keyword: Africa, overseas migration, socio-economic determinants, panel data regression model, FEM LSDV model, 아프리카, 해외이주, 사회경제적 결정요인, 패널자료회귀분석, FEM LSDV 모형
    Author: 김규 ( Kim Kyu )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    A study on the manuscript tradition of the Barlaam et Iosaphat (1)
    A study on the manuscript tradition of the Barlaam et Iosaphat (1) Barlaam and Iosaphat is a story about a prince named Iosaphat, who is converted to Christianity, becomes a hermit in his later life and is canonized after his death. It is written or rather translated in many European languages and the striking similarity between the Barlaam and Iosaphat and the Buddha legend has attracted the attention of many scholars since the nineteenth century. The Latin version of the Barlaam and Iosaphat first appeared in the eleventh century, translated from the Greek version. It belongs to the genre of ‘legenda’ in the Middle Ages, which comprises biographies, passions, confessions and miracles of the saints. The Latin Barlaam and Iosaphat is handed down to us in two different versions: the version I survives in a single manuscript, Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, VIII. B. 10 (s. xiv), and the version II or the ‘vulgata’ version is found in more than sixty manuscripts dating from the twelfth century to the sixteenth century, of which the manuscripts of the twelfth century is the most numerous. This ‘vulgata’ version seems to have been translated from the Greek version, too, but the possibility that it might be derived from the version I cannot be ruled out. Both the version I and II are anonymous, though we learn from the prologue of the version I that it is translated in Constantinople in 1048. The version I has the prologue and the epilogue, but the version II has neither, and we have no evidence so far when and how the version II was made. Researches such as on the relationship between the two versions, and why the version I survives only in single manuscript whereas the version II survives in more than sixty, on which version so many epitomes of the Barlaam and Iosaphat are based, and the influence of the Latin Barlaam and Iosaphat on other versions in Romance languages would shed light on the understanding of the Latin Barlaam and Iosaphat
    Keyword: the Latin Barlaam and Iosaphat, ‘legenda’, the Buddha legend, the manuscript tradition, the comparison of the two versions
    Author: Jee Yeon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Notas sobre las versiones castellanas de Barlaam y Josafat anteriores al siglo XVII
    Notas sobre las versiones castellanas de Barlaam y Josafat anteriores al siglo XVII 1) Es muy probable que el antiguo texto de Barlaam y Josafat comenzara a difundirse por la Península Ibérica a partir del siglo XII. Habían existido entonces unas versiones latinas similares al ms. VIII.B.10 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Nápoles o a la versión vulgata latina atribuida a Jorge de Trebisonda(1396-1485). Posteriormente, Bernardo de Brihuega, por orden de Alfonso X, recopiló en su Vitae Patrum la "Historia de Barlaam y Josafat", epítome que forma parte del Speculum Historiale de Vicente de Beauvais(1200-1264). También es una hipótesis convincente la que afirma que la primera traducción castellana de Barlaam se realizó durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIII. Numerosos rasgos lingüísticos, que se observan en la versión cuatrocentista(cf. Ley de Palencia, ms. 1877 de la Bib. Univ. de Salamanca) realizada por Petrus Ortiz en 1470, prueban la existencia de la traducción trecentista como su propio antecedente inmediato(cf. Keller y Linker 1979 : xxx) Al considerar la adaptación de Barlaam a la cultura española, podemos observar dos aspectos esenciales, como la traducción y el cambio genérico: primero, el texto latino se había traducido al castellano conforme a la antigua tradición hagiográfica que solía narrar vidas de santos o de padres de la iglesia católica(i.e. ms. P, ms. G, ms. S, ms. V, imp. A, imp. B, etc.); segundo, a partir de finales de la Edad Media, el texto castellano de Barlaam tendería a transformarse en diversas formas genéricas como la ficción, el teatro, el epítome hagiográfico e, incluso, en algunas formas simples como el ejemplo, la parábola, el caso, etc. ¿Cómo se explicaría la transmisión del texto junto con su diversificación formal en el ámbito cultural español? Este estudio, pues, se centra en el análisis comparativo de las antiguas versiones castellanas -hagiográficas, cuentísticas y teatrales- de Barlaam y Josafat realizadas con anterioridad al siglo XVII.
    Keyword: literatura española, prosa medieval, hagiografía, Barlaam y Josafat
    Author: Seang Wook Baik
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Journalism & Broadcasting
    A Comparative Analysis of Arabic Satellite Broadcasting Al Jazeera, BBC & CNN with emphasis on the news coverage of the Iraq War.
    A Comparative Analysis of Arabic Satellite Broadcasting Al Jazeera, BBC & CNN with emphasis on the news coverage of the Iraq War. Iraq War has been the most important issue because it attracted the concern of the public opinion in the whole world, including the role of media to cover objectively the most up-to-date events or news. It is supposed that the news organizations would show different types of coverage tendency, depending on the individual media's position and the aim of its reporting. Therefore, in this study we would try to examine and compare the realities of the Iraq War as constructed in the news coverage of the war by Al Jazeera, CNN and BBC, because the differences in the tendency of the coverage of the war can be obviously seen in both al Jazeera advocating the Arab position and CNN, BBC positively advocating the U.S. and British governments. This is primarily a qualitative study, with the authors examining news articles covering a limited period of 9 days during the war. The Iraq War-related news articles were examined at the micro-level in which the discussion dealt with the actors and their description as part of image frame devices, while the thematic analysis on the macro-level explored the contextual cues for interpretation of events and occurrences of the war in the news articles into which journalists' political preferences would be infused. This study is limited because it focused on the news coverage of the war by the three media. Future research should encompass a longer time frame and examine whether the frames emerging in the coverage during the limited period remain the same over time. Also, comparison with the coverage by other mass medias including newspapers would be important.
    Keyword: Iraq War, thematic analysis, frame, image frame device, Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN
    Author: Hee Man Sah
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Camus et philosophie de l'existence
    Camus et philosophie de l'existence Camus croyait en l'homme, et non en Dieu. On disait ainsi qu'il était un humaniste athée. Applaudissant sa ≪défense de l'humain dans l'homme≫, Pierre-Henri Simon a souligné qu' ≪il a posé les jalons d'un humanisme positif≫. Camus lui-même a dit que ≪ conscient que je ne puis me séparer de mon temps, j'ai décidé de faire corps avec lui.≫ Cela veut dire évidemment qu'il était du côté de l'homme et du monde, et non pas du côté de Dieu. Il était un grand vivant sur la terre. Camus est-il donc existentialiste ou non? Cette question ne se pose pas, si un grand nombre de commentateurs ne l'ont pas pris pour existentialiste, si d'autres n'ont pas dit le contraire, et si Camus lui-même a affirmé à plusieurs reprises qu'il n'était pas existetialiste. Pour répondre à la question posée, il faudrait d'abord savoir pourquoi Camus a refusé avec insistance le titre d'existentialiste. D'après notre enquête, Camus n'est pas ≪existentialiste≫, au sens propre du terme, mais sa pensée vitale comprend bel et bien une philosophie de l'existence, dans la mesure où il a fondé sa philosophie sur l'expérience de la vie. Ce que dit bien l'auteur du Mythe de Sisyphe : ≪Une pensée profonde est en continuel devenir, épouse l'expérience d'une vie et s'y façonne.≫ Il affirme également que l'oeuvre d'art marque ≪le triomphe charnel≫ et incarne ≪un drame de l'intelligence≫. Ces déclarations de Camus illustrent bien la thèse de Sartre existentialiste : ≪L'existence précède l'essence≫. Même si les deux écrivains ne se sont pas toujours mis d'accord sur le plan politique ou idéologique, ils étaient assez proches l'un de l'autre dans leur idée de l'homme. Par ailleurs, on pourrait dire que la pensée absurde fait partie de la philosophie existentiale, de sorte que l'homme absurde n'est pas loin d'être existentialiste. Après la rupture brutale à la suite de la polémique sanglante autour de L'Homme révolté, Camus et Sartre ne se sont jamais réconciliés. Mais la mort tragique, ≪absurde≫, de Camus a donné à Sartre l'occasion de saluer vivement son ancien ami. Dans son vibrant hommage ultime, Sartre a déclaré : ≪Son humanisme têtu, étroit et pur, austère et sensuel, livrait un combat douteux contre les événements massifs et difformes de ce temps. Mais, inversement, par l'opiniâtreté de ses refus, il réaffirmait, au coeur de notre époque, contre les machiavéliens, contre le veau d'or du réalisme, l'existence du fait moral.≫ L'homme Camus précédait l'écrivain Camus, pour ainsi dire. Bref, il était un humaniste qui a élu le temps contre l'éternel.
    Keyword: existentialisme, philosophie de l'existence, existence, essence, homme, temps, humanisme, absurde, Camus, Sartre
    Author: Kie Un Lee
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La escritura rizomática de Juan Goytisolo
    La escritura rizomática de Juan Goytisolo En el caso de Juan Goytisolo, su propósito de denuncia hacia la sociedad en la que vive es constante en toda su trayectoria novelística, desde sus primeras obras en el realismo social hasta sus últimas. Duelo en el paraíso que fue escrita en los años 50, es la obra en la que Goytisolo critica al régimen franquista y denuncia la realidad trágica causada por la Guerra Civil. La imaginación hiperactiva libre de racionalismo cartesiano o leyes de verosimilitud se expresan a través de un acto de una escritura que se niega como creación perfecta de una imagen acabada para presentarse como mecanismo, y que evita la convencionalidad sancionada por una colectividad autoafirmada en la marginación de esa otredad. Esta escritura se basa en el pensamiento rizomático de Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari, quien desarrollan, en contrario del esquema genealógico de tipo arbóreo dominante en la ciencia y la filosofía occidentales, un modelo que ya no se conduce a la imagen de raíces, sino de rizomas, núcleos de elementos diversos intercomunicados formados por planos de multiplicidades, conjuntos de líneas de dimensión variable que, a su vez, se comunican con otros rizomas, y que rechazan el esquema del árbol por la jerarquizada subordinación a una unidad superior a la que ordenadamente se sometían todos sus elementos. A través de esta tesis, podremos encontrar una conexión entre el punto de vista abierta y carnavalizada de Goytisolo con la ideología rizomática y desterritorializada de Gilles Deleuze
    Keyword: Guerra Civil, la escritura rizomática, Gilles Deleuze
    Author: Ju In Lim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study of Muslim Woman's Rights
    A Study of Muslim Woman's Rights Islam defines woman's status as daughter, wife and mother and gives her personal and social rights, thus insuring her active participation in society from the outset. The rights and obligations of Muslim women as decreed by the Islamic Law have undergone varying degrees of interpretation according to the predominant school of law in any given time and place. The Muslim woman's basic equality with man and her distinctive identity and personality are recognized in specific terms in the Holy Quran. In spite of this, the prejudice and inadequate interpretation of the Muslim women's rights are actually prevailed in these days. In order to avoid the cultural conflicts, the mutual understanding to the other's culture is hereby generally required.
    Keyword: Muslim woman, woman's position in law, cultural conflicts
    Author: Wan Kyung Cheon
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Interdisciplinary Study
    Digital Divide of Spain and Europeanization
    Digital Divide of Spain and Europeanization Spain has exerted positive effort in digital economic integration of the EU in the 21st century. Spain recognized that the solution of the digital divide is very important for fostering the future-oriented european citizenship throughout the diffusion of information and communication technology. The provision of the physical opportunities as accessibility and connectivity to internet and it's application is an only necessary condition not the sufficient condition. The ultimate aim of dissolution of digital divide should be developed with reinforcement of Spain's identity and cultivation of european citizenship throughout trans-european network passing over physical barriers -time and space. Moreover, the dissolution of digital divide should contribute to new economic growth and employment promotion by maximizing economic value of economic subjects. Spain must strengthen the subjectivity and the identity of national level based on cultural value of it's own. However, Spain must consider seriously the collective identity that runs parallel with active europeanization based on digital ways and means thinking over the diversification of EU membership
    Keyword: Spain, Digital Divide, EU, Europeanization
    Author: Yoon Kook Choi
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Limitation of Human Knowledge in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex
    The Limitation of Human Knowledge in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex The main point of the Oedipus Rex is, as I see it, to make clear the limit of the human knowledge. The importance of this point comes from the fact that the 5th century BCE was a kind of enlightenment age. Oedipus, as the representative of the Zeitgeist, measures everything: times, places, and peoples. Then by scrutinizing the informations collected he makes sure the truth, and declares his knowledge. But it is not the end; the problem is not solved completely. The oracle given to Oedipus is not the same as one given to Laius. The oracle to Oedipus is made of two parts: One about the parricide, the other about the marriage with his own mother. But Laius's has only the first half. So there is no one but Oedipus, who knows the second part of the oracle. But at the end of the tragedy the only fact ascertained without doubt is the incestuous marriage: the question whether Oedipus is the murderer of Laius is forgotten in the shock of the revealed identity of the hero. Having found the second part fulfilled, he jumps to the conclusion that the first half is realized too, without further thought. There are two disagreement in this tragedy: One between singular and plural, the other between being and non-being. They say the murderers of Laius were many thieves, but Oedipus is only one man. So if he should be the true murderer, then one and many come to be the same. And Oedipus remembers that he left none of his enemies alive, but they say there is one survivor of the disaster of Laius. So if he should be found as the murderer, then being and non-being come to be the same. Therefore Oedipus' conclusion is destructive to the foundation of his own measurement. Oedipus reveals another disagreement with his own being. He belongs to three generations: as the spouse of his mother, as the brother of his children, and as himself. This confusion is not without significance: the generation was used as the unit of time measuring, for example, in Herodotus. Sophocles discloses the failure of the human intelligence of the first enlightenment age, not only by the false reasoning of, but by the very being of Oedipus, the man knowing by feet
    Keyword: measure, reasoning, oracle, generation
    Author: Dae Jin Kang
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La Situación Oficial y la Política Lingüística de Español
    La Situación Oficial y la Política Lingüística de Español - Su desarrollo en España y en América Latina - En el momento de distribuirse el español a América Latina, esta misma lengua todavía no estaba bien establecida en España. Es decir, no era la lengua oficial de aquella época. Ésta se originó en Castilla y se llamaba "castellano". Junto con "el gallego", "el vasco", "el catalán" y "el aragonés", estaba luchando para conseguir y ampliar su territorio en la Península Ibérica. Aunque muchos insisten en que el español de América es de Andalucía de España, eso no explica la razón por la que esta lengua pudo establecerse como primera lengua oficial en más de 18 países independientes de América Latina. En este trabajo argumentamos que el proceso de oficialización de español se dio paralela y paulatinamente en España y en América Latina. Las causas iniciales y principales de su establecimiento como lengua oficial fueron: la política lingüística de Carlos III en el siglo XVIII y el requerimiento de una lengua unitaria para formar países modernos e independientes en el siglo XIX. Otros factores que contribuyeron a la distribución general de esta lengua en América Latina son: la política colonial de asimilación a través del mestizaje, el desarrollo de impresión, la generalización de educación, etc.
    Keyword: Política ligüística de español, Español en España, Español en América Latina, Situación oficial de español
    Author: Kyung Hee Kim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Influence of Portugal in the Beginning of Modern Myanmar
    The Influence of Portugal in the Beginning of Modern Myanmar The Portuguese peddling trade and the search for a safe haven for trade and settlement in Myanmar was facilitated by the openness of rulers to outsiders. In that process the influx of Portuguese military technology may have made a measurable contribution to Burman strength in 16th century. Experts in gunnery were recruited into royal service, these were used to recreate a centralized state and made easily to conquer outside areas. The extraordinary king, whom the Mons referred to in awe as the 'Victor of the Ten Directions', was Bayinnaung of Toungoo dynasty But as we saw in the case of de Brito, who eagerly wanted to build Portuguese kingdom in Myanmar, the result of Portuguese influence was not always good to Myanmar. This is due to not Portugal but to Myanmar, which only expects her good influence instead of self-using her facts and of self-efforts of their Myanmarnization
    Keyword: Portugal, Bayinnaung, Toungoo, de Brito, Myanmarnization
    Author: Sung Won Kim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Estudio de la Semejanza en las Experiencias Trascendentales y Religiosas entre el Budismo Zen y el Misticismo Español
    Estudio de la Semejanza en las Experiencias Trascendentales y Religiosas entre el Budismo Zen y el Misticismo Español Después de estudiar la historia del budismo zen y del misticismo cristiano y sus formaciones, hemos llegado a una conclusión de que los místicos tanto cristianos como budistas zen, aspiran a la mortificación para llegar o entrar a un estado de concienciación espiritual, estado de prajna o éxtasis espiritual. Para llegar a tal estado, los místicos cristianos pasan por tres vías: purgativa, iluminativa y unitiva, mientras que los budistas atraviesan por cuatro etapas: vaciamiento, samadhi, ilusión y prajna. Estas dos religiones tienen un método semejante de adiestramiento. Las tres vías y las cuatro etapas se parecen mucho en el fondo. El zen busca la verdad y el estado de prajna a base de las experiencias personales e independientes del dogma y del canonismo. No los busca a base de la palabra. Aunque el misticismo no rechaza la Biblia y otros libros espirituales, como Imitatio Cristi, tampoco tiende al canonismo ni cree en que en la lengua quepa la experiencia mística. La irracionalidad en la expresión es otro punto común entre estas dos religiones cuyos métodos principales para el adiestramiento espiritual es la meditación. Por el concepto de que la palabra no puede contener ni expresar la verdad, naturalmente las expresiones religiosas salen en forma abstracta, irracional, irónica y paradójicas
    Keyword: Experiencias religiosas, Budismo Zen, Misticismo español, espiritualidad
    Author: Chong Wook Park
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Experiencias religiosas, Budismo Zen, Misticismo español, espiritualidad
    La Novela Social de Preguerra en torno a su Origen, Temas y Técnicas Narrativas. Como es bien sabido, los años treinta del siglo veinte eran una época de crisis en la sociedad española. Varias ideologías políticas se entremezclaban, se oponían y se confrontaban. También se agudizaban las luchas sociales tanto en las ciudades como en el ámbito rural. Ante aquella realidad conflictiva, muchos escritores han abandonado su narrativa deshumanizada o vanguardista de los años veinte para dedicarse a cultivar nueva forma novelesca en la cual se trata preferentemente de los problemas políticos y sociales de aquella época (por ejemplo: la Guerra de los Marruecos, las manifiestaciones y las huelgas obreras; la lucha entre los campesinos y los terratenientes; la vida inhumana de los mineros, etc). Además, estos novelistas no se contentaban con mostrar la injusticia, la desigualdad o el anquilosamiento de la sociedad, sino que los revelaban con propósito de crítica para contribuir a que se produjeran ciertos cambios en la sociedad. Este tipo de las novelas comprometidas se lo denomina generalmente la novela social de preguerra. El objetivo fundamental de mi estudio, pues, consiste en analizar el origen, los temas y las técnicas narrativas de este tipo de novela con la intención de recuperar el puesto merecido en la historia literaria porque estas novelas no han sido examinados con suficiencia. Para llevar a cabo la investigación propuesta, he prestado especial atención a los estudios de este campo en vez de analizar las obras concretas
    Keyword: la novela social, preguerra, el Nuevo Romanticismo
    Author: Hyo Young Park
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    O Realismo em Portugal - A Questão Coimbrã e as Conferências do Casino
    O Realismo em Portugal - A Questão Coimbrã e as Conferências do Casino Na década de 60-70, a escola literária portuguesa que se chamou ultra-romântica, liderada pelo o velho Castilho, não estava disposto a abandonar a estética literária romântica, como se ela tivesse foros de beleza absoluta. Alguns jovens estudantes de Coimbra que se chama Geração de Coimbra ou Geração de 70, Antero de Quental, Teofilo Braga e Eça de Queirós etc., preparavam uma revolta contra o grupo romancista. Em 1864, Teofilo Braga publicou Tempestades Sonoras e ofereceu a Castilho não por desafio. Ele gostou dos versos, mas ficou surpreendido com as teorias da escola realista que tem doutrinas revolucionárias. No ano seguinte, este mesmo apadrinhou uma obra de Pinheiro Chagas, A Poema de Mocidade e no prefácio, condenou abertamente ao grupo realista que está a arrastar a literatuta portuguesa. E disse, "falta Bom senso e bom gosto" da obra dos jovens realistas. Conhecido pelo nome de Bom-Senso e Bom-Gosto, a reacção comecou. Antero atacou nesse mesmo ano, às críticas referidas. Refere-se ao nulo contributo do velho Castilho para o progresso da literatura portuguesa. Em 1871, realizou as Conferências Democráticas do Casino, de colocar Portugal a par da actualidade europeia, ligando-o com o movimento moderno, estudando as condiçoes de transformação política, económica e religiosa da sociedade portuguesa. E assim, já com a perspectiva que dá a distância histórica, essa geração surgida a vida pública na famosa Questão avulta como uma das mais brilhante constrelacoes que a cultura portuguesa produziu em qualquer época.
    Keyword: O realismo em Portugal, Questão Coimbrã, As Conferências do Casino, Antero de Quental, Eça de Queirós
    Author: Pil Hwan Song
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    The Characteristics of Korean Community in Las Palmas
    The Characteristics of Korean Community in Las Palmas In this paper the Canary Islands and Las Palmas city are explained shortly in first part, then the current situation of Las Palmas as the Korea's ocean fishery base and the characteristics of Korean community are analysed. The Korean community in Las Palmas was originated from the Korean seamen's settlement. Before 1973, the year of first oil crisis, the seamen was the main part to Korea's foreign job. During the Middle East construction boom from mid-1970s to 1980s Korean seamen was substituted by the construction workers in the Middle East construction sites. The number of Korean seamen was continuously increased and peaked in 1987 about 40 thousand person, and then it turned to decrease. Many Korean seamen were settled in Las Palmas and they build Korean community. During 1970s the population of Korean community recorded only 6,000∼7,000 among the total population of 350,000 in the city. During the period of Korean rush Korean population settled down recorded more than 5,000. However, it decreased to 1,500 during the period recession of ocean fishery industry in Korea during the period of 1990s. Until now the first generation of Korean community was concentrated in fishery industry and build a 'little Korea" in Las Palmas. In these days the job trend of second generation changed from the mono-cultural fishery industry to diversified non-fishery and localized industry. The 30-year's history of Korean community are now under the structural changes of job and employment from ocean fishery industry and the related to the non-fishery industry such as service and professional. The Korean community most far from their motherland has special features compare to the other Korean community around the world. For examples, they are very lonely since it takes long time to visit Korea; they built the marine community; they are belongs to the Spanish community little different from their way of life expected; they are composed by single job of seamen; they are enjoying the successful settle down; they are workholic with high educational investment for their children, and they maintaining the peaceful community life compare to the other Korean community. The most important change is the generation-shift in the community. Following the role of first and aging generation is taken over by the second generation of their sons and daughters with newly arising problems. Their new and major problems of second generation are the decision of nationality between the convenience of localization and the identity of Koreanization, and the job participating in non-fishery industrial field. We can expect the bright future of Korean community in Las Palmas due to the pride of advanced Korean national image, the friendship between local citizen and Korean, the sincerity and good reputation for the Koreans through the sense of Taekwondo spirit and Korean community education. All the dreams and ardor of old Korean ocean fishery seamen are now realizing by establishing the affluent little Korea community in Las Palmas on the Atlantic Ocean.
    Keyword: España, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Ocean Fishery, Seaman, Korean community
    Author: Ui Sup Shim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Me-on and False Statement in Plato's Sophist
    Me-on and False Statement in Plato's Sophist According to the Plato's earlier theory of Forms, Forms always exist kath' hauto. But if to exist kath' hauto means to have nothing to do with anything, we cannot think or say anything whatsoever, as we can see in the ontology of Parmenides. Therefore in Sophist says Plato through a stranger from Elea : “Because Forms are connected with one another, we have statements.” But someone will ask. ① Did Plato abandon his earlier theory of Forms in Sophist? ② Is a statement made up of Forms only? My answer to both the questions is negative. Logos(statement) is the combination of Onoma(name) and Rhema(verb). And Onoma can be Form, but may be Particular. Therefore types of Logos is divided into two : [Form+Form] & [Particular+Form]. Now we can define the false statement. The description characterizing the false statement is me-on peri X (not being about X), while the description characterizing the true statement is on peri X (being about X). Then what is the meaning of on and me-on here? In [Form+Form] statement, it is false that the Rest moves because the Rest can't be connected with the Motion en physei. Therefore in [Form+Form] statement, “me-on peri X” is the Form that isn't connected with X en physei, and the false statement here is the combination of Forms that can't be connected with one another. And it is false that Theaetetus is flying, because Theaetetus the Particular does not participate in . So in [Particular+Form] statement, “me-on peri X” is the Form that X does not participate in, and the false statement here is the statement that refers to not-participating Form as participating. Finally we can conclude that in Sophist Plato does not abandon his earlier theory of Forms, but improves it.
    Keyword: statement(logos), name(onoma), verb(rhema), communion of Forms(symploke eidon), difference(heteron), in itself(kath' hauto), being(on), not being(me-on), participation
    Author: Yu Suk Oh
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    A Study on the Influence of the Islam Civilization to the Medieval Europe
    A Study on the Influence of the Islam Civilization to the Medieval Europe The human civilization is the result of all mankinds contribution including the eastern and western world. Among the human civilizations, ArabㆍIslam civilization is one of the most distinguished civilization which have influenced positively a wide development of the human cultures. Although the west denying, it was true that ArabㆍIslam civilization have greatly contributed to the development of the medieval Europe society and offered the foundation of Renaissance. I would like to study the contribution of the ArabㆍIslam civilization to the human civilization, especially to show the Arab's service to the society of the Medieval Europe. Ultimately, I expect to analysis the pattern of the cultural interchanges between the Eastern and Western world through the progress of human development.
    Keyword: Islam Civilization, The Medieval Europe, Arab
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on the Critical Comments about Arabic Poetry and the Use of the Myth by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra
    A Study on the Critical Comments about Arabic Poetry and the Use of the Myth by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra Jabra Ibrahim Jabra has been considered by many modern Arabs, as well as Western scholars, as a brilliant and talented writer. And Jabra, who has been an active participant in modern Arabic literature since the late 1930s, has been able to establish himself as one of the most prolific and versatile Arab writers, noted for his significant contributions as a poet, literary critic, translator, painter, short story writer and novelist. As a poet, in particular, Jabra has shown a great interest in developing modern Arabic poetry since his early youth. Actually Jabra is one of the greatest enthusiasts for the use of myth in poetry, and of the Tammūz myth in particular. And also it was Jabra who gave the group of poets employing the Tammūz myth the name of "al-Shu‘ara' al-Tammūziyyūn", and took great pains to explain the deep and universal significance of this myth. In my paper I'll make an intense study on his poetry. At first, I'll look into his life and his works, and then his critical views on the Arabic poetry and his contributions. Finally, I'll study his mythical poetry, especially his use of the images about the lives and the death which were drawn from the Tammūz myth.
    Keyword: Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Tammūz, myth, Arabic poetry
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Factory Literature
    Factory Literature - Historical Images of an Italian Automobile Enterprise in the Interwar Period - Fiat has won the leading place representing the Italian Automobile Industry since founded in 1899 in Turin. This enterprise owed its success to its founder Giovanni Agnelli's brilliant entrepreneurship. Especially, Lingotto, Fiat's new up-to-date vertical plant constructed and worked in the interwar period, was the monument best showing the degree of development accomplished by this enterprise. Certainly, the factory stimulated many contemporaries' imagination, when it made a display of the great five-storied building with modern machines and the marvellous test road on its roof. Thus, according to an Italian historian, contemporaries' descriptions of Lingotto were abundant and impressive enough to be regarded as an equivalent of “literary genre.” Surely, it is clear that the reality was very different from those representations of Lingotto, not least because the factory never realized the true mass-producing capabilities. However, taking into considerations the economic backwardness generated in Italy at that time, we can understand why the contemporaries took note of the novelties, not the limits, showed by Lingotto. The so-called factory literature of Lingotto certainly produced the specific images of Fiat group in the interwar period. The images were relevant to an enterprise that was represented as a well-disciplined armed force with the advanced technologies and a brilliant general, based on the combination of americanism(fordism) and the so-called piemontesismo. And they contributed to the publicity of Fiat's technical progressiveness and organizational independence. Then, this partly explains the process by which Fiat succeeded in assuming superiority in the negotiations with the Roman bureaucracy in order to obtain the assistances from the State defending its managerial autonomy from the intervention of the fascist regime in hard times.
    Keyword: Fiat, Lingotto, fascism, americanism, piemontesismo
    Author: Moon Seok Jang
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study of Women's Literature in North Africa and Turkey
    A Study of Women's Literature in North Africa and Turkey In this thesis, I start to trace the literary history of North African-Arab and Turkish women from the nineteenth century to the present and review the effect of the historical circumstances to the Arab and Turkish literature. In the conclusion, the followings are as results; One of the characteristics of the Arabic literature in twentieth-century is that men and women have generally written from different perspectives. While the men have in general remained in closer touch with political reality, the women write of human relationships and of the turbulence of emotions. The Arab world may not give many chances to women writers to express their opinions because Arab society still remains a man's world. However in spite of these bad circumstances, perhaps it is literary activities that Arab women have made themselves most heard. Although poetry occupies a prominent place in Arab's culture, women have contributed some of the most outstanding novels and short stories to date. Among the well-known names of women writers in this field of creative writing are Salwa Bakr of Egypt, Zubayda Bashir of Tunisia, Khannatha Bannuna of Morocco, Assia Djebar of Algeria and Halide Edip Adivar of Turkey. Voices of Arab women related to improve their social and legal status and their liberation from all oppressions and to search for their identity have been successful to a limited extent in changing societies. But nobody can minimize the endeavor and progress Arab and Turkish women have achieved.
    Keyword: Literary history, Women's literature, North Africa, Turkey, Historical circumstances and the effect
    Author: Wan Kyung Cheon
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    Muslim's Awareness and Practice of Marriage, Focused on Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey
    Muslim's Awareness and Practice of Marriage, Focused on Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey This paper is based on the second part of the fieldwork for the research titled, 'Islamic Personal Status Law, Possibilities of Reform from Woman's Rights Perspective'. While the first fieldwork conducted in 2004 targeting intellectuals through interview with regard to Personal Status Law, the second part of fieldwork explored awareness and practice of marriage law among ordinary Muslims from Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey through structured questionnaire. The questionnaire divided into three parts: marriage, divorce and possibilities of reform of the family law. Marriage part will be focused in this paper. At least 100 persons of each man and woman from the five countries have answered the questionnaire for this survey. The result of the survey was analysed by SPSS program and the five countries were compared with each other to explore how differently Personal Status Law have developed in each country as well as to see how people recognize and practice the law in everyday life. The paper focused on what influence the family law has made on everyday life among Muslims and their Islamic values. Especially illuminating the gaps between the law and its practice in everyday life, the paper will prospect any possibilities of reform of women's status in Islamic countries and marriage culture.
    Keyword: Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Islamic Personal Status Law, Muslim Woman, Marriage, Marriage Contract, Polygamy
    Author: Hee Sun Cho
    Poblication Year: 2005
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Archaeological Comprehension of Structure in the Solar Temples, Exhibited from Medieval Gothic Cathedral
    Archaeological Comprehension of Structure in the Solar Temples, Exhibited from Medieval Gothic Cathedral We can see many mysterious and marvelous elements in the divine field from the ancient northern European sites. Before 3000 B.C., in the divine region that belongs to the period of megalithic culture, there were number of megaliths, placed with the fixed direction, in the region where it is closely related with the solar movement. The megalithic culture, developed in northern Europe, grew as Indo-European religion that worshipped sun-gods, and these temples are associated with sunrise. The movement of Indo-European had exerted enormous influence to the religious structures and the religion of other areas. The subject of study about the solar temples or building structure of solar observatory is associated with the movement of Indo-European that includes extensive area from northern Europe through Rome, Athene, Crete, Cyprus and even to Palestine. Thus, it is reasonable to be studied, the structure of early temples, the organization of plan of temples at Greek Rome, and the origin of the structure of Medieval gothic cathedral that can be said as the beauty of completion, with mutual relation. What are the formation of these earliest temples? how are these grew with development of civilization? and with what extent these are accomplished, are all elements that remarkably attract interests.
    Keyword: Megalithic Culture, Indo-European Religion, Solar Observatory, Temples at Greek Rome, Medieval Gothic Cathedral
    Author: Sung Il Kim
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    International Trade
    Transformations of the Mediterranean Trade in the Later Middle Ages
    Transformations of the Mediterranean Trade in the Later Middle Ages The Mediterranean trade knew several important transformations in the Later Middle Ages. This article aims to show those changes in three aspects: merchandises, transportation, and merchants. There was a diversification of merchandises. Another change in the composition of the goods was that cheap merchandises such as raw materials for the textile industry, corns, wine, salt, etc became commercialized in abundance in the Later Middle Ages. In other words, those wares came to play a role in the Mediterranean trade, as important as the expensive spices which had been the principal motor force of the Mediterranean trade. In the matter of the transportation, there were many innovations in the method of navigation and in the construction, rigging, and armament of ships, which are called "nautical revolutions" of the Middle Ages. New methods of navigation were symbolized specially by the mariner's compass and the sea chart called a portolano. The chief practical effect of the mew methods of navigation was the opening of the seas in the winter. Ships had been previously pulled tied up at the dock from October until April. The venetian convoy composed of several round ships, whose mission was to transport cotton from Syria to Venice, could make two round trips a year in the Later Middle Ages. The introduction in the Mediterranean Sea at the 1300 of the cog, ship of the Atlantic, was another development. Cogs became bigger in dimensions and could transport heavy or voluminous goods which were not expensive. And maritime powers such as Venice, Genoa and Barcelona could enlarge their portions of the transport in the Mediterranean and monopolize the Mediterranean trade in the Later Middle Ages. As commercial exchanges and the service of the ships became more regular, merchants no longer had to travel with their wares. Italian merchants, who had been traveling merchants, became resident merchants. They used factors or agents staying not temporarily but permanently at the distant or foreign markets. The use of resident agents instead of traveling merchants was facilitated by a number of improvements in commercial technique such as system of double-entry bookkeeping and assurance. Toward the Later Middle Ages, small merchants were gradually excluded from the international mediterranean trade where great merchants came to play a major role.
    Keyword: Mediterranean Trade, Spices, Nautical Revolution, Resident Merchant, Double-entry Bookkeeping
    Author: Jong Kuk Nam
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Dante's Cosmology
    Dante's Cosmology In this article I will argue that Dante's cosmological conception refers to the modern copernican revolution, if we properly interpret the famous conclusion "l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle." of Dante's Divine Comedy according to Einstein's famous physical law E=mc 2 . In medieval cosmology lies the earth at the center of the universe, while the universe spins all around it. Dante introduced also the Aristotle-Ptolemy's geocentric universe to the structure of his cosmology, which is divided in three worlds, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. There is nine spheres in Heaven. So, Dante arranged nine opposite heavenly spheres corresponding to nine divisions of Hell. Dante's concept could be arranged in ways to the arrangement or structure of the modern copernican heliocentric constellation, because Dante made through the travel of love no distance and positions between the earth & the moon and the sun. Dante's love is displaced for the aristotelian first unmoved mover. Dante Earth Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Copernicus Sun Mercury Venus Earth/Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn God is the farthest away from the earth-centered cosmos. Everything below the moon was corrupted, but the heavens were perfect, unchanging, immutable and incorruptible. God is the farthest away from the earth-centered cosmos. That perfection of the heavens was idealized as a kind of music, the sound of the heavens in motion. So Dante can pass with Beatrice through each of the nine spheres of the world, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Fixed Stars and Primum Mobile, because the battery of their love moved cosmic order. The Dante's love story which moved the heavenly spheres and stars will be further explained in mediterranean region.
    Keyword: Dante's Cosmology, Geocentric Universe, Heliocentric Universe, E=mc2, Heavenly Spheres
    Author: Sun Bok Bae
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Medieval Loan-Exchange-Insurance Contract in the Mediterranean Area
    Medieval Loan-Exchange-Insurance Contract in the Mediterranean Area 600 years have passed, since the primitive shape of marine insurance "Mutuum" has risen up in the mediterranean area. And it has been recognized as a "Loan Contract" which has functions of insurance. However, until now we cannot realize the concrete meaning of the contract precisely. And what made the "Mutuum" change to the pure insurance in the 15th century. Therefore, in this thesis, I make a point of understanding the real meaning of mutuum contract's theory, and finding out the real cause of pure insurance contract's nativity. On the process of research, I discovered a particular shape of insurance contract by chance, and I named it "insurance-loan contract". That contract has a different theory in comparison with the contents of both the former shape of mutuum and pure insurance contract of Italia in the 15th century. And the contract is used on around 13~14th century. We regard it is the new shape of contract that we haven't met before. So, I tried to define the concrete meaning of the contract's contents and relations of both insurer and insured. I believe this discover gives us a significant interest to understand the real process of the insurance contract's progress on the viewpoint of historical study.
    Keyword: Mutuum, Cambium, Loan-Contract, Usura, Marine Insurance, Nauli
    Author: Seong Seok Seo
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Two Main Streams in Scholastics Mirrored in Proofs of the Existence of God of St. Anselm and St. Thomas
    Two Main Streams in Scholastics Mirrored in Proofs of the Existence of God of St. Anselm and St. Thomas The translation of Aristotle's works into Latin, the famous historic events which have taken place in Spain from 12th century, have caused not a little change in the atmosphere in Scholastics. The academic climate after the translation should have been much different from that of former times. St. Thomas Aquinas' critics on St. Anselm's so called ontological argument for the existence of God might be an good example to reveal these differences. Usually the discussions on their proofs have inclined to be focused on finding out whose argument is more valid and effective. There has been much debates and discussions on this issue. But the concerns of this article is not to designate the winner, but to discern just the difference of the way of thinking between them. St. Thomas and St. Anselm are in accord with each other in that they both have thought that the existence of God needs to be demonstrated, and in that they have actually posed their own proofs respectively. But they do not agree on what the demonstration is and how it could be given. St. Anselm tried to demonstrate that the existence of God is self-evident, while St. Thomas insisted that the existence of God could not be self-evident lest the demonstration of His existence should be possible because he follows the Aristotelian thought that anything self-evident cannot, and need not, be demonstrated. This difference, however, should not be counted as a personal one. It should be considered in connection with the two competing main streams of thoughts penetrating and governing the whole scholastics, that is, Platonism and Aristotelianism. St. Anselm's proof, working withing the world of the former, might well seem to be odd to the eye of St. Thomas, who is a representative of the latter. Therefore, the difference between these two ways of thinking might be the key to understand the well-known proofs of middle ages properly, and worth noting more carefully and adequately.
    Keyword: St. Anselm, St. Thomas Aquinas, Proof of the Existence of God, Platonism, Aristotelianism, Self-evident, Demonstration
    Author: Kyung Jae Lee
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    The Influences of the Medieval Arab-Andalusian Civilization on the Europe
    The Influences of the Medieval Arab-Andalusian Civilization on the Europe For many centuries, Arab Andalusia(711-1492) in the European Iberian Peninsula of Spain and Portugal with its capital city first in Cordoba and later Granada had represented Europe's main cultural center. No serious orientalists can any longer deny the fact that the Arab-Andalusian Islamic Civilization had contributed the Medieval western cultures. This papers tried to explain the various influences especially in the fields of Literature, Music, Art, and Architecture. Among the great works of Arabic literature that have impacted the West is The Thousand and One Nights or The Arabian Nights. In addition, Arabic poetry contributed in some measure to the rise of the new poetry of Europe. The West did not only adopt Arab musical instruments but also took their names as well. Such instruments are the lute, pandore, guitar, etc. Another major Arab Contribution to the Western music was the mensural music and rhythmic modes such as the beautiful Andalusian Arab Muwashshahat. Arab architectural influences are shown in such as many churches both in Sicily and Southern Italy as well as Spain and Portugal. The well known Islamic Girala Tower in Seville was also influence by it. Arab architectural influences even touched the early American city architecture, especially the buildings designed by Louis Sullivan.
    Keyword: Arab Andalusian Civilization, Literature, Music, Art, Architecture
    Author: Kyu Young Jung
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Greek Independence Movement and the Countermeasure of the Ottoman Empire and the Great European Powers
    The Greek Independence Movement and the Countermeasure of the Ottoman Empire and the Great European Powers The purpose of this paper is to explain and analyze the process of the Greek independence movement from about 1821 to 1829 which the Ottoman authorities regarded as au uprising against the administration of the Ottoman Empire, the reaction of the Ottoman authorities, and the intervention of the great European powers. Before the Ottoman power began to decline during the eighteenth century, there was a transformation in international relationship between Europe and the Ottoman Empire for the Greek independence movement. From the increase of the European trade with the Levant, especially, the commercial Greeks became more wealthy and more numerous. They had founded trading colonies in the seaports of the Ottoman dominions and Russia, Austria, Italy, France and England. They had benefited from the treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca(1774) which had granted trading rights to Russians in the Aegean sea and the Mediterranean. The commercial Greeks acquired the privilege of flying the Russian flag and the protection of the Russian consuls. By the end of the eighteenth century, the Greek trade become well-based and voluminous. In this situation, the desire of the Greek independence rose and spread among the intellectual and commercial Greeks. In 1814, three Greeks belonging to the commercial class founded a society, Filiki Eteria, which objected to recruit members and organize a Greek rising against the Ottoman rule. In the end of eighteenth century, the spread of nationalism and the desire of the Greek independence among the intellectual and commercial Greeks contributed to the independence movement of Greeks. Through the dealing with the rising of nationalism, the process of independence movement, the reaction of the Ottoman authorities and the intervention of the great powers, this paper attempted to explain the spread of the Greek Revolt and the pattern of the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the great European powers
    Keyword: Greek Independence, Reaction, Nationalism, Intervention, The Great Powers, Revolt
    Author: Dae Sung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Un Propos sur la Vision de l'Homme chez La Rochefoucauld
    Un Propos sur la Vision de l'Homme chez La Rochefoucauld On sait que La Rochefoucauld est un écrivain mondain. Mais sa constatation du paradoxe, de l'hypocrisie, et de la fausseté des vertus a amené La Rochefoucauld à s'attacher à mettre au jour les ressorts de l'être humain avec une lucidité clairvoyante. Cette connaissance du coeur s'accentue par une extrême finesse analytique à découvrir ce qui se voile derrière les actes humains. C'est la découverte augustinienne de l'amour-propre, un seul amour naturel, l'amour de soi. L'auteur des Maximes dénonce par là en les hommes mondains les mobiles qui inspirent le désir de "paraître": dans chacun de ces cas, la vertu se confond avec la réputation, et les bienséances sont un remède à la férocité et à l'ambition. Ainsi, la maxime 182 ne nous propose pas - solution optimiste - de faire des vertus avec des vices, elle se contente d'éclairer le paradoxe d'un univers où le Mal collabore au Bien: ce qui est un bien, au regard du principe de l'action, peut être un mal au regard de l'acte lui-même. Ainsi s'opère un retournement complet des perspectives. Ce thème, systématisé en une critique générale des "fausses vertus", fonde, concluons-nous, l'analyse régressive de La Rochefoucauld dont la formule tient en la maxime-épigraphe: "Nos vertus ne sont, le plus souvent, que des vices déguisés"
    Keyword: La Rochefoucauld, Homme, Vertu, Amour-propre, Morale
    Author: Taek Mo Kim
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Decadencia de la Ciencia de España y Conflicto Religioso en el siglo XVII
    Decadencia de la Ciencia de España y Conflicto Religioso en el siglo XVII La civilización sufre el movimiento pendular, esa continua vicisitud. España no pudo ser una excepción de esta historia circular de nacimiento, desarrollo y decadencia. En el siglo XVII, España empieza a perder su principal papel en Europa. Muchos célebres y eruditos discuten interminablemente sobre su causa. La razón de esta gran discusión es porque existe una tremenda diferencia de opiniones entre dos partes. Una parte quiere explicarla inculcando su origen en las causas políticas, sociales y económicas, y otra parte insiste atribuirlo a los ambientes de la época formados por Contrarreforma. La relación entre la religión y la ciencia sufre un fuerte cambio junto con el desarrollo de la ciencia natural. El desarrollo científico y la fe religiosa colisionan entre sí, y a través de un periodo largo, la fe y la ciencia se alejan lenta pero continuamente. Aunque nosotros vemos obvia esta separación, no deberíamos olvidar de que no es un hecho de hace mucho tiempo. La lucha del grupo que quiere mantener los valores existentes o bien lo surte de carácter político, o puede ser de carácter intelectual, estética, moral. En el siglo XVII, Europa rompe los marcos religiosos, estatales y de clase, y buscan principalmente para su vida los pensamientos positivistas basados en la búsqueda humanística y la ciencia. Pero, en España, la religión se hace más fuerte y la distancia con los países protestantes que ofrecían nuevas visiones históricas motivadas por el rápido avance de la ciencia se agranda más. Para la iglesia española, eliminar a los paganos, esos conocimientos científicos era la misión más importante para perfeccionar aún más el mundo perfecto creado por Dios. Todas las ideas revolucionarias, los esfuerzos, personas y fuerzas que intentaban orientar la sociedad española fuera de la antigua ideología, se veían obligados abandonar su intención tras cruel castigo. Y todo esto imposibilitó el avance hacia una sociedad de nueva paradigma, revolución científica.
    Keyword: Decadencia de España, Ciencia de España, Inquisición, Relgión y Cultura
    Author: Song Joo Na
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Mediterranean Policy of the EU: Divergence, Integration and Policy Dilemma
    Mediterranean Policy of the EU: Divergence, Integration and Policy Dilemma The cause of military tensions of Mediterranean regions since 1950s dates back the social structure which constituted with historical legacy and religious feud. The cause of military tensions of Mediterranean regions dates back the disparateness of social structure like historical legacy and religious feud which had been originated to the medieval age. Thereupon the EU could not consistent policy before in the 1999s owing to these complexities. The existing EU’s Mediterranean policy concentrated on socio-political assistance towards Southern European States including Spain, Portugal and Greece to promote affiliation of European order. However Cyprus and Turkey becomes a member of European system through endeavors transformation of democratization and alleviation of military tension in the Mediterranean regions after the post-cold war. For that reasons the EU’s interests switch over the North Africa and Middle East that regions was totally unconcerned the past years. A new step in EU’s Mediterranean policy was taken in the 1990s as a direct consequence of the transformation of viewing to the non European Mediterranean states. However EU has not intended to enlargement of EU system to the non European Mediterranean regions. And European Mediterranean policy involves all prospects of existing policy regimes which have declined the effects of cooperation between of EU and non European Mediterranean states. In this reason the EU policy result of an ambiguous direction.
    Keyword: European Union, Mediterranean Policy, Association Agreement, Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Mediterranean States
    Author: Byung Joon Song
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    A Historical Speculation of Feminine Problems in Turkish Literature
    A Historical Speculation of Feminine Problems in Turkish Literature Up to now I have viewed feminine problems presented in turkish literature with a macroscopic standpoint and classified it periodically. There was an effort to finish this writing focusing on how turkish writers dealt with feminine problems in their productions, in order to seek a fundamental understanding of turkish feminine problems. The turkish feminine problems which started emerging in the Tanzimat period were faced with important and extreme changes in the republican period. Women described in literary works of the Tanzimat period were mostly women without jobs. It can be seen that they strived to elevate their standards for the sole purpose of becoming an eligible mother and a good wife. However, literature including feminine problems started being published in the Tanzimat period, and with the effect from Western countries the status of women in society became an issue for discussion. This fact is a matter of great importance. Moreover, the fact that feminine problems started to be reflected in many classes of society through literary works and periodical publications in that period is also an important factor that cannot be overlooked. The research and activity concerning feminine problems of Tanzimat and the constitutional period was insufficient and it also lacked consistency. After the 2nd constitutional period, the turkish society had constructed a more open and free atmosphere, and thus the press was able to hold liberal discussions on various affairs throughout the society. Under these circumstances, there were great changes and advances in the thoughts of the people and in society, and many debates concerning the problem of feminist movements and women were held. The discussion over feminine rights, such as the role of women in the family or the status of women in society, was often brought up as an important issue by many writers and also were discussed at important meetings that took place. Women started to appear not only in society but also in the political fields with women participating in the parliamentary system as the audience of the convocation. Moreover, in this period, many women established new organizations including relief squads and those that advocate the equality of sexes, and women's participation in society. Women who lived trapped behind grilles, who had to cover up their bodies with hijabs, and were forbidden to go outside in the past, were given some freedom through various ideology reform movements in the 20th century. When the republic period came they were then given extensive freedom in their lives. The fundamental change of the status of women in the turkish society was emphasized throughout the society along with the promulgation of the establishment of a republic. The literary field was not an exception. It is in this period that women start being described as active people in literature and had equal importance with the male characters in writing. For example, novels in the 1960's talk of the struggle over the identity of women and their sexual freedom, and women writers in that period wrote novels that criticized the male chauvinistic society. In the works of women writers in the 1970's it mostly talks of the estrangement between the ideals and the reality of an intelligent woman's life and the institution of marriage, and asserts intellectual identity through the women characters in the novel. Based on this identity, it shows the agony of the women and their social status in the turkish society . Recently, Turkey has become more liberal to women through the process of industrialism and democratization, but in reality they are still living with economical, political, systematical, and sexual discrimination and repression, which is burdened on them in their families and in the society.
    Keyword: Turkish Literature, Turkish Novel, Feminine Problems
    Author: Nan A Lee
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Mediterranean in the Italian Foreign Policy
    The Mediterranean in the Italian Foreign Policy Until the 2nd World War, the Mediterranean had been one of the key areas in the Italia foreign policy and the source of it's international status and power politics. But with the defeat in the war and the emergence of the Cold War after that war, the mediterraneanity of the Italian foreign policy has weakened, because of it's concentrating on the europeanism and the atlantism. But after the demise of Alcide de Gasperi, the Italian mediterranean vocation has been reemerged by the new political elite group which was seeing in favour the distension between East-West. It was hoped that this process would facilitate the 'open to the Left' that they had in mind for the stabilization of the Italia political system. They was also interested in acting to mediate between the West and the Arab world. So they actively searched for development in diplomatic and economic relations with the Arab countries. In this way they hoped to become a exclusive interlocutor of the United States in the 1) Mediterranean Sea. So It can be said that the Italia mediterranean policy has been, at the same time, a scope and an instrument of the Italia foreign policy.
    Keyword: Italy, Mediterranean Policy, Neo-atlantism, Europeanism, Atlantic Alliance
    Author: Son Phil Lee
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    Estudio sobre lo Fantástico en “la Aventura de la Cueva de Montesinos” de Don Quijote de la Mancha
    Estudio sobre lo Fantástico en “la Aventura de la Cueva de Montesinos” de Don Quijote de la Mancha Según unos críticos, Cervantes marca un hito en el tratamiento de lo fantástico con su obra Don Quijote de la Mancha donde el autor inserta el racionalismo en el mundo maravilloso de la novela de caballería. Pero según otros, se consideran que sería difícil ver esta obra como una de lo fantástico, ya que en la época de Cervantes la razón y la lógica eran algo nuevo, mientras que el género fantástico nació en el final del siglo XVIII como una reacción contra el racionalismo dominante. A nuestro juicio, no podría considerar la obra entera como lo fantástico, pero en algunos episodios se encuentra con el prototipo importante de las características del género. El objeto de nuestro trabajo consiste en buscar y analizarlo, adoptando dos códigos de la teoría contemporánea de lo fantástico: el ‘efecto de realidad’ y la ‘reacción del lector’. Los aplicaremos en ‘la aventura de la cueva de Montesinos’, uno de los episodio más sobrenaturales de Don Quijote. Realizaremos este trabajo enfocando a la teoría fantástica, y por tanto, queda posibilidad de descartar otros aspectos estéticos de la obra si no tienen relación con la temática.
    Keyword: lo Fantástico, Don Quijote, Efecto de Realidad, Reacción del Lector
    Author: Yong Gab Jeon
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Mediterraneanism in Modern Arab Cultural Thought
    현대 아랍 문화관에서의 지중해주의 본 논문에서는 Salama Mousa와 Taha Hussain같은 저자들에 의해서 부각된 현대 아랍, 특히 이집트의 문화적 사고의 전반적이며 지배적인 영향력의 흐름을 탐구한다. 오랜 기간 동안 일방적으로 불신되어온 지중 해주의를 아랍 세계의 현대 정체성 딜레마에 접근하기 위한 문화적 체 계로써 재고찰한다. 제한적이고 배타적인 틀 안에서 이집트를 분석하는 것을 거부하고, 개방적 시각에서 서구 문화 동화적인 차원에서 이집트를 바라보는 문화관이 더 시기적절하며 필요한 것으로 본다. 더 나아가 “오 리엔탈리즘”과 같은 용어와 형식이 유행에 뒤떨어진 듯한 어감을 주고 정치적으로 그릇된 것 같은 인상을 줌에도 불구하고, 지중해주의가 태연 하게 직면하고 명백하게 해결한 문화 정체성의 문제는 이 강력한 이집 트 문화관의 역사적 경험의 검토를 통해서 흥미롭게 재고된다. 세계화 시대에 문화관과 문화 정체성의 핵심적인 문제들에 대한 재평가는 합당 한 일이다. “지중해 문화”라고 하는 강력한 연결고리를 통해 서구 문화 정체성 혹은 이집트 문화 정체성의 기초를 찾는 것은 분명히 혁신적이 며, 대담하고 논쟁의 여지가 있는 주장이다.
    Keyword: 이집트 문화관, 문화정체성
    Author: Abdulla al-Dabbagh
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Los Diversos Aspectos de la Política Lingüística de España y su Situación Actual - según los Tipos y las Características
    Los Diversos Aspectos de la Política Lingüística de España y su Situación Actual - según los Tipos y las Características En España se han probado diversos tipos de la política lingüística a través de su historia. Eso es porque España es un país constituido por varios grupos étnicos con culturas y lenguas distintas. En la época de la formación de un país moderno se pensó que una lengua única para todos sus miembros ayudaría a unificar todas las comunidades regionales. Se inició el proceso de castellanización no sólo dentro de la península Ibérica, sino también en todas las colonias españolas. Durante el régimen de Franco el uso del castellano como lengua oficial fue obligado para todos los españoles y el uso de los demás lenguas regionales como el catalán, el gallego y el vasco se prohibió totalmente. Esta situación provocó reacciones regionalistas. Después de la muerte de Franco, el nuevo gobierno democrático optó por una política plurilingüe. Actualmente se observan relevantes desarrollos de la distribución de las lenguas regionales. Sin embargo, el proceso de castellanización sigue expandiéndose. En este trabajo analizamos los pros y contras de estos cambios en la política lingüística de España
    Keyword: Política lingüística, Conflictos lingüísticos, Lenguas de España, Castellanización, Catellano, Catalán, Gallego, Vasco
    Author: Kyung Hee Kim
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The Egyptian Overseas Trade and Minoan Crete
    The Egyptian Overseas Trade and Minoan Crete Martin Bernal's 'Black Athena(1987)' has reminded again the Egyptian role and influence in the formation of the Minoan culture in the 1st half of the second millennium B.C.E. Since various cultural aspects are transmitted and exchanged generally through international trade relationships in the ancient times, for understanding the Minoan connection, it is essential to recognize the scale and the geographical boundary of the Egyptian overseas' trade network. Ancient Egypt had obtained specific natural resources which cannot be exploited in their own country such as turquoise from the Sinai peninsula, myrrh and frankincense from Punt which has been identified with Somalia, and cedar wood from Byblos of Phoenicia. Except for turquoise from the Sinai peninsula, most of the imported natural resources had been acquired through international trades based on a barter system. The appearance of Minoans in the Theban tomb wall paintings requires visits to Egypt by Minoan envoys during the 15th century B.C.E. Especially the discovery of fragments of Minoan-style wall paintings at the palaces of Avaris(Tell el-Daba) in the Delta region strongly suggests that the Minoans actually lived there during the 16th century B.C.E. The so-called 'bull-leaping' motifs which unfamiliar in Egyptian settings have been regarded as one of the most diagnostic criteria of Minoan visual art. The main factors for determining the degree of Egypt-Crete maritime connections is the prevailing north-westly summer winds and sea circulation patterns in the eastern Mediterranean. In consequence, the common sea routes are of anti-clockwise direction from Egypt via the Levant coast, Cyprus and southern Anatolia to the Aegean region. It means that the Egyptian remains discovered in Crete may have been the result of the indirect commercial relationships conducted through intermediaries of the Levantine states and Cyprus. By which route did the Minoans reach Egypt? They first sailed across the sea to reach the Lybian coast with the north-westly wind, and then continue to the Egyptian Delta. In this regard, the hypothesis of 'Black Athena', that the Egyptians colonized Greece beginning in the first half of the second millennium B.C.E. needs to be reevaluated in terms of a broader and complex maritime network shared by all of the coastal states in the eastern Mediterranean regions.
    Keyword: Ancient Egypt, Crete, East Mediterranean, Maritime Relationship, Minoan Culture, Nubia, Punt
    Author: Seong Kim
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Aquisição do Artigo Definido em Português por Coreanos - As Características de Uso do Artigo e a Função de Preposições
    한국인의 포르투갈어 정관사 습득 - 관사 사용 특징과 전치사의 역할 한국어에 존재하지 않는 포르투갈어의 관사시스템은 학습의 위계에서 새 범주에 속하므로 인식하기에 복잡하고 습득함에 있어 많은 어려움을 야기하는 요소이다. 본 연구에서는 제2언어로서 포르투갈어를 습득하는 과정에 그 사용의 특징이 어떻게 나타나는 지를 밝히고자 한다. 포어권 에서 연수중인 학생들을 대상으로 수준별로 두 그룹으로 나누어 인터뷰, 이야기, 묘사의 방법으로 정관사의 적절한 사용, 부적절한 사용 및 누락 된 부분의 자료를 6개월간 수집하여 그 과정을 살펴보았다. 조사 결과 재언급의 환경에서 정관사의 누락, 부정관사의 부적절한 사 용이 조사기간 내내 나타났으며 유일한 언급물, 소유격 의미로서의 사용, 전치사로 수식된 명사구 등 꼭 정관사가 쓰여야 할 부분이나 일반적인 언급과 같이 관사를 써도 되고 안 써도 되는 곳에서 대체적으로 무관사 의 경향을 보였다. 즉 문법적인 측면뿐만 아니라 화용적인 측면에서 접 근하여야 정관사를 올바르게 사용할 수 있는데 한국인 학습자들은 모국어와의 언어적 차이로 인해 사용을 회피하거나 한국어 시스템이 포어에 전이된 가능성을 암시하고 있다. 하지만 정관사와 전치사의 결합형을 쓴 후 재차 부정관사를 쓴 경우, 정관사를 쓰지 않아야 되는 곳에 결합형을 쓴 경우에서 보듯, 조사 참여 자들은 수준에 관계없이 전치사와 정관사의 결합형을 하나의 형태소로 인식하는 경향을 보였다. 덧붙여 정관사가 적절히 사용된 상황을 면밀히 관찰한 결과 전치사와의 결합형이 바로 정관사 사용의 핵심적인 부분으 로 나타나 전치사가 정관사 사용에 중요한 모티브로 작용하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 사용의 특징과 전략을 인식하고 교수들이 가르치고 평가할 때 는 물론 학생들이 학습할 때 이를 인식하고 교육과 학습에 반영할 필요 가 있다.
    Keyword: 정관사 세계
    Author: Han Chul Kim
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La Corriente de la Lírica Medieval Española - en torno a las Jarchas, las Cantigas, las Canciones
    La Corriente de la Lírica Medieval Española - en torno a las Jarchas, las Cantigas, las Canciones La lírica medieval española -sobre todo, la realizada desde el siglo X hasta el XV- comprende algunos géneros poéticos conocidos con el nombre de jarchas, cantigas, canciones, etc. Esta diversidad genérica se debe precisamente a la confluencia de diversas culturas heterogéneas, que se había producido a lo largo del medievo español, en la que se mezclan algunas tradiciones estilísticas como la árabe, la gallego-portuguesa, la provenzal, la italiana, etc. El interés de nuestro estudio se centra en la aproximación comparativa a estas cuatro corrientes como base fundamental para analizar la lírica medieval en castellano. Desde el punto de vista cronológico, la trayectoria evolutiva de la composición lírica se explicaría a través de dos etapas: la primera, que comprendería el periodo entre los siglos X y XIII y la segunda, que abarcaría los siglos XIV y XV. Durante la primera etapa, la concepción amorosa se plasmó mediante la creación de estribillos de Muwashaha denominados jarchas o mediante la imitación de la cantiga gallego-portuguesa. Posteriormente, a lo largo del segundo periodo, los poetas castellanos cambiaron su rumbo estilístico hacia un tipo más racional e individualista por medio de la aplicación de los nuevos métodos compositivos de la poesía provenzal o italiana. En este estudio nos preguntamos: ¿cómo se produjo la evolución de la lírica medieval castellana?; ¿cuál sería el valor histórico de esos estilos medievales frente a la composición lírica del Siglo de Oro? A lo largo de la Edad Media, por consiguiente, la poesía española tiende a evolucionar con los siguientes rasgos estilísticos generales: la diversificación semántica del tema amoroso; la individualización de la imagen del narrador, la sistematización de normas compositivas, la ampliación polifacética de vocablos poéticos, etc. Es preciso señalar que todos estos cambios paulatinos forman parte del indicio fundamental para reconocer la creciente valoración de un nuevo estilo moderno.
    Keyword: Lírica medieval española, Jarchas, Cantigas, Canciones, Poesía gallego-portuguesa, Poesía provenzal, Poesía italiana, Dolce stil novo
    Author: Seung Wook Baik
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    A Study on Egyptian Folk Song - Focused on Work Song
    A Study on Egyptian Folk Song - Focused on Work Song The domain of popular and folk music often provides insight into the psychological and temperamantal traits of a nation's character. By studyng the types of songs, the styles, music related social occasions and musical traditions one can often illustrate the spirit and beliefs of the nation. The general characteristics of popular forms of art can be found in Egyptian folk songs. Such traits are as the absence of specialized and tutored professional musicans or singers, the absence of an aristocratic and paying audience, ignorance of abstract theories on the technique employed and the dependence on oral trdition, transmits many folk music characteristics. Egyptian folk song exhibiting such traits existed in the Islamic culture and was sung and played by the people. This is quite distinct from the artistic and higher form of music that evolved under the auspices of the courts and wealthy aristocracy. The functions of folk music may be divided into two main divisions. The first division usually refers to music attached to social occasions, which covers such celebrations whether of rejoicing or of mourning. The second division comprises songs of labor such as caravans-songs and shepherd's tunes. Music covers a wide field in the everyday life of the Egyptian society. This study is aimed to illustrate characteristics of Egyptian folk songs and classify motifs of Egyptian folk songs focused on work songs which express happiness and sorrows and religious beliefs of the people.
    Keyword: Egyptian Folk Song, Popular Song, Work Song, Underlying Culture
    Author: Eun Kyeong Yun
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Cristianos Viejos de la España del Siglo de Oro Reflejados en las Relaciones de Causas de la Inquisición
    Cristianos Viejos de la España del Siglo de Oro Reflejados en las Relaciones de Causas de la Inquisición A partir del Concilio de Trento, la actividad represora de la Inquisición española se dirigió a los cristianos viejos que cometían a menudo los llamados delitos menores, los cuales eran reflejados en las Relaciones de Causas. Por consiguiente, a través de éstas podemos acercarnos a la vida y a la mentalidad populares, que se diferenciaban bastante de la cultura tridentina y oficial. La Suprema recibía periódicamente y varias veces al año las Relaciones de Causas de las inquisiciones de distritos. Hoy en día estas Relaciones son valoradas por los historiadores como verdadero banco de datos, porque contienen los datos personales de los reos de los procesos inquisitoriales, incluso sus vidas más íntimas y privadas. Aunque los cristianos viejos se consideraban indudablemente católicos, los inquisidores cuestionaban la ortodoxia de su fe. Las proposiciones, es decir, las palabras erróneas o heréticas, eran uno de los delitos menores en que caía más a menudo el pueblo español de entonces, junto con la simple fornicación. Como los padres de Trento daban la máxima importancia a los Sacramentos católicos, los actos contra éstos merecían los castigos del Santo Oficio. Así pues, los bígamos eran objetos de la severidad de los inquisidores, que no dudaban en colaborar con colegas de otras regiones. La solicitación fue un pecado que solían cometer los sacerdotes con sus penitentes en un confesionario apartado. La Iglesia no logró quitar este mal por sí misma, por lo que pidió a la Inquisición que interviniese en este asunto y castigase efectivamente a los solicitadores. La sodomía y el bestialismo fueron los pecados más abominados por las autoridades de la España de la Edad Moderna. Sus procesos se encontraban con mayor actividad en la Corona de Aragón que en Castilla. A diferencia del resto de Europa, la hechicería no fue un delito que preocupara tanto a los inquisidores españoles, quienes mantenían una postura moderada y pasiva hacia ella, en base al informe del inquisidor Salazar y Frías
    Keyword: Relaciones de Causas, los Cristianos viejos, el Concilio de Trento, los Delitos menores, Mentalidad popular
    Author: Eun Hae Lee
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Effects of the Dispatch of Korean Troops to Iraq on Image of Korea
    Effects of the Dispatch of Korean Troops to Iraq on Image of Korea This study explored whether the dispatch of Korean troops to Iraq had detrimental influences on image of Korea. In addition, the study examined whether the attitudes of Arab media in dealing with Korearelated issues played an important role in shaping Arab people's attitude toward Korea and image of Korea. Data collected at the 5 Arab countries(Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, & Arab Emirate) from June 2005 to August 2005. The results showed that the respondents of the countries, especially the ones of Arab Emirate, had a good impression on image of Korea. The comparative analysis of South Korea, Japan, China, and North Korea on image of country was conducted. The results revealed that Japan had the best image, and China had the second best image. The image of South Korea was recognized at the third place. The Arab respondents, who thought that Korea sent their troops to Iraq for getting any kinds of profits in relations to America, showed lower scores on image of Korea. Although Arab media didn't cover Korea-related news much, the Arab respondents' perception toward the attitude of the Arab media in dealing with Korea-related issues and image of Korea had a positive correlation. The third person effects was also identified. Findings are discussed in relations to third person effect theory, public relations and image of country
    Keyword: Middle East, Korea, Iraq War, Image, Mass Media
    Author: In Seop Lee
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    The Life of Jesus Christ and the Origin of Christianity with Special Reference to Marvin Harris' Research
    The Life of Jesus Christ and the Origin of Christianity with Special Reference to Marvin Harris' Research This study examines the life of Jesus Christ and the beginning of Christianity with special reference to Marvin Harris' research. Especially during the time from the late first century BC to the seventies AD, Jewish people had strong belief in the coming of a messiah, any person possessing sacred holiness and great power. They wished a coming messiah to restore powerful David's kingdom. Secular and sacred components were not entirely separated in the Jewish society. The Jewish messianism was so strong that Palestine was a great trouble to the Romans and their clients. So they made attempts to destroy the military-messianic consciousness of the Jewish people. The writings of Josephus tell us that the guerrilla activities in colonial Palestine were closely connected with the military-messianic consciousness of the Jewish people. Popular messiahs in Palestine during the Roman colonialism seemed to be always guilty of a political-religious crime, never merely a religious crime. The Jewish military messianism ultimately led to the Jewish revolution and by 66 AD the Jewish people in Palestine issued a kind of declaration of independence. But the Romans slowly regained control of Palestine and finally by 73 AD subjugated the last Jewish fortress of Masada. The historical setting in which gospels were written was the aftermath of the failure of Jewish revolution and the geographical setting in which gospels were written was not Jerusalem but many Jewish communities in major cities and towns of Roman Empire. Though the gospels reveal that Jesus and his followers were not always peaceful, a purely peaceful messiah became a practical necessity after the unsuccessful Jewish war against Rome and the political and military components in Jesus' teachings were purged by Jewish Christians living in Rome and other cities of the empire
    Keyword: Jesus, Christianity, Messiah, Jew, Palestine, New Testament, Gospel
    Author: Jeon Lee
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Comparative Study for Regional Innovation and the Policy of Science and Industrial Technology - on the cases of the U.S.․England and Greece
    A Comparative Study for Regional Innovation and the Policy of Science and Industrial Technology - on the cases of the U.S.․England and Greece These days, the theories on regional innovation system and cluster are variously deployed, referring to regional development as well as scientific and technological R&D. Above all, the 4th Generation R&D recently highlighted has given emphasis on reciprocal learning and tacit knowledge in the process of R&D, making itself a R&D having a close connection with regional innovation. The regional innovation related to technological development denotes two different meanings in view of regional sphere. One is the concept of 'islands of innovation', which pays no regard to regional development in balance, placing much emphasis on metropoleis. The other one tries to lessen regional inequality of opportunity and to disseminate production factors far and wide. The policies of science and technology take different shapes according to the political and economical system of each nation as well as the situation of ages. The Silicon Valley and Route 128 in the U.S., and some part of the Cambridge Science Park in England are referred to the defence industry and high-technology. Greek industrial technology, however, is far from the defence industry, and related not only to high-tech, but also various living industry. In Greece, techno-parks began to be created around 1990 with the support of the European Community which purported to realize regional balance, devising a social redistribution policy for undeveloped countries. There are common points as well as differences between the advanced countries, U.S. and England, and undeveloped Greece, in view of the factors which decide success and failure of the regional innovation and the policy of science and industrial technology, and of the desirable strategies in the future. First, in Route 128 of MIT and the Cambridge Science Park, the large emterprises, being connected with government funds, lost the flexibility of entreprise management which was necessary for forstering competitiveness and innovational development. They declined gradually by isolation against each other, concealment of technology, and the ignorance of market information. In the midst of creating Silicon Valley, however, the enterprises repeat infinite divisions and consolidations, and lots of small companies were in a constant alignment by innovational technological development. This environment, which seemed chaotic and divergent, has been regarded by the scholars of later generations as a factor promoting successful regional innovation, assuming the hothouse for regional innovation based on reciprocal interaction, networking and learning. Like Silicon Valley, Greece in the 1990's, with the close cooperation with the European Community, sought after regional innovation and entreprise management based on the common ownership and distribution of technology and information. The Thessaloniki Techno-Park, a representative one in Greece, however, still denotes immature cooperation between companies and research institutes, and exclusivity against each other. Theses features are partly due to inertia of enterprises and a small scale. Thence, a more comprehensive and effective program of regional innovation, such as extending the a social system composed of interacting antities, that is the knowledge application and exploitation entity and the knowledge generation and diffusion entity, to all the area of Greece as well as all the territory of European Unity. Secondly, in Route 128 and the Cambridge Science Park, the large entreprises of the defence industry lost competitiveness by assuming special favour of political authority. Beginning with the defence industry, however, Silicon Valley had less beaurocratic abuses, because creative and small companies there infinitely spin off. In Greece, with the support of both the government of the country itself and the European Community, more effective development of industrial technology and regional innovation has been pursued since the second half of the 1990's. The innovation policy from above might lead to collision with the regional government, ignoring regional particulars. Then, there are still some issues to be solved. Decentralization of governmental finance and administration should be fairly realized to promote voluntary and creative cooperation in the level of regions. On the other hand, regional or private initiatives should also be balanced with the control and check of the governmental authorities as well as the European Communitty. Thirdly, the horizontal, sectorial support, and the upbringing of some limited regions by the policy of selection-concentration strengthen competitiveness and effectiveness. They might result in, however, much more inequality among regions and social classes in less developed countries, while not causing any serious problems in advanced countries. On the contrary, the policy seeking after regional balance could do harm to the effective innovation and technological development which could be successfully accomplished by selection and concentration. Then, it is inevitable, especially in less developed countries like Greece, that the various potency of each region should be unearthed in the long run, to get rid of temporary regional inequality caused by selection and concentration. The way could apply to us, today's Korea, in the same degree.
    Keyword: Regional Innovation, Science and Industrial Technology, Silicon Valley. Route 128, Cambridge Science Park, Thessaloniki Techno-Park
    Author: Gyung Sun Im
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Competition of Influence between France and Libya in African Continent
    The Competition of Influence between France and Libya in African Continent The purpose of this paper is to explain and analyze the process of the Greek independence movement from about 1821 to 1829 which the Ottoman authorities regarded as au uprising against the administration of the Ottoman Empire, the reaction of the Ottoman authorities, and the intervention of the great European powers. Before the Ottoman power began to decline during the eighteenth century, there was a transformation in international relationship between Europe and the Ottoman Empire for the Greek independence movement. From the increase of the European trade with the Levant, especially, the commercial Greeks became more wealthy and more numerous. They had founded trading colonies in the seaports of the Ottoman dominions and Russia, Austria, Italy, France and England. They had benefited from the treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca(1774) which had granted trading rights to Russians in the Aegean sea and the Mediterranean. The commercial Greeks acquired the privilege of flying the Russian flag and the protection of the Russian consuls. By the end of the eighteenth century, the Greek trade become well-based and voluminous. In this situation, the desire of the Greek independence rose and spread among the intellectual and commercial Greeks. In 1814, three Greeks belonging to the commercial class founded a society, Filiki Eteria, which objected to recruit members and organize a Greek rising against the Ottoman rule. In the end of eighteenth century, the spread of nationalism and the desire of the Greek independence among the intellectual and commercial Greeks contributed to the independence movement of Greeks. Through the dealing with the rising of nationalism, the process of independence movement, the reaction of the Ottoman authorities and the intervention of the great powers, this paper attempted to explain the spread of the Greek Revolt and the pattern of the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the great European powers.
    Keyword: Greek Independence, Reaction, Nationalism, Intervention, The Great Powers, Revolt
    Author: Dong Jin Chun
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Emancipation of Women in Egyptian Literature
    Emancipation of Women in Egyptian Literature The emancipation of women, just like the female seeking her freedom from old customs and the oppression of society, and taking her new role as bred-winner was depicted in the work of some authors in twenties. is one of a number of analytical novels depicting women in their new role. is a novel being viewed the endeavor of freeing herself from critical conventions through the independence of the country. is another novel depicting the drastic change in a girl's character brought about by her working in a man's world, doing a man's job. The forties and fifties han witnessed an unprecedented growth of female education. An equally increasing number of middle-class women graduates seeking jobs in various fields were bound to upset the old pattern of relations between the sexes. Meanwhile the political and economic emancipation of women was recognized and established by force of revolutionary laws in the sixties, but their social and private status is still governed by old attitudes. Much of women's activity in their job would be recognized, nevertheless women are required to keep their womanhood and morality. The problem is that woman's moral collapse is understood in the frame of society member's prejudice and the brutal social conventions relating to women's behaviour
    Keyword: Emancipation of Women, Egyptian Literature, Freedom, Bread-Winner, Female Education, Social and Private Status, Job, Womanhood
    Author: Wan Kyung Cheon
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Israel History
    동예루살렘 기독교 공동체의 변화와 발전
    The Christian community in East Jerusalem has a long historical root in the holy city of Jerusalem along with the Jewish community and the Muslim community. The Christian community has strived to maintain its religious identity despite of its diverse elements of religion and ethnicity. Due to this, the Christian community has succeeded in developing and transferring its religious identity to political identity, particularly from the Arab Christians. The Arab Christians, as the majority of the population in the Christian community of East Jerusalem, have promoted their social status in the community rued by the minority of the non-Arab clergy, speaking out its independent political voices against Israel after the First Intifadah of 1987. Since then, with its inner change, the Christian community actively responded to the external challenges such as the Olso peace process and the rise of the Palestinian Authority by forming an interdenominational front. The establishment of the interdenominational front was a necessary political choice of the Christian community to defend its historical authority from other political and religious forces and to intervene and infiltrate its interests in peace negotiation of Israel and Palestine Therefore, based on this historical, religious, and political background, this research attempt to address the historical development of the Christian community in East Jerusalem and its responses toward external changes such as the beginning of the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, Arab uprisings, and the Oslo peace process. Along with this, this research will also find out the possibility of the co-existence and co-prosperity with other religious communities and its efforts to achieve them.
    Keyword: East Jerusalem, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, The Oslo Peace Process, Middle East Peace, The Christian Community in East Jerusalem, 동예루살렘, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 분쟁, 오슬로 협정, 중동 평화, 예루살렘 기독교 공동체
    Author: 안승훈
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Muslim's Awareness and Practice of Divorce, focused on Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
    Muslim's Awareness and Practice of Divorce, focused on Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey Law shapes everyday life of ordinary people and their relations through governing both material and psychological rights and duties 'of' and 'among' people. Therefore, it is significant to analyse law of a country as it suggests the answer to the people at the time of decision in every day life. It is especially true in the case of family law since it rules decisions not only of individuals but also of families with regard to binding and breaking of social relations through marriage and divorce. This is a comparative study of the project that examines 'Islamic Family Law, Possibilities of Reform from a Women's Rights Perspective, A Study through Changes of the Family Law in Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey'. The aim of the study is to explore how ordinary Muslims in each country recognize Islamic family law in everyday life and how they practice it. The target group of this study is at least 100 of each female and male married Muslim from middle- and upper-class in each country and they were approached by snowball sampling except Turkey where the target group was approached randomly in a big Supermarket in Ankara. The questionnaire consists mainly with three parts: marriage, divorce, and possibilities of reform in the family law. Among the three major issues, this paper will largely focus on the analysis of 'divorce part' and it deals with reasons of divorce, amount of deferred mahr and its payment at the time of divorce, problems following divorce, women's right to divorce, and parental rights after divorce.
    Keyword: Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Islamic Family Law, Women, Muslim, Divorce
    Author: Hee Sun Cho
    Poblication Year: 2006
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Algunas Construcciones con [estar+pp] que Funcionan como Predicado Complejo en Español
    Algunas Construcciones con [estar+pp] que Funcionan como Predicado Complejo en Español. El objetivo de este trabajo es representar un análisis morfosintáctico de las manifestaciones de algunas construcciones con [estar+pp] que funcionan como predicado complejo en español. La construcción “La ciudad fue rodeada por las tropas enemigas” se define pasiva verbal de característica eventiva y el complemento agente causante está expresado por medio de la preposición “por”. Por otro lado, la construcción “La ciudad estárodeada por las tropas enemigas”, que se define resultativa, no puede denotar la característica eventiva sino la estativa. En esta construcción, la frase preposicional se comporta como causante y no se puede caracterizar como agente causante, lo que no puede omitirse en la estructura derivacional. El presente trabajo pretende proponer una ulterior elaboración del concepto de predicado complejo para las construcciones con [estar+pp] derivadas de los predicados estativos como verbos psicológicos, verbos estativos o verbos reflexivos inherentes con o sin frase preposicional. El marco principal en que se desarrolla es de la Morfología Distribuida de Harley y Noyer(1998). En este trabajo ofreceremos una nueva alternativa explicativa para las construcciones con [estar+pp] adoptando varios estudios como Alboiu et al.(2004), Pesetsky(1995), Baker y Stewart(1997).
    Keyword: predicado complejo, predicado estativo, causante
    Author: Jae Yong Kwak
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    An Analysis of the Image of Death in the Literature of Christian Mysticism and Zen Buddhism and it's Application for Literary Therapy: Centering around the Poems of San Juan de la Cruz and of Han Yong-un
    An Analysis of the Image of Death in the Literature of Christian Mysticism and Zen Buddhism and it's Application for Literary Therapy: Centering around the Poems of San Juan de la Cruz and of Han Yong-un Many Christian Mystics and Zen Buddhists seek after truth that can be seen literally through a series of religious images such as Love, Mystic Union, Nothingness, Darkness, Death, Silence, etc. It is obvious that San Juan de la Cruz and Han Yong-un are the representatives who manage the religious images with the artistic ability of high level in expressing the process of the transcendental enlightenment or mystic reunion. The image of Death has very important and symbolic meaning for these seekers after truth who have intense aspirations toward the mystic union with the One or spiritual enlightenment. For them the death does not mean the end of the human being, but the turning point to set up a new and real construction of the human being and his spirituality, because without the destruction of the old and false cognition one can not build up a new and true construction that could be the real reunion with the Truth. Therefore, the image of Death does not have any kind of negativeness, but a positive meaning for the possibility to the essential change of the relations between the human being and Holy God or the True Moment of Enlightenment. The image changes a negative meaning into a positive one for those who believe the spiritual reconstruction or rebirth. In this process some readers of the mystic and transcendental experiences can experience also the psychological change of themselves. This image of Death could be the symbolic and therapeutic meaning of the end of the false and painful life for those who see the fact that the image has changed the negative one into the positive one such as in the cases of the poets. The image of Death that appear in the poems of San Juan de la Cruz and Han Yong-un can be used to apply for the Therapeutic process in the Literary Therapy
    Keyword: Image of Death, Mysticism, Zen, Spirituality, Literary Therapy, Poetry Therapy
    Author: Chong Wook Park
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    Charles Fourier : Le Féministe Révolutionnaire D'harmonie
    Charles Fourier : Le Féministe Révolutionnaire D'harmonie Charles Fourier considère les passions comme bonnes ; il est ami du plaisir, de la volupté, d'un antiascétisme systématique. Le bonheur consiste à avoir beaucoup de passions et beaucoup de moyens pour les satisfaire. De plus, Fourier est hostile à toute réforme actuelle et partielle dans le domaine des mœurs ; elle serait source de désordre nouveau. Le système amouraux dans l'Harmonie se présente avec une réciprocité égale pour les deux sexes : une fois libérées, il y aura autant de femmes que d'hommes qui se révèleront portées à l'inconstance organisée. Il n'implique pas un mépris de la femme traitée comme seul instrument de jouissance. Au contraire, il est la conséquence de l'émancipation féminine ; il exige et suppose l'indépendance de la femme qui disposera librement d'elle-même. La polygamie ou cumul d'amours, germe de discorde en civilisation, deviendra à ses degrés les plus élevés gage d'harmonie. Ce mouvement semble déterminé, comme l'a presenti Fourier, par les progrès de l'émancipation féminine ; il est source de nouvelles contradictions et de nouvelles souffrances parce qu'il se fraie la voie dans une société qui ne le permet que négativement, par la dissolution de ses valeurs traditionnelles et hypocrites.
    Keyword: Charles Fourier, Phalanstère, Féminisme, Féministe, Emancipation de la Femme, Civilisation, Harmonie, Amour, Mariage, Désir sexuel, Troisième sexe
    Author: Ki Chan Byeon
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    Is the Crusading War of Medieval Europe the Expedition or the Invasion?
    Is the Crusading War of Medieval Europe the Expedition or the Invasion? The crusading war was a series of campaign motivated by the desire to bring the holy places of Christendom and to protect it as European viewpoint. Many European historians thought the crusading war lasted from 1095, when Pope Urban II made his famous call to arms, until the fall of Acre in 1291. The crusading war formed two important parts, Europe and Islamic world. In Europe, the Crusades were part of the evolution of Medieval Western Europe. In Muslim East, the Crusades have left their impact on the Islamic consciousness to the present day. The historiography of the crusades, as seen from an European viewpoint, can be divided into three periods, of which the first and longest, went from 1095 to the end of the sixteenth century; the second covered the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the third begin in the early nineteenth century and has lasted to the present. The first period considered the crusading war a response to Muslim threats on Christian holy places and people in the East. The second period of crusading historiography was ushered in by the rationalists who called the crusaders adventures and brigands and considered the crusading war "a savage fanaticism". The crusades had taken their place in public opinion " among the monuments of folly and tyranny". The third period turned the tide of opinion about the crusades. A sympathetic attitude toward the Middle Ages, including the crusaders, emerged in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries under the influence of romanticism and nationalism and can be seen in the favorable depictions of the crusaders in literature, art and music. The image of the crusaders had partially recovered. After the French Revolution, nationalism made the crusaders the symbol of European expansion. Finally, they were considered the soldiers of justice without a religious meaning. On the other hand, the image of the crusades, as seen from Islamic world, has always been unchangeable, and it is as plunder. Before the coming of Islam, Christianity was the religion of the majority in the Middle East. Islam has governed the Middle East, North Africa & Spain since the 8th century. The crusading campaign was an unexpected invasion in the Muslim Levant. Muslim divided the world two parts. The first is "Dar al-Islam(House of Islam)" that is the Islamic community. The second is "Dar of al-Harb(House of War) that is outside "Dar al-Islam". Although the infidels occupied the part of Dar al-Islam which was originally infidel's territory, Islam considers that infidels invaded Muslim territory. There the Crusading War can be expedition as the viewpoint of European, and it can be the invasion as Islamic World viewpoint.
    Keyword: Europe, Islmic world, Crusade, Christianity, Muslim
    Author: Kyung Keun Song
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Los Familiares y la Presencia de la Inquisición Española
    Los Familiares y la Presencia de la Inquisición Española Los familiares eran los elementos que componían la infraestructura de la Inqusición española, representando a ésta en las regiones y penetrando en la vida cotidiana del pueblo español. En torno al exceso de los números y a los privilegios de que gozaban, se presentaban continuas críticas ante la justicia ordinaria, a las cuales debía enfrentarse el Santo Oficio para proteger la inmunidad de estos funcionarios. Los inquisidores consideraban a estas personas como a miembros de su institución, por eso les daban el nombre de familiares. Su función era proteger a los inquisidores cuando se trasladaban de una ciudad a otra y ayudarlos en todo lo referente al ejercicio de su misión. Las Concordias de 1553 en Castilla y de 1568 en Aragón fueron los resultados legales logrados por la Inquisición y por las autoridades ordinarias para resolver los problemas de los familiares y aclarar su posición legal y social en la sociedad estamental. Como consecuencia, el número total de los familiares disminuyóen cierta medida, pero mejoró su colocación geográfica y social. A partir de entonces aumentaron las solicitudes para conseguir las familiaturas, que se convirtieron en una garantía de honra social y privilegios, tras pasar previamente la prueba de la limpieza de sangre. Sobre todas las cosas, los familiares podían dispersarse por las regiones más remotas y desempeñar el papel de pequeña milicia frente a las herejías. En otras palabras, a través de los familiares se pudo controlar la sociedad española con más eficacia durante los siglos XVI y VII
    Keyword: familiares, Inquisicion, concordias, privilegios, infraestructura
    Author: Eun Hae Lee
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    Influence of Islam on Central Asia's Traditional Culture
    Influence of Islam on Central Asia's Traditional Culture The purpose of this paper is to examine how the diffusion of Islam has affected the traditional culture of Central Asia. Historically The Central Asia has been the potential area where the Silk Road passed through, and underground resources are abundant. After the diffusion of Islam in Central Asia, this area was islamized and mixed Islam with their own cultural heritage. Hence, this area has the peculiar Islamic culture combined culture of Central Asia with Islam. This research is to examine the diffusion of Islam in Central Asia and to show the relation between traditional culture in the area and Islam, Shamanism.
    Keyword: Central Asia, Silk Road, Islam, Traditional culture, Shamanism
    Author: Seong Soo Lee
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on the Woman's Status in the Bible and Koran
    A Study on the Woman's Status in the Bible and Koran Laws and practices governing women have denied women's human rights since the human history began in mostly region. While the type of discrimination varies from region to region, women find that their rights have been tied down to a male throughout the world. Although this phenomenon is the universal, each nation and major religions have criticized the women's right in the other parties. I would like to compare the woman's status between Christian and Islam society in this article. This study aims to find the concrete answers about the argue the woman's status in Islamic society inferior to the Christian one and why we think so? and that is true or not? For achieving the aiming, I will research the phrases about the woman in the Bible and Koran to compare their characters and analysis the common features and different one. Especially, I will study the interpretations about the woman's original sin in Christianity and Islam and the woman's right in the marriage and divorce between them to find the distinctive differences and the characters. Through this study, I expect to understand more and correctly not only the women's right in the Christian and Islam society, but also their fundamental dissimilarities and the point of sameness between them.
    Keyword: Bible, Koran, Woman, Origin sin, Marriage, Divorce
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    A comparative study of two Latin versions of the Barlaam et Iosaphat
    A comparative study of two Latin versions of the Barlaam et Iosaphat Barlaam et Iosaphat, the Latin version of the story of the Saints Barlaam and Josaphat in the Middle Ages, is handed down to us in two independent versions. The first version of the text is preserved in a single manuscript of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli in Naples (MS. VIII. B. 10). The other version, or the vulgata version, is found in about sixty manuscripts copied in from the twelfth to the sixteenth century, and this Latin vulgata version was translated into European languages in the Middle Ages, including French and Spanish. Both the Naples and the vulgata version are in turn the translation of the Greek text, which first appeared in the tenth century. The great numbers of manuscripts and editions of the text in various European languages and also the vast area where the text is found prove the popularity of the text in the Middle Ages. Barlaam et Iosaphat is a hagiography of the Saint Josaphat, who was converted into Christianity in his youth and came to lead a hermit's life in the desert and then later became a Saint. This text contains many parables, religious debates, numerous biblical quotations, and, interestingly enough, some traces of the Buddha legend. The motives from the Buddha legend are mainly found in the first five chapters of Barlaam et Iosaphat, which are about the young prince's experience of the bitterness of life by seeing the sick, the disabled, and the aged person for the first time in his life. In this article I attempted to compare the two Latin versions of the text, focusing on the part of Chapter five, where the motives from the Buddha legend are most visible. In comparing the two versions, I examined both of the Latin versions against the Greek original and thereby found several different renderings in each Latin version of the Greek words and phrases. It seems that the vulgata version is more faithful to the Greek original, translating almost word by word. On the other hand the Naples version shows more additions to and paraphrases of the Greek sentences, thus creating not a mere translated text, but a new Latinized version of the text, stylistically finer and more finished.
    Keyword: Naples version, vulgata version, the Buddha legend, translation, hagiography
    Author: Jee Yeon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Journalism & Broadcasting
    The Emergence of Transnational Media Network in the Arab World
    아랍권 초국가 미디어 네트워크의 출현과 역할 : 알자지라의 사례 연구 중동지역에서 위성 TV방송과 다른 새로운 미디어의 출현은 아랍권의 정치 및 사회적 환경을 현저하게 변화시키고 있다. 특히 아랍권의 목소리 를 대변하는 알자지라의 등장은 다른 지역과 구별되는 특수한 아랍권의 정체성을 구성하면서, 동시에 초국가적 미디어네트워크로 발전함으로써 세계의 이목을 집중시키고 있다. 이러한 문제의식 하에서 이 논문은 알자 지라 방송의 사례를 통해 아랍권내의 초국가적 미디어 네트워크의 등장 과 발전과정을 논하고자 한다. 이 연구는 우선 지구화와 초국가사회 및 미디어네트워크에 관한 이론적 검토를 토대로 아랍권에서 위성 TV방송 의 출현 이전에 나타난 미디어 현상을 살핀다. 연구자들은 현대 아랍권 미디어의 발전과 위성 TV 및 초국가 사회의 발전, 아랍권 미디어 네트워크로서 대표적인 역할을 하고 있는 알자지라 방송의 사례, 그리고 알자지 라의 지구적 발전을 가로막는 제약요인들을 검토하고 그 함의를 제시한다.
    Keyword: 알자지라, 초국가주의
    Author: Hyung Kwon Jeon
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Repatriation of Egypt's Cultural Properties Abroad
    The Repatriation of Egypt's Cultural Properties Abroad. Since July 2003, Egypt has been launching a campaign for the return of antiquities from countries including the United States, Britain, and Germany. This campaign started for an exhibition to celebrate the one hundredth birthday of Cairo's Egypt Museum. Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Secretary-General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, has been leading the campaign. Egypt has made public demands not only for the return of a bust of Queen Nefertiti housed in Berlin and a statue of Queen Hatshepshut at the Metropolitan Arts Museum, but also for the Rosetta Stone, which has been housed in the British Museum for over two hundred years. It is hard to say whether Egypt's efforts for the return of its stolen cultural properties will succeed or not because the problem is perhaps the most intractable and contentious part of the bitter 'art war'. There are two approaches to addressing the issue: "cultural nationalism" and "cultural internationalism." Clearly under cultural nationalism, Egypt's cultural property belongs to Egypt. Under cultural internationalism, Egypt's cultural property should remain in the various international museums and many private collections in which it is currently housed. But it is necessary to find another approach to solve the problem. because of the dichotomy of cultural nationalism and cultural internationalism. It's worth while mentioning here that there is a third approach referred to as the "reciprocal perspective." This alternative puts the emphasis on the aims of both sides by creating agreements that transfer ownership back to Egypt, while at the same time vesting physical ownership in the museums that currently have possession of the cultural properties. To solve this problem with balance needs a compromise between Egypt, the source country and the foreign countries that houses its artifacts.
    Keyword: Egypt, cultural property, repatriation, cultural nationalism, cultural internationalism
    Author: Kyu Young Jung
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    Area Studies: Its Identity and Paradigm I
    Area Studies: Its Identity and Paradigm I This study examines 'Area Studies' in terms of its relative importance to Social Science since the end of World War II. Two major questions are addressed here: when did Area Studies emerge as dominant in academic fields and how did it compare with other disciplines in relative scientific tradition. The tension between area studies and disciplinary social science is not new. Discipline-oriented scholars place emphasis on the development of general theoretical insights. They have for many years argued that it is not scientific in the work of area specialists. Area Studies usually follow a configurative approach which prevails because of the intellectual traditions characterizing the core academic disciplines. Nevertheless, some theorizing about Area Studies have been undertaken throughout the post World War II period. The examples have been discussed under the category of the interdisciplinary and integrated approach. I consider this study to be a first step toward the development of a systematic approach that might explain what 'Area Studies' is and how its 'Disciplinity' can be conceptualized. It needs to follow up on our effort to concentrate on improving theories of Area Studies. It will gradually fill an important void both within the discipline itself and for the academic discipline specialization.
    Keyword: Area, Region, Area Studies, Disciplinity, Discipline, Area Research, Interdisciplinary, Integration
    Author: Byoung Joo Hah
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    Area Studies: Its Identity and Paradigm Ⅱ
    Area Studies: Its Identity and Paradigm Ⅱ This thesis tries to examine a new paradigm of Area Studies which integrates Social Science and Humanities and accomplishes joint research between disciplines. Area Studies has several characteristics which are different from those of other disciplines. Area Studies can be described as a Monographic Study, Interdisciplinary approach, Holism, and academic Holon. In the 21st century world, globalization and formation of blocs amongst regions are simultaneously being processed which inevitably leads to conflicts between civilizations. However, the statement of the UNESCO at the33rd Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Paris in 2005 approved the diversity of cultures and declared the acknowledgement of equal dignity and principles of respect for all cultures. At this juncture, Area Studies is a discipline that endeavors to comprehensively understand politics, economics, sociology and culture of a region in the world. To appropriately understand 'others' can be described as a precondition to peaceful coexistence in the global society, and overall human welfare. Area Studies should secure academic universality, which should attain a position of a discipline with a new paradigm.
    Keyword: Area Studies, region, academic Holon, academic universality, Interdisciplinary approach
    Author: Hae Jo Chung
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on the Evaluation and Estimation of Tunisian Economic Policy: in the case of Trade Environment and Investment Incentives
    A Study on the Evaluation and Estimation of Tunisian Economic Policy: in the case of Trade Environment and Investment Incentives Tunisia is in the process of economic reform and liberalization after decades of extensive involvement of the government in the economy. Prudent economic and fiscal planning has resulted in moderate sustained growth for over a decade. Historically, Tunisia's economic growth has depended on oil, phosphates, agriculture, and tourism. The government's initial economic policies limited success during the early years of independence. The Tunisian economy is expected to grow at a relatively steady pace in the future, with the recovery of world economy. Tunisia needs to play its role in the Maghreb community by providing a helping hand to other underdeveloped countries. The government should continue to liberalize Tunisia‘s economy and to strengthen its significant achievements in trading and foreign direct investment. Tunisia's growth will enhance North Africa's economic cooperation with Europe and with other inner circle countries. Tunisia's economic policies will focus on increasing the competitiveness of the economy to attract more investment thereby raising growth rates and creating jobs. The government recognizes the value of its Association Agreement with the EU, which has helped to modernize its investment environment and to foster international trade. This paper discusses the major issues facing the Tunisia's economic policy on the trade and investment environment in detail.
    Keyword: Tunisia, North Africa, Regional Trade, Middle East Economy, AMU
    Author: Joong Kwan Kim
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    La Persuasion religieuse et rhétorique de l'épisode de quatre rencontres dans le roman de Barlaam et Ioasaph
    La Persuasion religieuse et rhétorique de l'épisode de quatre rencontres dans le roman de Barlaam et Ioasaph Dans cet article, il s'agit de la relation entre le bouddhisme et le christianisme. Quant à la rencontre entre les deux religions, la plus grande difficulté réside dans l'attitude exclusive du christianisme envers les autres religions y compris le bouddhisme. La raison en est qu'il n'y a aucune voie de salut pour les chrétiens hors du christianisme. Pour eux, le bouddhisme n'est qu'une fausse route qui conduit finalement et nécessairement à la déstruction éternelle. Le moine bouddhiste, qui se prosterne aux pieds de l'image du Bouddha, n'est qu'un idolâtre païen qui viole le premier des Dix commandements. Extrèmement, pour le christianisme, le bouddhisme n'est qu'un ennemi à convaincre. Mais cette opinion pleine de méfiance au sujet du christianisme reclue devant le roman de Barlaam et Ioasaph qui est le texte chrétien et hagiographique attribué à saint Euthymius (ou à saint Jean Damascène), parce que ce roman a canonisé le Bouddha sous le nom de saint Ioasaph. En effet, le créateur du bouddhisme a été inscrit au martyrologe romain. Quelle en est la raison? Comment s'est-il passé un tel phénomène paradoxal? Pour répondre à cette question, je vais m'efforcer à mettre en relief la force de persuasion religieuse et rhétorique du bouddhisme, en mettant l'accent sur un élément essentiel du bouddhisme qui peut s'appliquer à constituer une initiation à la vie et foi chrétienne, et qui a forcé non seulement le Bouddha, mais aussi Josaphat à être l'homme de religion. Je vais analyser et comparer les deux textes, d'une part la légende du Bouddha, d'autre part le roman de Barlaam et Ioasaph, en me concentrant sur "le récit des quatre rencontres aux moments de quatre sorites par quatre portes(四門遊觀)", qui ont constitué le premier moment de l'illumination pour le Bouddha et saint Ioasaph. En conclusion, le motif des quatre rencontres avait une force de persuasion religieuse pour le prince Ioasaph ainsi que pour le prince Siddharta(Bouddha). Dans les deux textes, les quatre rencontres qui ont permis aux deux princes de comprendre le limite de la condition humaine, les ont persuadés de chercher la voie de salut éternel et de se livrer à la vie religieuse. D'ailleurs, le récit de quatre rencontres a aussi une force de persuasion rhétorique, du point de vue de la religion, pour tous ceux qui lisent le roman de Barlaam et Josaphat ainsi que la légende du Bouddha. La force de persuasion rhétorique dépend donc de la force de persuasion religieuse.
    Keyword: Bouddhisme, Christianisme, illumination, sens de la vie, persuasion religieuse et rhétorique
    Author: Heon Kim
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study on the “salvo et reservato” Clause in Genoa's Medieval Insurance Contracts
    A Study on the “salvo et reservato” Clause in Genoa's Medieval Insurance Contracts 600 years have passed since the primitive shape of marine insurance contracts "Mutuum" arose in the Mediterranean area. Present insurance theories and systems are based on marine insurance law. Therefore, to understand the theory of present insurance, it is needed to understand marine insurance contract theory and law. It is known that pure insurance contracts were drawn in Tuscany in the mid 14th century, and many primitive forms of insurance contracts also existed during the middle ages. Among the primitive forms, a very unique shape of insurance contract can be found in Genoa. Some of Genoa's insurance contracts had very unique characteristics, because they had to evade Christian law. The characteristic of Genoa’s insurance contract is that they have the "salvo et reservato" clause. If someone arrived at the proposed place safely, the contract was reserved. That kind of clause were very unusual in other Mediterranean area. The purposes of this study are to find out the meaning of the "salvo et reservato" clause in the Genoa's insurance contracts and understand the insurance circumstances in Genoa.
    Keyword: Salvo et Reservato, Venditio et Cambium, Loan Contract, Usura, Pro Rata
    Author: Seong Seok Seo
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    French Maritime Military Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era
    French Maritime Military Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era On the European Continent, France is a second military power after Russia, and also a second economic power after Germany. With her independent nuclear weapons and her overseas intervention capabilities based mainly on 1 aircraft carrier and 1 helicopter-carrier and Rapid Deployment Forces(Force d'Action Rapide: FAR), France, a permanent member of UN Security Council, exerts a great influence on World Politics as a World Power. Since the periode of General De Gaulle, France has adopted an independent security policy in order to maintain the World Power status, and the powerful French Navy has played a pivotal role in her independent security policy. Her independent security policy includes three dimensions as follows. First of all, France maintains a nuclear dissuasion force(la Force de Frappe), independent of U.S.A and Russia. French nuclear dissuasion force consists of the Strategic Air Force(la Force aérienne stratégique: FAS) and the Strategic Ocean Force(la Force océanique stratégique: FOST). France attaches greater importance to the FOST armed with 4 submarines with 350 nuclear balistic missils than the FAS. Second, France, withdrawn from NATO military structure in 1966, should defend her territory, - be it mainland or overseas possessions situated in the 3 Oceans -, and her maritime communication route with her proper military power. France maintains several overseas naval bases in the 3 Oceans and deploys a powerful maritime capabilities, especially 2 aircraftcarriers(1 of which is helicopter-carrier). Third, France is very attached to the maintenance of a patron-client relationship with former colonial African States for her various interests and the image of Great Power. In order to maintain this privileged zone of influence in Africa, the French military action seems more important than economic ties. In this French military action in Africa, French navy plays an important role, especially in the supporting and trasport role. In the post-cold war era, French navy also regards the mission of protection in coastal region(SPATIONAV) as important as the missions of dissuasion, prevention and projection. At any rate, France attaches and will attach great importance to the Independent Security Policy as a World Power, in spite of the some marginalization of her status and her influence after the collapse of Bi-polar System and the German unification. So French navy will continue to play a pivotal role in the French security policy.
    Keyword: Dissuasion, Prevention, Projection, Protection, SPATIONV
    Author: Dong Jin Chun
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Study on a Completion of Dominion in Modern Italian
    The Study on a Completion of Dominion in Modern Italian Italian is the center state accomplished the foundation of Rome civilization to the Mediterranean. They say that Rome enlightenment is that of law. Proprietorship is the fundamental right of property. To study a modern dominion we need to examine the historical process of it. The Rome era, the control of land showed that the permanent right of lease loaning the king estate for a long time came into wide use all over the country. In the Langobard times agriculture was related the purpose of military affairs. People bearing military service were provided the land and permitted an assignment. This acquisition of land to the free people became one of causes fostering a small and medium self-management peasantry. They got out of feudal bondage and acquired an allodium afterward. The Middle Ages the control of land was beneficium but the allodium was formed according to famer's economic independence and the decline of feudalism. In a corporate town times, the possession and use of land brought about a large reform. It is that a divided ownership was generated and a disposable the right of ownership appeared. A usufructuary right which had been restricted private land has dwindled away in 18th century. With the decline of the feudalism the permanent right of lease and usufructuary right was repealed. But the permanent right of lease was permitted temporarily and the usufructuary right was existed in a partial region. In this manner, the land reform of Italian has made quasi proprietary rights improve dominion and come into being modern property. the characteristics of Italian dominion is that the right of ownership is restricted to be fit for the purpose and exercised for the public benefit.
    Keyword: Italian dominion, Permanent Right of Lease, Usufructuary Right, Divided Ownership, Allodium
    Author: Eun Rae Cho
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Political Islamic Fundamentalism and Jihad
    Political Islamic Fundamentalism and Jihad Islamic fundamentalism is primarily used in the Western world to describe Islamist groups. It describes the beliefs of traditional Muslims; that they should restrict themselves to literal and conservative interpretations of their sacred texts, the Qur'an and Hadith. By extension, fundamentalism may include a variety of religious movements and groups in Muslim communities which may be entirely apolitical. In this process, Islamic fundamental movement has become a political movement, and some groups turned radical by construing the concept of Jihad in its own way. The first modern Islamic fundamental group was the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt involved in a wide range of activities from community services to mainstream political activism. Modern Islamist terrorist groups are often inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood, which was the prototype of the later Islamist groups. Jihad (Arabic: جهاد jihād) is an Islamic term, from the Arabic root j-h-d (to exert utmost effort, to strive, struggle), which connotes a wide range of meanings: anything from an inward spiritual struggle to attain perfect faith to a political or military struggle to further the Islamic cause. The meaning of "Islamic cause" is, of course, open to interpretation. Mainstream Muslims consider jihad to be the most misunderstood aspect of their religion by non-Muslims. The legitimacy of the goals and methods used by the various Islamic movements who adopt the terminology of jihad is often brought into question, usually by moderate and liberal Muslims. The term is frequently mistranslated into English as a "holy war"; however, the concept of jihad encompasses more than just warfare, and a more accurate translation probably would be "holy struggle", "righteous struggle" or "holy endeavour". The denotation is of a challenging or difficult, (frequently)opposed effort, made either in accomplishment or resistance. A person who engages in any form of jihad is called a "mujahid", meaning "striver" or "struggler". This term is most often used to mean a person who engages in fighting, but, for example a Muslim struggling to memorize the Qur'an is called a mujahid. Jihad, a biased interpretation is sometimes used to describe militant Islamic groups, including Islamic terrorism. After the September 11 th attacks, whatever the accomplishment of Islamic Fundamental movements as a social and political movement, only its violent activities are known in the West. We must distinguish strictly Islamic fundamental movement from Islamic radicalism and Islamic terrorism.
    Keyword: Islamic Fundamentalism, Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Radicalism, Islamic Terrorism
    Author: Jae Hoon Choi
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    On the Identity of the Sección Femenina of the Falange in the Former Period of Franco Regime
    On the Identity of the Sección Femenina of the Falange in the Former Period of Franco Regime The Sección Femenina of the Falange(henceforth SF) was founded in June 1934, and existed for 43 years under the leadership of Pilar Primo de Rivera, reaching at its peak a membership of over 600,000. From the moment of its establishment, the activities assigned to its members were based on highly conservative perceptions of the appropriate division of gender roles. This paper deals with identity's problem of the SF in the former period of Franco Regime. Most historians and activists on the Left saw the SF as an organization predominantly occupied with solidifying a traditionalist image of the 'Spanish Woman', whereas Ex-Sección Femenina members offered a radically different interpretation of their legacy. High-ranking sección femenistas felt that the Falangist doctrine offered them a unique political alternative as both Spaniards and women. Many expressed the view that the organization's goals and spirit were highly distinct from those of other female organizations in nationalist Spain. In order to get the better understanding of SF's position on gender issues and its proclaimed goals we examine in more detail the main ideologies, representative models and practical activities of the SF. This examination, in turn, can assist us to understand better the organization's position and role and its influence to spanish women under the Franco Regime
    Keyword: Sección Femenina, Falange, Nacional-sindicalismo, Escuela Mayor de Mandos 'José Antonio', Servicio Social, Divulgadora
    Author: Yeong Jo Hwangbo
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Formation of Group Identity among Syrian Orthodox Christians
    This article discusses one of the Syrian Orthodox Christian communities in Syria, who were expelled from Urfa in southeastern Turkey in 1924 and then settled in Aleppo. As being both refugees and a minority Christian group, they have had difficulties in integrating into Syrian society. These Christians have attempted to establish both national and sectarian identities in order to secure their position in society. This article examines the formation of their identities within the framework of the current governmental policy. Under the rubric of Arab nationalism and Syrian regionalism, the secularist regime recognizes religion, which has been nurtured in the land of Syria, as parts of its culture, and, therefore, the heritage shared by all Syrians. This provides the Syrian Orthodox Christians with an ideological ‘space’ to develop an authoritative history of Syrian Orthodox Christians and regain their memories of their origin and liturgical language, Syriac, which are the sources for them to claim their identity as original inhabitants of Syria. Thus this article discusses how their current position in Syria has an effect on the process of reconstructing collective history of the Syrian Orthodox Christians.
    Keyword: sate politice, historical narratives
    Author: Noriko Sato
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    La causatividad y la estructura argumental de los verbos psicológicos en español
    La causatividad y la estructura argumental de los verbos psicológicos en español El objetivo de este trabajo es representar un análisis sintáctico de la causatividad y las estructuras argumentales de los verbos psicológicos en español. La construcción “A los niños los molestó Juan” se define psicológica causativa de característica eventiva y el experimentante está expresado por Caso acusativo. Por otro lado, la construcción “A los niños les molestó Juan”, que se define psicológica con experimentante dativo, no puede denotar la característica eventiva sino la estativa (no causativa). En esta construcción, el argumento nominativo se comporta como tema y no se puede caracterizar como agente causante. En este trabajo intentaremos proponer una propuesta alternativa para explicar las propiedades configuracionales de los verbos psicológicos causativos y los que no son causativos. El marco principal en que se desarrolla es de la Morfología Distribuida de Halle y Marantz(1993) y Harley y Noyer(1998). En este trabajo ofreceremos una nueva alternativa explicativa para las construcciones con verbos psicológicos adoptando varios estudios como Arad(1998), Belleti y Rizzi(1988), Landau(2005), McGinnis(2000), Pesetsky(1995).
    Keyword: verbo psicológico, argumento experimentante, causatividad
    Author: Jae Yong Kwak
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A study on the state crime in the Rome era
    A study on the state crime in the Rome era Perduellio and crimen maiestatis were the state crime in ancient Roman Law. Perduelles were, strictly, public enemies who bore arms against the state; and traitors were regarded as having no more rights than public enemies. Perduellio was punished by interdiction of fire and water. The crime was tried before a special tribunal, the duumviri perduellionis (=permanent criminal court). At a later period the name of perduellio gave place to that of maiestas. The definition given in the Digest(taken from Ulpian) is this: maiestatis crimes illud est quod adversus populum Romanum vel adversus securitatem ejus committitur = The crime of majestas is committed by whoever is an enemy to the Roman people or their safety . The Law of Maiestas(lex maiestas) refers to any one of several ancient Roman laws throughout the republican and Imperial periods dealing with crimes against the Roman people, state, or Emperor. The lex Julia maiestatis has been conjecturally assigned, continued to be the basis of the Roman law of treason until the latest period of the empire. Italian is the center state accomplished the foundation of Rome civilization to the Mediterranean. They say that Rome enlightenment is that of law. To study a modern state crime we need to examine the historical process of that. This study provides some information in the korean criminal Law, specially in treason and high treason.
    Keyword: Rome era, state crime, perduellio, crimen maiestatis, Roman law
    Author: Hyun Wook Cho
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Palestinian Refugees in the Arab World
    Palestinian Refugees in the Arab World The Palestinian Refugee issue is an international problem, the burden of which is primarily carried by the Arab world. This article highlights the situation of Palestinian Refugees in the Arab world and analyzes the Each Arab Host State Policy of Palestinian Refugees. New information and data presented here cover the period between 2006 and mid-2007. In 2007, the total refugee is estimated at 7.45 million, about 70% among the total 10.10 million Palestinian Population in the world. The Palestinian Refugee problem was created as the result of two wars( 1948, 1967). The UN Conciliation Commission estimated that 726,000 Palestinians, 75% of the Arab population of Palestine had fled outside(1948 refugees). Some 531 villages and towns were destroyed. In 1950. 914,211 refugees were registered with UNRWA. In 1967, some more 400,000 Palestinians were displaced from the West Bank and Gaza(1967 refugees). Around 175,000 of them were registered with UNRWA. The majority of Palestinian refugees were prevented from returning to their homes of origin and denationalized under Israel's 1952 Nationality Law and Israel seized the Absentee property under Israel's 1950 Absentee's Property Law. Israel considers Palestinians in 1967 occupied Palestine as Resident Aliens. Israel has expropriated or controls for Jewish use approximately two-thirds of Palestinian owned land in these territories. Before 1948 Palestinians owned more than ninety percent of the land in Palestine. Today they own or have access to only ten percent. All refugees have the right to return to their homes and repossess their properties. These rights are affirmed in international law. UN General Assembly Resolution 194(Ⅲ) and Security Council Resolution 237 reaffirmed these rights for Palestinian refugees.
    Keyword: Palestinian Refugees, Palestinian Refugee Camps, UNRWA, UN General Assembly Resolution 194(Ⅲ), UN Security Council Resolution 237, Israel's 1952 Nationality Law. Israel's 1950 Absentee's Property Law
    Author: Mee Jeong Hong
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study on the American Policy toward the Middle East - focused on Bush's Administration -
    A Study on the American Policy toward the Middle East - focused on Bush's Administration - This study reviews many demands and go for the American Policy toward the Middle East led by Bush Administration, and discusses how to realistically achieve them. It tackles the various aspects of American policy toward the Middle East including conflict, crisis, oil, security, territory, minority, religion, and Annapolis conference for Middle East Peace as final goals of a process of political negotiation ; two-states solution. This study analyzes the formation, change and mechanism of the American policy toward the Middle East and substantial principles of its policy-making. How can American Government maintain strong control over the Middle East. and its aggressive use? The war on terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq is the first phase of the United States' control over this area as coalition strategy. The United States has intention to make a balance of power in the Middle East based on poles of Israel and Saudi Arabia and to substitute for escalation of democracy. In this paper I argue that Syria and Iran must participate in any peaceful conference led by 7 the United States, and that political Islam has emerged as a powerful ideological force, for examples Shiite Iran regime.
    Keyword: American Policy toward the Middle East, Annapolis conference, war on terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, Shiite Muslim, Sunni Muslim, Security of the Gulf and Suez
    Author: Soon Nam Hong
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Regional Development
    A Study on the Economic Development of Suez Canal Region with the Opening of Suez Canal
    A Study on the Economic Development of Suez Canal Region with the Opening of Suez Canal The Universal Company of the Suez Maritime Canal (Compagnie Universelle du Canal de Suez hereinafter, Suez Company) was founded for the construction of Suez Canal, which strongly affected on international ocean transportation. After Suez Canal opened, maritime transportation route was shorter than before and transition of the canal became popular due to the possibility of saving sailing time and money for transportation. Egypt which had much experiences on political and economical perspectives, accomplished modernization through the nationalization of the canal. Also from the time of company's establishment to nationalization, examining Suez Canal region is quite significant. The purpose of this study is to examine the economic development of Suez Canal region with the opening of Suez Canal which is the most valuable achievement of the world. Through the looking into the process of foreign capital's influx, we investigate the relations between the world powers also review the growth of Suez Canal Region.
    Keyword: Suez Canal, Suez Canal Region, The Universal Company of the Suez Maritime Canal(Compagnie Universelle du Canal de Suez), Economic Development
    Author: Myong Sop Pak
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on the Unification of Cyprus
    A Study on the Unification of Cyprus Cyprus has been divided since 1974. Greek Cypriots live in the two-thirds of the island. Turkish Cypriots live in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus(TRNC), recognized only by Turkey. United Nations Peacekeeping Forces(UNFICYP) maintain a buffer zone between the two. Since the late 1970s, the UN has promoted negotiations aimed at reunifying Cyprus. Especially, on February 26, 2003, Kofi Annan submitted a comprehensive settlement Plan for Cyprus problem, namely Annan Plan, based on Swiss and Belgian government models. This was the most constructive settlement Plan, comparing to submitted Plans by UN previously. But the two sides did not agree on it. Based on the Plan, in referenda on April 2004, 75.8% of Greek Cypriot voters rejected the Plan, while 64.9% of Turkish Cypriot voters accepted it. This result led to the failure of Annan Plan. But on March 2008, The Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat agreed to restart peace talks on reunifying their ethnically split island. Talat and Christofias will meet again in three months, each side will set up committees to begin working together on the details of an agreement to reunify the island. Obviously, the summit talks between two leaders will be a cornerstone to the settlement of Cyprus problem. But there are a lot of obstacles to lead in the unification of Cyprus in near future.
    Keyword: Cyprus, Unification Negotiation, Kofi Annan, Turkey, Greece
    Author: Duck Chan Woo
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Welfare
    Social Center(‘centri sociali’) Movement in Italy
    Social Center(‘centri sociali’) Movement in Italy This article aims to describe the Social Center('centri sociali') Movement in Italy and tries to find its meanings. In the 68 revolution of Italy, student movement went hand in hand with worker's movement, and social movement continued all through the 1970s. In the course of such stream, 'Reclaim the city' slogan had emerged, and then the social center movement had begun. Radical youth occupied vacant buildings and sites, transformed them into their own free spaces. These social centers had survived during 1980s by making concerts and struggling against the eviction of police. Since the second half of 1980s, social center movement has been activated against the privatization and reduction of public space. New occupation wave reactivated the social center movement which made more positive activities than before. Social centers did not only make cultural events but also perform political campaigns, diverse social services. And social centers self-produce and have a principle of self management. They tried to orient toward spaces and management independent from capitalist market and state. Also they have created another market relation and tried to cooperate closely with local society. Recently the issues of the legalization of occupied site and the intervention in local politics has been disputed within and among social centers. Still, social centers deployed various activities at the margin between legality and illegality. Moreover, members of social centers go beyond regional scene, involve in the movement at the national and global scene. Social centers made organizations such as ‘Tute Bianche’ and ‘Ya Basta association’, exhibited new form of demonstration, and involved in global solidarity and alternative(anti)- globalization movement. Social center movement in Italy reveals the process by which minor movements have been transformed into global movements. Social centers construct free spaces by creating deterritorialized zones within a country, perform diverse social services at a local, national, and global level. Moreover, social centers creates other communes by experimenting new form of cooperation and lifestyle. This current is the way to weaken the state power by creating various alternative micro-communes free from state.
    Keyword: social center, social center movement, occupation, self-production, self-management, ‘Tute Bianche’, ‘Ya Basta association’, cooperation, solidarity, alternative globalization movement
    Author: Soo Jong Yoon
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    A Study on the Transformation of the 『Kallilah wa Dimnah』into West-Europe - Focusing on the Diverse Manuscripts -
    A Study on the Transformation of the 『Kallilah wa Dimnah』 into West-Europe - Focusing on the Diverse Manuscripts - The Arab fable story『Kallilah wa Dimnah』 was translated from ancient Indian origin『Pañcatantra』. Yet, it was only known to Europe through the Arabic text rather freely translated from Pahlevi by Ibn al-MuMuqaffa` in the 8th century. The preservation of this work by the Arabs and their transmission of it to Europe is greatly to the credit of Arab culture. This is especially so since the Persian text has been lost, as has the original Indian text. The Arabic translation had a great success and was popular in both East and West. In the East it was translated three times into modern Persian in the tenth, twelfth and fifteenth centuries. These translations became only belatedly known to Europe during the 17th century. The Turkish translation also met with some success in Europe and was translated into Spanish and French. The Arabic translation is attributed to Hebrew and Latin. What is worth recording is that the original Arabic text was rendered directly into Spanish as far back as 1261, and that this was the first direct translation into any European language, as the translations referred to earlier came from Latin, rendered in their turn from Hebrew. Lastly, It have worth to mention that this book has been translated into more than sixty languages, and that it has been, from the twelfth century up to the present day, an inexhaustible fount that has inspired the creation of innumerable tales.
    Keyword: Kallilah wa Dimnah, Pañcatantra, Transformation, Arabic version, Persian version, Latin version, Spanish version
    Author: Jong Wha Lee
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on Ḥāfiẓ Ibrāhīm, the People's Poet
    A Study on Ḥāfiẓ Ibrāhīm, the People's Poet Ḥāfiẓ Ibrāhīm was the one among the best-known neo-classists with Aḥmad Shawqī and Maḥmūd Sāmī al-Bārūdī in the Arab world. He was often described as 'the people's poet' because he wrote much of his poetry about the suffering of the people and about nationalistic themes. Also he was called as 'Poet of the Nile' because he was bone in the house-boat of the Nile. Actually Ḥāfiẓ Ibrāhīm composed poems of the traditional type such as panegyric, elegy, description, love and wine. Especially he excelled elegy. Ḥāfiẓ wrote some of the best-known of the elegies produced on the deaths of public figures such as Muḥammad ‘Abduhu, Musṭafā Kāmil and Sa‘ad Zaghlūl. He sees them not only as individuals, but also as representatives, Muḥammad ‘Abduhu of rejuvenated Islam, Musṭafā Kāmil and Sa‘ad Zaghlū of reawakened Egypt. And he particularly emphasized the sufferings of the poor and the victims of natural disasters. In this respect he was aspokesman of Egypt, Arab and Islam.
    Keyword: neo-classism, the people's poet, Poet of the Nile, elegy, Aḥmad Shawqī, al-Bārūdī, spokesman
    Author: Byung Pil Lim
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    Fables as a Point of Contact between East and West
    Fables as a Point of Contact between East and West - A Study on the Medieval Latin Fable Tradition - The fables as a genre of folk literature or folk tales have a long history both in the East and the West. The ancient Greek fable tradition, represented by the famous name Aesop, was handed down to the Romans, in the form of the collections made by Babrius, Phaedrus and Avianus and many less conspicuous authors. The medieval period in the West has known the Aesopian fables mainly through those fables transmitted under the names of Phaedrus and Avianus. The medieval Latin West was a productive period in the tradition of fable, in that there emerged new fables and also various recasts of the Aesopian fables. The new impetus of great importance comes from the Orient, when the Panchatantra and other fables of Indian origin, and with them the elements of Oriental fables were introduced to Europe in the middle of the thirteenth century. Although the Panchatantra was translated into Greek in the eleventh century, its influence on the Latin West was not conspicuous, and it was not until the Castilian translation, and subsequently the Latin translation of the Calila and Dimna, which is the Arabic translation of the Panchatantra, were made in the thirteenth century that the Oriental elements made themselves visible in the European fables both in the subject matter and the structure. The Directorium Humanae Vitae, the Latin translation of the Calila and Dimna through the Hebrew translation, was made by a converted Jew named John of Capua between the years 1253 and 1305. In the following years, many other Latin translations were made on the basis of the work, among which that by Raymond de Béziers is famous, and it was also translated into various European languages such as French, Spanish, Italian, German and English. The Directorium Humanae Vitae was printed twice in about 1480 and these were published in Paris in the years of 1887 and 1889 and the first critical edition of the work was published also in 1889 by J. Derenbourg. The Directorium Humanae Vitae exerted considerable influence on not only the medieval fables in the West but also the vernacular literature, e.g., the Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer.
    Keyword: fables, Aesop, medieval Latin fables, Indian animal fables, Arabic tradition
    Author: Jee Yeon Jang
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    The Tribal Origin Motifs of Turkic Mythologies
    The Tribal Origin Motifs of Turkic Mythologies When seeing the Eurasian map, we can find that Turkic peoples have a very specific characteristic features. Turkic peoples are the greatest number of Altaic language family. Turkic language group, which consists of about thirty languages, is spoken by about 200 million peoples, ranging from Eastern Europe to Western China. Turkic peoples have a geographic continuity and wide spread in Eurasia. There are about forty Turkic tribals and also they have their own language or dialect, folk tale and origin myth. Specially Turkic folk tales and myths are full of pre-Islamic mythological motifs which are very peculiar to Turkic in Central Asia and Siberia, reflecting not only the system of beliefs but also traditional world view of the ancient Turkic peoples. They are based on shamanism and motifs, which are taken from nomadic cultures. This article aims to investigate the motifs of Turkic tribal origin myths. These motifs are reflected their own shamanistic world view of Turkic peoples, beliefs, values and customs.
    Keyword: Turkic folk tales, Turkic tribal origin myths, Turkic mythology, Turkic mythological motifs, shamanism, nomadic cultures
    Author: Hyo Joung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Desire and Feminism in [Jamón, Jamón], and the Literary Therapeutic Reading
    Desire and Feminism in [Jamón, Jamón], and the Literary Therapeutic Reading The Desire can't be satisfied to the gratification, because it's a vacant hole where the every desire is just a shadow of a mere dream of dreams. [Jamón, Jamón] seems to follow the apparatus of films of eroticism with the masculine angle of the camera. Not only the male audience but also the female -brainwashed- one identify themselves with the voyeuristic gaze of the camera and justify the obscene conduct of the masculine characters in the film as a reward for their participation in the re-production of the socio-cultural frame of which the masculine desire is an apparatus. The first two-thirds of the film is mainly an exposition of the machismo. But the rest is a provocative proposal with the tragic end to make the audience think of the other side of the masculine desire as a fact. Women've been considered as 'others' in the socio-cultural structure where the subjects of the desire have been always men who've exposed their phallus as the symbol of the power in the patriarchal society. But, the female characters such as Silvia, Carmen and Conchita have become the main characters in the narrative, experiencing the transformation of themselves. The reason why the director suggests the unusual final scene, making the female characters subjects of the narrative is to make the audience see that the patriarchal socio-culture frame is not the only way, but there is the another way to choose. The re-constructing of the plot or the frame to which one belongs is a good way to heal the traumas one has suffered under the frame. Through this refiguring interpretation process of the socio-culture paradigm the audience can participate in the literary therapeutic process.
    Keyword: Jamón, jamón], Bigas Luna, Modern Spanish Society, Desire, Eroticism Films, Literary Therapy, Film Therapy
    Author: Chong Wook Park
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    A Study on the Arabic Standardization
    A Study on the Arabic Standardization -Focusing on the Early Islamic EraThe Standardization of the languages is the not only linguistic issue but also social and national one. Namely, it has reflected nationalㆍsocialㆍculturalㆍ religious and linguistic realities. As for the Arabic, the religious factor have been expecially emphasized because of the Islamic influence to the Arabic language. In the Arabic language, the Classical Arabic that used to write and record the Quran has been the standard language since AD7C. The main purposes of the Arabic standardization was to keep the Quran and the Arabic language correctly. Therefore the process of the standardization was the endeavor to explain the Quran accurately and to make the linguistic devices to conform the Quran's perfection and faultlessness. In this article, I will try to research the process of the Arabic standardization. In order to achieve this goal, I studies the character of the poetic koine that was to be the basis of the Quran and the development of the Arabic grammar focusing on the vowel signs and the Arabic neology and its writing system.
    Keyword: Standard Language, Arabic, Grammar, Neology, Arabic writing System
    Author: Yong Su Youn
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Islamic Ethics -Focused on the Theory of the Justice and the Will of God
    Islamic Ethics -Focused on the Theory of the Justice and the Will of GodIf Islamic ethical thought reveals the relationship between God and man, we must observe what kind of being is God and what kind of being is man. Therefore, in order to continue the research, I divide ethics into 'Godism' , 'theory of human' and 'the revelation and reasoning that deals with the relationship of both'. As a first attempt in a previous essay, I observed the 'theory of human' viewed from Islamic ethics, in this essay, which follows the previous, I am going to discuss the Godism viewed from the Islamic ethics. But because Godism has a vast content, I am going to divide this research into two volumes. In this essay I am going to discuss Islamic ethics centered on the justice of God and the will of God, and the next essay is going to deal with ethics, but that time centered on the uniqueness of God(the fact that God is one). Just like I discussed the 'theory of human', in the same way I am going to research through comparing the controversial points and differences of traditional theology and rationalistic ethical thought.
    Keyword: Islamic Ethics, mu'tazillah, Ash‘arī, God, Justice, Will
    Author: Won Sam Lee
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    El carácter anti-épico en La Numancia
    El carácter anti-épico en La Numancia En este artículo, intento analizar La Numancia en relación con la situación histórica de España, cuando Cervantes dramatizó la batalla de Numancia. La batalla de Numancia es famoso por la pasión de resistencia y el valor herótico. Por eso, los españoles ponen énfasis en el herotismo mostrado en la batalla de Numancia y lo respetan en la época de declinación. En La Numancia, aparecen los caracteres que personifican como España y Fama. A través de esos carácteres, Cervantes pronostica la historia español desde la batalla de Numancia. hasta Siglo de Oro. Se ha predecido la historia del imperialismo de España incluso la victoria de los godos sobre los romanos, la Reconquista de los Reyes Católicos, la hegemonía del Mediterráneo Occidental y la colonización de América Latina. Entonces, ¿por qué intenta introducir la historia imperialista en comparación con la batalla entre los numancianos y los romanos? Al poner énfasis en el punto de vista histórico y literario de Americo Castro, en el que Cervantes ha soportado las voces de los marginados como los judeos y los moriscos ante la política imperialista, se puede analizar la predición desde el punto de vista anti-épico o antihéroe. Comparando con la novela Zaragoza de Galdós, intento buscar la visión histórica a base del humanismo de Cervantes ante el patriotismo cristiano ibérico.
    Keyword: Numancia, anti-épico, anti-héroe, humanismo, Siglo de Oro
    Author: Ju In Lim
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Perspective de la Coopération Partenaire parmi Europe, Méditerranée, Moyen-Orient -Processus de Barcelone: Union pour la Méditerranée(UPM)
    Perspective de la Coopération Partenaire parmi Europe, Méditerranée, Moyen-Orient -Processus de Barcelone: Union pour la Méditerranée(UPM)- Cette étude est consacrée à la perspective de la coopération partenaire parmi Europe, Méditerranée, Moyen-Orient, autrement dit Processus de Barcelone: Union pour la Méditerranée(UPM) en France. Nous présentons deux politiques pour la méditerranée que nous avons identifiées avec la diplomatie française a mis en route. Elles se résument au processus de Barcelone: Partenariat de Euro-méditerranée adopté lors de la conférence euro-méditerranéenne(27-28 novembre 1995); processus de Barcelone: Union pour la Méditerranée déclaré lors du sommet de Paris pour la Méditerranée(13 juillet 2008). Enfin, nous présentons et discutons nos perspectives très attendues sur l'Union pour la Méditerranée en apportant plusieurs réflexions concernant les entourages socioculturelle dans la société française: la politique pour les pays de Maghreb.
    Keyword: Processus de Barcelone: Partenariat de Euro-méditerranée, Processus de Barcelone: Union pour la Méditerranée, Dialogue euro-arabe, Politique des pays méditerranéens, Déclaration commune du sommet de Paris pour la Méditerranée
    Author: Ni Na Chang
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    Egypt's Situations in the Sciences, the Arts, and the Religions and the Ethnic Confrontation during the Ptolemaic Dynasty
    Egypt's Situations in the Sciences, the Arts, and the Religions and the Ethnic Confrontation during the Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt began when Ptolemy I Soter declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt in 305 BC and ended with the death of queen Cleopatra of Egypt and the Roman conquest in 30 BC. The early Ptolemies followed the religion or the customs of the Egyptians, and indeed built magnificent new temples for the Egyptian gods for the Pharaonic traditions. It seems that during the Ptolemaic periods the architecture descends directly from the New Kingdom temples through the developments of the Late Period. The temples of this period continued to be regarded as symbols of the cosmos of the time of creation, houses for the gods and the goddess and ritual spaces where the king , or priest interacted with these gods. The Ptolemaic kingdom has the diversity in the people who settled and made Egypt their home. During the dynasty, Greek troops under Ptolemy I Soter were given land grants in Egypt and brought their families to settle the country making themselves the new ruling class. Native Egyptians continued having a role, but mostly in lower posts in the Ptolemaic government. During the reign of the Ptolemaic Pharoahs, many Jews were brought from neighboring Palestine by the hundred thousands and established an important presence there.
    Keyword: Ptolemaic Dynasty, Cleopatra, the New Kingdom, Ptolemy I Soter, the Late Period
    Author: Kyu Young Jung
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Fascism and Modernity
    Fascism and Modernity The relationship between fascism and modernity has long been debated, but still far from being resolved satisfactorily. Some recent studies emphasized the nature of fascism as an alternative modernism. This essay attempts to uncover the modernist streak of the Italian fascism focusing on the fascist perceptions and representations of the Americanism and the United States. In this case, the Italian fascism revealed the anti-Americanism, accepting the modern technology, but repudiating the mass production system and the mechanical civilization. And it seems that, with the ideologies like that, the Italian fascists were searching for the alternative visions of new society and new man. This study implies that it is the ideology of fascism that makes fascism really unique, although fascism came to terms with the establishment including big enterprises like Fiat.
    Keyword: fascism, modernity, Americanism, anti-Americanism, ideology
    Author: Moon Seok Jang
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Political Relations between Korea and the Middle East in the Era of Globalization
    Political Relations between Korea and the Middle East in the Era of Globalization The Korean government has expanded its economic participation in the Middle Eastern affairs. It has also dispatched its troops to the Middle East after the war of Iraq. In these circumstances, our government and people have been made the target of the anger of that area. It is time to evaluate and develop the relations between Korea and the Middle East for the era of globalization. In this sense, the work is performed by focusing on two subjects which are related the relationship between Korea and the Middle East. The first is to review in general a change in Korea's Policy and economic participation toward the Middle East. The second subject to be examined mainly centers on military involvement in the Middle Eastern affairs especially in Iraq after the War of Iraq. It will require consideration from various angles. Therefore, it will be inquired and investigated from the viewpoint of 'Intervention' theory. Finally, some concluding observations from the point of view will be followed.
    Keyword: Korean Policy toward the Middle East, Relations between Korea and the Middle East, Intervention
    Author: Byoung Joo Hah
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    Jurisdictional Capacity and Landscape Heritage: A Case Study of Malta & Gozo
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    Author: Godfrey Baldacchino
    Poblication Year: 2007
    Language: Korean
    Country: Malta
    Institute: Mediterranean Institute
    Islam Philosophy
    이슬람 부흥주의와 이슬람의 이데올로기화
    어느 무슬림 공동체든지 그 사회 내부에 이슬람 부흥주의 운동을 추진하는 개인이나 조직이 존재한다는 것은 의심할 여지가 없다. 일부 권력을 쥔 실용주의 무슬림들은 권세유지와 이권을 지키기 위한 방편으로 이슬람을 이용하였고, 반대편에 선 무슬림들은 집권층이 이슬람을 겉모양만으로 상징화하면서 불의와 부정의 통치를 하는 데 저항하며 반정투쟁을 벌렸다. 그리고 서구로부터 수입된 세속적 이데올로기에 기초한 실용주의자들의 근대화 프로그램들의 실패는 그 대안으로 이슬람 이데올로기화운동이 등장하게 하는 주요인으로 작용하였다. 그러나 우리가 주목해야 할 것은 현대 이슬람 부흥주의와 이슬람의 이데올로기화가 과거 어느 때보다 광역화․다양화하였을 뿐 아니라 활기와 생명력이 넘치며 무슬림세계 어느 곳에서든지 지속적으로 발전해 가고 있다는 점이다. 그 결과 이슬람의 이데올로기화 운동은 어느 특정의 무슬림 조직, 단체에서의 활동목표나 운동이 아니라 대중화․보편화한 대중적 통용어로 인식되고 있다. 사실상 독실한 무슬림이면 누구나 꾸란과 이슬람원리를 쫓으려 하고 ‘순수한 이슬람’으로의 회귀를 원하기 때문에 무슬림은 모두가 원리주의자들이고 이슬람주의자들이라 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. 이슬람원리주의운동, 이슬람의 이데올로기화에 서구인들이 적대해야 할 이유는 없을 것이다. 원리주의운동은 기독교전통에서도 찾아볼 수 있는 종교적 현상일 뿐이다. 서구인들이 이러한 종교운동의 확산에 민감한 반응을 보이는 것은 지나친 자기방어의식이라는 것이 현대 무슬림세계 이슬람 학자들의 일반적 견해이다.
    Keyword: 이슬람 이데올로기
    Author: Sohn Joo-Young
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    이스마일파(Ismā‘īlīs)의 생성 및 발전과정 연구
    역사적으로 이스마일리즘은 나중에 열두이맘 시아파가 된 조직의 지류로 시작한 것 같다. 그러나 오히려 열두이맘 시아파를 이스마일리즘의 지류로 보거나 정치적 성향이 가미된 것으로 볼 수도 있다. 정치적 시아신앙은 누군가 정치 정의를 옹호하는 것을 추구했다. 이 누군가는 알리의 후손 중에서 중근동의 이원론에서 넘쳐나온 교리를 가지고 있어야 하는데 이것의 가장 순수한 형태가 바로 이스마일리즘이다. 시아파는 몇몇 알리의 직계 후손들을 인간과 하나님 사이의 중재자라고 믿고 있다. 이맘에 대한 열두이맘 시아파의 개념과 이스마일파의 개념에는 신학 관점에 있어 상당한 차이점이 있지만 순니파들은 그것을 결코 받아들이지 않았다. 그들에게 이맘이라는 단어는 오직 예배 주관자만을 뜻한다. 영지주의 이원론(Gnosticism-Dualism)의 형이상학은 우주를 절대 실재의 “그림자”로 해석했기 때문에 이스마일파는 학문 연구를 왕성하게 추구하였다. 이스마일파는 모든 종교의 내적이고 비밀스러운 진리의 후계자가 자신들이라고 생각했기 때문에 대부분의 순니 추종자들 보다 다른 신앙에도 많은 호기심을 보여왔으며 더욱 깊이 있게 다른 신앙들을 살펴보았다. 순니파는 대개 다른 종교들을 멀리서 바라보고 그 종교들을 거의 전적으로 이슬람의 평가 기준으로 해석하는데 만족하였다. 더구나 이스마일파는 그리스도교 신앙에 관해 잘 알고 있었다. 그리스도교에는 보이지 않는 영적 진리와 화신의 교리가 있어 이스마일리즘과 아주 비슷한 점과 차이점을 분명하게 제시해 주었다. 이러한 사실들은 이스마일파와 그 밖의 영지주의 이원론의 관점이 다른 종교들을 잘 꿰뚫어 보고 있었음을 설명해 준다. 이스마일파의 특정 체계적 서술은 순니 이슬람에는 아주 유용했고 많은 사상가들이 인용했다. 그들 가운데 몇몇은 누르 무함마디(Nūr Muḥammadī, “무함마디의 빛”)와 사흘 알 투스타리(Sahl al-Tustarī’)의 우무드 알 누르(‘umūd al-nūr, “빛의 기둥”)와 같은 사상들이 실제로 어디서 나왔는지에 관계없이 그 창의적 사상 자체에 경탄을 보내었다. 바스라에서 340/951년 무렵에 세웠던 조직체인 순수 형제단(Ikhwān al-Safā’)의 글에서 밝혔듯이, 이스마일파는 모든 사상들에 문을 열어 놓았기 때문에 이슬람 안에 있는 헬레니즘 사상에 동화되고 순응하는 것을 촉진시켰다.
    Keyword: 이스마일파 시아파
    Author: Kim Jong-Wee
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Business Management
    동남아에서의 이슬람은행
    동남아에서의 이슬람금융의 정착과 확산현상을 우리는 우리의 전통 문화와 금융에 대한 외부효과로 인식하여야 할 것이다. 우리도 우리의 전통금융에 대한 새로운 논리와 기법을 개발하여 전통토착 금융의 얼과 뿌리를 계승보전하고, Citibank와 Chase 은행이 이슬람 금융을 도입 운영하여 금융세계화를 추진하는 것처럼 우리도 이슬람권과의 공존과 경제공영을 위해, 나아가 한국금융의 세계화를 위해 이슬람금융에 대한 이해를 가속하고 이슬람 금융의 도입을 서둘러야 할 것이다.
    Author: Shim Ui-Sup
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    중앙아시아의 이슬람과 여성
    중앙아시아 여성들의 지위는 어떤 수준에 있는가라는 질문은 매우 광범위해 용이하게 답할 수 없다. 이곳 여성들의 사회적 지위는 이 지역에서 지금까지 형성되어 온 융합된 문화 속에서 규정될 수 있다. 중앙아시아 여성조차 자신의 가치관에 따라 그 지위와 정체성을 다양하게 평가하고 있다. 보수적인 무슬림 여성들은 현상에 익숙해져 여성의 사회진출과 활동에 의미를 별로 부여하지 않을 뿐 아니라 여성의 활동이 가사에 국한되는 것이 바람직하다고 주장하는 반면 진취적인 여성들은 이슬람과 유목민의 전통이 여성의 활동을 과도하게 제한한다고 비판한다. 심지어, 중앙아시아의 진보적 여성들은, 서구의 페미니스트들도 국가별 특성, 상이한 전통과 문화적 상대성 등을 고려하여 이슬람권 여성의 지위 개선을 권장하는 데 소극적 입장을 취해 왔다고 평가한다. 이 지역 여성의 지위는 각 국가별 인종 구성비, 지역적 특성과 전통적 관습 등에 따라 변할 수밖에 없어서 국가별로 상이하게 나타난다. 보수적 이슬람 성향이 나타나는 우즈베키스탄 농촌 지역에서는 카자흐스탄에 비해 여성의 생활과 교육 환경이 열악하다. 참고로, 여성의 교육수준과 사회진출에 관한 통계자료를 찾는 과정에서도 우즈벡 여성에 대한 자료에 접근하는 과정이 어려워 카자흐스탄의 자료만큼 객관성이 있는 자료를 확보할 수 없었다. 엄격한 가부장제에서 비롯되는 여성성에 대한 차별, 여성에게 균등한 교육기회의 차단, 여성이 소유한 잠재력의 발견과 활용의 제한이라는 측면에서 중앙아시아 무슬림 여성의 지위신장이 서구와 일부 아시아 국가들의 그것과 비교해 볼 때 일정 범위에 머물고 있음을 인정해야 할 것이다.
    Keyword: 중앙아시아 여성 사회적 지위
    Author: Kim Dae-Sung
    Poblication Year: 2011
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    현대 이집트의 건국자, 무함마드 알리에 대한 연구
    많은 사가들은 무함마드 알리는 실패할 운명이었던 산업화에 너무 많은 재화와 생명을 퍼부었다고 한다. 그러나 그는 그가 계획하지도 않았고, 결코 그가 한 일에 대해 알지 못함에도 불구하고 진정코 이집트를 이집트화 하였다. 그는 이집트와 그 주민을 자신의 권력을 강화하고 유지하는 도구로 생각했다. 그러나 그는 현대 이집트의 아버지가 되었다. 하지만 그는 첫 이집트 민족주의자는 아니었다.
    Keyword: 현대 이집트 건국자 무함마드 알리
    Author: Song Kyung-Keun
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    레바논 히즈불라
    이란과 시리아에게 히즈불라의 가장 큰 자산가치는 무력투쟁능력이다. 시리아는 히즈불라를 이스라엘 괴롭히기에 적절히 이용할 것이다. 시리아가 레바논통합을 포기하지 않는 한, 시리아는 히즈불라를 레바논 세력균형 게임에 중요한 자산으로 이용할 것이다. 히즈불라 지도자들은 대미관계 개선을 희망해 왔다. 지난 9. 11사태 직후, 히즈불라의 사무총장인 나스룰라( Nasrullah)는 9.11테러를 전 세계의 무고한 사람들을 죽인 사건이라고 비난했다. 미국은 9.11 테러 이후, 美國內 히즈불라의 자산을 동결시키는 한편, 레바논 정부를 압박하여 레바논 정부가 국내 히즈불라의 자산을 동결하도록 종용하고 있다. 이에 대해 레바논 정부는 국제테러와의 전쟁을 택한 유엔 안보리 결의 1373에 동의하지만 히즈불라의 저항과 히즈불라의 사회사업활동이 적법한 것임을 내세워 미국의 요구를 거부하고 있다. 미국의 테러보복공격 대상이기도한 히즈불라의 미래는 미- 이란관계, 시리아- 이스라엘 평화회담개최, 레바논의 정치 안정과 경제개혁여부에 달려있다고 보나 레바논 정치. 경제발전 그리고 위에서 지적한 국제관계개선이 가까운 장래에 이뤄지지 않을 것으로 보인다.
    Keyword: 쉬아파 운동 히즈불라 이스라엘 레바논
    Author: Lee Jong-Taek
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    세계화에 대한 아랍의 적응과 대응에 관한 연구
    아울러 세계화에 대하여 국가의 자율성의 범위 내에서 행하고 있는 아랍의 대응을 살펴보았는데, 먼저 아랍의 세계화에 대한 대응논리는 아랍국가들이 갖고 있는 이슬람을 세계화논리와 타협시키는 것이었다. 이러한 타협에 입각하여 세계화와 타협한 아랍국가들은 적절히 세계화에 적응하는 가운데서도 그 국가들이 처한 대외적 환경의 개선을 꾀하고 위상을 높이면서 현실적인 대응을 하고 있었다. 특히 이집트와 사우디 아라비아에서 보여주는 바와 같이 자발적 경제개혁과 아랍자유무역지역, 지중해 아랍자역무역지대의 설립추진 같은 신지역주의 정책이 현실적으로 대응수단으로 되고 있다. 한편으로 세계자본이 행하는 과정 속에 놓여 있는 사우디 아라비아를 비롯한 아랍걸프 산유국들의 경제는 향후 지속적으로 석유가로 자국경제를 보존하려하기에 석유가를 적정가로 올리려는 시도를 한다. 이러한 가운데 세계체제의 패권국인 미국을 비롯한 선진국들은 생산품의 자유무역과 금융자본. 기술수출 등에서 잉여를 남기고 이익을 보존하면서 자본축적을 달성하려한다. 이러한 구조 속에서 석유가 생산되고 있지 않는 한국을 포함한 개발도상국과 후진국들은 원유가의 인상분을 떠맡으면서 한편으로는 선진국들에게 자국의 잉여를 이전시키게 되는 악순환을 반복할 가능성이 있을 수 있다.
    Keyword: 아랍 세계화 유인 메카니즘 국가 역할
    Author: Kum Sang-Moon
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    아랍어가 西歐語에 끼친 영향에 관한 고찰
    지금까지 본 연구에서는 유럽의 언어 가운데 영어, 프랑스어, 스페인어에 존재하는 아랍어 계통의 어휘를 주로 고찰해 보았다. 아랍어에 기원을 둔 외래어의 수는 언어에 따라 혹은 연구자의 입장에 따라 상당히 많은 차이를 보였으나 그 가운에 공통적으로 생각되는 약 100개의 어휘를 집중적으로 고찰해 보았다. 본 연구에서는 주요 유럽어(영어, 프랑스어, 스페인어)의 차용에 대해 전반적으로 고찰하였으나 이후 각 국가의 특수성을 고려하여 각 언어에 존재하는 외래어가 보다 세부적으로 연구되어야 할 것으로 생각한다. 유럽어에 차용된 아랍어는 원 뜻 그대로 차용된 것들이 대부분이나 상당수의 어휘들에는 의미변화가 발생되었다. 스페인어에 차용된 아랍어 계통의 어휘에는 아랍어 정관사 알(al-, 또는 ar-)이나 강을 나타내는 /guad/가 붙은 단어가 있는 것, 도시를 나타내는 /medina/, 성채를 나타내는 /qalat/ 등이 그대로 존재하는 것 등은 스페인어의 아랍어 차용이 직접 이루어졌다는 것을 반증한다. 반면 프랑스어나 영어와 같이 간접적으로 차용이 이루어진 경우에는 아랍어의 음운이 많이 변형된 상태로 나타났다. 여러 개의 언어를 거쳐 차용되면 될수록 원음이 그만큼 더 상실된다는 것을 보여주는 것이라 생각된다.
    Keyword: 서구어의 아랍어 차용 배경 영어 프랑스어 스페인어
    Author: Jung Kyu-Young
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍세계의 공기업 개혁과 경제발전
    중동경제는 이상 비대해진 공공부문의 실적악화와 방만한 정부지출로 인한 재정적자의 심화, 사회주의 복지제도로 인한 국민들의 근로의식 약화, 그리고 임금과 고용조건을 둘러싼 노사간 갈등 등으로 심각한 경제중병에 처해 있으나 위기 때마다 막대한 석유판매대금의 유입으로 위험한 고비를 넘겨왔다. 그러나 중동 전반에 걸쳐 이러한 만성적인 중병의 근본적인 치료의 필요성은 널리 인식되고 있으나, 개혁에 따른 정치․사회적 충격에 대한 두려움과 개혁저지세력의 집요한 반대 등으로 소기의 성과를 거두지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 사회적 분위기를 감안해 볼 때, 향후 개혁의 목표는 사회보장제도의 골격을 유지하면서 실업과 재정적자 문제를 동시에 해결하는 것이 되어야 할 것이다. 이를 위해 임금인상 억제와 과잉고용해소가 이루어지는 가운데 사회보장제도의 개혁, 노동시장의 유연성 확대와 각종 규제완화를 통한 시장기능의 강화, 고용촉진, 공기업의 민영화, 국가재정의 건실화를 위한 노력이 있어야 할 것이다. 국민들의 근로의욕을 고취하고, 각종 보조금과 수당을 과감히 감축하고 기업들에게 다양한 고용 인센티브를 제공함으로서 중동지역의 모든 국가들이 가지고 있는 어려움 중의 하나인 재정적자와 실업문제를 해결할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 정부는 경쟁촉진과 시장기능의 강화를 위해 각종 규제를 대폭 완화함으로서 경제 자유화에 앞장서야 할 것이다. 그러나 중동지역의 경제개혁이 성공하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 경제개혁에 대한 강한 국민적 공감대와 지지, 정부의 과감한 결단력, 정책의 일관성, 노사간의 신뢰회복 등 정치․사회적 밑받침이 무엇보다도 절실히 필요할 것이다.
    Author: Han Duck-Kyu
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    중동내 반미(反美)정서의 배경과 성향
    Since the U.S has taken the hegemonic role in the international politics, anti-Americanism has been showing up throughout the world in different types. Anti-Americanism is not only coming out from countries which is formally hostile or neutral to the U.S, but it also seems to be a general phenomenon in the developing countries and in the developed countries. Anti-Americanism in the Middle East sometimes involves ideology and sometimes resorts to means of violence. Therefore anti-Americanism in the Middle East and the Islamic World regarded as threatening and challenging to the U.S. The Aim of the study is to understand the reason why anti-Americanism in the Middle East is revealing more serious than in other regions and the prospect of future. For these purposes, I would like to review the background factor of anti-Americanism that has rooted in relationship between the Middle East and the U.S. and analyze the phenomenon and types of anti-Americanism. Though anti-Americanism in the Middle East has revealed on extension line with anti-Westernism, it started from the time since the U.S. has begun to exert hegemonic influence on this area. It has directly been fueled by the U.S government's policy to the Palestain-Israel conflict, and also the political, military and economic role in this area which is based on America's interest. These factors reacted as the Palestain Liberation Movement, and the anti-establishment movement or the Islamic revivalism movement in many of the Middle East countries. These movements basically involved the anti-Americanism more or less in the different times. Anti-Americanism in the Middle East is not wholly due to Islam, but it is a single phenomenon which is rising from the Islamic movement. An explanation for violence of anti-Americamism in Middle East can be found from the fact that radical Islam organization or terrorist groups make use of violence in order to achieve their own objects. The direction of anti-Americanism in the Middle East seems to depend on how the pending problems between the Middle East countries and the U.S. will be settled.
    Keyword: 중동 반미 정서 공산권 이슬람
    Author: Moon Eun-Young
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    팔레스타인 이슬람 저항운동단체 하마스
    Hamas, which is the acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (the Islamic Resistance Movement) in Arabic, was born of the first intifada in the 1980s as a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Palestine. This study explores the formation process of Hamas, its ideology, objectives and strategies, and relates them with the Palestinian and Israeli peace process. Hamas has expanded and strengthened its organizations and influences through its increasing control over the religious institutions of the waqf (religious endowments), the mosques, and educational and social organizations. Concerning Palestine, Hamas denies the Israel's right to exist in Palestine because it argues that the land of Palestine is an Islamic trust (waqf) and Jihad is a duty for Muslims to expel the Jewish regime out of the land. It, therefore, recognizes neither the Oslo Peace Process nor the "Self-rule" of the Palestinian Authority. Hamas, with other radical movements such as Islamic Jihad, has initiated the military and armed actions and terror attacks against Israel. While Hamas has made great gains, becoming a major political force in Palestinian society, it has problems and challenges. It has benefited from being opposition and the failure of the PLO in the peaceful settlement with Israel. One of the most difficult but crucial problems is how to justify its denial of co-existence with Israel and bloody terror attacks against innocent civilians, and convince the Palestinian people and the world.
    Keyword: 하마스 이념 이슬람 운동 무슬림 형제단 투쟁단체
    Author: Choe Young-Chol
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    인도 무갈 시대 이슬람 성자(聖者) 세밀화(細密畵)의 기원과 발달
    Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. The Origin of Islamic Saints Miniatures 1. Sufism and the Worship of Muslim Saints 2. The Influence of Persian Miniatures Ⅲ. The Development of the Islamic Saints Miniatures 1. The Patron of the Mughal Court for Sufism and Art 2. The Prevalence of Sufi Literature 3. The Influence of European Paintings Ⅳ. Conclusion This thesis aims to pioneer the study of Islamic art for the first time in Korea and thus introduce it to the Korean academic world. Although Islamic art is exquisite and splendid, it has been absolutely disregarded in Korea. Generally speaking, figural representation such as the depiction of human and animal forms has been prohibited by Islam. However, this research intends to support how much the Islamic painting of the Mughal Empire(1527-1825) flourished and bloomed, especially during the 100 years from Akbar, the Great Emperor to Shah Jahan, and specifically deals with the miniatures of Islamic saints. This thesis suggests the origin and development of the Islamic saints miniatures of the Mughal court within the contexts of religion, art, history, and society. It was originated under the circumstances of Sufism and Persian paintings. Moreover, it developed under the royal patronage and protection of art followed by the influence of Sufi literature and European paintings. In conclusion, Islamic saints miniatures in the Mughal court are a wonderful example, proving the magnificence and great development of Islamic paintings. Although Islam currently still proscribes figural representation such as in the extreme case of iconoclasticism of Bamiyan Buddhist cave in Afganistan by Taleban, Islamic paintings do exist in beautiful features. In addition, it is hoped that this thesis is to establish a further foundation for Islamic art studies in Korea.
    Keyword: 인도 무갈 시대 이슬람 성자화 수피즘 페르시아 유럽 회화
    Author: Oh Jung-Eun
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    꾸란 어휘의 알 이드감(al-ʔIdghām)현상 연구
    The ancient Arabic scholars laid a significance on the exact recitation of the Holy Quran and it leaded to the formation of a distinct science "al-Tajwīd". The theory of the Tajwīd was completed in the early times by some scholars who had focused on the exact recitation of the Quran. Even now, modern Arabic phonetic scholars follow up their theories on the Tajwīd without addition and deletion. The Tajwīd was classified into four parts, al-ʔiẓhār, al-ʔidghām, al-ʔiqlāb, and al-ʔikhfāʔ by ancient Arabic scholars. This paper aims to study al-ʔidghām among the four parts, which is one of the most important subject in reciting the Holy Quran. This paper includes introduction, meaning of al-ʔidghām and reason, sorts of al-ʔidghām , condition of al-ʔidghām and objection, opinion of modern Arabic phonetic scholars on al-ʔidghām, difference between al-ʔidghām and assimilation, and conclusion.
    Keyword: 알 이드감 현대음성학의 동화현상실현조건 제약 꾸란 어휘
    Author: Park Jae-Yang
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    현대표준아랍어와 팔레스타인 구어체 아랍어의 비교 연구
    Ferguson(1959) prescribed the character of Arabic community as 'Diglossia', coseistence situation of two varieties in a community (written language and spoken language). Also in Palestinian community, modern standard Arabic and Palestinian dialect are both axis that have carried the each functional role. The Palestinian speakers use the two varieties according to the various factors, for example age, educational background, hometown and speech condition and so forth. For understanding the linguistic situation in Palestinian, we have to understand not only the linguistic character of two varieties, but also their socio linguistic feature. I will try to analysis the linguistic character of Modern Standard Arabic and Palestinian colloquial Arabic in order to compare the two varieties in this study. Why I choose the palestinian dialect in this study is that it have considered the one of the prevalent dialects in Levant area. According to Kees Versteegh(1997), the Palestinian dialect is classified into Syria-Lebanon dialect with Jordanian dialect. And I carried the field research in this area in 2000 and collected the research material.
    Keyword: 음운론 형태론 통사론 팔레스타인 아랍어
    Author: Yoon Yong-su
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    중세 이슬람 정치사상과 칼리파제
    The real situation of the medieval Abbasid caliphate was quite different from the ideal of the caliphate which was characterized by the principle of equality of religion and state. In their heyday, the early Abbasid caliphs neglected their religion while pursuing secular political power. But especially after losing their political power at Baghdad, they had sustained titular caliphate with religious authority only. However muslim petty monarchs in local areas showed their oathes of allegiance(bai'a) to their caliph for their legitimacy on kingship based on the traditional islamic recognition that the caliphate should be established by Shari'a. Muslim jurists such as al-Mawardi and al Ghazali had tried to verify the inappropriate relationship between the lines of theory and practice and they established the juristic theory make this relationship continue. The political thought of the medieval muslim jurists had gradually inclined to realism though they had kept their stances on caliphate theory in the issue of state and religion. It is inevitable that they had to compromise with the political reality which had been revealed already, despite their eagerness to keep the practice of caliphate. As a result, the Islamic caliphate could survive while sustaining the dignity and supremacy of Shari'a. However the fall of the Abbasid caliphate was a turning point in the stream of Islamic political thought on the issue of secular political power and religion. The political thought that stressed realism began to have an influence while keeping the political power of state as it was. This political thought was called "siyasa as-shari'a (the politic on Shari'a)" by Ibn Taymiyya which was considered legitimate. He said that the state was still Islamic as long as it was governed by Shari'a. And whoever governs state according to Shari'a and walks through pious religious path could be called Caliph. Ibn Taymiyya considered the Caliph a legitimate ruler as long as the political system was based on realism without affecting the fundamental structure of Islamic principles. An advocate more progressive than Ibn Taymiyya for such a political theory was Ibn Khaldun. He said that the monarch was permissible and agreeable system if it wholly depended on Shari'a. This is the same as the Shari'a politic by Ibn Taymiyya and a copy of his theory. He divided politics into religious politics(siyasa diniya) and rational politics(siyasa 'aqliya), the former belonging to Islamic politic and a government based on the Gods law, Shari'a, and the later a political system ruled by secular qanun legitimized by human reason. Religious politic emphases the merit of the caliphate system both in this world and beyond while rational politic stresses the merit of the monarchy in this current world only. To him, Islam, as a religion, is the best regulation and foundation for the political system of state. A uniformed assertion from these Islamic jurists concluded with politics based on the Shari'a. This is not only the backbone of the political thought of medieval Islam, but also became common sense pervading Muslim world today. Indeed it is not flattering that these muslim jurists had created the form of rational political theory which modern Islamic states should be adapted, applied and followed.
    Keyword: 칼리파제 압바스조 초기 샤리아 정치론
    Author: Sohn Joo-Young
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    예언자 무함마드의 다처관에 관한 연구
    At his age of twenty-five, Prophet Muhammad married widow Khadijah who was fifteen years older than he. There are no historical materials which show that Muhammad had concubines or a second wife during the twenty-five years with his first wife. However, it is believed that he had eleven or twelve wives after losing his first wife, died at the age of sixty-five. Some of orientalists and missionaries of other religions in the west described the prophet as a sexual pervert who adopted polygamy system for his sexual appetite. Muslims, on the other hand, insist that his polygamy at that time was the indispensable example for educational, political, legislative and social purposes under the special circumstances. Due mainly to religious prejudice, the dominant Western perspectives on the polygamy of Muhammad have been biased. In fact, the polygamy of Muhammad was based on realistic consideration and multi-dimensional purposes, not on his sexual perversion. According to the program, The Expedition of The Earth, broadcasted by KBS 2, on December 22, 2002, the king of Swazilan, 34 years old, has nine wives. To get a new wife every year, he selects one girl among 25,000 girls, age of 13 to 18 who gather to the royal place from the whole country. It is said that the polygamy of this kingdom has contributed to the peace of this country and among the tribes for two century. In this sense, the polygamy of prophet Muhammad before the 14th century might be more reasonable than that of Swaziland in terms of it's purpose and propriety
    Keyword: 예언자 무함마드 아이샤 메디나 알라 하나님
    Author: Choi Young-Kil
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    이슬람법의 현실적 적용에 관한 연구
    In this paper, I will present apply of Sharī'ah on the basis of 9.11 tragedy. In order to understand Islamic view on 9.11 tragedy. We must understand principle of Islam at first. and then We must understand apply of Islamic law. because Islamic law(Sharī'ah) is rightly considered to be the most important method of research ever devised by Islamic Thought. Indeed, as the solid foundation upon which all the Islamic disciplines are based, Islamic law not only benefited Islamic civilization but contributed to the intellectual enrichment of world civilization as a whole. It will not be out of place to note here that the methods of analogical reasoning developed within the framework of Islamic jurisprudence constituted the methodological starting-point for the establishment and construction of empiricism, which in turn is considered to be the basis of contemporary civilization. In the first and second section of this paper, I will introduce meaning of apply of Shar?'ah. In the third section, I will present methodology of apply. In the fourth section I will present and appraise methodology of apply on the basis of 9.11 tragedy.
    Keyword: 이슬람법 9.11 미국 테러 현실적 적용방법 이즈티하드 합의 지하드
    Author: Lee Won-Sam
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    A Study on Islamic Law and Gender
    "Since the 20th century, while all Islamic countries have gone through a secularization process to varying degrees, they tried to find out their identity as distinct from Western countries in Islamic law, particularly the Islamic family law. Even the countries that introduced Western legal system tried to apply Ijtihad, namely, the way to reinterpret traditional Islamic laws, in the field of family law. So even in modern times, Islamic law - especially the family law - exercises great influence on gender relations in Islamic society. From the liberal and egalitarian view, Islamic family law is undoubtedly a gender-discriminating unequal law. Islamic law with unequal gender perspective has been a target of criticism and reformation in the Islamic world as well as in the western world. Nevertheless, reformers and even feminists in most of the Islamic world accept Islamic law as God’s law, in other words, as fate. All they could do was to focus on new interpretation of God’s law through Ijtihad as Ulama did in the past. Islamic law that was declared to be brought to completion in the 10th century still dominates legal thinking and the legal system in the field of Islamic family law. Studying gender relations that appear in classical Islamic law can be an essential basis in understanding family law and gender relations in the Islamic world today. I did a research on how marriage and divorce, which are the very foundation of gender relations, are handled in classical Islamic law. I also analyzed, within the standard of liberal egalitarianism, about how Islamic law prescribes gender relations in marriage and divorce; their limitation, discrimination, inequality, and suppression; and the types of discrimination. Meanwhile, I tried to find out some means to do away with unequal gender relations in Islamic family law. That could be a starting point for a follow-up study that will attempt to ascertain how classical Islamic law is adapted in the contemporary family laws of each Islamic country."
    Keyword: Islamic Family Law, Shari‘ah, Gender, Muslim Women, Marriage, Divorce, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi‘i, Hanbali, Shi‘i
    Author: Cho Hee Sun
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Financial Autonomy and Changing Economic Roles of Jewish Women in the Medieval Mediterranean World
    "Approaching to the influences of Greek and Roman culture, the biblical interpretation, and the consciousness of catholic priests on the view of women in the Medieval Ages, it is shortened in low social status of women and negative sentiment to them brought about the thought that women were inferior to men. However, during this period there were some movements to promote their social status unlike during the ancient times. Medieval women participated in most of the manufacturing works for daily living necessities in self-sufficient society. Moreover, women’s labor contributed largely to an increase of social productivity. Beside these, the positive influences of female 1abor and the role of a few educated women raised the standing of their social status and increased their role in the medieval community. This article, particularly, examines the financial activities of medieval Jewish women in Italy and the Mediterranean region and socio-economic changes during that period. Contrary to Jewish legal tradition, which curtailed women’s financial autonomy, by the later Middle Ages communities across the region, women were increasingly allowed to manage their own dotal property, inherit property from a variety of sources, and engage in lending. Especially from the 8th to 13th centuries, Jewish communities did a splendid business following their own laws, while permitting female financial autonomy. This article studies that Jewish women were able to actively contribute to the benefit of their community through their financial autonomy."
    Keyword: Financial Autonomy, Medieval Mediterranean, Jewish Woman, Changing Economic role
    Author: Kim Hee Jung
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    모센 멜리티 작품 속 공간과 비(非)장소가 제시하는 문화의 변증법
    Literature and cinema are an ideal stage for explaining how new forms of representation and socio-political disputes are articulated in what we now refer to as the New Europe. Although migratory characters and issues were occasionally presented in films and literature made before the 1980s, changed and accelerated patterns of migration have magnified their visibility and significance in more recent productions. This is linked to the European crisis, during which self-evident identity has come under pressure in recent decades as a result of increased postcolonial awareness, the revival of religious practices in the public sphere and the crisis of the secular state, and the rise of new forms of racism, such as those that emerged in the aftermath of 9/11, often grouped under the banner of Islamophobia. Such transnational shifts serve to explain the recent interest shown by Mohsen Melliti’s literary work and film in postcolonial and migratory themes, issues and characters, as they attempt to make sense of the increasing erosion or changing notions of European identity. These are also endeavouring to deal with the national ‘colonial unconscious’, in other words, the unprocessed colonial legacies of several European countries (such as France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium) and growing xenophobia and racism within Europe. I would like to focus in particular on another repeating aspect that is of thematic and aesthetic relevance and provides a critical commentary on migration and the condition of postcolonial Europe (and elsewhere): the use of ‘non-places’. I will explore these ‘non-places’ in Melliti’s works: the first novel, Pantanella: Canto lungo la strada and the recent film, Io, l’altro (I, the Other, Italy, co-production, 2007), written and directed by Melliti, articulates the encounter with, and response to, religious fundamentalism and media alarmism in the wake of 9/11 through the representation of two fishermen in a boat in Tunisian extraterritorial waters off the coast of Sicily.
    Keyword: Mohsen Melliti, Pantanella, Io l’altro, migrant, multiculturalism, identity, non-spaces, postcolonial Europe, cultural dialectics, 모센 멜리티, 판타넬라, ‘나와 너’, 이주, 다문화, 정체성, 비장소, 탈식민유럽, 문화변증법
    Author: 김희정 ( Kim Hee-jung )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Sociolinguistic Situation of Libya and it’s Language Policy
    "Located between the Maghreb(the west) countries and the Mashriq(the east) countries in the Arab world and bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, Libya has been a crossroads where most of the civilizations of the Mediterranean world met and fused together. Because of the geographical location, Libya has been a target for conquest by Phoenicia, Rome, Greek, Arab-Islam, Ottoman Turk and more recently European imperial countries. These complicated historic experiences have much influenced the cultural identity of Libya including the linguistic situation. In this study, I will discuss the sociolinguistic situation in Libya specifically from the independence of Libya in 1951 to the ‘Arab Spring’ in 2011. I have taken much interest in the variety of the languages and its status as it relates to the future of Libya. In Libya, the Arab Spring in 2011 was a revolt against and ousting of the Gaddafi regime and led to a revolutionary change. The Arab spring has changed all situations in Libya including the language. The Gaddafi regime had carried out a language policy to realize Gaddafi’s revolutionary ideas since 1969 and his will acted as an important variable in deciding Libya’s language policy. So, I will try to evaluate the merits and demerits of the language policy. In Libya after the Arab Spring, the Berber language (Tamazight) that can be considered as the language of substratum of North Africa has had a historical opportunity to be recognized as an official language and English also has increased its influence. It means that the new democratic trend since the Arab Spring is providing an opportunity for the Berber language to be acknowledged as an official language along with Arabic. It is also expected to provide educational rights to the Berber population and will give practical support for the Berber language. Therefore, I will research the language policy of the new regime (National Transitional Council) and the hybridity of the Arabic and Berber languages and English in Libya. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the overall language situation and to analyze its background by examining the relationship among the language variety in Libya"
    Keyword: LIbya, Language Policy, Arabic, Berber, Tamazight, English, Hybridity, Sociolinguistics
    Author: Yoon Yong Soo
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers
    Add later
    Author: Heo Seung Il
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    Islamic Philosophy
    Add later
    Author: Kong Il Joo
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Practical Works for the Presentation of Neologisms in French-Korean Dictionaries
    One of the roles of general purpose dictionaries is to include neologism in word lists and to describe their semantic features. However, not all dictionaries regularly include relevant cases of neologism. French-Korean dictionaries pay even less attention to monitoring of newly created words than French monolingual dictionaries in which a certain number of new words are entered every year. Twenty four neological verbs from a list proposed by Camille Martinez are selected in this study, and they are created by agglutination of affixes. In general, this process in morphological derivation simply generates a new word and allows user to easily assume a new meaning. However, non-native speakers of French may not understand the metaphorical amplification of the meaning (placardiser) or the semantic restriction (dédiaboliser). These unexpected changes should be taken into account in French-Korean dictionaries in order to be of more useful tools for Korean users.
    Keyword: French-Korean dictionary, neologism, bilingual lexicography, microstructure, equivalent words]
    Author: Choi Ji-In
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on the Aspects of Confrontation among Islamic Terrorist Groups in Maghreb: based on Al-Murābiṭūn
    and diversifying through years; sometimes growing into enormous sizes and at times disappearing. Among the groups that dream of Islam Theocracy, al-Murābiṭūn has recently been gaining the most attention. It is executing activities throughout Algeria, Niger, Mali, Libya and Mauritania led by Mokhtar Belmokhtar who is spotted as one of the world’s most dangerous men. Forces that call themselves as branches of the Islamic State (IS) group are rising, and Maghreb region is not an exception. In Maghreb, IS is operating under the name of Jund Al Khilapha, but it has not grown up into a big organization like AQMI (Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique) except for Libya. However, its potential powers are not negligible since it is attracting the young generation. Unlike the AQMI which centers around the Sahel regions of the Sahara, the main activity base of IS is in the mountainous and coastal areas. Currently all the attention is focused on branches of IS, making the AQMI to look comparably weak. This made AQMI and al-Murābiṭūn become more aggressive to acquire influence. Since 2014, AQMI and Belmokhtar have met to unite against the ever growing IS branches. Since then, we saw Paris’s attack by IS and Mali hotel attack by al-Murābiṭūn this year. Many worry about the beginning of competition among terrorist groups for supremacy in Maghreb. If individual nations of Maghreb were stabilized and if they managed to cooperate, there’s no need to mind the grouping and parting of terrorist groups, but for now, we should be alert.
    Keyword: Maghreb, al-Murābiṭūn, terrorist group, IS, Belmokhtar
    Author: Lim Gi-Dae
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Roman Reception of Hellenism and the ‘Romanization’ from the 3rd Century B.C. to 1st Century B.C. -Terence to Virgil
    West civilizations, starting with the Orient civilization that spread to Greece. Greek civilization was influenced by the advanced Asian civilization, inasmuch as Roman Civilization was, in turn, heavily influenced by Greek civilization. Terence’s play Brothers in the second century B.C. shows well the conflicts and tensions that originated from the differences in living rural life and urban life of two brothers that took place in Athens. Eventually, the story of the play ends in such a way to connote that Hellenistic values of free-spirited city life supersede the Roman values of diligence and sincerity. In particular, in the end, in Act 5, the strict Demea who lived in rural stubborn surroundings was transformed into a lenient person and won the heart of his younger brother Micio. It is a powerful testament to the Hellenistic influences of the time. By the first century B.C., although the Romans recognized the superiority of Greek culture, they seemed to reveal signs of cultural pride in their Latin culture. De Oratore written by Cicero in B.C. 55 may be considered as an attempt to highlight the features of Roman culture and to introduce an authentic Greek tradition of rhetoric, while emphasizing the practical and realistic elements of Roman characteristics. Furthermore Aeneid by Virgil, the Roman founding epic, is yet an imitation of the two epics Odyssey and Iliad by Homer. We can safely say that it is an ultimate expression of confidence that Romans considered themselves to be destined to rule the Mediterranean including Greece. In conclusion, we can say that Romans accepted Hellenism, Romanized it and then went on to justify the Roman imperialism
    Keyword: Hellenism, Rome, Terence, Cicero, Virgil
    Author: Kim Deog Su
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Comparative Economic Analysis on the Causes, Patterns and Effects of Maghreb Migrants to Europe
    This paper examines the causes, patterns, and effects of the migration of Maghreb(Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia) migrants to Europe. The ratios of migrants to populations of these countries are 4.4, 8.7, and 5.9 per cent, respectively, which are much higher than the world average. Over 88 per cent of Maghreb migrants settle in Europe. The reasons why the people of these countries have high propensity to migrate are the low income and the high unemployment in their home countries. The reason why Europe has been a destination of Maghreb migrants are the geographical proximity and the colonial history. From the nineteenth century until independence, Algeria and Tunisia were under the French rule, and Morocco was colonized by France and Spain. Since the early 1990s Algerian emigration have levelled off while emigration from Morocco and Tunisia have remained high. Especially Moroccan emigration increased exponentially. Similarities in Maghreb emigration patterns can be explained by their geopolitical and socio-economic features and the fact that European states have applied the same immigration policies to all Maghreb countries. To understand the divergencies, a closer look at origin country factors is required. For example, Algerian government and Moroccan government have had the contrary policies to out-migrants. While the former discouraged emigration since 1970s, the latter have actively promoted emigration in the same period. Remittances to home countries are the most important and explicit economic contributions to their home countries by migrants. The remittances of Maghreb migrants amounted to 0.21, 6.88, and 2.29 billion dollars in 2013. To analyze the effects of remittances on the GDP, Granger causality test for the remittances and GDPs was conducted. It was found that only in Morocco remittances have the positive effect on the GDP. This result is due to the large volume of Moroccan migrants’ remittances. To confirm the other two test groups’ economic effects of remittances, micro-level surveys and analyses and anthropological observances are needed.
    Keyword: Maghreb, migration, Europe, remittance, Granger causality test
    Author: Kim Kyu
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Trade Policy of Turkey after Customs Union with the EU
    Turkey’s trade policy. In order to complete the CU, Turkey had to remove its tariff vis–à–vis the EU and to align its external tariff to EU’s common external tariff. In addition, Turkey implemented considerable domestic reforms in such as comprehensive areas as customs administration, competition and intellectual property rights. In particular, Turkey accepted the EU’s preferential trading scheme with third countries, and as a result, it concluded FTAs with a number of EU’s trading partners. Turkey has been facing new challenges in maintaining its CU with the EU since mid 2000s, because the EU put increasingly higher priority to expanding its FTA networks. This means that Turkey has to include the EU’s FTAs in its trade policy agenda. This study aims to examine how Turkey has responded to these challenges; has Turkey accepted EU’s FTA path and agenda as a follower or has it tried to exploit its own trade policy in the margin of the CU? Turkey’s FTAs were implemented four to five years later than EU’s FTAs with the same trade partners, and its coverage in FTAs is less far-reaching. All FTAs that Turkey has implemented so far cover only trading in goods. This is largely due to the two facts; fact one, the main objective of Turkey’s trade policy is to increase its export and fact two, the CU limits it to manufacturing products. The EU and Turkey have different priorities in their FTA agenda. Turkey’s trade communities have been increasingly complaining about the lack of a mechanism, which reflects Turkish concerns on the EU’s trade agenda. If the EU and Turkey have an increasingly diverging FTA policy, it is likely that the EU-Turkey Customs Union will enter into a new era, after twenty years of its existence. The first scenario is that Turkey follows the EU’s FTAs and extends its FTA agenda into new issues, such as service, investment and public procurement. The second scenario is to reshuffle the CU and to change it into a comprehensive FTA, well suited to the interests of both parties. The last scenario is to create a mechanism that will deliver Turkey’s interests into the EU’s decision making process in the trading area.
    Keyword: Turkey, European Union, Customs Union, FTA, Common Commercial Tariff
    Author: Kang Yoo Duk
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab Society after the Arab Democratization
    In this study, I define the concept of Islamic democracy as follows. Islamic democracy means Shari’a, which is based on the Quran and Hadith, and the democracy based on Islamic politics and political thought. Of course, this definition can have a variety of counterarguments. Also, This study paper how “Islamic democracy” based on the values of Islam has an effect on the democratization in Arab-Islamic World. This study covers a wide utilization of Islamic democracy and founds the detailed theories about Islamic democracy through Islamic political system. Demonstrations for democracy in the Arab world that began in 2010 led to the confusion in the Arab society, but the democracy in the social development process has developed differently in each region. In Arab democratization process, some countries, like Tunisia, Egypt, and Iraq, have implemented procedural democracy. However, in the current situation the democratization in the Arab world was frustrated, and the Arab world is continually confusing. Despite this confusion, social development and change of citizenship cannot help causing the change of the Arab world in the long-term. As the result, that will lead to the establishment of democracy. Islamic ideology must be embraced in order to establish democracy in the Muslim world. This study aims to find the ways how to apply the theory of Islamic democracy to the Arab society.
    Keyword: Arab Democratization, Islamic Democracy, Shari’a, Hadith, Islamic Politics, Ummah
    Author: Lee Seong Soo
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Classical Manor and Status of Peasant on the Estate of St. Germain-des-Prés Abbey in the Early 9th Century
    the tenant must be the same as that of peasant’s holding. Nevertheless, the percentage of discordance is 12% on the classical manors of St. Germain-des-Prés Abbey in Paris during the 820s. Besides, the connection of tenant’s burden with his status weakened, duties imposed on each status of holdings were similar to each other, and the burden of peasant had no relation with his status. Such weakened influence of ancient status system means the decay of slavery. But serfdom of legal and positional order didn’t as yet come into existence. However, poll tax was spreading widely regardless of status and land holding, lord’s interest and intervention in exogamy were great, and there were partly holding transfer-tax which suggests ‘mainmorte’. So, we can say that basically the serfdom in the meaning of production relation centering on the performance of labor services, operated in the classical manors of the early 9th century. Serfdom in the legal and positional meaning was forming widely and slowly while production relation of serfdom was developing.
    Keyword: classical manor, freeman’s holding, slave’s holding, semifreeman’s holding, status, status-tax
    Author: Lee Ki Young
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    Reconsidering Sophist’s Activities in BC 5 Century Athens
    There used to be negative evaluations of the Sophists who visited Athens in the 5th century B.C. and brought about an innovation in Athenian education. Especially, Plato, Aristotle, and Isocrates take a critical stance against the Sophists’ educational activities. The critical point is that the Sophists taught for money the rhetoric that was an efficient skill for persuading the public in the democratic system, even though they utilized fallacies and sophism. While it has been widely accepted, there are many references and circumstantial evidences that call us to reconsider the Sophists’ activities. First, their stage of activity was not limited to Athens, and their main activities were not only of education and philosophy, which need to be reconsidered from the political point of view. Second, it is not appropriate to denigrate sophists’ rhetoric and their teaching as a skill for persuading the public. We may find critical proofs showing that their rhetoric was more than a skill for persuading the public. It helped promoting critical thinking and philosophical reflection in people suitable for the Greek democracy.
    Keyword: sophist, rhetoric, persuasion, democracy, education, politics, city-state (polis)
    Author: KIM Heon
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Indignados’ Nash Equilibrium by Ahimsa and Disobedienc
    This study focuses on Spanish indignados’ Nash equilibrium by ahimsa and disobedience based on the magna moralia of direct deliberation democratic community, performing qualitative analysis on win-win travelling companion in peace by virtue of inspirational leadership initiated by Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, who is, in the true sense of the word, tacit founder and director of the los indignados of Spain. For the purpose of analyzing the doctrine of ahimsa(nonviolence) and disobedience movement of the los indignados, namely global anger in Spain this paper limits the category within tierra Utopia, Marinaleda, to compare a famous speech “Durísimo discurso contra el voraz sistema español” delivered by Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo with Pablo Neruda’s leadership represented in his poem “Song of Protest(Canción de Gesta)” recycled convergently according to the association path of the people, from which this paper grasps an important concept of the plausibility to analyze significantly secure cases of the ahimsa and disobedience movement accompanied by benevolence as a golden mean of the particular talent and to provoke self-interest, sympathy, and fellow-feeling maintained by self-love on the basis of humanism, on demonstrating tens of thousands of peaceful citizens walking through hologram video in front of public administration buildings
    Keyword: indignados, Marinaleda, inspirational leadership, ahimsa, disobedience
    Author: Noh hyung nam
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    The Characteristics of Ijmaʻ and Possibility of Its Application to the Modern Times
    This article first of all examines many concepts of Ijma‘ which has not been agreed on its definition. Accordingly, it collects references as many as possible for its importance and authority, necessary conditions and several well-known examples, and then it rearranges the definition that “Ijma‘ is the agreement of the majority (or all) of Muslim community in the period of time when a certain incident will be happened.” Next it explores the possibility of the application of Ijma‘ to the modern times through the concept of collective Ijtihad as a means for modern new legal judgments.
    Keyword: Ijma‘, Qura’n(Koran), Sunnah(Hadith), legal source, Ijtihad, Mujtahidun, consensus, collective Ijtihad
    Author: LIM Byung Pil
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    루이 라벨의 ≪나르시스의 오류, L’erreur de Narcisse≫
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    Author: Lee Myung Gon
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    제논의 폴리테이아
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    Author: Rhim Sung-Chul
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    The study of Spanish folktales
    he oral folk literature. Folktales, with their infinite variations of stories, are funny, wonderful and symbolic, for in them appear giants, dwarves, witches and goblins. Everything is so surprising in this fantasy world where something could happen, and that exalts and enriches our imagination hearing the stories. The stories that we listened to, beside a brazier or under the moonlight, enthuse the children, while also contributing to their upbringing, because the stories are good for a exemplary and noble didacticism. Thus, the traditional fairy tales made the children so happy for countless generations. But in our unstable times, amid the process of rapid change, we hear crying out to wellintentioned feminists against ‘machismo’ of traditional fairy tales and, moreover, insisting that if a traditional tale that was not sexist, it would be a false story, because since the environment in which the story takes place is generally limited to a machista culture. Seeing these useless discussions, we’re sure that we are in a moment to recognize the ethical utilitarian, in other words, the value of fairy tales. It is a moment to point out the ways of the past to serve us when opening new future. Because lost identity as a person and as a people can only be achieved through the historical meaning. For this reason, through the stories found in The three oranges of love and other Spanish stories of Carmen Bravo-Villasante, we note the traditional view of the sexes and the symbolic funtion of traditional fairy tales that can be useful for a balanced development of children’s personality and recognize the values advocated by the traditional Spanish fairy tales, comparing with those of Grimm and Charles Perrault.
    Keyword: Spanish Folktales, Fairy Tales, Xuanón del Cortezón, Deutsche Romantik, Children’s Literature
    Author: Kim Bu-Ja
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    The ‘witches’configured in Goya’s works and the reflection about his era
    As Goya’s Los Caprichos series tend to criticize the spanish society, we can easily think that the ‘witches’ of them deal with the reality of the eighteenth century. The aim of this work is to discover whether the witches really were in action and were persecuted by the Inquisition in that time. According to the records of the inquisitions of Llerena and Logroño, the being of the typical witches hardly was founded, which was not far from the influence of the Enlightenment. The ‘witches’ described by Goya were not the figures of the social phenomenon but of the inner world of people where they were not completely eradicated because of the ignorance and the poverty.
    Keyword: Goya, Los Caprichos, Witches, Inquisition, popular belief
    Author: Lee Eun Hae
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Aristophanes’ Comedy and His Critique of Society
    It has been considered from the standpoint of the whole that the concept of the ‘ridiculous’(geloion) in the comedies written by Aristophanes has been closely linked to the function of social criticism. It is my thesis that Aristophanes’ critique of Utopia in Ekkles. can be diagnosed not just as expressions of despair and hopelessness but also, more positively, as ones of liberation and relieve which constitutes a different style in the performance of his comedy. It would be the common denominator in Aristophanes’s thought on Utopia, in which the function of the notion of geloion is to free from their authoritarian oppression by the audiences. This liberation has its unique function, first to liberate from the prevailing condition of oppression which was apparent in his early works, and secondly to liberate from the excessive demands by ideological speculation and utopian thinking in his later works such as Ekkles. and Plutos. It is my conclusion that Aristophanes’ treatment of Utopia can be regarded as a means of liberation in the case of its success and as the subject matter of liberation through social criticism in the case of its failure.
    Keyword: Aristophanes, Utopia, Comedy, Geloion, Ekklesiazousai, Praxagora, Gynaikokratia
    Author: Rhim Sung-Chul
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish as a Foreign Language and Strategies of Politeness
    Politeness is a sociopragmatic phenomenon and the success of interpersonal communication depends, in general, on the appropriate use of its strategies. In this study we address the role of verbal politeness and its importance in the Spanish education as a foreign language, because it is also necessary to learn to speak properly according to circumstance and context of communication for the acquisition of communicative competence. Therefore, we reflect on the use of politeness in teaching Spanish as well as exemplifying its strategies.
    Keyword: Politeness, Strategies of Politeness, Spanish as a Foreign Language, Teaching Application, Sociopragmatics
    Author: Cho Hyejin
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    A Study on Syrian Refugee since the ‘Arab Spring’
    The ‘Arab Spring’ which has reached to Syria developed into a bloody civil war into which the whole country plunged. As the result, Syrian people tried to escape to neighboring countries and Europe to produce a massive Syrian refugees. As Syrian civil war continued, Syrian refugees en masse first flowed into neighboring countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. And as rapidly increased refugees caused various economic and social problems in neighboring countries, Syrian refugee issue could not be limited to a matter of Syria, but became a matter of whole Arab and Middle Eastern countries. The study on Syrian refugee problem is important today because it became one of the main and key issues of the international community including Korea, not to mention of the Middle Eastern countries. Therefore, in Chapter 1 of this study, we dealt with the generation and diffusion background of Syrian refugees; in Chapter 2, Syrian refugees’ influx and residence in neighboring countries; and in Chapter 3, various economic and social problems in neighboring countries occurred due to Syrian refugees. As well as its timeliness, this study also has its limits in terms that Syrian refugees issue is a relatively recent situation and the issue is still ongoing. Initially, the temporal scope of this study was limited between 2011, when Syrian people first displaced, and January 2016; but later added the situation occurred by May 2016. This study limited its regional scope to five neighboring countries(Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt) where the majority of Syrian refugees flowed in, although Syrian refugees flow into European countries and even into Korea. The human extent of this study is limited to registered refugees by the UNHCR whose documents and materials are traceable. Although we admit that Syrian Refugees issue is still ongoing and is not a matter limited to five neighboring countries, and that the number of unregistered refugees may exceed the registered refugees, this study may serve as a groundwork for future research on the Syrian refugee.
    Keyword: Syrian Refugees, Arab Spring, Syrian Civil War, Syrian Refugee Camps, Syrian Refugee Crisis
    Author: Jeong Hye-Gyeong
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    Spanish Food in Light of the Humanities
    Food, as a cultural code into which emotions, values and life habits that people in a society have in common are condensed, is not only a sign that stands for the power, the wealth, and the social status in a community, but also a index of religious, national, and racial identities of a society. This article scrutinizes the discourses of food in relation to foodstuffs, culinary practice, alimentary habits, and attitudes to food in Don Quijote de la Mancha in order to explore multiple meanings that they reveal. Don Quijote by Cervantes includes significant discourses about food and diet; poor nobleman Alonso Quijano’s description of specific diets by day; meals that Don Quijote and Sancho Panza have with a variety of people that they met on the trip for their adventure; shepherds’ invitation to their humble food on the grass; the kinght of the green gaban Don Diego de Miranda’s invitation to dinner; the food that makes Sancho bewitched in rich man Camacho’s wedding party; Sancho Panza’s terrifying experience of a strict diet that his doctor forced him to follow after he took a control of Barataria Island; Don Antonio Moreno’s invitation to his house in Barcelona. In the late 16th century when Spain began to decay under the reign of Felipe Ⅲ(1598-1612), Cervantes started to write Don Quijote. At that time the gap between the rich and the poor was so great that hunger was a serious social problem in Spain. Don Quijote, which is a panorama that reflects the social realities of Spain in the 17th century, criticizes the contemporary social inequality and materialism and reveals character’s personality, world view and religious identity through the discourses of food.
    Keyword: Discourse of food, Culture and alimentary habits, Spanish golden age food, Don Quijote’s diet, Food and religion, Food and taboo
    Author: Han Eun-Kyong
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    책공장 베네치아-16세기 책의 혁명과 지식의 탄생
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    Author: Hong Yong-Jin
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    The Long and Short-term Economic Effects of EU Refugees, with Reference to Economic Growth, the Labor Market, and Fiscal Perspectives
    This study focuses on the economic aspects of the surge in asylum seekers in the European Union (EU), where the number of asylum applications in 2015 surpassed that in any of the past 30 years. A better understanding of the economic aspects of this increase would help inform the political debate. In analyzing the economic impact of the inflow, this study draws from the experiences of previous economic migrants and refugees. In the short run, the likely macroeconomic effect from the refugee surge is a modest increase in GDP growth, resulting from the fiscal expansion associated with support to the asylum seekers as well as the expansion in labor supply as the refugees begin to enter the labor force. The impact of the refugees on medium and long-run growth depends on how they are integrated into the labor market. International experience with economic immigrants suggests that migrants have lower employment rates and wages than natives, although these gaps are gradually diminishing over time. Policies can help open up these refugees’ paths to the labor market, including: (1) the minimization of restrictions on working during the asylum application phase; (2) active labor market policies (ALMPs) specifically targeted to refugees; (3) wage subsidies to private employers who employ immigrants; and (4) temporary exceptions to minimum or entry level wages. Rapid labor market integration is also important to reduce the net fiscal cost associated with the current inflow of asylum seekers. Indeed, the sooner these refugees find employment, the more they will help public finances by paying income tax and contributing to social security.
    Keyword: EU, Asylum-seekers, Refugee, Economic effects, Labor Market Integration
    Author: Kwon Ki-Chul
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    Narrative Transition of Portugal in Tabucchi’s Works and Discourse on Italian Colonization
    Italian novelist Antonio Tabucchi draws on countless images of the Portuguese Empire in his fictional writing in diverse geographies. This article discusses the sudden change in Tabucchi’s images of the Portuguese Empire, which occurred in the early 1990s. At this point, Tabucchi’s Portuguese Empire was no longer a romanticized, Eurocentric space and became instead a brutal, violent world, characterized by subjugation. I seek first to map this shift, focusing on Tabucchi’s 1984 novel Notturno Indiano, his 1991 short story “Notte, Mare o Distanza,” and his 1997 text La Testa Perduta di Damasceno Monteiro. I then wish to locate this shift within the debates surrounding imperial legacy that were taking place in Italy and Portugal in the early 1990s in order to examine whether Tabucchi’s revision of the Portuguese Empire may be contextualized against the reassessment of the Italian colonial experience at that time and in particular against questions regarding whether the Italian Empire was somehow truly different from other imperial models
    Keyword: Antonio Tabucchi, Narrative Transition, Portugal, Italy, Empire, Colony, Subaltern, History literature, Local/space, Topos, Heterotopia, Border Crossing, Narrative Representation
    Author: Kim Hee-Jung
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc language Literature
    Najib Mahfuz’s Narrative Technique as Shown in The Thief and the Dogs
    The article explores Egyptian novelist Najib Mahfuz’s narrative techniques, internal monologue in particular, revealed in The Thief and the Dogs (al-Liṣṣ wa-l-Kilāb). The main character of the novel is a thief who lost everything when he was in prison, including his only daughter. The character, Said Mahran, was based on the real story of the notorious criminal Mahmud Amin Sulayman, who became legendary in Egyptian society in 1961. The novel tells about Said Mahran’s hatred and attempt to get revenge on the unfaithful wife and her lover. Said Mahran failed in fulfilling this goal and met a tragic death. The author criticizes Egyptian society, which drove the character to total ruin. It seems that Najib Mahfuz criticized the military regime, but in a clever way, when Said Mahran was released from prison on the occasion of the anniversary of the Revolution. Said Mahran was freed because of this event, but his freedom caused his final fate. His death might be a natural result of the crime. The irony, however, was what the author created at the textual level through his own artfulness. As for the narrative techniques, the novel is considered a work of the experimental stage. The author concentrates on experimenting with the internal monologue. The narration of the text is conducted by a third-person narrator as well as by the main character. The latter appears throughout the text as a narrator, as the listener to his own internal monologue, and as the character that the third-person narrator describes. The unexpected and abrupt switch of the narrator of the monologue makes reading the text difficult. It is clear that the use of the internal monologue increases the effect of delivering the message from the character directly and vividly to the reader. However, the author neither repeats the technique so heavily in later works nor gives it up entirely. It appears that he saw the experiment as a half success.
    Keyword: Modern Arabic Novel, Egyptian Society, 1952 Revolution, Najib Mahfuz, The Thief and the Dogs, Narrative Technique, Internal Monologue
    Author: Park Jae-Won
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    Changes in Algerian Foreign Policy toward the European Union after the Arab Spring
    This article explores how Algerian foreign policy toward the European Union has changed since the Arab Spring. Existing research related to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership has mainly focused on whether the Middle Eastern and North African states could comply with EU-demanded democratic reforms. However, their Mediterranean partners’ interests should correspondingly be analyzed. In the case of Algeria, President Bouteflika’s authoritarian regime attempted to mend fences with the EU in order to clear Algeria’s reputation as a rogue state. But as Algeria is one of the largest oil-rich countries in Africa, it does not need to depend on financial assistance from the EU, and it gave a tepid response to the regional cooperation led by France, which colonized Algeria for 130 years. Since the Arab Spring, the regional security order in North Africa has broken down, and Algerian foreign policy has changed, especially after Islamic extremist terrorism and the Mali Civil War. In this context, this article shows that the effects of Algeria’s colonial history and its oil-rentier economy have decreased and that the importance of regional security has heightened the necessity of cooperation between Algeria and the EU.
    Keyword: Algeria, European Union, Euro-Mediterranean partnership, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Non-interventionism
    Author: Oh Chang-Rhyong
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    An Interpretation of the Exchange of Civilizations in the Ancient Mediterranean from the Perspective of Big History
    This research analyzed the correlation between the various civilizations of the Mediterranean region by re-interpreting the ancient Mediterranean civilizations using the view of Big History. The Mediterranean has been the cradle of world civilizations since the Neolithic Era around 9000 BC. The ancient Mediterranean civilization was the result of remarkable historical events, and this era was one of the most turbulent periods, which has widely influenced the development of human cultures. The Mediterranean Sea was the central superhighway of transport, trade, and cultural exchange between diverse peoples encompassing three continents: Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Therefore, the history of the Mediterranean region is the history of the interactions of the cultures and people surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The civilizations in the Mediterranean developed in an intersecting and complex circular structure, such that most of the civilizations in the area essentially have the characteristics of hybrid civilizations. Therefore, it is more reasonable to approach interpretations of Mediterranean civilizations from the perspective of exchange. Based on prior research, this research also explored the forests of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations from a long distance to observe and analyze their forms and features.
    Keyword: Mediterranean, ancient civilizations, orient civilizations, classical Greece, Rome Empire, exchange, big history
    Author: Yoon Yong-Soo
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Formation of Islamic Fundamentalism and its Politicization in North Africa
    Islamic Fundamentalism in North Africa intensified in the late 20th century as a reaction to the humiliating experience of European colonialism and as a result sought answers in Islam, especially Islamic law, by rejecting Western ways. Specifically, the Northern African region has recently become a new cradle of the most active and powerful Muslim fundamentalist movements because the “Arab Spring” triggered a revolutionary tide against Arab tyrannies and spoiled bureaucracies that had frozen democracy and development. Most North African countries could not respond to strong social demands from the public for a number of reasons, such as the failure to recover from an economic decline, unemployment, extreme poverty, and a large percentage of educated but dissatisfied youth within the population. As a consequence, the revolution turned into a winter in Egypt, with new authoritarian governments. In Libya, governments attacked each other and their peoples in order to stay in power, and chaos took over. This outcome led to massive carnage, the destruction of whole countries, the displacement of millions, and the emergence of radical elements. Therefore, the region has rapidly been transformed from the expected newly established states to turbulent social chaos, by which such extreme fundamental Muslim groups as Daesh (IS) and Al-Murabitun have a dynamic platform to extend their own political ambitions. Consequently, further studies on the future prospect of democratization and social security in this region are necessary
    Keyword: North Africa, Fundamentalism, Islam, Daesh, Al-Murabitun
    Author: Lee Hee-Soo
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    Exploring the Classification of the Hadith’s Terminology and its Application to Bukhari’s Hadith
    This study classifies the Hadith’s terminology and analyzes some paragraphs from Bukhari’s Hadith, collecting the terminology from the major preceding research in Arabic and English. Several standards for classifying the Hadith exist; however, this research focused on the Hadith terminology based on six reliable standards, such as the number of reporters involved in each stage of Isnad (the chain of narrators), the beginning of the Isnad, the link in the Isnad, the break of the Isnad, and the defects of the reporters. Based on the data, the six standards were applied to some paragraphs from Bukhari’s Hadith. Unfortunately, however, it was not possible to identify the exact grades of the reporters because the full names of the reporters were not mentioned in Bukhari’s Hadith. Therefore, further studies should be focused on the matter.
    Keyword: Hadith, Sunnah, terminology, Isnad, Matn, Sahih, Hasan, Dayf, Mutawatir, Ahad, Qudsi, Bukhari
    Author: Lim Byung-Pil
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    The Tendencies and Issues of Mediterranean Studies in Korea
    The proper recognition of mainstream Mediterranean studies in Korea must be based on the analysis of articles dealing with Mediterranean studies. In this regard, 327 articles from 1999 to 2015 in the Journal of Mediterranean Area Studies, published quarterly by the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), have been analyzed along with the region/nation and the specific theme. The data are very appropriate for understanding the research tendencies of Mediterranean studies in Korea. Accordingly, it was found that studies of the Middle East and other Arabic regions, including North Africa, outnumber studies of the Western Mediterranean region, and literary and linguistic studies were significantly more common that the other specific themes in Mediterranean studies in Korea. Above all, Mediterranean studies in Korea are inquired and investigated from the standpoint of the Area Studies paradigm based on the concepts, etymology, scopes, and historical background of the Mediterranean area. In that regard, a study of the oceanographic features of the Mediterranean Sea in the Yellow Sea, a channel for political, cultural, and economic exchanges in ancient East Asia, would be a brilliant example of Mediterranean studies that could be extended to cultural exchanges theory in Korea.
    Keyword: A Tendency of regional/state studies of Mediterranean in Korea. A Tendency of thematic studies of Mediterranean in Korea, Features of Mediterrannean Sea, Mediterranean Studies, HK Project, IMS.
    Author: Choi Choon-Sik
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    ‘Amirah Hilmi MaTar, al-Fikr al-Islami wa Turath al-Yunan, Cairo: al-hai’ah al-Misriyyah al- ‘āmmah lil-Kitab, 2010.
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    Author: Gong Il-Ju
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    희랍인과 오리엔트
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    Author: Rhim Sung-Chu
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    The Derivational Structure of the Spanish Quantifier Phrase menos de n with Scalar Implicature
    In this paper, we attempt to show the syntactic properties of the Spanish quantifier phrase with scalar implicature [menos de n(cardinal number)]. Real Academia Española(2014) describes that the element menos of the expression menos de comes from the Latin minus and functions as a type of comparative adjective and also as a type of comparative adverb. In spite of this description, this element menos does not show any syntactic property of comparative construction in a sentence like ‘Carlos tomó menos de tres cervezas.’ because the complement tres cervezas cannot be a target of comparison in a proper comparative construction. Hackl(2000), Nouwen(2010) and others argue that in a expression like menos de tres cervezas, menos de tres is a quantificational determiner with scalar implicature and takes the NP cervezas as argument. We will try to show that the construction [menos de n] appears in the Specifier of Quantifier Phrase as a Degree Phrase. We suggest that this derivational configuration has no relation with the comparative construction and its configurational property explains the reason why the construction [menos de n] functions as a numeral modifier with scalar implicature.
    Keyword: modified numeral construction, comparative construction, scalar implicature, cardinal number
    Author: Kwak Jaeyong
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    The Beauty(Kalos) in Iliad
    According to Chantraine’s research, Greek word kalos translated as beautiful originally refers to external physical appearance. It means ‘good appearance’(eueidēs, agathon eidos) or ‘nice to look’, especially ‘attractive’ in relation to love and sexuality. In Homer’s Iliad the very first Greek epic, most of all the instances of kalos explicitly refers to physical beauty in an external objective sense. Therefore it is concluded that the concept of kalos in Homer’s Iliad has aesthetical signification in it’s etymological sense, for asithētikos means ‘related to the sense (aisthēsis)’. W. Donlan concluded from these instances that through the archaic period kalos refers to physical beauty only and that from Homer to Pindar kalos gives no indication of having developed social or ethical connotations. But 10 instances at least give an indication of a developing sense. They are related to action, attitude and psychology or mentality. In some cases, they seem to have even a moral and ethical connotation; there is an observable extension of meaning. But this extension is quite different from platonic ascension from sensible beauty to the moral beauty and ultimately to the beauty itself, id est the Idea of Beauty, because all the instances of kalos in Iliad can be understood as or reduced to the kalos’ original meaning ‘visual and sensible attraction’.
    Keyword: "Beauty(Kalos), Homer, Iliad, Appearance, Attraction, Aesthetics, Excellence"
    Author: KIM Heon
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    Past Tense and Aspect in Modern Greek for Language Learning
    Tense and aspect system acquisition is one of the important parts in second language acquisition as it is concerned as one of the crucial meanings to languages. As Greek language education lies in the early stage in Korea, the purpose of this paper is to introduce the tense-aspect system of Modern Greek language in Korean in order to contribute to the further Greek language education and linguistic research in Korea. The present article describes some related concepts as well as the theoretical background of time expression and the overall tense-aspect system of Modern Greek. Particularly, the article provides detailed descriptions of Greek past tense-aspect system comparing with Korean tense-aspect system because the most learners have difficulties to use it naturally.
    Keyword: Modern Greek, Tense, Aspect, Past tense, L2 Greek, language learning
    Author: Kim Hyejin
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    A Study on the Mediterranean Spirit in ‘Two Spains’ -Focusing on Spain of Nikos Kazantzakis
    Spain, which was the frontier of the world, appears in world history through Mediterranean civilization. The Mediterranean Sea is the sea of openness that opened the doors of Spain and the sea of meeting with others. Spain, which has been incorporated into the Mediterranean civilization, has had a tradition of coexistence of contradictory elements. Two of the many Greeks who had stepped on the Spanish soil after Hercules were El Greco and Kazantzakis. Like El Greco, Cretan born Kazankzakis sought liberty and craved salvation as a typical Mediterranean writer. He traveled to Spain four times in the early 20th century and left a travel writing. The purpose of this article is to explore what Spain is and how it relates to the universal Mediterranean and, moreover, to the writer’s own identity. Kazantzakis says Spain has two faces. However, the history of Spain has shown the coexistence of two opposing elements, like the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. It was influenced by Mediterranean culture, a sea of openness and communication. With the beginning of the Atlantic era, Spain built an empire in which the sun never set and culturally a Golden Age began with brilliant art and literature. But the collapse of Spain was foreseen. This is because Spain has lost the Mediterranean spirit of coexistence and harmony and is on the road of isolation. In the Mediterranean civilization, Christians and Muslims have coexisted in repeated conflicts and reconciliations. But Spain denies the roots of the Arabs that are imprinted on them. What Kazantzakis witnessed through his travels to Spain is a dark figure that denies the Other. The vitality of the cultural renaissance in the early 20th century is about to disappear. Here, Kazantzakis confirms a deep spiritual bond with El Greco. Like El Greco, who captures the essence behind the phenomenon, Kazantzakis also sees the essence of Spain, where two elements are at odds with each other. But his journey is also a reflection of his life seeking freedom and salvation. Through his travels to Spain, he finds himself and his homeland. Finally, he returns to himself like Odysseus who returns to Ithaca through the Mediterranean sea
    Keyword: Kazantzakis, The Mediterranean, Spain, Greece, Islam, Baroque, Travel literature
    Author: Shin Jeong-hwan
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    Tirso de Molina’s Comedies and Music
    Tirso de Molina inherited the main functions of the ancient Greek drama’s chorus and adapted them to his Catholic Spanish comedies in the 17th century. The playwriter left to musicians not only lyrical songs to present the festival stages, but also the functions of prophet, adviser and ethical messenger. As the Spanish Baroque was a period of magnificent festivals, the chorus of the ancient Greek plays became a good tool for Tirso de Molina’s comedies to overcome the monotony of the dialogic play and create spectacular stages for the audience. In the Catholic view of the world, the intervention of music as a divine revelation was natural and the religious role as a prophet and adviser melted well into Tirso’s works. Above all, the music introduced in the comedy genre also performed the educational functions which the authentic religious drama such as sacramental act was in charge of. It is because of the Catholic ideology of the Counter Reformation which had an overwhelming influence on all kinds of plays. In the history of the Spanish drama, the music used in Tirso de Molina’s comedies became important theatrical means in the period of transition to the 18th century, when the Spanish comedies accepted the musical character widely and intensively.
    Keyword: Tirso de Molina, Comedy, Ancient Greek drama, music, Spanish Golden Age drama
    Author: Lee Man-Hee
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    The Political & Social Effect on Gulf Countries by Arab Democratization
    Tirso de Molina inherited the main functions of the ancient Greek drama’s chorus and adapted them to his Catholic Spanish comedies in the 17th century. The playwriter left to musicians not only lyrical songs to present the festival stages, but also the functions of prophet, adviser and ethical messenger. As the Spanish Baroque was a period of magnificent festivals, the chorus of the ancient Greek plays became a good tool for Tirso de Molina’s comedies to overcome the monotony of the dialogic play and create spectacular stages for the audience. In the Catholic view of the world, the intervention of music as a divine revelation was natural and the religious role as a prophet and adviser melted well into Tirso’s works. Above all, the music introduced in the comedy genre also performed the educational functions which the authentic religious drama such as sacramental act was in charge of. It is because of the Catholic ideology of the Counter Reformation which had an overwhelming influence on all kinds of plays. In the history of the Spanish drama, the music used in Tirso de Molina’s comedies became important theatrical means in the period of transition to the 18th century, when the Spanish comedies accepted the musical character widely and intensively.
    Keyword: Tirso de Molina, Comedy, Ancient Greek drama, music, Spanish Golden Age drama
    Author: Lee Man-Hee
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    ‘아랍 민주화’가 걸프왕정국가들에 끼친 정치적⋅사회적 영향
    The purpose of this paper is to study the political and social impacts of the Arab democratization demonstrations on the Gulf states, as well as to study how “Arab democratization” affects the political composition of the Gulf states. Through this approach, analysis has been made on the political changes in the Arab world. First, this paper has examined the reality of the political situation of the Arab state by exploring the political changes of the Gulf Arab states after the “Arab Democratization” protests. Second, this paper has analyzed how political changes in the Arab region after the Arab democratization have an impact on the political structure of the Gulf states. Third, based on this analysis, it has been examined how democratization of Arabs influences changes in the social perceptions of the people of Gulf kingdoms, the GCC countries. This paper is aimed at following the political and social effects of Arab democratization on the Gulf kingdoms. The Arab democratization wave is affecting Gulf kingdoms, and the impact of such a democratization or anti-government demonstration in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman in the Arabian Peninsula, which maintains the monarchy, is likely to occur again in the future.
    Keyword: Arab Democratization, Democratic Regime, Gulf kingdoms, Social Conflicts, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman
    Author: Lee Seong Soo
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    조명진, 『브렉시트를 대비하라』, 한국경제신문, 2016.12
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    Author: Kwon Kichul
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    A Study of Cooperation in EU & Maghreb Union
    A Study of Cooperation in EU & Maghreb Union -Starting Union for MediterraneanThe Mediterranean Sea is vast and its geographical range connects Europe, Africa and Asia. And it’s no doubt that many scholars attach significant importance to it because it has been regarded as a beginning place of history and many civilizations in addition to its political importance. Dividing the world into two parts, the north and the south, the Mediterranean has been the meeting place of the East and the West, Islam and Christianity, Europe and the Arab world, and cultivated flourishing civilizations. The civilizations which developed in the Mediterranean were sometimes winced by U.S. power. However, they seem to be reorganized today into a form of a huge regional organization, the name of which is the Union for the Mediterranean or the Mediterranean Union(MU), by their efforts to recover the glorious days of the past. Indeed, France and Italy among the European counties surrounding the Mediterranean have politically and economically influenced to and also have been affected by North African countries which were once their colonies. And England has kept special relations with Egypt and Israel in varied fields. This article deals with the diversified cooperative relations between EU and the North African countries belong to Arab Maghreb Union(AMU), focusing on MU. There will be variety of gains and losses if an enormous free trade zone establishes following the birth of MU. Indeed, MU is a coupling of two politically, economically, socially and culturally different regions except their geographical proximity and historical connections in which the north exploited the colonial south. The Economist magazine analyzed that the success of MU depend on winning confidence from the north EU countries firstly through displaying how fairly they trade with the North African partners in accordance with the principles of free trade despite two sides’ economic unbalance including opening of the Mediterranean EU countries’ agricultural products market and secondly through decreasing their vested rights among EU countries. Because MU includes two worlds which can be called the developed Christian countries in the north and the developing Islamic countries in the south, it has great diversity. Therefore, it has to seek not the complete unification but the equilibrium, in which they can find peace, harmony and cooperation through communications with largely different each others.
    Keyword: EU, Maghreb Union, Union for Mediterranean, Mediterranean Sea, Arab, France, Italy
    Author: Eui Gab Hwang
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    An Islamic city of Mediterranean through the perspective of multiculturalism: A case study of Fez, Morocco
    An Islamic city of Mediterranean through the perspective of multiculturalism: A case study of Fez, Morocco Problematic of multi-culturalism atrracts new attention in this age of migration and globalization. It influences also area studies, especially changing perspective on the characteristics of each society. And some case studies of societies, where the co-existence of different ethnic groups has long history, would be significant as reference concerning studies of multiculturalism. Mediterranean region has one of the most remarkable history of migration and communication among different cultures and civilizations: cross-cultural communication would be even one of the essential factors of Mediterranean. For more close observation, I took a case of Islamic city in Mediterranean region, Fes of Morocco, for this problematic. My questions in this case study of Islamic city are follows: What and how was the diversity of ethnic and regional groups in this city? What was the logic and reality about the spatial distribution, inter-community relationship, integration and disintegration of urban communities, and sometimes exclusions? How the co-existence and, if we can say, multicultural organization of society functioned in that city? How some inevitable conflicts were treated in that Islamic city? And, finally, how the introduction of modernity, through some tumultuous history of colonialism and independence in 20th century affected its' long tradition of cultural diversity? The composition of Fez's urban population was cosmopolitan since the founding years of the city in 8th century. Migrants from different regions of Mediterranean like Tunisia, Spain, Turkey and Arabian peninsular, first generations of Fez's urban residents were themselves descendants of various diaspora communities. Diversity and cultural pluralism seems to be a strong tradition of Mediterranean Islamic city in this case. The co-existence of different ethnic, regional, and religious groups, nevertheless, did not mean the reign of total harmony. Conflicts among communities were incessant composing factors of this city. Between royal elites and civil society, and between descendants of Andalousia and those of Kayrouan, for example, efforts of negotiation did not take away history of battles and trials of mutual elimination. But principally the system of negotiation and cohabitation took the root in urban tradition of Fez. With the introduction of modernity and nationalism in 20th century, however, the situation changed. This means that once acquired tradition of Fez's cultural diversity can be under danger even in this age of globalization.
    Keyword: Islamic city, multiculturalism, Morocco, Fez, ethnic group, community, communication
    Author: Do Young Song
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    L'antiféminisme à la Belle Époque en France
    L'antiféminismeà la BelleÉpoqueen France L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser les discours de l'antiféminisme à la Belle Époque en France, en examinant la diffusion du féminisme induvidualiste, le développement du mouvement pour la suffrage féminine, et la reconstruction du catholicisme français. Le développement du mouvement féministe diversifie donc les ancrages idéologiques et politiques de ceux qui le soutiennent comme de ceux qui le dénigrent. En cette circonstance, l'antiféminisme m'en devient que plus vigoureux. L'occultation du féminisme, le dédain et le mépris restent des stratégies toujours efficaces. L'hostilité la plus radicale vient des caricaturistes et prend surtout racine aux extrêmes de l'échiquier politique. Le contexte de guerre des deux France, l'une catholique, l'autre laïque, renforce l'hostilité au féminisme où chacun voit l'émanation de son ennemi politique. L'intrusion des femmes dans l'espace politique est perçue comme une transgression. Face aux succès de l'idéologie égalitaire, le discours antiféministe de l'inanité se nuance en montrant qu'on peut se passer du mouvement féministe, même si on souhaite une certaine amélioration de la condition féminine. Face à un féminisme qui s'appuie sur la négation de la différence des sexes et des lois naturelles, les antiféministes proposent un contre-modèle plus respestueux des clivages traditionnels hommes/femmes.
    Keyword: Belle Époque, Féminisme, Antiféminisme, Individualisme, Mouvement pour la suffrage féminine, Catholicisme français, Madeleine Pelletier, Hubertine Auclert
    Author: Ki Chan Byeon
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Formation of JDP and Its Accession to Power
    The Formation of JDP and Its Accession to Power The Justice and Development Party(JDP) was founded under the leadership of the current prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on August 14, 2001 and is the thirty ninth political party established in the history of Republic of Turkey. In the general election on November 3, 2002, the JDP captured 365 out of a total of 550 seats in the Turkish Grand National Assembly(TGNA) with 34.29% approval ratingof the vote. In the general election in which 20 parties participated, the JDP became the undisputed winner and the Republican People's Party the second party with 179 seats. The first strikingfeature of the general election is that two parties of the 20 parties won seats, largely due to the effect of the electoral system. Many observers of Turkish politics viewed the first winning of JDP in the general election in 2002 as a political earthquake. Because the former members of DSP-MHP-ANAP coalition cabinet failed to enter parliament. With Turkey havingbeen governed by several coalition governments since 1991, many peoples perceived one-party rule as a guarantee of stability in economic and policies. This study is to explain and analyze the process of the foundation and political principles of JDP, the results of the general election in 2002, the conservative democratic political identity of the JDP and the inclination of JDP voters. In the 2002 general election, The provinces of Aegean and Mediterranean Sea tended to vote toward left-leaningand secular parties. On the contrary, the provinces of Black Sea and Central, Eastern, South-Eastern Anatolia more strongly supported conservative, religious and Turkish nationalist parties, especially the JDP. JDP voters ranged from the poor of the urban periphery to conservative peasants in the Anatolia and to conservative rich entrepreneurs in large cities.
    Keyword: JDP, Tayyip Erdoğan, 2002 General election, the Inclination of JDP voters, the Republican People's Party, Turkey
    Author: Dae Sung Kim
    Poblication Year: 2008
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    삐오 바로하의 회화적 딜레탕티즘
    The main objective of this study consists of analyzing the pictorial dilettantism of Pio Baroja. By definition, the dilettante is someone who seems interested in a subject, especially in art, but who does not really know very much about it. In order to carry out the proposed study, I adopted a trilogy titled “City” of Pio Boroja: Cesar o nada (1910); El mundo es ansi (1912); La sensualidad pervertida (1920). This trilogy is based on principal European cities at the beginnings of the 20th century: London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Madrid, etc. In addition to these novels, I chose Baroja`s autobiographies, essays and criticisms (El esctiror segun el y los criticos (1944); Final del siglo XIX y principios del XX (1945);Galeria de tipos de la epoca (1947)) to trace his main thoughts and opinions about the painting in general. Through the analysis of these texts, I can get to the following conclusions: First, through the long itinerary as novelist, Baroja has paid special attention to the famous Spanish painters like Velazquez, Goya, El Greco, Sorolla, Zuloaga, Surbaran, etc. However, his attitude toward these painters is always unique and subjective, regardless of the general evaluations. Second, we can meet some painters who play an important role in the development of the story in the above mentioned novels. In spite of his endless interests and curiosity for the painters, he is not generous and sympathetic to them. In many occasions, he takes a negative stand toward the painters for their lack of reality or their parasitic life. Third Baroja doesn`t forget presenting the famous museums in Europe: the Louvre of Paris, the Prado of Madrid, the Vatican of Rome and Uffizi of Florence, etc. However, these places seem not to be connected organically with the novelistic actions of each character. In other words, the visits and descriptions of each museum are not integrated completely in the novelistic plot. As time passes, Baroja`s initial thoughts don`t remain fixed but changed considerably. His interests in the picture culminate with the Impressionist paintings. Since then his interests gradually have decreased. Finally he becomes disillusioned with the Avant-Garde pictures. Baroja was not insensitive to the new and innovative Avant-Garde works. However, instead of admiring the new artistic trends, he always maintained negative attitude to them. Finally, some pictorial techniques are introduced into his novels. On describing his characters or the novelistic space, he doesn`t create them in his imagination but presents intuitively them with his acute observation. Therefore, some scenes described in his novel remind us of the Impressionist painting.
    Keyword: 삐오 바로하
    Author: 박효영
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    프랑스 자동차기업의 생산기지 이전
    With German manufacturers, French manufacturers have played the role of pioneer in the early stage of automobile industry. Peugeot has invented its own automotive engine in 1896. In 1898, Renault Brothers have sold their first cars. In 1919, French automobile manufacturer, Citroen has been established. In 1903, France produced 30,124 vehicles, approximately 49% of the World Automobile production .Until 2002, France has been 4th largest automobile producing country. In 2003, China became 4th largest automobile producing country. In 2004, France produced 3,665,990 vehicles which was the largest Automobile production produced in France. From 2005, Automobile production has been reduced. However, the global automobile production of French automobile companies has not been reduced. The automobile production of French automobile companies has been transferred abroad. The internationalization of automobile production of French automobile companies has started in 1920`s. In 1925, Citroen establised its factory in Bruxelles-Forrest (Belgium), Slough (Great Britain), Cologne (Germany) and Milan (Italy). French automobile companies have operated these factories in order to increase the market access in these countries. Thus, French automobile production was growing with the expansion of the production network of French automobile industry. From the EU enlargement into Central and European countries in 2004 and in 2004, these new EU member-states began to have the benefit of EU Single market. The automobile production of French automobile companies in this area has increased sharply. In the incident of Global financial crisis in 2008, French government tried to bring the automobile production of French automobile companies back to France with the loan 6 billion euro of French governmental loan. However, this trial has not been successful. Currently, French Automobile company, Renault produce only 25% of its global production in France. However, German Automobile companies have also increased their oversea production like French Automobile companies. Contrary to French case, the Automobile production in Germany has not been reduced. The study about the evolution of Automobile production in France is important for Korean Automobile Industry. Korean Automobile company, Hyundai-Kia Motors has been increasing the oversea production. The share of oversea production is over than 50% of its global production.
    Keyword: 자동차기업의 생산기지 이전
    Author: 안상욱
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    베르베르'의 다양성
    The term `berber` is a term that is excluded or tabooed in the logic of < centralism >. Centrism, it has been fixed for a long time by < Western centrism >. Due to < western centralism > we understood `berber` with an outward gaze rather than our vision. After simply the Aboriginal or Arab invasion, the term “Berber” was changed in vague terms as “Arab-Berber”. This view is a narrow view of the Maglev region, where Berber is the majority. It is Africa, but it has a common memory with the Mediterranean civilization, and it mixes with Berber culture which is an Islamic but indigenous culture. How should we accept the unique Islamic culture of this region? Perhaps we should escape from centrism and look at this area with our own open eyes. Even if you look at the Berber culture, which was a peripheral culture, its own cultural characteristics are different according to the way that is related with other cultures. This Maglev region allows Berber culture to become a rich culture of multifarious cultures. In this article we will look at the characteristics of the Berber culture in the Sahara-Sahel region, including Maghreb. And we will look how far the Berber culture is spreading today and continuing its multicultural identity. This is to confirm the cultural dynamics and transversal content of the region due to cultural pluralism and crossing of surrounding cultures. It is also an attempt to study Berberism as a postmodern discourse.
    Keyword: 지중해성(性)과 아프리카성(性)
    Author: 임기대
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    팔레아스의 이상국가론
    Phaleas` propose is not just to describe the theoretical aspects of his theory, but to suggest a political aim and its strategies which were connected with the equalization of property in land and the regulation of the exact standard on which equality was to be achieved. Comprehensively speaking, it has been commonly accepted that Phaleas` political propose has been viewed in comparison with Greek political thoughts. For instance, Herodotus and Euripides tried to evaluate various forms of government and their significances. Their views about the forms of government have said to be based on the analyses of existing constitutions. Phaleas` view, however, has been regarded to be of special importance in the sense that his approach started from the best form of government. He believed that the best and highest form of government were to be structured on the purpose of political practices. In other words, what is characteristic of Phaleas` propose was his effort to find a better constitution when it is contrasted with existing ones. The word “better” here means free imagination and careful premeditation for existing constitutions. There has been something in common in the thoughts of Herodotus, Euripides, Thucydides, Hippodamus and Phaleas: The Greeks in the Fifth century B.C. believed that the political orders were not based on natural necessity. They were founded on the decisions of free citizens. And they were convinced that the mixed government can be the best form of constitution. Considered in this light, it would be fair to say that Phaleas` propose can be construed to be one of arguing for the mixed governments. And his thought, in this sense, entailed both conservative and progressive implications in his political view.
    Keyword: 팔레아스의 이상국가론
    Author: 임성철
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    정당 체제에 대한 선거 제도의 영향과 선거 연합의 차단 효과
    This paper analyzed the influence of electoral systems on party systems and the effect of electoral coalition on it. The comparable countries are the France with an absolute majority representation, the Italy with a mix system on the basis of simple majority representatives (1993-2005), the Greece with a proportional representation on the basis of proportional representation and the Spain with a proportional representation. The types of party system were redefined with the number of parliamentary seats, and the analysis focused on the decrease tendency of parliamentary political forces (political parties and party coalitions) by electoral coalition. Proportionality is commonly known to promote bipartism. As a result of the analysis, on the contrary, the tendency of multipartism is strong in France and Italy, and the tendency of bipartism is strong in Greece and Spain. This was caused by electoral coalition that blocked the influence of the electoral system on party system.
    Keyword: 선거 제도의 영향
    Author: 정병기
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    터키 역사, 지리 교과서를 통해 본 한국에 대한 터키의 인식
    This article aims at examining representation of Turkish perspectives on Korea through Korean-narratives in Turkish history and geography textbooks from the late 1970s to the early 2010s. As textbooks are an important medium in which official ideology and politics are reflected, the content of a textbook covers the dominating or official perspectives of a country. Developing a textbook in Turkey is directly followed formal procedures of the Turkish Ministry of Education. For such reasons as mentioned, Korea described in Turkish textbooks plays significant roles in. Korea is introduced as one part of Japanese or Chinese history and geography in Turkish history and geography textbooks from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. Since 1990s, Turkish geography textbooks focused on not Japanese and Chinese part but just `Korea` like country overview, natural circumstances, industry and so on. After the 2000s, it is found Korean war, Korean economic development, high technology, Seoul (one of the major city in the world), Korean and Turkish trade and so on in Turkish history and geography textbooks. While Turkey understood Korea through Japan and China in the past, recently it is changed to pay attention to Korea itself. Nowadays Hallyu (Korean waves) promotes to enhance Korean-Turkish relationship and increases exchanges between the two countries. It is needed more in-depth mutual understanding through both countries` textbooks at this moment.
    Keyword: 한국에 대한 터키의 인식
    Author: 정재윤
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    한국어와 스페인어 죽음 위악어의 동기화와 인지구조
    It is common for human beings to avoid to discuss about the forbidden reality or subject, and we rather replace them with other names or even sometimes a pejorative expression while calling them. Aforementioned phenomenon is the basic concept of dysphemism. This study investigates the cognitive process of conceptualization of DYING dysphemism in Korean and Spanish, and try to figure out how the conceptual phenomena of metaphor and metonymy are acting on the process. After a theoretical approach to justify the use of dysphemism in discourse, we compare and analyze DYING dysphemism selected from the dictionaries of both languages. By scrutinizing on these dysphemism, we are able to examine on generic or specific cultural aspects of the cognitive system which structuralize the dysphemism and also on the fact that dysphemism has semantic values according to the discourse context.
    Keyword: 위악어의 동기화와 인지구조
    Author: 조혜진
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    유럽 유입 비정규 이주자의 이동 경로와 목적지 선택의 결정요인
    In this paper, I sought answers to two questions. First, what is the migration route for non-EU migrants in the EU? Second, what are the factors that affect irregular migrants` destination decisions? A migrant`s first country of entry into Europe is usually not his final destination. The main entry points for irregular migrants to Europe are Greece, Italy and Spain. It seems that immigrants do not necessarily follow a particular path to go to the northern European countries. Based on the number of asylum seekers, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Scandinavian countries are the biggest destinations. For the second question, five factors were found. The first is the cost of migration and the migrants` perception of the economic environment of destination countries. The second is the migrant smugglers. The third is social network and information accessibility. This includes information from remote, near-network, media, internet and social media. The fourth is the environment and experience of the transit country. The fifth is the immigration policies. They include border control, police intervention, refugee policy, and repatriation policy. Studies on irregular migration have inherent problems. It is the task of academia and policy makers to resolve them one by one. First, the distinction between legal and irregular migration, and the different forms of irregular migration are not always clear. It is useful to compare with studies on legal migration in order to understand the reasons and the ways migrants decide to move. Second, irregular migrants are difficult to study. They are in essence secret groups. Third, there have been lots of studies on irregular migrants in the past two decades, but there are still many cases that are not theorized. Fourth, until recently, there have been many studies on the phenomena of irregular migration, but there are more that require further study and understanding than what can be explained with clear grounds until now.
    Keyword: 유럽으로의 비정규 이주
    Author: 권기철
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    두브로브니크 도시 사(史) 연구
    In this study, I would like to analyze the development process and history of Dubrovnik as a `Maritime Republic`, focusing on the historical value of the independent state toward freedom(`Libertas`). In the II chapter of this study, I explain the settlement process of the South Slavs on the Adriatic Sea. In addition, I introduce the early development process of `Ragusa` which was symbol of independence and medieval name of Dubrovnik. The chapter III introduces how the `Republic of Ragusa` made the symbolism of freedom for the development as the independent Maritime Republic. Particularly, in this chapter, I divide the history for development of the `Republic of Ragusa` into three periods as follows, and analyze the characteristics of each period: 1) The period of rule of the Republic of Venice(1205-1358) - Establishment of the foundations of the development, 2) The period of self-government under the influence of Hungary(1358-1458) - Preparations for the independent republic, 3) The period of independent republic under the Ottoman Turks (1458-1806) - The development to the Maritime Republic and the loss of freedom. Finally, the chapter IV introduces the history of destruction caused by the Civil War on the Yugoslavia in the late 20th century and the meaning of reconstruction that overcomes this.
    Keyword: 두브로브니크 도시史
    Author: 김철민
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    중세 지중해의 문명 교류와 이슬람
    The individual civilizations of the Mediterranean are indebted to another cultures without exception. Classical Greek civilization was born by accepting the achievements of ancient Orient civilization. Roman civilization was based on the Hellenistic civilization, an international civilization that blended Eastern and Western civilizations based on classical Greek civilization. Islamic civilization, led by Arab and Muslims in the Middle Ages, was also nurtured by the cultural and academic accomplishments of the Roman and Byzantine empires. The resurrection of the Renaissance was possible because of the academic achievement and cultural heritage of Islamic civilization. Therefore, the Mediterranean region where Christianity and Islamic civilization, Asia, Europe and Africa coexist can be considered as a complex civilization space in which the traces and footsteps of many empires and civilizations that have flourished in the Mediterranean region are deposited. This study aims to investigate the relationship between Islamic civilization and European civilization in terms of interchange and proliferation centering around the Middle Ages. Especially, I will try to analysis to understand the contribution of Arab and Islamic civilization to human civilization through the role of Islamic civilization, which was the mainstream civilization in medieval Mediterranean region, and the process of spreading to European civilization.
    Keyword: 중세 지중해 문명 교류
    Author: 윤용수
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    루이 라벨의 '존재론적 미학' 혹은 '신학적인 미학'에 대한 전망
    Louis Lavelle`s ontological aesthetics can also be called Theological Aesthetics. The starting point of the aesthetic theory of Lavelle is the awareness that the aesthetics aiming at the discussion and pursuit of beauty are losing their purpose in modern times. Beauty is given in direct experience of emotion to the object (being), which is acceptance rather than human formation (transcendence of beauty). This means that the value of being appears in an emotional horizon. The value of being is manifested in various ways such as economic value, emotional value, intellectual value, moral value, and spiritual value. Art refers to capturing and expressing emotional beauty. Lavelle calls this art that aims at the primitive purpose of art `the pure art`. The pure art is a medium for those who seek spiritual value in the sense of revealing the value of being. Without this medium, humans can not enter higher values of being. For Lavelle being as such is one and unified, and the experience of the total being becomes the experience of God`s presence. That is why his ontological aesthetics can be said to be theological aesthetics.
    Keyword: 루이 라벨
    Author: 이명곤
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    히포다모스의 폴리테이아
    The ideal city that Hippodamus planned to construct is founded on three different classes that are artisans, farmers, and soldiers. Unlike Phaleas who tried to exclude artisans from the status of a citizen, Hippodamus claimed that artisans occupied their places as the first class in his advocacy of the ideal city. He argued, however, that all three classes, that is, all the citizens may enjoy their political authorities. He repudiated the method of lot as a bad arrangement of social choice. He contended instead that the magistrate were all to be elected by the people. Election as a sort of social arrangement in his claims was the first revolutionary idea, introduced to Greek political thought. It would be compared to Phaleas` radical proposal, which defended for the political reform to regulate the size of property and the equalization of property from theoretical point of view. Hippodamus of Miletus was searching for the best form of constitution as the unitary principle of social organization, dividing all the citizens into three classes. It is, nevertheless, extremely difficult to determine whether Hippodamus` proposal was aristocratic-oligarchical or democratic-egalitarian-revolutionary. It is not to be overlooked that his political reform emphasized the importance of rational knowledge and the consciousness of capability(= Konnens- und Konnerbewußtsein) that had been a Zeitgeist since then. It would be fair to say that Hippodamus` plan for constitutional arrangement was a utopian effort for the transformation of society, which provided a clue to interpret his defense for the mixed government between aristocracy and democracy. It is fair to conclude, therefore, that Hippodamus` proposal to deal with the problem of equality in community concentrated on the formal condition of constitution as well as the material conditions of flourishing society.
    Keyword: 히포다모스의 폴리테이아
    Author: 임성철
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    "알히잠"에 나타난 사우디아라비아 사회의 전통과 근대성
    The article explores the conflict between tradition and modernity which Saudi Arabian society witnessed in the era of 1950s and 1960s, with special reference to Saudi Arabian poet and journalist Ahmad Abu Dahman’s autobiographical novel al-Hizam. The author describes vividly a southern village’s living conditions, customs and manners through village strongman Hizam and his fellow tribesmen. The village begins to face a storm of change with the opening of a modern school and a clinic. The residents do not accept willingly, but are compelled to seek compromise to the new realty. As for Hizam, he struggles to defend the tribal tradition against the government’s attempt to modernize the country. The author comprehends the tradition and modernity through plain contrasts; village vs. government, tribe vs. individual, old vs. new, dirty vs. clean, oppression vs. equality and superstition vs. rationality. The characteristics of Saudi’s modernization consist in that its motivation began from outside; from the West and the city, not Saudi Arabia nor the village itself. The West, however, does not obviously appear in al-Hizam. This is due to the limited time coverage of the novel that stopped when the author was still young, or the government imposed modernization through non-Westerners. Whatever the reason may be, Saudi’s modernization was not spontaneous, but a foreign process, and the West must have been lurking behind the scenes. The village people met modernized non-Saudi Muslims from Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Pakistan. It seems that the author accepted modern values and lives now outside the country, but he maintains his love for the traditional values. His respect to Hizam who loved him and tried to defend the village is clearly revealed in the novel al-Hizam which was named after him.
    Keyword: 알히잠
    Author: 박재원
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이집트 자유주의 지식인, 사이드 알 킴니의 이슬람과 이슬람운동에 대한 인식
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the way in which how Egyptian liberal intellectual Sayyid al-Qimni perceives Islam and Islamic movements. Through examining his historical literatures, lectures and interviews I will demonstrate that Qimni regards Islam and Islamic history as historical product at a certain historical context and thereby emphasizes his idea that the interpretation of Islam should be changed with time. According to his secular liberal view it is almost absurd anachronism to think about Islamic legislature today. Regarding islamic movements including Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, and IS Qimni views it as totalitarian ideology that is akin to Fascism. For him the only viable alternative to political Islamic ideology is comprehensive liberalism based on pluralism.
    Keyword: 이슬람운동에 대한 인식
    Author: 성일광
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    로마 황제 티베리우스에 대한 타키투스의 서술
    The evaluation of the ruling and the achievement of Tiberius has been treated unfavorably in comparison with the former emperor Augustus who had established the change of the system and therefore become remarkable. Dio Cassius and Suetonius regarded Tiberius as a tyrant and criticized him as a problematic ruler. Basically the understanding of Tacitus on Tiberius is not so much different from those authors. But Tacitus thought much of the surrounding elements of Tiberius and did not evaluate him in the confirmative or one sided manner. This paper reviews how the author Tacitus describes Tiberius and finds out the unconventional method of Tacitus. Especially it focuses on the 4th, 5th and 6th book of ‘annales’ in which Tiberius is described in the category as a problematic ruler. The aim of the paper is to search for both how the narrative of Tacitus is and to which purpose it is formulated. Partially we can find the brutal image of Tiberius, and furthermore sexual and moral declinations are also seen in the writing of Tacitus. However Tacitus is clearly different from Dio and Suetonius in that he does not define Tiberius as tyrant in one dimension but tries to explain the background of the person. Namely the factors that made Tiberius as tyrant rise from his rivals and enemies. Tiberius gradually falls into the struggle for the power in the court, then he becomes a formidable ruler and he realizes that he himself became rapidly a terrible and uncontrollable man. The characteristic of Tacitus avoids the simple explanation in treating with the person of Tiberius. Moreover the author takes notice of the rivals or enemies around the person and searches for the relations between him and these people. Namely he might be influenced by them and his behaviours, actions and attitudes were changed according to the relations. Thus the characteristic of Tacitus overcame somewhat prejudiced interpretation of Tiberius. It brought about a historical writing which enables to understand humans multiply and profoundly.
    Keyword: 로마 황제 티베리우스
    Author: 손태창
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    아우구스티누스의 감정론
    Passion and its control are one of the most imminent issues in Korean society nowadays. But the situation in ancient Rome was not different from ours. We witness that the exhibition of uncontrolled passions like rage was fairly common in imperial Roman society. In this paper, I will examine the philosophical background of Augustine’s theory of emotions and provide a systematic analysis of it. I hope that Augustine’s approach to emotions will be a helpful advice for many people who are suffering from the problem with passion. By analyzing key terms(for example pathos, propatheia, apatheia, eupatheia etc.) we can get the following conclusions: First, in earlier writings Augustine followed Platonic-Peripathetic and Stoic theories of emotions and employed philosophical terms. But in later writings he deviated from the philosophical framework, focussing on theological terms as “will” and “love” in discussing emotions. He maintains that the alleged virtues of philosophers are in fact vices. According to Augustine, Christ(i.e. the mediator between God and human being) deliberately undertakes human passions in order to implement God’s redemptive plan of saving humans from passions and their sinful conditions. So, in comparison to the passions of Christ, the philosophical controversies over apatheia and metriopatheia become non-essential. Second, as distinct from the Stoic and the Platonic doctrines, Augustine employs two pivotal theological concepts, original sin and grace. In the fallen condition, the overwhelming power of original sin leads to the distortion of the human will, love and rational power. Therefore Humans cannot save themselves through their own powers. But Christ delivers fallen humans from their perverted condition, participating voluntarily in human emotions. Augustine contends that the citizens of the Heavenly City are not only free from mundance passions, but they also enjoy the eternal peace of mind and the freedom from sin. Third, according to Augustine the ultimate cause of the problem with passion is self-love and egocentricity. In that humans cannot provide true passion therapy, only divine grace can transform perverted human will and depraved passions into a gracious emotional state.
    Keyword: 아우구스티누스의 감정론
    Author: 오유석
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    카탈루냐어의 시각 표현에 나타나는 quart의 통사적 특성
    It is well known that Catalan and Spanish(or Castillan) belong to romance languages and are then etymologically related. But two languages’ time expressions differ significantly with respect to the use of the quarters: in Catalan, ‘1:15’ is ‘Es un quart de dues.(literal translation: (It) is a quarter of two)’, but in Spanish ‘Es la una y cuarto.(literal translation: (It) is the one and quarter)’. The Catalan traditional way of telling the time is based on counting the quarters to the next time. Based on these phenomena, we will try to show that Catalan traditional time-telling expressions with ‘quart(quarter)’ are derived from the extended projection including Place and Rel(ative)View categories (cf. Cinque & Rizzi(2010), Di Sciullo & Manuel-Echvarria(2017)) and the noun ‘quart’ behaves as a polarity item licensed by the aforementioned mechanism with Progressive view.
    Keyword: 카탈루냐어
    Author: 곽재용
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    이집트의 종교간 혼종혼인에 관한 연구
    This study takes an objective to arrange another beginning step to understand competition for hegemony and procedure of conflict and recovery from volatile Arab society by field survey research about intermarriage which is considered as an indicator of social integration in Arab society. This study was conducted based on survey about Muslim- Coptic Christian marriage in Egypt where Muslim make up the majority of the population, but Coptic Christianity, one of the Monophysitism Christianity, settle down as a minority denomination since the beginning of Christianity history. The survey proceeded in Cairo. The questionnaire collected a total of 473, of which 420 questionnaires were used, excluding 53 that were insufficient. The data executed frequency analysis and cross analysis with the SPSS 23.0 Korean edition, and used chi-square test method mainly as a statistical test method and independent sample t test method (each significance level p<0.05) in some cases. We could verify the fact that Egypt’s religious conflicts share the history of Christianity-Islam and are still a major impediment to a stability of Egyptian society. Also, in Egypt, Muslim-Coptic Christian marriages are considered to be socially taboo, so it can be predicted that social cohesion between two denominations will be considerably difficult. Even though there are quite a few researches dealing with Egyptian society, It can be said that this study is original that it looks the prospect for social integration based on following feature. It is hard to find study about religious mixed-marriage.
    Keyword: 종교간 혼종혼인
    Author: 안정국
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Italian Literature
    순례와 문화의 여정, 비아 프란치제나 via francigena
    The pilgrimage to Rome, visiting the tomb of the Apostle Peter, was in the Middle Ages one of the three peregrinationes maiores together with the Holy Land and Santiago de Compostela. This is why Rome was constantly traveled by pilgrims from every part of Europe. The first archival documents mentioning the existence of the Via Francigena date back to the 9th century and refer to a stretch of road in the countryside of Chiusi, in the province of Siena: the name Via Francigena is attested for the first time in Actum Clusio, a parchment dating back to 876 preserved in the Abbey of San Salvatore in the mountain Amiata. While the first description of the itinerary dates back to the tenth century: this is the relationship that the bishop Sigerico made of the return route of the pilgrimage he made from Rome, to which he had arrived to be received by the Pope and obtain the "pallium", and then return in Canterbury, on what has already been widely called Via Francigena since the 12th century. The Sigerico document is one of the most significant testimonies of this network of European communication routes in the Middle Ages. In this article I tried to introduce the story of Via francigena and to illustrate the oldest detailed travel report made by Sigerico on this route. The description of the route is very precise for what concerns the staging points(mansiones). The information contained in the chronicle of Sigerico is very useful to hypothesize which was the original route of the Francigena from Canterbury to Rome.
    Keyword: 비아 프란치제나
    Author: 윤종태
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    우나무노의 "아벨 산체스"에 나타난 질투의 의미
    The current study reveals that in Unamuno’s literature, jealousy is not portrayed as a mere human emotion, but as a very powerful force which plays a pivotal role in his thinking. He has dealt with “jealousy” in many of his works, among which Tragic Sense of Life and Abel Sanchez: The History of a Passion stand out due to their deeper approach and detailed analysis of this subject. The latter work, in particular, reveals that the jealousy of Biblical Cain is still present in modern people’s minds and in their collective consciousness. In this paper, we first will have a look at the existential dimension of jealousy in Unamuno’s Abel Sanchez, which will leads us to discover that this human emotion is interpreted by him as a desire to become someone else, which reveals itself as a terrible malady. We will then consider the aspects of Unamuno’s withdrawal into his inner realities in a way that may allow overcome this consuming emotion. In the light of the results of this paper, we can conclude that jealousy in Unamuno’s literature is closely connected with his concept of intrahistory and his thinking concerning the relationship between Spain and the rest of Europe, as well as his understanding of man from his own existentialist perspective.
    Keyword: 우나무노 질투의 의미
    Author: 조민현
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    2017년 유럽 주요 국가들의 선거결과를 통해 본 극우주의와 포퓰리즘
    This paper an analysis of the extreme right and populism rising in the general election’s results of Major European Countries in 2018. The common phenomenons was a possibility of changes in existing political order, although the nature of extreme right and populist parties differs depending on the countries conditions and environment. Especially the concept of extreme right is always a prohibited using word in Europe. These changes are very surprised and unexpected considering the facts that the traditional method and concept by european people against others and gentles are hospitality and conviviality. Thus in this paper analysis a transit possibility of cultural-political paradigm in Refugees Policies and European Integration through the general election’s results of Major European Countries in 2017 relating with the parliament politics.
    Keyword: 유럽총선결과, 난민문제, 극우파,
    Author: 김종법
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    요르단의 시리아 난민정책 분석과 시사점
    The purpose of this study is to explore Jordan’s Syrian refugee policy focusing mainly on the Jordan Compact. Since 1949 Jordan had hosted different refugees seeking shelter and maintained comparatively generous policy on them. Due to the grave impact of growing financial and social burden 2016 Jordan designed and adopted the Jordan Compact in order to cultivate self-reliance of Syrian refugees by legally issuing work visas for them. In addition to mitigating financial and social burden Jordan government pursued economic development of deprived areas with help of Extended Fund Facility(IMF), concessionary financing grants, improved market access to EU and labor market reform. This paper argues that Syrian refugee population and other refugees could be new opportunities, rather than misfortune, for host states if which are expected to provide global public goods by offering a protection shelter for refugees. Then host state interest could be part of the conversation with donor states as in the case of the Jordan Compact. Therefore the Jordan Compact casts new light on the refugee policy of Turkey and Lebanon and European countries as well.
    Keyword: 시리아 난민정책
    Author: 성일광
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    이슬람 형법과 한국 형법
    The Islamic Criminal Law refers to the criminal law based on Shari’ ah, the religious teachings of Islam which governs Muslim life in general. Korea has long been in contact with Muslim countries in the Middle East through economic cooperation. In recent years, the relationship has been expanded to dispatching peacekeeping troops, attracting foreign patients, and increasing cultural exchanges through the Korean Wave. However, we neither have enough understanding about the Islamic culture, nor about the Islamic Law. With regard to the Islamic Criminal Law, though some anecdotes that stimulate our curiosity are known through the media, there is still a lack of full-scale introduction and research about it. This paper aims to get rid of possible misunderstandings and broaden the understanding of the Islamic Criminal Law by systematically introducing the Islamic Criminal Law and comparing it with Korean Criminal Law. In order to do this, I examined the current status of the Islamic Criminal Law, compared its sources and legal structure with those of the Korean Criminal Law, and presented several features of the Islamic Criminal Law. Then I divided the crimes in the Islamic Criminal Law into Hadd, Qisas, Ta’zir, described substantial and procedural features of each crime, and added brief comments and comparative legal reviews wherever necessary. Finally, I pointed out some problems of the Islamic Criminal Law as seen from the standpoint of Korean law (in terms of compliance with the principle of nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege, inhumane punishments, violation of the principle of equality, freedom of religion and expression, and low criminal responsibility age) and suggested an alternative plan to resolve them.
    Keyword: 이슬람 형법과 한국 형법의 비교
    Author: 이기헌
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    "일반 역사" 속에서의 오므리
    The Bible is the only book which contained a part of history of Israel. However, the authors of the Bible recorded Israel in a religious point of view rather than a historical point of view. They always mentioned that if the readers want to know more about achievements of kings then see the book of annals of the kings of Israel. Unfortunately, this book does not exist at present and it is hard to complete the history of Israel from an overview. Recently, historians, including Mario Liverani, have been working on archiving archaeological, literary, and historical sources in near eastern area in order to study the history of Israel. By such studies, we have been able to follow the political movements of the kings of Israel in “normal history”, not “invented history” made by the emphasis on religious achievements. Among the kings of the Kingdom of Israel, this paper intended to reconsider especially Omri (886-874 BC) in “normal history”. Omri was introduced to his life only in 14 verses (1 Kings 16: 15-28), and in the books of Chronicles only appeared once as the father of Athaliah (2 Chronicles 2:22). He was not even mentioned that he was the king of Israel. But Omri was the army commander who had the capacity to become a king by his followers and was the king who laid the foundation for his son Ahab’s political and economic development, even though it was a short 12-year reign. In addition, as already well known in the Assyrian records, his name is left as the house of Omri (bit-Humri), so his position should not be remembered only as the father of Ahab. As opposed to “the house of David,” the “house of Omri” used to be expressed as a representation of the religious fallen and evil kings in the Bible, but historically there was David in the Kingdom of Judah and there was Omri as the rebuilder in the Kingdom of Israel. Omri’s policies of the capital relocation, the marriage alliance, and territorial expansion have brought economic and cultural development along with the expansion of the political realm of Israel. Jehu, who lost the background of Omri’s royal family, was isolated from the international situation and eventually the northern kingdom of Israel had to collapse slowly after his reign.
    Keyword: 이스라엘 역사
    Author: 임미영
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    크세노폰의 "경영론"에 나타난 유토피아적 관점에 대한 小考
    Xenophone’s works have been considered a matter of interpretation and controversy, but it has been agreed that he was a true initiator of Socratic political ideals through a Socratic dialogue. In content, Xenophon’s approach differs from Plato’s one. In his early dialogues, Plato develops his protreptic ideas about the excellence(arete), but his approach lacks specific educational contents about the arete of leadership. Xenophon’s Oeconomicus has its relevance to education. This is precisely what Xenophon’s unique thought would constitute. It is significantly different from Plato’s Socrates. Xenophon’s political ideal is based on the nature of political order that lies in the relation between domination and obedience. ‘Domination’ is not a matter of compulsion but an exemplification of moral superiority whose position can be earned by gaining the respect of his citizen. His political ideal is, in a sense, utopian in the sense that a leadership depends on knowledge of what needs to be done and how to do it. It can be maintained by better education of arete. ‘Obedience’ is, therefore, founded on voluntary consent, the willingness to accept domination. It can be drawn from this discussion that an ideal leader for Xenophon has the divine character that cannot be found in ordinary people. His justification depends on a religious metaphor. Like a shepherd who watches over sheep, God cares for men and a political leader should care for his citizens. Political leaders should pay an ‘attention’(epimeleia) to his subjects. This was a foundation for Greek popular morality. It is important to see that the cultivation of the divine makes possible through the habituation of excellence whose cardinal virtue is devotion to self-control or ‘considerateness’(sophrosyne). This political virtue rests on the citizen’s free will, which is out of gratitude. Can we say that it is too idealistic to suppose the existence of such a terrific leader having this divine character or recognize him? History tells us that there were a number of daunting despots or seductive populists, whose conducts brought forth fatal consequences to their society. In this sense, Xenophon’s ignorance about demonic aspects of political power, its corruptibility, and its augmentative feature has been a matter of controversy. It is my claim, however, that it is not easy to distinguish between a terrific leader and a daunting empire builder.
    Keyword: 크세노폰, "경영론", 유토피아적 관점
    Author: 임성철
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    자끄 엘룰의 도시비판과 새로운 도시계획
    Jacques Ellul’s book, The Meaning of the City(1970), a biblical study of cities from Genesis to Revelation and widely recognized as one of the most important twentieth century theological reflections on the city, was one of his most controversial scholarly contributions. Many urbanists interpreted the book as demeaning the city and diminishing the importance of urban policy, planning, design, architecture, and activism at a time when cities around the world had experience profound crises. But following Ellul’s critique of New Urbanism on the grounds of technology, I show how his work also critiques New Urbanism on the grounds of theology. New Urbanism is by far the most significant theory of town planning since Modernist visions of urban form in the early 20th century. Here, I assess New Urbanism through the lens of Jacques Ellul’s The Technological Society(1954) and The Meaning of the City. This article reexamines The Meaning of the City and its relevance to twenty-first century urbanism.
    Keyword: 자끄 엘룰, 도시 계획
    Author: 최창모
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Henri Curiel: A jewish Egyptian Dedicated to Peace and Socialism
    This paper studies the life and times of Henri Curiel, a Jewish Egyptian who led the creation and development of the communist movement in Egypt in the twentieth century. Curiel was of such importance in Egypt that he is still remembered there today, despite the polarization between Arabs and Jews over the Palestine Question and the state of Israel, and despite Curiel’s deportation in 1950 and his assassination at the hands of unknown killers, in France, a full quarter of a century later, in 1978. The paper traces Curiel’s origins to Spain, where his family was driven out by the Inquisition, moving to Italy, and later to Egypt in the early 1800s. This paper explores Curiel’s personal motives in Egyptianizing himself, despite belonging to a wealthy Jewish merchant family, and in becoming a top Marxist mass-organizer, despite coming from a small minority and speaking Arabic very poorly. It studies his character, from his charisma to his controlling tendency to dominate all groups in which he was active. Finally, the paper reviews the Arabic writings of others about Curiel, especially his contemporaries’ writings on his Egyptian activities, also including his subsequent decades as an international anti-colonialist revolutionary. Drawing on the author’s unique Japanese perspective, the paper also includes a most insightful look at Curiel, the internationalist, as seen through the eyes of a visiting Japanese peace activist, who sought his aid from the other side of the globe.
    Keyword: A jewish Egyptian Dedicated to Peace and Socialism
    Author: Eiji Nagasawa
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    아가한 건축상과 남아시아 현대 이슬람 건축의 이해
    The Aga Khan Award for Architecture is one of the endeavors led by the Aga Khan IV, the hereditary Imam of Nizari Ismailis who form the second-largest branch of Shia Islam. Initiated in 1977 and awarded every three years, the last Award was presented in 2013, with its prestige rivalling the annual Pritzker Architecture Prize. However, while the Aga Khan Award for Architecture rewards projects which demonstrate architectural excellence and respond to their social, economic, technical, physical, and environmental challenges, it also emphasizes a heightened awareness of the roots and essence of Muslim culture, as well as the potential to stimulate related developments elsewhere in the Muslim world. This article examines the awardees of South Asia, focusing on three examples: the Mughal Sheraton Hotel, Agra; Sher-e Bangla Nagar or the National Assembly Building, Dhaka; and the Grameen Bank Housing Program of Bangladesh. Through these examples, I argue that the Award has been responsive to the history and plights of South Asian Muslims; however, I argue its emphasis on Mughal heritage has discouraged further development and understanding of contemporary Islamic architecture and its vocabulary in South Asia.
    Keyword: 이슬람 건축
    Author: 구하원
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    중앙아시아 자디드 운동과 러시아 혁명
    The primary focus in this article is the intellectual and political trajectory of Central Asian intellectuals, the ``Jadids," from 1917 to 1920. Through a close reading of several key texts by Jadids, we seek to outline the Jadids`` shift from reform to revolution in this period. The revolution marked a turning point in the history of Central Asian Jadidism. Three years following 1917 were the period of intense upheaval during which the entire social and political order in the former Russian empire was reconstructed in a multifaceted struggle of various social groups. For the Jadids these period was transformative of both their world view and their strategies. They succeeded in becoming active agents in the contests over the reestablishment of state order in Central Asia, in which the future of Central Asia was defined. When the exclusionary policies of the Tashkent Soviet changed under pressure from the central government, a remarkable concatenation of circumstances allowed the Jadids to first enter, and then briefly take over the new institutions of power being created by the Soviet regime in Turkestan. Although the attempt was unsuccessful, the state had come to play a significant role in Jadid strategies. Although the Jadids continued to blame ignorance for the ills of their society, and struggles in the realm of culture and education remained at the forefront of their agenda, they had realized that new methods were required in the new era. Years of exhortation had produced scanty results. As Soviet attitudes changed, the Jadids came to see the state not as an enemy but as an instrument of change. The new regime was quite different from the old, and presented its own opportunities and constraints. Jadid strategies accordingly shifted in the years after 1917. The revolution provided the chance for a politicized and radicalized cultural elite to win control of the destiny of the nation. Since autumn 1917, earlier Jadid exhortations to seek admonition from the "civilized" nations of Europe gave a way to a bitter anti-imperialism. This anti-imperialism had its own revolutionary logic, one in which class was replaced by nation and which shared fully in the iconoclastic mood of the moment. The Jadids found much to admire in the Bolsheviks and their methods.
    Keyword: 자디드 운동, 러시아 혁명
    Author: 손영훈
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아랍의 봄'과 사우디아라비아의 정치개혁
    This paper reviews the political reform processes in Saudi Arabia since 1990s mainly focusing on the period under the King Abdullah``s rule. And then it analyzes the responses and political reform efforts of the Saudi government after the ‘Arab Spring.’ It also discusses the petition movements for the political reform in Saudi Arabia which have intensified after the Arab Spring and explores the consequences for the Saudi political reforms. The author argues that Islamists and liberal elites demanded political reforms such as political liberalization, expansion of participation and political openness after the 9/11 in 2001 and the Saudi government had responded to the pressure positively taking an incremental political liberalization strategy with the carrot and stick policy. One of the symbolic liberalization measures was the municipal election, held in 2005. This study found that Saudi ruling family``s response to the ``Arab Spring`` was a preemptive counter-revolutionary strategy which combined a harsh repression of political challengers and co-optation with a package of social welfare subsidies and financial inducements. The first positive response of the Saudi ruling family to the political reform pressure after the ``Arab Spring`` was the municipal elections, held on 22 September 2011. And in September 2011, King Abdullah granted women the right to vote in the 2015 municipal election. As another positive measure to the political reform pressure, the King Abdullah appointed 30 women to the previously all-male 150 members Majlis al-Shura (Consultative Council) in January 2013. In the concluding chapter, the author argues that the factors which have contributed to the relative political stability in Saudi Arabia, compared to Tunisia and Egypt, are 1) vast government financial reserves of the Saudi government, 2) the effectiveness of the state``s coercive apparatus, 3) well-developed patron-client networks, 4) division of the reform camp between liberals and Islamists, 5) conservative and religious education system, and 6) traditional and conservative ethical norms of the Saudi society. He also argues that the positive factors for the political liberalization are as follows: 1) the currents of political liberalization process in Saudi Arabia since 1990s even though it is incremental, 2) the strengthening trend of the functions of Majlis al-Shura (Consultative Council), 3) the growth of Saudi civil society such as human rights NGOs, 4) the growth of the horizontal communications means of the social networking space, and 5) influx of human and material resources and information from the international community.
    Keyword: 아랍의 봄
    Author: 최영철
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Panzar and Rosse H-통계 모형으로 살펴본 GCC 은행산업 경쟁 현황 분석
    This paper examines the level of market competition in the emerging GCC banking industry that is leading the world economy. In addition, it explores the growth and competitiveness of the islamic and commercial banks in the GCC. In doing so, this paper, in practice, employs the PR H-statistics model as well as 11 peer group analysis in identifying the level of market concentration in the GCC banking industry. The main finding of this research is that both the islamic banking industry and the commercial banking industry are competitive. This result corresponds to the Gini index of net income, total asset, operating income to turnover, and market capitalization, which are measured by the Lorenz curve tool. As such, the author strongly recommends Korean domestic banks to take the simultaneous strategy in employing ‘exploitation’ and ‘exploration’ approaches. The former concerns the resource commitment aiming at the increase in banks’ profitability in foreign markets. The latter emphasizes the significance of seeking the potential growth engine for the future beyond the current survival in markets.
    Keyword: 은행사업
    Author: 양오석
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    현대 아제르바이잔어에서의 시간관련 표현 연구
    This paper suggests that aspect is more basic category in Azerbaijani than tense. In summary, Azerbaijani appears to have five distinct markers for aspect: the perfect of direct experience {-di}1, the perfect of indirect experience {-mis}1, the progressive {-(y)ir}, the prospective {-(y)AcAQ}, and the habitual/iterative {-(A)r}. These considerations lead to the view that the present tense receives zero marking in Azerbaijani. This proposal is certainly one which needs further investigation, particularly in view of the formal asymmetry between the past and the non-past is aspect marking, with there being no aspectually unmarked present tense in Azerbaijani. In conclusion, I hope that this paper, in raising some questions as well as answering some, has revealed the necessity for more systematic analyses of the thense-aspect-mood system in Azerbaijani within a perspective not determined by the categories of the Indo-European languages, in order to explain the intricacies of a most interesting system.
    Keyword: 아제르바이잔어
    Author: 연규석
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    코란 한역 비교 연구 2
    This is a part of the study of Koran translated to Korean. This study concentrates on some problems in the versions translated from Arabic to Korean. The problems happened from the differences between Arabic and Korean, especially in the structure or the range of the meaning of the word. To study these, this article is composed as following. 1. Introduction 2. Comparison between the 4 translated Koran in Korean 3. Translation in Korean 4. Conclusion
    Keyword: 코란
    Author: 이영태
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    타우피크 알하킴의 제3 언어에 관한 연구
    The Egyptian playwright Tawfiq al-Hakim was known as an advocate and founder of the Third Language in modern Arabic play. This type of language was, for al-Hakim, a compromising solution for the standard Arabic Fusha, and the colloquial Ammiyah. In al-Safqa, published in 1956, al-Hakim clarified that the Arab theater faced a major challenge because of the disparity between Fusha and Ammiyah. He thought that Fusha, the written Arabic, was too formal that it could not convey the vividness of everyday life of ordinary people. Ammiyah was more lifelike than Fusha and was able to comprehend the character``s personal traits, social status and education, but it fell under geographic and temporal limits. Al-Hakim proclaimed that what he called the Third Language would fill the gap, since it would be understood as Fusha when reading, and as Ammiyah when pronouncing. Al-Hakim moved forward further through his play al-Warta which was printed in 1966. The paper described the issues of diglossia in Arab society and the use of colloquial languages in modern Arabic literature, particularly in the dialogue of the novel and play. The paper excerpted sentences from above-mentioned plays of al-Hakim to compare the features of the Third Language with that of Fusha and Ammiyah. The paper pointed out that al-Hakim``s Third Language had its own merits; easier and simpler than Fusha. The language, however, lacked naturalness, because it had been a fruit of the writer``s intention and deliberation. It would be hard to say that al-Hakim``s experiment was a success, for he could not find companions who share the mission, but his Third Language should be recognized as a positive initiative to reach a balance between social reality and literary means.
    Keyword: 타우피크 알하킴의 언어
    Author: 박재원
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Italian Literature
    유럽에서의 "천일야화" 번역 과정 연구
    This paper studies on the history of process of 『The Thousand and One Nights』 translations in Europe. In the 17th century, Europe began to concern about orient as a romantic region. So, many of Europeans traveled orient, and they recorded customs, traditions and cultures of their visiting countries. They wrote books about orient and introduced to Europeans. In this time, the most important book, which has influenced on European was『The Arabian Nights』. Antoine Galland(1646-1715) was the first European translator of 『The Arabian Nights』. He published the first two volumes of 『Les Mille et une nuits』in 1704 and the twelfth and final volume in 1717. And then in England two writers translated 『The Arabian Nights』by English language. They were Edward William Lane(1801-1876) and Richard F. Burton(1821-1890). Lane translated Bulaq version of 『The Thousand and One Nights』and published『The Arabian Nights』in 1838-1841. Burton translated CalcuttaⅡ version and published『The Arabian Nights』in 1885 by the ten volumes and he added six volumes in 1886-1888. In France, Joseph Charles Mardrus translated Bulaq version and North Africa version of 『The Arabian Nights』and published sixteen volumes in 1899-1904. In Spanish Andalus was considered to bridge of transformation of arabian literature into Europe in medieval ages. So 『The Arabian Nights』 was circulated in medieval Europe by the name of 『Sendebar』. This book was generally known as the『Libro de los enganos』in spanish version, and the latin version by 『Libre de septem sapientibus』.
    Keyword: "천일야화" 번역
    Author: 이종화
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    사우디아라비아 석유정책이 제2차 석유파동에 미친 영향
    It is generally believed that the increasing political instability in Iran in late 1978 and the consequent Islamic Revolution in 1979 caused the second oil shock in the world oil market. Although these political events in Iran increased the instability of the world oil market, their impact on skyrocketing oil prices was limited. When we look into the world oil market during this period in detail, it was Saudi Arabia, which gave market forces opportunities to agitate the world oil market by skyrocketing oil prices. In the first half of 1979, Saudi oil policy was deviated from its long-term economic interests in maximizing oil wealth through price moderation mainly due to short-term political exigencies. During this period, Saudi Arabia had two main political concerns, the political unrest in Iran and the conflict in Yemen. The Saudi government needed to appease the new Iranian government and tried to show its amicable attitude towards its oil policy. On the other hand as the skirmishes between the Yemen Arab Republic and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen erupted into a full scale war by February 1979, diplomatic cooperation from Iraq and Syria was needed to achieve the cease-fire. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia tried to press the US to change its controversial foreign policy in the Middle East based on the Camp David Accords. All these political considerations in early 1979 reflected on Saudi Arabia’s oil policy by reducing its oil production and raising oil prices. However, politically motivated Saudi oil policy aggravated a tighter world oil market and the consequent rising oil prices in the spot market with the growing influence of market forces over the world oil market mainly contributed to the second oil shock.
    Keyword: 석유정책, 석유파동
    Author: 송상현
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이슬람국가와 알-카에다의 이념적 그리고 전략적 차이
    The ‘establishment’ of Khalifa system by Islamic State (IS) will generate long-term instability in the Middle East. IS is an Sunni extremist organization which has a clear difference with the conventional Jihadist groups like al-Qaeda. IS and other Islamist groups have a similar ultimate goal of building an Islamic state, but they have different strategies and methodologies. The major targets of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda is ‘far enemy,’ i.e., the West led by the US and Israel, IS has prioritize ‘near enemy’ rather than 'far enemy’ cleansing the Muslim community. While Al-Qaeda seeks a ‘defensive jihad’ to protect the Islamic world from the threat posed the West, IS has combined the ‘defensive’ with ‘offensive jihad.’ IS has resorted to a strategy of building Islamic state to remove non-Islamic elements in the Middle East. This study explores how much ideology and strategy between al-Qaeda and IS are different. Despite the fact that the two radical Islamist organizations have utilized the religion of Islam to justify their activities and atrocities, this research assumes that IS, which declared the establishment of Khalifa state, has more assertively put the emphasis on its territorial domination and governance than al-Qaeda did. In order to demonstrate the ideological and strategic difference between the two organizaton, this study analyzed the speeches made by the main leaders of the two groups, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Osama bin Laden. The texts in the speeches of the two leaders were analyzed through the KH Coder. The result of the analysis showed considerable differences in word usage and co-occurrence networks.
    Keyword: 테러
    Author: 서경민
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    영국의 팔레스타인 위임통치와 시온주의프로젝트
    This article analyzes the Zionists Project of British Mandate to elucidate the cause of the current Israeli/Palestinian Conflicts. During the Mandate period(1920-1948), The British government created the racial discrimination in Palestine as supporting the Jewish-Zionists, Immigrants and excluding Muslim?Christian-Arabs, Natives. The British government and Zionists were the major collaborators to control Palestine as keeping and strengthening the racial discrimination policies. In the result, the current unstable political structure in Palestine was established by British Mandate policies. The purpose of British Zionists Projects was for British to control the strategic location, Palestine and they expressly presented the construction of the Jewish State for Jewish people as the goal. During the Mandate period, Muslim?Christian-Arabs, Natives continued to resist the Zionists Projects involving Jewish massive immigration to Palestine and organized the strong Arab Revolts. As the response to the Arab Revolts, the British Mandate organized the Haycraft Commission of 1921, the Shaw Commission of 1930, the Peel Commission of 1936 and announced Churchill White Paper of 1922, the Passfield White Paper of 1930, MacDonald White Paper of 1939. In this process, there were some advances and retreats of Zionists Projects. But finally, in 1948 Zionists incapacitated Palestinian Arab Natives nearly completely and achieved the goal of Zionism, the construction of the Jewish State, Israel in Palestine.
    Keyword: 위임통치, 시온주의프로젝트
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍 지역 마케팅 환경 및 전략에 관한 연구 - 마케팅 사례를 통한 분석 -
    With the growth of the Arab economy, the interest of the Arab Region has increased in South Korea In addition, many South Korean companies are advancing to the Arab region, and this is also increasing the interest of the marketing environment and strategy in the Arab region. However, research on the marketing environment and the strategy to the Arab region still lacks in South Korea. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present an improvement plan for future marketing activities in the Arab region by collecting various examples of companies in Arab region and by analyzing the success or failure causes of the cases. To collect the stories, we analyzed many marketing cases on various industries such as electronics, fashion, cosmetic, service, culture, and retail. And through these examples, we derived the problems and studied the solutions. We hope this paper to be a small cornerstone of the studies of Arab regions’ marketing environment and strategy.
    Keyword: 마케팅
    Author: 이일영
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    A Modern Approach to al-Malakah al-Lisāniyyah in Ibn Khaldun
    본 연구의 목적은 이븐 칼둔의 언어연구에서 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있는 al-Malakah al-Lis?niyyah 즉 ‘언어적 자질 또는 능력’을 현대적으로 재해석하는 것이다. al-Malakah al-Lis?niyyah 는 이븐 칼둔이 그의 저서 『역사 서설』에서 언어습득과 관련하여 제시한 개념으로, 언어의 습득은 외형적인 행위로 보이지만 그것을 가능하게 하는 것은 언어적 자질 즉, al-Malakah al-Lis?niyyah 에 의한 반복적 연습으로 이루어진다는 개념이다. 이븐 칼둔은 인간사회에서 문화가 형성되는 것은 사회 구성원들의 al-Malakah 즉 '특정 자질‘이 지속적 연습 또는 교육을 통해 기술craft 의 형태로 발전됨으로써 가능하다고 보았고 이를 바탕으로 우월한 형태의 국가가 형성된다고 주장했다. 그는 al-Malakah 를 정신적 형태로 간주했고 인간의 본유적인 자질로 보았다. 그의 이러한 주장이 현대에서 주목을 받는 것은 현대 언어학의 언어습득 이론과 공통점을 공유하기 때문이다. 현대 언어학은 언어습득이 본유적 언어 능력을 바탕으로 특정 언어사회에서 반복되는 습관행위 즉, 후천적 교육을 통해 가능하다고 보고 있다. 이러한 주장은 촘스키Chomsky의 언어습득 이론에서도 잘 나타나 있다. 촘스키는 언어습득과정을 보편적 언어능력을 바탕으로 각 언어의 개별문법을 습득하는 것으로 간주했다. 본 논문에서는 이븐 칼둔의 al-Malakah al-Lis?niyyah 의 개념을 현대 언어학의 언어습득과정을 통해 비교함으로써 그 공통성을 입증하는데 주력할 것이다. 특히 이븐 칼둔의 언어에 대한 관점과 이를 통한 al-Malakah al-Lis?niyyah의 개념에 대한 정확한 정의를 현대 언어학적 측면에서 고찰하고 그의 언어관을 조명하고자 한다.
    Keyword: 이븐 칼둔
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2015
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    이슬람주의자 위협의 예방 - 과격 이슬람주의에 대한 관제종교기관의 대응
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    서구 사상과 이슬람사상에서의 여성, 그리고 제3세계 이론의 입장
    Author: 조희선
    Poblication Year: 2002
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    중세 이슬람 정치사상과 칼리파제
    Author: 손주영
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Human Geography
    예언자 무함마드의 다처관연구 - 이슬람적 입장에서
    Author: 최영길
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    꾸란 한역에 있어서의 문제점 - 암소의 장을 중심으로
    Author: 이영태
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    이슬람법의 현실적 적용에 관한 연구 - 9.11 참사를 중심으로
    Author: 이원삼
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Israel History
    바하이교의 역사적 개관 - 19세기 중동에서 태어나 ‘세계종교’가 되기까지
    Author: 김영경
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    美-이스라엘 間 '特別한 關係(Special Relationship)'와 팔레스타인 平和
    Author: 이종택
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    이슬람 세계와 이자금지
    Author: 한덕규
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍어 읽기의 선행학습 연구
    Author: 김종도
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍어 듣기전략과 교수법에 대한 연구
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍어의 음운규칙 연구
    Author: 박재양
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍어 신문을 활용한 아랍어 교육- 초급단계 학습자를 중심으로
    Author: 공지현
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    니자르 깝바니의 작품세계
    Author: 임병필
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    꾸란 정음법 연구
    Author: 최영길
    Poblication Year: 2003
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    한국어에서의 아랍어 차용어에 대한 고찰
    Author: 이규철
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍어 주격연구 - 주격작용소를 중심으로
    Author: 이영택
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    예멘 구어체 아랍어의 발전과정과 사나방언의 음운적 특성에 대한 연구
    Keyword: 예멘구어체아랍어, 티하마 방언, k-방언, 사나방언, 사나방언의 음운적 특징
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    쿠웨이트방언의 음운 연구
    Keyword: 음운론적 현상, 자음, 모음, 음운 변종
    Author: 박재양
    Poblication Year: 2004
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    바빌론의 함무라비 왕
    이 저작은 함무라비라는 인물에 대해 관심을 가진 모든 독자층이 쉽게 읽을수 있는 좋은 입문서이다. 이 저작 이외에 더 함무라비에 대해서 알고 싶은 사람은 도미니크 샤르팡이 쓴 함무라비 왕에 대한 전기를 읽어보아도 좋을 듯하다. 이 전기는 먼저 2003년에 프랑스어7)로 쓰였다가 2012년에 영어번역본8)이 출간되었다. 작가가 고대 바빌론시기의 전문가인 관계로 좀 더 세세한 문화사적인 설명이 나와 있다. 당시의 1차 사료를 보고 싶은 독자는 울프강 하임펠9)의 마리왕에게 보낸 편지들이라는 책을 보는 것도 좋을 듯하다. 전문서적으로 1차적으로 프랑스어로만 번역되어 있었던 마리에서 출토된 문서들을 처음으로 영어로 번역한 저서여서 그 의미가 큰 서적이다. 함무라비 법전 전문이 궁금한 독자는 마르타 로트의 메소포타미아와 소아시아의 법전들이라는 서적10)을 참고하면 좋을 듯하다. 법전들의 음역과 영어번역이 소개되어있다
    Author: 김아리
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    철 기술 전파로 본 사하라 무역로의 역할과 지중해와 서아프리카 수단 지역 문명의 교류
    Although recorded data and archaeological excavations are not sufficient, the West African Sudanese region had early contacts with the Mediterranean, North African, and Sahara deserts through Greek, Latin, Arabic historical records and ancient Saharan rock art. In addition, access to camels made it possible for the Sahara trade routes to develop and for the three civilizations to develop exchange. The iron technology that was introduced into the Mediterranean and North Africa appears to have been transmitted through the Trans- Saharan trade routes to the Western Sudan. The Phoenicians brought iron knowledge to North Africa, especially to today’s Tunisia and Libya, passing through Carthage the “passage of knowledge” crossing over the Sahara Desert to the Western Sudan.Those who brought iron technology to the Western Sudan region were the Garamantes and Berbers who traveled through the Trans-Saharan Trade Route. They were able to deliver iron technology since the Trans-Saharan trade routes connected the Mediterranean, North Africa and Western Sudan regions. These areas were not isolated but were connected and carrying out exchanges. Hence, this paper refutes the argument that claims ‘Africa has no history’ or ‘African history is excluded from the center of world history.’ It also seeks to identify from the Afrocentrism perspective that the North African and Western Sudan civilization were not on the periphery of the Mediterranean civilization and they should be duly evaluated as an African civilization and even as a part of world civilization.
    Keyword: ron Technology, Trans-Sahara Trade Route, North Africa, Western Sudan, Mediterranean, 철 기술, 사하라 무역로, 북아프리카, 서아프리카 수단 문명, 지중해
    Author: 김광수 ( Kim Kwang-su )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Journalism & Broadcasting
    독일의 언론보도가 난민 정책변화에 미친 영향과 시사점
    This study provides important insights into German press culture during a crucial period of agenda-setting for today’s refugee and asylum crisis. It explores how German news coverage had an impact on asylum policy change and its implications for Korean asylum policy. Two terrible accidents, in November 2015 Paris terror attack and sexual assaults against the women on 2016 New Year’s Eve firework night in Cologne, which rapidly inflamed German domestic public opinion towards the refugees. Even before these accidents German press played a pivotal role in having bad effects on German’s perceptions of the refugees. German domestic politics were deeply influenced by press news coverage as well as German public opinions, whereupon far-right anti-immigrant party AfD won seats not only in general election but also in German federal election(Bundestagswahl). The end result is that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was forced to compromise with Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on reforming asylum policy. There are two implications for Korea: one is in the long term perspective, reorganizing asylum law in order to provide the refugees various aids as well as preparing a comprehensive amylum policy and the other is improving the skeptical images of the asylums. To this end it is very important for Korean government to cooperate with the mass media.
    Keyword: Asylum Policy, Germany, Syrian Refugee, Press, EU, Public Opinion, 비호정책, 독일, 시리아 난민, 신문, 유럽연합, 여론
    Author: 성일광
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    율리아누스의 정치적 부상에 관한 연구(355-361년)
    Julianus was Caesar who ruled Galia under Roman Multi Ruler System when the Roman empire has been reorganized in the middle of fourth century by Constantius II. In the end of 355 he was sent to Galia by Constantius which was exposed to the invasions of German tribes. Basically Constantius intended to make him as a vassal who should act like a spokesman. Although Julianus was unexperienced young man in the politics nevertheless he established his solid power base in Galia. This is noticed in several phases. Firstly till the year of 357 namely in the first station of his career in Galia he proved his ability as military leader through battle experiences and was successful in gaining the supports of Galian soldiers. Especially the great victory against the German tribes at Argentartum became the ground basis for his military hegemony. The next phase was the struggle with the Preafectus Florentius. Here he overcame him in the policy of taxation and grain supply and this success became his stable basis in the governance of Galia. Constantius sided with Julianus in those policies in the end. Then the decisive event happened in the early 360. Constantius ordered many parts of Galian army to be moved to the Persian front in order to compensate the hard military state there. But Julianus made use of the psychological state of those soldiers, and he did not comply to the order but stood for the Galian soldiers that would not move. Thereafter he required to be Augustus for Galia but Constantius rejected. Finally Julianus declared the war against Constantius relying on Galian support. He mobilized his army quickly and was very successful till all the territory of late Constans was occupied for him. When the early career of Julianus is observed we come to know that he was being made well as both an able leader and military commander. He understood the military mind of his soldiers, and had the competence to transform it for his base so that his status could be raised to Augustus. Moreover he was the person who had not only the ability executing the policy but also persuasive talent. Galia was therefore a good field for him in the sense of self development. The experience as Caesar there brought him to be recognized as Augustus later. His potential leadership and commanding of the army became the source which led his military mutiny to the success.
    Keyword: Julianus, Constantius II, Caesar in Galia, Military and Civil Policy, Leadership, 율리아누스, 콘스탄티우스 2세, 갈리아의 카이사르, 군사적-민사적 정책, 지도력
    Author: 손태창 ( Son Tae-chang )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Turkish Literature
    터키 알레비 통합당의 창당과정에 관한 연구
    The purpose of this study is to examine the process of the formation of the Alevi’ Unity Party in Turkey. The Political and social mobilizations in 1960s played crucial role in the formation of the Unity Party of the Alevi in Turkey. On October 1966, a denominational party, called the Unity Party was created for the Alevi in Turkey. In 1969, in its first general election, the Unity Party gained 2.8% of the valid votes and eight MPs. In 1969, the Unity party was renamed the Unity Party of Turkey. In 1973 election, the Unity Party of Turkey took advantage of the absence of any socialist party and allied with a group of socialist. Depite that, it obtained only 1.1% of the votes and disappeared completely from Parliament after the 1997 election, where it obtained only 0.4% of the votes. The Unity Party of Turkey was a representative of the ideology of a denominational community. The Alevis were too socially and economically differentiated to gather in a party whose program had for single originality an Alevi symbolic. Aleviness could not reach to the place occupied by orthodox Islam in political discourse and the Alevis did not succeed in transforming their religious system into a mobilizing political ideology.
    Keyword: Turkey, Alevi, The Unity Party, The Unity Party of Turkey, Mobilization, 터키, 알레비, 통합당, 터키통합당, 동원
    Author: 우덕찬
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Jewish philosophy
    이스라엘 유대인사회의 종족성과 정체성
    This article examines the formation of ethnic group and identities in Jewish Israeli society, drawing the case of Yemenite Jews in Rehovoth. Since the establishment of State of Israel in 1948, there have been mass immigrations from all over the world, particularly from Muslim countries. Faced with the task of integrating different groups into a new Israeli Jew, the Israeli government attempted to legitimize the Zionist ideal of Judaization and De-Arabization. In the course of nation-building project, early Jewish European settlers attempted to distinguish themselves from Jews from Muslim countries, labelling them as Mizrahim. Those immigrants from MENA confronted with social discrimination, especially in housing, education, and employment. While such ethnic discrimination initiated the consciousness of ethno-class among MENA Jews, Yemenite Jews have formed an ethnic identity as a counter-collective against the Israeli mainstream society. The immigration of Yemenite Jews began in the beginning of 20th century when they were recruited as manual labor for Zionist settlers. In Rehovoth Yemenites built their own society based on their residential neighborhoods. Although different Yemenites groups there have formed separated communities based on their place of origin in Yemen and their residential place over several decades, Yemenite identity as a homogenous group has formed in response to resist against the oppressive control of bureaucratic administration and racial discrimination. While political ethnicity has been used to negotiate rights and equality among the Yemenites, the Yemenite identity also has been shaped and reproduced through their everyday experiences in relation with wider society. Notably, the ethnic category is being reinforced in a new form of cultural ethnicity. Although the ‘Levant’ culture that Yemenite Jews brought with them was officially subject to be deleted from the Euro-centric and Zionist norms, Yemenite Jews utilize their cultural elements to reinforce their ethnic identity as ‘Yemenites’. Significantly, the identities of Israeli and Jewish nation are intersected with Yemenite ethnic identity.
    Keyword: Israel, Ethnic identity, Yemenite Jew, Immigration policy, Modernization, 이스라엘, 종족정체성, 예멘유대인, 이민정책, 근대화
    Author: 임안나 ( Lim An Na )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    아불라피아가 바라 본 지중해와 인간
    아불라피아가 내세운 지중해 역사 서술의 주된 관점 위대한 바다의 전체 구성 및 내용 위대한 바다에 담긴 지중해 역사 서술의 학술적 관점
    Author: 임성철 ( Rhim Sung-chul )
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Human Geography
    현대 이탈리아 내러티브가 그리는 이주민과 문화 지리학
    The films, < Saimir > and < Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti > examined in this paper makes readers ponder on how to treat them in the rapid increase of encountering others in the present-day society. One may give others a wide berth and exclude them out of fear for strangers and sometimes ignore and discriminate others with a sense of superiority on oneself (or own group), not allowing others to take the same position. Even if others’ same status is allowed, one may demand others to assimilate based on the premise of abandoning their original identity and accept the identity of the majority group. Moreover, one may show tolerance by accepting the physical existence of others and allowing them to maintain their original identity. Since tolerance is based on the dispensation of the subject, however, it can always be withdrawn depending on how the subject thinks which makes tolerance very patriarchal and authoritative, and the target of tolerance of such an unstable position. Hospitality refers to the attitude of accepting others’ identity as well as opening up the possibility for the subject’s identity to change by encountering with others. As the number of migrants in the Italian society has exceeded one million, the center and outskirts of the Italian cities have witnessed the rise of new spaces, structures, and systems created by the migrants to Italy. As a result, their migration patterns are changing the cultural identity of Italy. This paper addresses the ‘space’ and ‘otherness’ of Italy where migrants build relationships as well as the limitations and gender issues of the subjects, and concludes with a research on the mobility of ‘physical body’ and ‘space’ beyond the analysis of migrants’ collective experience.
    Keyword: Immgrant, Italian film, cultural geography, Saimir, Munzi, T. Giordano, Mediterranean, Derrida, 이주민, 이탈리아영화, 문화지리학, <사미르>, 문치, 조르다노, 지중해, 데리다
    Author: 김희정 ( Kim Hee-jung )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    『바에나 가요집』 (1430년경)에 나타난 15세기 스페인 시문학 장르 용어 연구
    The Songbook of Juan Alfonso de Baena (c.1430) illustrates the fifteenth century Castilian typology of poetic genres. As Brian Dutton indicated in his important research (1982) on fifteenth century Spanish poetic genres, it is not easy to establish stable criteria for the classification of the various genres (i.e. dezir, pregunta, proçesso, etc.) because of the ambivalent functions of both rubric title and genre. In the Cancionero de Baena, there is a constant tendency to determine the poetic genre in question not on the basis of a literary work’s formal structure but of its compositional purpose. I believe that this type of genre classification came about due to the assimilation of various poetic styles into literary works that persisted from the early part of the rule of the House of Trastámara at least until the beginning of the 16th century. In this study, I attempt to analyze the newly-emerging typology of genres seen in the Cancionero de Baena, with particular focus on the two following questions: what were the main reasons that led to the need for this new form of genre classification and these new genre terms, and how can we explain the assimilation and intermingling of literary styles that we can observe in most of the poems compiled in this Castilian songbook?
    Keyword: 15th-century Spanish poetry, genre terms, genre classification, Castilian poetic genre, Cancionero de Baena, Juan Alfonso de Baena, 스페인 15세기 시문학, 문학 장르 용어, 문학 장르 분류, 카스티야 시 장르, 바에나 가요집, 후안 알폰소 데 바에나
    Author: 백승욱 ( Baik Seung-wook )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    중세 ‘형이상학’의 여정
    The name ‘ontology’ is a word coined by modern philosophers. For many years, philosophers used the name ‘metaphysics’ instead of ‘ontology.’ But the name ‘metaphysics’ did not have a clear definition, and the metaphysical discussion in Aristotle’s book ‘metaphysics’ was not clear. The philosophers of medieval Islam attempted to solve this problem. Avicenna, a medieval Muslim philosopher, argued that ‘being qua being’ or ‘being in general (ens commune)’ is a proper object of metaphysics. For him, ‘metaphysics’ is ‘ontology.’ Medieval Muslim philosophers such as Averroes rejected this view of Avicenna. Averroes saw ‘metaphysics’ as ‘natural theology.’ Is the object of metaphysics ‘being in common’ or ‘God’? Is ‘metaphysics’ ‘ontology’ or ‘natural theology’? The medieval European philosopher Albertus Magnus tried to solve this problem on the side of Avicenna. He thought God cannot be a proper object of metaphysics made of human reason, because God is only the object of faith and can not be the object of rational thought. After the long hardships of medieval philosophers, modern philosophers no longer wondered whether metaphysics was an ontology or a natural theology. Modern philosophers did not think metaphysics was one of these two branches; they thought it was a study that included both. To this end, they began to call metaphysics, which studies ‘being qua being’ or ‘being in general’, ‘Generalis Metaphysica’, and created a new name for metaphysics, ‘ontology’. And metaphysics, which studies existences such as ‘God’, began to be called ‘Specialis Metaphysica’. The result of this modern philosophy is the result of the difficult journey of medieval metaphysics. This paper does not simply see medieval metaphysics history as a conflict between ‘ontology’ and ‘natural theology’, but rather it tries to show that the conflict is a journey toward modern metaphysics. Medieval philosophers had already done academic acts on ‘being in general’; there was simply no proper name for them. But modern philosophers have made that proper name, and the name metaphysics has become more clear. And this paper also shows that medieval Muslim philosophers play a major role in all these journeys.
    Keyword: Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Metaphysics, Medieval Ontology, Medieval Islamic Philosophy, Aristoteles, Avicenna, Averroes, Albertus Magnus, 중세철학, 중세형이상학, 중세존재론, 중세이슬람철학, 아리스토텔레스, 아비첸나, 아베로에스, 알베르투스 마뉴스
    Author: 유대칠 ( Yu Dae-chil )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    프랑스 이민자의 시간제 고용
    The employment of immigrants shows us the characteristics generalized about their labor condition. It’s of a stratification and categorization of immigrants according to the level of education, sex and region. Actually, part-time employment is mostly a characteristic of a social neglected class of people such as women, immigrants(future generations), young men and old men. The immigrant part-time employment is introduced in the economic activity in order to increase the employment raw and diminish unemployment raw. The policy of the immigrant part-time employment is determined by a social charge and a need of economic activity. This article examines, through the immigrant part-time employment, a social inequality of an immigrant group according to the structure of an employment condition. An official statistic in France and an international organization(OECD and EU) will be used to define the employment, unemployment situation and the characteristic of immigrant labor reality. This article helps us to understand an unequal structure of immigrant labor system and give a meaning to the contradiction of the employment structure.
    Keyword: France, Part-time Employment, Immigrants, Europe, Employment Policy, 프랑스, 시간제 고용, 이민자, 유럽, 고용 정책
    Author: 임지영 ( Lim Ji-young )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    미노스 문명의 ‘신성 뿔’과 달의 신
    The so called Horns of Consecration are impressively found all over Crete. However, it is not yet clear what this meant. There are many views and interpretations of this, such as the actual horns of bull, or the sun or mountains. This article tries to examine the meaning of the horns in the context of the cultural exchange surrounding the ancient Mediterranean and Orient, noting that the Horns of Consecration appeared not only on the island of Crete, but also from Cyprus to the Arabian Peninsula. In short, this paper concludes that the Horns of Consecration was deeply related to the actual bull’s horns, and was not without relation to the mountains or the sun, but was ultimately a symbol of the Moon god(called Nanna, Ninurta, Suen, Sin etc.), the most important god of ancient Mesopotamia who was regarded as a recipient of political power and a god of prosperity and abundance. And the representative symbols of the Moon god were crescent or bull (& ox horns), as evidenced by literature and iconography. The rulers of that time when nature, religion, and politics were inseparably entangled, would have needed to emphasize the relationship with the moon god, the most powerful in many respects. The Cretan rulers might have enshrined the Horns of Consecration, symbolizing the power of the moon god, to seek help from the god and to show off their political power to people.
    Keyword: Crete, Horns of Consecration, Bull, Moon-God, Nanna, Mediterranean, Mesopotamia, 크레타. 신성 뿔. 황소. 달의 신. 난나. 지중해. 메소포타미아
    Author: 최혜영 ( Choi Hae-young )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    경제적 민주주의의 희망
    티에리 장테(Tierry Jeantet). 2019. 프랑스의 사회적경제: 효율성에 도전하는 연대
    Author: 정병기 ( Jung Byungkee )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    아랍 영상문화의 정체성과 미학적 특성
    Identity and Aesthetic Characteristics of Arab Visual Culture: Focusing on the development of film industry
    Keyword: Arab cinema, Cultural identity, Aesthetic values, Nationalism, Middle East, North Africa, 아랍 영화, 문화적 정체성, 미학적 가치, 민족주의, 중동, 북아프리카
    Author: 김중관 ( Kim Joong-kwan )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    주변에서 중심으로: 소수민족문학으로서 바스크문학
    Obabakoak (1988) consists of 26 short stories divided into three parts which have something to do with the imaginary town of Obaba in northern Spain. Each story looks independent like a collection of various stories, but it is organically connected in a virtual space Obaba. For example, in the first part, ≪Infancias≫, Obaba is the space of fiction, and in the second part, the background is a fictional village called Villamediana in Castile, but the protagonist is from Obaba, and sometimes he reminds the readers of his hometown full of terns and moss in his latent memories. Finally, the third part, which can be seen as the most essential of the work, is the journey of the protagonist with his doctor friend to Obaba to meet his uncle. In this journey each character tells various short stories based on from Oriental tradition to the modern Western literature. As a periphery or Otherness, Basque literature has not been independent of Castilian literature which has occupied its central or dominant position. But the two literatures have coexisted and influenced each other. This work, through innovative and experimental narrative techniques such as postmodern writings (intertextuality / metafiction), directs Basque literature from the periphery to the center of Spanish literature. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and identity of Basque literature as a minority and peripheral literature through a small window of Bernardo Atxaga’s work. In order to carry out the proposed study, after a brief review of Basque literature from a diachronic point of view, I intended to analyze the revival of Basque literature from the 20th century up to this day and the tendency of the Basque novels since the 1950s. Finally, I tried to approach the overall meaning of the work through the analysis of intertextuality and metafiction. In relation to the intertextuality of the work, ≪El criado del rico mercader≫ refers directly to the title of the famous short stories. In ≪Acerca de los cuentos≫, the characters briefly summarize the contents of the famous short stories of Chekhov, Evelyn War and the Maupassant. ≪De soltera, Laura Sligo≫ is reminiscent of Heart of darkness, a novel of Joseph Conrad’s representative postcolonial novel. ≪Hans Menscher≫ seems to be related to Edward Munch and Van Gogh’s art life. The life of Dr. Thomas Sheldon, who left for the American Jungle in disillusionment with Western civilization, resembles the life of poet Rimbaud, who emigrated to Ethiopia. The short stories of the third part, ≪Para escribir un cuento en cinco minutos≫ and ≪Método para plagiar≫ show a method of metafiction in that they show the creative process of the work. Finally, in this study, I attempted to analyze the aesthetic meaning of novelistic space, Obaba village, which is a link between various short stories of our text. Obaba can be viewed as an emotional and psychological space created by the writer, not as an existing geographic place.
    Keyword: Spanish Literature, Vasque Literature, Core and Periphery, Bernardo Atxaga, Obabakoak, Intertextuality, Metafiction, 스페인 문학, 바스크문학, 중심과 주변, 베르나르도 아차가, 『오바바 마을 이야기』, 상호텍스트성, 메타픽션
    Author: 박효영 ( Park Hyo-young )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Science Etc
    중동의 지경학적 전환과 일대일로
    As the two global economic power house, the US and China, changes their foreign policies and the policy priority, the geo-economic transition in the Middle East have begun its process. especially after the shale revolution, the US is not only in need of reducing its oil dependency from the Middle East but also has become a potential competitor against them in the global market. On the contrary, China who is now the world’s biggest energy consumer has naturally become a significant player in the region. Although China is still a relative newcomer to the region and is extremely cautious in its approach to local political and security challenges, it has been a force in increasing its engagement due to the growing mutual economic needs. China and the Middle Eastern countries are now enticing each other to maximize their national interest. The ‘power vacuum’ that has been created by the American shale revolution is providing an opportunistic environment for China and BRI. Thus, this paper uses the Theories of Alliance to examine the possibilities on the formation of strategic cooperation between the Middle East and China.
    Keyword: Geopolitics, the Middle East, Belt and Road Initiative, Soft-balancing, Re-Alignment, 지경학, 중동, 일대일로, 연성균형, 재조정
    Author: 백승훈 ( Paik Seung-hoon )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Islam Philosophy
    이슬람의 섹슈얼리티
    In recent years, some discussions have been made on how the patriarchal control of women’s sexuality is actually based on Islamic law. And Fundamentally, the discussion of ‘Islamic sexuality’ itself seems to need to broaden the horizon of understanding. Sexuality in Islam is not restricted to procreation as in most other monotheistic religions. Instead, sexuality is considered to be an expression of spirituality. The purpose of this study is to clarify the sexual ethics of sexuality inherent in Islamic law and Islamic thought. In particular, Islam’s customs and heavenly view play a very important role in understanding Islam’s sexuality. Therefore, we tried to discuss the main sources of Islamic doctrine such as the Koran and Hadith, and referenced various examples and interpretations through other literature sources. We could define that the sexuality is a comprehensive term that translates into the sum total of a person’s wellbeing and humanity. An understanding of one’s sexuality is an all-encompassing process. Religion is a visible thread that runs through many traditional and contemporary societies. However Islam, more than many other religions, has a more visible and palpable impact on the lives of its adherents. Islam is defined not only as a religion with laws guiding values, rituals, human transactions and morals but as a way of life. There are regulations guiding politics, economy and culture and even toilet habits and conjugal relations among couples. Islam provides all the information required to design a comprehensive sexuality education for all its adherents from the cradle to the grave irrespective of their race or culture. Indeed, Islam is the culture Muslims are supposed to live and espouse. Islam’s sexual standards are paradoxical: on the one hand, sexual activity is permitted and even encouraged, on the other hand discrimination is enforced between male and female individuals, marriage and non-marriage, heterosexuality and homosexuality.
    Keyword: Islam, Sexuality, View of the Afterlife, Paradise, Quran, 이슬람, 섹슈얼리티, 내세관, 천국, 코란
    Author: 안정국 ( Ahn Jung-kook )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    영화의 등장인물을 통해 나타난 빈곤 문제 연구
    The purpose of this paper is to study how poverty is expressed among various social problems such as political corruption, the close relations between politics and business, unemployment, homosexuality, fundamentalism, jihad, and marriage norms in the movie “Yacuobian Building”. To this end, this paper id entifies poverty through the narrative of the film and the dialogue between the characters. As a result, two common features were found in the poor characters. The first is that the decisions made by the characters to escape poverty eventually lead to someone's death. Second, regardless of gender, all poor people are sexually exploited. This film points out the seriousness of poverty as a common narrative in which poor people, who have little more than their physical attributes, die or are sexually exploited.
    Keyword: Egyptian Cinema, “The Yacoubian Building”, Text Analysis, Poverty, Economic Inequality, Sexual Exploitation, 영화, 야쿠비얀 빌딩, 내러티브, 텍스트 분석, 빈곤 문제, 빈부 격차, 성 착취
    Author: 이복례 ( Lee Bok-lye )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    아리스토파네스의 『여인들의 민회』와 플라톤의 『국가론』에 나타난 공산적 삶의 질서에 대한 고찰
    What is common in Aristophanes’ Assemblywomen and Book V of Plato’s Republic is the communal life described as the abolition of private property and of marriage. It is important to see, however, that there are fundamental differences in content between their utopian thoughts. For example, their goals and hierarchical order are significantly different in the application and their presentations of utopian thoughts were distinct in critical or positive ways. Aristophanes attempted to show that human beings are imperfect, while Plato considered that utopia can be pursued for the sake of itself. In particular, Plato tried to show that the property should be shared in common in order to maintain the internal unity of the whole system. On the other hand, Aristophanes seemed to focus on the depiction of the ideal life. In this respect, Aristophanes’ comedy can be seen as a kind of utopian thought to represent the “best” whose underlying aim is to reveal the critical function against community. On the contrary, Plato aimed at searching for the “best person” whose mission is to attain the inner unity of the ideal city by a construction of the ideal hierarchy among different functions of the community. In this sense, Plato’s ambitious project has its positive aspect. The basic idea of ideal city represented in co-ownership of property and ideal constitution was already prevalent in the Greek society even before Aristophanes and Plato. The ideal was a reflection of the Greek Golden Age in which the ideal life had been reverberated through their mysterious thinking and imagination. In short, pleasurable lives had been motivated by fairy-tale motifs. It would be reasonable to infer from this study that Aristophanes’ utopian thoughts had been heavily influenced by Hippodamus’ political ideal and reform thoughts. It has been widely accepted that Hippodamus’ thoughts have to do with Pythagorean thoughts and the mysterious folklores orally transmitted by the traditional Greek world. In this sense, it would be wrong to say that Plato’s thought stimulated Aristophanes’ one. It would be rather reasonable to argue that Plato’s thought had been also influenced by these utopian thoughts. Plato’s political community based on dialectics can be seen as an extension of these thoughts.
    Keyword: Aristophanes, Platon, Ecclesiazusai, Politeia, Utopia, 아리스토파네스, 플라톤, 여인들의 민회, 국가론, 유토피아
    Author: 임성철 ( Rhim Sung-chul )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    스페인어 맛 형용사의 의미 확장 연구
    The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning extension of the Spanish taste adjectives, dulce, salado, agrio and amargo. Since the taste is a human physiological sense, its lexicalization is also closely related to the physical experience. Taste is perceived as the positive or negative quality according to the common experience of each language community and this judgment affects taste terms. The original meaning of the taste adjectives is a description of taste but its meaning is extended to an abstract area through metaphor mediated by the attributes of taste. Hence, people’s common experience of taste has no choice but to influence the extension of meaning. As it is difficult to obtain specific information about an abstract meaning of Spanish taste adjectives except for dictionary in reality, this study investigates the detailed extension meanings of each taste adjective, the cognitive mechanism and the ways of conceptualizing abstract objects on the basis of the corpus analysis. This will enable the Spanish learners to deepen the understanding of the language and acquire information about the specific meanings of the taste adjectives. Furthermore, it tries to provide an opportunity to recognize cultural specific aspects.
    Keyword: Spanish Taste adjectives, Derivative Meaning, Meaning Extension, Metaphor, Cognitive Linguistics, 스페인어 맛 형용사, 파생 의미, 의미 확장, 은유, 인지언어학
    Author: 조혜진 ( Cho Hye-jin )
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    북아프리카 세계중요농업유산 사례연구
    Human civilization has been engaged in farming activities for thousands of years, and has accumulated the knowledge and experience in agriculture over the generations. Based on this, it has inherited and developed an agricultural system optimized for mankind. These traditional agricultural knowledge systems of mankind have been carried out throughout the world and have been inherited and developed into various forms of agricultural systems according to regional characteristics. In addition, it developed into a unique culture with local social and economic conditions. Today, rural areas are not only re-examining the food supply and means of livelihood, but also re-examining the pluralistic value and public interest functions of agriculture, including securing local ecosystems, inheriting traditional culture, maintaining landscape culture, transferring traditional agricultural technology and preserving biodiversity. This paradigm shift created an opportunity for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) in 2002 to designate, manage and preserve world-class agricultural and fishery heritage by introducing the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) for conforming management and dynamic conservation of various heritage in rural areas. Among these world’s major agricultural heritages, the traditional oasis of Gafsa, located at the province of Gafsa in Tunisia, North Africa, is a heritage listed as a pilot project of the world’s major agricultural heritages under the leadership of FAO. This place has been inheriting and developing the multi-layered traditional agricultural system through the water resources management system for centuries in the dry climate of the desert. In particular, the value of its heritage is recognized worldwide by developing the unique culture of the local community based on this. Even now, however, Gafsa’s traditional oasis still carries various threats as it changes in social, economic and cultural sectors. Based on these points, this study considered the current situation and characteristics of the traditional oasis of Gafsa, which is listed in the FAO-led world’s major agricultural heritage system, by noting the world’s major agricultural heritage system as a priming water for expressing and maximizing the pluralistic value and public functions of agriculture. Through these studies, we could reconsider that the FAO’s World Important Agricultural Heritage System is a traditional knowledge system that contains the concerns and wisdom of our ancestors, and that it can create the possibility of internal development of agriculture and rural areas in the future by overcoming the possibilities and limitations of the ecological environment.
    Keyword: Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS), Tunisia’s Gafsa oases, Dynamic Conservation, Agro-biodiversity, 세계중요농업유산(GIAHS), 튀니지 가프사 전통오아시스, 역동적인 보전, 농업생물다양성
    Author: 김덕수
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    혼돈상태의 리비아 국가 재건과정 속 외세의 개입과 부족주의
    Currently, Libya is facing a situation near a low intensity civil war due to intense confrontation between the internationally recognized government in the West and the Libyan National Army in the East. Furthermore, policies and attitudes toward the current situation of Libya of various countries are divided according to their strategic, political, economic and ideological interests in dealing with the crisis. Therefore, this study attempted to identify which of the independent variables of foreign intervention and tribalism has a greater correlation with the chaotic state rebuilding process of Libya. To this end, this study analyzed articles related to the civil wars of Libya in order to demonstrate the relative importance of the two independent variables. In particular, co-occurrence of words analysis in KH Coder program was utilized to understand the interrelationship between the chaotic situation of Libya and foreign intervention and tribalism. Unfortunately, however, the results of the study have not been able to draw a definite conclusion. In the quantitative analysis of the frequency of articles by The New York Times, ‘foreign intervention’ was identified as a more important variable, but the internal variable based on ‘tribalism’ was more prominent in the co-occurrence of words analysis that understood the interrelationships of the main key words of the article contents. While analyzing the situation in Libya from a third- party perspective, The New York Times as an American newspaper may have been more interested in foreign intervention, which further reflects the concerns of the international community in the number of articles. As a result, according to the results of this study, we need to consider both foreign intervention’ and ‘internal tribalism’ in the analysis of the chaotic situation in Libya and its outlook. Libya’s socio-cultural context, in which not only the formation of a nation-state but also the state reconstruction process was affected, must be considered at the same time due to the unique geopolitical position of Libya where the regime change occurred due to external intervention and the existing remnants of traditional tribalism. In the end, the Korean government and businesses circle should establish a more elaborate and detailed cooperation and exchange strategy with Libya considering the future of the Libya crisis which will be intermingled with both foreign intervention and internal tribalism at the same time.
    Keyword: Libya, External Intervention, Tribalism, State Rebuilding, Civil War, Institutional Development, National Reconciliation, 리비아, 외세의 개입, 부족주의, 국가 재건, 내전, 제도 발전, 민족 화합
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    유럽 근대 형이상학 교과서의 성립에 있어 포르투갈 스페인 스콜라 철학자의 기여
    After the Reformation, Europe is divided into the theology of the Catholic Church and the theology of the Protestant Church, which led to the division of philosophical textbooks. Because the difference in theology led to the difference in philosophy, Protestant philosophers needed a new philosophical textbook. It was the Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers who helped them so much, especially in metaphysical textbooks. At first, there was a rejection of the achievements of medieval metaphysics, but their philosophical achievements could not be ignored. Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers served to convey the achievements of medieval metaphysics to Protestant philosophers. We are accustomed to the history of philosophy, which goes from medieval metaphysics to modern metaphysics. However, there must be a bridge connecting these two philosophies at the time of transitioning from medieval metaphysics to modern metaphysics. The PortugueseSpanish Scholar philosophers played a role in becoming the bridge of the two philosophies. Especially among Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers, philosophers such as Suarez, Pererius and Fonseca played such a role. The Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers and Jesuit philosophers Suarez and Pererius influenced the German Protestant philosopher Goclenius. Under these influences, the idea of the Generalis metaphysica and specialis metaphysica of Wolff and Baumgraten, which we know well, was completed. But we think about the emergence of modern metaphysical textbooks without the philosophical achievements of Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers. But the obvious historical fact is that if Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers had not passed on medieval metaphysics and their ideas to modern metaphysics, modern metaphysics textbooks might not have appeared. And if their metaphysical textbooks appeared without the help of Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers, they would be different from what we know now. Therefore, this paper is to introduce Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophers. Through this introduction, this paper shows that the Portuguese-Spanish Scholar philosophical contribution in the Mediterranean region is not small in the history of European philosophy, and it is more than we expect.
    Keyword: Suarez, Fenseca, Pererius, Goclenius, Lorhard, Metaphysics, Ontology, transcendentalia, 수아레즈, 페레리우스, 폰세카, 로하르두스, 고클레니우스, 형이상학, 존재론, 초월범주
    Author: 유대칠
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    고대 이집트 신앙과 내세관 연구
    The Pharaoh civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in human history and the cradle of human civilization conceived of Pharaoh. The Pharaoh civilization laid the foundation for the development of the future civilization across religion, writing system, mathematics, medicine, art, astronomy, architecture and so on. The mental culture and academic achievements established by the ancient Egyptians became the basis of civilization and cultural development not only in Egypt but also in the Mediterranean region and the whole human society. In particular, the ancient Egyptians tried to solve their curiosity about life, death, and the afterlife and they had a primitive and religious system. Egyptian thoughts, understandings and ideas about the afterlife created numerous Egyptian myths, mummies and pyramids. The Egyptians’ imagination seems to have had a profound effect on the customs and thought systems of Abraham’s religion, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Therefore ancient Egyptian mythology has more historical value than mythology. The various myths and manuscripts recorded in ancient Egyptian tombs became a vivid record of ancient Egyptian society. For the ancient Egyptians, myths and patriarchal documents are not just stories of gods or imaginations of the afterlife, but another kind of historical document that contains their perception of the universe and their understanding of life and the nature that surrounds them. Therefore, in this study, through the Osiris myth and the funeral texts, a representative myth among ancient Egyptian myths, I try to analyse the belief system of the ancient Egyptians and their perception of the world and the afterlife In particular, I research the perceptions of their lives and the influence of customs on future Abrahamic religions. This research is not limited to the study and understanding of the ancient Egyptians’ belief systems and customs, but aims to analyze the influence and correlation of their beliefs and customs on the major religions of the later Mediterranean.
    Keyword: Egypt, Religious Faith, Afterlife View, Osiris Myth, Book of the Dead, Funeral Text, Negative Confession, Ten Commandments, 이집트, 신앙, 내세관, 오시리스 신화, 사자의 서, 장제 문서, 부정고백, 십계명
    Author: 윤용수
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    칼데론의 성체극 『거룩한 오르페우스』에 구현된 음악 연구
    In his two sacramental acts entitled Divine Orpheus, Pedro Calderon de la Barca sets the music of Orpheus as a means of salvation of Christ, unlike the other mythical sacramental acts. While in his other sacramental acts, music was used only as a tool to amplify the dramatic effects, the music of these two dramas was used as a means of salvation as a theme embodying the purpose of the sacramental act. Calderon, the founder of Zarzuela, which can be called the opera of Spanish taste, began the era of Spanish music drama. The variety of musical forms used in the work in 1663 is very relevant to the appearance of Zarzuela. The reason for the increase in musical elements in Calderon’s sacramental act in time and genre is sufficient. In addition to using Zarzuela’s musical styles, such as Recitativo and Monodi, and Chorus of ancient Greek origin, Calderon, a royal priest, discovered the original form of Bible music and restored it to his sacramental acts.
    Keyword: Pedro Calderón de la Barca, auto sacramental, zarzuela, music, Spanish Golden Age drama, 페드로 칼데론 데 라 바르카, 성체극, 사르수엘라, 음악, 스페인 황금세기 연극
    Author: 이만희
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    18세기 프랑스에서 튀르크 문화의 재현(Turquerie)에 관한 연구
    Turquerie was the Turkish style that swept over Western Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries. It was the fascination that captured the European’s imagination of culture, fine arts, and fashion of the Ottoman people and was a rich source of exotic and mysterious inspiration to the Europeans. The Turquerie trend originated in the Kingdom of France, which had decorated the royal palaces with carpets weaved in Eastern Anatolia in the 14th century. The trend reached its climax during the 18th century, when the upper classes tried to imitate the Ottoman culture, fashion and lifestyle. France and the Ottoman Empire were allies under the Capitulation Treaty. This treaty provided privileges of taxation, religious activity, and extraterritorial consular jurisdiction to the French monarchy granted by the Ottoman sultan. With the most favored nation clause, the French monarch dispatched merchants, diplomats, and missionaries to the Ottoman Empire. These individuals carried out activities such as collecting documents, reporting for state affairs, promotion of commerce, and writing a travelogue. All of this stimulated the infusion of Turkish style that rushed into France during the 18th century. This paper explores the Turquerie movement was formed and come into fashion in France. With this in mind, this research focuses on two main questions. First, what were the political and socio-cultural mechanisms that made the trend possible despite the religious and cultural differences between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of France? Second, how did these mechanisms work that specifically led to the Turquerie trend? In an attempt to answer these questions, I focused on a close and important alliance between the two countries. The findings show that the Kingdom of France played a major role as a platform in accepting and proliferating the Turkish culture
    Keyword: Turquerie, Turkish style, Ottoman Empire, France, Orientalism, 튀르크리, 터키풍, 오스만제국, 프랑스, 오리엔탈리즘
    Author: 이희철
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    토마스 아퀴나스의 영혼-원동자 이론 비판의 이중적 성격
    It is a difficult task to determine the exact coverage of the term “principium intellectivum” used in Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae, Ia, q.76, a.1, co. And it becomes more challenging when this term is coupled with his seemingly indifferent usage of “intellectus” and “anima intellectiva,” because this indifference seems to undermine the central thesis of the Thomistic theory of soul: the distinction between intellective soul and intellect. However, thanks to some eminent medievalists of the Twentieth century, we can at least comfortably settle some difficulties and doubts relative to Thomas’s lifelong consistency on the distinction between the two. It remains however uncertain of the reason why he has used such an expansive or ambiguous term like “principium intellectivum” which can entail some serious misunderstandings concerning his famous distinction between “intellectus”, and “anima intellectiva.” Apropos of this uncertainty, some have suggested taking the terminology in question as “une façon de parler.” However, even though we admit that this could be one of the safest ways to account for the uncertainty therein, we cannot but confess that it is not completely satisfactory. That is why we have attempted in this paper a strong reading on Thomas’s critique against the soul-mover theory in Summa Theologiae, Ia, q.76, a.1. in the context of the medieval controversy over unicity or plurality of substantial form. In this processus, we could find a possible way to interpret that this critique has double objectives and that Thomas serves, before he addresses his full-dress refutations in q, 76 aa. 2-4, the term “principium intellectivum” to set a preliminary critique against his opponents in two camps: the Latin Averroists and the Pluralists. In this line of interpretation, we could conclude that the seemingly indifferent usage of Thomistic terms “intellectus” and “anima intellectiva” are not “une façon de parler,” but “une façon strategique de parler” in strict consistency with his central thesis of the distinction between intellect and intellective soul.
    Keyword: Medieval Philosophy, theory of soul, principium intellectivum, intellect, soul, Thomas Aquinas, unicity/plurality of substantial form, soul-motor theory, 중세철학, 영혼론, 지성적 원리, 지성, 영혼, 토마스 아퀴나스, 실체적 형상의 단/복수성, 영혼-원동자 이론
    Author: 정현석
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    French Literature
    장 주네 혹은 존재를 위한 변명
    From the time he was born, Jean Genet was abandoned from the world. Therefore, he also has the right to reject the world. Since then, his rebellion and rejection have become ontological characteristics. His betrayal, theft and homosexuality can be understood in that context. Genet’s actions are self-selected and homosexuality is also in accordance with the inevitable circumstances of existence. It may be an unconscious desire. Moreover, Genet’s sexual desire appears to be a blind devotion to nature, life, and race. All of Jean Genet’s text is a record of living his own way. There, the artist’s attitude and position toward life are melted. His ideas or thoughts are based on existence. In addition, Genet’s text, in any form, appears to be a testimony or excuse for his existence. From this point of view, I would like to explore Genet’s work, political and social discourse, and the engagement movement. It will be a research to find out the identity of the problematic writer Genet and his truth. The identity of Genet is evident avove all in his writings. This is because writing is the crystal of thought. His words, writings and actions form one body. The characters in the work and the people he met in life almost coincide. Although the background or situation of the work lies between reality and unreality, they all project Genet’s personality. There are excuses, protests and confessions about existence. Sometimes he lived as an injured protagonist in novels, but at the same time he lived as a free man and a rebellious intellectual who led social change dynamically.
    Keyword: Jean Genet, Identity, Existence, Thief, Evil, 장 주네, 정체성, 존재, 도둑, 악
    Author: 박형섭
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    16세기 오스만제국과 지중해
    This study focuses on Ottoman empire and Mediterranean in 16th century. From the beginning of the 16th century, Ottoman pursued expansionist policy in Mediterranean. It led to direct confrontations between Ottoman and Spanish empire. As a result of that, the 16th century Mediterranean has often been described as a battleground between the two great empires of Catholic Spain in the West and the Muslims Ottoman Empire in the East. It was a century during which the two great empires gave evidence of their formidable might. 1958 Preveza victory brought Ottoman superiority in the Mediterranean. But the Battle of Lepanto undermined her dominance. Despite that, Ottoman held the strong hand in the Mediterranean. After Tunisia went under absolute Ottoman rule at 1574, Spain ceased to struggle in the Mediterranean and directed to the Atlantic. Despite intense confrontation between two parties until the end of 16th century, commercial relations were maintained in indirect ways. It can be claimed that commerce was never interrupted. Because both parties needed the products of the other, relations were kept intact. European ports holding Ottoman imperial pledge mediated the trade between Spain and Ottoman empire and exchanged Eastern goods with Spanish silver. At the beginning major intermediary between two partie was Venice. Later, French port of Marseille took over this role. After that, Marseille became one of the major ports for trade between Spanish empire and Ottoman empire.
    Keyword: Ottoman Empire, Mediterranean, Spainish Empire, Great Siege, Battle of Lepanto, 오스만제국, 지중해, 스페인제국, 몰타 공성전, 레판토 해전
    Author: 우덕찬
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    도시 건축에서의 지역성과 역사성
    In today’s urban architecture, historicity and locality are impending issues both in preservation of modern buildings and construction of postmodern buildings. The duality implied by historicity and locality in urban architecture dates back to Tendenza, the Italian architectural movement that unfolded from the 1960s to the 1980s. This paper, a study on Tendenza, which suggested the importance of historicity and locality in urban architecture as a new architectural ‘trend’, is summarized as follows. First, the authors have searched out that Tendenza has succeeded in preservation of the history and the tradition asserted by Rationalism which occurred during the fascist period, the Neorealistic architecture and the Neoliberty movement after World War II, adapting these criteria to the contemporary time based on rationality. From this point of view, seeking to innovate modern architecture Tendenza can be evaluated as a Neorationalism movement. Second, the authors summarized that Tendenza emphasized the preservation of the traces of history and the memory of the community in spaces and places. To realize them in architecture, it proposed a study on the tangible form and types of cities and buildings as a methodology. The so-called ‘Urban Typomorphology’ which is the methodology of Tendenza, emphasizes the history and traditions of communities, cities, and citizens rather than the nation-state, nation, and people. In addition, Tendenza provided the basis for the architectural movement that emphasized the duality, hybridity, and emotions that go beyond uniformity, unity, and reason which are the characteristics of modern architecture. In this aspect, Tendenza has a tendency to be regarded as a postmodern movement. Third, the authors have revealed that Tendenza has the characteristics of innovating modern architecture, while at the same time, it transcends the modern architecture towards ‘postmodern’ architecture. It is a bridge movement with the duality that connects the modern and postmodern architecture. The urban architecture of today has the impending issues, like locality and historicity similar to Tendenza’s.
    Keyword: Tendenza, Historicity, Locality, Neorationalism, Urban Typomorphology, Postmodern architecture, 텐덴자, 역사성, 지역성, 신합리주의, 도시 유형태론, 포스트모던 건축
    Author: 윤혜영
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    현대 표준 아랍어의 통합성 지수 연구
    This study aims to compare the index of synthesis of Arabic language between Media Arabic texts and Arabic textbooks. It is analyzed through an index of synthesis of media Arabic language, which means Media Arabic; including, ‘’, and ‘’, in contrast to textbooks of Egypt and Tunis. The average of the index of synthesis of Arabic language of media, ‘’, and ‘’ stood at 4.24, the index of synthesis of Arabic language of Arabic textbooks of Egypt and Tunis stood at 4.38. In addition, Arabic language of the textbooks of Egypt and Tunis is near to characteristics of Quranic Arabic comparing with language of media Arabic texts.
    Keyword: : Index of Synthesis, Media Arabic, Arabic language of textbooks of Egypt and Tunis, Modern Standard Arabic, morphology, 통합성 지수, 미디어 아랍어, 이집트와 튀니지 교과서의 아랍어, 현대표준아랍어, 형태론
    Author: 이계연
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    포스트포퓰리스트 정당 시리자(SYRIZA)의 부침과 2019년 그리스 총선
    Through the 2019 general election, the SYRIZA fell from power and the ND established single government. However, the SYRIZA has secured the position of the second party with a vote rate of over 30% and so the new bipartisan system has been consolidated. The new bipartisan system centered on ND and SYRIZA is a political party system formed by overlapping of populist cleavage and ideological cleavage. It can be said that populism is maintained as an important party cleavage although it was weakened. The SYRIZA as a populist party is the same as a neo-populist in that it accepts parliamentary democracy, but it is regarded as a post-populist in that it rejects collectivism and accepts individualism. The defeat of the SYRIZA in the 2019 parliamentary election is due to the fact that the SYRIZA failed not only in the radical leftist reform policy but also in the post-populistic break-down of elitist politics, while the ND succeeded in increasing of the number of votes cast through populist strategy. The characteristic of the SYRIZA as a political party also faded from both radical left-wing ideology and post-populism. Since the ideological cleavage and the populist cleavage are weakening at the same time, the continuation of the consolidation of the Greek political party system cannot be prejudged.
    Keyword: SYRIZA, ND, postpopulism, the Greek party system, the 2019 Greek parliamentary election, 시리자, 신민당, 포스트포퓰리즘, 그리스 정당 체제, 2019년 총선
    Author: 정병기
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    프랑스의 EU 초국경 지역개발 프로그램 내 협력 거버넌스 구축 사례 연구
    The purpose of this study is to compare examples of establishment of cooperative governance around the organizational process and role of working group in the process of conducting cooperative programs for cross-border regional development through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This study is valuable as a prior study of cooperative governance building cases between the European Union, member states and stakeholders. It is possible to suggest measures to solve problems at various community levels, and it is meaningful as an existing study to promote regional cooperation in Northeast Asia. The research subjects of the study are the Cross-border Regional Development Cooperation Program and working group surrounding France. The working group, a working group of Grande Région programs and programs of France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, is analyzed as a cooperative governance model of Ansell and Gash. The partnership in the process of hosting the Grande Région program has been shown to conform to the characteristics of cooperative governance presented by Ansell and Gash. First, cooperative governance was proposed by public institutions in the border areas of France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Second, various actors participated in the process of cooperation. Third, a formal conference was formed to discuss common objectives through a large-scale meeting. Fourth, small-scale cooperation was carried out as an interim output to establish cooperative governance. The role of the working group stood out in this process. The working group played a leading role not only in the process of cooperation but also in the process of initial conditions and institutional design. The results of this study will allow us to observe the process of establishing cross-border cooperation governance and the role of major actors, and contribute to the establishment of strategies for regional cooperation in Northeast Asia, which remain in early stages of regional cooperation.
    Keyword: Cross-border regional development, Cooperative governance, Working group, Ansell & Gash, Grande Région, 초국경 지역개발, 협력 거버넌스, 워킹그룹, 안셀(Ansell)과 가쉬 (Gash), Grande Région
    Author: 한미애
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: France
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    라틴어교육에는 미래가 있는가?
    Does the Classical Latin Teaching has a future? This is the purpose of this paper. The course is to examine how Latin language education has changed, what it is like now, and what will happen in the future, focusing on the cases of four Western European countries, Italy, France, Germany and the UK. The Classical Latin is said to be the dead language, because it has not changed for nearly two thousands years. Utrum possit esse vera? In this paper, I treat the changing situation of Latin teaching in Europe in the late 20th century, especially in England, France, Germany and Italy. There is variation among the countries as to what actually the subject consists of. In one country the emphasis is on the language learning and the non-linguistic content is seen as an add-on. In others the learning about the society in which the ancient languages were spoken is just as important and is considered as going hand in hand with the language learning. A concentration on Latin only can lead to a view which sees the language in all its forms from Roman times through medieval and on up to modern times as the subject under consideration. Recent writers have shown from their researches that Classists have always moarned about the state of their subject, claiming that things are getting worse, students are less able, and society is against them. Nevertheless we should perhaps have more confidence in the ability of our subject to continue to have a presence in the future culture of Europe.
    Keyword: Classical Latin, Cicero, Ratio Studiorum, Brocca Project, Baccalauréat, Humanistisches Gymnasium, GCSE Test, 고전라틴어, 키케로, 라티오 스투디오룸, 브로카 프로젝트, 바칼 로레아, 인문학 김나지움, GCSE 시험
    Author: 차영길
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    모로코 농업분야 공적개발원조(ODA) 현황 및 지원 방향 연구
    Korea has been the world’s highest ODA budget increase since joining the DAC in 2010, actively supporting developing countries to reduce poverty and create a foundation for independent growth, and strengthen its position as a middle-sized donor. However, Korea still lacks information and research on developing countries, except for a few Asian countries. Morocco, located in North Africa, is one of those countries, and the Moroccan people are Francophone countries that speak French or Arabic. Morocco is also a mid- and low-income source country with unlimited potential for growth due to its geographical proximity to Europe, excellent labor, high price competitiveness, Africa’s largest foreign Direct Investment(FDI) attraction country, and macroeconomic performance. In particular, Korea, which relies on exports, is also focused on Morocco that is emerging as an export market and production base in Africa. In this respect, the agricultural ODA support for Morocco, which focuses on national development strategies in the agricultural sector, will be a good strategy not only to enhance Korea’s national brand value but also to develop export markets. In this study, based on the analysis of the current status and characteristics of ODA support in Morocco’s agricultural sector, Korea’s direction of support for agricultural ODA to Morocco was presented. The direction of support is as follows. First, support for smart agriculture in Morocco, second, training ICT professionals in agriculture, third, expanding Loan Assistance(EDCF) in connection with agriculturerelated national projects, and fourth, supporting the production of high-quality agricultural products linked with KAFACI. This direction of ODA support is expected to boost the economic cooperation between Korea and Morocco, to restore the global value chain in the Moroccan agricultural sector, and to present a leading agricultural country model for the Africa’s continent.
    Keyword: Official Development Assistance(ODA), Moroccan Agriculture, KOICA, Smart agriculture, Le Plan Maroc Vert, 공적개발원조(ODA), 모로코 농업, 한국국제협력단, 스마트 농업, 그린 모로코 계획
    Author: 김덕수
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    현대 이탈리아 영화에 등장하는 아프리카 여성의 재현 방식과 이탈리아 정치 문화의 도상
    This paper examines the change in the portrayal of “Black-African female” immigrants in contemporary Italian films. The two feature films lo. l’altro (2007) and White and Black (2008) will be used to analyze how the visual representation of African femininity relates to Italy’s colonial past and how the country’s politico-cultural stance in relation to immigrants is reflected in the films. The representation of African women observed in the Fascist era was developed through the ties between racism and gender colonization, creating a significant framework for the depiction of the black women appearing in Italian mass media today. The appearance of an African woman’s dead body in the film serves not only as a catalyst for the discourse on contemporary Italian politics and media, but also as a reminder of a part of Italy’s colonial history that has been overlooked by films dealing with Italian expansionism in the post-Fascist era. However, it is worth noting that the body appearing in the film < lo. l’altro > is not a sexually symbolized reproduction of a being as was commonly presented in the propaganda of the Fascist era. In fact, it is important to note that its portrayal in the film places the female character in a different position, with the religious identity of a childbearing “mother”, in stark contrast to the typical sexual representation of women. This new approach to the portrayal of an African woman’s physical body is an attempt at challenging the conventional representation of African women, whose customary depiction had hitherto consisted of “sexual aberrations with African women” in traditional Italian films. Cristina Comencini’s “White and Black” (2008) presents a more dramatic shift in the way African female characters are represented in films. Nadine, an immigrant from Senegal, is portrayed more realistically as a cosmopolitan person, in addition to being a regular immigrant. In the movie, she is depicted as a character with a “palatable foreignness” - an immigrant who is expected to improve the nation’s well-being -, rather than an individual who poses a threat to social order. The film does not specifically mention Italy’s colonial past, but it does point out the emergence of a new form of imperialism over the course of globalization and continues to rebel against the sense of superiority induced by the increase in multinational capital, or the social atmosphere engendered by the international market with its transnational relations. The film suggests the idea that the respect multiculturalists have for the distinctive characteristics of others is in fact a form of assertion of their own superiority. Ultimately, the two films come to the conclusion that such an idea is a form of “cultural dialectic”. To borrow Hegel’s concept of the “master-slave dialectic”, accepting immigrants in modern society should mean treating others well by “me” offering my place to the weak. In doing so, I am helping the other but, at the same time, the other guides me beyond my own barriers by enabling me to cross my boundaries through such actions. To put it differently, I am helped by the other, though they be more vulnerable. This allows individuals to overcome the black-and-white idea of “the other” and “us” and gives thema new understanding of the concept as “the other in us” and “us within the other”. Furthermore, it shows a willingness not to give upon creating “a single space” as a harmonious human community, as mentioned previously.
    Keyword: Italian film, colonial history, immigrant, african femininity, Body, visualization, conventional reappearance, Derrida, spectres, cultural dialectic, human community, 이탈리아영화, 식민역사, 이주민, 아프리카여성성, 신체, 시각화, 관행적 재현, 데리다, 환영, 문화변증법, 인간공동체
    Author: 김희정
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    ‘니콜라우스 쿠사누스’의 정치-존재론
    There are various views on Nicolaus Cusanus, someone remembers him as a mystic who emphasizes a kind of mystical experience. And someone else remembers him as one of the fathers of modern philosophy, but this paper is not satisfied with all these memories. Although his theology takes the form of mysticism, Cusanus’s mysticism was a very reasonable solution to the serious social problems that existed in his time. This paper tries to remember the metaphysician Cusanus who tried to solve such a problem. The era of Cusanus was a strange time when great division and great harmony coexisted. First of all, it was the time when the Western Church and the Eastern Church tried to harmonize, and even European churches tried to reconcile with the Coptic Church in Egypt. At this time, Cusanus tried to end the era of division and worked for reconciliation and his philosophy was just a rational means for such harmony. Many call his theology mystic; of course, his theology has many mystical elements, but it is not simply anti-rational, which emphasizes only mystical experiences. His philosophy and theology were a very rational solution to the problem of divisions in his time. In other words, his mysticism was a very useful philosophy that was concerned about a very real concrete problem. His metaphysics was also a useful philosophy to solve that problem. Naturally, his metaphysics are not ideological, but very realistic. This paper is to read the philosophy of Cusanus in De Deo abscondito again from this point of view. And what this paper emphasizes is that his philosophy is not the same kind of Scholastic philosophy that many know. His philosophy was not to teach at university but to worry about very real problems that are going to solve problems in real society. In this respect, it is the purpose of this paper to remember Cusanus’s philosophy in a new way.
    Keyword: Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Metaphysics, Horizontal Metaphysics, Vertical metaphysics, Nicolaus Cusanus, Politics-Ontology, 중세철학, 중세형이상학, 종적형이상학, 횡적형이상학, 니콜라우 스 쿠사누스, 정치-존재론
    Author: 유대칠
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    모로코와 이스라엘의 외교 관계 복원과 서사하라 문제에 관한 연구
    Morocco and Israel established diplomatic relations. There are countries in the Maghreb country that have a long history with Jews. Jews had settled down and lived before Christianity in Morocco. After the independence of Morocco in the 20th century, many Jews left Morocco. However, Morocco and Israel still have a secret relationship. Western Sahara became the subject of the deal in the establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel in 2020. Western Sahara is a very sensitive issue that still contributes to the border closures with neighboring Algeria. Under these circumstances, the impact of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel on the dynamics of the region seems very complex. This study consider the above points and look at the establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel in the following situations. First, analyzing Morocco’s strategy (Africa, among other things West Africa) for the long-standing special relationship between Morocco and Israel and for the establishment of diplomacy with Israel. Second, the Western Sahara is a very sensitive issue in relations between Morocco and Algeria, and it is an important variable that determines the dynamics of the two countries. Lastly, Algeria considers that Western Sahara conflict is a case of de-colonization, so sovereignty of Western Sahara cannot be admittied. This study deals with content of post-independence de-colonialization policies and the dilemma that Algeria faces today’s Western Sahara matter. This is because Algeria’s domestic situation has not recovered since Corona-19, showing limits to its diplomatic capabilities. Algeria is urging the international community to resolve the issue, but the this issue might be watched for now as the inauguration of the new U.S. president.
    Keyword: Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Jews, Decolonization, 서사하라, 모로코, 알제리, 유대인, 탈식민화
    Author: 임기대
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    용례로 살펴본 스페인어 담화 표지 eh의 화용적 기능
    This study aims to describe the pragmatic-discursive functions of the discourse marker EH in colloquial Spanish. Discourse markers are a linguistic element that helps speakers properly construct and interpretate their messages with the least effort and participates in the process of communication acts. In the study, the pragmatic values of the discourse marker EH are examined through a series of examples taken from the CORPES, Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI (CORPES XXI). As a result of the analysis, it is found that EH performs various phatic functions and affects speech process in discourse. In addition, it is also found that it is one of the linguistic strategies which emphasizes speakers’ communicative intentions. With these considerations, this study will contribute to expand the understanding of the pragmatic functions of the discourse marker EH in colloquial Spanish. Moreover, it is also expected that it will suggest an easier and more specific appreciation of the use of EH on the basis of the examples.
    Keyword: eh, Phatic Language, Pragmatic Function, Colloquial Spanish, Discourse Marker, eh, 교감어, 화용적 기능, 일상적인 비형식적 구어 담화, 스페인 어 담화 표지
    Author: 조혜진
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    고대 지중해 문명 교류와 卍字의 기원적 상징성
    The Swastika (卍) is widely found from the east to the west, from prehistoric times, to the extent that tens of thousands of pieces have been identified. There have been numerous views on the meaning or origin of the swastika. This paper argues that the swastika was originally a symbol of the air or wind god in Oriental civilization, and that it could have been applied to the ancient Mediterranean regions where cultural exchange and sharing with the Orient were active. Looking at the swastika from this point of view, it could represent all the previous views: the wind or air god could be represented as a personification, could come out with various animals on land or sea, could be expressed like a whirlpool, and was closely related to the sun and the moon. Wasn’t it a natural attempt to symbolize the air or wind that was thought to be the highest deity and the most basic cosmic element? And then, wasn’t it hard to find a more fitting symbol of the wind blowing in all directions or of the air and wind filling the universe, than the swastika pattern. Above all, the swastika’s shape basically resembles a whirlpool of wind, and even a toy wind vane.
    Keyword: Ancient Mediterranean Cultural Exchange, Swastika, God of The Wind and Air, Enlil, Marduk, Sanchuniathon, Hesiod, 고대 지중해 문명 교류. 卍字, 바람과 공기의 신, 엔릴. 마르둑, 산추니아톤, 헤시오도스
    Author: 최혜영
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arab History
    탄지마트 이후 이슬람
    This study is focused on the amendment of family-related law which was taken as a last step in the process of large-scale modification of laws and regulations after the modernization reform Tanzimat decree at the end of Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was a great country which had retained the Caliph system to the last. After losing the World War I, the Ottoman Empire had been keeping its national identity as a Sunni Islamic Country until abolition of Caliph system in 1924. Before that, there was no choice but to carry out modernization and westernization of the country in order to restore national sovereignty and build up national power. It was almost a revolution to establish a modern state legal system from the Sharia law which had been the norms stipulating the relationship between God and man. Therefore, it is meaningful to study how the courts and the judicial system had been changed from the Ottoman Empire to Republic of Turkey. In particular, family law was the most controversial issue at the end of the Ottoman Empire. However, the amendment of family-related law and regulations had not been made until the last gasp of the Empire because the religious authorities obsessed with tradition and custom obstinately resisted change. Under such circumstances the enactment of Family Law Act 1917 has a historical significance because it was the first modern statutory law related to families and women in the most conservative religious state like Ottoman Empire. In this article we are analyzing the diverse aspects of the Family Law Act 1917 at a stage of conversion from god-centered and religious Islamic country to modern national state, including its background, details, characteristics, implications, limits as well as its influence on the political, social, cultural and historical change.
    Keyword: Shari’a, Tanzimat, Ottoman Turk, Turkey, Family law, Islam, Islamic Law. 샤리아, 탄지마트, 오스만 튀르크, 터키, 가족법, 이슬람, 이슬람 법
    Author: 오은경
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    북카프카스 민족의 대 러시아 저항의 기원
    This article explores a study an origin of resistance in North Caucasus focused on life of Imam Mansur in 18th century, particularly on Imam Mansur's military operations and his sufism concept. I investigated political surroundings in North Caucasus and mutual relation between Osman Turkey and North Caucasus's political leadership in order to review political protest of Caucasus peoples. I mainly dealt with the meaning sufism as protest against Imperial Russia. Chapter II examines Imam Mansur's life and activity. Chapter III review Imam Mansur's military protest. Chapter IV analyzes religious spirit and resistance realization of Imam Mansur. This paper deals with the meaning of the relation military sufism and pure tariqa spirit in North Kavkaz. Military sufism was appeared already in 18th century in North Caucasus and became military doctorine from 18th century against Imperial Russia.
    Keyword: Sufism, Imam Mansur, Imperial Russia, North Caucasus, Chechen, 수피즘, 이맘 만수르, 러시아 제국, 북 코카서스, 체첸
    Author: 정세진
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    닉슨 행정부의 걸프지역 균형정책 폐기와 역내 도서 영유권 갈등
    This article attempts to examine the impacts of power transition from the United Kingdom to the United States on regional stability of the Gulf on the basis of structural realism. In this regard, the Nixon administration terminated British balancing policy whose purpose was to maintain equilibrium between Iran and Saudi Arabia. American government supported Iranian preponderance under the Nixon Doctrine. However, this strategy instigated Iranian aspiration to dominate the Gulf region, thus resulting in the intensification of the territorial disputes over Islands such as the Tunbs and Abu Musa. To prevent conflicts among Iran, Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah, several proposals of mediation were presented. However, the agreement for peace couldn't be accomplished. Consequently, Iran occupied the Tunbs by dispatching military forces and dominated the northern parts of Abu Musa by dividing the Island into two sections. All things considered, the territorial disputes over the Islands during the Nixon administration can be seen as a historical case which reveals the impacts of structural changes on international relations in the Gulf.
    Keyword: Nixon Doctrine, Abu Musa, the Tunbs, Balancing Policy in the Gulf, Territorial Disputes over Islands
    Author: 김강석
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    국내 폭력적 극단주의 위험 요인 분석
    The media strategies of Islamic State’s propaganda has produced high-definition depictions of the most abhorrent brutality on an industrial scale, ensuring that the IS threat is digitalized and brought firmly into different continents. In response to this phenomenon, various countries have applied a strategy of so-called ‘countering violent extremism.’ Violent extremism can be defined as an ideology or trend which supports or commits ideologically-motivated violence to further political goals. The threat of violent extremism is neither constrained by international borders nor limited to any single ideology. Increasingly sophisticated use of the Internet, social media, and information technology by violent extremists adds an additional layer of complexity. Korea has also faced the threat of Islamic State which utilizes a remarkable media strategy. Thus, this research analyzed what factors can contribute to the emergence of violent extremism. In addition, this study evaluated how well Korean youths perceive violent extremism through a survey analysis. The survey was conducted with a sample group of high-school students on the basis of self-administered questionnaire.
    Keyword: Countering Violent Extremism, Islamic State (IS), Terrorism, Korea, Youths, Survey, 폭력적 극단주의 대응, 이슬람국가(IS), 테러리즘, 한국, 청소년, 설문조사
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Islam Philosophy
    마크디시의 살라피즘과 IS의 살라피 지하디즘
    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, present leader of IS(Islamic State), declared on June 29, 2014 that Khilafah returned(The Return of Khilafah). IS has been built on Salafism, state ideology by Salafism Jihadists. The first founder of IS is Abū Mus’ab az-Zarqāwī that founded (Society for Monotheism and Jihad) in 1999. Al-Zarqāwī was a petty criminal and an alcoholic, but he became a Salafism jihadist since he met Abu Muhammad Aasim al-Maqdisi in prison in 1990’s. Both of al-Maqdisi and al-Zarqāwī were born in Nablus in West Bank, so they felt brotherhood to each other much more. Especially, al-Zarqāwī has fallen under the influence of Al-Maqdisi. Al-Zarqāwī became a Salafism jihadist by influence of Al-Maqdisi’s Salafism. Al-Maqdisi has been one of the Salafism jihadists that follows pious Predecessors, as-Salaf as-Saleh and that strenuously insists that have to follow the robust belief of the early Muslims including Muhammad, the Companions(Sahabah), the Followers(Tabi‘un), the Followers of the Followers(Tabi‘ al-Tabi‘in) that provided Muslim the epitome of Islamic practice. In this paper, author reviewed Salafism in Islamic history, exchange of Salafism thought and Salafism ideology between two person, and then analyzed al-Maqdisi’s Salafism showing in Millat Ibrahim, al-Maqdisi’s work. In conclusion, the author of this paper insists that al-Maqdisi’s Salafism thought had a great effect on formation of al-Zarqāwī’s violent Salafist jihadism, and al-Zarqāwī’s Salafist jihadism has become a basic ideology of IS building. Al-Zarqāwī’s Salafist jihadism has become a violent ideology, has showed a seditious act of violence to world citizens. Present IS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is an extremist standing on Salafist jihadism.
    Keyword: Salaf, IS, ISIS/ISIL al-Zarqawi, al-Maqdisi, Salafy jihadism(Salafist jihadism), Khilafah, two camps, Millat Ibrahim, Wahhabism, Jama'at al-Tawhid wa-al-Jihad, millah(millat), imamah, tamkin, taghut, da’wah, shirk, takfir, hijrah, bay’ah, 살라프, 이슬람국가, 이라크-샴 이슬람국가, 자르카위, 마크디시, 살라피 지하디즘, 칼리프제 국가, 두 캠프론, 밀라 이브라힘, 와화비즘, 유일신과 성전그룹, 다와, 이마마, 탐킨, 우상, 다신교, 타크피르, 히즈라, 바야
    Author: 정상률
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    2001년 이후 미국의 대 이라크 정책: 이라크 석유자원을 중심으로
    This paper attempts to deal with the correlations between the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and petroleum resources in Iraq. It focuses on the US Bush administration's real intentions for the 2003 invasion such as the control of petroleum resources in the Persian Gulf area in general, and the control of huge amount of Iraqi crude oil resources in particular. The author argues that there were several factors that drove the United States into the Iraq war. First, the Bush administration sought to restructure the political and military order and to strengthen its uncontested hegemonic power in the Middle East after the 9/11 by disarming Saddam Hussein. Second, the Bush administration wanted to control Iraqi crude oil resources and maintain a steady supply of oil to the world capitalist economy including that of the US, Europe, Japan and China. Especially, its purpose was not to directly control the Iraqi crude oil resources; however, to improve the accessibility of international oil companies, both of private and national, to the Iraqi crude oil resources. Third, a group of the American 'neo-conservatists was a driving force which had succeeded to convince the Bush administration's policy-makers on the decision to invade Iraq in 2003. This study also analyzes the inter-relationships between international oil companies and both of the American and British administrations with respect to the Iraqi crude oil resources and its oil industry.
    Keyword: 2003 US Invasion of Iraq, Iraqi Petroleum Resources, International Oil Companies. Neo-conservatives, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, 2003 미국의 이라크 침공, 석유, 국제석유기업, 영국, 부시, 체 니, 럼즈펠드, 울포위츠.
    Author: 최영철
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아랍 스프링 전후 사우디 청년층의 변화 요구와 향후 전망
    The purpose of this research is to investigate Saudi youth's concerns on the future, and their request for social, educational, economical changes before & after Arab Spring. Their concerns are more related with the economy than politics and social stability. Two thirds of Saudi's 29 million person is under the age of 30. The consequences of this large youth segment will affect Saudi's politics, economy, and society in the future. Because they will be a major workforce within 10 years. So Saudi government has to create more jobs for them, and decrease the number of foreign workers. Economically they are afraid of the high cost of living and the availability of affordable housing. As for the education system, young Saudis consider their system is effective for teaching them Islam and basic academic subjects. However, they have expressed discontents on the lack of practical education system, problem solving skill, effective communication, and critical thinking. The lack of practical education system and its skills is closely related with the lack of career opportunities. The development of practical education system will produce various changes in the fields of gender issue, girls' education, allowing to drive, modification of the dress code, and social stability. Young Saudis consider the employment and job opportunities more important than political issues. So they will be likely to be more volatile and discontented forces, if Saudi government has not try to solve economic problems. And this situation will push them to have extremist versions of Islam, and make people more polarized.
    Keyword: Saudi youth, Islam, change, practical education, girls' education, unemployment, 사우디 청년층, 이슬람, 변화, 실용 교육, 여성 교육, 실업률
    Author: 황병하
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    터키 소버린 신용부도스왑(CDS) 프리미엄 결정요인
    The guiding research question of this study is to discover whether sovereign credit default swap(CDS) premium for Turkey is determined by market risk, regional risk and bank risk. The dependent variable is sovereign credit default swap premium for Turkey with the maturity of 1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 4yr, 5yr, 7yr, 10yr, 20yr and 30yr. Independent variables are the implied volatility of equity options, interest swap rate, Euro STOXX 50, Portugal sovereign CDS premium, Greece sovereign CDS premium, Akbank CDS premium. The baseline model is controlled by the time lagged sovereign CDS premium(t-1) and dollar index. The research time frame covers 3. March 2008 to 25. December 2015. The main findings are twofold: market and regional risks show statistically significant relationship with sovereign CDS premium, and there is no statistical correlation between bank risk and sovereign CDS premium in Turkey. These findings reinforce the view that the main determinants of CDS premium are the implied volatility in markets and interest rate.
    Keyword: Turkey Sovereign Credit Default Swap Premium, Market Risk, Regional Risk, Bank Risk, Pass-through Effect, 터키 소버린 신용부도스왑 프리미엄, 시장리스크, 지역리스크, 은행리스크, 전가효과
    Author: 양오석
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    탈소비에트 투르크 공화국들의 문자개혁과 과제
    The scripts that were employed to record Turkic Languages vary throughout history. In 1991, with the emergence of newly independent Turkic republics in the Soviet Union, the subject of the alphabet became an important issue again and, as a result, the Turks in the former Soviet Union changed their alphabets for the third time in the 20th century. Since 1991 special symposium, official and semi-official meetings conducted in Turkey have played an important role for the acceptance of the new alphabets among the Turkic republics. Less known are the alphabet reform debates in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. This paper has intended to reveal the debates surrounding Turkic alphabets and a representation of a struggle to consciously create common Turkic alphabet to represent a common Turkic identity, unified or not. This is still to this day an ongoing struggle that on some fronts may frankly be considered a complete failure. After discussing the unfolding of Soviet-led alphabet reform in Turkic republics in USSR and the debates and resolutions of the meetings focused on the future of Turkic alphabets or contemporary Turkic alphabet reform, I will proceed survey the events leading up to their latest implementation in the post-soviet Turkic republics
    Keyword: Turkic languages, Alphabet reform, Latin alphabet, Common Turkic Language, post-soviet Turkic republics, 투르크어, 문자개혁, 라틴문자, 공통의 투르크어 문자, 탈소비에 트 투르크 공화국
    Author: 손영훈
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    교착어의 서술어부 구조 고찰
    The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the terms and concepts associated with the predicates in the school grammars of the Turkish and the Azerbaijani, and to check the validity of zero suffix and copula in the description of predicates of the two languages. In summary, Both Turkish and Azerbaijani appear to have zero suffixes and copula in the structures of their predicates. Also there is no room for setting mixed category in their grammars. In conclusion, I hope that this paper, in raising some questions as well as answering some, has revealed the necessity for more systematic analyses on the structure of the predicates in both Turkish and Azerbaijani within a perspective not determined by categories of the Indo-European languages.
    Keyword: Agglutinative Language, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Zero Suffix, Copula, Mixed Category, 교착어, 터키어, 아제르바이잔어, 영접사, 계사, 복합범주
    Author: 연규석
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    중앙아시아 튀르크계 유목민 영웅 서사시 『데데 코르쿠트의 서』 고찰
    An epic is the collection of stories that deals with the courage of people. If a country has abundant amount of legends and epics, it could mean that their history is that much more resplendent. Heroic epics are in the memories of all communities and races. Important historical events were transformed into stories and certain rules that are common in various communities and cultures were embedded into the stories. In this sense, one of the important common characteristics of epics is that they become abundant in the form of orally transmitted literature and are passed down to future generations. Epics written in what can be called the repository of the Turks, the Dede Korkut Kitabı are narratives that carry valuable racial identity that cannot be calculated into certain amount of money. The stories included in Dede Korkut Kitabı are about the conflicts of Oghuz tribe, who resided in the landscape of Syr Darya located to the east of Caspian Sea and Aral Lake, with other tribes in the area. The book contains the preface that explains who Dede Korkut is, and twelve stories, which are believed to have been orally passed down, and was recorded in writing between 15th and 16th centuries. The reason behind this belief is that the characteristics of the language, orthography, and phoneme indicate that the text cannot have been written earlier. The existing works are the resden woodblock-printed book that is consisted of preface and 12 stories, and the woodblock-printed book in the Vatican library that is consisted of preface and 6 stories. The stories included in the book sometimes shows the epic characteristics, but what is notable is that it includes realistic contents of daily life. The work is assessed as the fruit of literature along the boundary of epics and folktale. Most of the narrative is written in prose, but the dialogues are generally written in verses with innate rhythm. The work can be considered as an epic, fairy tale, or history. For instance, surrealistic incidents occur and characters with superhuman powers appear in the stories. Also, fairies and god of death also appear, which shows the fairy tale side of the work. Additionally, the epic includes the lives of Oghuz Turks and culture, which shows the historic aspect to this work. In conclusion, Dede Korkut Kitabı connotes the social aspect, belief, customs, lives, history, culture, and tradition of the Oghuz Turks, and is a cultural masterpiece that also includes important informations of other contemporary tribes.
    Keyword: Turks, Nomad, Oghuz Tribe, Central Asia, Heroic Epics, Dede Korkut, Islam, 튀르크, 유목민, 오우즈 부족, 중앙아시아, 영웅 서사시, 데데 코 르쿠트, 이슬람
    Author: 이난아
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    터키 정부 차원의 국외 모스크 후원 활동과 함의
    Turkey patronized Busan Mosque's renovation and Tokyo Mosque's reconstruction through PRA and TIKA. They applied traditional Ottoman architectural styles, especially those of Suleyman and Sinan. Turkey attempts to express that it is one of the most powerful states in the modern Islamic world. Its ideology is very similar to that of Suleyman who was the most powerful Sultan and cemented the prototypical Turkish Mosque. Through various cultural projects, Turkey is impelling its positive image as main stream country in contemporary Islamic World. That image represents Turkey as the protector of Islam and organizer of the Middle East. This article examines Turkish patronal intentions implicit in the construction of the mosques in Busan and Tokyo.
    Keyword: Mosque, Turkey, Patronage of Mosque, PRA (Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı), TIKA (Türk İşbirliği ve Koordinasyon Ajansı Başkanlığı), Busan Mosque, Tokyo Mosque. 모스크, 터키, 모스크 건축 후원, PRA (Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı), TIKA (Türk İşbirliği ve Koordinasyon Ajansı Başkanlığı), 부산 모스크, 도쿄모스크
    Author: 이수정
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    코란 한역 비교 연구 V
    This is a study of Koran translation to Korean. This research concentrates on some problems in the three copies of Korean Koran translated from Arabic to Korean. I point the mistakes happened from the differences in the range of the meaning of the words and the differences in word order or sentence structure between Arabic and Korean. And I suggest the correct translation. To investigate these problems, this article is composed as following. Introduction confines the research realm, the purposes and the way of the research. And in part 2, I compared the 3 copies of Koran translated in Korean in the range of the meaning of the word and the differences in the structures. And I show some mistakes in their translation. And in part 3, I showed my translation after the comparison between the 3 translations after conferring to some Arabic exegeses. And in part 4, I showed the mistakes in the meaning and the structure that 3 translations have made and I showed the reason why they made the mistakes.
    Keyword: Koran, translation, structure, meaning, 코란, 번역, 구조, 의미
    Author: 이영태
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    아랍어 기본어순에 대한 현대적 접근
    The focal point of this paper is to make a modern approach on the basic word order in Arabic as well as to account for the syntactic properties of empty pronoun. It will be argued that the basic word order is not a conception from a descriptive point, but a conception generated in the deep structure. In the literature on Arabic linguistics, two types of sentences(nominal sentence, verbal sentence)have been treated as having the different syntactic distribution, whereas in modern linguistics the nominal sentence and the verbal sentence are generated from one deep structure SVO. Therefore, the objective is to suggest the basic word order in the deep structure by virtue of X-bar schema and VP-internal subject hypothesis, and to explain the left-raising movement of the verb root and the subject in order to generate both VSO and SVO structure. In addition, this paper is focused on underlying the presence of empty pronoun(pro) and manifesting its syntactic properties. It will be made by analyzing the structures which contain raising verb and modal verb
    Keyword: Basic Word Order, Nominal Sentence, Verbal Sentence, X-bar Schema, VP-internal subject hypothesis, the Left-Raising Movement, Empty Pronoun(pro), INFL, Complement, Specifier, Raising Verb, Modal Verb, 기본어순, 명사문, 동사문, X-바 이론, 동사구내 주어가설, 좌측인 상이동, 공범주 주어, 굴절소, 보충어, 지정어, 인상동사, 양태동사
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍에미리트 경제 패러다임 변화에 따른 자국민과 이주민 간 관계변화 연구
    The United Arab Emirates(UAE) has pursued a “de jure and de facto” separation policy toward immigrants under the petroeconomy for the last several decades. The fact of the majority immigrants being uneducated and low-income caused a master-servant relationship between nationals and non-nationals. However, the shift in the UAE’s economic model from a petro-reliant economy to a knowledge-based one has transformed immigrants from blue-collar to white-collar workers. The influx of educated, elite immigrants signifies not only the emergence of a new foreign middle class in the UAE, but also a profound shift in the relationship between locals and immigrants from master-servant to one of rivalry. This study analyzes the history of UAE immigrants and their impact on social change, especially focusing on the relationship between UAE nationals and foreigners in accordance with the changes in the country’s economic model, as based on the literature review.
    Keyword: GCC, UAE, Economic model, Immigrants, Labour market, social integration, 아랍에미리트, 경제모델, 이주민, 노동시장, 사회통합
    Author: 엄익란
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍 문화코드 내 이슬람주의
    Arab dramas have represented dominant popular cultural phenonenon among the Arab public during the last several decades. However, a thorough research on what culture codes dominate the drama serials has not attracted a great attention. Thus, this paper aims at exploring the characteristics of Arab dramas in order to understand what the main culture codes are represented in major drama products. This research was based on qualitative culture code approach in the analysis of collected dramas. This is because it may enable us to understand what constitutes main culture codes in the Arab public culture and visual contents. Through this analysis, Islamic or Islamism culture codes in major Arab dramas can be more scientifically measured. The data collected for this study are 13 Arabic dramas announced in ‘Ramadan 2015 Series List’ of This study examined and analyzed contents of the collected drama serials on the framework of major 3 Islamic or Islamism culture codes: justice, fatalism, and communalism. Through these qualitative analysis, this study would extract to what degree these Islamic culture codes are reflected on the sample dramas.
    Keyword: Arab Culture, Popular Culture, Culture Code, Islam, Islamism, Arab Drama, 아랍문화, 대중문화, 문화코드, 이슬람, 이슬람주의, 아랍 드라마
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    이슬람보험의 구조와 보험사 운영모델에 관한 연구
    Insurance has become a need of individuals and businesses for mitigating risks and alleviating the impact of losses on their lives and wealth. After islamic finance began to facilitate in the 1970s, it also required a Shariah compliant alternative to conventional insurance against Shariah principles due to the involvement of riba, gharar and maisir. Takaful system is developed as a pole of islamic financial ecosystem including islamic banking, asset management and capital market, which its service is provided by 200 more takaful operators globally. In this article we explain underpinning concept and operating models about takaful system as alternative to conventional insurance and see the overview and outlook of it. Also, to differentiate existing articles we present several considerations to launch the takaful business in the market and to operate its business. Through this article various issues which is incurred according to the difference between banking and insurance, conventional insurance and takaful should be an area researched to enter the market as a facility for getting new growth dynamics of our insurance companies.
    Keyword: islamic Insurance, Takaful, Wakala, Mudaraba, Takaful roadmap, 이슬람보험, 타카풀, 와칼라, 무다라바, 타카풀 로드맵
    Author: 정영천
    Poblication Year: 2016
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    중앙아시아 이슬람과 종교적 신크레티즘(Syncretism)
    The peoples of Central Asia began to accept Islam from the middle of the 7th century; however, in those regions Islam took on different aspects. The purpose of this study is to analyze Islam in Central Asia from the perspective of religious syncretism. First I focus on how Islam spread throughout Central Asia in order to identify the origins of religious syncretism. Secondly I deal with the main factors of syncretism in Central Asia that can be explained both by Sufism and the Hanafi school of law belonging to the Sunni sect. When Islam appeared in Central Asia in middle of the 7th century, the people did not want to accept a new religion and in the process abandon their own indigenous religion. Therefore, the ruling class had to take a carrot and stick approach to convert people to Islam. In addition, Sufism and the Hanafi school of law played a significant role in accepting Islam in Central Asia. Sufis introduced a variety of religious practices to the Central Asians including new music, dance and dhikr. Above all, they respected the Saints in the mausoleum. Through this behavior, Sufis were able to gain recognition from the local people. Hanafi law was very flexible interpreting the Koran(Quran) and the Hadiths. Hanafis reinterpreted the concepts of indigenous Tengrism and religion so that local folk might be able to accept Islam. Consequently, Central Asian practices and customs such as Animism, Totemism, Tengrism and Shamanism, which had existed since ancient times could be assimilated into Islam, thus recreating Islam into a form called “Folk Islam”. Islam in Central Asia and Syncretism of Religion.
    Keyword: Islam, Central Asia, Syncretism, Folk Islam, Tengrism, Shamanism, Totemism, Animism. 이슬람, 중앙아시아, 신크레티즘, 민속 이슬람, 텡그리즘, 샤머니즘, 애니미즘.
    Author: 오은경
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    무슬림 여성의 재혼금지기간(잇다)에 대한 샤리아 규범 연구
    This paper aims to study the Shari‘ah regulations about the waiting period, that is Iddah, for a Muslim divorced or a widow. Actually Iddah has a relation to the wedding and the divorce which are very complicated. It is impossible for this paper to examine the whole situations about Iddah. So it is better to focus the types and periods of Iddah. The Shari‘ah regulations of Iddah were enacted by the process of the three steps, that is, Koran, Hadith(Sunnah), law schools. The first Koran told the five types and periods, and the second Hadith(Sunnah) extended to the eight types and periods, and then finally the four Sunni schools of law subdivided them to the twenty types and periods. In modern times some Arab countries accepted the Shari‘ah regulations about Iddah and reflected to the family law.
    Keyword: Iddah, Qur’an, Hadith(Sunnah), Sunni law school, Shi‘ah, family law in modern Arab. 잇다, 코란, 하디스(순나), 순니 법학파, 시아, 현대 아랍국가의 가족법.
    Author: 임병필
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    현대 중앙아시아 정착지대 이슬람에 대한 문명사적 접근
    The Muslim Communities in Central Asian Countries is divided by the countries of sedentary civilization and nomadic civilization. And most researchs on Central Asian Muslim communities have been conducted on the Muslim of sedentary civilizational Central Asia. In the beginning of 20th century Tajikistan and Uzbekistan shared sedentary tradition and communities. In terms of historic-ethnic process Tajikistan have been preserving tajik inheritance from ancient dynaty periods, while some part of tajik inheritances and communities have been located in the territory of modern Uzbekistan, which have been defined as modern Uzbek with the establishing of UzSSR. After breaking up Soviet Union Tajikistan experienced civil war among various groups of different political and religion backgrounds. In this process muslim political groups of Tajikistan had allowed to participate in government and had status of Political party, while similar movements of Uzbekistan have been restricted by the Uzbekistan government. The analysis on Muslim in Tajikistan can explain the dynamics of central asian communities.
    Keyword: Islam, sedentary Central Asia, Tajik, Tajikistan, Islam and Political Activity. 이슬람, 중앙아시아 정착지대, 타지크, 타지키스탄, 이슬람과 정치 활동.
    Author: 김상철
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    ‘붉은 초승달 지대’ 봉쇄를 위한 미·이집트 협력 하에서 나세르의 양면성 추구
    This article reconsiders the emergence of US-Egyptian rapprochement during the late Eisenhower years and examines the reasons behind its fragility. The aftermath of the Iraqi coup heightened Gamal Abdel Nasser's anxiety about regime insecurity largely because it prompted both the breakup of the UAR and the advent of a Red Fertile Crescent under intensified inter-Arab normative competition. In the face of common Communist threats, the ground for US-Egyptian rapprochement was established. However, Nasser's desire to search for state autonomy in the face of regime instability led to his ambivalent strategy towards Washington, thus preventing the emergence of a constructive relationship with the United States.
    Keyword: Ambivalence, State Autonomy, Iraqi Coup, Red Fertile Crescent, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Abd al-Karim Qasim . 양면성, 국가 자율성, 이라크 쿠데타, 붉은 초승달 지대, 가말 압둘 나세르, 압둘 카림 까심.
    Author: 김강석
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이란 쿠르드족 분리독립운동단체에 관한 연구
    This study analyzed the characteristics and limitations of KDPI and Komala which were representative Kurdish Separate Independent movement Parties led the armed struggle in Iran. As a result, first, KDP was founded as a nationalist party covering the left and right and Komala was founded with city nationalists. But after Mahabad Republic had been collapsed, KDPI was born again nation-pursue type party without the left and rebuilted Komala was reborn as a Marxism-Leninism-pursue type party. Second, as a result the political opposition and conflict each other for hegemony of the two parties was occured. Third, the cessation of leadership was serious. Fourth, Iran had stable political circumstance then Iraq and had overwhelmingly military forces than KDPI and Komala, so armed struggle of the Kurds had been limited. Fifth, international alliance with the regional countries and global powers was collapsed, Because of these five causes, it was stagnated that the ability of the armed ethnic conflict of KDPI and Komala in Iran. Kurdish nationalist movement in Iran was also stagnated by these same reason. So there is need much times for KDPI and Komala to recover there ability of its own armed force when they were prosperity.
    Keyword: Kurd, KDP, KDPI, Komala, Ethnic Conflict. 쿠르드, KDP, KDPI, Komala, 민족분쟁.
    Author: 박주성
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    터키 경제 불확실성의 주성분 분석
    The guiding research question of this study is to discover whether the principal component analysis leads us to the advanced understanding of economic uncertainty in Turkey. The time frame covers June 2004 to August 2016 and the basic components of economic uncertainty in Turkey consist of foreign exchange rate(to US dollars), overnight call interest rate, credit default swap spread(maturity 5 years), BIST National All Share Index, MSCI Turkey Index, JPM EMBI Turkey Index, JPM EMBI Composite Index. The main findings are twofold: JPM EMBI Indexes, BIST National All Share Index, and foreign exchange rate are the main principal components in the case of 3 months moving average, whilst JPM EMBI Indexes, BIST National All Share Index, and financial stress(national credit) are in the case of 6 months moving average.
    Keyword: Economic Uncertainty, Turkey, Principal Component Analysis, EGARCH. 경제 불확실성, 터키, 주성분분석, EGARCH
    Author: 양오석
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    터키어 담화에서의 생략현상 연구
    The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of Ellipsis Phenomena in Turkish Discourse. Ellipsis is the common tendency of language toward brevity and conciseness. It is the omission of some identical words or phrases that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically and contextually. Ellipsis must be distinguished from similar phenomena such as incomplete sentences, deletion, elision and pro-form. The criteria for ellipsis are recoverability, context, identity, news value of information. Ellipsis occurs due to the three types of motivation: 1) language economy, 2) prominence of new information, 3) frequency of use. This study distinguishes three subcategories of Ellipsis on the basis of the source for recoverability: Textual Ellipsis, Situational Ellipsis, and Structural Ellipsis. Textual ellipsis has something to do with linguistic context but situational ellipsis with nonlinguistic context. In structural ellipsis, the omitted words are recoverable from the grammatical knowledge of the language.
    Keyword: Turkish, ellipsis, textual ellipsis, situational ellipsis, recoverability. 터키어, 생략, 문맥 의존 생략, 상황적 생략, 복원가능성.
    Author: 연규석
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    세계 시온주의자 기구(WZO)와 보편적 인권
    This paper analyzes how the activities of WZO have related to universal human rights issues from 1897 to 2017, for 120 years. In 1897 the Zionist Organization (ZO, former WZO) was established with a aim to establish a Jewish national home in Palestine. In 1917 the United Kingdom suggested the Balfour declaration with supporting ZO’s aim in 1897. In 1947 UN resolution 181, resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly that approved ZO’s aim to establish a Jewish national home in Palestine as calling for the partition of Palestine into three parts, Jewish state, Arab state and the city of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum to be governed by a special international regime. Since 1967 war, Israel has illegally occupied East Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights to cross the cease fire line of 1949. 2017 marks the 120th anniversary of establishing WZO, the 100th anniversary of the Balfour declaration, the 70th anniversary of UN resolution 181, the 50th anniversary of 1967 war. Since United Nations Resolution 181 in 1947, the problem of Palestinian refugees has continued to exist and no definite border has been settled. WZO instead of Israeli government is very active to construct the israeli settlements in occupied territories. The issue of Palestinian refugees and the construction of Israeli settlements are both sides of the same coin. Therefore, the research of 'WZO and universal human rights' is an important guideline to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflic.
    Keyword: World Zionist Organization(WZO) , Universal Human Rights, Jewish National Fund(JNF), Jewish Agency(JA), Israel, Palestine, Jerusalem. 세계 시온주의자 기구, 보편적 인권, 유대 민족 기금, 유대 기구, 이스라엘, 팔레스타인, 예루살렘
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    이슬람 아트 디자인
    In this paper, we introduce two methods of bisecting the Old Akkadian square band in relation to Islamic art design and examine the historical meaning of each method. In addition, examples of the use of the Old Akkadian square band were explored and analyzed in the Jameh mosque(Isfahan), Tillya Kari madrasa(Samarkand), Barak-Khan madrasa(Tashkent) and various walkway blocks(Tashkent). The Old Akkadian square band is a good material for the convergence education of Ancient Near East history, mathematics, and arts. And it can provide an opportunity to understand Islamic culture in middle and high school education. Moreover, Uzbekistan's sidewalk block can be used as a topic for artistic or mathematical gifted students by combining with the concept of wallpaper group.
    Keyword: Islamic Art Design, Uzbekistan Sidewalk Block Design, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian, History of Mathematics. 이슬람 예술 디자인, 우즈베키스탄 보도블록 디자인, 고 아카디안, 고 바빌로니안, 수학사.
    Author: 박제남
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    사우디 내 IS 극단주의 확산과 와하비주의 논쟁, 그리고 사우디 정부의 대응
    In late 2014, IS declared war against Saudi Arabia, and has carried out a series of terrorist attacks on Saudi targets. IS has declared campaigns against the Shi'a and te Al Salul(Al Saud family). And IS has claimed its historical representative of Wahhabism, and declared itself as the 4th Wahabbi State. Debates on the Wahhabism in Saudi has appeared since 9/11 2001. After the foundation of IS in 2014, the debates and struggles between Saudi government and IS have increased and provoked ideological, political, social confrontations in Saudi Arabia. The contest between the two is not a close one, because IS's terrorist campaign has been focused mainly on the Shi'a targets and the Saudi government targets has gained only limited ground. But the more IS has gained power and territories in the future, the more the threat against Saudi Arabia will be considered severe. Till now, it is regarded Saudi government has controlled IS terrorism and struggles on Wahhabism systematically.
    Keyword: Saudi, Conflict, Wahhaism, IS Radicalism, Liberalism, Counterterrorism. 와하비주의, 논쟁, IS 극단주의, 자유주의자, 반테러 대응, 사우디.
    Author: 황병하
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    사우디아라비아의 형법과 종교 자유권에 대한 고찰
    The purpose of this article is to reveal how the right to religious freedom is being restricted in the Islamic world, focusing on the cases in Saudi Arabia. The right to religious freedom, including the right of individuals to change their religion, is taken for granted by most people in the modern civil societies. However, criminal laws in many Islamic countries stipulate that Muslims who abandon Islam should be punished. According to Shari’a, apostacy (ridda) from Islam is one of the most serious crimes that incur a God-prescribed penalty of death. Today, among the Islamic countries, eight countries such as Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Brunei Darussalam, Mauritania, Qatar, the Sudan, UAE and Yemen treat apostasy as a serious crime to be punished for death penalty. Among these eight countries, seven countries, except Saudi Arabia, have clearly defined apostasy as a criminal offense under the penal code. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, which has no penal code, deals with religious crimes according to Shari‘a. This is the reason why many religious crimes in Saudi Arabia, such as false prophecy, blasphemy, witchcraft, sorcery, and atheism in addition to apostasy can be punished for death , flogging, long term imprisonment, etc in Saudi Arabia. In this context, firstly this paper is going to give an overview of what kinds of penalty Shari‘a has traditionally prescribed for apostasy and how they are applied in modern Islamic countries. Secondly, this article will show what kinds of religious activity are considered criminal offenses in Saudi Arabia. In particular, this article would like to analyze the cases that restrict religious rights of non-Muslim foreigners and non-Sunni Muslims such as Christians, Shi'ites and Ahmadis. Finally, this paper examines how religion-related penalties are being exploited to suppress anti-government activists who have advocated social reforms in recent years.
    Keyword: Saudi Arabia, Criminal Law, Shari‘a, Religious Freedom, Apostasy, Shi'ites, Ahmadis. 사우디아라비아, 형법, 샤리아, 종교자유권, 배교, 시아파, 아흐마디야파.
    Author: 김정명
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    쿠란 속 지하드의 역사적 변천과 활용
    Since the September 11 attacks and the later establishment of Islamic State (IS) in 2014, the word Jihad has become well known both in the Islamic and the non-Muslim world. Some politicians and media have used it to conjure up terrifying images of rabid Islamic fundamentalists. The word Jihad come from a religious context, and has a long history and has been used for a range of complex meanings. However, these days it tends to be translated “holy war” from its association with the medieval Crusades. Because of this, there is a continuous debate whether the usage of the term jihad without further explanation refers to military combat. Some apologists and western scholars insist that jihad is primarily nonviolent. On the other hand, some Islamic fundamentalists turn the confusion over the definition of the term to their advantage. In this article the author examines how the concept of Jihad was developed in the Quran and how each of the sub-groups of Islam history defines its meaning in their historical contexts. The author begins with the hypothesis that the common mistake made in the study of Islam by outsiders, as in the study of other religions, is to treat Islam as a unified religious system. The reality is that all Muslims are not same in their manner of thinking, believing, and living. In conclusion, the author suggests that we should not expect monolithic answers when we pose questions of Muslims. Instead, we should begin to ask what kind of world-view each particular Muslim person and community have. We will see that each group in Islam, including al-Qaeda and IS, has quite different perspectives on the meaning and practices of jihad.
    Keyword: Jihad, Defensive Jihad, Offensive Jihad, Greater Jihad, Lesser Jihad, Islamic State (IS), al-Qaeda, Radical Islamist Movements, Terrorism. 지하드, 방어적 지하드, 공격적 지하드, 대지하드, 소지하드, 이슬람국가(IS), 알-카에다, 과격이슬람주의운동, 테러리즘
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    이란 형법의 배교죄 논쟁 연구
    Iran has prosecuted many individuals on charges of apostasy. Muslims who hold different views from the conservative establishment, Christian converts and Bahá'ís have been targeted of apostasy. In addition, Iran has used the charge of apostasy against her political opposition. Shari’ah law does not have a uniform definition of apostasy. While converting to another religion typically constitutes apostasy, jurists have various opinions on other acts that could render a person an apostate. The Islamic Penal Code has not defined apostasy. Therefore, judges have the discretion to adjudicate apostasy cases based on their own knowledge of Shari’ah law and fatwas. In many cases, the convictions have been eventually reversed, demonstrating the lack of clarity regarding apostasy laws. Prosecutions and convictions based on charges of apostasy and swearing at the Prophet are contrary to international human rights law. Iran is violating the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Moreover, by imposing the death penalty for religious crimes, Iran is also violating the right to life.
    Keyword: Iran, islamic penal code, apostasy, religious freedom, human rights. 이란, 이슬람 형법, 배교죄, 종교의 자유, 인권.
    Author: 신양섭
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    압바스 시대 바이트 알히크마(Bayt al-Ḥikmah) 연구
    This paper is a study on correlation between translation center and astronomical observatory of Bait al-Ḥikmah in Abbasid Era. Function of astronomical observatory and function of translation center had co-prosperity relations due to background of establishment of Islamic empire and settlement of sovereign power. Islamic empire had been influenced by Persian fertile cultural background and Sasanid political astrology, so as to be the translation of astrology in the core of translation policy. Khalifa al-Mamun established an astronomical observatory for accurate observation and astrological interpretation, and it caused diffusion of many astronomical observatories in the empire. They attracted many scholars and students to the observatories and there were various discussions and translations being based on precise observations and it caused verifying of previous translations and find of new theories. These cycles of reproduction could influence on other fields of knowledges addition to astrology. Function of astronomical observatory and function of translation center had good circulation relationship.
    Keyword: Bayt al-Ḥikmah, Translation Center, Astronomical Observatory, Abbasid Dynasty. 바이트 알히크마, 지혜의 전당, 번역원, 천문대, 압바스 왕조
    Author: 이동은
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    시리아 쿠르드 운동단체의 파편화와 성장한계요인
    Since the aftermath of the Arab Spring, the vacuum of power in the region caused by unsafety of Assad regime and the ISIS's rise led the international community to pay attention to the Syrian Kurds. It is because the People's Defense Units(YPG), supported by US troops, has played a major role in securing victories in battles in important bases of ISIS. The Syrian Kurds has been remain in the imperfect position of second citizen after being incorporated into the Syria. It is the first time that they had an important opportunity to demand and implement their full rights. However, the positions of Assad regime and the neighbor countries around the Syrian border are not aimed at protecting Kurdish interests. It is clear that the Kurds in Syria, a multi-ethnic nation, participate in anti-government campaigns with the Arabs in order to win the rights of ethnic minorities. The Kurdish goal, led by the main Syrian Kurdish movement groups, provides the justification for Turkey and Iraq's intervention, the neighboring countries, and is hampering the cooperation of the Syrian Kurdish Movement Groups and, as a consequence, becomes a serious threat to their achievement of their goals.
    Keyword: Syria, Kurds, PYD, YPG, PKK, KRG, Iraq, Turkey. 시리아, 쿠르드, PYD, YPG, PKK, KRG, 이라크, 터키
    Author: 남옥정
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    한·터키 경제 불확실성의 영향력 분석: 충격-반응 모형
    This study focused on the events that cause the economic uncertainty in Turkey. Aiming at discovering the causality, this study examines the information effect of social, political, and security events on the stock market in Turkey. In practice, this study discovers whether a specific event results in the change in the cumulative average abnormal return of listed companies during January 2000 ~ July 2016 by applying the event study. The main events refer to the political events(break-up conduct of islamic parties, the victory of AKP in the general election in 2002, 2011, and 2015, enterance to Parliament of a pro-Kurdish left wing party, HDP), foreign security events(the Russian fighter’s shootdown incident in Turkey), Terrors(wild shooting in the Turkey High Court, PKK rebels near Iraq’s borders, a series of bomb terrors in Istanbul and Ankara), and military coup, etc. The research objectives are the listed companies in the stock market in Turkey, which are capable of realizing the output of the cumulative average abnormal return. The main findings are as follows. First, the political events such as the victory of AKP in the general election(the year 2002)(+) and the entrance to Parliament of a pro-Kurdish left wing party, HDP(the year 2015)(-) exert the information effect on the stock market. In contrast, the victory of AKP in the general election of the year 2011 and 2015 does not exert an effect on the stock market. In the meantime, civil terrors(-) such as wild shooting in the Turkey High Court in 2006 exert the information effect on the stock market, whilst a recent series of terrors in Istanbul and Ankara do not exert an information effect on it. Unlike this, the military coup in 15. July, 2016 exerts a negative effect on the market investors’ expectation resulting in the decrease in the cumulative average abnormal return.
    Keyword: Turkey, Stock Market, Political Momentum, Event Study, Cumulative Average Abnormal Return. 한국과 터키, 경제 불확실성, 주성분분석, 충격-반응, 분산분해.
    Author: 양오석
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    위험관리를 위한 이슬람옵션과 활용방안에 관한 연구
    As an alternative of conventional finance to providing a variety of financial services to Muslims, Islamic finance has been developed by applying the principle of Shariah to conventional finance. In this trend, the scope of the Islamic financial risk management sector is gradually expanding as applying Shariah principles to that. That is, forward (furtures), option and swap as derivatives of conventional finance has evolved to islamic financial risk management products applied islamic principles. In this research, we look out principles and application method of islamic option among islamic derivatives. Wheres forward and swap products is used as hedging instrument of interest rate or financial products, islamic option is mostly applied in hedging of FX market risk management. Since firms with foreign currency or necessary for have an exposure of possible loss, for hedging of those risk is used Fx forward or option. Islamic option for FX risk management is operated in combining Tawarruq, bal al-sarf and murabaha and promising with bank for currency exchange through wa’ad. Based on these operational principles of islamic option, we want to enlarge application scope of isalmic option by proposing hedging method of FX risk for Korean firms in GCC countries.
    Keyword: islamic derivatives, islamic option, risk management, FX risk, wa’ad. 이슬람 파생상품, 이슬람옵션, 위험관리, 환율변동위험, 와드
    Author: 장영천
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    할랄 주요국 소비자 행태 분석을 통한 할랄식품 수출전략 모색
    The purpose of this study is to seek export strategy through Halal food consumer investigation of awareness and their behavior analysis about Korean Food for advancing Halal market in Malaysia. First, according to consumer recognition to Halal certification mark , consumers mostly buy goods after checking Halal certification mark. Especially, they have high reliability of 'JAKIM'(their own Halal certification mark). Therefore, Korean export companies may have advantages if they take mark of 'JAKIM'. Second, consumers mostly buy imported foods which are frozen foods, snacks, neat processing products, canned products and they find information about Halal foods on the internet, TV/radio, newspaper and etc. So when Korean export companies choose export goods for selling in Malaysia, they need to choose relatively inexpensive snacks, canned products which of logistics delivery is easy. And also they need to utilize relatively inexpensive promotion method such as power blog and facebook. Third, Malaysian consumers think Korean foods have good quality and good taste, but their price is expensive. Therefore, export company should establish high-quality & high- cost strategy. Finally, we find Korean export company need to make strategic export approach to expend Halal export targets.
    Keyword: Halal, Halal food, Halal export market strategies. 할랄, 할랄 음식, 할랄 수출, 마켓팅 전략
    Author: 한상연
    Poblication Year: 2017
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    코란 한역 비교 연구 VIII
    This is a study of Koran translation to Korean. This research concentrates on some problems in the four copies of Korean Koran translated from Arabic to Korean. I point the mistakes happened from the differences in the range of the meaning of the words and the differences in word order or sentence structure between Arabic and Korean. And I suggest the correct translation. To investigate these problems, this article is composed as following. 1. Introduction This part confines the research realm, the purposes and the way of the research. 2. Comparison between the 3 copies of Koran translated in Korean This part compares the 3 copies of Koran translated in Korean in the range of the meaning of the word and the differences in the structures. And I show some mistakes in their translation. 3. Translation in Korean This is my translation after the comparison between the 3 translations after conferring to some Arabic exegeses. 4. Conclusion I show the mistakes in the meaning and the structure that 3 translations have made and I show the reason why they made the mistakes.
    Keyword: Koran, translation, structure, meaning. 코란, 번역, 구조, 의미.
    Author: 이영태
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    사회정체성과 취약계층의 극단주의 자생환경
    Extremism is mostly used in a political or religious sense to refer to an ideology that is considered to be far outside the (acceptable) mainstream attitudes of society. Extremism is a complex phenomenon, although its complexity is often hard to see. Most simply, it can be defined as activities (beliefs, attitudes, feelings, actions, strategies) of a character far removed from the ordinary. In conflict settings it manifests as a severe form of conflict engagement. The threat of extremism is neither constrained by international borders nor limited to any single ideology. Increasingly sophisticated use of the Internet, social media, and information technology by extremists adds an additional layer of complexity. Extremism is very difficult to deal with as it emerges from diverse political, social, economic, and cultural reasons. This study hypothesizes that social identity crisis in South Korea may contribute to emergence of homegrown extremism. Thus, this research analyzed whether five main vulnerable social groups can be influenced by extremism. Categorizing such five groups in South Korea as extremist internet communities, multi-cultural families, ill-treated foreign workers, religious extremists, and school maladjusted students, this study conducted surveys with them. The interview results show that the vulnerable social groups with social identity problems are likely to support or sympathizes extremism.
    Keyword: Social Identity, Vulnerable Social Groups, Homegrown Extremism, South Korea, Preventing Violent Extremism. 사회정체성, 사회취약계층, 자생 극단주의, 한국, 폭력적극 단주의 예장.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    소작제도와 이슬람의 무자라아 거래 비교 연구
    Among the factors of production, there is no alternative for the land which human can not create. Within historical times human societies, all over the areas, have needed some farming methods between landlords and some farmers who haven’t own their land. For a solution, Korean of the agricultural life had used tenant farming since the 7th century till prohibiting by the Korean Constitution. However, Muslim of the nomadic life has used muzāraʿah for their farming since the 7th century also. Muzāraʿah has been permitted by Sharīah since the prophet Muhammad conquered Khaibar in Hijaz in A.D. 628. Both of them are keeping long historical background and similar type as collaboration between landlord’s farmland and farmer’s labor power. The objective of this article is therefore to discuss tenant system in Korea and muzāraʿah in Islam from a comparative perspective.
    Keyword: Tenant farming, Muzāraʿah, Sharīah, Landlord, Collaboration. 소작제도, 무자라아, 샤리아, 지주, 소작료, 이윤공유
    Author: 김동환
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    국내 할랄축산물 시장규모 추계
    The purpose of this paper is to estimate the size of domestic halal meat market for chicken and beef and to draw the implication for the necessity of the establishment of halal slaughter house. One of our research results shows that the size of halal meat market for chicken is estimated to be 5,901 metric tons and halal beef meat market is estimated to be 2,764 metric tons in 2016. The value of total halal meat for chicken and beef is estimated to reach 55.4 billion won. As a non-Muslim country, Korea so far has no halal slaughter house. This result suggests that halal slaughter house in Korea is urgently needed. Another result of our research reveals that the establishment of the halal slaughter house can contribute greatly to the activation of the domestic halal meat market through the import substitution of imported meat and can provided a legitimate basis for halal meat supply chain.
    Keyword: halal meat, halal slaughter house, halal meat market, halal meat supply chain. 할랄축산물, 할랄도축장, 할랄축산물 시장규모, 할랄축산물 유통망.
    Author: 장건
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    아랍에미리트 미디어 산업과 규제
    The aim of this research is to investigate the media industry in UAE and to prospect its media environment by analyzing media regulation. For this aim, this research conducted theocratical analysis of media in UAE. The research indicates that the state-led policy was implemented for the development of UAE media industry by establishment of The Dubai Technology & Media Free Zone including Dubai Media City. Internet City, Knowledge Village and International Media Production Zone since the development of Satellite TV in the Middle East in 1990s. Also the research implied that the media regulation has been implemented by the 1980 Emirate Press and Publications Law, the 2012 Cybercrime Law and the 2014 Terrorism Law which prohibit criticism on the Emirate government, the ruling family or ruller. Considering the all environments of media industry, the results were analyzed that the Authoritarian Model and Development Model are implemented in UAE media industry.
    Keyword: United Arab Emirates, Media Industry, Media Censo rship, Middle East Media, UAE. 아랍에미리트, 미디어 산업, 미디어 규제, 중동 미디어, UAE.
    Author: 김수완
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    2차 리비아 내전 연구
    Libyan political circumstances have generally taken three phases since Gaddafi's death on October 20, 2011. The first phase was the end of the first Libyan civil war and the reign of Transitional National Council(October 2011-July 2012). The second phase was the reign of the General National Congress (August 2012-July 2014), which was launched with the elections organized by Transitional National Council. The third phase was the time when the elections on June 25, 2014 replaced the General National Congress with the House of Representatives. To identify the internal factors of the General National Congress that caused the second Libyan Civil war, this paper analyses the General National Congress elections, the main political parties and the Political Isolation Law( Legislation No.13 of 2013 of the Political and Administrative Isolation) in the second phase.
    Keyword: Libya, The General National Congress, Political Isolation Law, The National Forces Alliance, Muslim Brotherhood. 리비아, 일반국민의회, 정치・행정직위 배제법, 국민세력동맹, 무슬 림형제단.
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    동예루살렘 무슬림 공동체의 발전과 변화
    East Jerusalem has three major religious communities including the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Communities. The Muslim community is the majority community of East Jerusalem's population and history. It has occupied an unique position religiously, ethnically, and politically. This community has a relatively strong autonomy in East Jerusalem due to its large population under the Israel's occupation and control for the last sixty years. Despite of them, the Muslim community has shrunk in size and activity compared to its political rival, the Jewish community. The latter has, on contrast, enjoyed its residential expansion beyond the Jewish Quarter in East Jerusalem with the financial and social support of the Israeli government. Particularly, the Jewish settlement movement, mainly composed of Israel's religiously radical right wing groups, had affected the expansion of the Jewish community in the city. Given these challenges, the Muslim community has responded positively centered around East Jerusalem Awqaf Administration. The Awqaf Administration has played a key role in unifying and consolidating the Muslim society of East Jerusalem not only as a religion organization but also a social and political one in various fields of the Muslim community. It tried to defend the Muslim identity through establishing the cultural department, the Department of Islamic Archaeology. Therefore, this research will address the formation and development of the Muslim community, focusing on the competitive relation with the Jewish community. In addition, this research will also find various activities of the Awqaf Administration for protecting its religious community and cultural heritage, further, and the competitive relation with the Palestine National Authority for taking political hegemony and leadership in East Jerusalem. The conclusion of this paper also addresses the implication of East Jerusalem in creating its religious and political identities of the Muslim community.
    Keyword: East Jerusalem, The Muslim Community, Israeli-Palest nian Conflict, Muslim Identity, the Awqaf Admin stration. 예루살렘, 이스라엘, 팔레스타인, 동예루살렘 무슬림공동체, 이스라 엘-팔레스타인 분쟁, 중동평화.
    Author: 안승훈
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    터키 상업은행 성과 결정요인
    This paper explores the determinants of firm performance in Turkish commercial banks from the perspective of ownership advantages, financial capabilities, efficiency and the diversity of profit structure. The research time frame covers 1988 to 2017, and a positive analysis is employed for 43 Turkish commercial banks by collecting empirical data from Bankscope. The main findings are as follows: Tier 1 ratio, price to earnings ratio, firm age and non-interest income rato are positively correlated with firm performance, while risk-weighted assets ratio, coverage ratio, loan-to-deposit ratio, non-performing loan ratio, cost-to-income ratio and interest income ratio are negatively correlated with firm performance. As such, it is possible to conclude that as for Turkish commercial banks concerned, the main determinants of firm performance are financial capabilities and efficiency. In addition, it is noteworthy that they are currently employing more risk-weighted assets for the increase in profitability.
    Keyword: Ownership Advantages, Financial Capabilities, Efficien cy, Diversity of Profit Structure, Turkish Commercial Banks. 독점적 우위, 재무 능력, 효율성, 수익구조 다변화, 터키 상업은행.
    Author: 양오석
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    동아시아 국가 미래비전과 할랄정책 비교연구
    China, Japan, and Taiwan began to pursue policies related to halal industry from the early of 2010s onwards. These countries are similar in their recognition of the necessity for nurturing halal industries within their countries for economic diversification despite less than 1~2% of their population being Muslim. Therefore, the motivation for entering the halal market did not spontaneously emerge by market necessity but was artificially introduced by top-down governmental policies. This situation is very similar to Korea. However, halal policy is differently developed in each country as their history of acceptance for Islam also differs. In this context, this study aims to elucidate the implications for Korea’s halal market advancement strategy through a comparative study of China, Japan, and Taiwan’s halal industry policies.
    Keyword: Halal, China, Japan, Taiwan, One Road One Belt Initiative, Revitalization Strategy, New South Bound Policy. 할랄, 동아시아, 중국, 일본, 대만, 일대일로, 재생전략, 신남방정책.
    Author: 엄익란
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    소설 『알리와 니노』에 나타난 아제르바이잔의 정체성 문제
    Situated right in between the Islamic world and the European world, the identity of Republic of Azerbaijan as a nation was very much shaped and influenced by the two distinct worlds. Such geopolitical factor of the Republic of Azerbaijan inevitably led to the coexistence of diverse cultural, ethnic and religious values as well as conflicts and clashes of contradictory beliefs and practices. The novel 『Ali and Nino』 is set in the Caucasus region, which was a melting pot of various cultures during the turbulent era of the early 20thcentury. The novel, which revolves around the love story of Ali and Nino, vividly demonstrates the conflicts and clashes of different cultures, religions, lifestyles, customs and values prevalently witnessed during the early 20th century in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Although marrying a woman of different religion was condemned with in the Islamic society, Ali, the male protagonist, marries Nino, a Christian woman from the Western culture. Through the power of love, he overcomes their reconcilable differences he encounters in a world he is unable to understand or relate to. Throughout the novel, Ali also displays the tenacity of successfully preserving his identity as a Muslim even during the trials and tribulations of the turbulent era, marked by the Westernization of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The fact that Ali loves the ‘desert’ while Nino loves the ‘wood’ symbolizes the different values and upbringings that set the two individuals apart. Ali and Nino both accept the fact they hold different values, yet they do not force their values upon each other. For instance, Ali does not particularly stand gainst the Islamic law, Sharia, yet this does not mean that he conforms to it either nor does he compel Nino to adhere to it. In other words, he is ready to embrace cultures different from his and wiling to find a suitable halfway point that satisfies both of them. In short, 『Ali and Nino』 is a story about a pair of lovers that undergoes an identity crisis as they become involved with each other and walk on the borderline of two different worlds, yet, ultimately overcomes the crisis through the power of love. The naming of their soon to be born baby ‘Tamar’, a name that is used in both Christianity and Islam, shows their willingness to retain both identities as a Muslim and a Christian. Through the struggles of Ali and Nino to define and preserve their identities, the novel implies that an identity, in its true sense, is founded on a particular ethnicity, culture or religion, instead, is formed while one autonomously and independently strives to create a world of harmony.
    Keyword: Ali and Nino, Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Identity Problems, Conflict, The East, The West. 『알리와 니노』, 아제르바이잔, 조지아, 정체성 문제, 갈등, 동양, 서양
    Author: 이난아
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    마흐르에 대한 샤리아 규범과 여성의 권리
    Koran (Qurʻān) defined Mahr as "a monetary or non-monetary gift mandated by men to Muslim women and the Biblical women at marriage" . That is to say, Mahr is the gift which bridegroom gives to the bride and then it is the right of the bride. Sunna (Hadith) specifically described the meaning of the 'gift' mentioned in the Koran as all (gold, silver, commodity, real estate, etc.) that has worth, everything that the both bridegroom and bride satisfy, memorizing the Koran and it’s education, conversion to Islam, liberation of slave and so on. Nonetheless, the norms of the Koran and Sunnah were not enough to meet all the demands of the vast Muslim world extended after the 9th century. So the Islamic law schools have dealt with the details of Mahr to apply them to the whole Islamic world.
    Keyword: Mahr, Koran(Qurʻān), Sunnah(Hadith), women’s right. 마흐르, 코란, 순나(하디스), 법학파, 여성의 권리.
    Author: 임병필
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    할랄과 현대적 소비
    In 2014, the Indonesian Parliament passed Halal Product Assurance Law. When oppositions were raised, Muslims have tried to defend the bill. Under the circumstances where Muslims as the majority coexist with religious minorities, they justify the bill by resorting to such non-religious rationales as quality improvement, consumer rights, global competitiveness, and health. An investigation is made on the process of public hearing on the bill conducted by the Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2017. It is explored how the critical views of the bill were raised and how Muslims defended it against them. By examining the religious and non-religious discourse surrounding the bill, it is expected that multidimensional meanings Indonesian Muslims attach to Islamic consumption, and characteristics of Islamic modernity can be grasped.
    Keyword: Halal, Haram, Indonesia, Halal Product Assurance Law, Toyyiban. 할랄, 하람, 인도네시아, 할랄제품보장법, 토이반.
    Author: 김형준
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    GCC 국가별 족벌주의와 종파주의의 상호연관성 연구
    Generally speaking, it is said that sectarianism in GCC countries is a transnational phenomenon witnessed across national boundaries. However, in these days, some scholars say that sectarianism plays out in some countries in important ways, and that domestic politics and discriminations of national institutions contribute to the perpetuation of sectarianism. Recently, the authorities of GCC have used sectarian politics as a strategic tactic to solve social and political problems. This is the reason why this paper tries to research domestic problems in GCC countries, including power structure, royal family's conflict, descent-based conflict, nepotism, and tribal conflict. As for correlation of nepotism and sectarianism, the most important examples are 2016's execution of Shi'i cleric Shaykh Nimr al-Nimr and 2013's intervention of Saudi-UAE military and police into Bahrain, Shi'a-dominated GCC country. After 2011 Arab spring, in Bahrain major political upheaval has been witnessed, in Kuwait and Oman limited protests had been witnessed, in Qatar there was no popular reform demands. It means most GCC countries, regardless of their domestic sectarianism, have wanted stability and security of nation, politically and socially and religiously. In case of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, we can find sectarianism cuts deeper into social network of both countries. To understand their situations, we have to research two major historical factors, one is the pushing of Saudi Sunni tribes from the interion into Bahrain in 18th century, the other is British's acceptance of Wahhabi expansionism to the Eastern province of Saudi and Bahrain in 20th century. It will be discussed in next paper.
    Keyword: nepotism, sectarianism, tribalism, GCC, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Sunni'ite, Shi'ah. 족벌주의, 종파주의, 부족주의, GCC, 사우디, UAE, 카타르, 바레인, 쿠웨이트, 오만, 순니파, 시아파.
    Author: 황병하
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    현대 이라크 아랍어 변종과 언어적 특징 연구
    The Arabic community, consisting of 22 allied nations in Southwest Asia and northern Africa, is seen as a monolingual community unified in Arabic language, but it has a very complex structure from the inside. The official language of the Arab League is the standardized written Arabic language(Fusḥā), but the communication in informal situations is generally used by the spoken Arabic(ʕāmmiya). The Arabs have religious faith and admiration for Fusḥā, but they seem to have a very proud pride in ʕāmmiya. Considering the linguistic situation of the Arabic community dominated by diglossia, the research on ʕāmmiya is as important as Fusḥā. In this study, Iraq Arabic was set as a subject among the contemporary Arabic dialects. Iraq was the foothold Abassiyya dynasty(AD750~1288) which was the golden age of the Arab and Islamic empire and the center of the Arab and Islamic culture. Iraq was a collective of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean culture in the middle ages. Thus, Iraq has provided the best environment for studying the change of the language by the external factors and linguistic layers deposited by age. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of non verbal factors(history and social factors etc.) on the variation of the spoken Arabic language and it’s development through contemporary Iraqi Arabic. And also I research the changed form of the spoken Arabic and it’s language identity.
    Keyword: Arabic Language, Iraq, Dialect, Linguistic Layer, Sociolinguistics. 아랍어. 이라크, 방언, 언어 지층, 사회언어학.
    Author: 윤용수
    Poblication Year: 2018
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    Sharī‘ah 해석의 현대이론
    The contemporary theories of Shari'ah is going beyond merely the explanation of the Shāfi‘ī, Ḥanbalī, Ḥanafī, Malikī, and Ja‘farī. However, an evident borderline still exists in schools of law; Sunni, Shī‘a and Ibāḍī. Moreover, some scholars still follow the four Sunni schools. This study aims to analyze the interpretation of shariah divided into Traditionalism, Modernism and Post Modernism with the need of emergence of new classification. This new classification for fiqh is more comprehensive system than previous one. Furthermore, this system includes all shariah scholars and researchers regardless of their backgrounds and geographical locations.
    Keyword: Shari'ah, interpretation, schools, Traditionalism, Modernism, Post Modernism. 샤리아, 해석, 학파, 전통주의, 모더니즘, 포스트모더니즘.
    Author: 이원삼
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    제정러시아말기 카자흐지식인공동체의 대외 및 대내 변화요인과 변화과정
    The Kazakh Intellectuals in the late period of Russian Empire had been influenced by external Reform movements in Osman Empire and Tatar Turkic Intellectuals in the Russian Empire. Domestically Russian colonial policies on the Kazakh nomadic communities resulted social and economic structure of traditional Kazakh communities. With external influences and changes of domestic kazakh communities, Kazakh modern intellectuals had been established by various social-stratum and religion backgrounds of contemporary kazakh steppe. In the late of Russian empire various kazakh intellectuals integrated into the frame of Kazakh modern intellectuals, who took lead modernization of Kazakh society and active political participations.
    Keyword: Kazakh, Osman Empire, Muslim, Intellectuals, Pan-Turkism, Russian Empire. 카자흐, 오스만제국, 무슬림, 지식인, 범투르크주의, 러시아제국.
    Author: 김상철
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    동예루살렘에 대한 유대교·무슬림·기독교 공동체간 갈등 및 경쟁 구조 분석
    The conflict of the ownership and authority over East Jerusalem has been historically contested for about two thousands years. Many major empires tried to conquest the city of Jerusalem for several reasons: historical, religious, ethnic, and national. The Ottoman Empire proclaimed the so-called principle of the Status Quo in 1757 in order to resolve religious conflict over the management of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre among Christian sectors, and since then, the Status Quo has been recognized as a symbolic and legal principle for co-existence of three religion, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in spite of power changes among great powers and states. Especially, the three religious communities of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities strove to keep the power-balance within East Jerusalem, recognizing the others’ religious authority and tradition. But the historical tradition of the co-existence was challenged and threatened by the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem after the Six-Day War of 1967. In particular, after the Israeli wing-wing party, Likud party, began to take power in Israeli politics, and strongly implement the policy of the Jewishness of East Jerusalem, the political competition for superiority over East Jerusalem among the three communities became strengthened, and the conflict structure among them remained complicated. Therefore, based on this historical narrative, this paper will examine the structure and dynamic of the political conflict and competition over East Jerusalem among three religious communities. Furthermore, this paper will find out the responses of the other two communities, the Muslim and the Christin communities against Israel’s control policy over East Jerusalem. In the conclusion, this will also seek the possibility and prosperity of the co-existence among three communities in East Jerusalem, and the istorical implication and meaning of the political and religious roles of the communities for resolving the conflict surrounding East Jerusalem.
    Keyword: East Jerusalem, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Middle Eastern Conflict, Identity Politics, Relations of Politics and Religion in the Middle East.동예루살렘, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 분쟁, 중동 분쟁, 정체성 정치학, 중동의 정치-종교 관계.
    Author: 안승훈
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    ISIS이후 아랍세계의 변화와 이슬람포비아 (Islamophobia) 현상에 대한 고찰
    Generally there has always been hatred of foreigners in any society. In fact, hatred of foreigners, namely xenophobia, has existed in Western society as European white supremacy or American white supremacy in particular is coupled with cultural conflict. However, this xenophobia has increased steadily in the form of Islamophobia against Muslims since the 911 terrorism in 2001. The spread of Islamophobia is a reality to worry about in that Arabs or non-Arab Muslims are falling victim to the social prejudice as they are considered as potential terrorists. It has a negative influence on the issue of Yemen refugees in Korea as well as Muslims' immigration to Europe. In addition, the flood of Arab Muslim refugees to Europe is causing even a conflict between European countries as it is interlinked with Islamophobia. This study attempts to analyze the phenomenon of Islamophobia that is spreading with the change of the Arab world particularly after the appearance of ISIS. This phenomenon has expanded, if for no other reason, due to the 911 terrorism in 2001, the ISIS's indiscriminate terrorism after 2003 and the activities of Lone Wolf, an independent terrorist organization sympathetic to them, and the ignorance that the Western society and non-Islamic countries hostile to the Islamic world show toward Islam. And the appearance of the fear of and hostility to Islam and Muslims in Europe is caused by a combination of the rapid increase in Muslim population, the European economic crisis and increase in unemployment, the European failure in immigrant integration policy, the right conservative and the ultraright party's irrational expression of discontent with the Muslims for their electoral strategy, and the biased distorted, and exaggerated reports of international media.
    Keyword: Islamophobia ISIS, Xenophobia, Terrorism Non-Arab Muslims, Islamic world, Muslims' Immigration, Cultural Conflict . 이슬람포비아, 제노포비아, 인종주의, 이슬람국가(ISIS), 테러리즘, 이슬람세계, 무슬림이민, 문화갈등
    Author: 이성수
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    한국 주요 수출품목의 GCC 시장 내 수출경쟁력 분석
    The purpose of this study is to provide basic research data on the export competitiveness for Korea's major exports to resolve sluggish exports to the GCC countries. This paper analyses market share and market comparative advantage index of Korea, USA, China and Japan. The results show that USA and Japan are still in intensifying competition with Korea and the rise of China has become a menace to Korea. We need to do various market survey to increase our export competitiveness and continue the Korea-GCC FTA negotiation in order to promote trade. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia which exercises political leverage in the region is more interested in regional bilateralism than the multilateralism of the GCC nowadays. With the current situation, it is hard to be optimistic over the resumption of negotiations so the Korean government should be prepare alternative measures for bilateral economic cooperation.
    Keyword: Korea, Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC), Export Competitiveness, Market Share, Market Comparative Advantage Index. 한국, 걸프협력기구, 수출경쟁력, 시장점유율, 시장비교우위지수.
    Author: 정혜선
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    이슬람 세계의 순교 해석과 변용 분석
    This article examines martydom in Islam focusing on: 1) comparing Quran verses that deal with martyrdom; 2) re-categorizing other studies of martyrdom in Islam and; 3) Islamic extremist's using of martyrdom. It also studies the martyrdom concepts used by Islamic Extremist and analyzes that their approach to martyrdom is the result of taking only a fraction of the entire concept of martyrdom. The modern concept of martyrdom in Islamic world is very different with historical one. Extremist believes that throwing someone's life is one of the vest forms of martyrdom to be with God because they apply the concept to the war circumstances. However, their idea does not match the traditional concept of martyrdom in Islamic world. This article focuses on various but organized concepts of martyrdom of Islamic world.
    Keyword: Martyr, Martyrdom, Islam, Islamic Extremist, Quran. 순교, 이슬람, 이슬람 극단주의, 꾸란
    Author: 이수정
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    한국 개신교 선교단체의 타끼야 인식
    This study researches the Korean Protestant missionary group’s perception of Taqiyya doctrine. Korean Protestantism perceives Taqiyya doctrine as a method to arouse Islamophobia within Korean society. In other words, they understand that Taqiyya doctrine is a ‘camouflagic strategy not to expose the status of Muslims’, and they perceive that Muslims penetrate Korean society through this doctrine for the purpose of spread of Islam. However, simply understanding Taqiyya doctrine as a ‘camouflagic strategy not to expose the status of Muslims’ is originated from lack of knowledge, ignorance, and prejudice towards Islam. Thus, this study aimed to understand Taqiyya doctrine, and also to dispel some Korean Protestants’ worries about that this doctrine would be used as a missionary strategy for the purpose of Islamization of Korea. ChapterⅡ of this thesis handled the understanding of the concept of ‘Taqiyya’. Even though some Protestants and missionary groups against Islam regard ‘Taqiyya doctrine’ as a ‘camouflagic strategy to hide their doctrine and identity’, it would be necessary to understand the accurate concept of ’Taqiyya’ and the historical background of this doctrine aiming to hide their identity and protect their religion. ChapterⅢ handled Taqiyya mentioned by Quran and Hadith. The belief in Taqiyya and the attitude to accept it are different in each denomination of Islam. Even though Taqiyya is a doctrine mostly used in Shia, Sunni also shows some responses to Taqiyya. ChapterⅣ handled Taqiyya understood by Korean Protestantism. Some Protestants, and ministers and people related to missionary groups who are worried about the spread of Islam in Korea perceive Taqiyya as one of the Islamic missionary methods in Korea, and they are spreading wrong information through mass media like internet and religious media for the purpose of spreading Islamophobia within Korea. However, in the aspect of thoughtlessly delivering wrong information to the public without accurate explanation of Taqiyya doctrine, it would be necessary to understand it correctly. This study suggests to seek for the coexistence by perceiving Islamophobia rooted in Korean society not in the exclusive attitude toward a specific religion, but in the mutually-cooperative attitude, by improving the understanding of Islam in the multicultural and globalized Korean society.
    Keyword: Taqiyya, Quran, Hadith, Sunni, Shia, Korea Protestant, Islamophobia, Mutual cooperation. 타끼야, 꾸란, 하디스, 순니, 시아, 한국 개신교, 이슬람 혐오증, 상 호협력.
    Author: 조정현
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이슬람국가(IS)의 이중적 이념 구축
    Even if the Islamic State(IS) has virtually disappeared some remnants are likely to continue terror attacks throughout Iraq and Syria, and in the Middle East and Western societies. Moreover, the ideology prevailed by this organization, Daeshism, seems to influence other radical Islamist groups for some time. Thus, it is imperative that academia and policy-makers grasp the reality and function of the idea of IS. This study attempts to explore how the ideology of IS is formed and what function it has through examination of Dabiq internet Magazine produced by this organization. This study assumes that IS has a tendency of political rebellion unlike al-Qaeda. Therefore, in order to understand the reality of IS, it is necessary to explore its ideology through functionalism from a deeper and multifaceted approach. To analyze the radicalism of IS in the "dual process model of ideology and prejudice" proposed by Chris G. Sibley and John Duckitt, this study examines the hypothesis that IS constructs a dual idelological system of mobilization and otherization, and uses it politically. In order to demonstrate the dual ideological system of IS and its functions, this study analyzes 4 issues of Dabiq. The co-occurrence of words and word clusters in KH Coder clusters program will be used to explain the dual ideological formation process of the main subject words in the IS publicity materials. If the IS entity is understood more specifically by understanding the process of formation of this ideology, it will be positively possible for the international community to prevent and respond to the rise of similar organizations in the future.
    Keyword: The Islamic State, Mobilization, Otherization, Functionalism, Terrorism, Daeshism, Iraq, the West, Arab, the United States, Secularism, Persia. 이슬람국가(IS), 동원, 타자화, 기능주의, 테러리즘, 다에쉬즘, 이라 크, 서방, 아랍, 미국, 세속주의, 페르시아.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이란 외교 정책의 정체성 연구
    After the Islamic Revolution in 1979 understanding Iranian foreign policy has been a difficult subject for both foreign policy scholars and experts. They have usually been surprised by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s behavior because they could not explain and predict its action and reaction in the context of mainstream foreign policy approaches. The aim of this study is to analyze the formation process of Iranian foreign policy behaviour toward the US through constructivist approach. The main argument of this study is that in order to understand Iranian foreign policy behaviour, the meaning and identity of the Islamic Revolution must be analyzed and understood more deeply. The purpose of this study is to explain that the basic idea and meaning structure of the Islamic Revolution was formed on the basis of dar al-Islam and dar al-Kufr, so it is different from the ideology of the US. This concept has emerged as a major conflict factor, defining the confrontation between Iran and the US as a hostile relationship.
    Keyword: Iran, US, Islamic Revolution, Constructivism, Identity, Foreign Policy. 이란, 미국, 이슬람 혁명, 구성주의, 정체성, 외교 정책.
    Author: 유달승
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Israel History
    이슬람 역사에서 종파주의 관련 용어의 등장 배경
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the historical background of sectarian terms in Islam used in online. As the conflicts in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen have increased, hostile expressions based on sectarianism are increased sharply in online, SNS, and media channels. After following the Syrian civil war and IS's violent activities in Iraq and Syria, some derogatory anti-Shi'ite terms have appeared. They are Rafidha, Hizb al-Shaytan, Majus, Nusayri, and Safawi. And some hostile anti-Sunni terms also have appeared. They are Wahhabi, Takfiri, and Umawi. However, the use of hostile sectarian anti-Shi'a and anti-Sunni terms is not a new phenomenon, they have deep historical backgrounds. Since 2011 Arab Spring, the number of Arabs using online social networks has grown dramatically from 60 to 81%. It means they can discuss and communicate each other in online on the politics, Muslim societies, and religion. Most of the anti-Shi'a sectarian terms are related with the history of Rafidha, Nusayri(or Alawite), and Safawid, and most of the anti-Sunni sectarian terms are related with the history of Wahhabism and Umayyid. The future of sectarianism in the Middle East will be decided by increasing amount of counter-sectarian rhetorics.
    Keyword: Sectarianism, Counter-sectarianism, Anti-Sunni, Anti-Shi'ite, Rafidha, Nusayri, Safawi, Wahhabi, Umawi. 종파주의, 반종파주의, 반순니파, 반시아파, 라피다, 누사이르, 사 파위, 와하비, 우마위
    Author: 황병하
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    북부 아랍어와 남부 아랍어에 대한 역사적 고찰
    The Arabic language is generally divided into northern Arabic and southern Arabic. The northern Arabic includes western Ḥijāzi and eastern Najdi dialects, while the southern Arabic includes the ancient Yemeni languages and modern dialects. The Ḥijāzi dialects were used as the urban dialects in Mecca and Medina and the Najdi dialects included Bedouin dialects. The urban dialects during the Islamic conquest have rapidly changed compared to the Bedouin dialects, which have lost its own grammatical rules. On the other hand, the Bedouin dialects relatively maintained a linguistic purity because they were geographically isolated. It seems that the language of the Koran and the pre-Islamic poems were more related to Eastern than to Western Arabic considering that the Najdi dialects have the linguistic characteristics of the classical Arabic, such as the adaptation of the spelling of the hamzah, the glottal stop, the preservation of the declension, a voiceless sound of /q/, the presence of interdental sounds, the use of passive form, and the use of the duals and so on. The southern Arabic is divided into the ancient Yemeni languages and the modern Yemeni dialects. The ancient Yemeni languages like the Minaean, Sabean disappeared, while the Himyarian has developed into the modern Yemen dialects. The Himyarian was influenced by the northern Arabic language, and the linguistic features of the Sanaa dialect belonging to the Himyarian language prove this well. The aim of this paper is historically to study northern Arabic and southern Arabic by investigating the language situation and the phonetical & morphological differences or similarities between them.
    Keyword: Northern Arabic, Southern Arabic, Western Ḥijāzi Dialects, Eastern Najdi Dialects, The Language of the Koran, Pre-Islamic Poem, Codification, Language Situation, Hamzah, Declension , Ancient Yemeni Languages, Modern Yemeni Dialects. 북부 아랍어, 남부 아랍어, 서부 헤자즈 방언들, 동부 나즈드 방언들, 코란의 언어, 이슬람 이전 시가, 성문화, 언어상황, 함자, 어미변화 , 고대 예멘어, 현대 예멘 방언들.
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    코란과 하디스에 언급된 지하드의 의미
    The meaning of Jihad should be seen from the point of view of Shariah, not political or religious interests. Because Sharia is a guideline, a moral, a custom, a law and norms of Muslim life, and the Jihad is also a part of Shariah. The first source of Shariah, the Koran, has 30 Jihad-related passages, and the meaning of the Jihad mentioned here is a comprehensive and conceptual concept, such as struggle or effort for Islam and Muslim community (Umma) in the way of Allah. A number of related passages in Shariah's second source, Hadith (Sunni Bukhari Hadith and Shia al-Kafi) are summarized. As a result of analyzing these, it can be interpreted as Holy War as a few, and in many cases it can be seen as confirming the concept of Jihad of the Koran. Interpreting Jihad as a Holy War is more negative than positive. Inside Islam, extremists tend to use Jihad as a means to justify their actions. Outwardly, it uses Jihad to make Islam mistake it as a religion of violence or to make Muslims aware of it as a fanatic. Therefore, it seems desirable to interpret the Jihad as a comprehensive and conceptual concept like in the Koran.
    Keyword: Jihad, Koran, Hadith, Bukhari, al-Kafi. 지하드, 코란, 하디스, 부카리 하디스, 알카피 하디스.
    Author: 임병필
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이븐 타이미야의 반(反) 몽골 파트와가 현대의 극단적 이슬람주의에 미친 영향
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze fatwas issued by Ibn Taymiyya(1263–1328) against Mongol rulers and troops. And this paper would like to examine how modern extreme Islamists used his views to justify their violence or terrorism against Muslims. It is known that between about 1299 and 1313 Ibn Taymiyya issued three fatwas against the Mongols of the Ilkhanate. In his fatwas Ibn Taymiyya argued that even though the Mongol rulers claim to be Muslims themselves, they cannot be seen as true believers because they do not comply with Islamic laws. And on this basis he came up with a legal interpretation that proclaiming jihad against them is legally legitimate. Ibn Taymiyya’s fatwas regarding the Mongols established a precedent for modern extreme Islamists such as Sayyid Qutb, Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Salām Faraj, al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State(IS). They used the logic in Ibn Taymiyya’s fatwas on the Mongols to claim that it is legally justified to kill “un-Islamic” Muslim rulers or to destroy their regimes.
    Keyword: Ibn Taymiyya, Ghāzān Khān, Anti-Mongol Fatwa, Ilkhanate, Mamluk dynasty, Sayyid Qutb, Muḥammad Faraj, al-Qaeda, Islamic State(IS). 이븐 타이미야, 가잔 칸, 반몽골 파트와, 일칸국, 맘루크조, 사이드 쿠틉, 무함마드 파라즈, 알카에다, 이슬람국가(IS).
    Author: 김정명
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    사우디아라비아 보호자법 완화정책과 폐지논쟁에 관한 연구
    Saudi Arabia’s guardianship law has drawn global attention as the number of women who flee from their country to seek asylum are increasing. While Saudi women support abolition of the guardianship law, asserting that the law oppresses women’s rights, the government introduced various new policies to ease the law since 2017 within the frame of the Saudi Vision 2030’s reform policy. However, despite the new policies, a guardian’s permission is still customarily needed in Saudi Arabia. Unlike audi women and the government’s position toward law, the religious elites and tribal people oppose abolition of the law, claiming that it contradicts the tradition and customs of Saudi Arabia. Considering the disputes and debates around the guardianship law within Saudi Arabia, the purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the four parties’(women, government, religious elites, and tribal people) controversial positions towards the law based on a literature review as well as to suggest the future direction that Saudi society would take under the Saudi Vision 2030.
    Keyword: Saudi Arabia, Saudi Women, Women’s Movement, Guardianship Law, Tribalism, Wahhabism. 사우디아라비아, 사우디 여성, 여성운동, 보호자법, 부족문화, 와하비즘.
    Author: 엄익란
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    The Pragmatic Attitude of the Wahhabi ‘Ulama toward Their Saudi Rulers
    The story of the establishment of Saudi Arabia goes back to the religiopolitical alliance between Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad Ibn Sa‘ud, which started with an encounter between these two influential men in 1744. It is widely accepted that the religious zealotry of the Wahhabis was one of the major driving forces in the conquest of the Arabian Peninsula by providing the Āl Sa‘ud with political justification in the name of jihad. However, the more mainstream Wahhabi leaders accepted the decisions of the Saudi political leadership in the process of establishing the kingdom, and became further subordinate to the ruling family. The pragmatic attitude of the Wahhabi ‘ulama toward their political leadership has been strengthened during the 20th century. The pragmatic tendency of the Wahhabis toward their rulers goes back to the time of the collapse of the second Saudi state; a collapse caused by quarrels over the succession to the throne led in turn to civil war and conflict between rival claimants. All this led to the collapse of the state in 1891 and the conquest of Najd by the Rashid family of Ha’il. In addition oil wealth generated in the 20th century has played an important role in making the Saudi ruler superior to the ‘ulama.
    Keyword: Saudi ‘Ulama, Wahhabism, First Saudi State, Second Saudi State, Oil Rent. 사우디 울라마, 와하비즘, 첫 번째 사우디 국가, 두 번째 사우디 국가, 석유 렌트.
    Author: 송상현
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    다큐멘터리 「코레 아일라」와 영화 「아일라」 비교 분석
    The documentary 「Kore Ayla」 and the film 「Ayla: The Daughter of War」 reproduce a story of a Turkish veteran Süleyman and that of Ayla who was orphaned by Korean War, taking them as their common theme. These are special works that visualize the developing process of photographs into a documentary and subsequent films. The film 「Ayla: The Daughter of War」 is based on the documentary 「Kore Ayla」, a documentary about humanism that transcends nationalities of Turkish veteran and an orphaned Korean girl. The two different genres take on different format, plot, and techniques. The biggest difference is that while「Kore Ayla」 focuses on the story of Süleyman and Ayla after the war as it is a special project for commemorating sixty years of Korean War, 「Ayla: The Daughter of War」 focuses their story in the moment of Korean War. 「Kore Ayla」 mainly deals with the process of the characters’ separation and reunion after sixty years’ time, rather than how they were during the war. On the other hand「Ayla: The Daughter of War」 covers their story from the humanistic point of view. The plot is enriched with some fictional episodes which is the distinctive trait of a film. Also, there are various characters featuring around them. Both the documentary and the film records photographs and stories of Süleyman, who practiced the true love for humanity beyond race, nationality, and religion. Thus, 「Kore Ayla」 and 「Ayla: The Daughter of War」 are considered meaningful contents in that they offered a chance to deliver and share the impacts of Korean War on mankind with posterity.
    Keyword: 「Kore Ayla」,「Ayla: The Daughter of War」, Documentary, Film, Turkey, Korean War, Humanism. 「코레 아일라」,「아일라」, 다큐멘터리, 영화, 터키, 한국전쟁, 휴 머니즘.
    Author: 이난아
    Poblication Year: 2019
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    이슬람화 이전 투르크 구비문학의 특징과 갈래분류에 관한 연구
    Turkic literature (Türk Edebiyatı) is a long-standing common cultural heritage shared by Turkey and the countries of Central Asia based on oral traditions. In Turkic culture, oral traditions are not only the literary poetry of rhyme and rhythm but are also the basis for modern folk songs, funeral songs, plays, games, and the like. Prior to Islamization, oral literature was conveyed by shamans (Kam) in religious rituals (dinitöreni), festivals (şölen), hunting ceremonies (sığır), and rites of passage, based on celestial thought and shamanism. The shaman was a political leader, priest, artist, therapist (doctor), and mentor; in other words, he(she) led the tribe, of which he(she) was the focal point. As Islam gradually consolidated its power in tribal nations, the original functions of shamans weakened. The shaman was later transformed into an ozan, performing only some of the functions of a bard, storyteller, and narrator. As literature has passed through the era of mythology, which has a shamanic nature, recording history in mysterious terms, an era of literature functioning only in the artistic realm has arrived. Oral traditions have subsequently been written down and passed down, as with the changing process of oral literature. Pre-Islamic Turkic oral literature reflects the Turks' view of the universe, the world, humans, life, and death, and is a valuable resource for examining their faith, tradition, and customs. More specifically, before the arrival of Islam, celestial thought (Göktanrıcılık), shamanism, totemism (wolf, deer, eagle, etc.), animism, Buddhism, and Manichaeism had considerable influence on the Turkic tribes. In particular, the Turks' main beliefs (animism) were principally beliefs in natural spirits, along with ancestor worship (atalar kültü). The objects of worship include the sun (güneş), moon (ay), stars (yıldızlar), planets (gezegenler), yer-sub (god of mother earth, god of nature), fire (ateş), water (su), mountains (orman), trees (ağaç), land (toprak), stones (taşve kaya), and the like. This traditional belief influenced the whole nomadic life and was incorporated into the oral literature through the magical power of the language. As such, oral literature is at the heart of Turkic culture. Therefore, understanding their oral literature will help us understand their culture and literature, while giving us further insight into the multicultural aspects of modern society.
    Keyword: Turkic folklore, Turkic oral literature, Turkey, Central Asia. 투르크 민속, 투르크 구비문학, 투르크 신앙, 터키, 중앙아시아.
    Author: 양민지
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    국내 정치 역학과 수니-시아파 담론갈등
    Sectarian conflicts in the Middle East has become more acute recently. On the basis of a instrumentalist and constructivist and institutional approach, this study attempted to comparison between domestic and regional variables to understand of which variable has been more associated with sectarianism. Among the most important regional political transformers in the 21st century, this paper dealt with the Iraq War, the Arab Spring and Syrian civil war, and the conclusion of the Iran nuclear deal. As for the domestic political variable, the appointment of Saudi Arabia's crown prince was selected as the most important political transformer in Saudi political stability or regime survival. To compare the four domestic and regional transformers, frequencies of news articles containing all three search terms - Shia, Iran and Saudi Arabia - were quantitatively measured via Google News. A time series analysis applied to the irregular variation of the significant political variables confirms the hypothesis of the study that domestic political stability and regime survival have a more significant causal relationship with the Sunni-Shiite conflict than the regional political variables.
    Keyword: the Middle East, Dynamics of Politics, Discourse Conflicts, Sunni, Shia, Sectarian Conflicts. 중동, 정치 역학, 담론갈등, 수니파, 시아파, 종파갈등.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    불완전 주권과 중동의 정치 불안정
    Considering that the concept of sovereign state emerged in Western society, this study attempts to explain how incomplete sovereignty could exacerbate political instability in the Middle East. The aspects of incomplete sovereignty of the Middle East can be defined as the absence of non-interference in the internal affairs, hybridization of security, and emergence of the separatist movement. In particular, the case study of the Syrian civil war revealed how these elements could have severe consequences in the political situation in Syria. In light of the significance of sovereignty, further research is needed to examine various effects of incomplete sovereignty on Middle Eastern politics.
    Keyword: Non-interference in the Internal Affairs, Separation Movement, Incomplete Sovereignty, Hybridization of Security, Political Instability, Middle East. 내정 불간섭 원칙, 분리주의 운동, 불완전 주권, 안보 복합화, 정 치 불안정, 중동.
    Author: 김강석
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Syria
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    빈칸 채우기(cloze-test) 활동이 아랍어 학습자의 읽기 능력에 미치는 영향
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of teaching reading using cloze-test activities on Arabic learners’ reading ability and their attitude toward Arabic reading learning. The subjects for this study were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group read Arabic texts using a cloze-test which involved completing an Open Ended Cloze-test and Ctest. The control group read Arabic texts using a traditional grammar-translation method. To examine their improvement of Arabic reading ability, learners took Arabic ability test before and after the experiment. To examine the learners’ attitude toward Arabic reading learning were asked to fill out a questionnaire before and after the experiment. The results of this study were as follows: First, using the cloze-test, especially the C-test technique was found to be effective in improving learners’ Arabic reading ability. Second, using the cloze-test improved learners’ Arabic reading ability at all levels for intermediate level learners. The most significant difference was seen among the high proficiency learners using the cloze-test technique. Third, using the cloze-test had a positive influence on learners’ attitude toward Arabic reading learning.
    Keyword: Cloze-test, Arabic Reading Ability, Open Ended Cloze-test, C-test, Interest and Attitude, Confidence, Satisfaction. 빈칸 채우기, 아랍어 읽기 능력, 개방규칙 빈칸 채우기, C-테스트, 흥미도 및 태도, 자신감, 만족도 .
    Author: 문지영
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    트럼프 대통령의 ‘평화 · 번영 정책’과 세속주의 기반 PA와 샤리아 기반 하마스의 공동 대응
    US President Trump, based on the ‘American First’ foreign policy, announced the Middle East peace policy on January 28, 2020, “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People.” The key to the ‘Peace to Prosperity’ policy is the ‘realistic two-state solution,’ which is the path to the two states that the United Nations resolved in 1947, the ‘Survivable Palestinian State,’ under some conditions that the United States and Israel decided to comply with. However, as a whole, the ‘Peace to Prosperity’ policy has a 'Israel bias'. This paper discusses the main contents of President Trump's ‘Peace to Prosperity’ policy and the current joint responses of the PA and Hamas. Palestinians are struggling for a lone anti-Israeli independent state building, with major Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE, supporting ‘Peace to Prosperity’ policy among Arab League member states. PA and Hamas, in a “competition and cooperation” relationship, agreed to struggle for independent state building against Israel, but there is no special armed terrorism against Israel yet. President Trump said it was a ‘Peace to Prosperity’ policy vision, but for Palestinians, it seems to be a nightmare, not a ‘vision’.
    Keyword: peace to prosperity, deal of the century, realistic two-state solution, a viable Palestinian state, America First, conceptual map, land swaps. 번영 위한 평화, 세기의 협상, 현실적인 두 국가 해결책, 생존 가능 한 팔레스타인 국가, 미국 우선주의 정책, 개념지도, 토지 교환.
    Author: 정상률
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    정치 체제와 정권생존
    The Arab Spring has various implications on the Middle Eastern regime survival. The Jasmin revolution that has influx from Tunis to Yemen brought the subversion of regimes and the civil uprising. Although Gulf monarchies have shown its resilience in several events such as the wave of Pan-Arabism and the Iranian revolution of 1979 as well as Iran-Iraqi war in 1981, the Arab Spring and people’s demand for democracy was a huge threat to the Gulf monarchy system. This research argues the similarity of regime type plays a critical role in creating a strong alliance of Gulf monarchies which has become the strong shield of the wave. Thus, this research aims to evaluate what kind of conventional elements has been discussed to affect the monarchies’ resilience against internal and external threat. Moreover, for the accurate assessment, this research limits the time period from the 2011 to 2014 since the regime change occurred predominantly during these 4 years through election or upheaval. Based on the alliance theories of International relations, the main variants that has dealt in precedent research on Gulf monarchies regime security was analyzed. Rentierism, legitimacy of its government, tribalism as political and regional culture and institutional differences. Add to this point, the formation of the alliance and ideological solidarity which represented as the establishment of Gulf Cooperation Council and Peninsula Shield Forces, and military intervention with Saudi Arabia and PSF to Bahrain was brought as case study to this research. Through these case studies, the importance on similarity of regime type in regime survival of Gulf monarchies was studied. The regime type and ideological solidarity were the key factor that the gulf monarchies have successfully formed its alliance during the Arab Spring. Therefore, understanding of relationship between two variants will help us understanding the regime survival of Gulf monarchies, while giving us further insight into the same types of regime’s survival in other region.
    Keyword: Gulf Monarchies, Regime Survival, Rentierism, Tribalism, Legitimacy, GCC. 아랍의 봄, 이념동맹, 동맹국가, GCC, 걸프 협력기구, 연합방위군, 정권생존.
    Author: 이수진
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    이스라엘 천연가스 수출을 위한 협력
    Why has Israel recently been active in strengthening cooperation with Arab countries led by the UAE, especially the Khalifa Haftar forces in eastern Libya? One of the key reasons is to build hubs for exporting the natural gas produced in Eastern Mediterranean gas fields of Israel's offshore, including the Leviathan and Tamar gas fields, and to secure a safety net for export gas pipelines to Europe. But Israel's gas exports and reserves are not high compared to other countries in the region. Thus, in the long run, Israel appears to dream of the hub of regional gas pipeline passages beyond its neighbors. The cooperation and struggle of the countries to export Israeli natural gas produced in the Eastern Mediterranean will provide an important clue to understand the complex political landscape of the Middle East as a whole. This paper is to identify the complex political landscape in the Middle East, which is activated around inter-state cooperation for Israel's natural gas exports.
    Keyword: Israel, Natural Gas, UAE, Greece, US. 이스라엘, 천연가스, UAE, 그리스, 미국.
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    ‘알 자지라(al-Jazīrah)’와 ‘알 아라비야(al-‘Arabiyyah)’ 뉴스 텍스트의 언어학적 특징 비교 연구
    This research aims to analyze the linguistic features of the news texts of al-Jazīrah and al-‘Arabiyyah in terms of phonology, syntax, semantics, vocabulary, vocabulary coinage as a typical standard language of modern Arab society. Generally speaking, the media is divided into two categories: written media and spoken media, while written media refers to newspapers and magazines, spoken media refers to television and radio broadcast etc. Considering this importance, we will analyze the linguistic features of news Arabic focusing on al-Jazīrah and al- ‘Arabiyyah, which are regarded as the representative spoken media in the Arab world. Al-Jazīrah is the largest Arab satellite news broadcaster since its foundation in November 1996 and is called CNN in the Middle East. Al-‘Arabiyyah is located in Dubai, and is the news channel established in March 2003, broadcast in modern standard Arabic to a pan-Arab audience. In this research we will look at the overview of al-Jazīrah and al-‘Arabiyyah and analyze the linguistic features of the news texts of the two medias in terms of phonology, syntax, semantics, vocabulary, and coinage. And also we will study the effects of these linguistic features on the development of modern standard Arabic.
    Keyword: al-Jazīrah, al-‘Arabiyyah, News Arabic, Media, Modern Standard Arabic, Literary Arabic, Spoken Arabic. 알 자지라, 알 아라비야, 뉴스 아랍어, 미디어, 현대 표준 아랍어, 문어체 아랍어, 구어체 아랍어.
    Author: 윤은경
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    안달루스 시인 이븐 카파자의 시에 대한 연구
    Ibn Khafāja, who became the natural poet by singing the most poems about nature among the Andalusian poets, sang the beauty of Andalus until his life. He was heavily influenced by the Arab traditional poem ‘Al-Qasīḍah’ and tried to follow the traditions of previous poets. Along with this, he tried to build a poem with a structure and meaning different from that of Arab traditional poems, and unlike traditional poems with a spatial background called desert, his spatial background was Andalus with a beautiful natural environment. Ibn Khapāja sang the beauty of Andalus nature in his poems, the love of lovers, the friendship of friends, and the joy of drinking wine. However, as he grows older, he also writes poems contemplating his own life approaching death, the loneliness he feels after letting go of his friends and feelings of passing away. In particular, in 'Al-qasīḍah Al-bā`iyah', one of his representative works, he concentrates on the traditional theme of 'Raḥīl' and sings a description of the mountain. For Ibn Khafāja, this mountain is personified and is a mountain that protects oneself by talking to one another. He sings of hope and sings of a life of traveling alone to a new destination. This tendency is characteristic of the poems of Ibn Khapāja, which is quite different from the traditional Arab poetry.
    Keyword: Ibn Khafāja, 'Al-qasīḍah Al-bā`iyah', Natural poetry, Andalusian poet. 이븐 카파자, 알까씨다 알바이야, 자연 시, 안달루스 시인.
    Author: 이종화
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    현대 이슬람의 종파 간 갈등과 생존 전략 연구
    This study researches the conflict between Sunnites and Shi’a in modern Islam and their surviving strategy focusing on the process of conflict’s expansion between them, the political antagonism between them, their surviving strategy, and the future of sectarian conflict. It also examines the process of establishing Shi’a identity and its political pragmatism, competition of sectarian initiative between them, and upsurging sectarian conflict between them and fixation of their polarization. As for the current sectarian polarization, both sects must be blamed. Arab Sunnite states blame Shi’a Iran, and Iran also blames the United States, Israel, and Arab Sunnite states, above all Saudi Arabia. Since the Arab Spring Iran has tried to enlarge Shi’a Crescent Belt and fed sectarian conflict flames in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Saudi Arabia regards Iran’s foreign policies as sectarian and expansionist. Iran regards the rise of Sunnite Islamism, jihadism, and Wahhabism organizations, including IS and al-Qaeda, as a reason of its political intervention into Syria and the current situation of sectarian polarization in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. After demolition of IS, the sectarian conflicts has become more severe. So the longer these sectarian conflicts endure, the stronger the sectarian polarization will be.
    Keyword: Sunni, Shi’a, Sectarianism, Saudi, Iran, Polarization. 순니파, 시아파, 종파주의, 사우디, 이란, 양극화.
    Author: 황병하
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이븐 타이미야가 순니파 이슬람 무장단체의 반(反)시아 이데올로기 형성에 미친 영향
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the works and fatwas of Ibn Taymiyya(1263–1328) against Shi‘a sects such as Ithnā ‘ashariyya, Ismā‘iliyya, and Nuṣayriyya. This paper also seeks to examine how modern extreme sunni militant groups used his anti-Shia discourse to justify their violence or terrorism against Shia Muslims. It is well known that Ibn Taymiyya is one of the medieval Sunni scholars most widely consulted by modern-day Islamists to justify their sectarian violence. And he used very rigid concept of takfir to legally rule that Shiites are unbelievers and apostates. He also called them rāfiḍa, ghulāt, munāfiq, mushrik, mu‘āwin to emphasize the negative aspects of Shi'ites. And it can be seen that his views on Shi‘ites are repeatedly used in al-Zarqāwī’s speech and Dabiq, the ISIS’s propaganda magazine.
    Keyword: Ibn Taymiyya, Shia, Rafida, Ghulat, Takfir, Islamic State(IS), Dabiq. 이븐 타이미야, 시아, 라피다, 굴라트, 타크피르, 이슬람국가(IS), 다비크
    Author: 김정명
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    미국과 이란 간 불신과 갈등의 역사
    Due to a United States drone air strike near Baghdad International Airport on January 3rd, 2020, Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Forces, was assassinated along with nine other people including Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, commander of the Iran-backed Kata’ib Hezbollah militia. The military operation was condemned by the Iranian government and many superpowers because Soleimani was not a non-state actor such as Osama bin Laden, but a state actor. Despite anticipated international condemnation and opprobrium, the Trump administration resolutely embarked on taking controversial and dangerous military action against Iran. Soleimani’s killing by the U.S. government sharply escalated tensions between the U.S. and Iran and stoked fears of military conflict, which in the end did not take place. This study will look into the historical context of bilateral relations between the U.S. and Iran. This historical approach will help the reader understand that this military operation did not simply occur with the escalation of political tensions between the two countries. It was the result of a long history based on distrust and antagonism between the U.S. and Iran since 1953.
    Keyword: Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Iranian Nuclear Deal, Iranian Revolution, Mohammad Mossadegh, Qasem Soleimani. 무함마드 모사데크, 아부 마흐디 알-무한디스, 이란 혁명, 이란 핵 협상, 까심 솔레이마니.
    Author: 송상현
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    걸프의 정권 안보와 이스라엘-UAE·바레인 관계 정상화
    There are various perspectives in explaining the Abraham Accords signed at the White House in September 2020. Not a few Western and domestic scholars are likely to analyze the peace mood between Israel and the Arab world on the basis of the reestablishment of a regional political order of building an anti-Iran alliance. But the study is based on the hypothesis that domestic political factors play a crucial role in the recent Gulf states’ surprise peace treaty with Israel. To that end, this study conducted three types of quantitative and qualitative analysis in order to find out the real background behind the normalization of Israel-UAE and Bahrain relations: measuring the number of news articles related with the Accords from Google News; measuring the frequency of nouns, proper nouns, and adjectives from selected eight sample research articles; and drawing co-occurrence of words of the collected data above. The above three analyses show that the Arab-Israeli detente has a more significant causal relationship with the independent variables of regional security rather than domestic regime security.
    Keyword: Regime Security, the Gulf Countries, Normalization of Relations, Israel, UAE, Bahrain. 정권 안보, 걸프국가, 관계 정상화, 이스라엘, UAE, 바레인.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    한국의 지분적립형 주택과 이슬람의 유사 거래
    The hopes and burdens of getting my own home exist not only in Korean society but all over the world. Real buyers who dream of becoming future homeowners will mostly use mortgages or mortgage loans to finance their home purchases. Meanwhile, in the Islamic areas, Ribā(interest) transactions are prohibited under Islamic law Sharīʿah, so Muslims cannot use the Western way of raising funds while paying interest. Muslims can finance for their house through the Islamic Bank. At this time, the 'al-ʾijārah(lease) completed by ownership' method is used. Recently, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the government announced plans to supply 'sharing house ownership' as part of their real estate measures. This method is considered a new one that has never been presented before. This study seeks to compare the structure of 'sharing ownership of house' in Korea and 'al-ʾijārah completed by ownership' in Islam to present the similarities.
    Keyword: Homeowner, al-ʾIjārah(lease), Islamic Finance, Real Estate Measure, Sharing Ownership. 주택 소유주, 이자라(임대), 이슬람 금융, 지분적립, 부동산 정책
    Author: 김동환
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    이집트 소설을 통해 본 사회문제와 2011년 시민혁명의 전조
    This study set out to analyze the work of Egyptian novelists, dealing with social issues in Egypt during the Mubārak regime and the citizens’ consciousness changes and social movements before the people’s revolution in 2011. For the purpose of research, the investigator selected ʿAlāʾ al-Aswānī’s The Yacoubian Building, Khālid al-Khamīsī’s Taxi, and Muḥammad Salmāwī’s Butterfly Wings among novels set in Egypt under Mubārak’s rule. This study analyzed these three novels based on the sociology theory of literature, which states that the situations of a society during a certain period can be figured out through literary work from that period. Following that sociology theory of literature by Georg Lukacs, which states that a writer’s ideas, experiences, and views were reflected in his or her work, the investigator examined the creative worlds of the three writers and analyzed the content of their novels. Conclusion shows the following findings based on these discussions: Egypt had prominent social issues, such as the oppression of human rights, This study set out to analyze the work of Egyptian novelists, dealing with social issues in Egypt during the Mubārak regime and the citizens’ consciousness changes and social movements before the people’s revolution in 2011. For the purpose of research, the investigator selected ʿAlāʾ al-Aswānī’s The Yacoubian Building, Khālid al-Khamīsī’s Taxi, and Muḥammad Salmāwī’s Butterfly Wings among novels set in Egypt under Mubārak’s rule. This study analyzed these three novels based on the sociology theory of literature, which states that the situations of a society during a certain period can be figured out through literary work from that period. Following that sociology theory of literature by Georg Lukacs, which states that a writer’s ideas, experiences, and views were reflected in his or her work, the investigator examined the creative worlds of the three writers and analyzed the content of their novels. Conclusion shows the following findings based on these discussions: Egypt had prominent social issues, such as the oppression of human rights, control of the press, prevalence and fixedness of corruption, and polarization and inequality among the social classes, under the dictatorial regime based on the analysis results of the three pieces of literature. The citizens’ disillusionment about mundane rule, expectations for an Islamic system, and civil social movement for democratization depicted in the work is considered signs for the people’s revolution of 2011.
    Keyword: Egypt’s Social Issue, Egyptian Revolution of 2011, The Yacoubian Building, Taxi, Butterfly Wings. 이집트 사회문제, 2011년 이집트 혁명, 『야쿠비얀 빌딩』, 『택 시』, 『나비의 날개』.
    Author: 김경호
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    을종본 회회관역어 어휘편 천문문(天文門)에 대한 고찰
    The Hui-hui-guan-yi-yu(回回館譯語) is the Persian volume of Hua-yi-yi-yu, the "Chinese-Barbarian Dictionary" of the Bureau of Translators which was compiled during the Ming - Qing period. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Persian phonology in the 15th century in historical linguistic perspective as well as the characteristics of the Hui-hui-guan-yi-yu, especially concentrating on the first category of the volume. The findings from the analysis of the Hui-hui-guan-yi-yu show that those who transctibe or copy the volume do not have fluency in Persian language. Moreover, every vowel has been distinctively transcribed based on the consonants it precedes. The pronunciation of those vowels has been changed compared to the present pronunciation and it regularily shows vowel lowering, which can be the evidence for sub-categorization of New Persian. In addition, this document shows the different usage of the vocabulary in 15th century and the present.
    Keyword: Hui-hui-guan-yi-yu(回回館譯語), version B, Persian, 15C, the category of “Astronomy”(天文門). 을종본 회회관역어, 페르시아어, 15세기, 천문문
    Author: 곽새라
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc Humanities Science
    중앙아시아 이슬람 세계의 천문학
    This study explores the relationship between Islam and astronomy and the achievements of astronomy in the Islamic world in Central Asia in the 9-15th centuries. First, the well-known scholars in science and astronomy during 9-10th centuries are introduced, then the Timur Empire’s Islamic astronomy(15th) and modern astronomy of the independent Uzbekistan are explored respectively in order to understand how the Uzbekistan government tried to restore national and ethnic identity. Islamic astronomy was able to make a remarkable development as many religious practices in Islam (eg, worship toward Mecca, knowing the beginning and end of Ramadan by lunar calendar) were deeply linked to the astronomical thinking of understanding the movement of celestial bodies. From 9th up to 15th some scientific academies and various scientific fields including astronomy have been established in Islamic Central Asian and this academic traditions have contributed to great achievements such as a huge astronomical observatory called the Ulug‘bek Observatory and the Zij of Ulug'bek during the reign of King Ulug‘bek, of Timur Empire of 15th century. After Uzbekistan's independence from the Soviet Union, the Islamic Timur Empire provided historical legitimacy for the rule of the new Uzbekistan government, and the existence of Islamic astronomical heritages were used as a key propaganda for restoring national and ethnic identity and enhancing self-esteem. Today, the Ulug‘bek Astronomy Institute (UBAI) and the Maidanak Observatory are the central axes of astronomy in Uzbekistan, a representative symbol and core medium that connects the past and present of Islamic science in Central Asia. The UBAI, which has scientific assets accumulated in the long history of astronomy, and the Maidanak Observatory, which has the best observation conditions in the world, show the future of the astronomy in Uzbekistan.
    Keyword: Central Asia, Islam, astronomy, national identity, Timurid dynasty, Ulug‘bek observatory. 중앙아시아, 이슬람, 천문학, 티무르 제국, 국가민족 정체성, 울루그 벡 천문대.
    Author: 이지은
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    중동 지역 내 미중 전략경쟁구조 분석
    This paper analyzes the structure of strategic competition between the US and China over the Middle East. First of all, China is expanding the scope of its cooperation with the middle east based on energy resources, industrial cooperation, and infrastructure construction through the Belt and the Road Initiative(BRI). As China is forming a combined maritime network with the Middle East by connecting West Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Mediterranean Sea, the US influence has continued to decrease with in the region. The US dependence on Middle Eastern energy resources have waned after the Shale Revolution which had lead to a certain degree of power vacuum in the Middle East. However, as the BRI successfully expands its connectivity in the Middle East, Trump administration has signed an “Abraham Accords” to form a value chain of its own. By utilizing tradition alliance as an axis, the state of Israel, the US is trying to reengage as a Security –Economic patron in the region. Therefore, along with the analysis on the structure of strategic competition between the US and China over the Middle East, this paper examines whether the Red Sea initiative in the Middle East can be linked to China's BRI and the US's Abraham Accords. Furthermore, this paper seeks to provide the comprehensive perspective on the possible dynamics of BRI, the Abraham Accord, and the Red Sea Initiative in the future.
    Keyword: International Relations of Middle East, US-China Strategic Competition, Abraham Accords, Red Sea Initiative, BRI. 중동 국제관계, 미중 전략경쟁, 아브라함 협정, 일대일로, 홍해구상.
    Author: 이창주
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    터키 경제 불확실성에 관한 예측 모델 비교
    The main purpose of this article is to identify the optimal predictive model for predicting the economic uncertainty of emerging economies in Turkey. To do this, after obtaining a comprehensive set of related data, the final prediction model was selected by comparing predictive power between three models, such as a linear regression tree model, a decision tree model (bagging tree, random forest), and a neural network model, through a cross-validation technique. Key variables in a model include exchange rates, interest rates, stock markets, bond markets, economic atmosphere, counterparty risk, emerging country risk, and strategic import dependence. A series of economic indicators data for quantitative analysis used data from specialized database companies such as Thomson Reuters Datastream, Worldscope, Bankscope, and Osiris. The main finding is that the predictive power of the random forest model showed a relatively low MSE value compared to other predictive models, indicating its suitability as an optimal prediction model.
    Keyword: Economic Uncertainty, Prediction Model, Linear Regression Tree, Decision Tree, Neural Network Model. 경제 불확실성, 예측 모델, 회귀트리, 의사결정트리, 인공신경망 모델.
    Author: 양오석
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    아랍어 명사구 이동에 대한 연구
    The focal point of this paper is to make a minimalist study on NP-movement in Arabic constructions such as passive construction, raising construction, and topicalized construction. In addition, this study is going to explain the characteristics of each NP-movement, and the cause of the movement by the check theory as well as establishing X-bar schema by virtue of VP-internal subject hypothesis. It will be argued that the NP-movement in the passive construction must be moved to the SPEC1 position in order to be checked for the nominative case from Tense of Inflection. In the case of the NP- movement in the raising construction which contains raising verb and modal verb, it will be proved that the upward NP-movement from SPEC1 to SPEC2 within the IP domain is not accepted, but NP-movement is generated through the left dislocation to SPEC3 position in the CP domain. Finally, in the topicalized construction, the NP-movement takes the shape of the upward movement from SPEC1 to SPEC2. It will be analyzed that the NP is shifted by the focus rule, which is considered as the semantic rule, not the syntactic rules. At this time, the subject NP is checked for incomplete nominative case, which shows that Arabic T-quality is weak as opposed to English strong T-quality. Recently, the transformational-generative theory has evolved from the minimalist theory to the optimistic theory in order to ultimately build up the universal grammar that satisfies the universal qualities of individual languages to the fullest, while satisfying the external basis of individual language phenomena. In other words, the goal of the universal grammar is to maximize the explanatory adequacy in principles while maintaining the objective adequacy for individual languages. Therefore, the theory of Arabic grammar should satisfy the maximization of the explanatory adequacy in the framework of the universal grammar.
    Keyword: Minimalist Theory, NP-Movement, Passive Construction, Raising Construction, Topicalized Construction, Minimal X-bar Structure, Head, Complement, Specifier, Inflection, Complementizer, VP-internal Subject Hypothesis. Raising Verb, Empty Pronoun(pro), Upward NP-Movement from SPEC1 to SPEC2, Left Dislocation to SPEC3, Focus Rule. 최소주의 이론, 명사구 이동, 수동구문, 인상구문, 주제화 구문, 최 소 핵계층구조, 핵, 보충어, 지정어, 굴절소, 보문소, 동사구내 주 어가설, 인상동사, 공범주 주어(pro), SPEC1에서 SPEC2로의 상 향이동, SPEC3로 좌측전위, 초점규칙.
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    입력 중심과 출력 중심 형태초점접근법에 따른 아랍어 문법 학습 비교 연구
    The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of focus on form approach: input-based and output-based activity, input-output combined activity on intermediate level learners’ Arabic grammar proficiency. Focus on form approach, which has been long studied as an alternative instruction method that can enable balanced learning of accuracy and fluency of the respective language, is a learner-focused proactive instruction method that overtly draws learners’ attention to linguistic elements as they arise incidentally in lessons in which the overriding focus is on meaning or communication(Long, 1991). The results of the study are as follows. First, it was found that inputbased activity, output-based activity, input-output combined activity focus on form approach and the traditional rule-explaining activity all improved the achievement from a short-term point of view for Arabic grammar teaching methods. Also, among the four activities, it was found that focus on form approach, which implements both input and output based activity, had the biggest effect. Such result shows that input and output-based activity are both needed for drawing attention to and to learn target grammar elements, and that learners can better learn the target grammar when both activities are combined. Second, input-based activity, output-based activity and input-output combined activity focus on form approach showed significant results in the long-term efficacy of Arabic grammar learning. Among them, the experiment group that performed both input and output activities had the biggest significant effect from a long-term learning perspective.
    Keyword: Learning of Arabic Grammar, Focus on Form Approach, Inputbased Instruction, Output-based Instruction, Input-output combined Instruction. 아랍어 문법 학습, 형태초점접근법, 입력 중심 교수법, 출력 중심 교수법, 입ㆍ출력 중심 교수법 .
    Author: 문지영
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    칼릴라와 딤나와 라퐁텐 우화의 공통이야기 연구
    This article is a comparative study of Kalīlah wa Dimnah and La Fontaine Fable regarding plot, animal character and event, narration and teachings, religious background and historical background. As for Kaīllah wa Dimnah, it gives animal character’s role through its behavior and proceeds narration by rapid speed and offers much teachings. And it usually maintains religious thoughts of its original text, Panchantantra and sometimes adds islamic tenets, and it criticizes king’s dictatorship and his inability. While La Fontaine Fable gives animal character’s role through writer’s explanation in simple plot and controls narration speed and offers selective teachings. And it contradicts Hinduism of its original text, Bidpai Fable and emphasizes Christian tenets. and it criticizes hypocrisy of administrators or clergies, and the people’s sufferings as well as international affairs. In modern era Arab poets accepted La Fontaine’s excellent literary technique and regarded it as a model of fable poem.
    Keyword: Kalīlah wa Dimnah, La Fontaine Fable, Bidpai Fable, Pilpay Fable. 칼릴라와 딤나, 라퐁텐 우화, 비드파이 우화, 필파이 우화.
    Author: 이동은
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    키르기스 문학에 나타난 근대적 여성상 모색
    The increasing pace of globalization has significantly affected our lives in many profound ways. One of the consequences of globalization is the rise of intermarriage, i.e., the marriage between couples of different nationalities or different social, economic, religious, or racial backgrounds. Globalisation and multiculturalism break down cultural boundaries and barriers, and the diversity has also been prominent in literature. Amid this global trend, world-reowned literary works are also introduced in Korea. Worldwide, various literary works chose their topics or subjects from their own culture. These literary works reflect various values, traditions, and hardship through the formation of a nation and changing times. The most popular Kirghiz writer in Korea is Chinghiz Aitmatov, a novelist who introduced Kirghiz literature to the world. Aitmatov became famous during the era of the Soviet Union and the Soviet regime recognized his outstanding literary talent, which made his work a global asset. After the collapse of the Soviet regime and Kyrgyzstan’s independence, he became one of the most beloved writers, not only in his country, but also in other Turkic Nations. In particular, he has established himself as a world-class writer by describing the life of the community he lived and belonged to. In Chinghiz Aitmatov’s works, the life and history of the Kirghiz people are intertwined, and they have the elements such as human and nature, community and history, individual and community, individual and war, war and community, love and nature. One of Aitmatov’s significant works is the novel Jamila and this work reflects author’s literary point of view and his will. The novel is about a married woman, Jamila, who had an affair and left the village with her partner. In the novel, Jamila represents a woman who escaped from the customs in those days when women were the object of possession and domination. Jamila is well worth mentioning as a symbol of a modern woman who sought freedom and liberation in that she was a subjective person who resisted the custom of kidnapping and obtained the love she wanted. This story is a reflection of using love to defy the existing customs and societal expectations as Jamila is a woman who rejects her husband who does not love her, seeks happiness through another person who she wants, and a woman who takes charge of her own life, defying the societal and custom pressure of the time. Based on the novel, Jamila is a woman who writes her history, resists old customs, practices what she truly believes without looking back, and places the greatest value on the spiritual rather than the material.
    Keyword: Kirghiz Literature, Chinghiz Aitmatov, Jamila, Modern Women’s Image, Custom, Free Will, Marriage, Love. 키르기스 문학, 칭기즈 아이트마토프, 자밀라, 근대적 여성상, 관 습, 자유의지, 결혼, 사랑.
    Author: 이난아
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    아랍어의 의미연구와 꾸란의 의미번역
    This paper presents a study on the semantics, context theory and coherence of the Arabic Language. In relation to the meaning of the Qur’ān, this paper examines the changes in the meaning of the Qur’ān, the study of translations, interpretations by scholars of ’Uṣūl al-fiqh(the general theory of Islamic law). Furthermore, with regards to the translation of the meaning of the Qur’ān, we examine the interpretation of the Arabic Qur’ān, the English as well as the Korean interpretative translations and the differences in the commentary of the Qur’ān within various sects. As the result of this research, we demonstrate the necessity to include the main areas of Arabic rhetoric(Balāghah) in teaching the Arabic Language. In particular, Majāz (metaphor or a meaning other than the original meaning) contributes heavily to mastering the Arabic language and creating novel technical terms, and is therefore proposed to be included in the university-level Arabic language curriculum. We also demonstrate the need to teach particles(considered to be discourse markers) as part of the Arabic curriculum as well. In addition to investigating the lexical, morphological, and syntactic meanings, we also consider the pragmatic and rhetoric meanings as well as the legal meanings, and examine the meanings related to the interpretation of the Qur’ān. After examining chapter 75 of the Korean translations of 『Qur’ān, translation of the meanings of the Qur’ān』 and 『Koran(Qur’ān)』, we found that the Korean translations lacked in coherence, lacked meaning of classical Arabic(Qur’ānic Arabic), and demonstrated loss of pragmatical elements, Arabic rhetoric, and consideration of the stylistic features of the Qur’ān. Through this research, we were able to confirm that the current Korean translations of the Qur’ān do not accurately reflect the meanings conveyed in the Arabic Qur’ān. Therefore, we demonstrate a strong need for a new Korean translation of the Qur’ān that adheres to accuracy, expertise, academic integrity and a faithful translation of the text.
    Keyword: Arabic Semantics, The meaning of the Qur’ān, Qur’anic Interpretation, Translation of the Meaning of the Qur’ān, Text and Context, Discourse Markers, Connectives, 아랍어 의미론, 꾸란의 의미, 꾸란 해석, 꾸란의 의미번역, 텍스 트, 컨텍스트, 담화표지, 연결어
    Author: 공일주
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    설화와 역사적 현실
    The main goal of this research is to assess the moral and political perspective of Prince Fadrique(1223-1277) in Sendebar. In this text, we find numerous topics that allude to the Castilian royal court of the time, such as the entrapped prince, the inefficiency of royal power, the importance of wise advice, the danger of conspiracy, and so on. When Fadrique returned to Castile in 1245 after a five-year stay in Frederick II’s Imperial Court in Foggia, he may well have felt deep disgrace as he subsisted under the unilateral rule of his elder brother Alfonso X. Alfonso claimed possession of the duchy of Swabia in 1246 in disregard of his younger brother’s dedicated efforts in Italy to further the Hohenstaufen legacy. Moreover, when Fadrique was involved in the rebellion of his brother Henry in 1255 and, as a consequence, was exiled from Castile in 1260, Alfonso confiscated his extensive property in Seville. I believe that Fadrique marshaled fury and ridicule against Alfonso in Sendebar through the combination of the misogynistic preface and the twenty-three comic and sarcastic exempla. What was the ultimate literary function of the juxtaposition of these two tones, the serious and the humorous? Fadrique very probably devised this extreme contrast of perspectives in order to experiment with a new persuasive narrative style, and to induce Castilian readers to identify with his antipathy towards Alfonso. In this sense, Sendebar is not a literal translation of Arabic fables, but Fadrique’s personal adaptation, which was devised in order to reveal his intense feeling and to provide an emotional catharsis. Furthermore, the contrast between the solemn moral lessons and the witty humor of the collection is at the core of Fadrique’s original narrative technique, and forms the basis of this politically insightful and evocative collection.
    Keyword: Medieval collection of exempla, Sendebar, Prince Fadrique, folktales and historical reality, multi-layed narrative, misogyny, 중세 예화집, 센데바르, 파드리케 왕자, 설화와 역사적 현실, 다 의적 서사체, 여성혐오.
    Author: 백승욱
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Law
    이슬람의 배상(디야)에 대한 샤리아 규범
    Diya is an indemnity that the victim or his family receives in exchange for forgiveness instead of revenge on the perpetrator in the same way when a person is killed or injured. These norms existed as customary laws from the pre-Islamic era, but since the advent of Islam, they have established themselves as specific and detailed Sharia norms suitable for the real life of the Muslim community. Sharia's first source of law, the Qur'an, in Chapter 4, verse 92, ordered victims of Muslims and Dimmi to pay Diya in case of accidental murder. The Koran's command was absolute, but it was a principle revelation, so the Muslim community needed more diverse and specific norms. It is Hadith, Sharia's second source of law, which has met these needs of the community. Hadith contains more than 230 verses related to Diya (Aql, Arsi). Later, as the Islamic world became vast, the community needed more and more diverse and specific norms, and it was the law school that satisfied these demands.
    Keyword: Diya, Koran, Ḥadith(Sunnah), Sunni four Islamic law schools, Shariah. 디야, 코란, 하디스(순나), 순니 4 대 법학파, 샤리아.
    Author: 임병필
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    21세기 중앙아시아 다종교공동체와 종무제도의 특징 및 한계
    Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have some features of Multi-ethnic and Multi-confessional communities since establishing of Soviet Central Asian Republics. With this back ground both countries share same structure of Management system of Religious Affairs. In the vertical structure of Religious executive system the official Islam play important role of community with tight relations between governmental Department and The Spiritual Association of Muslims as middle connecting bridge with Muslim communities. Except Islam, other Religious communities are under direct control with related govenmenatl Department: Kazakhstani Ministry of Information and Social Development and Uzbekistani Minstry of Justice.
    Keyword: Central Asia, Multi-Confessionalism, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, The Spiritual Association of Muslims. 중앙아시아, 다종교주의, 우즈베키스탄, 카자흐스탄, 이슬람종무청.
    Author: 김상철
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Social Welfare
    자카트의 난민 구호 활용 사례 연구
    During the last 10 years (2010 - 2019) through the Arab Spring, in the Middle East & North Africa region, the Syrian civil war is ongoing. Conflicts and security issues have risen again in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Somalia, and Yemen has seen massive refugee incidents. Continuous financing is essential for the protection and support needed for refugees to adapt and resettle in other areas. Some experts suggested that Zakat, one of Muslims' top five obligations, would be an alternative funding solution. Considering that the majority of the world's refugees are Muslims, the Muslim community & Zakat will be a strong source of funds for aid organizations that need continuous refugee support. Through the Refugee Zakat Fund in 2019, UNHCR provided 2.1 million beneficiaries in 13 countries including Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Mauritania, Niger, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan in 2020. This study seeks to see if non-Muslim groups, such as UNHCR, use Islamic Zakat funds for refugee relief conform to Islamic law Shariah.
    Keyword: Arab Spring, Zakat, Refugee Relief, Muslim, UNHCR. 아랍의 봄, 자카트, 난민구호, 무슬림, UNHCR.
    Author: 김동환
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    문화예술행사 사례 분석을 통해 본 한-중동 문화외교 추이
    This study attempts to compare the cases of cultural and artistic events in order to define changes of cultural diplomacy between South Korea and the Middle East. Firstly, it considers the importance of cultural diplomacy and previous research on that. This research examines the cultural and artistic events by country in the Middle East, using the World Korean Wave Status Report which was published by the Korea Foundation in 2016 and 2019. It shows that the frequency of cultural and artistic events and the characteristics of the events changed based on the tone and policies of the government. The other result shows that topics of the events to be held have diversified as the awareness of South Korea and its interest has increased. Thirdly, not only the government but also the actors who host the event have become diverse, such as the government of counterpart and private organizations. Since this study focuses only on Korean events held in the Middle East, further research is needed to understand the positions of both South Korea and the Middle East.
    Keyword: Public Diplomacy, Culrural Diplomacy, Soft Power, Korea and Middle East, Cultural Exchange. 공공외교, 문화외교, 소프트파워, 한국과 중동, 문화교류.
    Author: 김은지
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    중세 이슬람 지리 속 신라의 남하와 이것이 무슬림들의 동남아시아 인식에 미친 영향
    This paper aims to trace the changing value of Korea, particularly the Silla Dynasty(57 BC? -935 CE), in medieval Islamic Cartography by examining textual and cartographic sources in Arabic. At the earliest stage of Islamic geography, Korea located on the opposite side of the end of China at the Muslim maritime route. However, it gradually moved southward towards Africa and became confused with Southeast Asian islands. This paper introduces first the visible influence of geographic notions of the medieval Islamic world about the Southeast Asian places in their geography about Korea, then move to discuss the possible transmission of the Islamic perceptions of Korea to to those of several Southeast Asian islands. This paper ultimately discusses the Islamic integration of the Hindu geography of Southeast Asia and the Islamic geography of Korea that later resulted in establishing the theological geography of Muslims by paralleling Korea and the Canary Islands to present the harmonious globe created by God.
    Keyword: Islamic Geography, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Islamic History, Korea. 이슬람 지리, 이슬람 역사, 동아시아, 동남아시아, 한국.
    Author: 정진한
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    꾸란 어휘의 음소 배열 연구
    This paper is a study of headwords of Quranic vocabulary quoted in the book " Basāʕir dhawī attamīz fī latāʕifi al-Kitāb al-Azīz " by alFayrūzabādī (H817/AD1415), which explains the hidden meaning of the Quranic vocabulary around 15C. First, we analyze the articulation points of each consonant in the vocabulary composed of three consonant roots(al-thulāthī) among the headwords mentioned in " Basāʕir dhawī attamīz fī latāʕifi al-Kitāb al-Azīz ", and study the three consonant roots(al-thulāthī) and restriction of the three consonants(al-thulāthī). In other words, the phonetic arrangement of the Quranic vocabulary is defined by analyzing the consonants of the roots of the three consonants(althulāthī) in accordance with the modern Arab scholars' classification criteria, and comparing them with the phonological features claimed by the ancient Arab scholars. This chapter I of the paper is an introduction, and Chapter II deals with the phonotactics of vocabularies composed of three consonant roots(althulāthī), and then the relationship between the adjacent consonants of each consonant. In Chapter III, we will find out whether the phonetic features defined by ancient Arab scholars and modern Arab scholar are consistent with the phoneme arrangement restrictions analyzed in this paper. Finally, in Chapter Ⅳ I will derive conclusion of this paper.
    Keyword: Quranic vocabulary, three consonant roots(al-thulāthī), restriction, articulation points, phonotactics of vocabularies, phoneme arrangement. 꾸란 어휘, 3 자음 어근, 제약, 조음점, 음소배열제약, 음소배열 .
    Author: 박재양
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    압둘라 2세 요르단 국왕의 대국민 담화문에 대한 비평적 담화분석
    This paper aims to work out how King AbdullahⅡ of Jordan persuaded Jordanians by adopting critical discourse analysis of his post- Covid 19 speeches. So, the paper macroscopically and microscopically analyzes the King's three post- Covid 19 speeches from 2020 according to descriptive and interpretive levels of Fairclough's three-dimensional framework for Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This research helps us to comprehend how he persuaded his people and called for unity, and how this effort convinced the public to follow governmental instructions. Using macroscopical discourse analysis to approach the delivered structure and topics of the speeches, we can see how the speeches accentuate challenges, tasks to be undertaken and the required attitude towards them. The speeches appeal to the people for participation and collaboration, also appealing to Muslim identity through the use of Islamic expressions. The microscopical discourse analysis of the king's speeches discovered compliments to the public, descriptions of the country, and positive representations of the future. Also, these speeches tease out themes such as people, nation, and Allah, then explain how intensively connected they are, particularly the inseparability of their relationship for solving the national problem of coronavirus. Through rhetoric and linguistic investigation, this study found several strategic techniques were utilized such as the use of the personal pronoun, lexicon, reference, description, and metaphor. The King used the first pronouns of the first speaker so as to emphasize the unity and intimacy between him and his people to achieve his goal. The research deals only with three of his speeches since he did not deliver more. This small sample is limited remarking on the King's changing speeches to reflect the fluctuating situation in Jordan. Also, it is expected that future research which compares these speeches with that of other Arab leaders' post-Covid 19 speeches will be required.
    Keyword: Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA), King Abdullah Ⅱ speech, public speeches, political discourse, Corona discourse. 비판적 담화분석(CDA), 요르단 압둘라 2세 국왕, 대국민연설, 정치 담화, 코로나 담화.
    Author: 안희연
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    영화 ‘불의 고리(Zennar El-Nar)’에서 구현된 이미지
    매체로서의 영화는 개인의 삶뿐만 아니라 해당 개인이 속한 사회의 실상을 투영해 보여주는 도구의 역할을 한다. 이러한 전제는 아랍 영화, 특히 본 연구가 소재로 삼고 있는 레바논 영화 ‘불의 고리(Zennar El-Nar)’에도 적용된다. 해당 영화는 레바논 내전을 배경으로 하고 있는데, 레바논 내전은 중요한 영화적 모티프이자 영화적 영감을 주는 소재로 사용되어 왔다(Shafik 2007, 229). 영화 ‘불의 고리(Zennar El-Nar)’에서는 Chafic 이라는 주인공이 처한 레바논 내전이라는 현실이 어떻게 주인공 자신의 환상(fantasy)과 욕망(desire)을 통해 구현되고 왜곡되는지를 그리고 있다. 즉, 주인공의 의식세계와 무의식의 세계가 교차하고 상상과 현실이 얽힘으로써 이 두 요소가 서로 구별되는 것이 아닌 뫼비우스의 띠처럼 하나로 연결되어 있음을 보여준다. 본 연구에서는 주인공의 개인적인 상상과 욕망이 어떠한 방식으로 사회 공동체가 처한 현실과 연관되어 있는지, 더 나아가 이러한 개인의 심리와 의식이 어떻게 사회 공동체의 정체성 혼란의 문제로 발전되어 가는지를 ‘심리∙정신분석학적 접근법’에 의해 분석한다. 또한, 은유와 비유를 통해 구현된 다양한 영화적 이미지 및 상징들을 ‘기호학적 접근법’을 통해 분석함으로써 결국 환상과 욕망을 통해 표출되는 한 개인의 혼돈스러운 삶이 전쟁과 폭력으로 대변되는 참혹한 현실과 궤를 같이하고 있음을 밝힌다.
    Keyword: Fantasy, Desire, Reality, Lebanese Civil War, Identity, Psychoanalytic Approach, Semiotic Approach. 환상, 욕망, 현실, 레바논 내전, 정체성, 심리∙정신분석학적 접근, 기호학적 접근.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    “일반 역사” 속에서의 여로보암 I세
    The Book of Kings ended the kings’ lives with the words of “walking in the ways of Jeroboam” whenever they acted religious evil deeds. The Bible emphasizes that such ways angered YHWH and eventually caused Israel to collapse. As the first king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, it must be humiliating of his life with this notorious name. What happened him to get such expression? Since we do not have "the annals of the kings of Israel" where the Bible tells us all the kings’ wars and how they ruled, we do not know his real life. Thus in this study, I tried re-examining of his life in “Normal History” not in religious aspects to complete the book of annals of kings of Israel based on the biblical and extra-biblical materials such as archaeological and historical remains. Jeroboam, an Ephraimite from Zeredah, may have been a young man who worked in the region to make bronze utensils for the Temple of Jerusalem. Although his mother was a widow who could not give good backgrounds to him in this ancient time, he was an influential person (gibbor hayil) in the “house of Joseph” representing the ten tribes of northern Israel. The fact that Solomon appointed him to oversee the work of “house of Joseph” and that the tribe of Israel chose him to be against Rehoboam, proves him to be a king with leadership. In addition, there was the prophecy of Ahiyah from Siloh. Such conditions made the ten tribes of northern Israel to give full support to him as the first king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. His throne was successful without a bloody war. He seemed to be a very qualified king. However, with such good conditions to be a king, since Jeroboam was the servant of Solomon, he might have thought that implementing Solomon’s works was the right royal policy. According to Samaria Ostraca, Solomon’s administrative division of territories was still used in Jeroboam’s time and continued till the 8th century BCE in Northern Kingdom of Israel. As soon as he became the king, he found capitals that would strengthen his position, and built fortified cities. Building the capital required a lot of labor and taxes, and during the 22-years reign, making at least three capitals, he would have put a heavy yoke on the people, as Solomon did. Just as Solomon strengthened his kingship by building royal temple near to his palace in Jerusalem, Jeroboam also tried to provide his royal sanctuaries in Dan and Bethel where located in the borders of the north and the south in Israel. Thus this could prevent the people of Israel to remain in the territory of Israel and Jeroboam could control them. To show his power on the religious part of the kingdom, he did not employ the tribe of Levi for priests who might be pro-Judah. Such policy could help him to control the temples and he could force the kingship on religion. However, when Shishak’s invasion hurt the Northern Kingdom, the people of Israel must recognize the international relation which was the merit of Jeroboam was no longer stable. The Northern Kingdom of Israel must no want to uphold Jeroboam’s lineage as their king. After his death, his son Nadab reigned for only two years, and his family ceased after a coup of Baasa of the Issachar. While “House of David” remained in the Kingdom of Judah, the title “House of Jeroboam” was never used for the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Rather, Jeroboam’s name was only used as a synonym for kings who did evil deeds.
    Keyword: Jeroboam I, Normal History, Strengthen the kingship, Northern Kingdom of Israel, Annals of Kings. 여로보암 1세, 일반역사, 왕권 강화, 역대지략, 이스라엘.
    Author: 임미영
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Etc Humanities Science
    크라테스의 『테리아』에 나타난 유토피아적 사상
    This paper seeks to consider the utopian meaning revealed in Crates’ portrayal of ‘a world without slaves’, ‘Cockaigne’ and ‘automated life’ mentioned in Thēria. Given that the greek old comedy satirizes the political group of Athens and developed in the Athens festive atmosphere, the automation utopia of the Greeks as a self-interest is a comic feature of the popular utopia that tries to criticize the oppressive state of reality through fantasy of the ideal world. In this context, the fantastic utopia identified in Crates’ Thēria criticizes the situation in Athens at that time and the controversial discourse within the polis, with the joys of happy dreams and fairytale fantasies about the happy world revealed through it. And this reveals the intention of making a joke and temporarily forgetting the repressive daily reality of the public by stating that the utopian description of a life of pleasure which leads humans to a happy life is unproductive and unrealistic. In the end, the Thēria can be seen as a conclusion of the criticism of contemporaries’ everyday thinking and treatment of slaves. In other words, this criticism is not a criticism of the nature of slavery, but rather a result of the social controversy caused by the injustice of the Attica free people’s attitude toward slavery at the time.
    Keyword: Crates, Animal Comedy, Bios Automatos, World without Slaves, Popular Utopianism. 크라테스, 동물 희극, 자동화된 삶, 노예 없는 세상, 대중적 유토피아.
    Author: 임성철
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Science Etc
    미등록 이주 아동 합법화 논쟁을 통해 본 이스라엘 시민권의 재구성과 전망
    This article explores how the boundary of citizenship has been constructed and reconstructed in the State of Israel, drawing on the case of undocumented migrant children who were born in Israel. Based on the Law of Return, Israel, which defines itself as a Jewish state, automatically grants citizenship to Jews. Under the law that signifies and embodies the ethnic foundation of the state, the citizenship of migrant workers’ children has become a critical issue over the decades, posing complex challenges to the ethno-cratic regime. Those undocumented children navigate their lives as “illegal migrants” as defined by the restrictive immigration law and integrated into the wider society of Israel, despite their invisibility and illegality. At the same time, the legalization policies opened up the path to new opportunities for many children at certain points of their lives. Claiming for legal status and asserting their rights to stay in Israel, those migrants and NGO activists put emphasis on the cultural membership, rather than humanitarian action. Through the introduction of conditional jus soli citizenship, Israel has seen some change, featuring a shift from exclusion o inclusion of non-Jews.
    Keyword: Israel, Citizenship, Immigration Policies, Undocumented Children, Legalization. 이스라엘, 시민권, 이민정책, 미등록 이주 아동, 합법화.
    Author: 임안나
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    이슬람보험의 계약적 형태와 샤리아 아비트리지
    Islamic insurance or Takaful has been developed as an alternative to conventional commercial insurance since the 1980s. As Islamic jurists(ulama) have resolved that conventional insurance should not be permitted because of excessive gharar(uncertainty) inherent in the sale of risk characteristic of insurantial contract between the insurer and the insured, they have attempted to formulate a shariah-compliant insurance based on the principles of gift(tabarru or hibah) and cooperation(taawun), which makes Islamic insurance similar to mutual insurance or cooperative insurance in its contractual form. This paper analyzes the legalistic logic adopted by Islamic jurists in order to apply the Islamic concepts of gift and sharing to insurance. In evaluating this process, I will base my analysis on the notion of shariah arbitrage, which means to negotiate and arbiter differences and gaps between shariah regulations and the lived realities. I am particularly interested in the phenomena that shariah arbitrage which seems to be successful creates a new difficulty and contradiction, and needs further shariah arbitrages, whilethe opinions of Islamic jurists have divided on what is proper shariah arbitrage for authentic Islamic insurance. This phenomena is clearly evident in the shariah arbitrages employing diverse notions of Islamic gift, such as gift romise(iltizam tabarru), gift with rewards(hibah thawab), and conditional gift(hibah muallaqa) to legitimize the tabarru model of Takaful. Conscious of logical contradictions difficult to be solved in the tabarru model, there has been a recent trend among Islamic jurists to establish Takaful on the principle of cooperation(taawun) or sharing(nihd) rather than on the principle of gift. This formulation makes Takaful closer to mutual insurance or cooperative insurance, and involves less shariah controversies. However, it occurs that the principle of taawun mainly remains in terms of the form of contract, but hardly reflects in the operational governance of takaful where takaful participants have little say in the management of takaful operators who are corporate companies much like conventional insurance companies. This shows another gap between shariah arbitrage and structural reality prevalent in the dual insurantial system adopted by most Muslim countries where Takaful has been introduced.
    Keyword: Islamic insurance, shariah arbitrage, gift, sharing, gharar, 이슬람보험, 샤리아 아비트리지, 증여, 공유, 가라르
    Author: 오명석
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    쿠웨이트의 왕권승계 연구(1915-2021)
    In Kuwait's succession to the throne, it had proceeded smoothly until 2006 that the Crown Prince automatically ascended to the throne upon the death of the former King (Amir). And the decision on the succession in Kuwait to the throne had been made within the al-Sabah ruling royal family by agreement without an interference of outside actors. Successions to the throne in 1965 and 1977 proceeded smoothly according to this rule. However, after the death of former King Sheikh Jabir al-Sabah on January 15, 2006, a serious crisis arose over the succession to the throne. On 24 January 2006, the Kuwait’s parliament voted the new King, Sheikh Saad al-Abdullah al-Sabah, out of office for health problems. The rules of game on succession to the throne were changed, and the parliament became an actor in the decision-making process of succession. It is a structural change. This study examines the succession process of Kuwait from 1915 to 2021. Variables applied to this study are: First, variables related to the leadership and blood ties, as suggested by Ibn Khaldun, and Second, the ruler's material and power resources. Third, the ability of alliance-building with members of the ruling royal family and with domestic and foreign political and social forces, and Fourth, the experience of powerful key positions in the Cabinet and the ability to manage state affairs.
    Keyword: Succession of Kingship, Kuwait, Ibn Khaldun, Jabir Clan, Salim Clan, Alternate Succession to Throne, 왕권승계, 쿠웨이트, 이븐 칼둔, 자비르 가문, 살림 가문, 왕권의 교 차 승계
    Author: 최영철
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    탈레반, 미진한 국민국가 형성, 그리고 아프가니스탄의 정치 불안정
    While acknowledging the negative impact of Islamism, this paper is based on hypothesis that Afghanistan's inherent problems, especially the deficient nation-state building, have a greater impact on political instability. To test this hypothesis, this study identified perspectives that explain various variables for political instability and evaluated the degree of Afghan nation-state formation. Furthermore, in order to determine which of the two independent variables, Islamism and nation-state building, had a more adverse effect on Afghan political instability, a quantitative analysis of books, articles, and reports related to instability of Afghanistan inside ‘Google Scholar’ was conducted to find the more appropriate independent variable The results of the analysis shows that academia also found that the incomplete nation-state formation is more influential on instability in Afghanistan than Islamism. In addition, a simple and straight-forward survey to understand the perspectives of local Afghan people revealed that the majority of locals also view that the deficient nation-state building has contributed more to ongoing instability than extreme Islamism.
    Keyword: Afghanistan, Nation-State Building, Political Instability, Taleban, Identity, Islamism, Tribalism, 아프가니스탄, 국민국가형성, 정치 불안정, 탈레반, 정체성, 이슬람 주의, 부족주의.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    심연국가(Deep State)와 이집트 아랍민주공화국
    After the Arab Spring, the Egyptian Armed Forces(EAF) emerged as an actor that surpassed the influence of the previous military in the political and economic aspects of Egyptian society. Egypt's military currently dominates a key sector of the informal economy called the shadow economy or parallel economy. The Egyptian military has been involved in not only daily necessities such as food, diary products and flour, but also raw material industries such as cement, fertilizer, oil, mineral, and social overhead capital(SOC) projects such as ports, piers, roads, water supply and sewerage, electricity, and telecommunications. Therefore, in this paper, theoretical framework of deep state and rentierism will be applied to examine the role of Egyptian military not only in El-Sisi government but as a whole history of Arab republic of Egypt.
    Keyword: Post-Arab Spring, Egyptian Armed Forces, El Sisi Government, Military Rentierism, Deep State, 포스트 아랍의 봄, 이집트 군부, 엘시시 행정부, 군부 지대추구 체 제, 심연국가.
    Author: 백승훈
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    『바부르나마』의 현대 우즈벡어 및 위구르어 번역 비교 연구
    The goal of this research is to make a comparative study on the two translations of the Bāburnāma originally written in Classical Chagatāi: the version of Modern Uzbek language by Toshqin Bahoiy (Tāšqīn Bahāʼī, 2020) and that of Modern Uyghur Language by Hemit Tömür (1991). The two dialects are recognized as identical twins developed from dissimilar backgrounds. As the both languages evolved into modern times, therefore, we ought to examine and demonstrate the differences from Chagatāi period through comparing various manuscripts. For this purpose, I attempted a brief and lexical-semantic analysis of the two texts first. In addition, I utilized Bombay Persian manuscript (1891) translated by ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Ḵān-i Ḵānān, which is known to the oldest of the manuscripts containing the original literary style of Babur's era, and used Mano Eiji's Chagatāi critical edition that is also recognized as the best manuscript from a textual perspective. As for translation of the two versions, that of Toshqin Bahoiy is a complete Afghani-Uzbek Arabic transcription of the 2008 Uzbek-Cyrillic translation of Vohob Rahmonov and Karomat Mullaxoʻjaeva. In other words, it shows a tendency to maintain a particular structure of Modern Uzbek - heavily persianized Turkic - and the use of much Arabic loanwords and disregarding phonological rules also remain the similar in Chagatāi manuscripts. On the other hand, Hemit Tömür uses relatively more Turkic lexicons based on the Uyghur usage, a colloquial style, without damaging the meaning of the original context of Chagatāi. It also has a strong tendency of choosing concise Arabic-Persian loanwords that Uyghur readers can easily understand. But it often shows weakness in the translation of some complex meaning that require prior knowledge of Classical Persian adjectives.
    Keyword: Baburnama, Modern Uyghur Language, Uzbek Language, Chagatai Language, Turkic languages, 차가타이어, 우즈벡어, 위구르어, 아프가니스탄, 무굴제국.
    Author: 송호림
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이란 핵협정 복원과 관련국의 국내 정치
    Improving relations between the U.S. and Iran, represented by the restoration of the JCPOA, is the important pillars of the Biden administration’s strategic goal to save power in the Middle East and to put more energy into containing China. However, negotiations for the restoration of the JCPOA, which President Biden ambitiously started shortly after taking office, were suspended in two months. Some argue that the JCPOA is likely to be restored with Iran’s current economic situation and Biden’s will. However, this paper argues that there are many restrictions on the restoration of the JCPOA, explaining Iran’s consideration of regime security, the situation of the U.S. Senate, and Israel’s political situation, citing the Selectorate theory and the Audience Cost theory. Iran’s situation will be directly affected by the US foreign policy, but political dynamics within Iran, the US, and Israel will serve as an obstacle to the development of Iran’s situation, including the restoration of nuclear agreements.
    Keyword: 미국의 대중동정책, 이스라엘, 승자연합, 청중비용, 이란 핵협정(US Middle East Policy, Israel, Winning Coalition, Audience Cost, JCPOA)
    Author: 김은비
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    357년 로마황제 콘스탄티우스 2세의 수도 로마에 대한 방문
    In the fourth century AD the Roman emperors experienced great difficulty in controlling and ruling the whole empire. At the same time the emperor seldom visited the city of Rome. If an imperial visit occurred it would have interested and attracted a great number of the people in that city. The critical years after the murder of Constans were brought to the end when Constantius II became sole emperor of the Roman empire again. But this victorious ruler did not immediately celebrate his achievements in the centrum of the Roman empire. Instead he just started to prepare for a celebration, until the spring 357. Generally the actual domestic and international conditions may have prevented him from entering the city of Rome as triumphator. The only source that discusses the visit of Constantius to Rome is Res Gestae by the pagan historian Ammianus. The other useful sources are two different Orationes(“speeches”), one of which was written by Themistius, a very faithful and intelligent senator under Constantius II, and the other by Julianus, the cousin of that emperor. The author of this article is very interested in the contents of the speeches that Constantius might have delivered on his visit, especially those which were not contained in Ammianus. Furthermore, the author is also very keen to discover the hidden implications of those speeches. In the year 337, Constantius was just one ruler under the three rulers’ system, then later on he finally achieved his own single rule. Presumably this new single ruler might have expressed his perspective on the future of the united Roman empire in his now uninhibited speeches. Then what would the possible objectives behind those speeches have been? Firstly, he would have wanted to reassure the city of Rome of its unrivaled position. Namely, this city must still function as the centrum of the empire. One more purpose is the portrait that Constantius would have wanted to present of himself, both as a very able ruler and as a lover of Rome. Through this image-making he intended the Roman empire to be integrated solidly under his reign.
    Keyword: 콘스탄티우스 2세, 로마방문, 승리의 기념, 방문의 함의, 로마에 대한 보장(Constantius II, Visit to the City of Rome, Celebration of the Victory, Implications of the Visit, Reassurances for Rome)
    Author: 손태창
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    시칠리아의 언어 지층 연구
    Sicily is located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, so it is not awkward to call it the ‘navel of the Mediterranean’. Sicily is the crossroads of the eastern and western Mediterranean horizontally, and longitudinally it is also a stepping stone connecting the European continent and the African continent. Because of this geographical feature, Sicily has been ruled by Carthage, Greece, Rome, Byzantine, Arab, Norman, France and Spain from before BC. Therefore, Sicily can be said to be a living witness and a cultural museum of the Mediterranean, which has experienced a historical storm. In this research, I try to trace and analyze the process of forming the cultural strata of Sicily by the Greek, Latin and Arab Islamic cultures, focusing on the historical development process and cultural attributes of Sicily. In addition, I intend to analyze the lingual stratum of Sicily in conjunction with the study on the cultural strata of Sicily. In other words, this research is not a linguistic analysis of the Sicilian language itself, but rather a study of the background, process, and influence of Greek, Latin, and Arabic forming the linguistic strata of Sicily. This research is also a study on the exchange of civilizations focusing on the process of the accumulation of various cultures, the coexistence of various cultures and languages and the development of new cultures and languages.
    Keyword: 시칠리아, 그리스어, 라틴어, 아랍, 지층, 문화교류(Sicily, Greek, Latin, Arabic, Stratum, Cultural Exchange)
    Author: 윤용수
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    메데이아의 젠더 갈등과 원형적 여성성의 양가성
    This thesis attempts to explain the ambivalence of Medea’s character and the reasons for the change in the object and method of her revenge in Euripides’ works. First, in order to analyze the cause of Medea’s anger, it is analyzed whether the object of anger has any reason to despise the subject of anger in terms of personal abilities and political rights. In the patriarchal society of ancient Greece, Medea reveals a characteristic that subverts femininity and masculinity. It can be seen that gender trouble occurs when Medea is defined by universal femininity or when a specific gender identity is given. Next, I would like to analyze the characteristics of Medea’s anger state. Medea has a double-layered and ambivalent character rather than contradictory. It is clearly distinguished before and after Iason’s betrayal. It seems that Medea’s character was expressed in a transformed form by undifferentiating and integrating the opposing characteristics of archetypal femininity. Medea’s anger wants self-destruction and death toward Medea’s “self,” the subject of anger, and the other’s destruction and death toward the “other,” the object of anger. Finally, I would like to analyze the main causes of changing the scope and method of Medea’s revenge. In the ancient Greek patriarchy, the division of the private and public realms hierarchically ordered the status of women and men. As Medea amplifies her anger through agonic conversations with others in the public realm, specific means and methods of revenge are selected and the scope of revenge is determined.
    Keyword: 분노, 복수, 수치, 젠더, 성품, 양가성, 공적 영역(anger, revenge, shame, gender, character, ambivalence, public realm)
    Author: 장영란
    Poblication Year: 2021
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    시칠리아의 역사⋅문화 지층 연구
    A Study on the History & Cultural Stratum of Sicily The Mediterranean Sea is an inland sea with a width of 3,800km and a length of 1,800km. Locating in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily which is the largest island in the Mediterranean served as a stepping stone connecting Europe and Africa. Because of this geographical location, Sicily is a region that has accumulated all the history and glory of the Mediterranean from ancient times to modern times. Most of the major powers and empires which historically prospered in the Mediterranean occupied Sicily and left their traces in Sicily. In this study, the author intends to analyze the complex historical development process and stages of Sicily by applying the concept of strata. A stratum is a term used in geology and refers to a layer of sedimentary rocks or sediments. The strata are created by deposition by natural forces with the passage of time, and have characteristics that distinguish them from other neighboring strata. In this study, I would like to apply the characteristics and concepts of this stratum to the historical and cultural studies of Sicily. History flows constantly and forms numerous historical stages. The author attempts to grasp each stage of such historical development as a single historical stratum, and to grasp the circumstances and phenomena of each era as a single cultural stratum. This study is also a study on the exchange of civilizations on the process of accumulating various cultures in a specific region, coexisting with each other, and developing into a new culture.
    Keyword: 지중해, 시칠리아, 문화 지층, 시칠리아 역사, 문화 교류, Cultural Stratum, Sicily, History of Sicily, Mediterranean, Cultural Exchange.
    Author: 김수정
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    현실과 픽션: 피오 바로하의 자전적 글쓰기
    El árbol de la ciencia of Pío Baroja is a novel published in 1912 and is considered the most outstanding novel among his many works. Baroja himself recalls in his various memoirs that it was created at the height of his intellectual energy and is the most complete novel. The novel consists of seven parts and the protagonist Andrés Urtado, alter ego of Pío Baroja, graduated from medical school like Baroja. After working as a local doctor for more than two years in the village of Alcolea del Campo, he returns to Madrid. He marries Lulú, whom he had met before, but he loses his wife and baby during childbirth, so he commits suicide in despair. The novel mainly deals with the period from 1987, when the author began studying medicine as a medical student in Madrid, to 1898, when the war with the United States broke out. Many problems that Spain had at the time are bitterly criticized through the protagonist Andrés: faculty members indulged in Spain’s poor educational environment, teaching methods and mannerism; All kinds of corruption and illegality in the hospital; local tofu politics (caciquismo) as a deep-rooted evil that exists in the Spanish countryside or small towns; the inhuman life of prostitutes and the prostitution in big cities, pimps and gangsters who exploit them, the public power that protects the exploiters. Because of these contents, it is also considered one of the typical novels representing the Generation of 98. On the other hand, the life of the protagonist Andrés Urtado is so similar to Pío Baroja that many researchers evaluate it as an autobiographical novel. Like the protagonist of the novel, Pío Baroja attended medical school and worked as a local doctor in a rural Spanish village. In addition, one of his brothers died of tuberculosis, and his father’s job forced him to travel to various places in Spain. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between Baroja’s autobiographical writing and his novel referring the autobiographical texts published intermittently after 1911 and the seven memoirs published after 1944.
    Keyword: 스페인 소설, 피오 바로하, 자전적 글쓰기, 과학의 나무, 현실, 픽션, : Spanish Novels, Pïo Baroja, Autobiographical Writing, El árbol de la ciencia, Reality, Fiction
    Author: 박효영
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    정부비신뢰와 레바논 국민의 헤즈볼라 지지도 부상
    Political situation in Lebanon is deteriorating. The lives of ordinary people are collapsing and people’s dissatisfaction with the government is on the rise. In particular, after the Beirut explosion that occurred on August 4, 2020, the total resignation of the cabinet and the consequent political vacuum due to the vacancy of the prime minister continued for over a year. In this process, the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah’s influence is growing. With an increasing support of people, Hezbollah is gradually expanding its presence in the governmental and political arena. Considering this situation, this study empirically analyzes the relationship between distrust in government caused by a series of socio-economic disasters and political corruption cases in Lebanon and the increasing public support to Hezbollah. This research sets the variables related to the citizens’ perceptions of the current Lebanese government’s ability to perform state affairs as independent variables and the political preference of the public for Hezbollah as a dependent variable. On the basis of the variable setting, this paper tries to investigate the association between variables through quantitative analysis. analysis. As a result of the analysis, it is found that distrust in government regarding the political aspect had a positive effect on the public support to Hezbollah. Therefore, it is expected that Hezbollah’s political power will gradually expand in the future and continue to play an important role in the public affairs of the country. It is also believed that the Lebanese people, who are skeptical about effectiveness of the governmental functions, are showing their political preference for Hezbollah and trying to overcome the current crisis with the help of the group. Thus, it is important to analyze the expanding political and socio-economic role of Hezbollah when we are trying to forecast the future direction of Lebanese politics.
    Keyword: 레바논, 헤즈볼라, 정부비신뢰, 자국민 인식, 로지스틱회귀분석, : Lebanon, Hezbollah, Distrust in Government, Public Awareness, Logistic Regression
    Author: 송진경
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    갈레노스의 영혼론
    This paper aims to explain Galen’s theory of the soul in the context of medicine and philosophy during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Analyzing various related texts, we will get the following conclusions: ① Galen inherited and developed the neuroanatomy of Herophilus and Erasistratus. While they were interested in basic bodily functions such as nutrition, digestion etc., they didn’t answer the question how the soul interacts with the body. Galen, on the contrary, explained in detail the relation between the soul and the body, because he thought that the body and the soul interact mutually. According to Galen, our bodily mixtures and pneuma can change as a result of environment and life style. So it is up to us to manage and maintain our physical and psychological health. ② Although Galen was influenced by Plato’s philosophy, he did not accept uncritically Plato’s view. Galen accepted only the empirically observable facts that are useful both for medicine and for ethical and political philosophy, while he withheld judgment on metaphysical hypotheses such as the substance of God or the soul. He tried to reinterpret and develop physiologically Plato’s tripartite theory of the soul. ③ Gill contends that Galen had better adopt the Stoic unified theory of the soul rather than Plato’s tripartite account. According to Gill, outside of De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis, Galen’s brain-centered psycho-psysiology is consistent with the Stoic view. But in opposition to Gill’s interpretation, Galen’s De moribus says that three parts of the soul sometimes collaborate with each other, sometimes conflict with each other. Gallen thinks that pneuma(or neura) is a medium through which the three parts of the soul communicate and cooperate with each other. Therefore, the body and the soul function properly, when the three parts do their own job in harmony with each other.
    Keyword: 갈레노스, 프네우마, 영혼의 지휘부, 뇌, 신경, 영혼 삼분설, 플라톤, Galen, Brain, Pneuma, Nerves, Hegemonikon, Tripartite soul, Plato.
    Author: 오유석
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    시칠리아 이슬람화 과정과 베르베르인의 문화 흔적 양상
    The existence of ‘Berber’ has a very special meaning in the region. Even though they are the mainstream of the region, their existence has not received noticeable attention in history. Accordingly, Their cultural identity also has received only little attention. This is because Muslimized locals have been identified as “Arab”. Since the history of Sicily’s Islamization was also described or identified as “Arab”, the existence of Berber has not been noticed. In this study, we examine the origin of ‘Couscus’, a main food of Berber, and the inflow process into Sicily through Berber. Also, we would like to examine how Berber’s food remained in Sicily like other cultural traces. To this end, we need to look at the process of Berber’s inflow into Sicily. Through this study, we can find the existence of ‘Berber’, a subject that has not been revealed in history. In addition, through this fact, we will learn that the Sicilian Islamization process and the culture were created by more diverse subjects than expected. As a result, through the meaning of Couscous, we can learn that there are various subjects that have not been revealed in Mediterranean civilization.
    Keyword: 베르베르, 시칠리아, 쿠스쿠스, 문명교류, 중심주의, Berber, Sicily, Couscous, Exchange of Civilization, Centrism.
    Author: 임기대
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아즈하르의 종교적 검열이 이집트 사회에 미친 영향
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the laws and institutions regulating art and literary works for religious reasons and what role al-Azhar has played as an informal religious censorship body. Religious censorship means restricting freedom of expression based on religious authority or religious teaching. In 1961, the Nasser regime issued the al-Azhar reform law. Since then, al-Azhar not only became financially dependent on the Egyptian government, but also became part of the bureaucracy. The regimes of Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak have entrusted al-Azhar with the role of banning or regulating books and cultural creations deemed religiously inappropriate to prevent the spread of radical Islamist groups. But al-Azhar’s participation in the censorship unexpectedly backfired, severely restricting the activities of liberal and secular intellectuals, writers, and artists such as Faraj Fuda, Najib Mahfuz, and Abu Zayd.
    Keyword: 이집트, 아즈하르, 종교적 검열, 파라즈 푸다, 나집 마흐푸즈, 아부 자이드, Egypt, Azhar, Religious Censorship, Faraj Fuda, Najib Mahfuz, Abu Zayd.
    Author: 김정명
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    사회자본으로서 아랍지역의 와스타 관행 연구
    The term wasta, meaning ‘intermediate,’ is derived from the Arabic word ‘wasat,’ meaning ‘in between’ or ‘middle.’ Wasta is recognized today as being synonymous with injustice and corruption in Arab countries, as it favors people who have connections, while depriving the opportunities and rights of others. However, although wasta is negatively perceived within Arab society, people appear to prefer to utilize it when it is available. Unlike the negative perception of wasta today, it once carried a positive meaning, especially in traditional tribal societies where faith and trust were the basic principles of wasta operation. Wasta was used as a primary means to solve problems and conflicts among tribal members, while keeping one’s face and reputation within the community. In addition, wasta was also used as a method of distributing resources and providing welfare to tribal people. By tracing the transformation of wasta’s social meaning within a specific social context, this study examines how wasta practice, which existed as a virtue in traditional Arab society, has changed today, and how it may develop in the future. Wasta is analyzed within a theoretical framework of social capital and trust. Rather than evaluating its positive or negative meanings, this study focuses upon the background of why and how it works today.
    Keyword: 와스타, 사회자본, 신뢰, 젊은세대, 여성. Wasta, Social Capital, Trust, Youth, Women.
    Author: 엄익란
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    국제법상 문화재 및 문화유산 보호에 대한 고찰
    The system to protect cultural property and cultural heritage under international law has been established for last several decades. Along with UNESCO’s special efforts, international society developed relevant rules, both in respect of armed conflicts and during peacetime. This law basically prohibits illicit export of cultural property and requires return of the illegally exported cultural objects. In addition, UNESCO provides the World Cultural Heritage protection mechanisms. Although this law also has various defects, the review of the international law and system of protecting cultural property and cultural heritage could give some useful and practical implications for recent cultural tragedies happening in the Islamic areas.
    Keyword: 무력충돌 시 문화재 보호, 전쟁범죄, 문화재 불법 반출입 금지, 도 난 또는 불법 반출된 문화재의 반환, UNESCO 세계문화유산. Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, War Crimes, Prohibition of Illicit Import and Export of Cultural Property, Return of Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, UNESCO World Cultural Heritag.
    Author: 조정현
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    미국의 탈 중동전략에 따른 지역 경쟁과 이라크의 선택
    The United States allies in the Middle East, including Iraq, in the face of the US' contraction strategy in the Middle East, are contemplating new options to replace the US. With these crisis factors emerging, China's recent strategy to deeply enter the Middle East with its economic sector at the forefront is a natural step. However, there is a high risk that the chaos that will follow after Iraq and other middle eastern countries choose China as an option, will return to them during the strategic competition between the US and China. Therefore, it is time to continuously observe which choice will be the lesser worse. The non-aligned position can give a sense of balance when dealing with a powerful neighboring country from a position exposed to the risk of being victimized by a proxy warfare. From this point of view, the most demanded foreign policy in Iraq at present would be the establishment of delicately balanced partnerships that ensure cooperation with all influential powers.
    Keyword: 이라크, 미국, 중국, 철군, 그레이트 게임, ISIS, 이라크 민병대. Iraq, U.S., China, US Withdrawal, Great Game, ISIS, Iraq Militia.
    Author: 남옥정
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    1970~1980년대 사우디아라비아 석유 정책 결정 메커니즘 분석
    It is natural that Saudi oil policy should have begun to attract significant attention from all the parties concerned with the world oil market after it took direct control of oil production and prices during the 1970s. The capacity of the Saudi oil industry, with its huge oil reserves and production levels, is and probably always will be sufficient to play a key role not only in OPEC, but also more generally on the world oil market. In addition to its huge oil reserves, its productive capacity of over 10 million b/d, which allows Saudi Arabia to increase or cut its considerable production in accordance with market situations or its own political interests, makes both producers and consumers pay close attention to its oil policies, which are likely to have a profound effect on volatile oil prices. For an explanation of Saudi oil policy, various factors affecting the decisions of Saudi oil policy makers should be considered, either economic or political. From an economic perspective, commentators have tried to find a rational strategy underlying the attempts of Saudi decision-makers to optimize the long-term value of their oil by applying various economic models. Through the analysis of these models, the study would like to suggest which model best explains Saudi Arabia's oil policy from an economic point of view. This study is expected to contribute to understanding the economic mechanism by which Saudi Arabia's oil policy operates.
    Keyword: 사우디아라비아, 석유정책, 단일 카르텔 모델, 재산권 모델, 이해집 단 구성 모델, 지배 생산자 모델. Saudi Arabia, Oil Policy, Monolithic Cartel, Property Rights, Different Group, Dominant Producer.
    Author: 송상현
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    마그립 지역의 베르베르족 문화와 언어에 대한 연구
    This paper proposes to introduce the Berber culture and language as a minor tribe of more than 25 million people living in North Africa, the Sahara Desert, and Sahalian West Africa. To make a practical approach to the Berber culture and languages, the paper, in the second section, deals with the Berber society and culture according to the main tribes and, in the third section, reports on the results of the research of the Berber languages conducted by European scholars. In addition to that, this part suggests a set of phonological, morphological rules of the Berber languages and surveys the social function of the Berber languages in Morocco, Algeria, Tunis. The Berber language's using region is very broad. Also, the Berber language has the characteristics of the isolated language (linguistic island) because it doesn't have relevances with the languages used in North Africa. In the past, it had once been a single unified language, but now it is not configured. The distribution of Morocco's Berber language is relatively unified while the Berber language in Algeria and Tunisia has a different distribution. A reduction of the Berber population according to the urbanization and population movements provoked a big change in the Berber language's using range. These various elements didn't make the Berber see themselves as a national unit or a political presence. The paper concludes that a study on the Berber culture and language deserves to be made as a study on the minor tribes, stressing the need of the studies on the minor tribes in Korea and settling an objective viewpoint of the problems of minor tribes.
    Keyword: 베르베르족 사회와 문화, 베르베르어, 통시적 연구, 언어섬, 분포도, 도시화, 사회적 기능, 티피나그 문자, 음성·형태적 특성. Berber Culture & Society, Berber Language, Diachronic Study, Linguistic Island, Distribution, Urbanization, Social Function, Tifinagh Letter, Phonetic-Morphological Characteristics.
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    문항 유형이 아랍어 학습자의 듣기 이해도 및 듣기 전략에 미치는 영향
    This study aims to examine the effects of question types on the listening comprehension and listening strategy use of Arabic Learners. 24 Arabic learners(First Year 2nd Semester) were divided into two groups regarding question type: one group was given multiple-choice questions, and the other was given short answer questions. A survey on strategy use of the participants were conducted. There searcher compared the listening comprehension of the two groups by using the T-test. The listening strategy use of the two groups was analyzed in the way of counting frequency of strategy use. The results of this study are as follows: First, the group with multiplechoice questions received higher scores than the group with short answer questions. This proved that question types had an effect on the participants' listening comprehension. Second, the group with multiple-choice questions used more strategies than the group with short answer questions. Among the strategies related to options, the group with multiple-choice questions the most frequently employed strategy was the strategy of inferring unknown meaning by using options. Among the strategies which were not related to options, three strategies were used more by the group with multiple-choice questions than by the group with short answer questions. The three strategies included taking notes, translating in Korean, and using known words in an utterance to guess the meaning of the message. Third, advanced learners employed fewer strategies than low-level learners. On the multiple-choice test, the advanced learners used three strategies more than the low-level learners. One was the strategy of activating appropriate schemas related to the topic, another was the strategy of deciding to focus on specific aspects of language input, and the other was the strategy of deciding to focus on the language input in general. The strategies related to options were employed more by the advanced learners than by the low-level learners. On the short answer test, the advanced learners used four strategies more than the low-level learners. They included the strategy of activating appropriate schemas related to the topic, the strategy of deciding to focus on specific aspects of language input, the strategy of deciding to focus on the language input in general, the strategy of uttering known words to guess the meaning of the message.
    Keyword: 아랍어 학습자, 문항 유형, 듣기 이해도, 듣기 전략 . Arabic Learners, Question Type, Listening Comprehension, Listening Strategy.
    Author: 문지영
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    고전 페르시아 시문학에 비친 투르크 족의 다중적 이미지 연구
    In general, the attitude of the ‘majority’ toward the ‘minority’ in a community is ridicule and contempt. This attitude is directly reflected in the literature of lingua franca used by the ‘majority’. A typical example is the image of the Jews in Persian literature. In Persian literature, both classical and modern, Jews are seen as an object of ridicule and contempt. This general rule, however, does not apply to the Turks, another “minority” in Iranian society. The attitudes and views of the Iranians toward the Turks are multiple and contradictory. In classical Persian poetry, the Turks are objects of condemnation and resentment, objects of admiration and praise, and objects of love. This is because the Turks were a “minority like majority” in Iranian society. In other words, the Turks were a “ethnic minority” but a “political majority” because they emerged as invaders and conquerors in Iran. The brutal and barbaric acts of the Turks during their invasion and conquest were expressed with condemnation and resentment, but the valiant conquest against the pagans by the Turkic monarchs who ruled Iran and their generous support for Persian poets were expressed with praise and admiration. Another Turkic image added to these is beauty. While freely contacting young Turks who entered Iranian society as slave mercenaries or servants in the early days, the unique appearance of Turks attracted the attention of Persian poets and this interest developed the young Turk into an ideal lover. Another reason that Persian poets had a relatively friendly feeling towards the Turks compared to the Jews is religion. After both Iranians and Turks converted to Islam, ethnic boundaries were eliminated and common religious boundaries were formed. In other words, the Jews were outside the boundary, but the Turks were within it, so a coexistence between the two peoples could easily be established. The Persian poets supported by the Turkic rulers were able to freely condemn the cruelty and barbarity of the other Turks, because they regarded the Turkic rulers as “himself” who had already entered the boundary and assimilated into Persian culture, but the new Turkic invaders as “others” who were outside the boundary.
    Keyword: 페르시아 문학, 투르크 족, 고전 시문학, 다중적 이미지, 소수, 다수. Persian literature, Turks, multiful images, classical poetry, minority, majority.
    Author: 신양섭
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    소설 『자밀라』에서 영화 <자밀라>로의 서사 구조 변용과 주제의식 구현 양상
    The cinematization of a novel is the transformation of literary fiction using the features of a medium known as film. This transformation, however, is a complementary interaction between the two media rather than a separate creative process. The novel Jamila, written by Chinghiz Aitmatov, and the film Jamila, based on the original work, are about the life of Jamila, the epitome of an enterprising and challenging woman, and her brother-in-law, Seyit, who forges his own path under the influence of her will to live an independent life. When a novel is adapted into a film, it can become a completely different story than the original work; however, the film faithfully reproduces the original work's contents and concept by adhering to a similar narrative framework, such as the development process and story flow. In other words, when a novel is adapted into a film, it is developed three-dimensionally without dramatic changes in the narrative structure and story transformation, with the director's reinterpretation and cinematic device added. Both works use flashback techniques to recall the past, and the novel's narrative method is used in the film. In terms of translating theme consciousness from novel to film, both works are superficially centered on the love story of Jamila and Daniyar, but this is not a story based on a simple heterosexuality motif. In contrast to the obedient women of the time who followed traditional customs, the adventurous Jamila's actions of challenging for what she craves, and Seyit's changing appearance, who also left the way toward the life he desires, teach readers and audiences a lesson about who owns their life. It can be confirmed that the novel and film faithfully reproduce the original work's theme consciousness through the same narrative structure in dealing with the process of life of Jamila and Seyit growing into independent individuals through love.
    Keyword: 소설 자밀라, 영화 자밀라, 칭기즈 아이트마토프, 키르기스탄, 소설 의 영화화, 사랑, 주체적 삶. Novel Jamila, Movie Jamilla, Chinghiz Aitmatov, Kyrgyzstan, Cinematizing the novels, Love, Self-reliance Life.
    Author: 손영훈
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    중부 사하라 무역로와 카넴-보르누 문명의 발전
    The Kanem-Bornu civilization, which began to appear in the literature of Arab geographers around the 8th century, can be explained by dividing it into the Kanem Kingdom (700-1380) and the Bornu Kingdom (1380-1893). This civilization lasted from the 8th to 19th centuries and has the longest history among African civilizations. The Kanem-Bornu civilization developed as it continued to rise and fall, expanding its power from Chad to Niger, Nigeria, Algeria, and Libya. The Kanem-Bornu civilization developed by interacting with North Africa and Mediterranean through the Central Saharan Trade Route, connecting Libya and Tunisia to the central Mediterranean coast and Egypt. This trade route has existed since the Carthage or Roman times and has been used by Byzantine and Muslims. Currently, the problem in the Sahel region is being dealt with through the Central Saharan Trade Route, so it can be said that the Kanem-Bornu civilization has been historically contextualized and is still affecting the present.
    Keyword: 중부 사하라 무역로, 카누리, 하우사, 투아레그, 차드 호수, 카넴-보 르누, 니제르, 알제리, 튀니지. Central Trans-Sahara trade routes, Kanuri, Hausa, Tuareg, Lake Chad, Kanem-Bornu, Niger, Algeria, Tunisia.
    Author: 김광수
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이스탄불 도시브랜딩 사례를 통해 본 성과와 함의
    The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of Istanbul’s city branding. In order to do so, this study analyzed using the 2010 Istanbul Capital of Culture Project. Through the 2010 Istanbul Capital of Culture project, Istanbul can be evaluated as having created a successful Istanbul city branding by utilizing the city’s historical and cultural values. Therefore, this study analyzed the results and implications of Istanbul city branding through the 2010 Istanbul Capital of Culture project, and the following conclusions could be drawn. First, historical and cultural values were used. Istanbul’s long history has been a very effective means of making city branding successful. Second, it is a sustainable project. In other words, it is judged that this project is not a one-time event, but can continuously develop the city. Third, it is a citizen-led city branding. In other words, Istanbul’s city branding has great significance in that it minimized government participation and voluntarily participated in civic groups and citizens. Fourth, Istanbul is expected to perform its urban diplomatic function as a global city in the future. Based on the experience of this project, Istanbul is expected to further expand the venue for cultural exchange with many cities around the world with its excellent geographical location and accessibility that encompasses the East and the West. With this opportunity, it will be an opportunity to promote exchanges not only with neighboring European countries, but also with various countries including Korea. This also means that Istanbul will have an opportunity to actively engage in urban diplomacy using its soft power. Through this experience, it is judged that Istanbul will further activate the diplomatic method through the city, which is a sub-element of public diplomacy that has recently been attracting attention.
    Keyword: 도시브랜딩, 2010 이스탄불 유럽문화수도, 이스탄불, 다문화 메트로폴리스, 공공외교. City Branding, 2010 Istanbul European Capital of Culture, Istanbul, Multicultural Metropolis, Public diplomac.
    Author: 박수현
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    서유럽 중세광학의 성격 논쟁
    This paper deals with the debate between A. Mark Smith and David C. Lindberg on the Big picture of medieval optics as perspectiva. A. Mark Smith argued that medieval optics was cognitive science in the modern sense, yet Lindberg expressed a reserved position that Smith’s argument be acceptable only to a certain extent. In order to contextualize this debate historically, the paper has examined the accounts of medieval theorist, Robertus Grosseteste, Johannes Peckham and Dominicus de Clivaxo, and presented the modern translation for perspectiva. Furthermore, the paper pointed out that widespread interpretation of medieval optics is anachronistic, revealing its mere prejudices of medieval optics.
    Keyword: 중세수학, 중세과학, 중세광학, 시각학, 광학사, 원근법. Medieval Mathematics, Medieval Science, Medieval Optics, Perspectiva, History of Optics, Perspective.
    Author: 이무영
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아브라함 협정 이후의 중동 정세 변화와 팔레스타인 자치정부의 총체적 난국
    With US mediation, Israel-UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco agreed to normalize relations. Saudi Arabia played an important role in advancing relations between Israel and Morocco. Prior to normalizing Israel-Saudi relations, Saudi Arabia is encouraging more Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel. The Palestinian Authority, a result of the US-mediated Israeli-PLO negotiations(Oslo Agreements) seems to be facing a total setback without establishing a clear response strategy against normalizing relations between Israel and Arab countries. This paper utilizes various public documents, reports, and newspapers to analyze and forecast the changes in the Middle East situation after the recent normalization of Israel-Arab relations.
    Keyword: 아브라함협정, 이스라엘, 팔레스타인 자치정부, 미국, 아랍에미 리트, 바레인, 사우디아라비아. Abraham Agreement Israel, Palestinian Authority, USA, UAE, Bahrain. Saudi Arabia.
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Social Science Etc
    중동과 이슬람 세계 수학 문화의 수용 규준 연구
    In this paper, we analyzed how the subject content, theory of knowledge, and international mindedness dealt with in the IB DP mathematics course accept Islamic culture. We claim that IB mathematics (1) minimizes or omits the achievements of Islamic mathematicians, and (2) ignores ancient Egyptian and Old Babylonian mathematics, the roots of modern mathematics. IB Mathematics refers to Chinese, Japanese, Indian, or European mathematicians, ignoring the roles of great mathematicians such as al-Khowarizmi, al-Karaji, Ibn al-Haytham, Omar Khayyam, and al-Kashi. IB mathematics education gives deep mathematical and cultural values to ancient Greece from the point of view of the axial age, and attributes the calculus values of ancient Babylonia and Fatimid Dynasty to Newton and Leibniz in Europe. We discussed how it is desirable to accept Middle East and Islamic mathematical culture from a critical point of view.
    Keyword: 이슬람 수학 문화, 이슬람 수학사, 중동 수학 문화, 중동 수학사, IB DP, 지식론, 세계시민 소양. Islamic Mathematical Culture, History of Islamic Mathematics, Middle East Mathematical Culture, History of Middle East Mathematics, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme(IB DP), Theory of Knowledge, International Mindedness .
    Author: 박제남
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    유대인, 이스라엘과 이란의 전략적 관계
    It is generally known that in the wake of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi's pro-Israel policy abruptly changed to Khomeini's anti-Israel policy. Shortly after the Islamic Revolution, two-thirds of Iranian Jews reportedly left their homeland and moved to Israel, the United States and Europe. Are these refugees forcibly deported by the anti-Zionist policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran? Are they voluntary migrants in search of a better living conditions? Officially, the Islamic Republic of Iran has severed diplomatic and commercial relations with Israel and does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state. However, Israel sided with Iran in the Iran/Iraq War, which lasted for nearly eight years from 1980 to 1988, including arms support. Weapons are an essential element for maintaining and strengthening the regime, and arms trade is a key driving force and symbol of alliances between countries. Eventually, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel use the religious and ideological political rhetorics to subdue the internal opposition and to mobilize and support the external allies. In the process, the two countries may go one way or the other by case in the short term, but in the long term, it seems that they are an invisible and hidden strategic alliance for division and domination in the regional politics.
    Keyword: 유대인, 이스라엘, 시온주의, 이란, 이란 이슬람혁명, 이란 핵문제. Jews, Israel, Zionism, Iran, Iranian Islamic Revolution, Iran Nuclear Issu.
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    ‘아랍의 봄’ 이후 이데올로기로서의 폭력적 극단 정치 이슬람
    The impact that Islamic State(IS) had on the international community was huge. As if denying the achievements of the “War on Terror” led by the United States, a more sophisticated violent extremist force such as IS emerged after the Arab Spring. Although IS lost its base and was annihilated in Syria and Iraq, the collapse of IS does not mean the end of violent extremism which abused the ideology of political Islam. In deed, some of the Muslim groups have been using the concept of ‘Umma’ as a counter ideology from European imperialism in the late 19th century to the some of the current US Middle East policy. However, being a member of the Muslim ‘Umma’ did not mean exclusion from other social affiliations, such as tribes or ethnicities, nor did it create conflicts with other identities. In this context, the ‘Umma’ should not be viewed as part of any rigid hierarchical identity. Thus, this study deconstructs the one-sided interpretation of 'Dawah' used by violent extremist and seeks a possibility of it as a social integration mechanism.
    Keyword: 폭력적 극단주의, 테러와의 전쟁, 다와, 정치 이슬람, 포스트 아랍 의 봄, 테러와의 전쟁. violent extremism, war on terrorism, dawah, political Islam, post-Arab spring.
    Author: 백승훈
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    미군의 아프가니스탄 철수와 카타르 외교 정책의 역할
    Qatar has played a vital role in mediation between the US, international society, and the Taliban since the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Over the last decade, Qatar’s foreign policy made trouble with its neighboring countries and it leads to even cut diplomatic ties with them. Though this foreign policy threats the regime itself, its policy impact increases regional influence due to changes in the regional security order in the Middle East. This study is based on the hypothesis that Qatar’s hedging policy to Iran, non-state actors(Taliban), and the US impact on Qatar’s recent role in United States’ Afghanistan withdrawal. In particular, this study analyzes Qatar’s foreign policy, which maintained friendly relations with both the US and the Taliban creating an opportunity for Qatar to act as a mediator to prevent chaos in the region as a trusted ally of the US. To test this hypothesis, this study examines several cases including Qatar’s foreign policy to Iran (as well as nuclear negotiation) and the US, and Qatar diplomatic crisis in 2017 from the perspective of hedging strategy.
    Keyword: 아프가니스탄 사태, 미국 대중동 정책, 카타르, 실용주의 외교, 헤 징 전략, 탈레반. US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Qatar, Foreign Policy, Taliban, Hedging Policy.
    Author: 이수진
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    카타르의 대(對)터키 경제협력 현황과 한계
    The bilateral relationship between Qatar and Turkey began as a political and military partnership and expanded to the economic sector. As a result, the trade volume between the two countries has grown and foreign direct investment has also increased. The bilateral trade volume was about $1.87 billion in 2020, which was 69 times higher than in 2000, 20 years ago, and 1.8 times higher than in 2010, 10 years ago. Meanwhile, Turkey is currently facing an economic crisis as the value of the Turkish Lira has continued to decline due to President Erdogan's unprecedented monetary policy. Nevertheless, Qatar continues its economic cooperation by extending the currency swap agreement with Turkey. This study discusses the limits of economic cooperation between the two countries based on the background and achievements to answer the question of whether Qatar-Turkey economic cooperation can be expanded in the future.
    Keyword: 카타르, 터키, 경제협력, 통화스와프, 카타르-터키 교역관계. Qatar, Turkey, Economic Cooperation, Currency Swap, Bilateral Trade between Qatar and Turkey.
    Author: 정혜선
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    신의 이름으로, 중동지역 미디어검열
    The aim of this study is to investigate legal regulations and religious controls by researching media controls and censorship cases and attempting to understand the Middle East's media sector and presence. Despite state-led backing and the establishment of media infrastructure such as Media City, the research shows that media freedom in the Middle East has not improved in recent decades. Also, according to the research, religious constraints and legislative laws are the foundation of media control and have been employed to keep the ruling regime in place. Censorship and media control have been strengthened in major countries such as Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, based on legal grounds such as the Media Act, the Anti-Terrorism Act, and the Cyber-Terrorism Act, with Shariah as the foundation. It is applied to the media as a higher-level notion of the law to govern freedom and expression since Islamic religious principles and norms must not be breached.
    Keyword: 미디어검열, 중동미디어, 언론통제, 이슬람인권, 샤리아. Media Censorship, Media in the Middle East, Media Control, Human Rights in Islam, Shariah.
    Author: 김수완
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    레바논 내 시리아 난민 교육 정책의 한계
    The right to education of Syrian refugee children living in Lebanon is one of the fundamental human rights, especially in the crisis. Ten years after the Syrian crisis, 58% of Syrian refugee children living in Lebanon do not have the right to education. This study pointed out these problems and described the limitations of the RACE(Reaching All Children with Education) program, one of the efforts of the Lebanese government to solve it, as follows. First, the Lebanese government and UNHCR established policies without researching the current status of Syrian refugees or the educational environment of Lebanon and Syria. Second, the Lebanese government's unwillingness to accept Syrians as refugees and its strict regulations against them since 2014 negatively affect the Education of Syrian refugee children. However, this study tries to point out that Lebanon’s refugee policy should be understood through the history of Palestinian refugees and the Syrian army in Lebanese territory.
    Keyword: 난민 교육, 위기시 교육, 시리아 난민, RACE 프로그램, 레바논. Refugee Education, Education in Emergency, Syrian Refugees, Reaching All Children with Education program, Refugee Education, Lebanon.
    Author: 이경수
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Lebanon
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    페르시아어에서 보어의 서법 실현과 그 선택에 대한 소고
    This paper investigates (verbal) mood choice in complement clauses in Persian. It is widely accepted that in various languages, doxastic predicates select an indicative complement while bouletic predicates select a subjunctive complement. Departing from this, however, it is pointed out that various predicates in Persian do not follow such a general tendency; hence an alternative syntactic based approach should be pursued. Given this tension, this paper put forth an idea to show how exceptional properties of verbal choice in Persian can be explained in terms of generally motivated semantic approaches. By doing so, several novel data are presented considering various discourse factors as well as the semantics of doxastic predicates and their complement types. Taken together, it is also briefly discussed how the syntactic based approach can be developed to cover a new pair of data.
    Keyword: 페르시아어, 보어, 동사 서법 선택, 직설법, 접속법. Persian, complement, verbal mood choice, indicative, subjunctive.
    Author: 허세문
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    칼릴라와 딤나와 백유경 비교연구
    This is a comparative study of Kalīlah wa Dimnah, an Arabic classic literature and Baekyoo-Kyung, one of Buddhist scriptures according to narrative elements focusing on two couple of same plot stories and five couple of similar plot stories. Kalīlah wa Dimnah shows the common morals and Baekyoo-Kyung shows the teachings of Buddhism whether the plots are same or similar. In the aspect of narrative devices, Kalīlah wa Dimnah includes the teachings in frame stories while Baekyoo-Kyung includes the teachings in two leveled structure. This study investigates the features of settlement of Indian fables in each different cultural and religious background.
    Keyword: 칼릴라와 딤나, 백유경, 동물우화, 불교경전우화, 틀이야기. Kalīlah wa Dimnah, Baekyoo-Kyung, Animal fable, Buddhist scripture fable, Frame story.
    Author: 이동은
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Israel History
    예루살렘의 이슬람화 연구
    In the Eastern Mediterranean, Jerusalem is a religious, geographical, historical and socio-cultural melting pot. Religiously, Jerusalem is the cradle of religion containing the holy sites of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Geographically, Jerusalem is a bridge between Mesopotamian and Pharaonic civilizations and historically it was occupied by Persia, Hellenism, Rome, Byzantine, Arab Islam, and Turkic states in turn, and in modern times it was occupied by imperialist powers and after the Middle East war(Arab– Israeli conflict) it is now not a city of any country under international law. Jerusalem was a special place even for the Muslims who occupied it in the 7th century CE. The early qiblah of Islam was Jerusalem and the space connecting Muhammad and Allah was also Jerusalem. After the Muslims took Jerusalem, they tried to make it an Islamic city and that effort has been going on since the first Muslim occupation of Jerusalem in 637 CE. Based on the above historical facts, this research intends to analyze the process and efforts to Islamize Jerusalem by Islamic forces. Using Umar’s Assurance, I research the early military occupation process of the Muslim army and the efforts of the Muslim forces for the rule and assimilation of Dhimi in Jerusalem. Umar’s Assurance which the second orthodox Khalifa Umar signed to rule Jerusalem can be an important material for studying Muslims’ rule of occupied territories and Islamization. This research is also a study on the exchange of civilizations that analysis the ways of exchange among the heterogeneous cultural groups of and the ways in which they accept and assimilate different cultures.
    Keyword: 예루살렘, 우마르 서약, 아일리야 협약, 기독교화, 이슬람화, 문 명교류. Jerusalem, Umar’s Assurance, Pact of Aelia, Christianization, Islamization, Exchange of Civilizations.
    Author: 윤용수
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Greek Literature
    페레크라테스의 광부들에 나타난 환락향에 대하여
    The utopia of Pherecrates’ Metalles is not somewhere out there, but below, that is, in Hades, the underworld. The peculiarity of this theme and positioning, which is called a ‘comedy of the underworld’, is an old comedy writer in the 5th century BC who tried to evoke nostalgia for life in the ‘good old days’(bios archaios) through Greek mythological elements. It can be seen as a typical characteristic that contains their intentions. Pherecrates wants to recreate in reality the mythical primordial days of the reign of Cronus, called the Golden Age, through fantastic and fairy-tale stories in his works Agrioi, Persai and Metalles. In these works, he introduces the utopian ideal world to Attica’s audience by mixing realistic elements or real characters, mythical and divine beings. Pherecrates’ works clearly show that the utopian thought of ancient Greece before Plato develops through ‘fantasy’ in addition to mythological content and historical elements. In short, they contain the comical characteristics of a ‘popular utopia’, which aims to make the audience forget about realistic oppression and economic difficulties for a moment by experiencing the unreal world through the fantastic description of the ideal world. From this perspective, Greek old comedy as a political poem is a tool for social self-understanding along with tragedy and a satirical self-criticism of the Athenian political community.
    Author: 임성철
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    복음서의 장르는 무엇인가?
    To know the basic characteristic of a text, we need to know the genre of the text. The genre of the four Gospels has been disputed since the 18th century. Most scholars in the nineteenth century regarded the four Gospels as biographies. However, scholars who developed form criticism in the twentieth century insisted that the Gospels be ‘something peculiar in themselves, sui generis’. In 1992, Burridge challenged this view. Burridge analyzed the forms and contents of ancient biographies and compared them with the four Gospels. He argued that the characteristics of the biographies were also observed in the four Gospels. The study of Burridge has been supported by many scholars. However, despite the study of Burridge the debate on the genre of the Gospels is not ended. Because, as Burridge claimed, ancient biographies had diverse and floating forms and contents. For example, there were Peripatetic biographies that dealt with the lives of generals and politicians and were written with public performance in mind, Alexandrian’s biographies that dealt with the lives of scholars, poets and artists, Encomium type that praised the public achievements of the main characters, Popular-novelistic type that presented the lives of the main characters to the public like a novel. This paper examines whether the Gospels belonged to the ancient biographies and, if they did, which sub-genre they belonged to. The four gospels does not belong to any of the sub-genres presented above. The four Gospels were similar to the Aretalogy. This is a biography of Divine Man, who has become a man of divine nature. There were no biography of the divine man before the Gospel, but since the second century, the biographies of various philosophers have been written in this form. Thus the Gospel is one of the Aretalogy.
    Keyword: 복음서, 장르, 전기, 아레탤로지, 초기 기독교. Gospel, Genre, Biography, Aretalogy, Early Christianity.
    Author: 정기문
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    배교에 관한 샤리아 규범 연구
    Sharia protects the five elements (religion, life, reason, honor, property), and apostasy is prohibited for the protection of religion. Islam saw apostasy as a Muslim becoming a kāfir. Here, kāfir is meant to include unbelievers, atheists, pagans (non-Muslims), skeptics, heretics, those who slander Islam or the prophets, and idolaters. Islam has a very broad understanding of apostasy, and the details of this are defined through Sharia. The Qur’ān warns those who betray or disbelieve Islam that there is an afterlife punishment by Allah and a real punishment by Muslims. Hadith (Sunna) clearly presented the acts of apostasy through specific examples, and confirmed that there are realistic and afterlife punishments for apostates. On the other hand, Sunni’s four law schools focused on establishing detailed guidelines for the issues that Muslims should know clearly and issues that are at issue in reality, believing that the acts and punishments of apostasy were clearly and sufficiently mentioned by the Qur’ān and the Hadith. In modern times, more than a dozen Islamic countries have stipulated through their constitutions or criminal laws that apostasy to Islam is a serious crime and should be punishable by death.
    Keyword: 배교, 코란, 하디스(순나), 순니 4 대 법학파, 샤리아, 형법. Apostasy, Qur’ān, Ḥadith (Sunnah), Sunni four Islamic law schools, Shariah, criminal law.
    Author: 임병필
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    인터넷 미디어를 통해 본 탈레반 재집권과 아프가니스탄
    This study analyzed online news articles related to the return to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan covered by two major Internet news outlets in Korea: namely, Pressian and New Daily. This study adopted Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to look into the perspectives of both media outlets on the current situation in Afghanistan and discourse strategies. CDA is interdisciplinary research methodology and it is used not only in linguistics but also in politics. The key findings of this study are as follows. Pressian reported the situation in Afghanistan by using various discourse strategies such as nonrationalization, presentation of negative image, presentation of positive image, dichotomy and warning. Also, Pressian showed a critical stance on the Taliban and the United States. New Daily reported the situation in Afghanistan by using the same discourse strategies too. However, unlike Pressian, there was no criticism of the United States in New Daily. Lastly, for a better understanding of the current situation in Afghanistan, it is necessary to look at the political and social changes in Afghanistan from various angles. More specifically, it is important to consider not only women's human rights but also a variety of themes such as poverty, refugee issues and regional security.
    Keyword: 담론 전략, 프레시안, 뉴데일리, 탈레반, 아프가니스탄. Discourse Strategy, Pressian, New Daily, Taliban, Afghanistan.
    Author: 이주한
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    종파 갈등의 재생산
    This study examines Saudi-Iranian rivalry and its influence on sectarian conflict in the Middle East using the Yemeni Civil War as a case study. Typically, Saudi-Iranian rivalry is considered as a sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shi’a. However, sectarianism is being used as a tool to consolidate power. Since the Arab Spring, power struggles between Saudi Arabia and Iran has escalated. In this process, Saudi and Iranian intervention has contributed to escalating sectarian conflicts in the Middle East. Furthermore, sectarian biased news coverage of both state owned Saudi and Iranian news channels led to spread sectarian antagonism and spur sectarian split in the Middle East. The study looks into the origins of the Yemeni Civil War and its relations with Saudi Iranian rivalry. In particular, this study contributes to investigating how Saudi and Iranian state owned Arabic news channels deployed sectarian discourses in their coverage of the Houthi movement, Operation of Decisive Storm and Yemen humanitarian crisis and used this to their advantage in the Yemeni Civil War. This study confirms that Saudi Arabia and Iran use their news channels to perpetuate sectarian fissures by reinstating their own sectarian propaganda. Sectarianism which is produced by political power is reproduced through the media and the people who accept and benefit from it.
    Keyword: 종파 갈등, 사우디 이란 라이벌 관계, 예멘 내전, 후티 운동, 범아랍어 언론. Sectarian conflict, Saudi Iranian rivalry, Yemen Civil war, Houthi movement, Pan Arab media.
    Author: 안소연
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    기후변화, 탄소중립 그리고 중동
    The MENA region is the most vulnerable region to global climate change. Temperature rise, desertification and coastline changes caused by climate change are highly likely to have a profound impact on the lives of the people of MENA countries. As a result, many MENA countries are agile in the international movement to slow the pace of climate change. Saudi Arabia, one of the world's largest oil producers, announced in October 2021 an ambitious plan to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2060 by actively accepting the recommendations of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report. Saudi Arabia's declaration of Net Zero as a rentier state, in which the country is operated with a rent obtained from oil, caused a sensation in the international community. However, unlike Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)'s carbon-neutral announcement, Saudi Arabia's plans to invest in fossil fuels including oil and gas and expand infrastructure are still in progress. Therefore, this study aims to analyze how the transitional transformation in the MENA region will develop in the future by looking at Saudi Arabia's carbon-neutral policy.
    Keyword: Saudi Arabia, carbon neutrality, circular carbon economy, climate change, Saudi vision 2060.
    Author: 이주성
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    ESG 채권과 ESG 수쿠크 비교를 통한 수쿠크에 대한 재인식
    Recently, in the global bond market, the issuance of ESG bonds, which are different from the existing bond investment method aimed at achieving financial returns, is increasing. ESG bonds are issued to attract investment based on a company's ESG performance or future sustainability. Green Sukuk, which has a similar concept, has been issued in the Islamic financial market, and this trend is expanding to attract funds for businesses aimed at resolving social issues. Some scholars have begun to classify such Sukuks as ESG Sukuk. In general, conventional bonds are debt instruments with fixed returns. On the other hand, the Islamic Sukuk is a certificate confirming the possession of a stake in the assets used in the business. Therefore, the holder of Sukuk becomes the owner of a certain percentage of the investment and assets. This study attempts to identify what similarities, differences, and advantages and disadvantages exist when conventional bonds and Sukuk, which are structurally different, are combined with the ESG concept. It is hoped that Korean companies wishing to raise funds for ESG-purpose projects and Korean investors wishing to invest in ESG projects will consider ESG Sukuk as another alternative in addition to conventional bonds.
    Keyword: ESG 채권, ESG 수쿠크, 환경, 사회, 지속가능발전. ESG Bond, ESG Sukuk, Green, Social, Sustainable Development.
    Author: 이희열
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    문학텍스트 아-한 기계번역의 가용성과 한계 연구
    This study aims to identify the limitations and availability of neural machine translation(NMT) through a comparative analysis of the Arabic-Korean human translation and NMT of a literary text. To this end, the NMT of Saud Alsanousi’s novel The Bamboo Stalk is analyzed compared to its human translation published in Korean. Errors in the NMT output are classified into nine categories for quantitative analysis, and exemplary errors are qualitatively examined. According to the findings of analysis, many errors involve polysemous words that must be translated according to their context. In particular, when negative words are included, the whole sentence is often translated into the opposite meaning. The explicitation of pronouns has not been done as much as predicted. The Arabic phrases of inanimate subject with animate object appeared and the inanimate subjects of Arabic were rendered into other sentence components. Specifically, they were rendered into adverb phrases and predicates. In addition, this study presents good cases of NMT to confirm it’s availability. Although this study uses limited data for analysis, it is meaningful in that it confirms the limitations and availability of Arabic-Korean NMT.
    Keyword: 아랍어-한국어 번역, 인간번역, 신경망 기계번역, 무정성 주어, 다의어, 문학 텍스트. Arabic-Korean Translation, Human Translation, NMT, Inanimate Subject, Polysemy, Literary Text.
    Author: 곽순례
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    탈레반의 아프가니스탄 국가건설과 DDR
    Since the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021, Afghanistan has been under Taliban control. Currently, Afghanistan is experiencing serious economic difficulties and frequent terrorist attacks by various armed groups. It does not achieve the minimum requirements of a nation, “providing basic public services” and “legitimate monopoly of forces.” The top priority for nation-building is the successful application of the DDR program. The Taliban used to be the target of DDR, but now they are the primary agents of DDR. However, there has been no significant achievement in disarmament as well as in the stage of reintegration, which is the most complicated and sensitive area in making DDR possible. In particular, a number of armed organizations are active in a situation where no government forces with executive power have been created. This vicious cycle makes DDR more difficult because it cannot guarantee safety against disarmament.
    Keyword: 아프가니스탄, 탈레반, 국가건설, DDR. Afghanistan, Taliban, Nation-building, DDR.
    Author: 김은비
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    그리스 로마 전기 장르와 복음서의 저술 목적
    his article explores two genre characteristics of Greco-Roman biography. The first characteristic is that Greco-Roman biography invites readers to pursue a good life by showing the virtuous life of a protagonist. In order to prove this point, the article investigates three pieces of works of Greco-Roman biography: Isocrates, Evagoras; Nepos, Atticus; Plutarch, Parallel Lives. The second characteristic is that Greco-Roman biography is usually written for general readership rather than specific readership. In order to demonstrate this point, the article studies three pieces of works of Greco-Roman biography: Lucian, Demonax; Tacitus, Agricola; and Xenophon, Agesilaus. These samples of Greco-Roman biography represent different times and places. In terms of times, the samples come from the period between 4th century BCE and 2nd century CE. With regard to places, we have four Greek biographies and two Roman biographies. Various samples from different times and places indicate that these two genre characteristics are universal phenomena that are not limited to certain times and places. Turning to the Gospels, this article argues that the two genre characteristics are also found in the Gospels. In order to show that these characteristics are widely attested rather than limited to certain Gospels, the article investigates four passages that come from each of the Gospels: Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 8:27-34, Luke 1:1-4, and John 20:30-31. This investigation shows that the Gospel writers invite readers to pursue a good life that is epitomized in the life of Jesus. Further, this invitation is not limited to a specific group of people (ex. “disciples”) but open to a wide range of people (ex. “all nations”). These genre characteristics have many implications for the interpretation of the Gospels. Among many, the question, ‘if the life of Jesus invites readers to live a similar kind of life, then what exactly is the life that is to be imitated by readers?’ should be answered in the ensuing studies of the Gospels.
    Keyword: 그리스 로마 전기, 덕, 윤리, 마태복음 28:19-20, 마가복음 8:27-34, 누가복음 1:1-4, 요한복음 20:30-31. Greco-Roman Biography, Virtue, Ethics, Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 8:27-34, Luke 1:1-4, John 20:30-31.
    Author: 권영주
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아랍 시민들의 민주주의 인식에 영향을 미치는 요인
    After the Arab Spring, are there differences in the effects of factors affecting Arab citizens’ perception of democracy? The purpose of this study is to analyze what factors affect the favorable perception of democracy before and after the Arab Spring. This study used the Arab barometer survey Wave1∼5. The results show that the higher the socioeconomic status, the more favorable it was to democracy in three waves. In most waves, Arab citizens who value Islamic values less were favorable to democracy. On the other hand, the effect of social capital was found only in some waves. Unlike our expectations, Arab citizens who perceived state corruption as serious were skeptical of democracy in some waves. In addition, the gap in perception between genders has decreased since the Arab Spring and reversed in Wave5, while the gap in perception between generations(excluding Wave5) has grown. The significance of this study is that it proved the effects of factors influencing the favorable perception of democracy by comparing and analyzing various periods for Arab citizens.
    Keyword: 아랍의 봄, 민주주의 인식, 아랍바로미터조사, 사회경제적 지위, 이슬람 가치관. Arab Spring, Perception of Democracy, Arab Barometer Survey, Socioeconomic Status, Islamic Values
    Author: 박상운
    Poblication Year: 2022
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    튀니지 성소수자 운동의 성과와 한계
    This study analyzed the achievements and limitations of the sexual minority movement in Tunisia after the Tunisian Revolution in 2011. Tunisian LGBTQ organizations have made efforts to improve the perception of sexual minority in the society. In particular, they agitated the repeal of Article 230 of the Penal Code, which prohibits homosexuality.These efforts have resulted in making the international community continuing to pay attention to the LGBTQ issue in Tunisia, and the Tunisian Presidential Commission on Personal Freedom and Equality submitted a report supporting the claims of LGBTQ organizations. However, although many efforts have been made to improve perception of LGBTQ people over the past decade, the negative view of LGBTQ people in Tunisian society is still strong, and some LGBTQ people leave Tunisia.
    Keyword: 성소수자, LGBTQ, 인권, 북아프리카, 튀니지. Sexual minority, LGBTQ, Human Rights, North Africa, Tunisia.
    Author: 김성환
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이스라엘-사우디아라비아 간 관계개선 요인 연구
    In order to improve relations between countries, conflicts must be eased or cooperation must be promoted. Conflict mitigation factors and cooperation promotion factors are clearly distinguished, so even if the existing conflict has not been resolved, relations between countries can be improved as much as possible if there is an element to promote cooperation. Cooperation promotion factors and conflict mitigation factors are not mutually necessary/sufficient conditions. This paper analyzed the cause of the improvement in relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia despite the unresolved Palestinian problem remaining. As a result, it was found that the decrease in mutual threat awareness served as a factor to “relieve conflict” between the two countries, and the increase in economic, military and security-consistent interests against Iran served as a factor to “promote cooperation.” Nevertheless, the reason why relations between the two countries cannot reach normalization is that the importance of mutually exclusive interests, which are conflict mitigation factors, has not decreased, indicating that conflict mitigation factors are essential for normalizing relations between countries in conflict. In the end, for fundamental changes between conflicting countries, efforts are essential to reduce the importance of mutually exclusive interests rather than cooperation through the pursuit of fragmentary interests and to reduce the perception of mutual threats
    Keyword: 이스라엘, 사우디아라비아, 갈등 완화, 협력 증진, 우달로프 이익균형. Israel, Saudi Arabia, conflict mitigation, promotion of cooperation, Udalov’s balance of interest.
    Author: 최준영
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    마티 디옵의 작가주의에 나타난 탈구된 정체성과 ‘난민-되기’
    Mati Diop is regarded as the first black female director to win the Grand Prix by entering the competition section of the Cannes Film Festival with her first feature Atlantics in 2019. Although she grew up in France since she was born to a Senegalese father and a French mother, her intimacy with Senegal’s culture and history take up a major part of the roots of her identity. Indeed the bi-cultural inheritance has been deeply embedded in her filmography. This is not irrelevant to the fact that his uncle is Djibril Diop Mambéty, the Senegalese director who set a milestone in the country’s as well as Sub-Saharan African film history. Diop’s mid-lenghth film A Thousand Suns (Mille Soleils, 2013) was at once a homage and a documentary dedicated to Mambéty’s masterpiece Touki Bouki. Diop’ films convey the contemporary ontology of the refugee crisis or ‘becoming-refegee’, the spontaneous phenomenon of being a refugee. Refugees who choose or dream of a transatlantic journey from Africa to Europe at their own peril dwells in her films. Their life and death feature heavily in the way her films’ narrative and style revolve around the realism as much as the fantasy of the deceased. This article discusses the dislocated identity and the problematics of becoming-refugees represented in Atlantiques (2009), A Thousand Suns, and Atlantics. The three films share in common an intimate exploration of the refugee experiences resulting from the dislocated status that is split between the identity one is born into and the ideals of the destination that one desires. By taking up an African view on what it means to become comtemporary refugees, Diop’s resolutely auteuristic filmmaking presents a new prospect of possibility where an ethical sense of responsibility and an ability to stare at the refugees’ trauma coexists with the memories of those who passed away as well as those who live on.
    Keyword: 마티 디옵, <애틀란틱스>, <천개의 태양>, <아틀란티크>, 난민영화, 아프리카 영화, 탈구. Mati Diop, Atlantics, Atlantiques, Mille Soleils, Refugee Film, African Film, Dislocation.
    Author: 박은지
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    『에스투니가 가요집』(1460∼1463)의 라티니즘에 반영된 카스티야 시학의 15세기 나폴리 왕실로의 전이
    This study aims to assess the spread of fifteenth century Spanish poetry to the Aragonese Court of Naples. The poems contained in the Cancionero de Estúñiga share many Castilian stylistic components, such as the first-person narrator and the presence of allegory, classical literary topos, courtly love, and a huge range of decorative and elegant vocabulary, despite the contributors’ differing political motives for producing this work. In particular, I believe that the pattern of latinism that is evident in these poems is further crucial proof of an integrated Castilian poetics and its intact transmission to the Neapolitan Court. I used Gephi 0.9.7. for the visualization of the network of relationships between this latinism and the poets of Cancionero de Estúñiga. This analysis confirms that the poets of the Neapolitan court expressed themselves through the Castilian style of poetry very naturally due to the legitimacy of successive kings of Aragon and these kings’ close political relationships with the royal house of Castile.
    Keyword: 15세기 스페인 시, 가이아 학문, 에스투니가 가요집, 산티야나 후작, 라티니즘. Poesía española del siglo XV, Gaya ciencia, Cancionero de Estúñiga, Marqués de Santillana, Latinismo.
    Author: 백승욱
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    걸프 왕정 국가들의 기성 정치 질서에 도전하는 카타르 유인 분석-수정주의 국가 관점을 기반으로-
    In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain declared that they would cut all ties with Qatar. Those countries accused Qatar of supporting Sunni Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood(MB), or Hamas, and the Iranian ambition to extend regional power in the Gulf region. For the Sunni monarchy countries, both the MB and Iran are regarded as threats to their legitimacy. While Qatar maintains good relations with Iran and Islamist groups, it also hosts the American air base. In fact, it is difficult to understand contradictory Qatar’s foreign policy. Therefore, this study examines why Qatar challenges the status quo of the Gulf regional order based on the perspective of the revisionist states’ motivations. This study investigates Qatar’s motivation to challenge the status of of the Gulf regional politics in terms of revisionist state theory. Thus, this study contributes to confirming that based on economic development, social and political stability, Qatar was motivated to seek to challenge the existing order in favor of Qatar’s political interest to extend its power and influence.
    Keyword: 카타르, 수정주의 국가, 현상 유지, 지대 경제, 걸프협력기구. Qatar, Revisionist state, Status Quo, Rentier economy, Gulf Cooperation Council.
    Author: 안소연
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이란의 정부에 따른 핵 개발 기조 변화
    Iran is a theocratic republic in which the supreme leader and the president coexist. The supreme leader, ranked No. 1 in the constitution, is indirectly elected by a group of clerics and serves for a lifelong period, while the president is directly elected by the people and serves a four-year term. Based on the rule of Islamic jurists, the supreme leader can be described as having absolute power internally, and it is reasonable to assume that many policy issues will consistently reflect the supreme leader’s intentions. However, when it comes to nuclear issues, Iran has exhibited different reactions under different governments, despite having the same supreme leader in power. This study examines the nuclear development stances of each Iranian government based on Solingen’s “Political Economy of Nuclear Restraint.” The theory posits that the cost of nuclear proliferation varies according to the economic systems adopted by the ruling group. With this understanding, the study argues that the inconsistency in Iranian nuclear policies is influenced by the check and balance structure between the supreme leader-centered winning coalition and the president-centered winning coalition.
    Keyword: 이란, 선출인단 이론, 핵 자제 정치경제론, 이란 핵 정책, 최고지도자, 이란 대통령. Iran, Selectorate theory, Political Economy of Nuclear Restraint, Iranian nuclear policy, Supreme leader, Iranian president.
    Author: 양주희
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    슈우비야(Shu‘ūbiyya) 기원과 발전 연구
    The literary and political movement against the Arab world, the Shu‘ūbiyya, can be traced to the power conflict between the Persians and Arabs in the eighth and tenth centuries. This movement has spread to Arab countries of Islam, which originated in al-Ḥijāz, incorporated various traditions of Persian society in non-Arab countries, which became the center of a superb civilization in the Middle Ages, in addition to the history of civilization in Andalusia, the Middle East, and North Africa. In contrast to Arab-nationalism, the Shu‘ūbiyya movement contributed to the attainment of “Al-taswiyah” beyond geographical boundaries and to the flourishing of cosmopolitan Islam across the Abbasid Empire. Ignaz Goldziher was the first Western scholar to provide a historical analysis of Arab and non-Arab conflicts based on precise analytic academic research on the Abbasid caliphate and to assess the influence of early Islamic ideals on the European Andalusian civilization, which became the foundational frameworks for Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic studies, revealing inequality between Arabs and non-Arabs. Later, academic scholars such as Gibb, Mottahedeh, and Larsson argued that his research was constrained by the nineteenth-century hegemonies of nationalism. Nevertheless, the Shu‘ūbiyya movement integrates complex ideological discourses and diverse contradictory views against the Arabs’ prerogative powers over Dhimmī; thus, it is an inclusive term that can collectively refer to the ideologies of all ethnic minorities from an egalitarian perspective. In this study, the author explained the meaning of Sh‘ūb in the Qur’an and then examined the opinions of twentieth-century scholars on how the medieval idea of Shu‘ūbiyya developed into the Shu‘ūbiyya perspective and its movement. In addition, it is suggested that, in order to comprehend the ethnic dynamics at play in the twenty-first century between non-Arab forces and Arab nationalism, the current flows of the Neo-Shu‘ūbiyya movement must be analyzed, as it echoes the earlier Shu‘ūbiyya movement and catalyzes the political and social frictions to pursue equality.
    Keyword: 슈우비야, 골드지허, 움마, 압바스, 우마이야, 아랍민족주의, 알-타스위야. Shu‘ūbiyya, Goldziher, Neo-Shu‘ūbiyya, Ummah, al-ʾUmawīyah, al-Abbāsiyyah, Arab-Nationalism, al-Taswiyah.
    Author: 현한나
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    이슬람 사상에서 “타즈디드”의 함의와 개념
    There has been controversy among Muslims today regarding the accuracy of the Tajdīd concept related to Islamic thought and religious discourse. Some Muslims within Islamic religious institutions have identified specific negative implications associated with Tajdīd as problematic. Additionally, the generalization of Tajdīd without distinguishing it according to academic fields has also deviated from the accuracy of the concept. Therefore, within Islamic thought, Tajdīd should be considered in terms of its scope and conditions. Muḥammad said, “Allah will send to this ’ummah at the beginning of every hundred years the one who will renew its religion for it” (Sunan Abī Dāwūd)”. This defines the concept of religious Tajdīd, and the timing of Tajdīd, and provides some understanding of the concept of Mujaddid(renewer). Some Muslim scholars agree on the necessity of Tajdīd. There are differing opinions regarding the scope of Tajdīd, who qualifies as a Mujaddid, and the leading roles and qualifications required to become a Mujaddid. Furthermore, some Muslims who advocate for Tajdīd in Islamic thought, and religious discourse have prominently emerged in the Islamic world over the past 200 years. In particular, in 2020, Muhammad Al-Khosht, the President of Cairo University, and Ahmad al-Tayyib, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, debated “Tajdīd in Islamic Thought” in Egypt. Ahmad al-Tayyib argued that Tajdīd should be based on the heritage of the past rather than introducing something new. However, Muhammad Al-Khosht emphasized the necessity of Tajdīd of religious heritage (turāth dīnī) according to the needs of the modern era. The specialized terminological meaning of Tajdīd carries some meanings of ’iḥyā’ and ’iṣlāḥ, and it holds semantic connections with these concepts. Tajdīd, as a term, is intertwined with the fluctuations of Islamic history and the changes in Islamic society, making it relevant not only to Islamic thought but also to social and religious mechanisms. In encounters with the West, Tajdīd in Islamic thought anticipated development (taṭawwur) and modernization (taḥdīth). There is ongoing debate and discussion among Muslim scholars regarding various aspects of Tajdīd and its implications for Islamic thought and religious discourse. Since Tajdīd encompasses both the past and the present, it has been difficult to grasp the concept and implications solely based on lexical meaning. Therefore, based on the findings of this research, in future translations of Islamic technical terms into our language, it would be critical to reevaluate the current existing Islamic terminology and to rectify any inaccuracies in meaning.
    Keyword: 타즈디드, 무잣디드, 무즈타히드, 이즈티하드, 전문용어, 타끌리드, 유산, 번역. Tajdīd, Mujaddid, Mujtahid, ’ijtihād, Muṣṭalaḥ, Taqlīd, Turāth, Translation.
    Author: 공일주
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    튀니지의 이주 역학
    Tunisia, as a origin of migrants, began to be characterized as a transit country after the Schengen Agreement in 1985, which guarantees free cross-border movement of EU member states. As European countries expanded their borders for migration control to the outside Europe. Tunisia is a preferred stopover for African irregular migrants due to its geopolitical location, which is easy to access Malta and Italy, which are Europe’s gateway, so the EU is promoting efficient border management through joint policies with Tunisia. The EU provides technical and financial support to Tunisia to control migrants, but cooperates by signing a Mobility Partnership on the condition of re-entry into Tunisia, the origin and transit country of irregular migrants entering Europe. In this paper, Tunisia’s increasing migration governance for irregular migrants is interpreted in the context of the mechanics between the EU and Tunisia. In addition to the characteristics of Tunisia’s migrant policy, which cannot be free from EU financial support, Tunisia’s migration governance is being conducted through support from international organizations and civic groups.
    Keyword: 튀니지, 비정규이주민, 지중해 난민, 아프리카 난민이주 거버넌스. Tunisia, irregular migrants, Mediterranean refugees, African refugees, migration governance.
    Author: 김효정
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    떠오르는 공여국, 걸프 국가들의 해외원조 제공전략 분석
    Foreign aid has emerged as a significant tool of foreign policy due to the increasing importance of soft power in public foreign policy. Since the Marshall Plan, research on foreign aid has been developed through the frameworks of constructivism and realism theories, as foreign aid involves political relations between countries. This study aims to examine the motivation and strategy behind the provision of foreign aid by Gulf countries. The analysis of foreign aid provided by Gulf countries can be approached from constructivist perspectives, as Gulf countries tend to prioritize aid to Arab or Muslim countries. However, the core objective of Gulf countries’ foreign aid strategy is rooted in realist perspectives, where political interests take precedence. This approach becomes particularly prominent in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, where the primary goal is to contain the spread of Islamist and Iranian political influence in the region. Consequently, this study confirms that since the Arab Spring, Gulf countries have focused their foreign aid efforts on countries such as Egypt and Yemen, which are believed to serve the political interests of Gulf countries. Foreign aid has emerged as a significant tool of foreign policy due to the increasing importance of soft power in public foreign policy. Since the Marshall Plan, research on foreign aid has been developed through the frameworks of constructivism and realism theories, as foreign aid involves political relations between countries. This study aims to examine the motivation and strategy behind the provision of foreign aid by Gulf countries. The analysis of foreign aid provided by Gulf countries can be approached from constructivist perspectives, as Gulf countries tend to prioritize aid to Arab or Muslim countries. However, the core objective of Gulf countries’ foreign aid strategy is rooted in realist perspectives, where political interests take precedence. This approach becomes particularly prominent in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, where the primary goal is to contain the spread of Islamist and Iranian political influence in the region. Consequently, this study confirms that since the Arab Spring, Gulf countries have focused their foreign aid efforts on countries such as Egypt and Yemen, which are believed to serve the political interests of Gulf countries.
    Keyword: 해외원조, ODA, 걸프 국가, 구성주의, 현실주의. Foreign aid, ODA, Constructivism, Realism, Gulf countries.
    Author: 안소연
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    연극적 즐거움과 신학 비틀기
    The sacramental act is an orthodox religious play used as part of public education in Catholic theology during the Spanish CounterReformation era. Its main purpose was to make it easy for the general audience to understand and accept Catholic dogmas by reproducing difficult and boring doctrines in a fun way on the stage. However, it was not an easy task for a playwright to arouse the audience’s interest by using complex theological and doctrinal materials. Tirso de Molina inherits Horace’s poetic tradition of “presenting lessons through pleasure,” but he embodies his own theatrical aesthetic that focuses on pleasure rather than teaching in his sacramental act The Brothers Who Look Alike. The artist dramatically twists the contents of the instructive elements, that is, the Bible and the doctrines, making the audience interested and immersed in the performance. The theological distortions were not a big deal to him as long as he could entertain his audience. For Tirso, the audience’s indifference to his work was the worst things to avoid.
    Keyword: 티르소 데 몰리나, 성체극, 시학, 가톨릭 신학, 스페인 황금 세기연극
    Author: 이만희
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    루카 복음서와 사도행전의 단일성에 대한 검토
    Since Cadbury claimed that the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles were the work of one author, a majority of scholars have considered the two works to be of the same author. This paper tried to challenge this conventional view by looking at how anti-Semitism was expressed in the Gospel of Luke, the first part of the Acts of the Apostles, the second part of the Acts of the Apostles. Anti-Semitism was absent in the first half of the Acts of the Apostles. Rather, the Roman governor was held as responsible for executing Jesus, and Jews have converted to Christianity in large numbers. Thus the first part of the Acts of the Apostles was written before anti-Semitism was established among Christians. The Gospel of Luke, on the other hand, blames the Jews for killing Jesus in describing Jesus’ trial. These passages were later written than the first half of the Acts of the Apostles. The second half of the Acts of the Apostles shows a different theology from the first half of the Acts of the Apostles. In the second part of the Acts of the Apostles, the Jews constantly persecuted Paul, and Paul cursed them. This means the second half of the Acts of the Apostles was written at a time when anti-Semitism was strengthened. Therefore, the Acts of the Apostles is not written by one writer at a point.
    Keyword: 루카 복음서, 사도행전, 단일성, 초기 기독교, 반유대주의. Gospel of Luke, Acts, Unity, Early Christianity, Anti-Semitism.
    Author: 정기문
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    정치적 공간으로서 요르단의 박물관
    This study argues that museums in Jordan play a key role in Jordan’s national state identity, political legitimacy, and external image by emphasizing on Bedouin culture, collective memory of the 1916 Arab uprising, and ancient Nabatean civilization. Museums in Jordan contribute to overcoming the limitations of Jordan’s artificiality and maintaining internal political and economic stability. To achieve these goals, museums in Jordan serve as a stage to strengthen the national state identity and the legitimacy of the ruling Hashemite dynasty. Museums in Jordan also position Jordan as ‘the land of the Bible and ancient civilizations’ as a way to create Jordans’s internationally positive image.
    Keyword: 요르단, 박물관, 국민국가, 국가정체성, 통치정당성. Jordan, Museum, National Identity, Nation State, Legitimacy.
    Author: 황의현
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Jordan
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Spanish Literature
    바스크 문학
    Based on the history of Basque literature from the 16th century to the present, the correlation between Spanish literature and Basque literature has been analyzed. The scope of the study was limited to the Basque region of Spain, excluding that of France, and only works in the Basque language, not Spanish, were covered. As a result of analyzing various topics, the following conclusions could be reached. First, it is true that Basque literature shows some exceptions in its literary development trajectory compared to Catalonian or Galician literature. For example, the absolute number of literary works is insufficient, the new literary trend of the surroundings did not flow into Basque quickly, and there are not many works with excellent literary perfection. Second, the history of Basque literature includes a considerable portion of oral literature, religious literature, or Basque grammar books and dictionaries, especially during the period of classical literature. Although there was a delay in the 16th and 17th centuries, which correspond to Spain’s literary golden centuries, Basque literature had a similar development to that of Spain as can be seen in Oihenart’s poetry and Axular’s ascetic literature. Basque literature was influenced by Spain’s realist novels and the poetry of the Generation of 27 in the 20th century, after a short break in the 18th and 19th centuries. And since the 1960s, it has been actively exchanging with surrounding literature, showing a development almost similar to the flow of world literature. Third, Basque literature accepts many parts of Spanish literature in terms of expression or style, but from an internal point of view, rejection of modern civilization, protection of traditional culture and values, love and admiration for the Basque language, and the religious belief of Catholicism are inherent in Basque literature. Finally, in the translation of Basque works into other languages, the fact that Spanish occupies the highest percentage as the target language of translation is evidence that the Spanish literary system is the main recipient of Basque literature, and it is also a filter of Basque literary production. In addition, in many cases when translating literary works written in the Basque language, the author directly translates into Castilian without going through a third party.
    Keyword: 스페인 문학, 바스크 문학, 수용과 변용, 베르나르 에체파레, 악술라르, 마누엘 데 라라멘디, 도밍고 아기레, 하비에르 리사르디, 베르나르도 아차가. Spanish Literature, Basque Literature, Acceptance and Modification, Bernard Etxepare, Axular, Manuel de Larram endi, Dom ingo Agirre, Xabier Lizardi, Bernardo Atxaga.
    Author: 박효영
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    모로코의 신재생에너지 산업 경쟁력과 한국과의 협력 가능성
    The international de-carbonization strategy is accelerating to respond to climate change and the collapse of the international energy supply chain caused by the Ukraine crisis. In this situation, this study analyzed Morocco’s strategy of linking the renewable energy sector as a new growth engine for the country. Collecting professional data, the competitiveness of Morocco’s renewable energy industry and system was quantitatively analyzed, evaluating five detailed indices: growth potential, specialization, potential, legal system, and financial support. Morocco’s competitiveness and potential in this field were derived by quantitatively analyzing the CAGR, future project scale, and labor intensity of renewable energy power capacity. In addition, Morocco’s institutional competitiveness was also evaluated measuring quantitativly the existence of government policies and financial systems related to the renewable energy industry. Through these analyses, Morocco’s objective position in the global renewable energy market was understood and its strengths and weaknesses were identified. The results show that Morocco holds a leading position in the MENA region in terms of potentiality of growth, specialization and location coefficient. According to the results of the analysis on the possibility of cooperation with Korea, solar cells and modules and the eco-friendly automobile sector were suggested as best candidates. Thus, Morocco, which is emerging as the largest renewable energy hub country in North Africa and South Korea, which has adopted the de-carbonization industrialization strategy as one of new growth engines, would work together positively in the future.
    Keyword: 신재생에너지, 모로코, 경쟁력, 협력 가능성, 한국, 상대적 시장집중도 지수. Renewable Energy Industries, Morocco, Competitiveness, Feasibility of Cooperation, Korea, Relative Market Intensity Index.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Morocco
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    히즈라(Hijrah)와 메디나 헌장 연구
    Islam, which has grown to become the largest and most influential religious and cultural community in the world in the 21st century, began with the Hijrah (622 CE), the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 CE) from Makkah to Medina. The Hijrah, when Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina to escape oppression and threats from the Quraysh tribe, is considered the founding year of Islam and is one of the most important events and turning points in Islamic history. The process by which the Prophet Muhammad formed and expanded his ummah in Medina through various agreements with immigrants and pagans became a model for the process of Arabization and Islamization of immigrants and pagans as Islam expanded its territory to Anatolia, Persia, Central Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula after the Prophet’s death. This study will analyze the hijrah process that Muhammad undertook and the Medina Charter that he signed with the major tribes of Medina. After the hijrah, Muhammad used the Medina Charter as the basis for controlling the tribes and running the Islamic community. The Medina Charter also served as the basis for many agreements between Islamic powers and other states during the Rashidun Caliphs(632-660 CE) and beyond. Therefore, through the analysis of the Medina Charter, this study seeks to understand the ways in which Arab Islamic powers communicated and coexisted with other cultures. In other words, this is also a study of civilizational exchange, which is the study of how Arab Islamic powers interacted with the outside world
    Keyword: 히즈라, 메디나 헌장, 움마, 아까바 서약, 이슬람. Hijrah, Medina Charter, Ummah, Aqaba Allegiances, Islam.
    Author: 윤용수
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    알렉사르코스의 우라노폴리스는 유토피아적 도시이었는가?
    The utopian thought of the Hellenistic era was not a temporal utopia but a spatial utopia in social and pastoral dimensions, known as “Raumutopie”. Additionally, utopian novels of the Hellenistic era drew inspiration from previous utopian ideas and reflected an expanded realm of new nations, including the expansion of the worldview due to Alexander the Great’s eastern expedition. For the utopian novelists of the Hellenistic era, utopia had now replaced the concept of the autonomous political institution of the polis, not on the continent but as an island. In light of these influences, the idea of an idealized city like Uranopolis in the time of Alexander the Great’s rule cannot be discounted as a utopian city conception that aimed to address the societal and political issues of the Hellenistic era, which were caused by the loss of polis culture, and to provide a much-needed breakthrough in the realm of the spiritual. It is essential to separate political thought from political utopian ideology since the proposals for the construction of Uranopolis by Cassander, influenced by his realpolitik considerations, were subject to limitations depending on societal and political conditions. The idealized societal vision found in the works of Euhemerus and Iambulus is considered a political utopia because it represents an entirely new form of an ideal state, introducing the desires and fantasies of the time into the dimension of Locus Amoenus. In comparison, some clues attempting to interpret Uranopolis as an ideal societal vision have inherent limitations in terms of documentary interpretation and must be sought within logical connections with other sources. Nevertheless, considering the common features of Hellenistic utopias such as isolation, autonomy, and the maintenance of social order, Uranopolis can be seen as embodying social, political, cultural, and religious aspects aimed at realizing these characteristics
    Keyword: 알렉사르코스, 우라노폴리스, 우라노폴스 시민들, 헬리오스, 유토피아. Alexarchos, Uranopolis, Uranopolitai, Helios, Utopia.
    Author: 임성철
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    만연한 와스타와 무너진 일반화된 신뢰
    Trust serves as a crucial factor in cultivating societal cohesion, with generalized trust representing a fundamental aspect of trust in most people. The Arab world has consistently exhibited distrust in institutions, yet issues related to generalized trust have not surfaced overtly surfaced. However, various surveys such as World Values Survey have highlighted concerns regarding generalized trust in the Arab world. Particularly, Lebanon and Egypt manifest collapsed generalized trust, with a majority of respondents indicating distrust in most people, surpassing 90%. This study focuses on the phenomenon of collapsed generalized trust in Lebanon and Egypt, specifically examining it as corruption with a focus on Wasta. Wasta is known for its dual nature, encompassing both social capital and corruption. However, the evolution of Wasta’s role in the formation of modern states in Lebanon and Egypt has consistently presented its corrupt aspects. This study, seeking to understand the impact of Wasta on the collapsed generalized trust in Lebanon and Egypt, conducted binary logistic regression analysis based on recoded items including “Most people can be trusted.” as the proxy of generalized trust and “It is impossible to get a job without wasta vs. that posts are attributed according to qualifications.” as representing Wasta provided by World Values Survey. The findings of this study indicate that Wasta is related to collapsed generalized trust in both countries. Specifically, odds ratios in empirical results have shown increased distrust in most people when the perceived level of Wasta is increased. Hence, the hypothesis that pervasive Wasta generates the collapsed generalized trust in recent Lebanon and Egypt can be supported. This suggests a recommendation for policymakers in Lebanon and Egypt to exert control over Wasta as a means to enhance generalized trust to increase social efficiency. Furthermore, this study underscores the need to break the vicious cycle of corruption, declining generalized trust, and the reproduction of corrupt behaviors. It urges policymakers to address these issues to foster societal improvement.
    Keyword: 일반화된 신뢰, 와스타, 부패, 레바논, 이집트. Generalized Trust, Wasta, Corruption, Lebanon, Egypt.
    Author: 김도형
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이란-이라크쿠르드정부의 불가변적 비대칭 관계와 그 견인요인 연구
    This study points out that the KRG-Iran relationship is an immutable relationship in which an equivalent exchange of security and autonomy cannot be expected due to asymmetric factors in the socio-cultural, political-diplomatic, and military-security situation. The KRG needs Iran’s security cooperation in order to ‘maintain the status quo’ of low-intensity conflict in the region, which leads to an asymmetric relationship in which dependence and dominance are strengthened and political and diplomatic autonomy is limited.
    Keyword: 이라크, 이란, 쿠르드족, 비대칭 동맹, 약소국의 자율성. Iraq, Iran, The Kurds, Asymmetric alliances, Autonomy of weak states.
    Author: 남옥정
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    소셜미디어를 활용한 튀르키예의 디지털 공공외교 사례 연구
    Turkey’s discussion of digital open diplomacy is part of a relatively small starting point, ranking 8th in the latest Digital Diplomacy Index. Currently, Turkey’s public diplomacy aligns with the trend of utilizing digital technology to engage with the world through charm diplomacy. Notably, our digital efforts are tied to Turkey’s high-growth environment and the use of media as a driving force in digital public diplomacy. Consequently, this study has conducted thorough research to examine Turkey’s digital open diplomacy using compelling media. We categorized it into top-down and bottom-up approaches. Firstly, as a top-down example, we examined President Erdoğan’s utilization of social media. For bottom-up instances, we delved into Turkey 2.0 International Coffee House as a digital virtual cafe and Turkey Actor’s social media account as a diplomatic channel with overseas audiences. Consequently, Turkey has actively embraced a digital public diplomacy strategy in recent times, with expectations of enhancing the country’s global image, including in neighboring nations. Notably, due to the amicable relationship between Turkey and Korea, where they perceive each other as brother countries, it is anticipated that Turkey’s social media public diplomacy targeting Korea will yield significant diplomatic effects in the future.
    Keyword: 디지털 외교, 튀르키예, 소셜미디어, 정보통신기술, 공공외교. Digital diplomacy, Turkey, ICT, Public diplomacy, Social media.
    Author: 박수현
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Regional Development
    스페인 주거 위기의 장⋅단기적 요인
    Public discontent and anger over a series of crises triggered by the global financial crisis led to mass protests known as indignados, just over a week before the May 15, 2011 municipal and parliamentary elections in Spain. It was reported that about 130,000 people participated in these mass protests in about 50 cities across Spain, under the slogan: “¡Democracia Real Ya! ”. The purpose of this study is to analyse the short- and long-term factors that led to the housing crisis among the complex crises in Spain pointed out by the Indignados movement. In particular, the housing crisis had influenced the formation of a movement called Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca(PAH) in response to the housing foreclosure and eviction even before the Indignados movement. They have gained widespread support by employing a variety of strategies to defend the right to housing as a basic right, and have been an important actor in the Indignados movement. This research demonstrates that the housing crisis in Spain is correlated with the structural contradictions of the political and economic system associated with the development of Spain since the mid-20th century. In other words, since the mid-20th century, Spain’s political and economic development has shaped the character of a weak welfare state in a peripheral position in Europe, and in the process, homeownership has become a driving force to compensate for peripheral economic development and the weak welfare state. In the process of Europeanisation and neoliberalisation in Spain in the 1990s, housing evolved into an object of speculation rather than an object of investment for national economic growth and social cohesion, which had an impact on the deepening of the character of financial capitalism and the asset-based welfare state. The weak foundation of Spain’s political and economic development, which relied on inflated housing construction and the real estate bubble, eventually led to the collapse of the bubble and the creation of multi-layered crises, including the housing crisis.
    Keyword: 스페인, 인디그나도스 운동, 주거 위기, 자산 기반 복지국가, 부동산 버블. Spain, Indignados Movement, Housing Crisis, Asset-based Welfare State, Housing Bubble.
    Author: 서지현
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Arabic Literature
    한국어-아랍어 의료통역사의 중재적 역할에 관한 전략 연구
    This study explores the active mediation role of Korean-Arabic medical interpreters in healthcare communication. Through a two-stage process involving a survey of current medical interpreters and the analysis of seven healthcare conversations, Korean-Arabic medical interpreters were found to prioritize active mediation over neutrality in real-world conflicts. These interpreters approach time management and dynamic adjustment among participants with careful consideration. In healthcare conversations, interpreters contribute by proactively preventing misunderstandings and employing strategies such as concretization and politeness elevation. Omission techniques were observed to enhance efficiency and reduce cultural misunderstandings. The study aims to provide insightful pedagogical approaches for guiding future interpreters by analyzing the interpretation strategies employed by medical interpreters. It emphasizes the proactive participatory role of medical interpreters.
    Keyword: 의료통역사, 한국어-아랍어, 중재 역할, 이문화간 의사소통, 통역전략. Medical Interpreter, Korean- Arabic, Mediation Role, Crosscultural Communication, Interpretation Strategies.
    Author: 신석하
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Art & Physical Education
    알제리 근대 음악장르의 형성
    In the early 20th century, Algeria experienced major changes, including rapid westernization and urbanization, the development of music media and the emergence of the recording industry, and the emergence of a modern audience. The changes in the overall music environment and the context of the colonial situation worked together to form a modern music genre. Music was not only used nationally, but also enjoyed individually and in small communities. This study examines the formation of modern music genres in Algeria by reconstructing the soundscape of the Early 20th Century and reviewing the influence of radio broadcasts and France’s cultural policies on Algerian music genres. The process was not one of French exclusion and Algerian resistance, but of integration. Radio and recording media not only served as a means of one-sided dissemination of colonial policy, but also contributed to the preservation and spread of Algerian traditional music and supported modern listening and modern musical activities. This study also explores attempts by traditional highbrow music to clearly distinguish itself from popular genre chaâbi and the complicity of the colonial powers in this endeavor. The activities of the Andalusian Music Association should be understood not as the creation of national consciousness but rather as integration into European civil society. Jews played a significant role as transmitters of traditional Algerian music, but they were criticized as culprits for the distortion and decline of Algerian music due to the flexibility of the repertoire and the creative activities involving literary themes. French chanson and Levant music were also crucial in shaping Algerian music genres. Radio broadcasts, while consistent in implementing French colonial policies, contributed to the preservation and development of regional cultures, including traditional Algerian music, due to their adaptability in different situations. The Andalusian music has established itself as a modern genre by continuing its vitality through flexibility, contact, and hybridization, rather than strengthening tradition through the conservation movement. It resulted from the complex dynamics among various actors, including Muslim musicians, colonial administrators executing France’s evolving colonial policies, Jewish musicians, and European intellectuals.
    Keyword: 알제리음악, 안달루시아 음악, 알제리 유대인, 샤비, 프랑스 식민정책. Algerian music, Andalusian Music, Algerian Jews, chaâbi, French colonial policies.
    Author: 임성희
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Algeria
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    AKP의 여성운동에 대한 태도와 정책을 통해 본 튀르키예의 정치 이슬람 연구
    In ‘gender ideology,’ the AKP has consistently grounded itself into a religious-conservative value system, and since the election of President Erdoğan, especially after 2019, there has been an argument that ‘gender ideology’ has become socialized, along with the spread of popular discourse on gender. Today, in Türkiye, the ‘anti-gender’ phenomenon can be found in two forms of lines. One is the conservative Islamic government policy that prefers and encourages traditional family values, gender roles, and maternity. The second is a group who is friendly to the government but opposes current policies and demands a stronger ‘anti-gender’ politics. The two forms of ‘anti-gender’ in Türkiye have been making a negative impact on Turkish women’s identities, separately and collectively. Even though the government strives to adhere to gender equality policies within limited boundaries, the women’s identity and role constructed by Erdoğan are only defined within home as a mother and wife. Consequently, policies for women are focused on facilitating their roles as mothers, and the introduction to such policies emphasizing women’s maternal role within the family has driven the discourse of ‘gender ideology’ and fueled a male-centric rights movement advocating ‘anti-gender.’ Due to the influences by both lines, skepticism and resistance are rising against policies aiming at gender equality and the social advancement of women and unfortunately, those policies are vanishing. ‘Gender ideology’ has not only divided Turkish society but is rapidly eroding the rights and status of Turkish women.
    Keyword: AKP, 여성운동, 여성운동가, 젠더 이데올로기, 튀르키예 여성 지위. AKP, women’s movement, female activist, gender ideology, Turkish women’s status.
    Author: 한하은
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    통계로 본 아랍 지역 이슬람 교세 연구
    According to religious demographic statistics, all Arab countries are Muslim-majority countries. This essay focused on changes in the current status of the Islamic religion by dealing with the number of mosques and imams rather than changes in the Muslim population. This essay reviews Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates. The number of mosques is increasing, but the proportion of imams in mosques is decreasing. The number of students studying Islamic law (Al-Sharia) is decreasing. The number of mosques lacking preachers and imams. As a result, more and more mosques are without Friday sermons. In terms of numbers alone, we can talk about the expansion of the Islamic religion in Arab countries. On the other hand, the Islamic religious situation in Arab countries are declining as like Korean Christianity or Western Christianity.
    Keyword: 이슬람, 아랍 이슬람, 이슬람 사원, 이슬람 이맘, 이슬람 설교자. Arab, Muslim, Mosque, Imam, Preacher, Islam.
    Author: 김동문
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    2023년 이스라엘-하마스 전쟁 속 이란 개입의 변수에 관한 미디어 프레이밍
    There have been diverse explanation on the background behind the Israel-Hamas war. This study seeks to analyze the phenomenon of Iran being frequently mentioned as the mastermind behind Hamas surprise attacks in the Israel-Hamas war that has been ongoing since October 2023. The hypothesis of this study is that the Israeli government’s hard-line military and strategic stance and the West’s strategic stance of concern about security in the Middle East are being reflected in the media. To empirically examine this, this study collected articles from the Israeli English Daily Israel Ha-Yom, the American Daily New York Times, and the pan-Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera and performed text mining analysis. In a keyword frequency analysis, it was found that Israeli and American media mentioned Iran more often than Al-Jazeera. The results of analyzing the frequency of the top 20 keywords that appear with the keyword ‘Iran’ also showed that Israel Ha-Yom and the New York organizations than Al-Jazeera. Analysis of the Co-occurrence Network also revealed that while Israeli and American media place more emphasis on military operations, Al-Jazeera also shows interest in solutions to the situation, such as ceasefires and ceasefires. In the topic analysis, Al-Jazeera differentiated itself from Israeli and American media by mentioning the ceasefire. Word Fish analysis found that Israeli and American media placed greater importance on terrorist operations than did Al-Jazeera. Lastly, in emotion analysis, the three media showed surprisingly similar emotional patterns. However, Al-Jazeera’s data showed a slightly higher level of fear, and the Israeli media showed a slightly higher level of confidence in expectations. Therefore, in summary, it has been empirically revealed that the American and Israeli media are showing deeper concerns about Iran’s intervention and support towards military organization including Hamas in the frame of reporting on the Israel-Hamas war.
    Keyword: 이스라엘-하마스 전쟁, 미디어 프레이밍, 데이터 마이닝, 이란, 개입, 알-자지라, 뉴욕타임스, 이스라엘 하욤. Israel-Hamas War, Media Framing, Data Mining, Iran, Involvement, Al Jazeera, New York Times, Israel Ha-Yom.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    하마스의 변화된 정체성과 2023년 이스라엘 공격
    This study investigates the evolution of Hamas’s political stance and identity from its establishment to the October 2023 attack on Israel, aiming to elucidate the background leading to this aggressive shift. By examining the Hamas charters of 1988 and 2017, along with a new document released in Arabic by Hamas in 2024, this research explores whether the shift towards a more moderate identity inevitably leads to a pivot to offensive actions despite the transition. Specifically, the study contrasts the Hamas charters issued in 1988 and 2017, highlighting the shift from an Islamic resistance movement to a political organization advocating for Palestinian liberation. It underscores the impact of post-Arab Spring political upheavals, including the repression of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the transition to a political entity following the 2006 Gaza elections, on the moderation process. Notably, it can be argued that the unprecedented scale of Hamas’s attack on Israel in October 2023 was due to changes in Hamas’s internal power structure and, as indicated in Hamas’s 2024 document, the international community’s disregard for the Palestinian cause despite Hamas’s moderation efforts. The findings contribute to a systematic understanding of Hamas’s historical identity and behavioral changes, offering significant insights into the Israel-Hamas conflict, a focal point of contemporary international relations of the Middle East.
    Keyword: 가자지구, 하마스, 팔레스타인, 이스라엘, 온건화, 알 아크사 홍수 작전. Gaza Strip, Hamas, Palestine, Moderation, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.
    Author: 안소연
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이탈리아 에티오피아 디아스포라여성 작가들의 서사
    This paper focuses on works classified today as ‘Italian postcolonial literature’ within the ‘Italian migrant literature’ that emerged in the early 1990s, with particular attention to the works of Ethiopian female authors from the Horn of Africa. The themes, narrative styles, and language evident in these works are connected to the issue of a ‘new Italian identity’ ultimately presented by Italian postcolonial writers. The common exploration of Italy’s colonial history by these authors transcends a simple reevaluation of past wrongs. They focus on the present influence of historical events, proposing a creative act of reconsidering all dynamics that define modern Italy to suggest a new Italian identity. The ‘dialogue’ presented through their narratives is not about binary opposition but rather about the fusion and creation of newness through the process of free negotiation and crossing boundaries between subjects. This fusion and newness are not born from uncritical admiration or unconditional subversion of the existing dominant culture and forms but are acquired through the recognition, respect, and reflection of differences between subjects. This open approach seeks a third way through struggle and negotiation, rather than the win-lose principle of action and reaction traditionally taken by colonialism and postcolonialism. The study of Ethiopian authors expands the scope of postcolonial discourse by conceptualizing advanced positions and content of postcolonialism and ultimately seeks the development of postcolonial narratives. Their postcolonial aesthetic narrative style ultimately transitions to translocality, presenting a narrative model for a new Italianness(Italianità).
    Keyword: 이탈리아 탈식민 문학, 에티오피아, 복수다중정체성, 이탈리아식민주의, 트렌스아이텐터티, 이탈리아성, 트렌스로컬러티. Italian Postcolonial Literature, Ethiopia, Plural identities, Italian Colonialism, Trans-identity, Italianness, Trans-locality.
    Author: 김희정
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    꾸란 어휘의 음운론 현상 연구
    This paper analyzes the phenomenon of phonetic variation in the vocabulary found in Chapter 76 (Human Chapter) of the Quran, focusing on two parts. First, we examine the phenomenon of phonological variation that occurs in the relationship between the /n/ phoneme and surrounding phonemes. Specifically, we empirically classify and analyze al-ʔIdghām, al-ʔIqlāb, al-ʔIẓhār, and al-ʔIkhfāʔ phenomena that occur in these contexts. Second, we address whether loanwords of arabic origin mentioned in Chapter 76 undergo a similar phonological variation phenomenon as the phonological variation of the /n/ phoneme above. Chapter Ⅰof this paper is an introduction, Chapter Ⅱ discusses phonological variation in Quranic vocabulary, Chapter Ⅲ is about the /n/ phonological variation of Chapter 76 and the phonological variation of foreign words, and Chapter Ⅳ presents the conclusion of this study.
    Keyword: 음운 변이, 음소 배열, 알 이드감, 알 이끄라브, 알 이즈하르, 알 이크파, 차용, 아랍화. phonological variation, phoneme arrangement, al-ʔIdghām, al-ʔIqlāb, al-ʔIẓhār, al-ʔIkhfāʔ, loanwords, Arabized.
    Author: 박재양
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    기원전 3세기 『피루스 전쟁』(281-275년)에 대한 고찰
    The conflict between the Roman Republic and the city state of Tarentum led to the intervention of Pyrrhus, the king of the Epirian kingdom, so that he came to Italy with an enormous army. This war had been caused by accident during the process of Roman struggles with its neighbors for hegemony in the 3rd century BC. It was the first war in which the Romans fought against a foreign land oversees, and its consequence paved the way for Roman hegemony over the Mediterranean zone. This thesis focuses on the character of the war through a comprehensive review. The war developed somewhat differently than the original plan of Pyrrhus and he shows practicality in the pursuit of his interests by commanding the war in three different phases. Namely the war was waged in three stages: Total War, Diplomatic War and Rearrangement War. The Romans’ enemy, Pyrrhus, became a good example of how a war commander must act for the sake of practical foreign diplomatic interests.
    Keyword: 피루스 전쟁, 전쟁의 세 가지 단계, 로마공화국, 헤게모니 전쟁, 타렌툼. Pyrrhic War, Three Phases of the War, Roman Republic, Hegemonial War, Tarentum.
    Author: 손태창
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Italy
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    1948∼2024년, 팔레스타인 나크바
    This paper first examines the basis of long-term Israeli policy by focusing on the wordings of some noticeable politicans from 1948 to 2024. Second, it analyzes war plans such as Ben-Gurion’s Dalet Plan, which is called the First War of Independence by Zionists and the First Nakba by Palestinian natives. Third, it examines and analyzes “Operation Iron Sword,” which is being carried out from October 2023, which Netanyahu claims is the Second War of Independence and which Palestinians call the Second Nakba. This allows us to understand the historical implications of Israel’s current policies toward Palestinian land and residents in Gaza and the West Bank, and to forecast the future developments.
    Keyword: 이스라엘, 팔레스타인 나크바, 데이비드 벤구리온, 베냐민 네타냐후, 달레트 계획, 철의 검 작전, 가자. Israel, Palestinian Nakba, David Ben-Gurion, Benjamin Netanyahu, Dalet Plan, Operation Swords of Iron, Gaza.
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    아슈라 의례의 의미 변화 분석
    This study analyzes the changes in form and meaning of the Battle of Karbala and the Ashura rituals. As the Battle of Karbala was reinterpreted as the event of Hussein’s struggle and resistance against injustice and tyranny, the Ashura rituals also changed from a religious act to mourn Hussein’s death and seek salvation in the afterlife into a political symbol of active struggle and resistance in reality. The various competing interpretations of the Battle of Karbala and the Ashura ritual clearly demonstrate that religious authority of Shia Islam is decentralized, and suggest that the influence of Iran, which seeks to establish religious authority over all Shia Muslims as the leader of Shia, is not dominant and absolute.
    Keyword: 시아파, 아슈라 의례, 카르발라 전투, 이란, 타트비르. Shia Islam, Ashura Rituals, Battle of Karbala, Iran, Tatbir.
    Author: 황의현
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    초국적 쉬아파 공동체 내의 인적 이동과 이란의 영향력 확대
    East after the 2000s and its relationships with the history of movements in the transnational Shia community. Throughout the history, there has been movements of people among Shias in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, Iran, and the Gulf region. In the 20th century, the mobility and connectivity of this transnational Shia community enabled Shia Islamism to be spread, and contributed to the creation of pro-Iran factions following the leadership of the Iranian regime among Arab Shias. Iran uses the network of Arab Shia allies for expanding its influence in geopolitical competitions. This research argues that the movements of people in the transnational community, which have disseminated Iran’s ideologies and worldviews to Arab Shias, are related with the expansion of Iranian influence. The Shia identity, which has been strengthened by the mobility and connectivity of people in the transnational community, is one of key factors explaining Iranian influence in the contemporary Middle East.
    Keyword: 이동, 인적 관계망, 초국적 쉬아파 공동체, 쉬아파 무장조직, 시리아 내전, 이란, 이라크, 이동성, 연결성. Movement, Transnational Shia Community, Shia Militant Groups. Syria Civil War, Iran, Iraq, Human Network, Mobility, Connectivity.
    Author: 황의현
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    이란의 종교 민족주의 관점에서 본 여성의 머리카락과 히잡 연구
    Since mid-September in 2022, anti-government protest sparked by anti-hijab protest have continued in Iran. Iranian women opposed the government’s compulsory hijab law with the slogan “Women, Life, Freedom”, and the scale of the protest mushroomed with participation of Iranian men and women in other countries through SNS. This study considered the less explored question of “why does women’s hair matter,” which triggered the current protest. Hair is a private component of the human body. However, it is revealed or hidden depending on the socio-cultural context, symbolizing women’s sexuality. Since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, the Islamic regime has strengthened religious nationalism, and hijab has become a political tool. And now, it is even expanding into a security issue of the regime, as the government pinpointed the US and Israel as being the behind the protest. This study aims to identify the relation between women’s hair and politicized hijab within the discourse of religious nationalism, which control Iranian women at various levels. This study is meaningful in that it analyzes hair and sexuality from the perspective of the Islamic public patriarchal system and add a new case study to the discourse on hijab by interpreting it from the discourse of religious nationalism.
    Keyword: 이란 여성, 머리카락, 반히잡 시위, 종교 민족주의, 공적 가부장제. Iran Women, Hair, Anti-Hijab Protest, Religious Nationalism, Public Patriarchy.
    Author: 엄익란
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    디아스포라로서의 이집트 이주민 여성의 사회, 문화적 적응에 대한 질적 탐색
    With international migration and globalization, Korean society has reached a point of recognition and cultural acceptance of multicultural society. This study explores the background and process of two Egyptian female Muslims' settlement into Korean society, their adaptation to Korean society and whether Korean society is prejudiced against them, their acceptance of Korean culture, and their discussions on maintaining their identity as Arabs or Muslims through narrative analysis in qualitative perspective. It is applied that the social and cultural acceptance attitudes of migrant Egyptian single and married women to Korean society in this study, we can see that they are not categorized into one specific type in Berry's cultural adaptation model. This is due to the different demographic and sociological factors such as age, gender, education, social status and attitude toward religion, and cultural factors. In the narrative of the interviews, migrant Egyptian women did not become separated or marginalized in Korean society, but generally represented a type of integration and assimilation that positively accepts Korean society and Koreans and tries to adapt to Korean society, or a third or transnational identity.
    Keyword: 이집트 여성 이민자, 무슬림 여성, 디아스포라, 내러티브 분석, 문화적 적응. Egyptian Female Immigrants, Muslim Women, Diaspora, Narrative Analysis, Acculturation.
    Author: 이계연
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    한-MENA 간 시장집중도와 그린에너지 협력 대상국 선정 연구
    In coping with the energy crisis caused by climate change and the Ukraine crisis, decarbonization policies have now become a global issue. Korea and MENA countries are also establishing long-term renewable energy green transformation strategies to prepare for future crises. In this regard, it is important to select major parnter countres in the region to strengthen cooperation on the green energy industire. Thus, this research first conducted HHI index studies between Korean and MENA countries to check the closenese of relations. And on the basis of this, a survey was conducted on experts in related fields and the results were examined by analytical hierarchical process (AHP) method based on the relationship with Korea and the influence of trading partners.
    Keyword: 그린에너지, 중동 및 북아프리카(MENA), 협력 대상국, 시장집중도지수(HHI), 계충분석법(AHP), 사우디아라비아, 아랍에미리트연합, 이집트, 모로코. Green Energy, Middle East & North Africa (MENA), Cooperation Partner, HHI Index, Analytical Hierarch Prcess (AHP), Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco.
    Author: 서정민
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Art & Physical Education
    아랍의 봄과 영화산업의 변화
    The two films are documentary films planned and produced from the perspective of an outsider, not an insider related to the Arab Spring. The fact that the film was produced from an outsider's point of view means that the phenomenon to be depicted can be viewed more objectively, and the phenomenon and message to be shown can be reconstructed and edited with the editor's intention. Those who are related to the Arab region or are familiar with political and social phenomena may have a different attitude to accept the film because they already have some knowledge even if they watch the documentary, but due to the nature of the film, most of the people who watch it are ordinary people. In other words, the fact that a documentary about the Arab Spring is being produced means that the general public wants to know more about this phenomenon and that it continues to be publicized as a social issue. Considering that even now, more than 10 years after the Arab Spring, documentaries on the subject of the Arab Spring are still being produced, these two films, which were made shortly after the outbreak, are a new prize for the people in Bahrain and Egypt. It shows the scene of the protest that I dreamed of and jumped into without hesitation and the situation after that in a way that crosses actual video and interview.
    Keyword: 아랍의 봄, 다큐멘터리 영화, 아랍영화, 이집트, 바레인. Arab Spring, Documentary Film, Arab Film, Egypt, Bahrain.
    Author: 김은지
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    와크프(Waqf)의 법 제도와 운영 방식
    Waqf, which has been translated as trust or foundation in English, is a legal institution of Islamic voluntary charity. Waqf is one of two axis of Islamic welfare system with zakat, and has played a vital role to provide social services and public goods without government expenditure for the Muslim community from the early history of Islam. Waqf can be explained as the complex assembly of charity, public interests, and market. This paper will deal with the diverse issues arising from the specific ways these elements are combined, especially by focusing on the legal debates between 4 Islamic schools regarding the principles of waqf, on the disjuncture and compromise between the legal principles and the practices of waqf management, on the evaluation of centralization policy of waqf by governments during the 19-20th century and the recent revival of waqf in new forms. Waqf issues are also relevant to social economy, where the relations between public welfare and market, gift and market, civil autonomy and state control are key issues which the history of waqf has clearly shown.
    Keyword: 와크프, 이슬람 재단, 이슬람 자선, 이슬람 복지, 와크프법 논쟁, 와크프 개혁, 금전 와크프, 주식 와크프. Waqf, Islamic Trust, Islamic Welfare, Principle of Perpetuity, Inalienable Wealth, Centralization of Waqf, Cash Waqf.
    Author: 오명석
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    제1차 페스트 범유행(541~750)과 이슬람 세계의 정치적 변동
    The purpose of this paper is to examine how the outbreak of the plague, which was called ṭāʿūn in Arabic, is related to the Muslim army’s war of conquest, the rise and fall of the Umayyad dynasty(661-750), and the founding of the Abbasid dynasty(750-1258). This paper reached the conclusion that Russell's argument is valid. In addition, this paper found that the Plague of Amwas greatly helped Muawiya to be appointed as the commander of the Syrian expeditionary force and to establish the Umayyad Dynasty. Lastly, this paper asserts that the plague that occurred more than 20 times in a 10-year cycle caused the decline of the Umayyad dynasty, and that the cessation of the plague epidemic in 750 helped political stability in the early days of the Abbasid dynasty.
    Keyword: 유스티니아누스 역병, 암와스 역병, 셰로에 역병, 우마이야조, 압바스조. Plague of Justinian, Plague of Amwas, Plague of Sheroe, Umayyad dynasty, Abbasid dynasty.
    Author: 김정명
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    탈레반 재집권과 아프가니스탄 체제 변혁에 관한 소고
    In 2021, the reestablishment of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan is being assessed from various perspectives such as 'the second Vietnam', 'the tomb of empires', 'the victory of the Afghan people', and 'the fall of U.S. hegemony'. Experts from various countries are interpreting and analyzing the situation in the direction they wish to discuss. The tragedies of various empires, including Britain, Russia, and the United States, which unfolded against the backdrop of Afghanistan, were the results of fierce competition for maximizing the interests between factions, tribes, and states under the pretext of ideologies such as imperialism, communism, and democracy. The aftermath is being borne by the Afghan people, who were absent from the ideologies such as the construction of an egalitarian society for the people and the construction of a democratic society for citizens that each empire have implemented as its purpose. This paper, therefore, aims to analyze the process of state transeformation that has centered on the Taliban in Afghanistan after 2021, to examine the processes through which the Taliban regained power, and to project the systemic transformations that will occur under the governance of Taliban 2.0.
    Keyword: 2020 도하 협정, 아프가니스탄 이슬람 토호국, 탈레반, 반군 통치 이론, 난민. 2020 Doha agreement, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Taliban, Rebel Governance theory, Refugee.
    Author: 백승훈
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    UAE · 카타르의 해양전략
    Recently, instability in the gulf region is increasing due to strategic competition between the great powers surrounding the near the Persian Gulf. Despite instability, the UAE and Qatar are revealing their presence in the international community through independent diplomatic actions based on their respective capabilities and their own initiatives. This paper examines the competition of major powers for the region from a geopolitical perspective and explains that the actions of the UAE and Qatar are related to national interests. In particular, considering the geographical environment and national strategy in which the UAE and Qatar are located, it is argued that the conclusion to the maritime strategy was an inevitable choice related to national interests. Ultimately, it is expected that the UAE and Qatar will continue to expand their influence in the future through maritime strategies.
    Keyword: 페르시아만, 지정학, 해양전략, UAE, 카타르. Persian Gulf, geopolitics, maritime strategy, UAE, Qatar.
    Author: 오주연
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    중동지역 안보정세 개입변수를 활용한 중동 지역 방산물자 수입액에 대한 예측 연구
    This research forecasted statistically annual arms import amount among such rogue states as Iran, Iraq, Libya and Syria in the middle east region. A rogue state means that a nation or state regarded as breaking international law and posing a threat to the international security. This term has been designated and used by US state department. This research forecasted annual arms import until 2025 based on the 60 year annual data from 1961 to 2021. It was expected that this research result would provide basic information to Republic of Korea which could expand its arms export against middle-east countries because arms export would be made through collaborative efforts among between public and private sector. According to ARIMA forecast, it was proven arms import amount would be 453 million in 2022, 516 million in 2023 and 641 million USD in 2025 even though the amount was dropped recently due to COVID-19. However, it was also estimated that the maximum arms import amount could be around 2.075 billion in 2023 and about 2.877 billion in 2025. That is, it is proven the middle-east has a high potential of rapid market growth and is a very attractive region where Republic of Korea could gradually expand its arms export.
    Keyword: 예측분석, 개입변수, 방위산업, 국제안보상황, 중동지역. Statistical Forecast, Intervention Variable, Defense Industry, International Security Circumstances, Middle-East Region.
    Author: 조성환
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    넷플릭스 한국 드라마 <킹덤>의 아랍어 자막번역 특성
    This study aimed to identify strategies and aspects of translation into Arabic of Netflix with a Korean historical drama set in a specific era. Therefore, the paper analyzed the translation strategies of the drama in marked expressions, including address terms, honorific terms, social positions, idiomatic expressions, and cultural specific words, and whether these translations pursue equality of meaning or emphasize readability. In addition, the paper challenged to find how the pivot translation in English affected the final translation into Arabic. For this, the study selected the Arabic subtitles attached to seasons 1 and 2 of the Netflix drama as the subject of analysis and then analyzed them qualitatively. The analysis remarked that the generalization strategy was the most prominent in the translation strategy of marked vocabulary, except for the names of places and institutions. Following that, transliteration, semantic translation, substitution, and omission appeared. The premodern terms and expressions did not concretely reflect the phases of the period and society. In addition, the translation partially reflected the honorific phases that indicated the social relationships among figures based on the hierarchical society of the drama. The Arabic subtitling of shared the common strategies and characteristics with the pivot language version. Since the linguistic and cultural distance between Korean, English, and Arabic is respectively far, the influence of the pivot language made further apart between the original Korean and the final translation into Arabic.
    Keyword: 넷플릭스, 자막번역, 사극번역, 킹덤, 문화소. Netflix, Historical drama translation, Subtitle translation, Kingdom, Culture Specific References.
    Author: 안희연
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Law
    끼싸쓰(동해보복형)에 관한 샤리아 규범
    Qiṣāṣ is a punishment that punishes willful perpetrator in the same way as a victim. Islam, through the Koran and the Hadith (Sunna), broke the chain of unrelenting retaliation in the pre-Islamic era by allowing the application of Qiṣāṣ only to the perpetrator who intentionally killed and wounded. In addition, it induced an amicable resolution between the two parties by providing a basis for the victim's family to choose to forgiveness or Diya (compensation). The Koran, through five revelation verses, applies Qiṣāṣ between equal statuses in case of murder and injury, and reveals that the guardian of the victim has the right to the murderer (execution, forgiveness). Then, Hadith confirmed the revelation of Qiṣāṣ in the Koran through about 40 Sunnas or narrated, restricted, and limited its contents. Afterwards, the Sunni four legal schools held the common view that Qiṣāṣ should be applied to those who intentionally killed an innocent person, but believed that Qiṣāṣ was extinguished through the forgiveness of the victim. In some Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, which adopts Shariah as the national basic law, the Qiṣāṣ of Sharia is reflected as a part of the criminal law.
    Keyword: 샤리아, 끼싸쓰, 핫드, 타으지르, 코란, 하디스, 순나, 순니 4대 법학파. Shariah, Qiṣāṣ, Hadd, Ta’zir, Koran, Hadith, Sunnah, Sunni four legal schools.
    Author: 임병필
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    사우디아라비아 집단기억과 국가정체성 연구
    This study examined the process of forming national identity through collective memory and analyzed the process of Saudi Arabia forming national identity using collective memory. Saudi Arabia established a nation-state, but the diverse identities of tribes and groups and the anti-monarchy identity acted as factors that hindered national integration. In this situation, Saudi Arabia built a museum that could utilize collective memory to unite the people and encourage them to feel a sense of belonging to the nation. Saudi Arabia strives to build and maintain the legitimacy of an Islamic and monarchical state through its cultural heritage. To achieve this goal, efforts are being made to gain traditional authority(Islam, Arab identity, tribalism), legal-authority(Sharia, legal system), and charismatic authority (House of Saud, leadership). In other words, it was intended to establish the status of the House of Saud, prove its legitimacy as a core power ruling the country, and further enhance the value of Islam in the country, thus strengthening the religious solidarity of the people.
    Keyword: 사우디아라비아, 국가정체성, 집단기억, 국립박물관, 이슬람, 사우드 가문. Saudi Arabia, National Identity, Collective Memory, National Museum, Islam, House of Saud.
    Author: 안소민
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    이슬람 중심 중앙아시아 정주문명 전통도시의 다종교-다문화구조
    Most Central Asian cities in Sedentary regions have been inherited Multicultural factors in the developing history of community, which had been established by evolution of multi-confessional accumulation process of community history. In the contemporary urban areas of Samarkand multi-confessional factors are easily found in the historical heritages and urban structures of old and new town structures in Modern Samarkand. With the analysis of urban area development and city growth of Samarkand reveals multi-confessional structure in the currently Islamic centered Central Asian cities.
    Keyword: 중앙아시아, 이슬람, 사마르칸트, 정주문명, 다종교주의, 다문화주의. Central Asia, Islam, Samarkand, Sedentary civilization, Multi-confessionalism, Multi-culturalism.
    Author: 김상철
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    분쟁에서 협력의 기회로 변화
    The recent agreement between Lebanon and Israel regarding the maritime border in the East Mediterranean Sea enhances the potential for advancing oil and gas development in the region. Delays in the development of oil and gas resources in the East Mediterranean Sea have been primarily caused by political disputes among the surrounding countries. However, the situation has begun to change as Egypt and Israel have initiated the production and export of natural gas from this area. This has prompted neighboring countries to recognize the importance of developing natural resources in the East Mediterranean Sea to maximize their economic benefits. Despite numerous challenges, such as the establishment of pipelines extending to Europe and the resolution of remaining political disputes, there is an increasing interest of international oil companies from Gulf and EU countries in the development of oil and gas resources in the East Mediterranean Sea. This interest is expected to transform the region into a new energy hub, offering an alternative source of energy supply. This study aims to examine how conflict-prone areas, resulting from disputes over natural resources, can transform into opportunities for cooperation. It does so by analyzing the entire process, from the initial political conflicts to the resolution of political crises in the East Mediterranean region.
    Keyword: 동지중해, 레바논, 이스라엘, 천연가스 개발, 실리 추구. East Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon, Israel, Natural Gas, Practical interest.
    Author: 안소연
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍 세계의 인구구조 변천과 경제성장
    The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of demographic transition in the Arab world, where the population is currently exploding, and to empirically analyze how the demographic transition has affected the economic growth of the Arab world. To this end, panel regression analysis was conducted after constructing long-term panel data from the Arab world. According to the estimation results, it was estimated that the increase in the total population was not a significant variable for the economic growth of the Arab world, but rather, it was confirmed that the composition of the population was more important factor than the total population. Specifically, the increase in the proportion of the youth population from age 0 to 14 in the total population was estimated to have a significant negative impact on economic growth, while the proportion of the working-age population was estimated to have a positive effect. In particular, among the sub-age groups in the working-age population, the proportion of the young population from the age of 15 to 34 was estimated to be the only variable that has a positive effect on economic growth, confirming that it is the growth engine of the Arab world.
    Keyword: 아랍 세계, 인구 변천, 생애주기가설, 경제성장, 패널 회귀분석. Arab World, Demographic Transition, Life-cycle Hypothesis, Economic Growth, Panel Regression Analysis.
    Author: 노다솔
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    페르시아어의 한글 표기에 대한 제언
    Since the way of notating Persian words into Hangul(Korean script) has been varied in different kinds of media, travel brochures, and blogs, it is necessary to establish a foundation for a Korean notation method that reflects the original sound and is as consistent as possible with the Korean phonetic system. The goal of establishing a notation system for foreign words is not to transcribe the correct pronunciation of the original sound, but to avoid confusion in general speech writing through consistent notation and to provide convenience in writing in Korean. Therefore, in this paper, the phonetic system of Persian characters and by systematically comparing and contrasting the phonemes of Hangul, we attempted to propose a writing system that reflects the original sound as much as possible and is consistent with the phoneme system of Hangul. The Korean notation of Persian was proposed by comparing and contrasting the qualities of each phoneme and the place of articulation, and also considering the phonetic value depending on the position of phonemes. By proposing a systematic notation method, this study can contribute to providing information so that Korean speakers who wish to transcribe Persian into Hangul can conveniently transcribe Persian.
    Keyword: 페르시아어, 한글 표기, 로마자 표기, 음운, 음성 체계. Persian, Korean notation(Hangulization), Romanization, phoneme, phonetic system.
    Author: 곽새라
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    시각 입력 강화와 반복 읽기가 아랍어 학습자의 우연적 어휘 학습에 미치는 영향
    This study was designed to find the effects of visual input enhancement and repeated reading on Arabic learners’ incidental vocabulary learning. In order to achieve these goals, 28 Arabic learners were divided into two of reading once groups (group A and B) and reading three times groups (group C and D). These two types of reading groups were separated in half and were provided with the visual input enhancement reading text (group B and D) and non-visual input enhancement one (group A and C) respectively. The post-tests consisted of a vocabulary form-perception test and a vocabulary meaning-perception test to assess the degree of participants' incidental vocabulary learning. The results of analyzing two perception tests indicated that the average scores of group D, which read the visual input enhanced text three times, outperformed the other three groups. However, the results of the tests revealed that none of the groups showed statistically significant differences in the means. In terms of the vocabulary form-perception test, group D showed large effect sizes between every group, which may lead the study to conclude that applying visual input enhancement and repeated reading simultaneously created a synergy effect on perceiving vocabulary form. In terms of the vocabulary meaning-perception test, whether the material was visually input enhanced or not affected more than the number of times of reading. Group B and group D that were assigned visual input enhanced reading material, showed medium sized effects compared to the non-visually enhanced groups. The present study also examined every percentage of correct answers among groups and found that there were only 2 questions made up of three-word-vocabulary in the form-perception test and it was those two questions that revealed over 30 percentage differences of correct answers based on whether the text was visually enhanced or not. Visual input enhancement seemed to help learners focus on their 3-word-vocabulary and consider it as a chunk. Therefore, it is suggested that in the classroom Arabic teachers could provide learners with 3-word-vocabulary in visual enhanced type, which would work for students to incidentally perceive it as one word. According to a survey, it was found that over 80% of learners valued Arabic and Arabic reading. None of the learners replied that vocabulary was not important but 50% of them thought of an Arabic evaluation as a burden. Most learners had their own ways of learning Arabic vocabulary. These findings would imply that the effective ways of learning Arabic and Arabic vocabulary should be consistently discussed in further studies.
    Keyword: 아랍어 어휘 교육, 시각 입력 강화, 반복 읽기, 우연적 어휘 학습. Teaching of Arabic Vocabulary, Visual Input Enhancement, Repeated Reading, Incidental Vocabulary Learning.
    Author: 문지영
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    소설 『순수 박물관』에 나타난 여성문제
    As Turkey has democratized and industrialized, women's rights and political participation have improved significantly compared to other Islamic countries, and many of their rights are legally guaranteed. However, entrenched gender discrimination, a male-dominated patriarchal society, and misogynistic stereotypes of women remain. Orhan Pamuk, the first Turkish writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2006, has established himself as a writer who explores a variety of social issues in his works, including the conflict and clash between Eastern and Western cultures. The novel The Museum of Innocence is unique in that it focuses on the theme of love and brings to the fore women's issues and perceptions of the 1970s to the forefront. For example, women's premarital purity, premarital sex, and patriarchal ideology flow throughout the novel through the characters' thoughts and conversations. In The Museum of Innocence, the immorality of men is portrayed in a way that is socially acceptable, and the same logic doesn't apply to women. For example, while female characters are tormented and confused by premarital sex, men are largely free from such concerns (though not free from the pressure to marry and take responsibility for the women they sleep with). While men's infidelity is tolerated, women’s is judged and labelled as immoral because of the social climate. Furthermore, only women are expected to remain chaste, while men are not subject to such restrictions. There is a dichotomy and duality in that women who lose their virginity are inherently evil and men who cause them to lose their virginity are innocent. Underlying this is a patriarchal ideology. There are many solutions to changing and overcoming patriarchal social structures, including legislation, but the most important is to change the perception of society as a whole. Now that women are making inroads into different areas of society, a multi-pronged effort is needed to ensure that they are treated equally to men.
    Keyword: 터키 문학, 오르한 파묵, 순수 박물관, 여성 억압, 가부장제, 성적 이중 잣대, 여성의 사회진출. Turkish literature, Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence, Oppression of Women, Patriarchy, Sexual Double Standard, Social Participation of Women.
    Author: 이난아
    Poblication Year: 2023
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    알-샤흐라스타니(al-Shahrastānī)의『종파와 교리의 서』에 나타난 불교의 모습
    This study translated and analyzed al-Shahrastānī's records related to Buddhism in al–Milal wa al-Nihal to examine the understanding and perception of Buddhist doctrines by Muslim scholars in the 12th century Islamic world. al–Milal wa al-Nihal consists of a total of seven chapters, and the contents of Buddhism are recorded in the last chapter, ārāʾ al-hind. al-Shahrastānī knew that there were many Buddhas in Buddhism and the concept of Bodhisattva and wrote about them. However, he did not deal with the core Buddhist doctrines such as catvāri Āryasatyāni(Four Noble Truths), Āryāṣṭāṅgamārga(Noble Eightfold Path), and Pratītyasamutpāda (Dependent Origination).
    Keyword: 이슬람문헌, 알-샤흐라스타니, 종파와 교리의 서, 불교, 불교도. Islamic manuscript, al-Shahrastānī, al–Milal wa al-Nihal, Buddhism, Buddhist.
    Author: 김성환
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Science of Religion
    아랍의 봄 이후의 튀니지 민주주의와 정치 이슬람에 관한 소고
    Since the 2010 Arab Spring, Tunisia has been evaluated as the country that has successfully established a democratic system in Middle East & North Africa (MENA). However, after the constitutional amendment in 2014, which was praised as an exceptional success for establishing a democratic system, party politics and parliamentary politics began in earnest, leading to the rise of political Islam. This recalls the past cases in which the political Islamist failed to control the violent extremism, have raised concerns among political scientists of the Middle East. International concerns about the rise of political Islam and violent extremism have taken on a new phase in 2022. The 2022 amendment on the constitution, which gave the president overwhelming powers, allowed the president to appoint and dismiss prime ministers and ministers without the consent of the parliament, as well as the power to dissolve the parliament. It is creating a space for violent extremist to prevail. Thus, this paper examines the trend of political Islam, especially violent extremism, that has succeeded in establishing their presence in Tunisian politics after the Arab Spring. Through this, this paper will also analyze the implications of the migration situation in Tunisia, where the largest number of Salafi jihadists have been sent abroad and have returned, on Tunisian politics and its impact on Tunisia, which is transforming into an authoritarian system.
    Keyword: 튀니지, 정치 이슬람, 폭력극단주의, 아랍 민주주, 포스트 아랍의 봄. Tunis, political islam, violent extrimism, post-arab spring, Arab democracy.
    Author: 백승훈
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    신제도주의 경제학 및 이슬람 도덕경제 관점에서 본 현대 이슬람 은행의 한계와 잠재력
    Islamic finance has received increased attention from academia and practitioners, particularly after the global financial crisis in 2008, as a sustainable alternative for conventional finance. Islamic finance has shown an annual growth of 10%~15% since its first appearance in the commercial banking and finance sector in the 1970s, amassing financial assets totaling US $4 trillion by 2021. Despite this dramatic growth, the industry has been criticized for its resemblances to conventional counterparts in terms of practices and products, which poses a significant threat to Islamic finance’s distinct identity and existence. This study delves into theses critical challenges by using new institutional economics(NIE) and Islamic moral economy frameworks. This institutional analysis identifies and analyzes the structural and institutional problems of current Islamic banking and finance’s practices and proposes solutions to these challenges from an institutional standpoint. the core argument of this study is that the reimagined model of Islamic banks-grounded in the principles of Islamic moral economy and under the conceptual umbrella of NIE, referred to as Islamic social and ethical banks-could effectively address the current concerns about Islamic finance. this model not only resolves current issues but also charts a prospective path for the future of Islamic finance by emphasizing its potential for sustainable and ethical financial practices.
    Keyword: 이슬람 금융, 이슬람 은행, 신제도주의 경제학, 이슬람 도덕경제, 사회적 은행, 윤리적 은행. Islamic finance, Islamic bank, New Institutional Economics, Islamic moral economy, social bank, ethical bank.
    Author: 이은경
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    소설 『바리데기』튀르키예어 번역본의 민간 신앙 어휘 연구
    This research delved into the translation of terms related to Korean folk beliefs found in Hwang Seok-young's novel ‘Baridegi’ into Turkish. The initial step involved digitizing the Korean novel's text to extract terms associated with folk beliefs. Subsequently, a comparative analysis was conducted by juxtaposing these terms with their Turkish translations. The research outcomes substantiate that the vocabulary pertaining to folk beliefs in the novel ‘Baridegi’ was translated into terms that are universally applicable and aligned with the expressions related to faith and beliefs currently employed in Turkish society.
    Keyword: 바리데기, 튀르키예어 번역, 민간 신앙 번역 어휘, 문화 용어. Baridegi, Turkish translation, term of Korean folk beliefs, cultural words.
    Author: 장주영
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    사하르 칼리파 소설 『뜨거웠던 봄』에 나타난 인물 유형 연구
    Sahar Khalifah becomes familiar to readers by characterizing various types of Palestinians who resist of Israel. He conveys what he wants to say through the characters. In this paper, we applied the drama character analysis framework to investigate the character types of Palestinians resisting of Israel in the novel 『Hot Spring』 through three characters. First, Ahmad was an ordinary student living in Palestine, but when he entered an Israeli settlement, he was accused of planting landmines and was taken away and tortured. After he was released from prison, he realized the reality of Palestine and showed a multifaceted appearance, changing from a static figure to a person of action. Additionally, he is an exceptional person who changed his method of resistance against Israel from non-violence to violence. Majid is also an exceptional person who goes from being an ordinary young man who dreams of becoming a famous singer to showing a spirit of violent resistance fighting against Israel as a member of the revolutionary group. Additionally, he is a multifaceted character who changes from a person fighting for national liberation to a selfish person seeking power. At home, Suad's mother is a flat and static figure who silently fulfills the role of head of the household in place of her imprisoned husband. In society, she is an example of a supporter and mother who holds the spirits of young people shaken by chaos. This study analyzed the types of characters that appear in Sahar Khalifa's works and showed various aspects of Palestinian resistance against Israel.
    Keyword: 이종화
    Author: 이슬아
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    소프트 파워를 통한 UAE 실리 외교 전략
    Religious conflicts often lie at the heart of many political disputes, with religious identity frequently manipulated as a political tool. Particularly in the Middle East, religious identity plays a significant role in both domestic and international politics, leading to the characterization of many conflicts in the region as religious in nature. However, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently pursued a strategy of de-escalation and prioritized its national interests by employing religious diplomacy as a form of soft power. One of the UAE's most notable endeavors in religious diplomacy is the normalization of relations with Israel, despite their differing religious backgrounds, as Israel's national identity is rooted in Zionism. Despite these religious disparities, the UAE has sought to foster coexistence and cooperation with Israel by promoting religious tolerance, thereby maximizing its national interests. This study aims to analyze the pragmatic diplomatic strategy of the UAE, focusing on its use of religious diplomacy as a soft power tool. In doing so, it delves into the role of religious diplomacy in the UAE and examines the establishment of the Abrahamic Family House as a symbolic gesture of religious tolerance.
    Keyword: 아브라함 협정, 아브라함 패밀리 하우스, 종교 외교, 소프트 파워, 실리 추구. Abraham Accord, Abrahamic Family House, Religious Diplomacy, Pragmatic Interest.
    Author: 구기연
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    국가 능력 약화와 이라크 국내피난민 문제의 장기화
    This study analyzes the reason why Iraq’s IDP problem has not been solved to date fter the defeat of IS, and argues that weakened state capacity is the reason. Since the fall of the Ba'ath regime in 2003, the newly established Iraqi central government has been unable to maintain domestic security and stability due to weak state capacity, creating an environment conducive to the growth of Islamist extremists and Shiite militant groups. Meanwhile, the new political structure, which distributes power among religious, sectarian, and ethnic groups, has resulted in the politicization of identity and exacerbated divisions and confrontations among these groups. Therefore, the prolongation of Iraq’s IDP crisis must be understood as the result of a complex effects of political problems that have persisted in the country since 2003.
    Keyword: 이라크, 이슬람국가(IS), 국내피난민, 쿠르디스탄 자치정부, 비무슬림, 야지디인, 강제이주, 이주, 국가 능력 약화. Iraq, Islamic State(IS), Internally Displaced Persons, Kurdistan Regional Government, non-Muslims, Yazidis, Forced Displacement, Migration, State Weakness.
    Author: 황의현
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    공공외교의 주체로서 튀르키예 디아스포라
    Consequently, the role of the diaspora in public diplomacy has recently garnered increased attention. This study examines the diaspora as a significant actor in public diplomacy, analyzing their roles and activities. The focus is on the Turkish diaspora, especially within their largest communities in Germany and the United States. This study examined various cases of the Turkish diaspora in Germany, highlighting activities that span both offline and online platforms. Examples include individuals engaging in cultural diplomacy through offline activities and diaspora influencers on social media promoting the cultures of both countries. Additionally, the study found that these individuals facilitate exchanges through online exhibitions. This case analysis demonstrates that these groups are a national asset, connecting their host and home countries. Diplomatic activities led by the diaspora are expected to become increasingly diverse in the future.
    Keyword: 디아스포라 외교, 튀르키예, 독일, 미국, 문화외교. Diaspora Diplomacy, Turkey, Germany, United States, Cultural Diplomacy.
    Author: 박수현
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    아랍 주요국 방산 연구
    Korea has been promoting various defense industry promotion policies with the goal of independent national defense and has been increasing its arms exports. In 2023, Korea exported weapons worth $13.5 billion, ranking 10th in the world and occupying 2.0% of the market, and exported a total of more than $38 billion worth of weapons over the past three years. By maintaining this trend, we aim to become one of the top four global defense industry powers by 2027. This study aims to investigate and suggest methods to make the defense industry a major domestic industry by expanding arms exports to energy-rich GCC countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar, as well as Egypt, with the goal of becoming one of the four major global arms export countries. To this end, we will look at changes in Korea's defense industry policy, analyze the current status of the defense industry market in Arabic-speaking regions based on reliable data such as SIPRI and the World Defense Industry Market Yearbook, and suggest challenges and solutions. Arab world is of high demand for weapons due to the instability related to ongoing conflicts and threats of terrorism. In 2020, Korea exported 14% of its total weapons exports to Arab countries, increasing to at least 35% by 2022. As Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Egypt are carrying out military modernization projects and if If we take advantage of our strengths such as excellent performance for the price, quick delivery, and quality after-sales service, opportunities for weapons exports are expected to increase. Points to consider in order to expand arms exports are as follows: First, we need to further strengthen product competitiveness, including local production of key components in Korea. Second, We need Strategic cooperation in the defence field with major Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Egypt. Third, For weapons exports, priority should be given to entering the global market considering the lock-in effect. Fourth, There is a need to actively respond to the checks on the K-defense industry in France, Germany and UK. Finally, interest in defense industry cooperation with Korea should be maintained through exchanges with high-ranking personnel in major defense industry partner countries in the Arab world. In conclusion, as increasing defense industry exports to Major Arab countries is a key step for Korea to become one of the top four global arms exporters, it is necessary to prepare government-wide support measures for defense industry companies and establish differentiated export strategies.
    Keyword: 아랍어권 국가, 무기 수출, 방산 정책, 군비지출, 글로벌 방산수출 4대 강국. Arabic-speaking country, Arms export, Military expenditure, Defense industry policy, Top four defense export country.
    Author: 안현주
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Turkish Literature
    터키 문학에 나타난 여성의 근대적 자아의식 -소설 『내 마음의 낯섦』을 중심으로-
    Orhan Pamuk's A Strangeness in My Mind is a novel set in metropolitan Istanbul, Turkey, from the 1960s, at the height of the migrant wave, to 2012, and focuses on three generations of poor migrant families living there. The story is interwoven with political issues such as the process of modernisation and democratisation in Turkey, the question of Islamic sectarianism, and the stories of those who adapt quickly and those who are left behind in rapidly changing times. At the heart of these themes is an important discourse on love and marriage, and the various discriminations and pressures faced by women in Turkestan during the turbulent period of modernisation. The majority of the novel's female characters are women who speak out against the institutions and customs of Turkish society, where discrimination and oppression are widespread due to the influence of Islamic culture. Although Mevlut, the male protagonist, is at the centre of the novel, his life is shaped by the presence and roles of the various characters around him, especially the women. The female characters struggle to break free from the male-dominated and patriarchal society of Türkiye, striving for a life of self-determination and expressing a modern sense of self-confidence by breaking away from traditional marriage customs and asserting their right to choose their husbands. Rayiha, Samiha, Fatma and Fevziye marry the men of their choice, not those chosen for them by their fathers. Samiha, who continues to work despite her husband's objections, is another woman with an independent sense of self. Fatma represents a new generation of enterprising women, especially as she marries the man of her choice and continues her education without giving up her career. She is part of a family that does not wear a headscarf and does so by choice. Her behavior is significant in a society where the misogynistic ideas of Islamic ideology are prevalent. By using Fatma as a model for modern Turkish women, Pamuk wants to show that although Turkey is still a male-dominated and patriarchal society, women have the power to change this. In doing so, he hopes to give women comfort and hope, which, in a roundabout way, is the kind of gender-equal society Pamuk hopes to see.religious tolerance.
    Keyword: 터키 문학, 오르한 파묵, 내 마음의 낯섦, 여성문제, 근대적 자아의식, 여성 등장인물. Turkish Literature, Orhan Pamuk, A Strangeness in My Mind, Women’s issues, Modern Self-perception, Female Characters.
    Author: 이난아
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    지중해 지역 테러리즘 역학
    This study is a comprehensive analysis of trends in terrorism in the Mediterranean region from 2010 to 2020. The analysis, based on records of more than 60,000 terrorist incidents, shows a significant increase in terrorist activity in the early 2010s, with a peak in 2014. This coincides with the rise of ISIS and the period of great impact from the Syrian civil war. In the Middle East and North Africa region, Iraq, Syria and Libya were the most affected countries. There has been a downward trend in terrorist incidents since 2016, which is interpreted as a result of the loss of territory by major terrorist organizations and the strengthening of international military intervention. The study also examines the geographic distribution of terrorist attacks, major targets, and changes in terrorist groups’ strategies. This study contributes to understanding the complex dynamics of terrorism in the Mediterranean region and to assessing the effectiveness of counter-terrorism measures implemented over the past decade.
    Keyword: 글로벌 난제, 지중해 테러, 데이터 분석, 연구방법론, 지역 연구. Global Issues, Mediterranean Terrorism, Data Analysis, Research Methodology, Area Studies.
    Author: 강지훈
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    고대 문명 주변 지역의 비문 분석 연구
    This study analyzes the Canaanites’ inscriptions written in five different letters such as, hieroglyphs(Egyptian, Hittite), hieratic, cuneiform (Sumerian, Akkadian, western Semitic), alphabetic(local Caaanite) and linear(Aegean) and examines their trajectory. It concludes that 1) the Canaanite’s use of letters was known in a limited number of sites, mainly in city-states, during the Middle Bronze Age, but showed an increasing trend during the Late Bronze Age. Their use of letters was reduced or disappeared as Canaan society collapsed; 2) the trend in the use of letters are by and large influenced by the political environment; 3) the Canaanites created the first alphabetic letters influenced from the Egyptian hieroglyph and hieratic in more than a thousand years and they did not take them as the first inscription in the society; 4) some cities used more than one letter, but most cities preferred to use one. In terms of distribution of letters, the most widely used one was the cuneiform; 5) the letters from the civilization centers(Egyptian hieroglyph and hieratic, cuneiform) kept their positions in the main administrative, economic and diplomatic letters.
    Keyword: 가나안 비문, 문명 주변 지역, 이집트 상형문자, 신관문자, 쐐기 문자, 알파벳 문자. Canaanite inscription, civilization surrounding area, Egyptian hieroglyph, hieratic, cuneiform, alphabetic letter.
    Author: 강후구
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Israel
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    History Theory
    지중해의 문명 교류와 동양적 해석
    Mediterranean civilization, the cradle of human civilization, developed through interchange. Each cultures and nations in the Mediterranean adopted the cultures of their predecessors and neighbors, developed them to a higher level of culture, knowledge, and technology, and transformed and spread them to the surrounding regions. This is a virtuous cycle of knowledge and cultural development through interchange, and it has been the driving force behind the continuous development of civilization. From antiquity to modern times, the Mediterranean has been home to Oriental, Greek Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and Turkish civilizations, which have developed through a process of mutual control and cooperation. Since the Mediterranean is by nature a space of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity, the forms of interchange have varied according to the nature, characteristics and interrelationships of the actors involved in cultural exchange. This study aims to analyze the various aspects of civilizational interchange in the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily and Jerusalem through the process of communication and interchange between the two pillars of Mediterranean civilization, Christianity and Islam. In particular, it analyzes the nature and characteristics of Mediterranean civilizational interchange from the perspective of Eastern philosophy (Yin Yang theory of Five elements and Circular theory).
    Keyword: 지중해, 문명 교류, 기독교, 이슬람, 이베리아반도, 시칠리아, 예 루살렘, 음양오행, 순환론. Mediterranean, civilizational interchange, Christianity, Islam, Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, Jerusalem, Yin Yang theory of Five elements and Circular theory.
    Author: 윤용수
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Science of Religion
    이슬람포비아가 할랄 관련 기업에 미치는 영향 연구
    Islamophobia, a social phenomenon stemming from negative perceptions of Islam and Muslims, can adversely affect various sectors, including the economy and business. In particular, following terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists, there has been a noticeable increase in consumer rejection and negative perceptions of the Halal industry in Europe. Through a combination of case studies from various countries and empirical analysis using Event Study and GARCH models, this research investigates the effects of Islamophobia on the Halal sector. While case studies revealed instances where Islamophobia had a negative impact on the Halal industry, the empirical analysis presented different results. Although Islamophobic events negatively affected the Halal industry in the short-term, no significant relationship was found with long-term economic volatility. These findings suggest that the Halal industry exhibits resilience to external shocks, and over time, consumers tend to place greater value on the quality and service of products, limiting the long-term economic impact of Islamophobia.
    Keyword: 이슬람포비아, 테러, 할랄산업, 이벤트연구, GARCH. Islamophobia, Terrorism, Halal Industry, Event Study, GARCH.
    Author: 이은경
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    이집트의 국내외 정세와 사이드 쿠틉의 극단화
    This study examines the correlation between the radicalization of Sayyid Qutb’s ideology and the interior and exterior ircumstances of his homeland, Egypt. Qutb, who is also called ‘the father of modern Islamist extremism,’ was a writer and ideologue. Many extremist Islamist groups, including al-Qaeda and IS (Islamic State), are known to have inherited Qutb’s ideology. However, Qutb was not initially drawn to extremist ideologies. This study hypothesizes that Egypt’s domestic and international crises, particularly from 1948 to the 1950s, radicalized his views. This study adopts ‘bad barrel theory’ and analyzes and compares Qutb’s early and latter works to testify the hypothesis. The purpose of this study is to understand the ideological context of Qutb, who laid the foundation for modern Islamic extremism.
    Keyword: 이집트, 사이드 쿠틉, 이슬람 극단주의, 정치적 이슬람, 테러리즘. Egypt, Sayyid Qutb, radical Islamism, political Islam, terrorism.
    Author: 이지수
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Egypt
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    European History
    플라톤 이전 시기 εἰκών의 의미 고찰
    This study examines the conceptual evolution of εἰκών in pre-Platonic Greek thought, tracing its development from early poetic usage to sophisticated philosophical discourse. Through a meticulous analysis of key texts spanning from Homer to the late 5th century BCE, this research elucidates the transformation of εἰκών from a primarily visual concept to a complex philosophical term encompassing ontological and epistemological dimensions. The investigation reveals that while εἰκών is notably absent in Homeric texts, related concepts such as εἴδωλον appear, signifying shadowy afterimages of the deceased. Hesiod’s employment of similar terminology in his discourse on poetic truth and falsehood anticipates later philosophical inquiries into representation and reality. This research highlights pivotal contributions from pre-Socratic thinkers: Xenophanes and Parmenides employed εἰκών and cognate terms to explore the nature of knowledge and reality, thereby laying the groundwork for subsequent epistemological debates. Particular attention is given to Empedocles’ integration of εἰκών into his theory of perception, marking a significant advancement in its philosophical application. This study also examines the term’s usage in historical and dramatic works, particularly in Herodotus and Euripides, demonstrating its broader cultural significance and evolving semantic range. By the time of Democritus, εἰκών had acquired a sophisticated role in atomistic epistemology, functioning as a key concept in explaining sensory perception and cognitive processes. This comprehensive analysis not only charts the semantic evolution of εἰκών but also illuminates its crucial role in shaping Greek philosophical thought. The investigation demonstrates how the concept progressively encompassed notions of similarity, representation, and the relationship between appearance and reality. Furthermore, it explores the interplay between εἰκών and relatedterms such as εἴδωλον, μίμημα, and ἄγαλμα, providing a nuanced understanding of the Greek conceptual framework for image and representation. By tracing these developments, this investigation reveals the intellectual foundations that facilitated Plato’s later, more systematic treatment of εἰκών in his theory of Forms. This research thus contributes to our understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of classical Greek thought and offers insights into the historical development of concepts central to Western philosophy’s engagement with questions of ontology and epistemology.
    Keyword: 에이콘, 에이돌론, 플라톤, 인식론, 존재론. Εἰκών, Εἴδωλον, Plato, Epistemology, Ontology.
    Author: 임성철
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Greece
    Institute: Institute For Mediterranean Studies
    사우디 개방개혁 정책과 탈(脫)와하비즘 가능성 연구
    Since the announcement of ‘Saudi Vision 2030’ in 2016 and the ‘Moderate Islam’ policy in 2017, Saudi Arabia has been distancing itself from Wahhabism, the puritanical ideology on which it was founded. Through various reforms, the ultra-conservative Saudi society is gradually opening up. The recent establishment of ‘Founding Day’ on February 22 as a national holiday also signals a shift from the Saudi-Wahhabi pact, suggesting an effort to erase Wahhabism’s influence on the kingdom's founding myth, which dates back to the 1744 alliance. This study explores whether the 275-year-old relationship between the Wahhabi religious establishment and the ruling Saudi family is coming to an end, and whether the kingdom is moving toward a post-Wahhabism era. Often viewed as a monolithic ideology, Wahhabism has actually evolved and differentiated into various forms over time in response to political circumstances. Considering this diversity, the research focuses on which version of Wahhabism the regime is distancing itself from under MbS’s reform policies. The conclusion suggests that while Saudi Arabia’s reforms appear to aim at post-Wahhabism, they are more likely part of MbS’s strategy to neutralize internal opposition from Wahhabism rather than a complete departure from the ideology itself.
    Keyword: 탈와하비즘, 무함마드 빈 살만(MbS), 개방개혁 정책, 사우디비전 2030, 사흐와. Post-Wahhibism, Muhammad bin Salman(MbS), Opening and Reform Policy, Saudi Vision 2030, Sahwa.
    Author: 엄익란
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arab History
    팔레스타인인들의 국가지위 획득을 위한 투쟁과 실패의 근본적인 원인
    This paper analyzes the Palestinian people’s efforts to build a nation-state from the British Mandate period in the early 20th century to the present. To this end, this paper analyzes the activities of The Palestine Arab Congress(1919–1928), the establishment and dissolution of the Arab Higher Committee and the All-Palestine Government(1936–1959), and the PLO’s efforts to establish a Palestinian state and its failures (1964–1996). During the British Mandate period, Palestinian political elites organized anti-Zionist political parties and The Arab Higher Committee to establish an All-Palestine Government, but failed due to the suppression of the British government and Zionists. After the 1967 war in which Israel occupied all of Palestine, the PLO adopted ‘Palestinian National Charter, 1968’ and emphasized the liberation of Palestine through a strong armed struggle. However, the Oslo Accords completely nullified ‘Palestinian National Charter, 1968’, The Oslo Accords, led by the US and Israel and accepted by the PLO, are the document of complete surrender by Arafat to Zionism. The construction of a Palestinian nation-state seems to have almost failed. It is time to look for the alternatives.
    Keyword: 이스라엘, 팔레스타인, 아랍고등위원회, 전체-팔레스타인정부, 팔레스타인 해방 기구. Israel, Palestine, The Arab Higher Committe, All-Palestine Government, PLO.
    Author: 홍미정
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Palestine
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    현대 투르크 정체성에 대한 터키인과 우즈베크인 청년 세대의 인식 연구
    This study aims to investigate the potential for the development of a modern Turkic identity from the perspective of long-term cooperation and solidarity within the contemporary Turkic world. The focus is on the perceptions of Turkish and Uzbek youth, exploring how their views on modern Turkic identity may shape its evolution. The perceptions of Turkish and Uzbek youth regarding modern Turkic identity were measured and analyzed. The findings were then used to facilitate a comprehensive discussion on how these perceptions may influence the development of this identity over time. Overall, both Turkish and Uzbek youth exhibited positive perceptions of the shared elements of Turkic identity, with their response patterns displaying a high degree of similarity. However, notable differences emerged concerning religious perceptions. Specifically, while the majority of Uzbek youth expressed a positive attitude towards associating Islam with Turkic identity, responses from Turkish youth varied significantly. Given the substantial proportion of Turkish and Uzbek youth who hold favorable views of modern Turkic identity, the study concludes that the outlook for its evolution is promising. Moreover, as cooperation and solidarity among Turkic states continue to deepen, this evolving modern Turkic identity is expected to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of the Turkic world.
    Keyword: 현대 투르크 정체성, 터키인, 우즈베크인, 청년 세대, 튀르키예, 우즈베키스탄. Modern Turkic Identity, Turkish, Uzbek, Young Generation, Türkiye, Uzbekistan.
    Author: 김동석
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Turkey
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Politics/Diplomatic Science
    역할이론으로 보는 이라크의 중재국 전환전략: 사우디아라비아-이란 간 균형외교를 중심으로
    According to the perspective of the analytical framework of role theory, Iraq accepts the role of ‘mediator’ in international relations for various reasons, such as to build a reputation as a peacemaker and influencing the resolution of conflicts. Although Iraq may not be a power mediator capable of pushing for a compromise between conflicting states at the international level compared to the major powers in the region, it can be analyzed that it will adopt a strategy of transition to a mediation as an interest-based mediator seeking to pursue a level of security strategy or enhancing its status in the region within special interests. In order for Iraq to transit to a mediation strategy in order to maintain balancing diplomacy, it is necessary to develop a specific international mediation strategy as a “niche diplomacy” in the national foreign policy, and it must clearly state its intention to institutionalize this practice.
    Keyword: 이라크, 사우디아라비아-이란 정상화, 중재국, 역할이론, 국제체제. Iraq, Saudi Arabia-Iran Normalization, Mediation, Role Theory, International system.
    Author: 남옥정
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Spanish Literature
    안달루스 시인 이븐 압드 랍비히의 문학 연구
    After the arab conquest of Andalus, the early arab rulers focused on stabilizing Andalus and spreading Islam, but did not pay much attention to the spread of arab culture in Andalus. As political stability reached the reign of Abd al-Rahman II, Andalusian arabs began to show great interest in arab culture, especially sparked by Ziryab, who moved from Baghdad to Andalus and introduced traditional arab culture. As a result, much arab culture came to Andalus, officially and unofficially, and spread and developed at a rapid pace. The person who played a leading role in the introduction, settlement, and development of arab culture in Andalus was Ibn Abd Rabbihi. He introduced the poems of arab poets to help the traditional arab poetry of Qaṣīdah become established in Andalus, and in addition, he created Qaṣīdah that included Andalusian characteristics. In addition, Rabbihi compiled 『Al-‘Iqd Al-Farīd』, compiling the previous arab culture of the arab world and the Andalus region. With this cultural role, he can be called a pioneer who established arab culture in the early Andalus period. This paper first introduced Rabbihi's anthology 『Al-‘Iqd Al-Farīd』. Because it is difficult to cover all the contents of this anthology, which consists of 25 books, the contents of each volume are briefly mentioned in this paper. I judged it worthwhile just to introduce the first Andalus anthology, and we expect that subsequent generations will study its contents in detail. I also studied the poetry of Abd Rabbihi, who was the poet laureate. His literary achievements include not only introducing the traditional arab poetry Qaṣīdah, but also creating traditional arabic poetry himself and settling it in Andalus. He wrote poems on a variety of topics, but among them, the poems praising the emirs and the caliph as poet laureate and the ghazal poems that sang his own feelings are the most important topics. In this paper, we introduced Rabbihi's praise poetry and ghazal poetry, and in particular analyzed Al-Qaṣīdah Al-Lāmiyah, which is called the highlight of ghazal poetry, to find out about his poetic world.
    Keyword: 안달루스 문학, 이븐 압드 랍비히, 알이끄드 알파리드, 찬양 시, 가잘 시, 알까씨다 알라미야. Andalus literature, Ibn Abd Rabbihi, Al-‘Iqd Al-Farīd, Praise poetry, Ghazal poetry, Al-Qaṣīdah Al-Lāmiyah.
    Author: 이종화
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Spain
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    한국인 초·중급 아랍어 학습자의 발음 오류에 관한 연구
    This study analyzed pronunciation errors in the reading of standard Arabic texts by 40 Korean beginner and intermediate Arabic learners in terms of consonants, vowels, and linking sounds. As a result of analyzing a total of 80 reading recording files, 553 pronunciation errors were identified, of which vowel errors were the most common at 260, followed by 173 linking sounds errors and 120 consonant errors. The most common consonant pronunciation error was the distinction between ل and ر, followed by the distinctions between ش – س – ث – ص, between ك – ق – خ, between ج – ز, and geminated consonants errors. In terms of vowel errors, among the 260 vowel errors, 121 were long vowel shortenings, 55 were longening of short vowels, 56 were long vowel changes, and 28 were the /ㅗ/ vowel addition. Next, out of a total of 173 linking sounds errors, there were 79 cases of omission of the definite article اَلْ linking, 68 cases of addition of the definite article اَلْ linking, and 26 cases of assimilation errors of ل in the definite article اَلْ. These findings highlight that pronunciation errors in Korean learners are influenced by specific Arabic consonants, long vowels and definite articles, which do not exist in the Korean language. This shows a correlation between these errors and Korean native language interference.
    Keyword: 아랍어 학습자, 자음/모음, 연음, 발음 오류, 모국어 간섭. Arabic Learners, Consonants/Vowels, Linking Sounds, Pronunciation Errors, Native Language Interference.
    Author: 조정민
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    캬사이(Kasay) 시에 나타난 시아파 정체성 연구
    In the formative years of Islam, the Khorasan region emerged as a focal point for Iranian Shi'a due to political and social factors. The Sh’ubiya movement, which appeared in the 9th century, catalyzed the evolution of Shi'a ideology in the Khorasan region. With the establishment of the Samanian dynasty (819-1005), an independent Persian dynasty, in the early 9th century, the essence of Shi'a ideology and identity found intact expression in the literary works of poets active in the Khorasan region during the 9th and 10th centuries. One of the prominent figures representing this is Kasay. This study aims to explore the Shi‘a identity as depicted in the works of Kasay, who was active in the 10th-century Khorasan region. The research involves carefully selecting and analyzing Kasay's works that exemplify Shi'a identity, focusing on portraying the Karbala tragedy, a significant Shi’a symbol, and Imam Ali's perception. Furthermore, the study will scrutinize the themes of 'Divine Light' and 'Theory of Inheritance,' both fundamental Shi'a ideologies that permeate Kasay's works.
    Keyword: 시아파, 캬사이, 호라산, 시아파 상징, 시아파 사상. Shi'a, Kasay, Khorasan, Shi'a symbol, Shi'a ideology.
    Author: 홍인자
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Korean
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Arabic Literature
    꾸란 정음법 연구
    이런 꾸란 언어에 쓰인 고전아랍어는 음운 규칙이 체계적이면서 규칙적으로 변한다는 것을 알았다. 따라서 이런 음운 규칙을 학습자에게 습득시킨다면, 꾸란 독경 시 오류를 최대한 줄일 수 있을 것이다. 또한 꾸란 정음을 반복해 연습한다면 아랍어 학습자들의 발음향상에 큰 효과가 있을 것으로 사료된다. 본 논문에서 다룬 꾸란 의 음운 규칙들은 현대 표준아랍어나 방언학의 음운 현상에도 적용 할 수 있다. 고․현대아랍어의 음운비교 연구와 꾸란 정음학 중 다루지 않은 단․장모음 현상 등은 다음 기회에 다루고자 한다.
    Keyword: 꾸란의 정음 독경 소리 체계 자음들의 음맥현상
    Author: Park Jae-Yang
    Poblication Year: 2001
    Language: Arabic
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    Etc language Literature
    حركة المركب االستفهامي التصوري والعقد الفاصلة
    The aim of this paper is to analyze WH-movement and specify the bounding nodes. The bounding nodes are one of the local constraints which are related to subjacency condition. According to subjacency condition, the bounding nodes play a role of constraint on the transformations in the sentence. It means that the bounding nodes prohibit the long-distant movement of the sentential constituents. In other words, the sentential constituents are not accepted to move from a source place to a destination place over two bounding nodes. To accomplish the aim, this paper specifies the bounding nodes in WHmovement. The bounding nodes are different from language to language. Also, some nodes in a language do not play a role of constraint according to the syntactical information of the verb. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is focused on the confirmation of the universal properties of subjacency condition in Arabic sentence, and the specification of the parameters of the bounding nodes in Arabic sentence.
    Keyword: WH-movement, Bounding Nodes, Subjacency Condition, Noun Phrase(NP), Inflection Phrase(IP), Complementizer (C), Complementizer Phrase(CP), Comp to Comp Movement, Cyclic Nodes, Escape Hatch.
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2020
    Language: Arabic
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies
    التواصل الثقافي في ترجمة الأدب الكوري
    Translation is the task of expressing the meaning implied in one language by another language. There are differences among scholars regarding the academic category of translation. In other words, there has been a debate between translators and theorists about whether translation is science or art. Translators claim that translation is a subjective and creative activity that cannot be regulated by the translation theory. On the other hand, theorists who claim that translation is science view translation as a task of maintaining semantic equivalence according to the rules of languages. This compatibility appears when translation is divided into literary and non-literary translations. In the case of non-literary translation, the rules of languages are needed to maintain the semantic equivalence between languages, but literary translation is done in a practical and creative method rather than relying on a specific translation theory. Nida emphasizes the importance of cultural transfer in literary translation by dividing the process of translation into four stages: the original text → understanding of the translator → reproduction of the translator → acceptance of the reader. This study aims to present an effective translation strategy in the Arabic translation of Korean literary texts. In particular, it will examine the translation methods of the cultural expressions such as proverbs and idiomatic expressions through two methods of cultural transfer, namely the domesticating method and the foreignizing method. The biggest difficulty that appears in the process of translating Korean literary works into Arabic is to convert Korean cultural expressions to make Arab readers to understand easier. Ultimately the purpose of literary translation is to attract the foreign literature into the culture of the arrival language. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the social and cultural conditions of the arrival language. Therefore, maintaining cultural transfer by properly combining the domesticating method and the foreignizing method will greatly reduce the possibility of errors in the translation process. Finally, this study will present the translation and publication condition of Korean literary works by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea and suggest ways to expand the Arabic translation activities of Korean literary works.
    Keyword: الترجمة الأدبية/ غير الأدبية، التواصل الثقافي، المعادلة المعنوية، طريقة التأهيل، طريقة التغري ب Translation /Science / Art, Literary / Non-literary Translation, Semantic Equivalence, Cultural Transfer, Translation Strategy, Domesticating Method, Foreignizing Method.
    Author: 최진영
    Poblication Year: 2024
    Language: Arabic
    Country: Mediterranean
    Institute: Korean Association of Islamic Stidies

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